Is this Stardew Valleys best Wife?

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today we're gonna be doing something that only the bravest of stardu players have actually managed to do because today we're gonna be marrying haley and this is gonna be the first episode of a series i'm gonna call should you marry where we're gonna go through and play the storylines of every single bachelor and bachelorette in stardew valley and at the end i'm gonna come up with a verdict on are they really worth it for the source so today prepare to be abused and probably cry a little bit on the inside as we're going to be going after the queen of mean haley because we're romancing hayley we should try to dress up and be a farmer that hayley would like totally perfect haley loves when you give her an entire coconut she really can't get over it haley's a very controversial figure it seems like she's the most divisive out of all the villagers it seems like people either really love hayley or they hate hayley where have i seen you before weird yes i am the new farmer boy hayley and soon to be the love of your life i'm haley if it weren't for those horrendous clothes you might actually be cute now you can kind of see why she's so divisive and some people might ask like why why haley why go after haley the first day the answer is because haley was actually the first villager that i ever romanced long before abigail i romanced haley i went up to her i looked in the eyes i saw her hair beautifully flowing in the wind as she was taking pictures and i walked up to her and told her just how cute she was and she spat in my face and i thought wow this is the girl for me and then it came to marriage and then i didn't marry her and then i married abigail instead but i did romance her first we'll get this hearing haley doesn't like fish does she she doesn't want a sardine right oh [Music] hayley my love you are not gonna believe what i just found for you oh when it rains it pours baby let's go two daffodils that's our gifts oh this is what we want the board i will love you forever if you bring me a hearing i just had some hearings and i sold them all i even said haley doesn't want a fish right here she is wanting a fish i need that bag it's for love willy don't you understand oh that's exactly what i needed i'm so happy what did you need it for what did you need that for i spent all morning doing my hair now the rain could mess it up sai life is hard sometimes please let me make your life so simple have that yes enjoy yes she's sort of thinking about liking us maybe she thinks maybe we're we're okay i just want to give you a flower just open the door haley just open the door did we did we already talked to her today no haley come back come back hey dude i wanna i want the bus somebody grand oh jesus sorry i just feel like i got a i got a cough coming i'll go oh that was weird i don't know where that cough came from oh yeah there's a nice round juicy coconut for our taken oh yeah baby [Music] the only thing i like about this beach this town is the beach you're a beach haley you're a beach okay we need hay just like stand here so we can talk to you real quick haley is ignoring you okay thank you haley i like to think i'm pretty good at their grace we got an issue here the festival is all right but what i'm really looking forward to is the flower dance that's haley's that's haley's voice 11 for good measure i told you i'm good at the egg run hayley we watching she wasn't watching hayley's birthday baby happy birthday my love four hearts let's go okay so now if we leave and come back in oh so fast too out of in oh i always clean under the cushion it's your turn this week wait no how would hayley speak i always clean under the cushions it's your turn this week you're being childish hayley i do the vast majority of the work in this house and you know it in steps the cute farmer boy oh it's that new farmer boy i'm trying to do like a kardashian's impression he has a name you know yeah it's totally not alex to you hey uh i bet y'all understand like my point of view here um psy i'm really sorry to involve you in this totally not alex haley is complaining because i asked her to clean under the cushions it's only because i cleaned them last week uh stop whining and just clean it hayley why not have this be your one weekly job listen emily you should vacuum do the dishes clean out the fridge make the beds uh wipe everything down dust it clean the fireplace chop the wood and just make dinners but haley be reasonable just just just have one job all right sigh she's not happy about it all right you win i guess this can be my one job every week then there won't be any reason to argue over it she's coming on she's gone she's coming our way shut up emily i i literally don't care about you in this situation oh oh we're straight into the next one i just can't get this jar open well haley you're luckily [Music] that totally not alex here i actually played football between the ages of 8 and 10. you know get ready for something special oh it's you totally not alex right so you're just pretty strong aren't you you can you can say i'm pretty strong yes you say that great then you shouldn't have any problem opening this jar for me [Music] i look like i'm about to oh i did it coach garrison was wrong about me oh we got a heart maybe now that we've got her up to four hearts maybe now she won't just straight up ignore us i shouldn't throw anything new out can we go into a bedroom are we not good enough friends yet oh hi haley are you gonna be mean to us no you just you're just not gonna talk to us you quickly peek into haley's private dresser it's stuffed with clothes i'm glad that's all it's stuffed with coconuts baby that's what we want another one we've got so many coconuts now she's gonna be loving us in no time totally not not alex is gonna have the valley girl all over him let's sleep for the night we've got enough coconuts i think to get her like wait no no no no no no it's a rainy day let's go to the beach when you go to the beach on a rainy day there's a little old dude waiting for you i've got this old amulet but something tells me you're not ready for it but we need to make hayley our girlfriend first i forgot it's so nice they can just walk into a room haley if i speak to you now are you going to be mean to me my sister is so weird sometimes i wonder if we're actually related she didn't insult me she insulted someone else to me that's a win haley just for that i've got a nice little present for you oh my god it's my favorite thing i know crazy how i know that right haley i'm back barging into your room again eely baby what's up what's going on girl the weather's too horrible to get out of bed you're still looking pretty good i got something for you it's my favorite thing i gave you it yesterday is that your only response flower dance do you think she'll dance with us with flower dance haley i'm here once again for our daily chat please ignore the how i have the key to your room you don't want to talk to me emily will talk to me haley you still ignoring me haley please i just want to know what's wrong she walked out on me there's the flower festival today so i really hope i can dance with her i like how this is the bridge you have to go through to get to the flower dance like at least four people have died off that but louis is too cheap to fix it hayley haley my love i know you're practicing get out of here would you like to be my dance to the foul flower dance i i i i uh you want to be my partner for the flower dance come on hayley okay i'd love to i mean i never any doubts [Music] look how cute she is she's got the flower crown she's the queen of the flower dance and she's gonna be our wife wait are they all wearing jojoba outfits absolutely too cute one two three four five six baby let's go new hot star event so now if we go to the beach [Music] oh she said what's wrong my love she just made a seagull noise totally not alex come here quick my bracelet is gone i know i had it on when i got here but now it's gone and i can't find it anywhere sorry i meant to say oh my god but now it's gone and i can't find it anywhere i'll never find it another one like it relax i'll just buy you a new one i feel like she won't like that i feel like i feel like even though she's really i think i'm gonna say i'm really sorry maybe i'll wash up on another shore i can't bear to think of it at the bottom of the ocean sorry great grandma grandma i lost your precious bracelet please forgive me you idiot hayley how could you lose it could she have dropped it nearby i don't know could she have dropped it near by hayley how do you not just see that it's over by elliot shaq here i've got it for you don't worry dry that pretty little face of yours is that oh my god is that you found it [Music] we're both closing our eyes i won't forget what you did for me i know there's a lot of hayley hate out there but look how cute it is when she blushes too freaking adorable what are we on with her now seven stars we're so close i really owe you one totally not alex you see that now she's being nice to us tomorrow we're going to go see how she how she responds to us is she going to be mean again oh it's pam hey oh there she is you're going to speak to us she just doesn't speak to us man has no interest in speaking to us when she's walking vincent will speak to us don't kevin's i really don't care oh hey haley i don't see you there he's he's coming around why can i not speak to haley good afternoon jess cute interactions with the kids do you see that i'm just gonna we're just gonna stand outside her house until we can go in imagine if a boy just waited he waited for three hours outside your door and then you're like oh my god hey it's so cute if he's with the coconuts it's no problem okay so the coconuts make it okay what if he just came in at nine o'clock or straight as soon as you woke up and then walked into your room i'm thinking about donating in a bunch of clothes i must have a hundred pairs of shoes she's learning she's happy to get rid of her clothes all right haley i got this for you she didn't insult anyone in fact she thought about helping people hayley helping people once you get into that cold cold ice witch heart of hers maybe she was alright it's ten o'clock on a sunday so you know what that means for the farmer sleep time and we're heading summer baby we're heading hot girl summer hayley wait alex what are you doing down there don't you have an ice cream stand to go attend to you know i don't think i got it perfect but i think i got it pretty close if you want to play a cruel joke on my sister give her sashima she might not forgive you but though just the thought of it can make her depressed okay so i need you to i need you to do something for the for the sake of the video i need you to do something nice just here have that are we are we are we buddy buds now let's [ __ ] go we can make her our girlfriend hayley i'm coming baby she should be on her way alex you need to leave she's gonna get confused as there's two of us here and i've got a really big question to ask her i need you to get out of here hey summer is definitely the best time of the year alex i don't i need you to leave dude like right now is great because you've we've got the whole season to look forward to catch you later this is this is how do i look how do i look how's my hair look do i look cute do i look good do i look okay haley i know i've i know i've known you for a season now and um i know you're my flower dance partner i found you the bracelet i was just wondering um do you want to be my girlfriend you want to get more serious i feel the same way only posting dubs alex get out of here i'm kind of nervous on you look how cute she is now it's her now it's marriage time i want to see more of what she's like just around town hey lee hi hayley i guess living in the country isn't so bad she's coming around ladies and gentlemen she is coming around if i lived in the city i might start to miss all the trees look how happy she is look at that spark in her eyes totally not alex i think i've been hanging out with you too much look at that smile and people hate it they haven't just they haven't seen the true haley they're happy haley so now if we wait till 10 and enter cinderstep i think we can get her eight heart event oh hi haley what are you doing what are you doing here are you taking some photos oh totally not alex look at that portrait look at those eyes and tell me it doesn't make your heart flutter the lighting is so nice right now i had to come and take some nature shots i've been trying to connect with the outdoors a little more i want to know what it's like being a farmer it's a way of life i've never really thought about look at the plush look at the plush these cows are so cute let's jump the fence hayley hey i have an idea let's take some pictures with these cows you can show me how to approach one i don't oh i'm not a ranch haley i'm a farmer i'll just set it to shoot on a timer oh we're gonna take little cute farm pics what what is it what what is she wearing haley what are you wearing what is this is that haley's old sprite what is that cute look at her on the look at her on the the cow oh haley is [ __ ] dead yeah giggles there's something about this portrait that is i think it's the messy here that was fun totally not alex and these photos are hilarious she's evolving she's beginning to understand and be appreciative of the things around her well that was the dirtiest i've ever been but not the dirtiest you're ever gonna be i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry and that was right there i'm sorry it's from haley it's a note from hayley i thought it would be fun to write you a note i had so much fun with the cows yesterday i'm starting to understand why you chose the farmer's life hope to see you again xoxo gossip girl i mean hayley from ignoring us to writing us live letters babe wake up it's time for more coconuts i talked to my sister for a while last night i actually enjoyed it quite a bit she didn't even insult emily this time she actually just complimented her you deserve a coconut for that emily did you hear that i should start reading some books instead of magazines it's like she's morphing it's like she's losing the past accent penny is in need of a coconut penny you're gonna love it you're gonna love me after this please hayley let this be the coconut that wins you over [Music] what the hell happened best friends oh we're 10 star with haley we can actually marry her if we get dependent wife time wife time wife time hayley are you ready to be my wife sorry i forgot i gotta wait till 9 a.m come in just to make sure to close the door behind you quickly what was that oh hi haley totally not alex you're here welcome to my brand new dark room wow she's a photographer with a dark room what was in this room before haley so what do you think it looks great oh thank you [Music] um so anyway what do you want to do off to help decorate the room make an excuse and leave try to kiss her chat what do you think we should do in this circumstance with your girlfriend what's the circumstance that you guys would take smooch kiss i like it we're taking the kiss oh what oh totally not alex i've been waiting so long for you to do that sorry she turned into the wicked witch of the west for a second one moment what oh and look at that it's nice and raining so it's pendant time baby excuse me sir i've come for my woman's hand can you finally just sell me the mermaids pendant yes thank you christ thank you now leave me alone i'm gonna go uh propose to my sad girlfriend oh she's oh no she's sad again hayley i know it's a bad day out today but uh you want to get married i accept she's we're getting married boys she said yes i'll set everything up we'll have the ceremony in three days okay of course so can i come into the bid that no okay yep all right see you then oh here we are when totally not alex first arrived in pelica okay lois no one it's not it's not about you lois okay it's about me and hayley and the the the three and a half hours it's taken me to get here it is my great honor on this day 25th of summer tonight totally not alex and hayley in the bonds of marriage look how pretty she is well let's get right to it totally not alex haley as the mirror of pelican town and regional bearer of the matrimonial seal i now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss wow they're so beautiful together totally not alex look at them go i forgot to turn the music on so it's just really quiet it's just there's no sound there she is there's our wife the wearing was wonderful wasn't it dear oh you are you we can't forget about the farm time to get it to the work yeah there's a there's a lot of work to get to now we're going to get a 14 stars but luckily she's always just gonna gonna be here nevermind she's not here see goat cheese uh we don't have any goats oh yeah you can kiss and i always think that's so cute where the hell did that come from what what happened you found a star drop the taste reminds you of haley honey i wanted to give you that fruit as a symbol of my love oh it reminded me of the taste of you apparently haley what is this right in the way what do you think it's right in the way of the door frame let's go can i have a kiss before you leave my heart of course you can my love oh yeah here's the 14 heart of ben miss penny the cover fell off my math book jesse you're such a whiner let me see oh no your books are falling apart they're just too old but new books are expensive so we'll just have to make do with what we have [Music] does this mean i don't have to do my homework thanks vince oh god look at penny she's pissed haley i'm back oh hi honey i have an idea i want to get everyone together for a charity cake walk what the hell is a cake walk haley uh it's kind of like musical cheers but from winston gets cake okay that sounds pretty good i'm in it'll be on the next sunny day in the town square um would you bring a chocolate cake ah yes imagine if you chose yes for gudgingly imagine if you said bloody wife in it or make me make a chocolate cake all right let's go to the town square you've got to make sure the farm is cute that might be important right honey it actually is so important to me hayley you actually understand me so well oh little cakewalk what happens if you're walking without the chocolate cake oh good you brought the cake seems really moist thanks totally not alex it's a pretty good turnout huh um haley when do we stop my my legs oops forgot to blow the whistle i bet your money's out all right everyone should be standing on a numbered square [Music] your number determines which cake you win okay let's see who gets what let's see what cakes there are okay let's see here carolyn what number are you you have one mere lois's carrot cake carrot cake is trash oh joy emily you've got pam's chocolate stout cupcakes with aged bourbon buttercream that sounds incredible yeah for a treat kid i'm extra cigarette butts are in the bottom of it i use them as a base next jess you've got clint's wild horseradish cobbler it's an old family [Music] and last but not least pam you're the lucky winner of my husband's husband note that deluxe chocolate cake thanks everyone for joining in we've raised over 5000 g's wait is that it hayley haley give me like two weeks i can get you double that what's the money for anyway you're buying you pissed actually it's for penny penny the other day i heard overheard you talking with jas and vincent about their skill books it sounds like you could use some help [Music] did you hear that kids you're getting brand new school books i don't know what to say thank you so much did it really cost five grand for two new books to both of you i didn't do anything hey louis since we're funding education without touching the town's coffers you'll be lowering up tax business tax right the taxes in stardu just go to lewis's back pocket because nothing gets changed around here no education no community center nothing on pier but that's it with hayley we've gone through all of haley it was a big success thanks for helping out honey that's it now i'm gonna divorce her so let's answer the big question should you marry hayley and in my opinion yeah you should if you're willing to go through the months of her abusing and ignoring you vinya it's completely worth it haley's character arc is an amazing ride if you're willing to go through that hassle that it comes with she goes from being this unappreciative jerk who has no respect for her sister those around her or the community she's in to this kind and in my opinion one of the most down-to-earth characters in the game she seemingly forms a new relationship with her sister she's willing to work on the farm with you and she becomes appreciative of the community she's in even having a fundraiser for them so because of that and the journey she goes through haley gets a 3.5 out of 5. i'm sorry i i just think it's worth it i can understand if you don't want to go on that journey and see her character arc because of the obstacles that are in the beginning but in my opinion it's worth it for what you get in the end and if you're into mean girls she's a five out of five but you know i mean some people i don't know who it is not sure though [Music] you
Channel: Nino Kito
Views: 314,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nino, Ninokito, Stardew Valley, Stardew Valley Villagers, Marriage Stardew Valley, Stardew Valley Haley, Haley Heart Events Stardew, Stardew Valley Speedrun, Stardew Valley Expanded, Stardew Valley Haley Marriage, How To Marry Haley, how to marry haley in stardew valley, marrying haley before the flower dance, Stardew Aesthetic Mods, Stardew Valley Gameplay, stardew bachelorettes, WHY YOU SHOULD MARRY HALEY?, Stardew Bachelors, haley all heart events, Why You SHOULD Marry Haley
Id: kSvI9CqODog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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