When You Start A New Farm With Level 100 Skills - Stardew Valley

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what would happen if he started a brand new farm and had level 10 skills on your very first day I would love to answer that question but that's boring so today we're gonna find out what it looks like with level 100 skills which should be pretty interesting because normally you're capped at level 10 and even then it's a lot of work to get there and I just can't get enough trying to break the game the first thing we're gonna do is plant those parsnips the mayor Lewis was kind enough to leave us last night on the floor of our home every time you level up your farming skill you get a little bit more proficient with both the hoe and the watering can how much energy are we using at this point I think we just made energy back I think it's actually reversed itself I swing a pickaxe once it uses energy swing it a few times 262 out of 270 we use the hoe a few times and it actually restores itself I've reversed things entirely confirmed at level 100 farming you actually gain energy when you farm I assume watering is gonna be just the same so we can use up a little bit of energy we're down to 260 use the watering can once to 68 so we're gaining 8 energy every time we use the watering can which is great because the more things I can water in a day the happier I am unfortunately farming still does not affect the length of time it takes things to grow under normal circumstances but again that depends on your skill choices rob's go 10% faster on a crop that only takes 4 days that's not gonna make a difference also my watering can doesn't seem to fill itself up with water at this point so that's kind of disappointing though I wonder how much it can hold and I'm pretty annoyed that I just asked myself that question because now I want to know I believe the higher your farming skill the more water your watering can essentially can hold so we'll get to that as soon as we harvest these and throw them in the bin I'm really excited to see what quality we have it looks like pure gold yep 15 Gold quality parsnips there's no way you could manage that under normal circumstances as you can possibly get in the game is level 13 farming that's with Max farming skill as the food to boost your farming another three no 15 gold quality parsnips 855 gold not a lot but considering nuts parsnips not bad I may have been wrong about the amount of water a watering can can hold I don't know if it actually increases it might just change the amount of energy used but seeing as my watering can is giving me energy at this point I guess shouldn't complain but I'm gonna make sure it's full and I'm gonna see how many clicks it takes to run out already and even 40 so I don't think it had any effect on that 15 parsnips wasn't big enough sample size for me let's do 100 strawberries being the strawberries are the most exciting and valuable of the spring crops as long as you forget about ancient fruit that is many hours of hard work later are we gonna get 100 gold quality I suspect we probably are we actually didn't we got 99 gold quality and too regular I'm pretty surprised about that I thought we were way beyond the point where anything else could even possibly show up oh so we got a hundred one strawberries out of 100 strawberry plants but the value of that adorable little crop just under twenty thousand gold because gold quality alright so which skills do we want to break next in case you're wondering I accidentally hit the button a few times so we're up to hundred into farming let's try foraging it's the other one people normally use a lot of early-game we are going to have to make a decision Forester or gatherer gatherer would lead us to the level 10 park where every item I find is it gonna be a radium quality that shouldn't matter as much because with level 100 foraging we're gonna find lots of gold quality anyway let's try the lumberjack thing for once please don't have a chance to drop hardwood and there we have it let's see what this is gonna do I haven't even left my farm yet so the world should be full of for jables gold quality you go quality I don't believe we can hit a radium quality without the perk but at this point everything we find should be gold quality if their strawberries were any indication everything at the beach has yielded gold quality results including the coral on this side I am working with natural luck today so I'm not even sure what I have but I am doing pretty well on the for jables I'm gonna do the entire map and see what it's worth that includes the secret ones gathered everything I could possibly find around everywhere this is what it looks like all go quality but a ton of stuff but enough they were gonna make some money the foraging skill I suspect isn't really gonna do a lot beyond level 10 I'm pretty sure cutting down trees at this point will regenerate energy however level 6 foraging I kinda doubt that but that's not bad 2184 gold for foraging everything on the map that was more than the parsnips are worth but look at all this wood we have on the farm or what is worth 50% more and these trees can give us hard wood so I'm gonna make every piece of wood on this I'm disappear into that shipping bin and we're gonna find the value of it and yes swinging my axe at this point does restore energy but also there is no way I'm gonna cut down every single tree on my farm with an axe I'm gonna use bombs to blow everything up I'll do these stumps with an axe afterwards all the regular trees are currently down gathering up the last elements of stuff that are all over the map not gonna break the rocks because they don't matter right now so far all of the wood is about sixteen hundred and sixty with seventy-two hardwood all I'm gonna do now is break the rest of these stumps I do have one is break on for this because I don't want to take forever he absolute total of all the wood on my field after six days 158 hardwood and that much wood not gonna sell anything else cuz I don't care about the value of anything else 8465 worth more than the foraging and the crops combined fishing is when I am really excited to try I think it's gonna get pretty easy after this I guess that means we'd better go and see Willy and get us a fishing rod we're also gonna do that on a sunny day because rain thanks Willie I'll take it from here keep in mind this is using the very basic rod we can cast very far with it I have no idea what's gonna happen I need to actually catch the fish though so that's gonna be part of it there we go fish gone I think the fishing bar is an adequate size if I don't catch this one something's gonna be wrong and look at that it's gold quality who'da thought even if i turn real it doesn't do anything the fishing barges can't move because it's already good show because it's enormous I wonder if that means we're also gonna catch a regular quality fish here or if we're gonna catch gold quality fish I think it should give us gold quality fish pretty much anywhere we fish when herring silver quality okay so your fishing skill doesn't necessarily guarantee you high-quality fish it's gonna be the area that you fish normally the farther away from shore you cast the higher quality well I know one particular fish that I'd normally hate to catch under regular circumstances okay got it eight 10 a.m. the legend fish shows up I think I'm pretty confident in this one should be gold quality to a hardest fish in the game to catch caught now for the exciting rest of my day oddly enough this just happened legend fish well guess we're getting two today see how many more those were gonna get the fish for the day looks something like this a fall 15 legend 24 largemouth and assorted other lesser fish the value of those is gonna be pretty high I think fishing is going to be a best bet for making money did you have level 100 skills the total of which is actually 176 thousand gold probably mostly in those legend fish yeah so if he somehow managed to get 15 Legend fish in a single day all gold quality you're gonna get 170,000 gold to them but good luck doing that especially on a basic rod mining is interesting because it's actually gonna be the most boring of all the skills because basically all it does is that pickaxe proficiency I don't think it's gonna make any difference aside from that though according to what I'm reading the Chancellor Jim notes to appear is very small but slightly increased by mining skill level and daily Luck's we might actually find a whole bunch of nodes already on level one we found a mystic stone which I've never ever seen here before because your odds of finding that is really low so already on the first floor we have an amethyst and that also gave us a ladder level - doesn't seem to have anything - out of place it's worth noting once again that every time I swing my pickaxe I regain energy Lord 9 and we're not really seeing a crazy amount of gems that we do have 7 amethyst so far that's almost one per floor so that's definitely higher than normal but not the crazy amount you'd expect for level 100 even these lower levels where gems are a little bit more likely to occur are still yielding nothing of excitement the first diamond node I've encountered was all the way of 96 I guess it's still like I suspected mining just boring slightly better chance of finding gem nodes but it must be a very slight chance so that leaves us with one skill left a mess with combat basically every level in combat beyond level 10 is gonna give us +5 to health so we're just gonna end up with a whole bunch of health we're gonna lean towards critical hits because every one of them is gonna be deadly and there we have it level 100 combat so we should have an extra bout 500 health and try and make mining a little more exciting I've done this if level 1,000 won't do it nothing will all right well since we're in the neighborhood let's try skull cavern the only real place to test out combat wonder how big my health bar is gonna be not very big I should have more health than that I guess it actually limits me oh right away I can doubt but notice we have two Mystics tones when topaz and when ruby our first combatant not much damage going on but if I do land a critical hit it should kill it other than that is gonna take a long time to kill this thing no it didn't really seem to hurt me there what if I actually gain health now from being here because my combat skill is so high nope I was wrong I decided findit health on so I'm gonna die wait what just happened there it did something weird apparently boosting the combat skill doesn't really do anything at all I just thought like some of the other skills the level was so high that might reverse the effect that way instead of taking damage I would earn health but that doesn't seem to be the case but I am curious I do want to try that again I've got infinite health on this time that way I can't die cuz that's annoying I just kind of notice it every time I was breaking a rock I was finding all sorts of stuff I found a ton of geodes and I'm finding gold in almost every rock and breaking now it looks like the mining skill does increase the chance of geodes and gold or things like that by very marginal amount is all the way up to level 1000 and I'm finally finding stuff which probably still isn't worth the effort because I did have to press that button 1000 times to get us here but one small floor on the mines on level 1 gave us 10 Omni geodes the next floor is on pace to give us a whole bunch more also a diamond node I'm just gonna use the bombs to clear the floor just to see exactly what we're gonna get up to 26 Omni geodes so I'd say if you can to boost mining it would only be worth it for the fact that you can get extra geodes we're getting so many now that you would just make a fortune the geodes by themself aren't worth anything but if you get them processed you can find quite a bit of good stuff in there well that's that combat doesn't do anything mining does but you got to get it way up
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 2,657,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sdv, stardew, df, level 100, skills, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley 1.3, stardew valley guide, stardew valley, dangerously funny, gameplay, funny, valley, pc, dangerously, stardew valley tips, no cursing, commentary, no swearing, dangerouslyfunny, clean
Id: lnQfnV9Sfec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 04 2019
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