Stardew Valley Beginner's Guide: How to play basics

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[Music] [Applause] hello everybody on the internet at youtube and welcome to stardew valley here with me t addict i'm very excited to be here with you guys today in this lovely lovely game which has just received a major 1.5 update from the developer concerned ape this guy is amazing i mean he has released just this incredible game he's continuing to work on it continuing to improve it continuing to make it better and i love that and i've seen in the last couple of weeks a lot of people um you know wanting to try out the game a lot of new players who are you know getting the game it's on sale at the moment on steam for like 10 bucks here in australia so that is insane i'm sure it's really cheap everywhere else but i thought it might be useful uh to come in and do a little bit of a beginner's tutorial to playing stardew valley so we're gonna jump in we're gonna start a new farm and i'm going to show you guys a couple of really basic tips um for getting started in the game so when you come into strategy value you can go ahead and load up a new save file there are a lot of options that greet you immediately straight off the bat right now we can give ourselves a name we can name our farm and we can say our favorite thing you can be a boy or a girl there are lots and lots of options for customization of your character in here for speed sake i'm just going to call myself my name which is bethy i am a girl i have blonde hair so right here we're going to change my hair color to this kind of blondy color oh there's never a good blonde in video games i swear it's like the sims 4 all over again you know that's pretty close i mean like my hair's like a dark blonde okay right um my farm name is gonna be called uh let's see he'll end and then my favorite thing i'm gonna say is uh hot chocolate yes beautiful i am of course a dog person you guys who've been watching my channel for a while will know that i'm a dog person so i'm gonna make myself um prefer an animal you can see here there are lots and lots of different types so there's three different types of cats and three different types of dogs that you can choose from in the game i'm gonna go ahead and choose this little smooch here because he looks really cute i've got blue eyes so i can set that um we've got all sorts of customization here for skin tones um of course i am you can go as natural or as unnatural as you want you can make yourself a little green alien or a little blue smurf if you want to just for a bit of fun i'm just going to go ahead and use skin tuna in one i wish i was that tan but i'm not um there's all sorts of customization here for your hairstyle as well and if you want to you can also rotate your character to have a look at what your hair actually looks like i might go for this lovely long luscious hair then we can also change our shirt now don't worry guys because you are not locked to your choices here by any means there is a lot of um you know opportunity in the game to actually change your clothes up um and yeah customize what you're wearing and eventually you can have like a whole wardrobe of clothes that you can choose from within the game which is really fun of course you can also change the color of your pants and everything i'm just going to go ahead and accept this this will do for now i'm going to go ahead and select this skip intro option just because i've seen it um way too many times and it takes a little while to get through but if you are playing the game for the first time i definitely recommend you watch the intro because it is really really cute and gives you a good idea as to what's happening in the game now over here you can see there are a lot of different types of farms that you can have we have the standard farm which is a simple plot of land with a large amount of open space to design your farm this one's my favorite one i mean it's the one i've done a few times it gives you the most space for growing crops so i do tend to like that one this one is the riverland farm your farm is spread across several islands and scenic riverbanks fish are more common here than usual so if you want to go ahead and have a lot of opportunity for fishing you can go ahead and use the riverland farm forest farm is probably my second favorite so the woods limit your farming space however the bounty of the forest is nearby at your doorstep so that's really handy we've also got hilltop farm rocky terrain with the winding river make it difficult to design your farm however a mineral deposit provides a mining opportunity so that's kind of fun got wilderness farm plenty of good land here but monsters come out at night so um if you want to get a lot of monster loot you can choose that one four corners farm which uh is what you want to pick if you want to play with a group and then this one is a brand new in the 1.5 update which is the beach farm so it has good foraging and fishing tons of open space sometimes supply crates wash up on the shore however sprinklers don't work in the sandy soil so sprinklers are a really really helpful object you can craft in this game and um it's yeah they make farming a lot easier so i would only recommend going for the beach farm probably maybe on your on your like second or third playthrough after you've got the basics of how farming works for this tutorial i'm going to go ahead i'm actually going to select the forest farm just for something different um and now with all of that selected i can go ahead and press ok and we will load up into the game alright lovely so right away we wake up and i'm gonna show you guys the basics of what we can see here we have got a little box over here that shows our controls our basic controls we've got moving run i think that's new um and we've got look which is to right click up here we have our basic sort of day and time setup we've also got our money our cash funds here which right now you can see we have 500 gold and right here this is our journal but we'll get to that in just a second to open this menu this is really important i press the e button okay e to open inventory it's really really helpful this is going to be your most basic button that you use constantly to get into your inventory okay the inventory screen you've got three rows here that you can see now at the moment because this is a brand new save you can see that we only have access to this top row and the other two are grayed out so that means that our inventory space right now is severely severely limited you can see we've only got these sort of what is it twelve slots six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve yeah um that you can access by pressing the numbered buttons on your keyboard you can see here as i press them uh things are lighting up as we go so if you are in the middle of something you need to quickly shift tools you can use the uh keyboard buttons there to switch through your tools we have an axe which is used to chop wood we have a hoe which is used to dig until soil we have a watering can that is used to water crops it can be refilled at any water source we have a pickaxe which is used to break stone and we have a scythe that is used to cut grass into hay now me personally i'm really weird i always always rearrange my tools um this just because my body is playing minecraft i always have my pickaxe in the number one slot so i do that but by default it's gonna look more like that so yep that's just uh that's just a fun little fact oh wait like that yep okay yeah so that is our inventory screen down here there's a little bit more you can see our little character here um named bethy she is a level zero newcomer you can see here we have two slots for rings these are an object that you will get later in the game so don't worry about that right away there's also a slot for boots there's a slot for hats and you can see here we have our slot for shirt and pants which we can actually take off and run around in our underwear if we so choose to but we're gonna leave that on for now the next tab over here is our skills tab this shows us our skill proficiency so there are the five skills farming mining foraging fishing and combat don't worry too much about progressing in your skills you will just naturally do this as you play the game it is not in my experience difficult to level up to level 10. what you do want to pay attention to is these larger blocks here when you get to level 5 and level 10 you can choose different special skills that will just depend on how you like to play the game we also have a wallet here and this is where we will be collecting special items as we play through the game there's a lot of different slots here and there's a lot as i said there's a lot to this game and eventually your wallet i believe will fill up i in my most like extensive playthrough of sergio valley i haven't even filled this thing up yet um so yeah that takes a while this next tab here is really really really important okay this is your social tab so this shows you all of the people in the town now stardew valley is a game about community it is a game about relationships and you know a whole town uh interacting with one another okay so socializing with the townspeople is a very important part of the game however a lot of new players when they first start stardew valley they're like oh my gosh i've got to go and meet everyone right away particularly because there's actually a quest to go and introduce yourself to everybody in the town now while that's a lot of fun it is not necessary to stress yourself out trying to find everybody within the first few days of being on your farm you will naturally run into these people throughout the town as you play through the game okay but just to give you a bit of an idea of how this tab in particular works we've got our characters listed down the side you can see here we know robin and lewis usually you meet them in the introduction clip that i skipped robin is the town carpenter and lewis is the town mayor along here you can see all these little heart slots this represents our relationship with the town people so as we get to know them better our heart bar will fill up you can see here we don't know the names of these people yet because we haven't met them but you can see um there's a difference between some of the characters which don't have this word single here so anyone who is single in the game you can marry and have them move into your farm you can marry a boy or a girl it doesn't really matter it's all open but you can see here your last two hearts in the relationship panel with people who are single are grayed out and that is because when you get to eight hearts with these characters you need to then propose to them or just leave it at eight hearts um to unlock the final two spaces once you've done that um you can then get it to ten hearts to get married and then after you're married i think actually more hearts can appear as well okay so yeah everyone who is a bachelor or bachelorette you can only get to eight hearts maximum unless you propose marriage to them now you can uh date and propose to multiple people in the town but it's uh it's not recommended okay so yeah um these are all the people in the town at the moment who we can meet and we'll um go ahead and do that as we play this tab here shows a little present because a big part of getting to know people and making friends in stardew valley is bribing them with presents because who doesn't love presents so you can give each character two gifts per week okay so these are your gift slots per week okay stardew valley is organized by a calendar um each season is a month and each month is four weeks long so we have the opportunity to give our characters gifts twice a week and you'll see here once we give them a gift there'll be a little uh checkbox in here this one here is new again in the 1.5 update this one just represents if we have spoken to the characters in the active day you get a little bit of a relationship bonus by just speaking to the characters every day and so you can see here now quite easily who you have spoken to and who you have not which is really helpful oh hey guys it's editing beth jumping in here because i've completely missed a really important feature of the social tab uh ignore everything you see right now but when you click directly on the character you get a little breakdown of the character this i believe is a new thing that they just added in 1.5 so uh granny evelyn who i meet in later in the episode uh we can see our relationship with her we can see when her birthday is we can see uh gifts that we've given her and how they have fared um and what she has liked and not liked that's a lot of extra gameplay kind of stuff just bundled up right in there into this little extra screen but it's really really helpful so you can do this for any of the characters um you can click on them and get a breakdown and see what they like and don't like handy dandy right moving along to the next tab this is the map tab this one's really really really helpful for people who are new to the game because it is a little confusing to find your way around at first no doubt about it so your farm is going to look a little bit different depending on the type of farm that you selected basically your farm is over here on the left hand side of your screen over here you can see there is a little bus and this shows you where the bus stop is so this is the route kind of out of stardew valley and we can see here there's a mystery area up here which you do unlock later on in game play then over here we have the town itself so we've got town square we've got pierre's general store we've got home of run river road home of george evelyn and alex we've got the trailer we've got the saloon it shows you when it's open which is really handy we've got the mayor's manor the graveyard the sewer two willow lane home of emily and hayley one willow lane heard of joni kent and sam we've got marnie's ranch over here we've got leah's cottage we've got a little pond here we've got a wizard's tower we've got a beach down here we've got jojo mart we've got the museum and library the blacksmith it's all here on your map if you don't know what something is don't worry you will discover it through gameplay but this is a really really helpful way of getting your head around pelican town which is um the name of this town here in statue valley three really important things to note here we've got three exits from our farm we've got one to the north one to the right uh what way is that east and one to the south north south east west yes okay oh my god wow that was embarrassing but yeah so we can go north east or south to exit our farm we cannot actually go west to exit our farm so that's important to know as well okay whoops without exited out of that that's fine just press e again to reopen the inventory another thing you can also do is press the m button to bring up the map directly which is a really helpful tip all right the next tab over here is your crafting tab so similar to minecraft but not really you can craft items in the game right now we have very limited crafting recipes because we're a complete newbie but we can see we can create a wood fence a gate we can create a chest really really really handy torches signs we've got some different paths we can make and we can also make a campfire the first thing that you're going to want to use this tab for in my experience is to create a chest as i said we've got very limited inventory space right now so a chest is going to be extremely helpful in sorting out how we uh kind of hold stuff the next tab here is the collections tab now this one at first is gonna seem completely overwhelming to a new player in the game but this shows you all of the different things that you can farm collect forage etc um in the game so this one here item shipped farm and forage so this is like growables essentially um the next one is all the different types of fish in the game this one is all the artifacts in the game which you use in conjunction with the museum binner rules again you use in conjunction with the museum cooking these are all of the recipes in the game are so many achievements for you and i believe more do unlock as you play and then letters get delivered every now and then to you in your mailbox which i'll show you in a minute and you can see um you can go back and read any of your letters in the collections tab at any time if you forget what was in the mail which is really handy this next tab here is your options tab now um i highly highly recommend having auto run enabled so that you don't have to press what was it shift i think to run um i highly recommend having show portraits and this one here is a really really helpful one as well always show tool hit location and then hide tool hit location when moving really really handy so i'll demonstrate this for you now okay if i go outside and i want to uh clear up this rock i'm going to use my pickaxe now i'm using my mouse to aim for the rock okay so i kind of got lucky and i could you know um easily line up that rock and make sure i was heading in the right direction however when you're doing trying to do a lot of things really quickly in stardew valley it's really helpful to have this one here checked in your options and now you can see i've got a little red box which shows me where i'm looking on the screen and that one is a really really really helpful thing to have when you're hoeing the ground planting crops doing all sorts of crazy things okay but we're not ready to be outside yet so we're gonna go back inside all right now this is my little forest house your house again might look a little bit different depending on which farm you select you can right click the fireplace to turn it off and on which is nice it gives off a bit of light the tv the tv is extremely important in stardew valley uh we get a weather channel a fortune teller we've got this channel called living off the land which only plays i think twice a week um i'm not sure don't quote me on that um but yeah not every day basically and then another one that runs not every day is a cooking channel which will teach you recipes um which you saw there's a lot of recipes in the game so really helpful so the weather report will give you the weather forecast uh for the next day um and it's going to be a beautiful sunny day tomorrow now this is helpful sort of as you get a bit further along in your game play you can sort of decide what you're going to do each day as it comes if it's a rainy day forecast tomorrow that's really important because rain means you don't have to water your crops rain means you can catch different types of fish and rain means it might be a good day to go mining or foraging or do something that doesn't involve spending a lot of time farming okay but it's going to be a beautiful on a sunny day tomorrow so that doesn't really apply i'm going to right click the tv again to reopen it so i should have mentioned that it is right click to watch the tv right clicking is very important in start your valley now the fortune teller refers to there is a stat in the game called lux so you always have a luck stat it's kind of a hidden stat in the game okay so we've got uh the fortune teller being like oh there's a new young lady watching from sergio valley welcome welcome thank you so much dearest um and the luck stat for today is the spirits are very displeased they will do their best to make your life difficult okay so that's not great um you want to watch your luck start for things like going mining um i think going fishing and foraging as well uh but again i'm not entirely sure about that the main one you want to watch the lux stat for is mining because having a low luck stat in the mines is really really unfortunate there are other ways to alter your lack stat mostly through special foods for special recipes that you get later in the game but this is your basic stat for today so very displeased is not good there's very displease there's displease there's neutral there's uh a little bit happy and there's very happy so five different sort of tears that your luck can be in a day and then the final one here we've got livin off the land so livin off the land has a lot of really helpful tips tricks and hints for stardew valley gameplay so this one is going to be about chopping wood so chop wood and search for wild forage to earn some cash while waiting for your first harvest so this is a really really good early game tip you can go foraging essentially to find things that you can then sell to make money uh while you wait for your first harvest so that's really good um this gift here is something that you only have on day one in your farm um it's a gift from mayor lewis so we received 15 past nip seeds so this is going to give us our first crop for stardew valley now everything in your house you can actually move you can sort of just pick things up and pop them down wherever you want you can actually now move the bed as well which is new and i believe you can usually rotate with right click am i am i wrong about that yes no you can rotate with right click but it doesn't look like you can actually rotate the bed so that's fine okay so we're outside this is our mailbox so this is where we will get any uh letters delivered to the house this is our selling bin so if we want to sell things like say we wanted to just sell this one piece of stone we can chuck it in there and sell it i don't actually want to do that because stone is handy all right now your farm is again going to look a little bit different depending on the type of farm you selected but basically the first thing you want to do inside your valley is just come out and clear out a little bit of space in front of your little cabin so you can go ahead and start planting some crops so our different tools are going to be useful for different things our pickaxe obviously is best for clearing the rocks our scythe is the best for clearing out grass and these little fibrous plants that you have growing everywhere the other good thing about breaking up those fibrous plants is that you can get mixed seeds sometimes and then you want to use your axe to chop and clear around any wood stumps these little trees here these are little saplings you can also chop these down they just take a couple extra hits uh then we're gonna just clear this and we're gonna clear that and we're gonna clear this i'm just gonna go ahead and clear out most of the space that's immediately useful for me right now okay beautiful then what we want to go do is go ahead and plant our 15 parsnip seeds so you can plant these seeds in any sort of uh layout or whatever that you want i'm probably just gonna do three rows of five i think yeah should be fine so i'm using the hoe and i am left clicking the ground to hoe the ground if you accidentally hose somewhere that you don't want to hoe just go ahead select your pickaxe and hit that piece of ground again okay now i'm going to go ahead and right click with my parsnips selected to plant them and then you also need to water them so watering as your farm gets bigger can take a very long time which is why as i mentioned sprinklers are very handy and also rainy a rainy day is very very handy so there we go i've got my little patch of parsnips planted and you want to do that pretty much right away upon loading the game just to start them growing each different crop in stardu valley has a different grow time so i think parsnips is like five days or something like that um and yeah different crops have different times and you can actually view that by looking at the seeds which i'll show you when we go to the general store in a minute this little exclamation mark is our journal which i mentioned there is also a hotkey for the journal which is the f key so we've got here two tasks getting started if you want to become a farmer you have to start with the basics use your hood to till the soil use a seed packet on the tilled soil to sew a crop water every day until the crop is ready for harvest and our task is to cultivate and harvest a parsnip so we're on our way to doing that this one here introductions is yeah the one i mentioned that trips people up thinking oh my god i've got to meet 28 people how am i ever going to do that how have i got enough time don't worry you'll get there it'll be fine what you want to focus on for the first couple of days in starjy is planting as many crops as you can there are three fantastic ways oops i just hold somewhere i don't mean to to make money in this game well actually four uh farming is probably the number one good way to make money especially in the early game foraging in the early game is also extremely handy and fishing is really really good as well we don't actually have access to fishing yet but don't worry that will come up very shortly yeah i think day two in fact we get access to fishing um and then mining is another one but we can't mine yet now you want to keep an eye out for little plants like this one here sorry i know i keep pausing it's because time is precious in stardew valley you don't want to have time just ticking away willy nilly as you just sort of run around and do random things so this here is a dandelion this is a uh forageable so each different season in stardew valley has different wild uh plants that will grow and this one here is a dandelion you can sort of uh tell it apart from other other decorative uh flowers in the valley by how it kind of sits on the ground and the other dead giveaway is you get this big green plus sign as you uh hi like highlight it i am going to go ahead and run up to my bin and i'm going to click to throw that in there i'm also probably going to sell this clay because i don't really need it right now in early game stardew valley you want as much inventory space as possible okay so this sign here says bus stop that way pelican town that way so that sort of gives you a bit of an idea here is another foragible you can see here this one is a daffodil very very pretty daffodils are useful for selling and also giving as a gift pretty much all of the girls i think in in pelican town will appreciate getting a daffodil as a gift oh another important thing i forgot to point out down here we have an energy meter and you can see here my energy is already quite low i'm 94 out of 270 and that is because of all of my hauling and clearing and working on around on the farm um as you play through the game your energy start will increase through various means um but yeah you want to keep an eye on this if your energy stack gets too low you will pass out and you will lose money and be robbed so you don't want to do that okay so we're coming over into pelican town here right now we've got a doctor surgery here we'll go in to say hi this is harvey he's the doctor hello sir and we can buy energy tonic and muscle remedy we don't have the gold for that right now but that's fine um i believe you can go back here yes you can hello it's a pleasure to meet you i'm harvey the local doctor i perform regular checkups and medical procedures for all the residents of pelican town woohoo thanks harvey oh wait one more thing to say i hope you'll find your work equally rewarding in time so you can tell if someone's got something to say because there'll be a little speech bubble on them uh otherwise it's uh yeah oop here's another resident so this is money hi mayor lewis you told me you arrived i'm money i sell livestock and animal care products at my ranch yay so like i said you will just run into the townsfolk as you just go about your day you know i'm trying to get to the general store right now and i've already met three people so this is leah hello it's lovely to meet you now up here we have two very important things we have a calendar calen as i said stardew valley is organized with a calendar so you've got uh each season is four weeks and marked on the calendar are people's birthdays as i mentioned gift giving is a very important uh stardew valley tradition for making friends and influencing people and if you give someone a gift on their birthday that they like you will get mega heart points so that is a really easy way of making friends so you want to try to keep an eye on the calendar to see who's going having a birthday when each season will also have a couple of special events so we've got an egg festival coming up on the saturday the 13th and right at the end of spring year one we've got a flower dance on the 24th and sorry something else i just missed here just under where my hand icon is there's also a town notice board and on the notice board you will get quests and people wanting uh deliveries of special things so it's worth every time you run past just to check the quest board and you can um make friends with people by fulfilling their quest desires so that's another handy little tip this is pierre's general store it is here that you can buy a lot of very useful seeds and things for your farm all right now the first thing we're gonna do is just run around and introduce myself to the people who are in here as i mentioned it's just you know really quick just say hello how you doing so we've got abigail we've got caroline caroline and pierre are married and abigail is their daughter yep thank you i did meet her already said to her to her and then we've got pierre behind the counter here i'm gonna come behind the counter to actually speak to him if you yay if you just speak to him over the counter it doesn't count as meeting him because we've just opened up the menu for buying things so we have 500 gold right now and i am actually going to spend pretty much all of that on seeds this is a really really important tip and this is something that i totally missed the first time i played stage valley i was like oh my gosh i've only got 500 gold i need to save it all nah just spend it all on seeds okay so you can see here we've got parsnips so four days to mature um 20 gold they're really cheap really easy to grow really good seed we've already got 15 parsnips growing so i'm just going to leave that as is for now we've got beans plant these in the spring takes 10 days to mature but keeps producing after that grows on a trellis so there's a few really important things here to point out number one ten days to mature that is a long grow time but keeps producing after that means you don't have to after you harvest it you don't have to replant it it will keep producing beans for you for the other like uh 20 odd days in in spring it also says it grows on a trellis which means it's going to be a little more difficult to access the plant you don't want to anything that grows on a trellis you don't want to grow in a big uh sort of block you want to only grow it in a line so that you have access to it on all sides i'm going to grab maybe three of those just as a start um cauliflower so these ones take 12 days and produce a large cauliflower oh those are pretty expensive we might rate should we wait uh potatoes are really good because these take six days to mature and has a chance of yielding multiple potatoes at harvest so that's a really good one we might grab three of those um then we've also got tulips kale and jazz so tulips and jazz are obviously flowers kale is technically another another plant so maybe we'll just grab three of those oh couldn't afford three what if we sell our daffodil that's worth 30 gold oh we won't be able to get three oh no that's upsetting so you can sell things directly here to be here or you can sell them in your selling box on your farm oh what am i gonna do i'll sell it and i'll just plant two kale i guess oh that's so annoying dang it okay no worries that's fine oh the other thing i could do maybe i could just go out into the town and find another forageable that i could then sell and then i'll be out of just buy one more little seed yes beautiful there's a daffodil here stunning okay so i'm gonna run back down to piers i'm gonna sell the daffodil i'm to buy one more thing that's abby just walking past we already said hi to her one more question nice so we're just going to plan a bunch of different things and see what's the most profitable at the end of the day now with the town um this here is the star drop saloon this is a really really really uh helpful place to go particularly on a friday night where uh most of stardew valley will turn up to have a drink i'm just saying hi to granny evelyn over here now another thing you can do in stardew valley uh which can be quite helpful is you can rummage through trash cans um with the chance of finding something useful from doing so you do just want to be careful however that nobody is around when you rubbage through their trash because people tend to get upset about that oh another daft deal fantastic okay so i'm going to demonstrate for you guys how to give a gift um it's really simple you hold up whatever you want to give to someone you walk up to them a little present icon appears and you say here you go and then evelyn says oh my it looks wonderful that's very kind of you so that's a positive response which means she likes a daffodil it might not be one of her favorite things but she does like it which is good okay we've got someone else here to meet so we're just saying hi and i'm just starting to make my way back towards our farm right now um to go ahead and plant the seeds that we just bought um piers i mean harvey sorry the doctor is just standing out here just doing whatever that's fine there we go we're back okay so my beans i might go ahead and go how am i gonna do this i might go one two and three and then i'm going to water water and water my potatoes i'm gonna go one two and three i'm gonna water water water and then my kale i'm gonna put down here and i'm gonna water water water so i actually like honed way more soil than i needed to but that's fine now um down here you can see a little sort of hidden thing in in stardew valley there's some little uh wiggly wobbly wormies uh pointing out of the ground here so whenever you see this if you pull get your hoe and hoe the ground um it'll give you a resource of some kind now on a bad luck day that's probably going to be pretty average resource wise but on a good luck day you could find like a rare item a relic something like that okay now the last thing i'm gonna do today as day one is see how much wood i can collect without passing out so i'm gonna run around i'm gonna maybe try to chop down this tree right here now a tree takes a lot of hit points so every hit i do you can see oh it takes up a little bit of energy so i am starting to run really low on energy the way to replenish your energy is to eat food okay we've got 33 wood that's not quite enough to make a what's going to call it a chest so we need more but i don't have the energy to do so okay no worries so now that we've done that um it's 5 10 p.m what we might do just to finish off this day is head over to the saloon to see who's there running by the way doesn't actually take up much energy at all your energy bar will not go down just from you sort of moving around so that's a good tip if you're really low in energy you can still go around and be productive just by going and talking to people now you do move faster in general than everyone else because you run and they walk uh this is sam how you doing nice to meet you buddy got some more new people to me over here hello we're saying hi to maru i'm just skipping through all of the things that they say because you guys can explore that um in your own game play and you can see here we've got people heading into the shed oh here's someone we haven't met hello thank you and so if we go in here you can see there's a few people here in the star drop saloon now we have pam over here who is a really ninja funny character who really just likes to uh drink we've got gus who is the owner and proprietor of star drop saloon we've got emily who works here in the star drop shaloon and is very very friendly and just an absolutely delightful character over here we have shane who is a total grump and likes to drink a lot but it's actually a total sweetheart once you get to know him um over here there's a game area some nights this will be populated by a couple of the younger people in town um and then yeah the other thing you can of course do here at the saloon is actually order yourself uh food and beverages you can buy recipes so you can learn how to cook things um and we can buy things for ourselves or for other people so once you're a bit richer you can come in here on a friday night buy like 10 beers hand them out to all the townsfolk and they'll all love you and that's just a really easy way of making friends with people uh which is kind of fun okay i'm just gonna run over this way just to show you guys what's over here so this here is the mayor's house you can see it's very fancy we've got some more little wormies this is going to use up a bit more of our precious energy oh but worth it we've got a lost book the library's collection has been expanded so i didn't really go into this but over here hello here's someone else for us to say hi to this is clint the blacksmith there you go he lives up here in the blacksmith's house this here is the library and museum right now it's shut so we can't go inside but collecting books and artifacts helps with that that little venue there all right so it is getting kind of late at 7 30 p.m we are really low in energy um but i'm gonna go down here so you guys can see this is the beach area down here and the good thing about the beach is that there are very often a couple of foragibles now we've got a broken bridge here which we can inspect and with 300 pieces of wood that could be fixed now at first you might be like oh my gosh 300 pieces like what that's so many i've like used up my whole energy bar to get 33. don't worry you will slowly but surely accumulate more um there is also a big wharf area down here we're going to go and check that out tomorrow though because we're going to get a quest to go and meet a fisherman named willy who's going to give us a fishing rod now to get home we can go up north back sort of past the bus stop you can also go across this way to the west and enter your farm from the south i don't recommend that until you've actually cleared out more of your farm because it's going to be like blocked by plants and wood and rocks and we don't have the energy to clear that out so we're not going to do that today now these forageables in stargy valley everything is worth keeping um for something everything is useful for something however early days you're best off just selling whatever you can find um i'm not sure that these actually get us any money let's actually find out um as we close the day the sap the wood the fiber and the stone i'm actually going to hold on to all of that so i'm just going to sort of plop that all there and the first thing you'd want to do on the next day is get the rest of your wood to make yourself a chest so to save the game and to finish the day all you've got to do is run over here into your bed go to sleep for the night hit yes this is gonna automatically save your game and fyi important point this is the only way to save your game and safely exit from stardew valley so we can see here we've got 40 gold for our dandelion and we got 50 gold for our clam nice we got 30 gold for our muscle that we found on the beach and we did actually get a little bit of gold for our clay cool okay so in total we got 160 gold from today in stardew valley so everything um that you sell uh you can look at a breakdown here to see what is uh sort of worth what um to have an idea of what crops are most valuable and all that kind of thing the other way of course that you can find out what crops are valuable and a lot of other information about stardew valley is by using the stardew valley wiki which is an amazing wealth of information that tells you everything you can possibly need to know about this game but um some people really like kind of using a wiki to to play a game other people prefer to explore for themselves you know everyone plays differently so that's all good and then when you hit okay it'll change over to the next day your progress has been saved wonderful and it is now day two of spring year two so we are actually gonna wrap it up here for this video guys because i've been talking for like 40 minutes um but the first thing you'd want to do obviously is check your tv and then come outside and get on with the rest of the gameplay oh actually what i might do first before i wrap up is i'll come outside you can see here we've got some mail so i'm gonna right click the mailbox so hello there just got back from a fishing trip you should come down to the beach sometime i've got something for you so this is how we get our fishing rod okay so then the first thing you want to do every single morning is water your crop refill my watering can at the little pond here just by clicking on the water you can refill at any water source just by clicking on the water and i'm just going to run over here i just want to chop down another tree so that i can show you guys how to craft a chest and how to use the chests because the chests are awesome okay so we've got exactly 50 wood nailed it okay so we're going to go into our crafting tab and you can see here now we can craft any and all of these things i just want a chest so i'm going to click on the chest and it appears here i'm going to pop it in my inventory the chest you can put down pretty much anywhere i'm just going to put it right outside and right click on the chest to open it okay so you can color the chest any of these colors which is kind of fun i'm just going to leave it as default to put something in the chest you just click it if you want to put only one of the things in the chest you right click it and if you want to i think take only one out you just right click it from here as well um i'll just show you as well um that this button here is a really really helpful study valley thing that i didn't even know existed once this chest is like full of stuff and you're just trying to put stuff in there quickly you've got this button here which will add to existing stacks so say i've got all this in my inventory and i just press this button boom there you go all my stacks have been topped up really really really helpful tip okay no seriously though i'm out of time so if you guys have enjoyed this video and you want to see more you want to see more stardew valley tips um more gameplay please let me know um if you want to check out on my channel i've actually got a walkthrough of a farm that i played quite extensively so you can have a look at sort of later game stardew valley um i'll link that video in the description below but yeah uh leave me any comments uh with uh yeah your thoughts on the game if you are trying it out for the first time let me know and um yeah i hope that you have found this helpful and will really really enjoy playing through stardew valley because it is a fantastic game and i recommend everybody plays it okay guys thank you for watching take care and i will see you next time bye for now [Music] you
Channel: Tea Addict
Views: 139,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stardew Valley, Stardew Valley update, stardew valley 1.5, stardew valley, stardew valley update, tea addict, australian gamer, stardew valley beginners guide, stardew valley hints, stardew valley tips, stardew valley walkthrough, stardew valley guide
Id: RpwcModYAcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 41sec (2561 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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