A Complete Guide for your First Spring - Stardew Valley (Version 1.5)

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stardew valley isn't an easy game there's a lot to keep track of with all these separate skills and different progression systems to a new player it can all be overwhelming and even to a veteran player it's just a lot to keep track of through all of this in your first season it can be hard to tell what's worth putting time into and what isn't this video will hopefully guide that experience a bit i'll tell you what i'm not going to do though this isn't going to micromanage your playthrough this isn't a min max run or anything crazy like that i'm gonna provide general goals for the season to work towards a year one community center completion and towards the perfection ending of the game but nothing will be too precise or stressful to accomplish with that said we're going to go week by week as most of these have quite a bit of leeway with when exactly you need to do them to kick off week 1 i think it's only fair to start with our crop options for spring out of all the options parsnips are cheap and have the shortest growing time of four days but also have a fairly low gold per day ratio they're also loved by pam cauliflower are the most expensive crop and take the longest to grow 12 days but also give the most gold per day out of all of our options and maru loves them green beans will continue to produce the whole season and have one of the highest gold per days right under cauliflower but the tile you plant them on can't be walked through and you got to dedicate yourself to watering them for the whole season potatoes are a nice in the middle crop a fairly short growing time of six days with a decent gold per day right in the middle of cauliflower and parsnips they also have a 25 chance to produce two potatoes [Music] a lot of the others aren't really worth it in terms of gold return but for tulips it's a loved item for evelyn i recommend starting with a lot of parsnips the earlier you get your first payday the earlier you can afford more of the expensive crops you won't need to worry about bundles yet after the first harvest i tend to get a little bit of everything but it's up to you how many crops you want to plant and which kinds oh also if you find 5 gold star parsnips keep them for the foraging stat cutting down trees is your best bet if you see any of the spring forgeable items pick them up of course don't do anything with them until you hit level 1 where you'll get the recipe for spring seeds if you intend on selling foraged items for money always craft them into spring seeds first it'll sell for more this stays true for every season's forageables except for winters oh also if you have the forest farm you're going to be able to find morels on it which is a fairly rare mushroom going back to trees though you'll want to get around 650 wood for the whole season there's no rush for this while doing this you'll find plenty of sap which can be used to craft basic fertilizer which you might as well use on every crop you plant to raise the quality then trees also provide you experience for foraging one thing you can do is cut down a tree but not the stump the stump will continue to spread seeds around it and it gives almost no experience anyway so i usually tend to get rid of the stump when i want the space cleared for something else the only difference between the three trees at this point is that they'll each drop a different type of seed if you've already reached level one foraging combining the three different kinds of seeds will give you a field snack which is a decent source of energy this early on and although it's not too important to keep in mind for the first week since foraging levels up fairly quickly just know that you'll want to reach level 4 foraging by the 14th of spring fishing is really good this early on it can provide just as much if not more money than farming for the best fish for selling you'll want to fish in the ocean if it's raining fish in the river so the progression of fishing goes pretty much as fast as you want it to it's possible to knock out everything in the first week easily so let's just go ahead and go over all of it first there's certain fish that you're going to want to catch for the bundles for the river fishing bundle sunfish appear 6 a.m to 7 p.m in sunny weather catfish appears 6 a.m to midnight in the rain and shads appear 9 a.m to 2 a.m in the rain as well for the lake fishing bundle use the mountain lake for this because it has access to more fish than the forest lake largemouth bass appear 6 am to 7 pm carp can be caught anytime and so can bull heads for the ocean fish bundle sardines appears 6 a.m to 7 p.m and that's it for now for the night fishing bundle breem is found in the river 6 pm to 2 a.m and eels are found in the ocean 4 p.m to 2 a.m in the rain and although this technically counts as foraging if you find oysters clams mussels or cockles on the beach they can be used for the crab pot bundle otherwise go nuts you'll unlock the second fishing rod at level 2 which allows you to use bait to get fish to bite faster and then the next rod on level 6 which allows you to use bobbers that have all kinds of different effects if you're short on money a solid day of fishing can easily net you 4 000 to 5 000 gold next we have mining this one's important because it ties into all of your other skills in the form of upgrading your tools honestly you can just work at it at your own pace some people really hate the minds and others love it one thing that will make your time better used though is to only go on good luck days as the minds are heavily affected by it most notably it'll affect your chance of finding the stairs and how many ore nodes you find while playing i like to be around floor 15 to 20 at the end of the first week if you grab all the ore you find you'll be able to find plenty to make a furnace or two you won't need any of your tools upgraded this early unless you really want to if you find amethyst you can donate it and it's also a loved item of abigail clint emily and the dwarf topaz is a loved item of clint emily and the dwarf earth crystals are mostly used for crafting but are also liked by everyone except linus and pierre you can donate everything that's donatable right as you get them don't be afraid to donate the ancient seed if you find it either as you need to if you want to be able to plant it eventually that won't be for a while though there's a few things that are unlocked in the museum that you'll need to donate a hefty amount for so keep up on it also you see that weird looking rock to the right side of the mines entrance load up with the cherry bomb to get to the dwarf though you need to donate all four dwarf scrolls to understand them you can still give them gifts though [Music] there's only one event that happens this first week and it's lewis's birthday on the 7th you won't have any loved items for him unless you happen to get the autumn's bounty glazed hams or vegetable medley for sale in the saloon otherwise any gold quality crop gives a good gift parsnips preferably since they're cheap your first priority for purchases should absolutely be the backpack doubling your inventory space as a godsend we can also start saving up for our tool upgrades a silo and the coupe i want to spend a moment here before we go on to week two talking about the relationships with the townspeople now you may be like me you wanted to get money progress your farm gift giving be darned but let me tell you what it's good to get an early start on it keep an eye on birthdays they can give you three hearts at once if you give a good enough item you'll get recipes and gifts in the mail at certain friendship thresholds and if you want the completion ending you'll need all of those relationships maxed don't hold off now week two things are going to start picking up here there will be a lot more to juggle so let's try to keep up farming stays relatively simple grab any combinations of crops you fancy cauliflower for less crop more money potatoes or green beans for a good constant payout you might have even found rice shoots at this point in the mines if you plant them normally they'll take 8 days to grow and aren't worth much at all if you plant them within 3 tiles of a natural water source yes this includes the ocean for some reason they'll be irrigated which will allow them to grow in six days plus they don't need to be watered no reason not to plant them if you have them i'd just save them once you harvest them as they're more useful later on the 13th is the egg festival which sells strawberry seeds these are the best money crop in spring i'd save a good amount of money just to stock up on seeds which cost 100 each 15 to 20 is a nice number that i usually go for they produce all season so you could save them until next spring to get some more bang for your buck but honestly the money is more needed this early on there also loved items for both maru and demetrius at this point you might have gotten enough wood for the bridge on the beach this costs 300 wood but it's well worth it as it gives you access to forgeable items that are easy money coral and sea urchins plus you'll need to see your chin for a bundle if you choose to upgrade your axe you'll be able to chop the large stumps which provide hardwood for buildings and it's the best source of forging xp you'll find there's also a new mahogany seed in version 1.5 which if planted can grow a tree that will provide more tart wood nothing too crazy but it's nice also hardwood is a loved item of robin fishing is the same as always you'll probably get a few more rainy days so use those to your advantage when getting deeper into the mines around 430 or so the pickaxe will be a priority to upgrade once you get to floor 40 rocks will take more swings to break and having the copper pickaxe can lessen the impact of that a bit on floor 20 you'll notice there's a pond this is where you can fish for a ghost fish for the special fishing bundle there's no rush though since it's available all year there's also stone fish which sell for a ton of money but rarely bite we've got three events this week first is vincent's birthday on the 10th if you've gone crazy with fishing and already have a crab pot you might already have a snail if you've put it in fresh water he loves that for some reason we're to the wise though if you don't have a snail kids don't like vegetables do not give this child a gold star green bean he likes daffodils which should be super easy to find next we have the egg festival i already went over the strawberry seeds everything else for sale is purely decorational winning the egg hunt only gets you a hat so don't stress too much about it with version 1.4 people do actually gain the small friendship boost that they get when you talk to them during these holidays and lastly we have hailey's birthday you might get lucky and get a coconut from the traveling merchant but in my opinion it's not really worth the price she also hates vegetables but likes daffodils week 3 so this is the point where you're going to start worrying about your bundles if you don't have a parsnip green bean potato or cauliflower plant one now for the bundle especially the cauliflower since it'll take an entire 12 days to grow plant some more parsnips if you don't have the five gold quality ones either otherwise i just tend to stick with my strawberries also if you've hit level 2 farming you'll have sprinklers don't bother at level 6 you'll get quality sprinklers and those are what you want to use sprinklers are too resource intensive this early in my experience the time has come the 15th through the 18th is salmonberry season salmon berries will grow on bushes all throughout the valley these don't provide any foraging experience or sell for a lot but they'll give you a surprising amount of energy when eaten on top of that if you're at least level four foraging you'll get two per bush if harvested diligently these can tide you over as your sole energy source until partway into summer and if you're an absolute madman and say i reached level 5 foraging and happen to grab a survival burger from a trash can or the saloon you can temporarily get up to level 8 foraging which gives you three berries a bush and that's just ridiculous if you haven't gathered your four main forgeables for the spring forging bundle i'd look at wrapping that up this week as well [Music] you've probably unlocked crab plots at this point if you've done a good amount of fishing it's worth crafting at least once so you're able to get one of the non-beached items for the crab pot bundle just slap it in the ocean and put bait in the next day something will be in it probably trash if you reach floor 40 in the mines i again recommend the copper pickaxe you'll have access to iron ore just save these for sprinklers and for your second tool upgrades you should get more than enough by just working through the icy floors you'll also be able to find aquamarine loved by clint emily and the dwarf frozen tears loved by sebastian and jades loved by oh oh i spelled his name wrong on my notes emily and the dwarf there's two more birthdays this week pam's on the 18th this one's easy she loves parsnips give her a gold one and it's a free three hearts next is shane's birthday on the 20th he's a little tougher you'll have to dole out some money for a beer from the saloon if you want to give him a loved item if you don't want to fork over money any veggie will do as a liked item one more thing it's likely that during this week you'll be approached by demetrius asking to turn the cave into your farm into either a mushroom cave or fruit bat cave this activates once you've made 25 000 golds total you can choose either you want one isn't better enough than the other to go absolutely always for one of them i will say though if you love going into the mines or you have a forest farm you should probably choose the fruit bats since you'll be grabbing enough mushrooms anyway if you plan on buying fruit trees i'd go with the mushroom cave both provide items that are required for bundles but are also fairly rare now we're going to move on to week four the last week of spring at this point your time should be dedicating to finishing up the spring exclusive bundle items and getting ready for summer this includes saving up money to buy summer seeds you should still have your strawberry plants but if you feel like you'll need more gold feel free to plant some potatoes or parsnips i like to get a small stock of the loved crops as well since we won't be able to get them for a while just make sure they'll grow before the end of spring if you're planning on buying any fruit treats for fall now's the time to do it since they take a whole season to grow might i recommend the apple tree since you'll need 4 apples for bundles in total now's a good time to start tapping some trees as well you should have enough disposable copper at this point plus if you want to make full use of the bee houses which are obtained at farming level 3 they thrive in the summer you'll need a maple tree for maple syrup the other two tree products aren't that important yet you'll need them eventually though so it doesn't hurt by the end of spring ideally you'll be around 450 plus in the mines since you'll want to start working on steel tool upgrades soon the last few days of any season provide a great window for you to upgrade the watering can since your crops will be dying out anyway you don't really need to upgrade the hoe or trash can if you don't feel like it i'd recommend upgrading the axe though especially if you have a beach farm the sooner you can destroy the fallen logs the better i also like to finish off the season with getting a coop plus a chicken of each brown and white a blue one if you're nasty and now for our events of the fourth week there are once again three events the first is the flower dance on the 24th this one's an interesting one for the main event if you have four hearts with any of the bachelors or bachelorettes they will give you the option to dance with them if you choose to dance with them they will immediately gain an entire heart of friendship so this can be a fast path to getting max friendship with someone again you can talk to everyone if you want to raise their friendship a little bit and then at the shop there's two items that you'll want to buy the rare crow and the tub of flowers recipe both for the completion ending they're both pretty expensive so i wouldn't blame you if you hold off until year two next up we have pierre's birthday on the 26th he only has one unique loved item which is fried calamari it can show up in the saloon so if you find it go for it otherwise any gold quality crop will do and then directly after that on the 27th we have emily's birthday she's one of the easier people to find loved items for she loves almost every single gem she loves amethyst aquamarine emerald jade ruby and topaz if you have any of those give it to her for easy hearts i tend to save my gems just for her now let's go over all the bundles that you need to finish in spring if you want year one communities that are completion and then all the ones that can be done but are still available in other seasons for the crafts rooms you'll need for the spring foraging bundle all four of the wild horseradish daffodil leek and dandelion which will reward you with 30 spring seeds which sell for a pretty penny you can complete this construction bundle with 99 wood twice 99 stone and 10 hardwood but all this can be done at any time i tend to wait because 99 stone is a lot this early on this will reward you with one charcoal kiln and for the exotic forging bundle this is the first example that doesn't require all the options but you can only get a morale in spring unless you have the mushroom cave it's possible to have the cave carrot red mushroom purple mushroom maple syrup oak resin and pine tar by now you'll get five atoms bounties from the list in the pantry for the spring crop bundles you need one of each parsnip green bean cauliflower and potato then for the quality crops bundle you'll want five quality parsnips although there's four options here with only three of them needed parsnips are the cheapest of all of them so i definitely recommend doing them you could have progress in the animal bundle with eggs but it's pretty tight i tend to knock a lot of this out in the summer for the arson bundle you could have jelly from putting fruit in a preserves jar and any number of fruits if you've gotten lucky with the fruit cave you receive a keg if you manage to complete this which is super nice this early if you're going to complete any room in year one make it the pantry it makes your winter a lot more productive now for the fish tank there is not a single fish on this list that is only available in spring some of them are only in spring and one other season but they can all be gotten later if you miss them so don't worry for the river fish bundle you can get sunfish catfish and shad for the lakefish bundle you can get the largemouth bass carp and bullhead for the oceanfish bundle you can get a sardine for the night fishing bundle you can get a bream and eel it's possible to get everything in the crab pot bundle through both beach foraging and placing crab pots in both salt and fresh water this will reward you with three crab pots yay and in the specialty fish bundle you can get a ghost fish plus the sand fish and wood skip if you really rush for them but i tend to get them in summer in the boiler room for the blacksmith bundle you can get the copper and iron bar easily the gold bar too with a bit more grinding you'll get a furnace for completing this for the geologist bundle you can get quartz earth crystal and frozen tear easily with the fire quartz with grinding as well you'll get five omni geodes for this one for the adventurers bundle you can get the 99 slime 10 bat wings solar essence and void essence however just the batwings dropped from bats and solar essence dropped from ghosts would be the easiest and now the bulletin board this one's a killer for the chef's bundle you can get the maple syrup from tapping a maple tree for the dye bundle you can get a red mushroom and aquamarine from the mines and a sea urchin from the beach for the field research bundle you can get a purple mushroom and frozen geode in the mines and a chub by fishing in the mountains whenever you want for the fall blunder for the fodder bundle you can get 10 hay if you cut grass after getting a silo or you could buy it from marnie for the enchanters bundle you can get oak resin from a tapped oak tree and a pomegranate if you get lucky from the fruit bat cave then we have the vault honestly i wouldn't mess with this until you need to get to the desert which probably wouldn't be until the end of summer or early fall right now you'd just be throwing money away instead of using that money to earn more money [Music] and i'll go ahead and throw in some what i'll call stretch goals these are all obtainable in spring with some work and there's something cool to work towards if you have more free time than you know what to do with of course you could reach the bottom of the mines if you care to being able to finish the boiler room bundles and unlock the mine cart shortcuts will really help you out as well as having early access to more expensive gems that show up later in the mines if you love fishing you could go for the legend which is one of the five legendary fish and it's only available in spring to catch it you'll need level 10 fishing to even hook it this can be cheated a bit with a few cooked dishes such as the dish of the sea that adds three levels to fishing i highly recommend the iridium rod as well which costs 7 500 gold so it's not cheap it's nearly impossible to catch without a ton of practice so good luck if you manage to catch it it's not needed for any bundles but it'll sell for a lot of money personally though i like to keep my legendary fish and display them and lastly it's very likely that you've hit level 5 and a few of your skills and you've been given a choice of one of the two paths to go down in almost all of these you can choose to your heart's desire i find it more interesting to choose what you would personally like more so than to min max it with whichever one's air quotes better however for fishing it is notable that the crab pots are not super cool fun so maybe on that i would recommend going the angler path but for the rest choose to your heart's content and that will just about do it your first spring is the most important season of the year easily kickstarting this well can make the rest of your seasons not only more fun but more productive as well it's also easy to get blindsided by some of the bundles so hopefully this has helped you out i will be covering the other seasons of year one and year two once i reach them in my playthrough that i'm doing alongside this so watch that if you're interested i don't even follow this guide to a tee it can be a good example of how i spend my time if you want a more in-depth guide through the season if you think that i've missed something or have discovered something in your own playthrough that you think is super helpful for the first spring please let me know in the comments with all that done with though thank you for watching and i'll see you in summer [Music] you
Channel: Salmence
Views: 221,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Let's, Play, salmence100, nintendo, Stardew Valley Spring guide, guide to spring, stardew spring, stardew spring guide, first spring guide stardew, stardew valley, stardew valley 1.5, stardew 1.5 guide, complete guide for your first spring, spring bundles guide, spring bundles stardew guide, spring stardew 1.5, stardew 1.5 changes, stardew 1.4 changes, stardew fishing guide, stardew foraging guide, stardew farming guide, stardew mining guide, stardew friendship guide
Id: stbDkRzMKSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 50sec (1370 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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