FINALLY starting a new Stardew Valley Let's Play

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today is a very exciting and longly anticipated  day i'm finally going to be starting a stardew   valley let's play and guess what i'm actually  gonna play it and complete it on the channel i'm   very excited to start this new journey with you  guys study valley is one of my favorite games ever   the first time i ever played it was on the switch  and i just loved it so much after i got done   playing it the first time that i bought it again  for the pc just so i could mod it and play on pc2   like i just adore this game we're gonna start  from scratch here baby let's go ahead and build   a farm and make our character and then i'll also  tell you a little bit about my plan today as well   as you can probably tell my game is indeed modded  i have made a couple mod videos in the past if   you would like to check those out but i do also  have a full mods list on a website that's linked   in the description one thing i will say about  mods though is that i am not going to be using   any gameplay mods with a little asterisk at the  end of that there are a couple that i think are   beneficial to having um for the sake of a video  series uh for example gift taste helper is really   nice to have especially to like visually show you  guys what gifts each person in sturdy valley likes   so much easier than going back and forth from  the wiki i already have like a pretty good   memory of what everybody likes but you know it's  always good to be able to check right anyways that   was a tangent but there's a couple gameplay mods  like that in here but for this let's play um a lot   of these mods are just purely aesthetic alrighty  so i guess we gotta start a new save let's do it   name is always lizzy every time that's me now it  is time to make the big decision which farm are   we going to try today so far in my life i have  done standard farm and i have done the hilltop   farm i actually haven't really done anything else  however today i would be so stoked to do a beach   farm beach farm was added with the 1.5 update  and it's beautiful and i just i'm so jealous of   everybody that's playing on one so i have to do it  good foraging and fishing and tons of open space   sometimes supply creates wash up on shore which is  very interesting however sprinklers don't work in   the sandy soil so that brings like its own set of  challenges right i think beach farm is the way to   go now what do we call our beach farm typically  in the past i have been one to name my farm's um   farmy farm maybe even be so daring us to do farm  farm i think that we gotta go beachy farm heyo   favorite thing um one time i put that my favorite  thing was cats and how favorite thing pops up   later in the game is um it says that something  specifically tastes like your favorite thing and   so and so when that popped up that my favorite  thing was cats and something that i ate tasted   like cats i just kind of thought like whoa we  gotta back it up my favorite thing is something   that i am craving right now in the moment and  it is in and out burger i'm not really gonna   change anything aesthetically right now i do have  some mods that i could tap into later if we have   time the next big thing that we have to talk about  is in the advanced game options the guarantee year   one completable box right here i believe it was  added with the 1.5 update and all it essentially   does is guarantee that red cabbage seeds would pop  up in the traveling cart at some point during year   one since that is a pretty popular challenge and  something that i really like to challenge myself   to do we are going to guarantee that the year one  is going to be completable and i think we should   just try to see if we could complete the community  center bundle in year one i love that challenge   i did it once before and i missed it by a week  it was very sad community center bundles though   we could do the normal ones however remixed sounds  fun it's the remix yeah no it'll be really fun to   have all of the items be different than normal  and it'll bring its own set of challenges   hopefully by the end of today's video i will  be able to show you what the remix community   center bundles look like i'm very very excited  very excited alrighty let's go ahead and hop   into our stardu valley let's play you okay we are  on our way to stardew valley so exciting can't   wait to start my life i would love to do this  irl maybe that's why i like this game so much   is because i want to drop everything and go be a  little farmer oh my gosh i forgot i also have a   little anime portrait mod so everybody is going to  be yassified hello you must be lissy i'm robin the   local carpenter mayor lewis sent me here to fetch  you and show you the way to your new home he's uh   right over there let's go wow it's already so  pretty this is beachy farm what's the matter   sure it's a bit overgrown but there's some good  soil underneath that mess with a little dedication   you'll have it cleaned up in no time and here we  are your new home oh my god mayor lewis was in my   house i'm the new farmer yo what's up it's the  new farmer hello i'm louis mayor of pelicantown   you know everyone's been asking about you know  i'm already very popular it's not every day that   someone new moves in it's quite a big deal i  just want to farm thank you guys so much for   talking to me but you have to go now anyway you  must be tired from the long journey get some rest   all right cool wow i'm so excited day one parsnip  seeds nice little gift receive 15 parsnip seeds   here's a little something to get you started mayor  lewis what a nice guy um and then we also have   two quests in our journal that are to cultivate  and harvest a parsnip and meet all 28 people in   town we'll see how long that takes us check the  tv weather report um it's gonna be a beautiful   sunny day tomorrow which is great and nothing  else really is of importance at the moment it's   so beautiful i just love it first things first  though i am gonna change some of my settings so   that we can have a little bit more of a zoomed  out view which is how i typically like to play   so give me one moment while i do that okay this  is much better to me personally i like to have a   big grand scope of everything that's going on okay  i can't start cleaning up right now because i have   to go explore i want to go see what everything  is on this farm what does it have to offer me   so this looks like it's a pathway leading us  up to yes okay this is the pathway leading us   that way and then i see that we have our little  cave here as well right now i don't think it has   anything in it look at this over here this is a  green house we have so many forageables already   oh and then this is grandpa's grave lissy wait  for my return on the dawn of your third year   i will be patiently waiting grandpa thanks so  much for the farm rip beautiful i love i love   all this beautiful coastline and everything that's  gorgeous and then i am noticing that it is indeed   a lot of sand which as we remember we can't really  use sprinklers on the sand but that's all right we   do have this sort of smaller plot that obviously  we're going to want to use sprinklers on in here   and then i think there's another one if i am not  mistaken oh there's like this little thing um   wow this is gonna be a toughy there's just so  much to see and so much to explore we have a   dock right here and then of course even more  coastline and shoreline don't really want to cut   my grass i just wanted to get that weed over here  i think this is where things will wash up as in   those what was what were they called the shipping  crates or something the crates lost at sea i will   definitely be snatching those up let me go ahead  and sell this cockle and this oyster i might   as well also set out a little bit of a plot for  guess what parsnips baby gotta get these puppies   planted so we can mix them many and water them  one at a time wow i forgot how um difficult it   was to start a new farm it's you know it sucks  because we don't have like our full energy meter   that we unlock later in the game our tool upgrades  we're really going back to basics here aren't we i   think since it's 11 20 we gotta go start meeting  people and of course we're gonna have to go and   get every and any foragible that we see so that we  can sell it for some mini and since i'm starting   out with 500 gold i might as well buy a couple  more crops just to get us started i wonder what   our huge money maker is going to be here because i  have a feeling fishing is going to be a lot easier   especially since we have like the ocean right  there at our disposal so fishing could probably   be a good moneymaker um the mines obviously you  know farming definitely but it's just it's gonna   be a little bit more difficult to like want to  farm when i have to water all of my crops so   we will see what happens we could also use animals  as our big money maker you know um let's meet   marnie uh mayor lewis told me you just arrived by  marnie oh my god she looks so young that portrait   looks very very young um let's meet harvey up  just so you guys know harvey's my number one guy   like typically i am looking respectfully and then  we've got leah looking cute hello it's nice to   meet you hey you're the new girl huh i think we're  going to get along great i'm alex oh my god look   how cute our portrait is i love that hello welcome  to our little community deer you can call me   granny if you like and then george it's irritating  to have to meet all these new people huh   name's george by the way now me when i'm old now  caroline hello you must be lissy uh the new farmer   i'm caroline abigail oh she looks cute oh that's  right i heard someone who's moving onto that old   farm and give pierre a good old hello you're  looking for seats my shop is the place to go   i'll go ahead and sell him a couple things  now i'm wondering what the best thing to buy   right now is um typically i would just go for  cauliflower right away but i might just start   getting um other things because i also don't have  like fertilizer in case in the bundles it asks for   you know the higher quality crops that's something  that we really need to look out for um but for now   i think what i'll do is i'll buy a couple kale and  a couple jazz oh i wanted to buy a lot more but my   inventory's full that's embarrassing damn  i forgot that your backpack is so small   all right well let me just buy a couple more of  each of these and um call it a day we'll come back   tomorrow wow that's really unfortunate i didn't  even think about how small my backpack is can't   wait to visit the community center too so that we  can find out what our bundles are but we do have   to wait until spring fifth and it is the first  right now aren't you the one who just moved in i'm   maro been looking forward to meeting you greetings  i'm demetrius local scientist and father thanks   for introducing yourself um very sad sebastian's  in his room but we are not friends because i don't   even know him so we will not be meeting sebastian  right now someone that we can meet though is linus   i'm on my way i'm just i'm going real slow oh  this is also i forgot this is blocked off until   the fifth as well i think the same day what a  bummer i'll have to come back oh penny hello   i'm penny she looks so cute in her portrait like i  said earlier harvey's typically my number one guy   but oh inventory full damn it he's typically my  number one guy and haley is my number one girl cool just met that guy elliot's portrait i   anyways i don't know who i would want to marry  especially with all of these really nice portraits   you know it makes everybody have like a little bit  of a refreshed look they look so different who do   you guys think i should marry who's your fave  oh gone fishing oh i forgot that he's not here   who else do we got oh perfect love the vincent  portrait that's adorable jody haley's in here   wow how perfect everybody's just out and about  and around nice look we got four newbies ham gus   emily and last but not least we also have shane  oh i like shane's portrait oh it went away   talk to me like i would never ever want to marry  shane or like alex or anything but now that we   have these really nice portraits i mean i'm open  for anything so if you have any ideas let me know   the last couple people we need to meet are  clint the wizard sebastian jess and willy uh   we could probably knock out the wizard right now  as long as there's no like weird unlockable thing   that i don't know about it is very dark oh it's  locked you can hear someone inside though okay   so he doesn't want to be my friend and that's  fine someday though um he will have to be my   friend whether he likes it or not it's already  9 10 p.m and i really haven't done much i   should have probably made a chest on day one but  you know sometimes you live you laugh you love   and you lose and today i really um lost out on  that opportunity i'll go ahead and plant these   kale we also have those jazz scenes looking nice  everything needs a good watering god i really   can't see a damn thing this is crazy tomorrow  morning first thing in the am i gotta make that   chest so we gotta chop some wood baby but let's go  to bed what a good first day did we make any money not bad not bad at all 140 day two are we  ready the beginning of the game is always so   hard just cause like you don't have anything  it's gonna rain all day tomorrow it's um it's   definitely a very fun challenge we got a letter  pierre sent me some unsolicited advertising   just got back from a fishing trip um willie  wants to give me something that's great we   will have to make our way over to see willy  today love watering one tile at a time it's fun   it's very fun for me it takes a very long time  to chop a tree huh 57 wood i believe that is   perfect we have josten off i'll be putting  my chest right here by my mailbox for now   and storing all sorts of fun things in there i'll  probably store my watering can while i'm just   walking around but all my other tools are probably  pretty necessary fun things that i can do i can   donate this trilobite to the museum today gotta  talk to silly willy and get me a fishing rod and   meet the remaining people that i still have not  had the pleasure of meeting somebody that i should   probably hit real quick actually is sebastian  that little stinker he's always hiding in his room   let's try to catch him while he is not in his room  okay i'm in his house but he's not here i totally   forgot where he goes is it worth looking up um if  he's not like right out here i'm just gonna leave   like i don't have time for this yeah no rip i  could just look it up but i really don't know   i don't know where everybody goes that's fine  though you know you can't know everything in   this silly little game and i'll eventually i will  come across sebastian at some point in my life so   sad i like ran all the way over there wasted two  hours running all the way over there somebody   that we have yet to meet is clint i am clint oh  i love that portrait whoa that looks really good   so we just met clint that's good now i'm gonna  donate this little thing to the museum schmuseum   what is happening abysmal i walk in the room  gunther says abysmal not a single piece in   the entire collection i've got a favor to  ask you would you consider donating any new   artifacts or minerals that you find i am on it  my friend don't even worry about me i will put   this thing here i don't know whoa i got some  free money i love it i love a good cut scene   this is so good ahoy there miss her there was  a newcomer in town good to finally meet you i'm   still trying to unwind from a month out on the  salty seas it was a big haul i sold a lot of   good fish finally saved some to enough to buy me a  new rod here i want you to have my old fishing rod   it's important to me that the art of fishing stays  alive and hey maybe you'll buy something from the   shop once in a while now we can fish until we just  can't fish no more also buy anything you catch if   it smells itself true that true rewards have never  been said you know fishing's not my strongest suit   but i'm not terrible at it so let's see how this  goes we gotta hit oh my little bar is so small   cool okay i'm kind of bored of fishing already  let's get the heck out of dodge i don't want to be   here no more a nice little dig spot on the beach  oh no my inventory is full i can't take the clay   dang it making my way back to the farm  walking fast faces pass and i'm farm bound   all right i sold everything in my inventory in the  shipping container so that many will come tomorrow   and um my original plan was to like buy more seeds  but you know maybe not today clean up a little bit   more of our farm as well that is a worthwhile  venture for sure the only people that we have   left to meet are jazz and sebastian and the  wizard i think that doesn't have to invite   you over i actually do not remember it's  been quite a long time since i've done this   but at some point it'll probably come  up for now this farm is looking clean   this was a mid mildly successful day but we did  accomplish seeing willie and meeting clint and   donating something to the museum and tomorrow it's  going to be raining which is grand and we leveled   up our foraging excellent plus one axe proficiency  trees sometimes drop seeds new crafting west west   crafting recipe wild seeds new crafting recipe  field snack and we even made some money that   is a lot of money we should probably  just start planting some cauliflower   amongst maybe some other things hey that crow  was eating my seeds can i craft a scarecrow yet   this is ridiculous what am i supposed to do i'm  supposed to just let that guy take advantage of   me hey buddy hey bal what are you doing i  did get a shipping container though how fun   give it to me geodes oh nice excellent this is all  going according to plan i heard that the shipping   containers will also have a pretty good chance  of dropping retaining soil the retaining soil it   can give your crops a chance to be watered  an extra day it's going to be very helpful   especially for planting crops on the beach  farm in the sand since sprinklers are not   gonna work on the sand um which is just tragic  love i don't know what i'm gonna do about that   all righty i'm gearing up to head on over  to pierre's i assume i should just sell that closed on wednesdays no comment  that is so ugh i hate that   oh i also forgot about this i literally forgot  jojo mart like even existed that's so hilarious   should i get a membership jk oh my god morris  how you doing i've never done a jojo save that   is in my stars in the future i think once  we're kind of like winding this one down   this let's play series i would love to do a  jojo save my red pilled jojid playthrough era   oh nice look at that little dwarf helmet well  now we have two things that we can donate today   which is excellent hopefully we'll make some  money doing fishing as well i am kind of like   super rich right now that's just because i can't  buy seeds at the moment i also really really need   to be able to craft some fertilizer that's gonna  super help us for when we have to turn in those   quality crops but at the moment um we're just  gonna have to work with what we got oh i got   an oyster oh okay we got a fish we got a biter  oh this one's a little feisty as he sits in one   place got some broken glasses maybe this is not  the ideal fishing spot you ever think about that   yeah it doesn't seem like it i'm gonna keep the  jojo cola because i can give that to sam sama   loves him a good sodie pop me personally i don't  know if i would be a fan of joja cola but you know   what i am a fan of is code red mountain dew that  is the best soda the best soda regular mountain   dew is also up there but code red mountain  dew there's just something special about her   i wonder if i'll be able to meet jess um it's  kind of a lottery at this point yo she's inside   okay we just have sebastian and we have the wizard  should i literally just camp out in front of   sebastian's house or is it not that big of a deal  i also am dying to know what sebastian's portrait   looks like with this anime mod i'm not like 100  focused on being efficient at this very moment i'm   thinking about things that i should be doing and  like prepping in order to complete the community   center year one but um i think when it's you know  before day five it's a little bit hard to tell   exactly what i'm gonna need to get done oh my  god why is this the hardest fish i ever caught   jesus yet another successful day kind of we  did some stuff and some things and now it is   day four tomorrow should be the day that we unlock  the community center bundles right i think so i   hope so so let's just kind of blaze through today  and see what we can accomplish again until we know   what the expectations are or the community  center bundle it's kind of hard to tell   on these first couple days and it's water in  time baby something that's really nice is there   really is like water sources everywhere so you  know filling up your watering can isn't that   much of a task all right no shipping container  today not really any forageables at the moment   would love to get some more plants cropped props  planted today i will be buying some potato seeds   let's go ahead and um we'll start with ten next  up i could probably get like a nice little row   of beans going tulip is something that i have not  planted yet either grab a couple of those and then   cauliflower i also am planting things so randomly  i can't believe it's already 1 p.m cheese day is   going by fast but that is good because i actually  i'm so excited to get to tomorrow where we can   unlock even more further things in stardew valley  it's going to be very exciting use the rest of   this energy to just chop some trees i guess but if  i happen to stumble across sam i will definitely   give him this jojo cola and i could also maybe try  again to try to find sebastian we'll see maybe he   leaves his room in the evening i really honestly  don't know his schedule that well and that's just   because um i have never really romanced sebastian  i i've definitely gotten into 10 hearts with him   before but i don't like know him that well so i'm  not super familiar with when he leaves his room   should i just sit here we got to get this hermit  to come out of his room so i'm going to post up   i'm gonna sit here and wait definitely not creepy  at all okay whoo it is 6 20 p.m you think he's   gonna come out this is so embarrassing oh here we  go here we go come on out buddy come say hi this   is so weird imagine this happening in real life  hello he looks like real buff i'm running away in   embarrassment now yeah that's so freaking weird  everybody yes wait did i really complete that   journal entry i did okay so i guess the wizard  doesn't count as somebody that you haven't met   before which is grand wish i would have gotten  a nice reward from that though but how to win   friends give someone a gift can i try to bombard  sam right now and give him this joja cola because   that is who i want to give the jojo cola chew  so stressful oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my   god please let me in your house please let me in  your house yes oh thank you wait no don't drink it   no got him thanks i really like this how to win  friends complete 100 free dollars i'm just excited   i'm just literally gonna go to bed because i am so  excited anticipating so many things tomorrow what   do we got the thing i'm the most excited about  is to see what's up with these community center   bundles i think that big rock obscuring the minds  might go away okay i'm feeling sluggish oh my god   i'm exhausted i forgot that i was so tired jesus  that's okay at least it's only 8 30 p.m but i'll   just take it slow i guess at least didn't pass out  oh my god i forgot about that and it is friday so   the traveling cart is gonna be in town do not  let me forget to do the traveling cart and now   we are in day five oh my god no way  hello lizzy you see this cat here   well i found it sitting outside the entrance to  your farm i think it's a stray poor little thing   oh my goodness it looks just like punchy hey um  do you think that this farm could use a good cat   absolutely i will adopt this cat oh miso is  a cute name i could just name him punchy but   i could also name him after my real-life cat  tiny who i love and adore with all of my heart   i don't like to choose between the two but  i'm gonna go with tiny i name i swear i name   all the cats tiny just because i love my  cat best day ever wow the spring day five   seriously nothing could get better oh this is  interesting to our valued jojo mart customers   our team members have removed the landslide caused  by our drilling operation near the mountain lake   i'd like to remind you that our drilling operation  is entirely lethal responsible stewardship of the   local environment is our top priority we apologize  for any inconvenience this accident may have   caused as always we value your continued support  and patronage i also just harvested my first   nip my first nip of the parse reached farming  level one and craft a scarecrow build a coup and   we got 100 gold for doing those parsnips that's  great but i'm going to go ahead and head over   to this side of town hopefully it'll trigger the  event so that we can unlock the community center   i guess this is so excited i just want to see oh  my god i just got to see what's in these first   bundles this is the pelican towns community center  or what's left of it anyways these days the young   folk would rather sit in front of the tv than  engage with the community what does this boomer   mentality chill out lewis jojo corporation has  been hounding me to sell them the land so we can   turn it into a warehouse pelican town could  use the money but there's something stopping   me from selling it if anyone else buys a jojo co  membership i'm just going to go ahead and sell it   i want to do a jojo safe so bad but this is  not the save it is not here let's go inside i   just gotta know i just gotta know what happens in  the jojo save i have never played one before this   place is even more dilapidated than i remember a  big word oh look at that what so cute that little   junimo i have the junimos to totoro's mod oh my  god they're so cute what's the matter are you ill   um you saw something hmm i wouldn't be surprised  if this place was full of rats it's me i'm the rat   hey i'll keep this place unlocked from now on  maybe you can help catch that rat if you have   some extra time i'll have to come back and explore  this building further now i'm pretty sure that the   bundles aren't going to be available for me to see  because if i remember yeah okay you don't have all   of them unlocked at one time and i also think that  there's a little bit of paranormal activity going   on in the moment with this stuff oh my god okay no  it's all coming together now what's gonna happen   so we see this like thing this plaque and now the  wizard wants to be homies without everything just   came together in my mind now i remember how this  game is played okay so now we just we wait there's   more events that need to transpire before we can  see these community bundles damn it i was really   really excited to see them today but that's okay  we have plenty of time okay cool big rock is gone   entrance to the mines let's enter it oh my god  that marlin portrait is so cool he looks like   um the the davey jones or whatever from pirates i  was just peering down into the old mine shaft it's   been abandoned for decades no hi hello how are  you still there's probably good ore down there   but a dark place undisturbed for so long i'm  afraid ore isn't the only thing you'll find   here take this you might  need it cool we got a sword   all right here we go name's marlon by the  way i run the adventurers guild right outside   i'll keep my eye on you prove yourself and  i might think about making you a member   reach level five in the mines that's the  requirement well let me eat this horseradish that literally did nothing are you kidding i  guess i'll just go down for a second oh we found   a way down already that's nice oh and another  way down already fighting my first slimeroo   nerve wracking oh my god i'm exhausted no let  me kill these other slimes whoa and there's a   rock over there whoa girl whoa my inventory as  well that's a mess this is a mess you guys oh   a cave carrot you know what don't mind if i do  i will indeed be eating this cave carrot look   at that plus 30 energy let's freaking go dude  spamming the murder button oh my god that took   forever might as well get this copper oh my god it  takes so much energy and my inventory is full ah   please i just want to get down to level five  because then i could be in the adventurer's   guild and then i could have some friends  nobody really wants to be my friend yet   okay i have six energy left a way down has  appeared four energy left oh big bummer   though i've got two energy left and i have to  break open rocks in order to get to that side   is this where we give up folks because if i  use that two energy then i'm gonna be sluggish   i think this is it i think we take the l we gotta  get out of here so close though unfortunately i'm   not cut out to be an adventurer because i suck and  everyone hates me i also oh my god it's 6 20 p.m   i have got to run to the traveling car i have no  idea when she closes oh my god if i really forgot   already typical oh my god no please don't close  on me i don't deserve this why is my farm so big   i'm like i love this game it's like so much fun  it's like super relaxing and cozy you know i'm   sitting here like stressing crying okay we're  here at the traveling cart coconut grape starter   horseradish we've got egg you know there is a  decently cool selection i however don't care   gonna go home the only thing i was thinking  was like maybe i would buy the coconut just   in case like that's in a bundle and it might  take a while to get to the desert but i mean   you know sometimes you gotta live on the edge  i don't know like as much as it's fun to play   efficiently i also am not gonna beat myself up  if i'm not like a hundred percent efficiency i   know that's irritating to some people with their  different play styles but i also just like to   have fun like you could be efficient and you can  still have fun level one farming plus one watering   can proficiency plus one hoe proficiency  um new crafting recipe scarecrow and basic   fertilizer well good morning everybody it is six  a.m weather report it's gonna rain tomorrow that's   excellent that way i don't have to do a lot of  work clint is here uh hi there good morning i   noticed that you've been breaking some rocks  open finding ore that's good if you want to   get the most out of the oars you find you'll need  a furnace oh give it to me just so happens i had   an extra set of blueprints lying around here if  you want to have them my sources tell me you've   been poking around inside the old community center  why don't you pay me a visit my chambers are west   of the lake i have information concerning  your rat problem i'm like oh you mean me   yes i'm the new farmer in town the rat i am also  a problem ah come in how cute is this portrait   i am resmodeus seeker of the arcane truths mediary  between physical and ethereal master of the seven   seven elementals keeper of the ye get the point  i do get the point and you lissy the one who's a   rival i have long foreseen here i'd like to show  you something oh my goodness it's a little junimo   you've seen one before haven't you is to die for  no they call themselves the junimos mysterious   spirits these ones for some reason they refuse to  speak with me you found a golden scroll written in   an unknown language most interesting stay here  i'm gonna see for myself i'll return shortly that makes me laugh so hard that's so cute the  language is obscure but i was able to decipher   it we the junomo are happy to age you in return  we ask for gifts of the valley if you are one with   the forest then you will see the true nature  of this scroll my cauldron is bubbling with   ingredients from the forest baby fern moss grub  caramel top toadstool can you smell it dude that   probably smells rancid uh drink up let the  essence of the formulas permeate your body   well are we gonna be trippin okay cool so we  are tripping cute you gained the power of forest   magic now you can decipher the true meaning of  the genome scrolls all right going back into the   community center hopefully we can read this you  know juno language because we are now one with the   forest we did lots of drugs here's the bundles  this is what i'm talking about baby okay let's   go crafts room spring forging bundle i figured it  was going to be um the same right we have exotic   foraging bundle oh wait are all of these the same  yeah okay this this bundle is entirely the same   oh sticky bundle was that always a thing just lots  of sap but i'm assuming maybe the other ones will   have some more different things the sticky bundle  i'm pretty sure i don't know why i think that that   didn't that wasn't there before i don't know  spring forging bundle will be pretty easy for   us to accomplish though so yeah i wonder i'm  gonna have to look into it and see like what   is different about the remixed bundles because i  was kind of going into this really blind but now   that i have seen those ones i'm curious now i just  kind of want to look it up like what is actually   different for the sake of being thorough i went  ahead and looked up the differences between the   remixed bundles and the regular bundles basically  there's just like a really good mix of you know   the exact same bundles of the last game and then  some random bundles and subtle differences you   know like for example how we saw we had sticky  bundle here um this was the bundle that was   previously available and instead of going  through all of the different possibilities   for when you're playing with the remixed bundles i  figure we will just take it as we go and see which   random quirky bundles that we unlock or which  bundles are the exact same from the last game   it could be fun and exciting and keep us on our  toes by the way i did end up finishing this day   in sturdy valley it was just kind of boring like  i just did etc farm stuff but the next time that   we reboot this let's play in a couple weeks i will  most definitely be working okay working my little   farmer butt off as well as getting some romance  on yeah well that was fun you know it's always   kind of a slow start getting these going but um  you know it was fun to like play the beginning   of the game again i haven't done it in a while  and i have just like the worst memory so like i   don't remember how anything is supposed to go but  yeah i'm curious to see what happens with those   remixed bundles like how remixed they're gonna be  so yeah that was good we are getting things going   um hopefully we will work even further on our  community bundles next time that we hop into this   let's play if you liked it let me know if you have  any um tips or anything that you would like to see   me do just of course leave them in the comments  so yeah thanks so much for watching guys um if you   are interested in any of my other stardew valley  stuff feel free to check it out we're gonna stick   with this one okay you better hold me to it you  better hold me to it now we're gonna keep doing   this let's play and i'm not gonna forget about it  thanks so much for watching if you would like to   check out my stream i also play sturdy valley on  there as well and my other socials are down below   i hope you're having a great day and you continue  to do so and i will see you in the next one
Channel: liss the lass
Views: 356,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: liss the lass, liss the lass stardew, stardew lets play, modded stardew valley, stardew valley modded lets play, community center year 1, community center challenge stardew, stardew mods, stardew valley cottagecore mods, stardew valley eric barone, stardew valley how to marry, stardew ost, stardew valley, cozy games, camera lets play stardew valley, stardew valley challenge, new stardew lets play, stardew pc mods, stardew switch gameplay, stardew valley history, beach farm
Id: wbtZRhY-YBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 7sec (2167 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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