A Simple Community Center Guide - Stardew Valley

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hello everyone today I've started a brand new farm because we're gonna be looking at the community center not only what it takes to complete it but also what the reward is for completing each and every section so when you start a new file you'll obviously find the old community center in pretty rough shape just north of Pierre store at first there's really nothing you can do with it you can't go inside it it doesn't even tell you the correct time it's absolutely useless your first opportunity to do anything with it is gonna be on the 5th of spring that was fast now in order for this to work you need to enter town from the bus stop at which point you'll be rewarded with this amazing cutscene involving Louis hi Luis how are you what an eyesore if only we didn't have a completely uses mayor who might have fixed this up already this is a pelican town community center or what's left of it anyway because nobody bothered to do any upkeep at all we have a town full of people who don't really do anything but no one wanted to be involved with this used to be the pride and joy of the town but always bustling with activity notice look at it it's shameful an accurate representation of the leadership of this town these days the young folk would rather sit in front of the TV then engage of the community and then what about the old folk are they also not doing anything but listen to me I sound like an old fool you'd look like an old fool Jojo corporation has been hounding me to sell them the land so they can turn it into a warehouse which by the way is also much quicker and easier option but it's not as involved Pelican town could use the money but there's something stopping me from selling it I guess old-timers like me get attached to relics of the past all well if anyone else buys a Joe Chico membership I'm just gonna go ahead and sell it that is pretty much studying you know that that's an option fairly expensive but we're going in just kidding I've had enough of Luis already so let me show you what this is all about also as I was saying earlier the only way to activate that cutscene is to enter town between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. from the bus stop on a sunny day from the 5th of spring onwards other than that I don't think it really triggers so entering a building you find this dilapidated room nothing you can do with it yet it's all just a big mess to be fair this is still nicer than Pam's house so the only thing you can interact with so far and this is important is this thing as the yellow Jun mo fades into the distance this is a language that I cannot read but interact with this thing and then know about your day now the very next day after you pulling your B and E at the community center you get a letter from the wizard my sources tell me you've been pokey around inside the old community center why don't you pay me a visit my chambers are west of the forest lake in the stone tower I may have information concerning your rat problem in quotes and he has a weird name obviously we need to go talk to the wizard and of course we're rewarded with a cutscene ah come in thank you I'm already 10 feet inside the door very observant for a wizard I am res mo Deus seeker of the arcane truth mediary between physical and ethereal master of the seven elementals I ate a rock once keeper of the sacred chaff you get the point yes more than enough could we just get to whatever the point of this is and UDF the one whose arrival I have longed for seen that's because you sent me a letter in the mail summoning me here I'd like to show you something behold and he summons a Juna mo these are also something you can enslave later in a game fun fact there's no workers but they're free you've seen one before haven't you I don't know you tell me you seem to keep a pretty close eye on me they call themselves the Juna Mo's mysterious spirits these ones for some reason they refuse to speak with me I take it most of the town actually does it's probably a purple hair and wizard attire I'm not sure why they've moved into the community center but you have no reason to fear them otherwise it'd be completely terrified of apples with arms hmm you found golden scroll written in an unknown language yes most interesting stay here I'm going to see for myself I'll return shortly and off he goes yeah called it's right here I've got nothing better to do anyway not like I'm starting a new farm or meeting the villagers or anything there he is back already I found the note that's because it doesn't move good wizard the language is obscure but I was able to decipher it we the Jun mo are happy to aid you in return we asked for gifts of the valley if you're one with the forest then you will see the true nature of this scroll and I guess I am now but I the waser translated it so that's kind of a gray area at this point hmm one with the forest what do they mean you asking me you're the wizard aha he says he's come to a conclusion come here yes good idea let's next to the boiling cauldron that's leaking green smoke mccalden is bubbling from ingredients from the forest is it made of Juna Mo's baby fern moss crab caramel top toadstool can you smell it but the GMOs are really happy you're boiling things alive here drink up let the essence of the forest permeate your body this is God bad things written all over it and we alive don't ever do this if a wizard offers you green stuff don't take it my character looks like he's currently having a stroke which he probably is the Waze is gonna take my kidneys and we're hallucinating all right so at this point just sit back relax and enjoy the ride it'll all be over with in a few hours as long as it doesn't have a flare-up the next day we'll be all right you've gained the power of forest magic now you can decide for the true meaning of the Jun mo Scrolls just what I always wanted now at this point you're gonna want to go ahead and walk your way all the way back the community center to chase that same Jun amoA way at which point we can now read the first bundles now looking at a very first bundle we have the summer foraging bundle the winter foraging bundle the exotic foraging bundle the spring foraging bundle and the fall foraging bundle those are all pretty self-explanatory they just go by the four jables for the seasons the exotic forging bundle you got to go a little bit out of your way to find this stuff and then we also have the construction bundle which is just made of construction materials but the first one you're gonna be able to complete is the spring forging bundle oh I know you've probably already seen all of these items lying around the countryside so you're gonna want to pick a few up along the way it doesn't matter what quality they are just go pick them up bring them on in this bundle obviously very easy to complete shouldn't take you more than a day or two you might even have the items on you because in the early game it's good to have lots of for jables so after completing that we get this 30 spring seeds which you can either plant or selling these is actually pretty valuable in itself but that is the first reward you're gonna get once that happens you also unlock a new room with new stuff to do plus a fish tank so already we have a lot more options or things we can complete we'll go take a quick look at this room right here so we get the spring crops bundle which again pretty self-explanatory made out of spring crops you just need one of those there are also summer crops bundles and fall crops bundles so you're gonna want to go ahead and prepare and plan to coordinate through the seasons in artisan bundle made out of all sorts of animal items as well as fruit tree stuff the quality crops bundle these ones you do want to pay careful attention to because you get these per season basically Park ships in spring you need five gold quality so you're gonna want to do a lot of each crop to make sure you get the five gold qualities also consider fertilizer that gives you extra gold qualities just to be sure the animal bundle which is obviously purely animal items and the fish tank of course is all this fish you catch well pretty much why they say you're gonna find them the ocean fish in the ocean crab pots come from crab pots lake fish night fishing river fish also note that the reward for finishing different rooms is all different this gets you the glittering boulder removed not actually a great reward so I wouldn't really rush to get that one done the pantry's award is the greenhouse this one is really awesome so you're gonna want to try and work hard to get all this stuff done if you can get that done for the first year winter is that much better by the way if you didn't know a lot of these items can be found from the traveling merchant she appears every Friday and Sunday every week I would recommend going to check with her every day she's here because she can sell a lot of the things that are really hard to find or out of season because some of these things aren't even possible to get in your first year so if you manage to find him here buy them well let's just go ahead and complete some of the foraging bundles because they're pretty self-explanatory if you can't finish these then I don't think there's any helping you at all so once you complete the summer foraging bundle you are rewarded with surprise surprise summer seeds and of course once you finish your second little bundle you get rewarded with more stuff to unlock and complete but some of these are not easier than others because I like doing things in order we're gonna go ahead and finish the winter foraging bundle also self-explanatory except I did it wrong holly is useless we needed a winter route back on track and guess what we get for completing this we get winter seeds which are completely the same as the other ones except I do actually grow in winter so if you want something to do a winter consider planting those they are actually somewhat valuable and that of course unlocked is yet another room the last one we have to do obviously is the fall one which again very self-explanatory will fall complete and the reward again is more of the same fall seeds and another bundle done means another thing unlocked I believe at this point we have all of them unlocked another easy bundle to complete is a construction bundle what is obviously everywhere you cut it on your farm it comes to trees same with the stones you find them in the mines on your farm where if you see a rock you can break it it will give you a stone the hardest part is the hardwood which is still very easy to find all you need is an upgraded ax and then it's just a matter of breaking all the logs that look like this anything that is different from their usual sticks on the ground or trees a quill will give you hard wood if you've somehow already made the wise decision to cut all the hardwood on your farm well you can find more in the seeker woods and its ponds every single day so you can cut all this hard wood every day and it actually gives you really good forward jigging experience on top of that now for completing this bundle completed we are then rewarded with a charcoal kiln turns ten pieces of wood into one piece of coal that is fairly useful because you're probably going to find yourself with an abundance of wood as you play and you're gonna need coal for a lot of smelting a lot of ores in the early game so doesn't hurt to get this set it up on your farm keep it topped up with what every now and again especially overnight now the last one the exotic foraging bundle luckily you only need five of the available nine items now the coconut in the cactus suit you're probably not gonna get a hold of in your first year because they need to go all the way to the desert to get those however the cave carrot the red mushroom and the purple mushroom are probably going to be found in the mines if you spend any time at all down there at least a red mushroom in the cave carrot the purple mushrooms are rare they're valuable but you're gonna want to give them up for the community center now the morel mushroom can be found on your farm if you have the forest farm set up which gives you four jables on your farm it can also be found in the seeker woods so the Cinco woods might not be a bad thing to unlock early in the game with an upgraded axe also if you have your cave set up for mushrooms on your farm it can also produce you a more L and it's going to before too long so that's another option now the other three items you can either tap right again if you want to go this route this is not a bad route to go all you need is level three foraging if you run around picking stuff up off the ground like you should be it should be hard to hit this level then all you gotta do is make a tapper put it on one of the three appropriate trees and after a few days it will give you one of these items depending on what kind of tree it is pine trees give you pine tar oak trees give you oak raised in and maple trees give you maple syrup so your simple finished product might look something like this bundle complete that one is fairly effortless to do seeker words are gonna make that one a lot easier for you your reward or five autumns bounties which is just an item that gives you a lot of energy a lot of health plus two foraging plus two defense mostly what you get out of easier energy and health once we're done that we're obviously complete the room and then it's a tunable party everyone's having a good time except me because I'm confused and we get a cut scene where the gmos keepers of the forest and they fix up the room once you've done a room it gets filled in with all sorts a nice furniture and wallpaper room complete and that's how you know you're done every time you finish your room one of you little GMOs goes to gather a star out of us little Geronimo hat and then places it up on the board gold stars for everyone and there's our progress so far one of six now in order to claim your reward for finishing any one room you can have to sleep on it that is when the magic happens so our reward for finishing that room is the bridge repair so overnight the gmos doing whatever it is Juna Mo's do fix the bridge to the quarry which is up past the mines if you don't know now we can walk into this big area which is mostly full of rocks the occasional sticks and it does produce or at a slow rate and even slower gems so every once in a while it wouldn't hurt to come by here once a month whatever you want to do clear it out take all the good stuff get rid of all the rocks and take whatever gems you might find I've always found the real use for this is basically extra real estate you could put all sorts of crystal areum's smelters furnaces whatever you want up here instead because the rocks don't really do anything for you the gems and valuables show up so slowly that it's just not worth your time I tried for ten years I believe in this game to try and make it produce something worthwhile it still wasn't even close to full of gems you want to know what my favorite room of the Community Center is it's this one do you want to know why because all you need is money to complete it we have a 2500 gold bundle a 10,000 gold bundle a 5,000 gold bundle and the biggest of 25,000 gold bundle I've always liked this one the best and found it the easiest because I've always spent about making money in this game then all you gotta do is fork out a bit of money 35,000 40 40 2500 gold is always gonna take that's not a ton of money in your first year it might be a bit due the first one you get chocolate cake what a reward for five thousand we get thirty quality fertilizers that's actually pretty good I always say fertilize everything you can to get the most money out of it so that actually gives you a little bit back ten thousand gets you one lightning rod lightning ones put on your farm on a stormy day they get hit by light reduce your battery which are very helpful things 25,000 gold gets you Crystal areum put a gem into a crystal areum a few days later it produces you that gem again and again and again infinitely and just I get the rooms done that's why it's so easy all you need is some money done and of course a heart moving cutscene this house was empty for something and it's done perfect Jana was gonna do is sing give us another star up on the board because we are in fact a star this obviously would be my room big office big desk and giant safe followed by millions of dollars and of course we need the reward for this room so that means going to bed during tonight please awesome Geronimo's summon the mighty Pam back to her iron chariot now as soon as the bus is fixed that gives you access to the desert right away which could be a good thing because like I said some of the forging bundle the exotic for jables come from the desert so all you gotta do is complete this one go to the desert get the cactus fruit and the coconut then it's really easy to complete the forging bundle don't believe me I'll show you as soon as we get to the desert there's two cactus fruits right there a third one there there's gonna be coconut right here somewhere easy peasy now my next choice of room to complete would be this one why this one well because it's basically all stuff that comes from the mines I always spend a lot of time in the mines myself all you need is a copper bar an iron bar and a gold bar so that's just a matter of finding you appropriate or isn't smelting it that one can probably be done within the day you probably have that stuff on you the geologists bundle while this stuff all this spawns on the mine floor is itself it's like affordable item you just pick it up off the ground you're gonna find a ton of this stuff as you make your way through the mines that's no problem to find and the adventurers bundle comes from killing monsters kill enough monsters as you make your way through the mines as you will you're gonna find this stuff in no time as well so for completing a blacksmith bundle I went a little overkill on those ones simple as that like I said you're probably gonna complete that one within a day or two this whole room can be done very quickly you get it a furnace and well the problem with that reward is you already have a furnace you've made these bars so it's kind of a redundant prize but it's still an extra furnace regardless and you need lots of those well let's do all the work it takes to complete the geologists bundle I gotta click over there and then back over here I work way too hard under complete drove reward for this little guy is five Omni geodes but you're actually pretty good you break those opener clip the blacksmith they'll get you all sorts of good things potentially anything really prismatic shards we're 2,000 gold can come out of those artifacts with the museum the sky's the limit and the last bundle you only need two of these items so this one is actually super easy to do you're probably gonna get the slimes and bat wings first because slimes are in abundance EDT 99 slimes but those add up quick the bat wings well you're gonna run into a lot of bats whatever the case kill monsters in the mines you'll get this stuff in no time at all the reward for that is a small magnet ring slightly increases your radius for collecting items that sounds kind of useless but it's really not that this means you don't have to get quite as close for items to be sucked into you yes sucked into you we're happy to help it's not our house after all well it's not my house either but here I am building it so that room is now complete of course we need to go sleep to get that reward now of course for doing this in realistic order these two rooms are probably going to be the first ones you can do because all you need to do is the mines you don't need any different seasons you just got to work your way down and this one you just need money so those two are very easy and straightforward to do probably going to be the first two rooms you do during the night the gin the most once again do their things to fix up the minecarts which for some reason run all around the town probably originally designed as a quick way to escape the Pam when she shows up hop into mine carts move to another part of town the closest one is right beside your farm at the bus stop from here you can take it to the mines or into town and buy town it means the far side of town don't buy Clint the blacksmith or all the way up to the quarry this is also a way to get into the quarry from the backside so unlocking the quarry isn't necessarily necessary if you get the mine cards done first and this would be a quick way if you fill us up with Cristal areum's or furnaces whatever you just take it from the bus stop to the quarry and back again to work all your new real estate let's fix this up a fish tank shall we now the one thing you need to understand about this is there's basically three different places where you can catch fish the ocean is supplied by the ocean fish pond oh the lake which is the lake fish bundle and the river which is the river fish bundle now obviously you're not going to be able to catch all these in one season I would start in the spring until you catch whatever you catch in spring move on to summer winter and then fall so let's start with the river fish the first one you're gonna be able to catch is gonna be the catfish it can be caught in spring and fall during rainy weather or any weathers the thing to remember there you'll know she catches one because it's hard to catch it jerks around a lot you're gonna have to work for it you can actually find the catfish in summer in the pond in the secret woods again having a secret what's unlocked helps a lot and if you want to know where the river is well it's right here it runs through town all the way down to the south of town this is all considered river the sunfish also simply caught during spring and summer in the river not super hard to catch pretty common you're not gonna have any trouble finding this one the shad can be found during spring summer and fall lots of opportunities to get this guy also in the rain in the rain this one has a little bit of a limited time frame from 9 a.m. till 2 a.m. so all day if you're having trouble catching any of these sometimes they are time specific so it might not hurt to look up the time or just keep fishing because sometimes they go in specific times for example this guy cannot be caught before 9 a.m. now the final one it's probably gonna take you long as to get obviously is the tiger trout it could be found during fall and winter fall in winter from 6 a.m. till 7 p.m. so it's not a night fish but it's probably gonna be the last one you catch because you have to wait all the way until fall to get it unless you find it sooner at the traveling merchant the reward for finishing river fish is 30 Bay which you've probably used a lot more than to catch these fish but it's a not always bait your hook next let's take a look at the ocean fish bundle well the ocean fish obviously are found in the ocean the ocean presumably is this big body of water found to the south of town right by Willy there are many different fish to catch here at different times in different seasons the first fish you prolly gonna get ahold of is a sardine you find that in spring fall and winter not very hard to catch you'll get these probably more commonly than anything else from 6 a.m. till 7 p.m. the tuna can be found in summer and winter summer and winter so be sure to catch his friend hopefully in summer 6 a.m. till 7 p.m. the red snapper can be call from 6 a.m. till 7 p.m. it's caught during summer and fall rainy weather only always take advantage of rainy days in you play this game that's my first thought every time there's rain one I'd have to water my crops to catch the fish can you only be caught in rainy days I can knock should be caught during winter if you use a rain totem to make it rain lastly your final ocean fish is that tilapia it can be found during summer and fall summer and fall 6 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and the reward for finishing the ocean fish bundle are 5 warp totems to the beach I admittedly don't often use these but if you want a quick way to the beach for 5 days well go ahead and use them next we'll take a look at the lake fishing bundle which is a largemouth bass the carp the ball head and the sturgeon Lake fish can be caught in a few different spots the place I always go for like fishing is right here to the right of Robin the carpenter also worth noting that this is the most valuable place you can fish during the spring if you want to make money and yes all the lake fish can be caught in this lake the largemouth bass is found right here 6 a.m. till 7 p.m. all seasons these are worth a lot of money too so early game money largemouth bass the carp is found any time spring summer and fall no time restrictions you're going to find a lot of these super common fish now worth a lot of money the ball head found right here any time all seasons also very common very easy to catch the one that's gonna give you trouble is the sturgeon found only in summer and winter 6 a.m. till 7 p.m. summer and winter it is fairly rare to catch don't give up if you're not getting it right away keep casting you'll know any bites because it's hard to catch the reward for finishing the Lake fish bundle is a dress spinner the metal tab and colorful streamers create an enticing spectacle for fish increasing a bite rate when fishing this just gives you a slightly better bite right if you're gonna get it you can use if you want it is worth a few bucks so if you want to sell it that's fine too I don't really use ones like this because if you have bait or better yet wild bait you don't need any help catching fish you're gonna catch tons and probably my favorite of the fish tank is the night fishing bundle the wall-eyed the brim and the eel the easiest of these to catch is the brim it's found in the river 6 p.m. till 2 a.m. 6 p.m. till 2 a.m. all seasons very easy to catch next is eel found simply in the ocean 4 p.m. till 2 a.m. so it's got a pretty long time frame after 4 p.m. that's nice and easy spring or fall only when raining so you'll be able to catch this in your first spring again take advantage of those rainy days the walleye can be caught only involve 12 p.m. till 2 a.m. it does have a wide time frame but only in fall when it's raining found in this pond rivers and lakes so anything it's not the ocean essentially the reward for this masterpiece is a small glow ring emits small constant late because you were night fishing the whole time this helps in the minds other the net I wouldn't really wear this once you hit fishing level three what you're going to fairly quickly you're gonna get the crafting recipe for crab pots these are obviously very important for the crab pot bundle now thinking back we have three different places where we can set crab pots the lakes the rivers and the oceans go ahead and set a pot in all of these locations and you're gonna find all this stuff eventually some of it comes from the ocean some of it comes from rivers some of it comes from lakes and it's just that easy a crab pot will produce you an item every single day whether it's garbage or something of use all you got to do one crab pot in either the lake river or ocean under complete the reward for this amazing crab pot bundle our three crab pots which you clearly already have because you completed the bundle and last but not least and what is possibly the hardest bundle to complete for the fish is especially fish bundle puffer fish goes fish SAN fish would skip well the puffer fish is found in the ocean 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. in summer you also might remember that I found her at the traveling merchant earlier now the ghost fish is found in the ponds in the mines any time any season you hit the ponds every 20 or so levels just go ahead and cast in there you'll find it goes fish before too long the sand fish is found in the place which obviously has lots of sand the desert that's right it's found in the pond in the desert not sure how there's able to be a pond there but there isn't it's full of sand fish and lastly the wind skip as you may have guessed comes from a place with a lot of wood and no I'm not talking about Marnie's bedroom I'm talking about the pond in his seeker woods this is the one and only place to get the wood skip with the exception of the traveling merchant again check there every Friday and Saturday just do it the reward for catching those annoying specialty fish is a dish of the sea which gives you 150 energy 60 health of pesky fishing not super useful and then of course because we completed a fish tank it's another Juneau mo party they are really happy because I caught some of the fish from nature and put them in an enclosed space so many wonderful bundles thank you and it's done and again our sleep reward now what they do here is remove the glittering rock that's blocking the pond entrance to the mines now in order to take advantage of the reward of the glittering boulder removed you'd obviously need to go to the mines from where that Boulder was remove at which point you'll be rewarded with a great cutscene with Willie he basically tells you that this dream was flowing from deep within the mountain he can tell just by looking at it at which point he notices something shimmering in the water what could that be yes that's quality or because of course it is you know what this means right basically what it means is every once in a while now you'll see this glittering in the water use the gold pan he's about to give you to pan and it will give you or I've always found this reward not really so great because the ore itself is fairly very defined in the water you don't get a lot of it and by the time you actually finished all the fish bundles you probably have more than enough ore anyway but the fish tank doesn't need to be done it's fairly hard to do for any time consuming the reward isn't great but it just needs to be done that leaves only two rooms to go we're gonna start with the pantry obviously logically the first one you're gonna do are the spring crops now obviously it is by these seeds from Pierre you plant them they grow you bring them here it's that easy make sure you don't miss any for any season otherwise you're probably waiting till next year unless you have the greenhouse which you don't because you get for completing all these the reward for that twenty speed grill makes your plants grow a little bit faster summer again exactly the same principle buy them from Pierre plant them grow them love them and bring them here the reward for your summer hard work is one quality sprinkler which is actually pretty good why does the eight adjacent tiles every morning which saves you the trouble of having to do it yourself fall is more of the same it's just a matter of making it all the way to fall yams pumpkins eggplants and coir and all from Pierre all straight forward the reward for that would be a bee house put that outside will produce you honey every season except winter do not put them in your greenhouse they don't work there but he says you honey every few days if you plant flowers next to the bee houses it makes the honey more valuable because whatever kind of flower it is influences the kind of honey it produces next is a quality crops bundle I mentioned earlier well as you're going some of those things obviously make sure you do enough of them that you can manage to get five gold quality remember quality is not guaranteed if you grow ten parsnips you're probably gonna get two gold ones three silvers and then five regulars so something to that effect so grow lots to be sure you get the numbers and obviously you're not going to find gold quality at the traveling merchant so don't miss these and of course you only need three out of the four so you can be done this by because you can grow corn in summer the reward for completing quality crops are a preserves jar turns vegetables and pickles into fruit and gem so once you have one or more of these throw it over cops you have into the preserve jar and it makes it more valuable takes more time but makes it more valuable next is the animal bundle this one is pretty straightforward to accomplish but you're gonna need both a barn and a coop both upgraded because milk comes from cows you're gonna be needed to upgrade a barn for that large eggs come from happy chickens large go bill comes up a happy goat wall comes from a sheep and duck eggs come from ducks so you're gonna need the most upgraded versions of both the coop and the barn after a while you'll just get these items this is pretty straightforward the eggs are definitely the easiest the wool is easy to get from a sheep and then the cows milk the goats milk and the duck egg are probably the hardest of those to get but it's just a matter of what animals you have really it's all pretty straightforward you get a cheese press for doing this which turns milk into cheese and that actually increases the value by quite a bit lastly the bundle which is the hardest of the pantry is the artisan bundle this one obviously gives you a lot of options you only need half of which to complete the bundle things like the Apple orange peach pomegranate and cherries all come from trees and grow on your farm these can also be found in your cave on your farm if you want for the bats instead of mushrooms simply grow them in the appropriate seasons plant them ahead of time because the fruit trees take a long time to produce and you'll get all you need also jelly comes from that preservation I mentioned depending what you put into it you get a fruit jelly honey comes from the bee house it will dis produce you honey once tomorrow that's easy cheese comes from a cheese press milk turns into an e though cheese is the same principle just with goat's milk cloth comes from sheep you turned out wool into cloth using a loom and truffle oil if you have pigs of our new truffles put that into a truffle maker to make you truffle oil this one is gonna take a bit of work considering you need animals or trees but a combination of a few animals with a few fruit trees will get you to where it going you're probably gonna have a cow anyways for the milk there's your cheese a bee house I already have for one of my rewards so that's easy honey I have a preserved jar so that's three of those plus three of these you're gonna find along the way no problem again remember what can be used for this because there are a lot of them so check the traveling margin to make sure if he has any of these buy them immediately because it will save you lots of time in trouble anyways once that one's done the reward for this a little guy is one keg place a fruit or vegetable in here eventually will turn into a beverage some of those valuable stuff in the game is wine by some star fruit from the desert grow it in summer turn it into star fruit wine and you will make tons of money when we're done here we'll return to the other world I wish you'd hurry up so that's room five of six complete and the reward for this which in my opinion is the best reward as they fix up your greenhouse unfortunately that bundle does take a lot of work to complete because you need to get through a bunch of seasons and also animals but if you can manage to accomplish this by winter while you just that much further ahead because now you can plant whatever cops you want in winter there's a total of 120 spaces in here it can grow any crop any season normally in winter there's basically no crops you can do with the exception of the winter seeds but this will give it the opportunity to do all sorts of crazy things like grouse our fruit ancient fruit and sweet gem berries which are the rare seeds any time of the year make you a ton of money if you lie on the side to these with seed makers you can grow one ancient fruit put it into the seed maker then go three ancient fruit but those into the seed maker grow nine ancient fruit you get the picture you can multiply crops in here it's super quick super easy that's what I used to do to make tons of money all right well let's go finish whatever it is we have left in the community center of ours the bulletin board we have the chef's bundle the dye bundle field research bundle and Chandra's bundle and fodder bundle these are all fairly annoying to get the bulletin board is often the last one I'll get to because everything is so annoying let's start with the simple fodder bundle you need wheat hay and apples while wheat is simply a crop that grows in summer and fall so that's straightforward buy from here grow it Hey can be bought from Marni or if you have a silo cut the grass on your farm with the scythe it will turn into hay in your silo at which point withdraw it bring it here apples grow from trees you can grow apple trees on your farm grow an apple tree our new farm take its apples bring them here this one can be done fairly easily the biggest challenge is waiting for summer to do the wheat and then fall for the apples apples grow on the trees only in fall the reward is a heater for keeping animals happy during winter I'd have no idea what the point of that is but if you want your animals to be happier than great next I think they field research bundle is probably the next purple mushrooms come from the mines also if you have the forest farm they will occasionally appear on your farm if you're familiar with the famous mushroom level then you're probably gonna find lots of purple mushrooms along the way you're probably gonna have a few stockpiled Nautilus shells shows up on the beach in winter so wait for winter to get this one if you see it at the traveling merchant buy there otherwise you're waiting till the end of the year the chub is found in the mountain lake and river during all seasons you're gonna catch a lot of these I think this is actually the most common fish in the game so bring it here frozen geodes are geodes that are frozen they're found in the frozen levels of the mines mostly which is 4279 you spend any time in the mines on those Lamas you're gonna find a frozen shield before you know it the reward for completing this little bundle which like I said is fairly simple to do here's a recycling machine that turns fishing trash into resources so you find all that garbage fishing put it in a recycling machine it can actually give you some pretty good rewards like refined quartz I never really bothered to actually use these but it is actually fairly useful especially if we do a lot of fishing all right well let's do the dye bundle the dye bundle is your red mushroom which we've covered already can show up in for Gible items on your farm if you have the forest farm or in the mines or if you have the mushroom cave the mushroom cave sea urchins are found on the right side of the beach you have to use 300-word to fix a bridge which many people do in the early game sunflowers simply grow in summer and fall so those are pretty straighforward don't forget to grow those the duck feather comes from ducks so you're gonna need an upgraded coop eventually the duck will love you and produce you a duck feather aquamarines come from the mines they have nodes themselves they can also come from geodes not too hard to find spend some time in the mines you'll find plenty of these and the infamous red cabbage the problem with red cabbage is it's a year to crop pierre doesn't sell these until year two so if you open to get this done in year one you're gonna have to get lucky and find you some of the travelling merchants if you don't happen to find Durand well you're boned you had a way for summer year to so like I said this bundle is fairly hard to complete you kind of get this stuff all over the place most of it's fairly simple but that duck feather and the red cabbage can be hard to get if you don't plan for it and bread cabbage well that's just basically luck so the reward for completing this annoying bundle is a seed bake so basically what those do is if you have a crop that's ready to go put it in a seed maker and it will give you one two or three of these seeds so basically multiplies crops you just have to grow them I think there's a 1% chance it will also give you an ancient seed so there's always that well next is just go ahead and dive into it moving on to the chef's bundle we covered maple syrup briefly earlier you make a tapper put on a maple tree gives you maple syrup fiddlehead ferns come from the Seco woods again the secret woods will get you many of these items in summer summer seeker woods truffles come from pigs pigs you too fully upgraded barn they're expensive but worth it they'll find you a truffle bring it here truffles you're also valuable poppies are simply a crop that grows in summer you're gonna want to go ahead and do that the fried egg requires you have an egg and also an upgraded house you need the house with the kitchen then a fried egg is simple now that the Maki roll is a recipe you need to first acquire which you get on the 21st of summer every Sunday your TV will give you a new recipe there's also repeat on Wednesdays so the 21st or summer you gonna want to go ahead and get this recipe from there all you need is any fish any seaweed but you can have if you've done any fishing and then one rice which you can buy from here alternatively this recipe can be bought from the star table saloon for 1,500 gold which is a quick way of doing it if you want to go that route this bundle is fairly time-consuming takes some effort to complete but again just one of the ones it needs to complete it so hopefully my guidance helped you a little bit the reward for that bad boy is three pink cakes because who doesn't like cake also gives you an obnoxious 250 energy in 100 health lastly is what's known as e'en chanters bundle that takes oak resin wine rabbit's foot pomegranate so again put that topper to use on an oak tree which will give you okras in wine can be made from the cake we already have simply put one of our fruits into there to get fruit wine of any kind now to get a rabbit's foot you need to have a rabbit which involves an upgraded coupe once you wrap it as happy enough it will occasionally leave you a rabbit's foot for some reason it's also a rare drop from the Serpent's in skull cavern it's about a 1% chance now the pomegranate comes from a tree pomegranate trees or a fall producer so you gonna want to go ahead and plant those in summer or if your farm cave as the fruit bad option you're gonna find these once in a while and the reward for this guy he is five gold bars which isn't bad that's enough for one tool upgrade if you have the iron quality of some kind of tool bring it to Clint pay some money get the gold quality tool other than that sell the gold bars the last bundle Farewell DF and with that the community center is complete we get a nice little cutscene shows six stars all done all sorts of colored GMOs waving goodbye hopping around all very happy they don't do you my slave anymore if the June demos have returned to the spirit world where they belong so this place is all done top the bottom looks very nice doesn't look like Pam's house anymore it looks like a place that I'd want to live no once a community center is finally done simply enter town on a sunny day that is not a festival and won't be rewarded with the final cutscene for it Marni parting is always very happy we got balloons children are playing the whole town is she's loving it all this hard work you did well they kind of appreciate it people actually hanging out inside Pamela's in the kitchen no doubt going for their fridge - during all that wine we donated have one else having a good look around Willie's at the fish tank you no doubt admiring the fish she can never catch the mayor is very happy I'm not sure how you did it but the community center has never looked better well you know what I actually tried you've done Pelican town a great service everyone in town is pleased yeah they better be it took a lot of time and effort to do this is a way of saying thank you I'd like to present you with the town's greatest honor the stardew hero award you earned it so that is basically the great reward for doing all this is you get a statue but we're interrupted by someone grumble grumble who's that it's Morris for the zoo donor who Morris is he owns a jochem art sales have been plummeting where of all my customers gone well instead of buying things there for some reason here I don't know why that's a problem though it's not like they can buy things here they still need to go to your store to buy stuff all my customers here this isn't good again it's not really a problem they're just checking out the new community center they'll still have to go to your place to buy stuff and here comes up and for some reason I have the choice to control Pierre so we're gonna settle this the old-fashioned way they're gonna fight this means nothing all this run is 75% off sale my customers will come crawling back begging for forgiveness you'll see no not this time Morris I think it's time we settle this once and for all yeah no kidding oh and how do you propose we do that George is there getting in on the action primitive just like your brain if he T scared to fight me then bring one of you jo-jo co-workers or are all Jojo employees such cowards Oh them's fightin words insult me all you like but don't you dare slander the good name of Jojo and here's where they TR square off look at him go George loves it he was a prizefighter before he was you know crippled you're even weaker than your fresh produce selection earn and the way you throw punches is just like Jojo quantity over quality well that's two works too in a fight I mean yet um George sent an instigator Pierre is winning and Mauritius takes a punch and goes flying through the roof because Pierre is a key the Hulk Morrison is Jojo Merck cronies are never heard from again because Morris was punched to the roof and well that's a fatality so that concludes a community center it takes a lot of work to do but it is one of the things you need to do to complete the game you get an achievement forward and as an added benefit on top of all the rewards have already got pierced or will now be open seven days a week that's right he's no longer closed on Wednesdays which always annoyed because Wednesdays tend to always be the day ago precedes for some reason so I hope you all found his guide some are useful somewhat helpful somewhat entertaining whatever whatever you guys have any more good video ideas let me know in the comments below other than that hope you liked it thanks for watching
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 2,538,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stardew, valley, stardew valley, community center guide, community center, stardew valley guide, stardew valley walkthrough, stardew valley tips, stardew valley community center, sdv, df, dangerously, funny, dangerouslyfunny, 2018, pc, commentary, tutorial, no swearing, clean, guide, simple community center guide, community center complete, community center rewards, bundle, bundles
Id: qWYikP0Mj68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 17sec (2357 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2018
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