STAR WARS | Real Scale in 3D
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Channel: MetaBallStudios
Views: 4,143,104
Rating: 4.8891687 out of 5
Keywords: star, wars, starwars, size, comparison, tamaΓ±o, comparacion, comparativa, films, peliculas, mbs, metaballstudios, 3d, animacion, animation, jedi, darth, vader, luke, skywalker, trilogy, r2 d2, c3po, real, scale, escala
Id: nHo_J5FtJ58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 48sec (588 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
What? Banthas are literally the size of elephants.
Star Killer and the Death Stars are smaller than I thought. Looks like Star Killer is smaller than our moon.
Itβs incredible how small the Death Stars and Starkiller Base are. Itβs more incredible that something as βsmallβ as the Death Star can destroy an entire planet in one blast, assuming you think the on-screen vfx explosion of Alderaan in ANH is necessarily canon in-universe.
Itβs even more incredible when you realize Starkiller Base is able to fit a while SUN inside a ball smaller than our moon and it later turns into a sun smaller than our moon after the Resistance destroyed the base
I feel a lot better now, knowing that Starkiller Base wasn't actually the size of a planet. It wasn't even the size of a moon!
fuck, when it started zooming out through the big imperial cruisers - the music - I can't keep up!