All 26 Star Wars AT Walkers Explained

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Oh hey guys what's up today we will be drifting again to a Star Wars franchise and discussing all the mobile all-terrain walkers that serve in the Galactic Republic the Galactic Empire and the first-order but we won't be including the Trade Federation droids because we will be making another video for them this list will be arranged in ascending order of size and will include all 26 of these walkers so have fun but before you do do please subscribe and hit the notification bell so here it goes number 26 the mark 1 automated Walker the first entry to this list is the robotic all-terrain personal transport call the mark 1 automated Walker they were armed with two blaster cannons and a concussion grenade launcher they felt the role of patrolling and heavy cavalry from the New Republic era several Marquand droid walkers were stationed on Gallic fires ship during the Second Battle of the Jedi Praxian these were all annihilated in the ship's instruction they were 2.5 metres tall and had a top speed of 60 km/h number 25 the all-terrain exploration droid the next on this list is another automated all-terrain Walker called the a te D or the all-terrain exploration droid it was a model of exploration droid developed in the collaboration between cyborg Galactica and quadra Fiats designed to assist in the exploration and surveying of nearly discovered planets it had a single-sided mounted heavy blaster for armament it was two and a half metres tall it also had good balance and can easily traverse through rough terrain number 24 the all-terrain personal transport the third entry is the 80 PT or the all-terrain personnel transport and it is the first in this list that is not a droid the walkers were capable of reaching speeds of up to 60 km/h and could climb a 45 degree angle with hydraulic at justice keeping the unit balanced it was a light anti-infantry Walker used by the Galactic Republic and later the Galactic Empire it was manufactured by Ratana heavy engineering a subsidiary of the kuat drive yards number 23 the all-terrain recon transport this one called the trt of the recon transport or the Republic Scott Walker is commonly seen two-legged vehicle in service with the Republic and was a model of recon Walker used mainly during the Clone Wars by the advanced recon force troopers the ATR T's were usually used for a variety of missions including ground support police support civil defense and post battle cleanup efforts it stands at 3.2 meters tall and carried one soldier on top number 22 the all-terrain riot control transport dat RCT was introduced 19 years before the Battle of Yavin and served in the Galactic Republic the Galactic Empire and the fell Empire it was designed for use in cities and other areas with large populations it had a maximum speed of 90 km/h it is fitted with two double medium blaster cannons and suppression cannons this Walker outsized the previous entry by three merest as it stands around six meters tall number 21 the all-terrain experiment transport a highly effective combat vehicle dat XT or the all-terrain experiment transport was a predecessor to the ATR T and the ATS D the 80 xt was equipped with twin laser cannons mounted under its chin and two long-range proton mortar launchers this walker was a very effective combat vehicle but it was never mass-produced as its designers were constantly improving its later versions this walker stands at eight metres tall and had a top speed of 75 km/h number 20 the all-terrain construction walker although earlier entries of this list were transports and walkers and were designed for combat and our troop delivery in the battlefield this ATC w of the all-terrain construction worker wasn't a combat version even though it was based on the famous Scout transport it sports two legs and the ATC T was equipped with small but powerful tractor beam generators used to lift large building materials for construction related tasks it stands at eight point six meters tall number 19 the all-terrain advanced Raider this entry into the list is called the all-terrain advance Raider and also known as the light a TST are also as a scout Walker and was a variant of the all-terrain Scout transport used by the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War the all-terrain advanced Raider had a heavier armor than the a TST for frontline combat even though it was smaller but only armed with a single laser cannon but on the plus side it was faster these ATA ours are the all-terrain advanced raiders were all 9.04 metres tall and 4.5 metres long number 18 the all-terrain Scout transport the most famous and most well known of the two legged ATS other Scout transport are also called the Scout Walker or a chicken Walker and this vehicle was a lightweight bipedal Walker used by the ground forces of the Galactic Empire and also later by the first order even though they use an up fountain upgraded variant the Empire used them for Swift reconnaissance and troop support the ATS Ts were equipped with two chin mounted MS fortuyn blaster cannons and the range is two kilometres these 80 STS were all 9.04 metres tall and 4.5 metres long number 17 the all-terrain missile platform the all-terrain missile platform was a walker used by the Imperial Army its general appearance was similar to that of the all-terrain Scout transport but it was fitted with arms acting as missile launchers and a chin mounted rotary laser cannon that looked more like a minigun its missile capabilities made it heavier and more massive even though it had the same dimensions as the ATS d number 16 the all-terrain Kashuk transport this next entry also shares the same dimensions as the a TMP and the a TST being 4.5 meters long and 9.04 metres tall the all-terrain Kashuk transport was an all-terrain Scout transport Varian built by the quad drive yards this walker was equipped with large anti personal net guns on each side of the cockpit area and an array of other weaponry the Walker was used on the planet to more effectively deal with the continual rookie insurgency at number 15 we have the all-terrain defense turret a bigger and more effective bipedal Walker used by the Galactic Empire this entry was a slow vehicle due to the size of its main cannon which fight a massive shot that exploded on impact but while firing it was rendered immobilized it was vulnerable to anti vacant weapons as a result of its light armor the first footage of the all-terrain defense turret was shown in the solo a Star Wars story official trailer on April 8 2018 this walk is a bit taller at 9.11 metres tall the number 14 we have the all-terrain defense board the next one on this long walking list is the all-terrain defense spot or the a TDP which was a bipedal Imperial Walker manufactured by the quad drive yards prior to and during the Galactic Civil War they were driven by the Imperial combat drivers this walker was a successor to the smaller ATR t as it stands almost three and a half times taller at eleven point six meters tall even though it ranks less than the next one the reason is that its overall mass way lesser than the upcoming rank number thirteen the all-terrain tactical enforcer this walker outranks the previous even though it is shorter than the last entry simply because height doesn't always mean bigger it was a multi-purpose military ground Walker used by the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars they boasted six legs that could be magnetized six laser cannon turrets located along the body of the Walker and a heavy projectile masked driver cannon on top this beast was 22 metres long and almost 10 metres tall Namah thrust the all-terrain attack poor the all-terrain attack bot also referred to the 80 AP self-propelled artillery walker or the 80 AP was a small try pedal Walker manufactured by the quad drive Fiats and was developed from the 80 PT the 80 AP had an angular hull that was situated above to multi-jointed legs and had a smaller retractable third like the 80 ApS primary weapon was a powerful long-range heavy mass driver cannon located in the forward hull this wok is 11 metres tall number 11 the all-terrain anti-aircraft this next entry has a length of 18 meters long and we had to research and estimate its height to be around 13 to 14 meters tall da taa or the all-terrain anti-aircraft had four stubby legs and lizard looking locomotion along with the low profile on most models the only weapon was a turgid flag board capable of firing several types of orleans the walker saw action during the Galactic Civil War where it was used against aircraft but was useless against any ground vehicles number 10 the all-terrain heavy hauler this one is neither a combat or a troop carrier version of the Walker it was manufactured and seen first serving the first author during the Battle of cried also known as the truck Walker two were used during the Battle of crate to Tucker superlaser siege cannon towards the resistance base although their primary purpose was to top and pull massive ground weapons they were far from defenseless near unusual multi-legged design comparable to crustaceans and insects provided immense power they were 29.57 meters long and fourteen point two nine meters tall number nine the all-terrain open transport the all-terrain open transport or dat ot was an eight-legged walker design for the transportation of infantry used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars it was deployed during the Battle of Felucia towards the end of the war this Walker was seen in the third movie of The Revenge of the Sith it was seen transporting clone soldiers into dense forested areas this Walker stands at fourteen point three meters tall and is available and effective vehicle of the Empire number eight d all-terrain dune walker at last the first amongst the four-legged 8080 variants and this is the dune Walker it was a modified version of the all-terrain armored transport used by the Galactic Empire it was specifically designed to serve on planets with deserts and hot climates all terrain armored transport were often modified to be more effective in certain missions and equipped with special components for specific environments the dune Walker was 220 meters long and 15 point 5 meters tall number 7 the all-terrain armored transport the famous all-terrain armored transport or the 8080 Walker also known as the Imperial Walker was a backbone and a major part of the galactic empires cavalry this basic version brings with it a vast amount of firepower and was also heavily armored the 8080 was arguably the most feared and effective land vehicle in the Imperial Army it stands 20 meters long and 20 2.5 meters tall 7 meters longer than a dune Walker and number six we have the all-terrain armed with heavy transport coming up next is the deli armored version of the 8080 and this one is called the a tah T or the all-terrain armored heavy transport it is more heavily armored than its basic variant but stands at the same height and length but I'm betting that it weighs more and hence ranks above the others it is also twenty two point five meters tall but fits the part of the heavy cavalry and has won many battles due to its armor which is resistant to small arms fire and even medium sized arms and number five we have the first-order all-terrain armored transport although also terms the basic variant of the 8080 the first-order version features increased armor and a boarding ramp under its chin in place of the heavy laser cannons instead its primary weapons were mounted on the sides of its heads to first all the 88 es were deployed during the Battle of cried it was manufactured by the kuat and tralala drive yachts and was longer at 24 metres long but the same height at 20 2.03 meters tall and at number four we have the all-terrain iron cannon dat IC resembled the star and 8080 design except half of its structural body blaze was dedicated to supporting a massive iron cannon the Galactic Empire converted a small number of its 8080 walkers into mobile ion cannons which became known as all-terrain iron cannon walkers they were 26 metres long and a bit taller at 23 metres tall number three the all-terrain armored cargo transport the 88th CTR the all-terrain armored cargo transport was another variant of the 8080 and was deployed at major imperial construction projects such as shipyards and sprawling research installations even though they were not built for combat they were still capable of posing a formidable threat to infantry as discovered by rebel troopers during the Battle of scar if they were 35 metres long and almost 32 metres tall number two the all-terrain mega caliber 6 the ATM 6r also known as the gorilla walker or the first-order heavy assault walker was a mobile heavy artillery walker used by the first order in the years following the collapse of the Galactic Empire and the capture of destruction of most of its industrial capabilities by the New Republic the first order sought a successor to the original Imperial all-terrain armored transport and this eventually led to the development of the ATM 6 and voila here comes the BBS that stands almost 41 metres long and more than 36 metres tall and at the number one spot comes the self-propelled heavy artillery turbo laser this spot goes to an unlikely candidate and it was a self-propelled artillery Walker this Walker was a modular heavy artillery unit used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars and by the Galactic Empire afterwards it had 12 legs that serve as a mobile support structures and they were deployed directly from acclimated glass assault ships the SPH a walker chassis served as the basis for a number of different weapons platforms though the best chronicle version was the turbo laser this monster dwarves the others in length being 140 metres long but are shorter than the gorillas being at only 20 point 6 meters tall anyways this brings us to the end of 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Channel: MindQ
Views: 196,818
Rating: 4.865644 out of 5
Keywords: star wars review, all terrain walkers star wars, biggest AT walker, AT walker size, AT-AT, star wars walker, armored figting vehicles, star wars monsters, star wars vehicles, star wars toys, star wars trailer, Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser, All Terrain Mega caliber Six, All Terrain Armored Cargo Transport, All Terrain Ion Cannon, First Order All Terrain Armored Transport, All Terrain Heavy Hauler
Id: 0hlzsXAGWWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 17 2019
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