βοΈ Fictional AIR VEHICLES Size Comparison (3D)
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Channel: MetaBallStudios
Views: 1,549,598
Rating: 4.9198132 out of 5
Keywords: air, vehicles, fictional, size, comparison, vehiculos, aereos, ficticios, ficcion, ficticious, tamaΓ±o, comparacion, comparativa, real, scale, escala, perspective, perspectiva, 3d, animation, animacion, mbs, metaballstudios, planes, aviones, zeppelins, fly, Helicarrier, Paper Pelican, Cloud City, Nimbus 2000, Zalem, Airhaven
Id: BRaCF6xTlw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Unfortunately, we don't see a single fighter on here for whatever reason, but at least some of the superweapons have their time to shine. I didn't see the Gleipnir on here either but then again, I guess you wouldn't XD!
Also, he's using the term "air vehicle" VERY liberally!
Unfortunately the XB-0 Hresvelgr's size is incorrect as it actually has a 503m wingspan according to Aces at War (and I also doubt the USS Argo is that small either). The others are right though.
Arsenal bird is a big boi
I didnt realize the Aigaion and Arsenal Bird were so much bigger than the XB-0. It just shows that much like real life, the planes just keep getting bigger.
sad Aigaigon sounds
The Arsenal bird is bigger than the Aigaion?
Missed the Gleipnir and the Sphyrna