Top 10 Epic LEGO Star Wars Creations!

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[Music] my name is Matt Benner this is my fleet the ISD tyrant the constrictor and the aggressor sort of three Star Destroyer type ships the first one I built was the ISD tyrant and it's about 35,000 parts it has a three-level interior and I guess I'll try to take it apart for you would be amazing remove each module to reveal each level of the interior on top you have the conference room like a Sith chamber [Music] now since this one was the first one I built it has a couple parts of it that aren't that user-friendly so it takes a little while to take it apart you've learned as you go along with these types of bill to the best way to handle it so that the new one the aggressor is much more user-friendly it doesn't require this have you the right tools for the job all right there we go we have to move around well the bridge does have there's an interior of the bridge of course you got like the the war playing room there yeah like a conference room and these are officer quarters and so this level doesn't make a whole lot of sense in retrospect but it was originally designed so there could be lights going through these foundation walls here so they actually don't come off the ship they're on hinges so you could have wires going down to batteries in the bottom of the ship as it is I took the lights out because they weren't very good I might have a minute back in at some point but as a result since it's not completely removed this comes apart and like five modules it's gonna take a little time we got like an armory got like a metal medical bay over there it's like ship operations like the CIC it's like an evil medical bay but each one has to be removed individually which takes so you got a fine place to put it all as you as you take it apart right I didn't get a lo a lot of table space cuz I always come in late and all the different modules out there and the turrets actually move so if you look at the turrets you can just turn an engine and they turn like that there are gears inside then these flip up here and you can remove the rest of the top panels [Music] expose some more of the bottom floors here yep so we're getting down towards level one slid some pieces over there so how does that work exactly then when you're attaching those panels it's just like a locking mechanism to sort of keep the panel's aligned and now the front panels slide off on big rails [Music] those are kind of attached to the railings here and that's kind of how what guides those on oh yeah and it can carry two TIE fighters when they fold up it has one landing craft on level one you've got barracks a canteen there's a cargo bay area and a detention center over here in the center you also have some engine rooms this is removable there's like engineers down there and the probe droids can actually be launched from the outside by pulling agreeable and it drops a probe droid out the landing craft Lego just came out with a landing craft set but this one has some unconventional wings to sort of enable it to fit inside the hangar it snapped off there we go there you go planning craft you're able to do the folding there to get it to fit in the small hangar bay yeah I mean it's a big hangar bay for a Lego ship but it's still pretty small so everything's kind of fold up as much as possible try to find a place to put this and that's pretty much it for the tyrunt it weighs a lot it started to transport so I'm not sure if I'll have it on another show after this one but we'll see looks like you'd be hard to street sports so when you started on this project how did you figure out all the different rooms the modules and everything was there kind of plans you sketched out at all did you just start building I just started building I got like two stardestroyer sets and I tried to take them apart and make a really big Star Destroyer and it's just sort of evolved from there but after that I made the constrictor like a little escort ship and actually saw instructions for this one it's a little interdictor cruiser which has been on Star Wars rebels mine doesn't look exactly like the rebels version it's pretty similar and it also has an interior which is much also a carry handle whoops hit the tyrant there but it just folds open so like much easier than the tyrant to get into the interior you can get to the details a lot easier but it's still packed with all the different panels and minifigs yep I like interiors so all my builds future interiors it's a big part of it and that's a nice carry handle so moving that one is very easy just pick it up and you said you sell instructions for this where can people find those if they're interested in getting those if they went to my youtube channel Doom handle they would see links to rubric Obul also if you search on rubric below for either the aggressor or the constrictor they're pretty easy to find make sure to put a link in the description of the video then so if anybody wants to check those out you can definitely find those and the third gray triangle ship is the aggressor so this one I designed after the tyrant a lot of people ask for instructions for the timer it's just way too big I mean people wouldn't even be able to move it if they built it like I'd have to really explain like how to do everything it's just not a practical design for instructions right so the aggressor was built originally in a regular starter story configuration so I could sell instructions for their regular starter story or configuration I've since modified it to a victory class just to be a little bit different it's also smaller than the tyrant but it has a lot of improvements in terms of how it comes apart like instead of the axles and stuff the bridge two slides off my rail still it's a three levels they're just more cramped it still is a conference room up there and the main bridge has some interior space in it but it wasn't big enough for a typical Imperial bridge so I put that on level 2 which is also removable there's like engine stuff under there it also has moveable turrets like the tyrant I might have broken them because I switched it to a three turret configuration the regular the instructions version has four turrets and they used to work pretty reliably but we'll see I did something wrong and the top panel is the improved system they just have like little technicals you can just drop them into place it only takes a couple seconds to remove them you can definitely tell how you've improved and your technique has gotten better as you've done these yeah wait easier to remove them and with the the instructions version the ship the regular ISD configuration you can actually move the front panels without removing the back part of the ship so you can just take off the front panels and like if you want to reload the TIE fighters or the probe droids you can do that without even removing the bridge if you want to so it still has canteen I tried to include in my favorite room switch where the canteen in the barracks there's a couple control stations on the ground floor as well the TIE fighters are redesigned their cockpits a lot sturdier than the tyrant's TIE fighters and they also have folding wings so they're just regular Tie Fighters but again they had to fold up and I had to put these rails here to make use of this space I couldn't just have a big hangar bay or there won't be any interior space left and you can deploy them from the hangar bay if you want to the rail actually retracts and you can control the rail using this control here all that playability I like play features too so I'm one of the few people that likes interiors and play features and all that kind of stuff the probe droid launcher they're not in there but they would go right there and you push a button launches them like that and that's about it for the aggressor these are some of the modifications the regular version doesn't have these missile turrets that's to make it a victory class and let's are the typical victory class features so that was a recent modification this is an incredible flea you've got here do you have planes expand on this at all and add add more spaceships not at the moment I mean I'm always looking for stuff to do I'm working on a Mon Calamari Cruiser but I haven't made a whole lot of progress at this point do you feel like when you add all this this detail into your do you have to sacrifice kind of structure and the outside of the ship at all or can you find a good balance there sail I tend not to sacrifice structure I like a very robust structure probably too much like that's why the parts part down even for the small one is 15,000 because I use a lot of pieces a lot of small pieces you've got Technic since there's no support going down the center of either the tyrant or the aggressor you have to support through the walls of the ship so they're like truss type structures along the sides to keep it supported just a lot of Technic support so I mean this one's very strong it's pretty inflexible you can how its configured right now you can move it like this just by picking up the stance you could move it when it's all together everybody won't recommend it it's dangerous something bad could happen yep well these are amazing thanks so much for taking the time to show us through all the interiors and everything I think it's it's amazing bills you brought here so I really appreciate it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for watching beyond the brick show off your lego fandom with our brand new merch line link in the description now enjoy the video my name is Davis and this is our Battle of Geonosis the Droid Factory we started about 2011 we didn't have a lot of time for the first show in about three weeks so a lot of the things that we did or cardboard boxes underneath tablecloths and then we put sets on the top and some custom things and five years later we now have 140 base plates 2000 minifigures a gigantic 8 foot tall mountain that's 5 foot wide 5 feet deep that's all mechanized inside and we set the battlefield up different every time we come we like to change things up this time we put the droids and the clones basically one battle played away from everything breaking loose there you go so is it almost like a modular system with the base plates so you can set it at the battlefield up separately each time yes actually every everything out here is 100% changeable and we do change it every time sometimes the clones wins sometimes the droids win depends on the mood yeah this is so impressive how long does it usually take to set this whole thing up at a show well with two people in Nashville a few months ago that have never even seen Star Wars movies before I was able to talk to them and we put this together in less than four hours so you know 4 6 8 foot table side-by-side I was pretty happy with that when I when my Star Wars geek buddies that helped me at the show because this has kind of been my backyard there was six of us and we had to knocked out in about 2 and a half hours so it it does help when you've got a little movie knowledge and and and know which well which cannons supposed to be facing which direction you know go have an idea of kind of the storyline of what's going on here haven't seen the movie helps out or if I had some still pictures maybe that would have helped out too but I wasn't quite as prepared I didn't think I had to be in Nashville but we got through it and we did a good job people liked it so I love to see the crowd when they walk up on this side they go wow cool that's a battlefield and then they walked to the backside where the mountain is and all the stuffs moving and there holy kill oh that's we can walk to the back now then if you don't mind and kind of take a look inside the mountain and get a closer look at the the whole mountain here because this thing is is just massive so much so much cool stuff so kind of what's going on back here well when everything works right now I've got one wire that's shorted out this morning normally on the left side here this conveyor belt takes raw plastic up to the foundry that's in the back from the foundry comes out and splits into two different lines one's a super battle droid factory line and the other one's a regular battle droid line the battle droids get hammered stamped and cut and sawed and everything that happens in the movie and just follows it down and when they get down to the bottom they line up in formations so they can go join the fight well what's what's kind of the gears and what's to keep from keeping everything running in there everything in here is ran there's to NXT motors and I'm sorry to index T brains and there's one two three four there's about nine different motors that run into just different gear systems we kind of slow it down as it gets down to the bottom speed it up and we get to the top we've got a couple of rechargeable 9-volt battery packs that we just switched to and normally this piece on the top Anakin Skywalker chases this droid ship during the whole show however our NXT for that we left at home so there's a stationary there for now so some of that built into the mountain here then some of that like why are we nuts there like then that stuff well a lot of the wiring going to show you an access panel over here on the side people are gonna go what what is that guy building with but it's actually got a base inside of DUPLO bricks so we've got a little work center there that we hide our NX T's and our extra batteries and sometimes extra motors and clips and things like that that way it keeps out of sight and still looks cool we used to put this part together every time we set a show up and we realized you know we could put this on a wooden platform and take it in three pieces instead of 30 probably make our lives a lot easier so now I just have to have two gigantic guys that work out for you know three or four days a week to help me carry it in but we got smarter we got a cart now so it does help it a little bit too was was doing the landscaping count on the mountain is that difficult kind of building that up getting the rugged look alright I think that's probably the easiest part on the on the outside I think the toughest part we had because we don't use Digital Designer we build it the old-fashioned way with a bunch of guys and an occasional customer word or two that comes out because we forgot to do something but every once in a while we put you know things that stick out on the inside so we can build off those points and sometimes when we redo it because this is the seventh version of Geonosis hey we forgot you know or we wanted to put a conveyor belt across this way and we realized man there's nothing to attach it to start over so we start over we put it you know some more things that we can hook into the walls and make it a little more sturdy and a lot of times we find cool parts you know in other collections things that we buy and assimilate into we have a shop here in the south side of Indian and a lot of things come in the door and we think oh my god this would be great for Geonosis so we figure out a way to put it in next year that works really well and then your bad or better next year very cool see continued upgraded so do you have some of the older Star Wars sensors most of this kind of the newer sets because I know Star Wars has been around for like over 15 years now actually the big MT T transports for the droids those are the original ones I think they're about 2007 vintage here and I think we have four original gunships and then we have six new gunships that we we wanted to make the look a little bit different on those we like the gunships that were the originals because we make them bigger inside so it holds more troops so that it looks like it's carrying more clones into the battlefield so and we like to put different decals and we had some medical decals made so we've got one ship that doesn't have as much armament that's supposed to go get the clones that get hurt and take them back to the to the mobile medical center so yeah there's there's a lot of there's a mixture of old and new in here now this whole thing is really impressive is it hard to keep all the moving parts here in the mountain running or is that difficult to make sure that stuff doesn't break down in the show well it normally doesn't have any problems at all and I know the wire that went bad this morning has probably been in service on this for about four years and it's it's the wire that snaked all through the bottom of the stuff that's built so it's not an easy quick fix and I didn't want to do it during the show because you know you'd see a grown man up there probably the bad side of a you know Ben replacing a wire for a while it'd probably take me a half hour 45 minutes to do it so there you go but for the most part it seems to run well done that's good it does and actually we redid some of the conveyor belts about two months ago we used to run through rechargeable double-a batteries we would burn through about a dozen of those in two to three hours at a show and we've upgraded some of the gearing we replace some of the rods and the Technic pins and things in there and last time in Nashville it ran for eight straight hours on a single battery change so we're real happy with that because that's again one of those things you know if you can put it up and walk away it's a whole lot easier because we could enjoy the show and go look at all the cool stuff too so well that's great this this whole display is so impressive especially the mountain part with all the moving parts here I think this is really great so thank you for talking with me about it appreciate having me appreciate it [Music] and we're good oh I'm jingle fell Boba Fett's dad I'm called Duke Oh gave me the plans for the Death Star on Viceroy I work for some economic trade federation this whole movie is about economics that's that's about it oh uh Roger Roger you think of the minifigure on a bass play technique used by this designer oh it's ingenious there's just it's all about minifigs on a bass play you know you know you got you got to have a big bass play and just like a few things it's all about the fix I don't care about the sad sort of mocks it's all about two things large collections of figs are pretty incredible I say that if you own a large quantity of clones on a baseplate you're number one in my book I think that wraps this up for us Thank You Shiloh hey guys it's rich boy Jay and Garret bricks and today we're showing you our crate mock we've been working on this thing for about six months now we started in January and we have been building it for this convention here brick Fiesta in San Antonio and this is the culmination of many long nights of hard work many brick link orders many pickup recorders many runs across the city to go to the Lego store and a lot of very fun build streams on the You Tube channel so I guess we can start over here in this area you guys have seen the ATM 6 and that was probably the biggest my biggest contribution to this obviously it's a 16,000 piece build there are many of these and the actual scene from the movie I thought one of them should be sufficient and it most people will feel that same way as well it's quite a large bill but if we move back around here we can actually show you guys the custom kylo Ren command shuttle that Garrett did you want to detail that a little bit yeah so it's minifig scale or as at least as close as you can really get with minifigures I've been working on this trying to get the design down for a few months I was really wanting to have the wings able to be dying be angled like that like it is in the movie they're very heavy and they it works for what it needs to be I wanted to get that the skinny wings but still be strong enough like there's Titanic running through all I'm gonna keep it kind of as flat as possible while keeping it skinny and having that that that really sleek profile that the ship has yeah so you can take the front off here and you got some pilots and stuff in there kylo Ren's there with Huck's he's about to throw him against the wall you know throw a fit of rage when the when the Millennium Falcon flies by oh yeah and so will they I noticed here is you've got a lot of exposed studs which I feel like in recent years you know it's not as common Lego building so was that on purpose or did use that one invest in all the tiles you have to cover up part of it was budgetary there's a lot more tiles on the outside and that's because the outside of the wings roomy most what's displayed today since the wings are spread out well the inside of the wings is a lot more exposed than it it will be ideally I would love to have it all tiled up Kailah shuttle is thankfully if you look at the design of its kind of splotching aways it looks like there's a bunch of like kind of alternating squares and stuff it's not like completely smooth so it works it's not ideal I would have loved to have tiled up the whole thing but the the outside of the wings which is the main thing is as well most of the tile well the most of my tile money went you've got it held up with some nice to take a break ups there so that works well this is purist these are Lego products this was actually was a last-minute thing we had no idea how we were gonna we wanted it to obviously be suspended somehow as it's flying in the movie on day 2 we'll have it landed but so for today we were thinking originally we might we were gonna try to support it through the middle support the body of the wings are just way too heavy for that if you try to lift up by the body the wings just kind of fall down that's why the cups are sporting the wings the body is really what's being held up but it was really a last-minute thing we it was like two days ago maybe we put the cups down set it down we're like hey it holds up they're clear they kind of blend with the white I think the look of it I think it works it's all very familiar and speaking of tiles this is the first order hcats so if you guys remember the scare if McGarrett and I did this was an 80a CT we have converted it to the 8080 version for the first order so there are a few minor things that got switched up and honestly I'm hoping this is not a continuing trend because I'm tired of building new walkers it's I'm hoping especially that the ATM stick shows up in another movie so I get at least a little bit more mileage out of it than just this but if it doesn't I won't be too mad this is a great MOC I hope and hope you guys will enjoy it as well so one of the first things we actually started on with this MOC is the salt pattern and that was something that I think that was distinctly Krait like you don't see that too often in Star Wars movie so it was very pivotal that we got that correct so we went through a bunch of different ideas for techniques I think the first one we kind of had our eye on was the snot technique using kind of like plates and curve slopes on the side to kind of create cracks but upon closer inspection we realized that the the ground it's not actually cracks in the ground they aren't crevices instead they're actually like salt clusters so they should be protruding from the ground which kind of influenced our decision to decide to go with like the stud to create somewhat of a honeycomb pattern actually to get the aesthetic of crate and it actually turned out pretty well it was something that we kind of jumped into we like ordered a lot of the parts that we needed for it hoping that it would look good and it actually ended out ended up turning out pretty well so we were happy about that that way too helped us because we were able to do like the footprints and the trails and stuff otherwise we wouldn't have been able to include those so having like the the big red exposed doing it the way we did was a lot easier to have those kind of have those in the mock in various places and one of the things I did want to highlight at this point having been working on it for so long it's something we take for granted but we used a lot of red slopes on the edges of the mod to kind of create a border around it and the idea was to kind of have it be a cutout like a cross section of the ground on crate obviously it's a salt planet and below it is kind of a red dirt and that's what we used to kind of recreate that kind of aesthetic and just make it look a little bit better around the edges didn't one just have it be flat brakes or anything like that and I think that it adds so much to the MOC it's almost like a border that goes around it and it just it draws your attention automatic to it so it's something we spend a lot of time on and I think seeing it all finally together it was well worth investing in a bunch of slope so we otherwise wouldn't have really made it to put into the Mach it's like a big slice of cake you know it's like it's like sliced right out of the planet you know you got the nice like velvety kind of kind of border around it it's great good way to describe it so one thing we didn't want to show you guys is over here we have the footprints with the troops marching in and this is something that I feel everyone notices and it pops out because obviously you know it's little cute footprints for a lego guys so people really get a kick out of that so that was really fun to do and this is one of the first things we actually did on the mock and like once we finish this up we were so excited to kind of move forward because like I think I posted a picture on Reddit of just the foot like the guys walking in the footprint and it's probably like the 12th most upvoted posts on the lego reddit page so it's only how that works out but yeah it turned out pretty well I think and the creek just lends itself so well to Lego the contrast between the red and white with the footprints or the blasts or the crevasses like it all just works so well together so I'm happy about that sure yeah so then we'll move around to this side and see what else we can we can take a look at here kind of we when we were building this we went from the back here and then built all the way at the front so the caves the last thing we did so footprints was obviously the first thing we worked on the second thing was the crash TIE fighter and so is our first time really doing something different other than just doing the same salt pattern over and over again so I don't know if from the trailer for anyone remembers the trailer for the last Jedi there was a scene in it where a TIE fighter crashes into the ground it like hits and the wings break off and it like rolls around obviously we started building we started playing in this even before the movie came out and by the time we were starting working on it even up to this point the movie wasn't out on DVD yet so we were watching like the trailers and stuff just over and over and over again trying to find little details of crate there were there really wasn't a whole lot of like promotional footage for crate out there it was more like a lot of drawn-out shots and stuff but one of those shots was the TIE fighter crashing and two of the speeders kind of going around it that way so right well definitely include that and I just love the way I mean we wanted for sure because it's obviously a battle going on so we have various battle damage stuff and that's obviously the biggest one of that so the ties kind of has like an impact crater where it landed and kind of and then rolled the wings all lift debris behind and stuff and the type eyelets obviously are safe and unharmed in they're about to call triple-a to have someone come come help them out there I love the wing planted into the the surface like that that's really neat as well it's because we needed it some way for it to kind of be propped up so it wasn't just a bunch of flat pieces kind of behind it and I think you know it's it adds to it it's very clearly a crash the wings just kind of jetted there and rolled a bit or just like stabbed into the dirt one more thing I didn't want to add is that everything in Lego is always kind of built at 90 degrees one way or another and I feel it makes the world of difference having that wing at a slight angle because people see it in its unconventional it looks different for Lego and I that was one of the things I really want to do when I was building that you know add a little differentiation to it from just the typical like building texting techniques that people would use with Lego so the next thing we can kind of highlight were the ski speeders and dust clouds that they kick up so one of the most important things for us to do was to recreate the dust clouds that these ski speeders kick up and this was something that we were totally dreading because dust isn't really an obvious thing to recreate in Lego like you have to think about it to be like like what does this actually look like and we went with a bunch of curve slopes and you can see it kind of bubbles up towards the back and it's kind of cartoony but I feel it's sometimes that's necessary and Lego to give a more obvious representation of what you want to build and like when people see this like they automatically know like oh that's the dust cloud so it worked out pretty well in our favor and I think you know it really pops and it just adds to the kind of the flavor of create with them having more like big red type of contrasts with the salt flats so I like the way that those came out yeah and the lines in the salt there as well just works really well like you mentioned earlier with Lego I think it lends itself really nicely to creating those patterns right yeah you would honestly be surprised with how many people have asked us if we like took a knife and like cut tiles to get those shapes but no those are all LEGO pieces and we like creatively use the different degrees of the wedge plates to create round curves that lend themselves natural-looking lines that would be formed by these ski speeders flying all across it so we wanted to leave a nice like open area to have these lines because once the battle is over and done with like that's so that's one of the most identifying factors of create all those lines being left in the ground so that was one of the most important things for us to design it to make sure we got that right the plan and we drew that out actually because each every section is independent and obviously the lines were gonna cross multiple sections so we actually drew out and that was kind of a pain making sure everything was lining up correctly like putting the base plates next to each other when we're building making sure nothing was you know making sure it would all line up in the logic of it would kind of make sense the other thing was also just making sure like even in the contain cannon of the mock that everything kind of flowed well so you'll notice all the lines start somewhere and end somewhere and there's a ski speeder but kind of created they aren't just random but they were actually thought through we made sure that like every ski speeder started at some place so this one starts here that this one actually started on that side and curves around that one crashed over there started right here and then that one over there started right over here so everything kind of makes sense in those in terms of the Mach and it's something that really wouldn't mean anything to the normal person but for us it makes sense and it's correct and that's what we try to anything that we build yeah well it works really well then so if we keep making our way down here I think we hit the trench scene yes the trenches were something that we both were just so excited to work on it's honestly influenced the entire Mach being elevated so because of that we wanted to make sure that it wasn't done for nothing we wanted to make sure the trenches look good since it like cost us so much more money and brakes that the whole thing elevated and there's so many different details we put in namely if you look like in the ground there's like the the great sections and there's the dark grey curve tiles in there and it's something that's kind of trivial but like having them all together makes it look distinctly like the grates in the ground and then there's just all types of pipes and tubing and things like that but go throughout the entire trench and altogether it creates a very awesome aesthetic and anyone who's seen the last Jedi will see this and immediately know exactly like what's going on in this scene so that was a lot of fun and then I think Garret did an excellent job lining up all the figures you can kind of take him through the scenes in that yeah so I'm obviously uncrate they had the big trench and everyone was lined up guns out ready to get blasted by the first order we we made it we took like some care and we didn't want just the same minifigures placed over and over again so we definitely we switched around faces we tried to put as many unique hair and face combos as possible we even recreated a lot of people a lot of when our for our live streams we have all of our moderators we recreated sigfigs for them and threw them in the mock and some of our friends like myself and Jalen are actually right here that's Austin cluded your own figures promotion from the Lego store there's that there's a ton of that we have a ton of cameos and other figures of people from from the actual movie itself and other lego youtubers and like I said our monitor or moderator team is they're probably the most recognizable seen what the figures is going to be the general Emmitt standing up there with the binoculars he kind of everyone was kind of hiding behind the trenches and he just stood up and looked out I always got that I always got the impression that he was a veteran of the Battle of Hoth he was like it's just a bunch of big walkers like we've seen this before so he steps out there's some foot prints behind him and then a little behind him is the guy that picked up the salt and tasted it oh this is salt it's not snow guys it's salt and then right next to him was gareth edwards the director of rogue one that was his cameo in the movie so we're like okay well he'll be in the Mach 2 right there where he is in the movie the next part of this were the turrets and these were honestly pretty difficult to build because there aren't any great shots of them in the movie what I actually ended up having to do was play Star Wars Battlefront and like run around like all sides of this they take pictures on my phone of the screen and let me I'm gonna take you on a little story so EA if you're listening right now please make create a map that you don't have to play on multiplayer to access the outside I cannot tell you the amount of times I was running around minding my own business just trying to take pictures and people were trying to kill me how is how am I supposed to make Lego Star Wars marks on people online want to kill me so it's hard to get the source material when you're being shot at exactly yeah like honest honestly I went through some things man it was not a good time but I made it through I persevered and I converged on a pretty good looking turret design I think no thanks to you stars battlefront players but anyways these things were actually pretty cool I thought that like the design it just pops it's like not dark grey it's not white it's not red they really pop out because there's such different colors especially with the orange stripes that go around it and it was actually designed to be modular so the entire thing comes apart the Father time wasn't feeling us though so we didn't really have the opportunity to finish it all up but you can actually see there are space to have an interior if we decided to do that and of course there's different minifigures and such lining up throughout the turrets just helping out doing their part in the large battle so with these minifigures here or any kind of the build in general do you guys use any third party elements that kind of add little details to the minifigs and details the builders this all just normal LEGO pieces this is all normal Lego this is all purist we pride ourselves on that I think if we really want it we could invest in custom weapons but there's just so many figures that it would become more pricey than it's worth in my opinion we have a ton of just Lego blasters in general because we're big Lego Star Wars collectors so it's just something that we have they're ready to go and I think the blasters are pretty I mean like all the all the resistance figures have the like the more like the gunmetal gray ones because that's what they come with in the lego sets and the stormtroopers have the plain black ones which is more so that's that's accurate enough for us I think that's what gives the idea across of what the guns are supposed to be so next we have the mountains real quick one last thing with the with the trenches here we can actually pop up some of these sections here that's great yes so you've got insides there yeah so these will come up there's also this one over here I'll turn this one so we have these on both sides actually it's pretty much the same if you imagine just mirrored on the other side but we kind of wanted logic to flow with the the trenches here so you can imagine them running from the base through the trenches and then out here to get to the to the trench to get ready to to die basically get blasted get blasted by a bunch of ATM sixes they were the resistance didn't last very long they tried but they didn't last very long that's such a great element of the build that extra detail obviously I mean cuz the trenches would be underneath there so it makes sense but actually building that in is so cool we had a lot of fun doing that I mean like we ever since ever since we started we knew the trenches were gonna be our most thing we were it was really the thing we were looking forward to most being able to design the trenches and kind of have that like have that logic flowing with it like okay so where are they gonna enter in where's the tunnels gonna be where they gonna come from from the base and it was a lot of fun so next we can actually go ahead and look at the rock work this was something that we spent a lot of time on we both basically picked side of rocks and we just built them up ourselves to try to get them to a certain height we use a big combination of like the dark grey big slopes the white ones in that same color the red ones as well just kind of having like the the dirt color popping through room and I think they all kind of culminate to create a pretty good representation of what you see on create it's not one obvious color it's a really combination of all of them so we tried to make that as natural as possible with Lego and then the other thing is obviously the big door that keeps the bad guys out and you can see that we wanted to recreate it's kind of rusted color that's why we chose dark tan and I think that worked pretty well and one of the things that was like kind of something we took for granted when we started designing it but we realized it was important to do was actually have the angle right here bevel at the bottom and there are no reverse slopes in that color nor that size that specific angles so we had to take the regular slopes fix them flip them upside down and then try to like connect them and have it work seamlessly so it's it's pretty complicated but I think it worked out pretty well so one thing we'll show you before we go into the inside is back on the other side come around and check this side out so there's this big hatch in the movie the ski speeders actually come out of the hatch and that's how they make it to the battlefield so if you'll notice the lines that start right here it's from the ski speeders that flew out from the door and you can see we actually have a cameo from one of the biggest stars in Hollywood right now Vin Diesel from Fast and Furious also known as Dominic Toretto he's hijacking the ski speeder and he's doing one of his many crazy stunts so we wanted to show some appreciation to a globally renowned film franchise and I think that we faithfully we did it justice so I'm happy about that I think you guys did well so I come around here and you've got some kind of like Easter eggs hidden in the side then yes so I'll start around this side this is the one that I kind of built up I'm you can see that I got a scene from everyone's favorite Star Wars movie attack of the clones when they go through the Droid Factory got the Geno's e and popping out of the wall about to attack them so that's pretty cool it's the height of filmmaking right there it really is honestly that movie might just be as good as Fast and Furious but if we move down here to the command room this is one of the funnest parts of the mock just because we spend so much time in here in the movie got the lights as well if you'll pan out for a second there's actually an access door that we put in there to actually just access the lights and turn them on and off so don't have to tear the MOC apart to do that pretty cool idea I thought shoutouts wick kilometer for that but this was so fun to do there's Leia back there obviously sitting on her chair giving out orders and some other important characters from the movie and there was no like one shot of this room that made it really convenient to make this so I had to do some guesswork and get a lot of different angles from the movie to make this thing impossible and if you will actually look to the left in that cave right there you will see a familiar face mr. Luke Skywalker coming through and trying to save the day so it's something that you wouldn't really notice unless you looked hard but the payoff is really good because it's like everyone wants to see you Han so we'll take you around to the other side then we'll come back into here this is more of the same kind of layout from that side it's the side of the mountain here kind of cut out it's a few rooms here we got a Minecraft room here it you know we were doing Lisl hidden caves and the first thing I thought of when I thought of caves and what kind of Easter eggs to include was Minecraft and like Lego makes Minecraft set so worked out really well got it this room down here this is kind of a this would be like a kind of locked off closed room we decided to put a lot of Easter eggs and references we call this the fan appreciation room this was there's a lot of just in jokes and stuff referencing a lot of people that watch our livestream so that was kind of we put that there for to for their appreciation a lot of in jokes that no one else I won't go into explaining any of them cuz no one will find them funny I will say shout out to drink tea that's what that is over here we have another room this with a little Darth Maul cameo I've noticed that Darth Maul makes a lot of cameos in Star Wars marks he also makes a lot of cameos in Star Wars movies and Star Wars TV shows maybe where he might not necessarily belong so there he is he's running his criminal enterprise from from a dank cave like broody McKay is I mean he's Darth Maul he's frustrated that he got cut in half it's been years and he's still around he's he's like Disney just kill me off already be done with me room here just will create one of the crystal foxes Jalen did an awesome job whipping up those foxes the volt volt Texas I know what they're called there's a ton of them all throughout the mock we've how many maybe 25 of them there and they're all around and then there's one last little tunnel here it kind of you can kind of look through it and it leads out into the main cave area show you guys it's back over this way recreated one of the rooms from the Crystal Caves you can see that got some light bricks in there illuminating it got a miner who I guess got forgotten about rest in peace and a lot of those crystals just kind of protruding from the ground and that was actually a lot of fun to make just because that I didn't really have to think too hard about it it was all natural so I can just you know build up whatever I wanted and anyone who plays the battlefront game would certainly know exactly what that is and get some appreciation out of that so that was a fun little room to whip up so now moving to the Grand cave area this is where it all goes down first thing we'll highlight is the first order shovel that comes in this is the one that Finn and Rose stole from the supremacy they pull in well they don't really pull them they crash and and they're like telling people don't shoot don't shoot and then everyone down here is shooting at them you can see Leia even has her gun and then here's Poe reuniting with his best friend and this was so fun to do just because like we got to recreate this whole little part of the movie and anyone who remembers it will know exactly what this is and the other nice part was that this ship ends up like landing destroyed so I didn't have to build all of it and it'd be nice if that happened more often and also we have the resistance shuttle that I designed over here they take a few of these off of their ship in order to get onto this planet so I thought that I'd put one of those in there as well and if you look over there in that corner that's actually a reference to the Lego Star Wars videogame so anyone who remembers those knows that there's like buttons on the ground that you can use to access special rooms so we thought that our fan appreciation room deserve some sort of I don't know like challenge to be able to get in so that's what's going on over there we got the third guy running up about to step on his button so they can get into that yeah those frustrating buttons always had to like move characters and everything like position everyone exactly right so exactly so then up top we have the hangar section and this isn't actually something you see in the movie but it's something we thought that made the most sense since we knew we were going to have that ski speeder flying out of the door it just made sense that you know there would be some sort of hangar for them to kind of get from inside the base to the outside so you can see there's the rebel logos on the ground because this is obviously an abandoned rebel base and we try to you know recreate some of the familiar things you'd see that the rebels had and then of course like there's the guy seeing off his buddy onto the battlefield yeah and then you even got some really impressive rock work on the inside here as well I'm sure after doing that the front round that wasn't difficult for you guys by that point yeah so that was the weird thing like we were I feel like before we got to any of this we were so excited because it's like it's like not salt anymore we get to like build stuff up and do rooms and then we started building rocks on the front and we were like okay it's so fun that we were done with that and then we didn't realize we had even more rocks to build on the inside so I think we're both done with rocks for quite some time but I think it all ended up working pretty well and I mean it really does a good job at recreating the entire aesthetic of the inside of the caves so I think it was well worth it and one of the other things I was actually kind of difficult to design was the door obviously on the front it's the dark grey slopes normally on the back it's kind of the same thing but it's at a slant so once again there are no reverse those in dark grey dark tan I'm sorry so I had to like flip those upside down and have those kind of all fit together and stay in there in order to recreate that look so that was not easy at all but it ended up working out pretty well I think that like if you go around the other side and you look here you're like okay like that looks like it all makes sense and fits together so I like that a lot yeah so that's incredible that's the whole thing there so how do you guys know how how long this is and how wide the whole thing is so it's four base plates by nine grey base plates I think with 16 feet by five five feet so definitely the biggest thing we've ever built by far it was it's been about a six months of work or so another month before that of planning it out and it's it's definitely been a journey we're both very happy and relieved to be done this is the last time it'll be displayed we will a lot of the things on here will be changing for day two so I'm sure you guys will love to come back and check those out we'll highlight those so there's a few things that kind of change but yeah it's been a journey it's been fun and I'm looking forward to hopefully out doing this next year with with my friend Jalen here oh yeah the great building duo here as you guys work on this together you both live in the same city so were you in the same kind of physical spot building or would you build different sections then bring it all together so we built all of this at his place he had the he had the space for it and it took up like half of a room and we we live in the same city I live about it's like a 35 minute drive but I would still go up once or twice a week we'd try to and work on it and just you know get it out get it done and it obviously there was a lot of late nights and I think it was all worth it in the end then you guys mentioned a few times that you did a lot of this during YouTube live streams to talk about kind of how that works and you know how you interact with other builders as you're as you're kind of going through the process right yeah so I don't think it can be understated the amount of people we've been able to meet through this journey specifically because we did do the live streams on YouTube and it was started off there's just something for us to do other than watching Star Wars movies because we got through like the four or five good ones and we decided we didn't want to punish ourselves so we decided let's do something else let's go ahead hop on the live streams and we can you know talk to people and give ourselves something to do that would kind of help pass the time we were building monotonous things I think honestly like having to kind of like pay attention to the chat which is something we prided ourselves on we didn't want to be just you know a video happening of people building we want to engage with people start conversations and build memories like the stuff that we could put into that Fan Appreciation room but it kind of I would say slow the building process just because we kind of had to split our time but it ultimately made it more enjoyable for both of us because we weren't just mindlessly stacking bricks so it was a trade-off but one I felt that was well worth it just because we got to not only meet so many people but also create so many memories with people that we honestly may talk on like a daily basis to nowadays so it's pretty cool that's great well then we'll come back tomorrow and see what you guys have changed up and what else you have to offer so thank you so much appreciate it awesome thanks guys okay so we're back for day two for the exciting conclusion of the crate build to see what our two talented builders here have added to the build and changed it up for day two so if you guys want to start back here in the cave and then we'll move our way forward and see what's changed actually I think we'll start on this side and then we'll come right back around so the first thing I did want to show you guys is that we have probably the most heartwarming scene in the last Jedi we have Luke having his meeting with his sister Leia handing her those gold dice and seeing her for the last time as I guess the physical like being so yeah it's pretty cool that was actually a really fun scene to replicate because I think that in the movie like it's just a very beautiful scene especially with the passing of Carrie Fisher I like that we could kind of you know move move everyone from this room I guess from except for c-3po and then have those two having their moment so I really do like that part of the MOC and it holds a special place in my heart so it's kind of like a tribute and love this to Carrie Fisher so I like that part of the MOC moving around to this side we have the evacuation area so obviously they're chasing the or that were chasing bullet Isis they're following the bulb Texas to the outside of the MOC we got a few of the main characters running after her pose leading the way with bb-8 lay of course is following behind and then if you also check back here it's kind of hard to see but through there kylo Ren is marching into the door with his snow troopers and they are looking for the resistance great out of detail actually did want to highlight this room it's a little dark but you can see that myself Garrett the brick Wiz and John Cena have all run up on Darth Maul we got a few questions for him we want to know why he's showing up in all of our movies hopefully he has some answers for us very important scene there alright so then moving back over to the battlefield so the battle is now over you kind of look at the trenches there's a lot of people will say they're sleeping taking a nap after a really hard fought battle the first order hit I'm pretty hard so there's just wears you out it's a battle is hard especially when you're facing overwhelming odds so there's a lot of wipeouts in the trench we got some ones like some smoke kind of billowing up mainly the doorway there has been blown out the battering ram cannon which is not on our Mach we'll just pretend that's kind of behind a ways it shot a big hole through the door cracked it like an egg so there's some smoke billowing up a lot of where our speeders were before you let us weren't there more so the it'll either the trail will keep going so before it was right here in the trail stopped the trail kept going we switched those out so it's like kind of the continuation they went off this speeder did not make it that far she had a bit of an issue there and then you can also notice the the other the same with the speeders on the other side they're not there anymore probably the biggest change for today was the classic scene Luke and kylo facing off this was something that everyone is always asking when we set up this display they say well where's Luke and kylo well here they are it's day two the battles over so now they're facing off you can see the the shuttle has now landed kylo got out there's some some red behind him where he's walking notice there's no red around Luke there's something going on there no spoilers of course but they're about to face off that's probably one of the best scenes in the movie I think he tosses his cape off and they have a confrontation and that's kind of I guess the climax of the movie so we definitely want to replicate that it's really nice having the white just kind of around them and they're kind of right smack dab Center in the mock with the the giant shuttle behind it kind of framing it all really well it's another shuttle is on the ground so did you have to switch anything up with the way that's supported since it's not up on the pickup it cups any longer yeah so I have some landing gears on it they're just these here there's they don't like go up or anything so basically when we took it off of the cups and when they were flying I remove the bricks that were kind of watching the wings kind of that angle so just took those out then I just have to kind of hold the shuttle upside down put the landing gears on and then flip it back up and set it back down it's all pretty sturdy so you can kind of move it around to get those under there but it's just a matter of sticking those little guys there and it stands up on it so if you come back to this side you'll see we still have some troopers taking a nap but namely there is Finn carrying Rose over back to the base sure if people will have some opinions on that being in this mod and the other thing we wanted to highlight is that right on the front of the door we actually had pop-out sections so if you get up close you can see that there's a hole that goes straight through the door to the inside of the base and that's kind of what the first order did to try to get into the base and then that's where Luke makes his exit throughout the base to face down kylo Ren so that was one of the first things we decided we wanted to do we wanted to make sure that once we switch to this stuff out we were able to complete the entire scene and have it look the way it does in the movie so I'm happy that that actually worked out pretty yeah well I love the extra effort you guys went to to update it for day two here the whole thing is just incredible so what's your plans for the for the future with this build yeah so after much deliberation I think that we have gotten the most that we can possibly get out of this mock and we probably are going to destroy it after this convention we'll keep some of the bigger pieces like the walkers and the kylo Ren command shuttle but everything else we have no attachment to any longer and we're going to make it a lot easier to pack up that should be fun to watch it served its purpose it's time to go one last thing we want to give some special thanks to some very close friends who actually made it possible for us to get this here of our friend mark and our friend that these guys are brick Wiz and John Cena respectively on YouTube make sure you check them out they gave some a lot of help but give this thing together and it would not have been possible nor that's easy without them so shout out to those guys you've always got the supporting team Peters always helps to have other people with you when you have something this big you really do you need some help because I mean obviously when we were building it we were planning on doing this eventually and we never really thought like oh we couldn't handle it ourselves and it wasn't until we actually had them with us and still barely kind of managing to get it here and managing to get it on time and finished in a working state really it showed we did need some extra help there at the end [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh congratulations I was on tonight Roger yeah oh yeah thanks for watching beyond the brick show off your lego fandom with our brand new merch line link in the description now enjoy the video [Music] my name is Jim carpenter this is the ds1 Death Star that we bought two years to build as far as a piece count price count it's kind of it's kind of unknown at this point no more to follow on that so we're gonna start here so obviously this is like the hull of projection room right here this is the officer's cantina right here this is like the dust our control room back there in the screen you can see Grand Moff Tarkin and Darth Vader getting ready to blow up on Iran with Princess Leia this Bay right here is where the the type islets sleep this is actually the briefing room for their briefing missions this is the the tie the tie Bay right here obviously these are there's a turbo shaft from access to get from here to the second level because back here if you follow along that's the control room back there for the controls that apply of the the TIE fighters this is like a kinda like a hallow room if you watch the episodes with the Star Wars Clone Wars with the first couple episodes where the clone troopers go through their exercises that's what that's modeled a pup this is the gym so obviously they have like weights and treadmills on the right hand side and of course the running track up above that and then below here we have the speeder bike maintenance and holding bay and then below that this is the armory down here and then right here this is kind of like a supply room and then down here this is just kind of like a like a bay and the open there alright so I'm more to this side obviously this is a turbo laser room right here this is the officers uh chow hall obviously this is the the dust our control room right here still in progress to be to be finished this is the main main hangar bay for the for the dust are below that obviously we have another another turbo shot or turbo laser room this is the the detention center if you walk around here so these little grates right here put actually push in and this one on the left hand side when you push it in you push them in a finger down it'll fall down through into the trash compactor like an actual movie this is the probe droid BAE this down here is the the quarter or the the mess hall or chow hall for the enlisted soldiers this down here is just another storage room and then of course this is a storage bay down here as well all right obviously they have different hallways you know so the the the troopers get access to all the levels of the the Death Star so up here on this side this is grand moff tarkin x' quarters below him this is where the officers sleep obviously this is the bay where Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker swing across and then this kind of stimulates the virtue Baca and the stormtrooper are waiting to go up the the turbo shaft and then below that this is where obi-wan is with the tractor beam to disable it and then below that we have a the enlisted quarters Cantina and then below that we have like a droid maintenance room all right so I'm over here to this section alright so this is the the guns for the for the Death Star this this side right here is stormtroopers quarters these actually slide out they're actually they're their beds that they can they can get in and sleep in if you come over here to this side these are actually they're they're showers right here this is kind of like their washing sinks but you know what industrial sink is and then way in the back they have all the trains back there you know where they of course blow that more more turboshafts for the station defense obviously the the turboshafts get access to these two levels and then below that we have the medical bay which context up both sides I'll take you over here shortly so obviously we have the the bhakta tank bay operating room and then the the doctors uh the the doctor's office right there below that which is like a storage room then obviously you know that the cantina which I talked about uh shortly alright so up here just kind of have like a an X Bay obviously more more turboshafts this is Darth Vader's chamber obviously this is the other side of the stormtrooper Bay where the stormtroopers asleep and then below that this is for the scout troopers that's where they that's where they sleep at and then below that we have the second half of the medical Bay so obviously we have like the like the entry table where they come in and check in and obviously this is where they put like their through their patients once they're done with their surgery though that have another turboshaft and then another storage room beloit that and then just like a another annex bay down there where with a turbo shot this so this trouble shaft right here actually runs the whole length of the Death Star all right and then over here this is like the turbo shaft Bay so like say the one on the far side runs to the whole length of the Death Star and then the one closest to us runs from about right here all the way up to about right here and then it stops all right and that is pretty much it yeah that's incredible so many details in there that's amazing so what was your design process on like that did you kind of just build from the bottom floor and up or how did that work okay so the biggest thing is I had to figure out like how big I wanted to build it and I pretty much came up with a general consensus that I want to be pretty much by 40 inches by 40 inches so what I did is I built a mock shell using so if you use like I use like these Technic beams and plates to kind of like make a rounded shape you know to make it more symmetrical and so what I did is is I built I built the frame just using the outside and once that was done then I used the slope pieces you know the slope and then the inverted slope pieces to get close to that outside shell and once that was done then I went through and as you can see right here I outlined like how high each level was going to be and what I was going to put in each room so I did that here and then I went back through and then of course I went through that and then that kind of slot lined each each room that I wanted to to design notes and sort of drawings and stuff here to help you out along the way but no nothing like nothing in ldd or nothing like that it was all pretty much freehand a lot of rebuilding and building you know so it which was quite challenging at times what was your inspiration for this just a Star Wars fan or just decided you wanted to go for a really big project how did that work so so actually with this came about I was actually I'm actually active-duty military and I was actually in Afghanistan and I had my wife send me like two UCS Death Star's so that was going to put together and I never quite finished it you know when I was there so when I got home I was like well I want to do something big so let's do it you know let's do the Death Star so that's that was kind of like my my inspiration from that what I did is in you know this is my second brick fair you know in 2013 I actually brought the Star Destroyer that had the minifigure display so I built that so I just kind of you know kind of upgraded upgraded from that well that's really impressive that's interesting what you said about you know being active-duty military kind of lego building is that just a pastime or how does that work for you sure I mean it's you know a lot of a lot of X duty members you know use Lego as kind of therapy you know just kind of unwind and stuff you know especially you know serving you know tours you know overseas and stuff so it just it's kind of something that's just kind of kind of like a break you know just just kind of step away you know from you know from the military aspect yeah that makes sense and then when you move this around how does that work I somewhat modular sure so each level where you see it actually separates and basically how it transport is you know I built a built a crate and each most of these levels sit on a plywood platform and I just slide the platform into the crate and it ships that line and you know I came all the way from Clarksville Tennessee and you know traveled over 200 miles and traveled with no issue so definitely definitely glad glad that initial test run went well because the plan is is to hopefully bring it to Star Wars Celebration in April that's awesome well I thank you so much for telling me about this and taking me through the whole I think it turned out really great thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tenaris and this is my build it is the Star Wars Death Star trench run from Episode four of Star Wars and what we have going on this is one second before the Millennium Falcon swoops in and knocks out the TIE fighters so Luke is riding in his red 5 and he's looking for the secret exhaust pipe to blow up the Death Star so that's basically what we've got going on ok and there's so much obviously a lot of gray in this scene because of what you're depicting how did that work for you like getting all those pieces and then deciding where to place them so I'm already did a lot of my kid sets we have no made sets in the house anymore and then brick link of course with everyone else and then lugged bulk everything was pretty random everything is built in modular plates and I would take a 16 by 32 plate build on it put it in my closet forget about it and then build another one to try to give the randomness to it so you don't end up with any you know weird patterns or something going on which is really nice and refreshing because it's random and if it breaks I don't care it's perfect that way so is this all built on plates you kind of build up against the sides or how did that work yeah good question I like to build module II so I can transport and it comes apart in multiple sections I can show you easily how so everything comes apart and so every section is small like that so I can transport it's ticking boxes what's really cool though is the interior of these it's just 16 by 16 plates joined together by Technic frames so it's light to transport and I pop these Technic frames off unclip them and it folds flat flat packs the storage so yeah I've pleased to do that that's perfect and what inspired you to do this scene from Star Wars just kind of a favorite scene from the movie or how did that work I was running out of favorite scenes so this is definitely one of the ones I thought was iconic I like to do something that people might enjoy when they walk in and I designed it so it could be viewed you can back up from the view and you can see that the x-wing and the TIE fighter framed and then you walk in you'll see more that's going on so it's gonna have a lot to build yeah yeah and the redid this is such a large scale to I think it turned out really great what was the toughest part of doing this for you um really good question it was I had built it I had it built for June to try to take the brick Fair Virginia but I hadn't done this front section and I didn't do this back section here is just kind of flat and it was a challenge do I push through spend the money on doing it and I decided I would to try to make it look good yes a self challenge was the toughest part really so when you work you're not built like this and I know you've done other Star Wars builds and things from movies is it are you just looking at screenshots from the movie when you're working on it how does that work well screenshots in Star Wars Battlefront I bought myself an Xbox and Battlefront a year ago logged over 400 hours there you go that's a lot of research research perfect research so absolutely yeah that's it basically perfect yeah I think it turned out great so a great job on the build like you said you know I think it really gets people involved a lot of people recognize the scene obviously so it's a crowd favorite I'm sure well thank you yeah yeah I hope and I hope you enjoyed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my name's machi and I'm from Poland and this is my end or project that I've been working on for something like 13 years this is a real passion project project of the lifetime so my my great great project I think is the biggest one well it all started with the shuttle in 2004 I built the shuttle with the different cockpit and then later on there was a UCS set for collectors based on my model and then the actual designer of the set adam lego designer he said well maybe you should think about something like a little scene for this model and he meant like just a piece of ground maybe and i took it literally and did this so what do you know about all the functions yeah take us through kind of the whole layout if you can't hear there's so much to look at okay so as you can see there's some little scene from Return of the Jedi with the 8080 or a tap if you prefer the head should be moving it's not moving right now of course the head should be moving the guns are working here there's of course Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader brand-new blinking red lights as you can see I'm rather proud of it that it's 99% Lego there is no like wooden frame on their heels is all four full of bricks actually so there are certain metal parts in the platform itself but they are just in case a child would like to hang on the on the edge or something they are not necessary some of the lights are LED lights but most of them are Lego original Lego lights the trees are one meter tall this is like six eighty eighty s six or seven kilograms of bricks and and a horror to set up looks like it would be so then talk a little more about kind of the platform structure itself obviously you've got a bunch of grey bricks in there holding everything up yep it's all snot built it's it's not there is some Technic bricks that are bracing it inside I mean the supports the main supports there is a lot of very colorful long breaks inside of course but it's also not built so it looks nice it's very solid you could actually probably sit on the column and then there is a platform itself it's also is not built it's strengthened with long Technic parts but it's smooth on the outside and smooth on the other side underside so that was my aim I didn't want the stud holes or studs visible actually aside from the ground you can barely find a single stud in the whole platform it's fantastic work so if we move around to the backside then take a look take a closer look at those trees and then also I think you've built a number of functions in here as well not in the trees actually the trees are just trees and they're nightmare in transportation because I have to shoot them down of each and every branch and distort them in layers and then disassemble the trunks in three parts at least and you know lots of boxes really like 15 boxes or something the platform itself has a crate huge crate so it is another problem especially when you don't have a van and I don't have a van so the packet in all real tight yes it is as tight as possible today at least but it's still very very large and hard to transport well about the functions there is a control panel color-coded as you can see it's because of the sources of energy I mean each each section of the panel is another source of energy there is for one from flying one for the elevator on the on the top of the platform then there are all the functions for for the shuttle which is of course motorized the wings are moving the ramp is opening the landing gear is opening as you as you probably saw a demonstration of how that works now if you can make a much faster film yes I can because it goes very very slowly okay now the lights first the wings well they are actually idiot-proof so when they go all the way up they will not break down they would just stop but I prefer to to watch them carefully and we can I think fly down flying down goes really slowly because the shuttle is somewhere between two or three kilograms heavy so now let's open the landing gear landing gear coming out the bottom yeah slow descent it has to be slow it has to power functions Excel motors inside to make it really very strong but I didn't want to go fast for two reasons first of all it's very lot of strain on the motors and the other thing is that it wobbles if it goes very very fast and I need it to be to be stable because the strut that is going up is I would say not to not too wide not too strong it's all about the balance actually more than strength of the strut and all the motors are inside the the great column there all the men all the mechanism are in the column that's right except for the shuttles mechanisms which are packed inside so that was quite um quite hard actually there are like four motors inside er I think four motors inside the shuttle ok and I will not show you the ramp opening because I personally broke it down today I made it go all the way and then forgot about it and the power functions linear actuated just ripped it off so there you go there is a ramp but you cannot see it now I think this is plenty impressive already so excellent layout here I love the the years of work you put into this I think it definitely shows off here the appreciate you bring to the show thanks for chatting with me about it thank you very much [Music] [Music] [Music] thanks for watching beyond the brick show off your lego fandom with our brand new merch line link in the description now enjoy the video I'm Jacob I'm Josh and we built the Genesis arena here so this is from Star Wars Episode two yeah and it's where obi-wan Kenobi Padme and Anakin all have to escape from the Geno's reason by you know attack fighting off the monsters as well as the battle droids here and our inspiration for building is that we've never seen someone do this before in dark tan only in tan or brown and we figured this is the best lego color that matches what the arena actually looks like in the scene of the movie so dark team is such a fantastic color it just looks so nice when you have a build like this especially with the kind of rock work and stuff going on there so how how did that come together for you guys what was that like doing all the slopes and everything kind of the weird angles of that so we first kind of started just by doing some general sketches and then taking the base plates and outlining where we wanted the rock structure to be and then just kind of building layer by layer they built this kind of curve the curved architecture of each of each one of these stands so we kind of built these in individual sections building them up and up until we got to finally about a face point and then we able to start making the cliffs and the overhang and one of the biggest challenges of the build is the fact that dark tan doesn't really have a wide array of different pieces available in it so we were kind of constrained to what Lego actually creates yeah and some of the dark tan pieces also get quite expensive not so we were kind of limited as well you know weight to figure out I'm Brooke link what is the cheapest piece like stud per dollar that we could get you know and end up being a lot of smaller pieces instead of some of the larger ones actually sometimes so my favorite part of the build was the beasts the three different creatures those are impressive so what are some of the techniques you guys were able to incorporate there I think one of the coolest techniques was definitely the teeth for a clay little white teeth pieces there and also the legs as well yeah trying to make sure those you know looking at tons of screenshots from the movie as well as you know looking out other monsters people voting just trying to generate ideas for that was a fun process horns for the red beast in the middle that Anakin is riding gold golden pieces are always impressive you can't go wrong with that definitely and so you've got some great minifigs in here as well take us through some of the minifigs that that are in this scene yeah sure so you have Padme she's up trying to escape the beast on top of the post Anakin is actually riding his beast and obi-wan is fending off a clay with a spear and from the battle droids you can see that we actually include an easter egg from the movie there's c-3po his head on top of a battle droid body from one he had to escape the droid factory it accidentally got you know discombobulated and then we have some of the Jedi in the stands actually appearing just like they do in the movie they kind of come out of the shadows and as they begin their rescue effort for Anakin Padme and obi-wan and up here we actually have the visitors stand where Count Dooku I think some of the Gian evens boba and Jango Fett and you can see in the back mace windu is coming into surprise exactly I love how you've included all the characters there and gotten it set up just like that the scene in the movie that's that's really neat so then you've got a bunch of the winged characters there as well is it hard to to source that many for this build yeah we definitely go through a code different sources and actually we found it was better to just buy the minifigures in the wing separately rather than the bime all together so I was one interesting thing we did but it yeah definitely had the search across a couple Brooklyn stores to get this many of those guys and part of the area here I liked how you you did kind of black filler on the back there so what how what was kind of the reason for that did you just want to fill in some of the gaps it's more that if you look at the arena in the movie you can see it's kind of there's these almost like cavern like structures and caves so we wanted to give the element that hey this goes back way deeper we also want to make sure you know on the sides here like we had that we had the parts where it was open and exposed to the outside but as well as having that having the dark caverns as well to kind of give a contrasting effect well that makes sense well it's an excellent bill that I love the use of the dark tan and everything in here so thanks so much for bringing to the show and thanks for chatting with me guys yeah thank you thanks for time hi I'm Austin Henry best kept I'm from Western Oregon hi I'm Pamela Henry with Scott and this is our mock together it is the attack on takodana from force awakens it's maz kanata's castle and this is a mock we really wanted to do because we felt like it didn't have a lot of screen time it was in the movie for a few minutes and then it just gets blown up by the Empire sadly so we wanted to learn more about it and in doing so we wanted to build it and starting off over in this area we we wanted to have more landscape you know involved with it but the problem is when we were really looking at it you know the Falcon would be really far away and in a different area but there was a pathway if you remember that they walked on towards the castle I guess and I guess we can start with the entrance here so this was something that was really iconic from the movie this is probably the main part you see in the movie and so we really wanted to make this look good and look you know really see what you see in the movie and and so yeah the flags were a challenge it's actually one of the last things we did she had the idea of just taking tissue paper and cutting it up and it worked and you know using some Lego strings to attach the flags to and we have we have a few Lego flags but they're mainly just custom so that but the other funny thing about the flags is that he was like we're gonna get on the computer we're gonna do all this crazy stuff and I was like no we're not we're gonna use the photocopier we're gonna go old-school we're just gonna copy symbols on develop and cut them up and like I really love the way that the effect that it ended up with mm-hmm and I love how you kind of have them all scattered throughout there it gives that that really nice effect that I think you achieve nicely from the movie what the other thing is we thought they were all hanging on strings and then I got on to be taking a bunch of screenshots and I got on my computer the other day and I was like oh my goodness those are all on poles we were scrambling to find all these poles to hang all these flags in the courtyard we were really trying to make it as authentic as possible as much as we could within the Lego universe yeah and up here I really love you talk about the statue there somewhere I think that's something that's very recognizable when you first walk up to this yeah that was something that I was tasked of doing she didn't want to do it I had to do it and I kind of just I kind of put it off to the last second I think I built that a couple days ago but luckily the recent brick heads sets just came out and the robhan figure has those those black pieces the round eyeglass pieces and so that's where we're kinda like okay I'm starting to see it come to shape more so i reaiiy was putting together and i realize you know this is a statue so it doesn't have to be exactly like her you just has to resemble her so I think I kind of took a step back it was like I just got to make it look like her and I'm pleased with the event you know nicely and then if you talk about some more that you've got all these other big buildings here and I love maybe point out some of the D through the architectural details and everything and how you were able to achieve some of that well the interesting thing is many people might not notice but all of these walls are at an angle so it's not a straight up-and-down Lego build you have to build the alt the whole wall and then attach it to you know something so it can pivot so they're all leaning back I don't know if you can see that there might be a little yeah there see there's a little bit of movement there are just there are no right angles on this castle so right from the beginning we were like oh my goodness how are we gonna make this work because in the Lego universe everything is pretty right angled cut and dry but we just do the best we could you know we had to take some liberties here and there but overall you know I think you really get a feel for the castle and I think we created it the best of our ability right yeah and it's something one cool effect I like up there you've got some lights and like the explosion there how did you guys achieve that oh sorry so that those are all clear studded bricks and then we got a hold up just a huge really long string of LED lights and so each tiny little light filament is like stuck inside they're so small they fit inside like an actual brick connection and we just kept like putting it together and adding colors and kind of making it different shapes and we weren't even sure if it was going to work but in the end like I think it turned out amazing you know really has that sort of smoldering fire effect so yeah it was good you also I think achieved the color scheme really nicely did you experiment with different colors to try to capture the look of the building or how did that work well we definitely knew we wanted to stay with within the dark tan realm if you look at photos from the castle the the stones are mainly dark tan but then there's so much discoloration I think maybe it's supposed to be from rain and weather and stuff like that so that's when we got into having like the grays and some of the oranges you can see in places where we just cheated a little we had to do green because we did not like we're running out of pieces but I think overall it is a very colorful castle when you see pictures of it and so I feel like you know we really captured it I'm very happy with with the final product yeah is there any kind of interior on the inside of kinda what's the structure on the inside that helps keep this all together a bunch of colored Lego bricks yeah no we this was actually supposed to be a side project and it got a little bigger than we thought it would yeah no we didn't have time to do interior it would have been really cool to do you know the bar from the movie but one of the problems we realized there's so many iconic figures in that that you would see but Lego doesn't make them yet so it probably would have been pretty hard to create a lot of the characters that you see in the movie but yeah that was kind of a sacrifice we had to take but I just don't think we would have the time to do it right so then how does this thing kind of move around did you build it in sections yeah there are sections you guys think you can see a couple of the lines you know there's separation lines along the floor there yeah in past mocks we haven't been great about making them easy to move so we really tried to make sure these were strong pieces they weren't too big and we set this up I think in probably an hour or so it was a pretty quick setup yeah yeah very it sustained very little damage and got over here pretty easily thank goodness but yeah we did a little more planning with this mock because we knew we didn't want to run into problems we've had in the past where you just have so many giant pieces and they're very cumbersome to move and then you get a lot of breakage and so yeah it was it worked out good like he said this was supposed to be a small side project which kind of grew out of control but it was definitely a labor of love we're huge Star Wars fans and you know it just it really means a lot to us to be able to recreate something so iconic from the movie sure and I wanted to make sure there's a couple more cool things we want to point out down here you've got some nice landscaping here first off those three techniques how did you achieve that well I had actually seen a couple different ideas that people that come with trees I you know I really love to see all the different ideas that people come up with because there's so many different ways you can build trees and use arches you can use you know use B Technic beams if there's so many fun things I've seen and one of the things I seen it cup a little bit of was using pin connectors or I guess in this case their axel connectors and they're just brown you know they're they're like the flattest Bend I think they're not very they don't have a lot of a bend to them but you just kind of connect them and I feel like they gave so much more of a life like tree then trying to use arches and this way I feel like the branches are attached to the trees rather than or sorry the the leaves are attached to the branches rather than the leaves just being in a swarm around the tree that you're building and so that was something I really wanted to try and make and actually a cool thing is before you put any leaves on they look like super ominous creepy like you know Haunted Mansion trees so they have so many purposes and you could build them out of black and make them burnt or like I think that's their I think that's a really it has a lot of potential that technique and so I wanted to try that out I particularly love this tree too he got a hold of some of those green whips and just said I'm gonna make a tree and I think it turned out great I mean it's kind of crazy looking but you know I love repurposing pieces like that you know it's a lot of fun right almost like the weeping willow type of effect totally yeah completely and I took it again you it looks like an avatar tree looks like something from Avatar you know it's a space planet so we took some liberties on what the landscape could look like there you go and then we've got this iPads in here so you talk about this and kind of the images on here and how that helped you as you were building well Austin found online this is actually from an ILM 3d model video I was surprised that somebody released it but that saved us I mean we just really would have never figured out like that's the backside we would have never known what that was back there you know and I mean so we could get such up-close detail to make each little piece which was just you know I don't think we could have done it without it honestly and then we just used a lot of screenshots from the movie you know and we would just constantly reference back to that stuff I mean on a daily basis at what point did you guys it was where you sitting there kind of watching the movie right when you saw this scene and kind of saw this building was that what inspired you to build that it was it later that you were thinking about things to build do you thought this would kind of work well for Lego I can't remember can you like well how did we get onto that idea we knew he wanted it's like we were trying to do a small interim thing yeah we thought it was small in our heads we remembered it being small and then and the funny thing is when we started repping you know looking at reference and when you see a figure in the courtyard it's actually huge a figure you know down in here is like one-fifth the size of this wall so that's when it started to be like wait a minute this is not a small casual so yeah just kind of gradual inspiration as you're looking for something to build then yeah we're huge Star Wars fans so yes first Star Wars Smok that we've done a big Star Wars yeah you just went right right for the massive build why start small when you can go huge with the first bill accuse us of having a problem with that [Music] [Music] [Music] what's up guys I'm Blaine Bafa and I am with brick productions and I'm Anthony I'm also with Britt productions so we built circular base it this was a fun journey very long we started back last year in January about the same time but it was just really fun but I am the funder and then my brother Blaine is the Builder so he did build this whole structure I just basically provided the funds to do this mock but yem inspiration obviously came from Star Wars The Force awakens and a lot of people said it was the impossible and I wanted to accomplish that so it was really fun to do and yeah I mean and also the the hangar bay in the back was really really fun and we looked at some other Starkiller basis of what other people did and we noticed that most of them never did like any extra things so we we thought we'd do a hangar bay in the back so that was really fun to do but that's really all I have to say about circulars I can talk a little bit more about the structure and what was used but so six tie fighters straight from the force awakens sets and then the transporters and the kylo ren's shuttle is straight from the actual Lego sets as well for the minifigures we actually took them from the first order of battle packs and we actually ordered 64 first order of battle packs to do it so there's a total of 437 first order minifigures in this creation and then we got the snowspeeder earth excuse me the snow troopers off of prickling comm where i have a store as well so it worked out really well but the hangar bay was based on like an imperial hangar bay designed but we didn't want just a podium scene with with troopers we wanted a little extra and a little you know a little more creativity just not minifigures out in the formation so we added the hangar bay in the back and it turned out really well also the red flags for the banners we customized those and heat press them on as well as that the cloth so it worked out really really well and then we didn't want to have too much grey around the back so we added the black tiles and the red lines to kind of give it to it kind of separates the gray and kind of pushes out the minifigures a little bit and then the TIE fighters on top so as far as the structure that it was just like blueish grey bricks and a lot of tile over 2000 just one by six light bluish grey tiles so a lot of brick link orders for sure but it turned out pretty well so budget was the biggest thing a lot of money but other than that you know it was it was a great journey a couple not only a couple stressful moments and nothing too crazy so I think it turned out really nice and I love what you did with the the minifigs there when you when you bring this to show and set it up do you have those kind of pre setup or do you have to set all those up one by one yeah we preset them or we don't pre set them up we have actually up under their minifigures 1 by 2 plates to show where they go because there's so many different formations and squads there's 48 in the middle squads and then 30 on on the end so we have the black 1 by 2 plates to show where all the different technician and crewmen are and then the white 1 by 2 plates to show where all the storm troopers and the snow troopers were so we just put them all in bags and send them up it's easier to transport because we just take the banners off and the troop and just stack the baseplate so it's a lot easier to transport and the sets will go in a separate box so it's really not each baseplate comes apart for everything so total of 12 grade base plates the big 48 by 48 stud base plate pretty big hello I'm Jalen Edwards and this is my minifig scale Millennium Falcon I started with an exterior that a guy named Marshall banana and made online and my idea was just to fit an interior inside of his design and then I realized it was a little too flat so I kind of manipulated it to work it around the interior that I wanted to add into mind and that's kind of how this model came about so as you can see it's the force awakens' iteration there's Ray in the cockpit there's a square satellite dish on it and I think the most interesting thing about this model is from Wolfer first and foremost probably the inside but also the fact that the bottom is probably just as detailed as top I would love to show you it but this thing is really heavy and I'd hate to drop it on camera so I'll leave that up to your imagination but I promise you it is there so you take sort of the panels off here and show the interior it comes apart in little sections and it's nice because everything just kind of sits in there so there's not any tight stud connections or I'd tear something off on accident yeah very cool so all these different parts come off yeah it's kind of it's honestly it's it's I had to memorize exactly how it can come apart and come back together like I've gotten in situations where I'll start putting it back together now rise oh no this other part has to go over it so I'm gonna have to restart so all of these just kind of come off and I looked at a lot of the cross-sections books for the Millennium Falcon to make sure I had at least most of the rooms I think there's only there's the only main thing I'm missing is there's two rooms in here but I had to have the Technic structure for the mandibles in the front so it's kind of hard to implement that I may eventually end up doing something in here but and in the meantime I have everything that you see on camera so that was probably the biggest goal of mine and getting everything situated so as you can see like in the front main room there's the couch and then you can see Han and Chewie or finding rey finn and bb-8 and the little hole in the ground and then if you come over here you can also lift this panel up so when Han wants to smuggle spice that's where I imagine it would go and if you come like around here this is the hallway where Chewie and Han would come into the Falcon and say you know Chewie we're home and then here I actually turn it around back around here through the main hallway this is kind of like a little comm section with a lot of panels and electrical things like that and then this is the hyperdrive room and this is the scene where c-3po gets tangled and wires and thinks he's melting artoo is probably gonna help him out with that and then Hans putting his moves on lay over there in the cargo room and of course there's the hyperdrive back here and an interesting thing about this is that like I guess in the original models of the Falcon it was just intended that this room would be three different beds but in the newer versions for the force awakens they changed this to a kitchen in the bathroom so I thought that'd be a little bit more interesting so if you guys are ever wondering where the bathrooms in Star Wars were there's one in the Millennium Falcon go figure and then if you come around back over here to this side this would be the section where Han and Luke would have went into the hallway to the guns on the top and bottom and I made it to where you can pull this out so if you want to place a figure in the bottom you can do that and then I have fin over here on the top I guess secondly he should be in the bottom but it's a lot easier to see it this way and then finally over here in this section on the front that's the bed where when Chewie gets shot he's sitting down and Finn's trying to tend to him and I think he almost killed him like six times and then also there's Rey in the cockpit piloting the Millennium Falcon and as the one little play feature on this if you look on the side the bridge can open and close with a technic mechanism and if you swing around back we got the hybrid drive actually functioning I know how rare it is to see this but yeah the hybrid is working on a Millennium Falcon yet the lights in there was it hard to incorporate the light sir it was um the hardest thing is always just like the wires because there's not a lot of space back there so it's a lot of just figuring out like how they would fit in the little crevices I mean it doesn't look pretty by any means but this is really the best way I could get them to all fit and because there's just so many of them that you need to kind of have it look like an LED strip I wanted to stick with pure Lego elements so having to try to incorporate that was a little difficult and also I realized that I had to make it blue somehow I considered making just the plates on the back all light blue but one those are expensive into the only in Falcon doesn't look blue on the back when the lights are off so what I ended up doing was just having blue studs right on the other side of the light so when it shines through it actually looks blue but when you turn it off it just looks you know like the normal back side of the Millennium Falcon well that worked really well so when you first started on this build where did you kind of start from and build out from it so you kind of put made this direct structure and everything right yeah so I started out with Marshalls exterior and then I kind of made like a floor in it just to see like if a minifig will be able to stand in it and it obviously couldn't so I went through a bunch of different things and then I just decided okay I want to build a structure like a square big enough to fit in this because it's easy to build squares and Lego and then kind of like see how the panel's can fit and hinge into it and it's a lot of really complex angles in the ship so I use one of the techniques I saw in the most recent UCS snow speeder with having the rubber bands kind of keep them anchored to the bottom so that really helped it me out and figure out how to keep the panels on the bottom connected without figure out some complex you know geometry for the getting I got stud connection at that weird angle and then it was really just a lot of like seeing whether or not this room can fit in here and then like putting the top back on it and seeing like if the top could fit flush on it and if it couldn't taking it back out lowering that section a little bit and then at the end it was just like figuring out okay how can I make these panels sit in here and in like a nice and neat looking way and filling in some of the holes so it looks like a decent ship from the outside but still allowing you to be able to access the inside pretty easily yeah well I think it came together really well and I loved all the detailed interior in there that's something you don't see on a lot of Millennium Falcon's so I think that's really neat thanks for showing it to us preciate it yeah no problem I appreciate you for the interview my name is Renee Lincoln and I built a crystal fox from Star Wars the last Jedi so after watching the last Jedi movie I fell in love with this creature I thought it was very visually impressive creature and as I was trying to think of a good idea to build for this year's brick mansion I thought I'd have a go at trying to build this so I kept it a secret because I thought it was gonna be very challenging and I was correct but I did manage to pull it off and I'm quite happy with it and you captured it so well so you're using pieces and kind of very strange angles and strange ways to talk about kind of the challenges of that and how this build came together for you yes sir that was something that I was considering when I was thinking about it was how I was going to get a lot of the trans player pieces to set at different angles to kind of give that effect of being the crystals like the creature actually has and so I've used a lot of brackets and plates and all sorts of interesting pieces to try and get that effect and so yeah what were some of the main clear pieces you use here the you found kind of gave a nice perspective on the creature not a hundred percent sure what the technical terms for them are but these blade pieces they were quite important and also the little antenna pieces so there's not a lot of them in Australia so I did have to pick up and pick up them from Europe they're like brick link orders from European sellers okay lots of brick link orders I'm sure that shipping and stuff gets expensive coming to Austria yeah yeah it was quite a lot of shipping sir I think 1/7 of the cost was shipping Wow but you know you needed a lot to give that nice effect here so then beneath the clear pieces it's pretty much just all white pieces is kind of the base in the main body yep that's great there's a little bit of color in there of course as you're trying to feel bits in you just pull out whatever pieces you've got available and yeah but the white was quite easy to come by so it was a nice color to work with and then you've incorporated some lighting in the head there so how did you achieve that I've got a little hidden compartment in the torso so the back lifts off where I've got the Lego battery box connected to the little too light diode pieces it was it was a very complex just you know connect one piece to the other and stick it in news it was great that part was easy yeah that was quite straightforward so what's this like structurally then you've got the base there you built for it can you pick it up off of that and move it around or when you bring it to the show how does how does that work so I've connected it onto the base plate so it's legs are stuck I was kind of tossing up a few ideas of whether or not actually stick it down or just let it stand and given the weight of the body on the legs I did decide to actually stick it down onto the base plate so the head comes off all of the trans clear pieces come off and the tail and then I can lift it up underneath to carry it very nice so is this type of building sort of creature building like this something you've done in the past or was this your first it attempted this style of build well I actually only got into Lego in 2016 I came to brick mansion for the first time and was absolutely astounded and went I have to do this and then in 2017 I started off by building brick built spyro the dragon model and so that was my first ever attempt at building with Lego well at least you know I bought a couple of small sets since brick mansion but yeah so just amassing all the bricks and building it I did use the original Lego green dragon just as a little template for the back legs and then just kind of built off from that and so that was kind of my learning process and then you know I've kind of tried a few other builds since then I think your skills have advanced very quickly this is a really impressive building you even won an award for it there as well so congratulations on that it's really great thank you very much hi I'm Zack Schrader and this is my battle of crate made out of Lego I tried to do something different than what I've seen for from a lot of other Lego crate mocks I tried to do some a custom speeders that were more in scale with the custom Walker that I built I really wanted to capture the look of the speeders from the movie so I added a couple extra details that aren't found in the Lego set and I wanted to add some different colors just to give some variation and then I wanted to add the black color and shuttle because it's very iconic scene in the movie with the color contrast on on the whole planet and salt crate during the battle I really liked the look of the black in the red of course in the movie and then I also of course did a a custom Walker which is one that you can see that's much bigger than the 80 80s in the movie so I wanted to capture the size compare so that's why I had the 80 80 in the MOC as well and then of course I did light everything on the MOC to really add another level and layer to the MOC and then I went ahead and I did a lot of like broken you know salt and dirt from the planet around all the feet to add some more texture and detail to the mock and of course we have the the footprints from the troops walking because in the movie you see that when anybody walks on the planet it leaves a red footprint where it wiped the dust the salt away off the planet so I tried to add that detail too and then my friend Josh he was also in my love here he helped me build a cannon for the MOC and we lit the barrel as well and unfortunately right now the battery ran out on the inside but the inside cannon spins as well and that's really cool and a lot of people really appreciate that and we also have the command center on that lit as well and then in the movie in the battle scene the Falken shows up to help fight off the fight of all the Thai fighters that are attacking the speeders so I wanted to capture that in the MOC as well so I also added the Falken above the crepe mountain because it's such an iconic ship in the Star Wars movies and in the scene when it's flying in to help save crate from the TIE fighters that are taking over and attacking the ski speeders it's a really great scene in the movie I got Chewbacca piloting it light just like in the movie and I tried to do some flashing lights for cannon fire and the engine to kind of show some detail on that as well I really liked how the trenches ended up coming out I did some grading and I did a lot of detail work to kind of show the rock and the broken look of the trenches in the movie I do have tunnels unfortunately I wasn't able to get tunnels all the way through the whole MOC and have like a side cut out that would have been a really cool level maybe next year always but I really liked how I was able to get the troops lined up at a good height on the MOC which of course required the whole MOC to be raised up quite a bit but it was worth it in the end I think for the overall look of it right what is that like underneath there to get the whole build raised up what kind of sort of filler brick did you go with I went ahead and used regular Lego brick instead of like DUPLO or something like that I did stacks of brick every probably about every three to two inches I there's a stack of bricks up up up and then it's mostly done with two by two bricks for the bottom of the stack and then a 2 by 4 brick at the top to hold up most of it if the surface is done plated with 4 by 6 plate I found a lot of that on the pav wall at the time and so I went ahead and had 4 by 6 red plate underneath all of the white that you see done for the salt technique then you've got the giant mountain which is certainly another iconic part of crate so talk about both kind of the rock work as well as the large gate itself sure I was really worried about how that was going to come together when I was building I had no idea how fast that was going to come together the the wall itself came together actually very quickly I was able to come up with a really fast skeleton design in the back I know for some high structures a lot of people use Technic I was actually able to get away with using all just regular brick and not having to do like a ton of like filler brick in there I was able to do a technique where I have these 2 by 4 bricks spacing out the sloped bricks and on the back of those I have bricks holding up as a structure brick on the back and it connects all the way up the wall kind of like a staircase a backwards staircase all the way up the wall and then the rock work is a little bit more structured on the inside but on the outside I wanted to really include the look of the salt kind of growing and collecting on the rock as it was blowing over time and then of course the iconic red from the movie I read the contrast between the red and the white is such an important part of that scene in the movie and I really wanted to capture that in every aspect on the mark and that contrast is I think what really makes great bills like this stand out so much you know are so so cool to look at because of that the bright white and the bright red that really stand out yeah and I think that another thing that helps with that of course is when I did the red lighting that was so important to me to do red lighting on a lot of it I mean it is that way in the movie of course but the red lights help bring out that pop against the white because when the crowd is looking at it from over there and they look in at it they see that white backdrop on all of the bright red and it looks really nice and that lighting definitely makes a lot of this stand out as well so talk about how you incorporated that in there and what are some of the things you kind of learned along the way that you might be able to tell other people that want to add some lightning to their belt sure sure so the hardest lighting to add of course was I think the cannon fire on the ATM six over there because the biggest thing that the hardest thing I guess with lighting is to hide wiring always you have to try to find a clever way to hide the wiring and when it's all the way out there in a brick you have to try to find a way to run the wire back all the way up through the build and try to keep it concealed so the biggest I guess suggestion I can give to people who want to incorporate wiring is try to plan ahead with your build if you think you're gonna incorporate lighting into the build ahead of time before you know you're gonna get started try to keep that in mind when building the build I didn't know I was going to add campfire I knew from the get-go I want to do interior lighting and I wanted to do the cockpit in red so I kind of had a planned path for where I was gonna run wire through the whole build and then for the the cannon fire came later but I was able to run it through some some Technic spacers and stuff like that to help give it a really hidden look throughout the build and then the big lighting inside the cannon here as well how did that work the cannon lighting luckily with the cannon we were able to get away with a just a really hollow skeleton on the inside using a lot of Technic and then the lighting itself was able to all be set up behind the the cannon barrel there and then we were able just to run the wires behind the brick right up on to the inside of the cannon to give it the really nice little fit look lighting effect and then with the motor we're able to put that back inside the skeleton as well so that really helped that the size of the cannon definitely lends itself to being able to put in a lot of motors and actually right here is Josh he's the one who who designed the cannon and helped build it all yeah I did an excellent job on that part as well so then when you bring this to the show what's your setup process like as you're getting this ready to display to the public the setup process was pretty quick I was able to break it down and put it in crate so this came in a hue the the mountain itself pulls apart from the rest of the build and it goes in a giant wooden crate that I was able to build and then all of these sections here break down into the 48 by 48 baseplate Lego baseplate sections besides that side which has a couple of the 32 by 32 but it breaks down and it's held together by Technic pins just like a modular building would be on the bottom so it all clips together and comes together really fast actually at the show the biggest thing of course is getting the mountain here because it has a lot of weight to it with all the brick inside of it you got to be careful that doesn't no crumble apart when you're coming to this actually we only had a we had quite a scare when we unpackage it from the box we saw that part of the front of the of the wall had caved in slightly and that was definitely a scare for every but we were able to get it back together in time for the show yeah I think Josh just added a motor into the cannon there so is it working now it is not spinning right this second I don't know if he turned it on I can tell him Josh it is not quite spinning yet here it is not the challenges of adding lights and motor action motor action always there we go it was stuck a little bit so now we've got it spinning in there it looks a lot better with it spinning I think it adds a lot of detail to the cannon it looks really nice overall with the build it definitely adds some nice detail there so excellent work with this I think you captured crate really well and adding all the lights and the action like the spinning cannon certainly make it different than some of the crate builds we've seen in the past so good work that was a big goal for me I knew that a lot of people were gonna be building this of course everybody wants to build the big seat battle scene in the new Star Wars movie and I had to work on this for close to two years just collecting bricks and it was always a challenge and what it what can I do differently what can I do to separate myself and that's again why I went with some of the custom speeders to match some more scale and we wanted to do a cannon because I haven't seen very many cannon build so we we thought that was really important to capture the look of the cannon on it on crate 2 because that thing is just massive in the movie exactly thank you so much for bringing it out to the show here no problem thank you for coming over check it out you
Channel: Beyond the Brick
Views: 3,565,095
Rating: 4.8735538 out of 5
Keywords: adult fan of lego, joshua hanlon, beyond the brick, model, legos, podcast, interview, builder, LEGO, AFOL, Convention, MOC, Custom, lego collection, bricks, pieces, minifigures, brick convention, art, amazing lego, awesome, star wars, movie, film, scene, death star, darth vader, the last jedi, rise of skywalker, jedi, stormtrooper, base, hoth, endor, planet, factory, lego star wars, top 10, best lego, lego top ten, the force awakens, attack of the clones, a new hope, millennium falcon
Id: uxZ73f-OHK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 3sec (8103 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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