Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Pitch Meeting

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so you have a Star Wars script for me yes sir I do and this one's gonna be called rogue one Oh Rouge one I like it no rogue one right Rouge one ro gue rogue exactly ro u GE but that's different from what I said whatever let's hope this doesn't become a problem in common sections online yeah hope so so what's this movie about well you know how in the opening text scroll of a new hope there's mention of some rebels that managed to steal some plans for the Death Star yeah so what I'd like to do is you know that as a movie you want to make a movie about a line from a text scroll yeah everyone's been wondering how did the rebels get their hands on the plans uh have they though maybe well alright so how does it all go down well we're gonna start with this evil dude cranek who wants to force this guy Galen or so to come work on the Death Star so gheylens got to hide his wife Lyra and his daughter jinn oh so they have to rush into hiding and they could kind of take their time with it Crenna clans like stupid far away how come so that the good guys can shout exposition at each other fair enough well at least Jin's mom is gonna be with her no she's gonna die oh she is yeah instead of taking care of her daughter she's gonna go back and try to shoot a bunch of guys with a little pistol why would she do that because she's a mom in a Star Wars movie so she can't be alive for long right that makes sense so then we're gonna jump forward in time and meet this dude casseon who shoots his friend in the back oh he's a bad guy no he's one of the main rebel good guys oh really yeah and we're also gonna meet a rebel extremist named sagar era who's visited by an imperial pilot that defected why does he defect as Galen Urso sent him with a message about the Death Star oh so saw is gonna help them now saw doesn't believe him so he uses this thing called the Bohr gullet on him Bohr gullet yeah it's like this tentacle monster that can tell if you're lying or something but the side effect is that you lose your mind no so it's gonna be hard for the pilot to be of any health for the rest of the movie actually super easy barely an inconvenience he doesn't lose his mind yes someone's gonna remind him that he's a pilot in the next scene and we're never gonna talk about it again seems like a weird thing to include if it's not gonna have any effect on anything yes super weird huh so anyway Jin was raised by saw so the rebels sent her and casseon to go talk to him how does that go well on the way they make friends with these two guys turrets and Bay's what's their role in the movie they bicker about the force and they're gonna flip a switch later though flipping switches is tight then Jin's gonna see a message from her dad and he says he built a fault into the Death Star that if you shoot it the whole thing blows up oh wow you're closing up that plot hole from a new hope yeah that plot hole always kind of bug me so I you know wrote an entire movie to fix it you're a little crazy aren't you yes sir I am so what happens next well everyone's gonna say the word hope so much it hurts your ears oh that's fun hope hope hope hope oh and then grand moff tarkin is gonna be like wait grand moff tarkin is in the character played by Peter Cushing that's the one you know he passed away in 1994 right yeah but you can like CGI him back to life or something right I guess is that a little unethical though that's probably fine that's probably fine so anyway the bad guys are gonna fire the Death Star at the planet Jeddah where all the characters are oh so all the characters are gonna die now they're using like a less intense setting on the weapon so everyone has time to talk and fly away oh well that's nice of them yeah it is so everyone flies away everyone except saw he stays behind why would he stay behind he says he's tired of running seriously that's what we're going with seems like a weird unnatural thing to do yeah well I had to kill him off because he kind of served his purpose and having him around would cause problem Oh plot convenience I get it right because later I want the rebels to not believe Jin when she tells them about the message doesn't she bring it with her no she forgot it because plot convenience gotcha so anyway they're gonna track down Jin's dad and he's gonna repeat that her nickname is Stardust cuz that's gonna be important later okay and then he's gonna die in an explosion wait another character is gonna die in an explosion literally every character except a wisecracking robots gonna die in an explosion you didn't feel like mixing that up a bit I did not fair enough also they're all gonna explode immediately after serving their one purpose in the movie usually flipping a switch or something that's pretty harsh yeah I mean if someone's no longer useful to me why would I keep them alive right you're talking about script writing right not real life wouldn't you like to know security security security anyway then we're gonna have a scene where critic goes to see Darth Vader when he's taking a bath and then gets choked by him oh so that's like a sex scene oh god no it's like it's like a badass thing okay cuz the way you described it ya know my bad and that's okay and then later Jin's gonna give a big motivational speech to the rebels about getting the plans and they're gonna be like nah no bummer but then her and some people are gonna take off in a ship anyway Oh very rebellious rebels yeah and they're gonna be asked what the name of their ship is and the pilots gonna be like rogue one hey Rouge one that's the name of the movie that's right that's kind of right I love when that happens it is fun so then they're gonna go to this planet called scarab what happens there well the main characters are gonna have to turn some important knobs and flip some importance which is very exciting and then dying explosions you're really doing that explosion thing huh I am well alright then and then the rebels are gonna find out that some people went rogue so they're gonna send a bunch of ships to help out weren't they against it yeah but now that it's actually happening they're gonna do a convenient 180 on the subject that's convenient and then Jin's gonna send the plans off into space with a big satellite and then I'm guessing she dies in an explosion yeah super big explosion Wow and then Darth Vader's gonna have such a badass scene it's gonna make him seem like a pansy in the original trilogy oh really and then lay is gonna get the plans and save the word hope one last time like a young Princess Leia yeah you can make her young with CGI right please stop making me do that alright so anyway what do you think well I think fans will love it you know I think it's gonna do great awesome although to be fair we can slap the name Star Wars on anything and it's guaranteed to be a hit but that is true [Music] hey guys Ryan here hope you like that pitch meeting if you did hit that like button that subscribe button if you haven't already maybe share it on Facebook and on Twitter with your friends so your friends friends can see it also let me know in the comments section what other movies I should make these pitches for and check back soon for a new one buh bye [Music]
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 2,567,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 0518, list, Star wars, rogue one, a star wars story, solo, anthology, pitch meeting, lucasfilm, disney, jedi, jyn erso, saw gerrera, death star, darth vader, princess leia, cgi, grand moff tarkin, peter cushing, funny, sketch, movie, entertainment, cassian, ks2o, review, parody
Id: biq-bpbTj3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 53sec (353 seconds)
Published: Wed May 30 2018
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