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I was really really happy with the Markiplier family, at least, initially. Then I got tired of it as he refused to give more amenities as needed. I feel it would have been a tad more interesting if they were always uncomfortable. But that's just me.

I was reaaaalllly realllly happy to see Clustertruck back. Haha, he did a lot better this time, despite his frustration. Kinda sad it was overshadowed by his undertale discussion, but I'm really glad he finally approached the subject more openly.

Yeah, he left the game for the reasons most of us suspected, too much backseat driving, and him getting spoiled didn't help any either. I feel bad for him honestly. I'm honestly surprised still that he's seriously going to play it again after that mess. Kudos to his dedication. I wouldn't have it in me after that level of frustration. Bringing in Tyler is a great idea however. Yeah

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CenturiousUbiquitous 📅︎︎ Oct 08 2016 🗫︎ replies
Hello!!! I- I don't know if you are am I- am I good YAA?? Yeah, ok I think I'm live. So hello! Hi How's it going everybody I just stuffed some pot roast I made last night down my gullet as fast as I could because I need..I was recording all morning *Dieing* and I needed to get food into me before this Stream. So I'm still like dealing with the aftermath of the making me hungry by the way that he is talking about pot roast lamb pot roast that I made. But hello! Hi! WELCOME!!! Welcome one and all!!!! Its great to be here, I don't know if its working, but I'm just gonna have faith that it is. making me laugh So yes Hello everybody, a good shoosh to you, one and all and a nasa peepo to I don't know, I have no idea how that's gonna go. But apparently thats a thing now so I need to embrace it, so welcome, I'm still setting up so don't mind *Distant Noise* Whooo!.....nope, not gonna do that. Stop, stop talking to me Don't be echoing, So Hello... Excuse me, I'm just a disgusting mess. I hope you wanted to come on to this stream and just watch me be a horrible human being, in front of you all so... Welcome to the stream, yes chat is going to be a little bit spastic today, and everybody's going to be spamming as hard as you can, so... Uh what I'd like to do is, I'd like to stress test uh, YouTube's servers... To see if they can handle the capacity of chat that you guys will, Uh..Uh inundate me with. So in uh as many words as you can not at once, but as many words broken up over a few periods, tell me about your day, I wanna know how your doin' I wanna know, what your doin' and I wanna know what your up to, what's the object nearest to you on your desk Uh, how are your parents today? You know how are your friends and family? Uh How's everything going, I wanna know it all so bring it on, let me know it I'm just waiting for everybody to talk to me. So, get it all out while you can, because right now is your opportunity so, yes Yes? YES? Yes. okay... Yes.i like it Do tell! OH!? Is that true? ahh very nice. oh you'll get there someday Oh!? really? oh congratulations. Ohh keep trying, you'll get there. Oh great! oh that's awesome. Oh you shouldn't do that, Oh well, you know live and learn, then get loves I'm sponsored by loves. Okay... So some people had terrible days some people had wonderful days, basically the whole spectrum of human experiences compressed into one moment but Hello! I'm here to give you two hours of wo-wondrous glory as we try to revisit the Wonderful World of Sims 4 Now I have a very specific adventure that I'm gonna be doing in Sims 4, but I'm gonna tell you more about it, just as soon as I do a double check of all the systems and what not and make sure that everything is A-okay. We're streaming in wondrous 720p... I know it's the future. But! experimentally, this is also in 60 frames per second, so... I don't know how that's gonna work. Hopefully everything doesn't blow up, but seems to be working thus far, so I hope you guys can see me with not so much lag if it is lagin a bit, drop the quality down and you should be A-okay. Number TWO! We now have Nightbot! Nightbot has come to YouTube so Nightbot is going to be watching over you like the robotic overlord that he is, and he will be laying down the hammer of law upon those Ye who dare cross me. So don't even try it but the added benefit is we get all the basic commands and stuff that Nightbot can do before, not that you'll be able to see it because it'll be going by so quickly. So there also is uhm... I-I've never used I before but Nightbot has like the music functions and stuff like that, and I didn't have time to set it up for this one, so sorry... Uh But I'm gonna be doing live streams every week at this same time on Thursdays for the next six weeks probably, unless something horrible happens, which something always does. So Uh look forward to a lot more of me and a lot more streams and a little bit more refinement now that the tools are starting to YouTube uh..which is you know, the only place I stream these days Uh but hopefully everything else is good and you guys are doing wonderfully. So now that everything seEEeeems to be okay nothing seEEeeems to be exploding... we are going to give a little bit of an attempt at... (not-so-suspenseful pause) Sims, Yes. But first! I'm... I'm gonna...I'm gonna start a poll, because I can do that, poll... you'll see it in a second So i-if if you if you if you don't see this as it goes by after I type it, which will be in the past, so right about now when I'm saying it is when you should look for the poll because there's a little bit of latency delay, between you guys and me. uh So I'm gonna be creating a new poll that creates a link to a straw poll, that you can vote on. This is very important, I need your input on this, so... a bang! and then Nightbot hopefully doesn't die And actually figures out how to do this correctly. and I don't know, I'm not 100% sure if that worked. Infact, I'm almost 100% sure it didn't. Oh!? Maaaaayyyyyybe!? *giggles* I have no idea, I didn't even see it go by, but apparently it happened. and there was a poll somewhere. I don't even know where it went Oh man, this is too much chat, okay so that didn't work at all but that was just a little test and hopefully everything's going to be okay later. but for now hopefully it will cutback on some of the spam, but not all of it. So If you guys are ready, I'm ready let's get back into the wonderful world of Sims 4. Ahh, yes. It's BEAUTIFUL! And also, I believe I previewed the audio here, so everything should be properly mixed for you guys to be able to hear for your listening pleasure. Oh, do a dab? I don't Dab anymore I only exclusively Shoosh It's the only way a Hip-Happinin' Young Guy like Me Can..Flirt with Whatever will come my way And usually runs away after I start shooshing at full speed! You don't want me to unleash my 100% shoosh! This isn't even my final shoosh. So, anyway This is, if you guys remember, The Same exact game That l've been playing Uh..Sense I first played Sims 4 Uh, way back In the way If you remember, here is the original 'Iplier' family. There's me, before I had red hair, There's good old' Wadey-poo and 'Bobhoo', who constantly wants to set things on fire! So. Everything is in there, everything is still here If you look over here... There's the McSaggyTits family! Oh my gosh It's still here - I I actually loaded this up and I kinda geeked out *Geeks out* And I was like I can't believe this is all still here I don't know who the hell the McClure family is but, uh, they're there too I have my, uh, personal. I for- I think her name is Jane Smith, she's programmed to be the most boring person in existance Uh and then I have the Croft family? Which I don't remember putting in there at ALL so I have no idea where they came from so the rest is just the generic stuff that's in every game Like the Goth Family The Pancakes (Dan and Phil fans??) The Wenzle Family... who cares about that? But, for this one we're gonna be doin' something VERY special What we're gonna be doing is I'm Going to attempt to get some audience interaction And vote on things we should do here and there If I could get the poll function to work properly but maybe it wont be very nice to me. But, uh, But uh.. for now we're going to try to make as many of the online versions of Markiplier, and there are a lot. If you go into the gallery uhh, right here. If you open up the gallery and you search forrr... in the community tab.. If you search for Markiplier, there are dozens upon dozens, upon hundreds upon hundreds of variations of Markiplier here. So, I've picked out a few, I picked out a few And i beliiieve they're all doing it properly and they're in the game, properly. But I've picked out a select few that I think are gonna be of good variety. And we're gonna load up exactly one family with all of these different Markipliers, and we're going to see which Markiplier is the best Markiplier. And I don't know by what metric we're gonna judge this But I think it will become evident as time goes on When one is a pathetic lump and does all the cooking and cleaning for everybody And one goes out and swooooons all the ladies I've also got warfstache and whatnot because technically that's a variation of markipiler So what we need to do we....OH also I got every piece of downloadable content for Sims 4 And may I tell you and may I tell you.....wholy shit is that a cash count Holy shit is that a cash cow. That is just a Squeezing money grab like every single ounce of it Is just like, gooped out of it Like each pack Like, packs that add just a few items cost $10 And then an expansion pack costs, like $39.99 And there was like... There's like dozens of packs already! It's so much money Wh-- Why? Why do people put so much money into this? Anyway, I won't question peoples spending habits (Even though he just did) Because, I bought them all, so I So l can't exactly criticize But Those points aside... Not why we're here We're here to create Okay these are... There are my unplayed families I don't know who these are but... If l go down to the booOOOtom No? Uh oh... Well, That ain't good... So What l need to do, is l need to... I've totally forgotten how to play... *Whispering* I've totally forgotten how to play! Oh, how do l add... Create new household and move in, okay So, we're gonna go here... I may just end up bulldozing everything. I might... Maybe I can just bulldoze that? Can I bulldoze this!? Can I do that!? Aaaaaghhh that's not what I meant to do. Ugh, crap. This is, this is a live stream so I, I can't edit the stupid parts out. Oh well. Well, either way. Hope you guys are doing wonderfully today, as we wait for this long ass loading time. Okay get out of here please. No, no I don't, I've played before, thank you. Okay, so I don't care about this stupid house. that's why we're here So we need to get out. Hmmmmmm, manage worlds? Just go to manage worlds There we go, I think, Good God I'm an idiot I should've tested this before I had... I literary should've tried, you know? *Actully dieing* A little bit before I dove right into everything Okay so we need to create a new one Okay, I've done this before You are who I don't need right now I need , save household, downloadable content, open the gallery open the gallery , If I open the gallery here will I be able to add the markipliers in? But I picked them out! My library! There you go, there's my markiplier's , There they are! So I got an Assortment here of various Markipliers. So I'm gonna get THIS ONE. And I'm unna (unna?) Place...oh Muuuurge YEEAAHH and how do I get rid of this one-get outta here OK So this one is... This one is a pretty standard Markiplier I think this is a good one, his name is not Mark Fischbach These are all Ipliers Iplier This one is Mark Iplier So he is apparently a computer whiz genius, goofball, and creative. So I'm really happy someone thought that I was a genius. But, okay. Then, I'm gonna add this one which is more of a rustic, good ol' Markiplier I don't know how accurate that is but it's good enough for me At least you got the pants-less aspect of it correctly As well as the pink mustache So I'm a joke star, I'mma bro I don't know where that came from Cheerful, and romantic So that's good. It's very lovely. Then, we have this one which is an off-brand Markiplier not completely, entirely correct I feel like not the most accurate Markiplier but I like to think of him as a teenage version Markiplier So, I forgot to name this guy Nope. That's not right So this guy's name is Iplier This one's name is... Nude Iplier Nüde, it's like if I could put in the thing with the umlaut over it. It would be nüde Iplier Basically and this guy's name is... We'll just name them all Iplier This guy's name is Kid Iplier No! Not exactly a kid He's young but he's not that young Maybe I could just take the beard off of him Let me change this one a little bit. We're gonna remove your facial hair Sorry. Aww, look at that baby boy Look at that sweet baby boy Oh look at his sweet... Oh! Tiny headed baby boy Okay. That's good. So now I'm gonna name him Kid Iplier Kid Iplier. There we go That's good. Okay. So now, we need a few more still in here. This one... I don't know about this one This one is just a little off base here. A little too far off base, if you ask me. But I'm gonna try my best here So, Iplier But, this one's is Wrong Iplier because there's just something just slightly wrong about this guy here I'm gonna narrow his shoulder here and flair out the hips Yeah, gotta get the tiny, little chicken ankles Yeah! That's pretty right there. I'm gonna make this guy crazy because he's obviously not all he should be. He hates children, he's mean Can I remove these? There we go Mean. Outgoing? No, that's not this guy. Goofball, he's mean Just plain evil So he's not a goofball, but... (Sim evilly laughs) Where is... Oh there he is! Insane! (Sim babbles) Maybe I should just replace this guy with weight, but I don't think that's going to apply here So we got that whatever, it's good enough Then, we've got this like through the ages of Markiplier Including warfstache But I think that's just too close so I might just add... Oh no! This was the better warfstache! I'mm add this guy's warfstache. So this guy is (grunts) This guy is Warf Iplier There. Okay, so he's Warf Iplier. He doesn't really need any changes. If anything I would want to pull those pants up just a little bit higher But I don't think we're gonna get that So instead I'm just gonna kind of fiddle with his face a little bit. That's good. Maybe it should be creepy, small eyes Get off the face How do I? I just did it! There we go. The inquisitive reporters eyes are not too big if you ask me No! Not done yet! Nope! Okay! Phew, that was almost... So that's Warf Iplier So we got Mark Iplier, Nüde Iplier, Kid Iplier, Wrong Iplier, and then Warf Iplier. and I'm gonna add one more here because this guy... I just God, he's so handsome! I just can't stop looking at him If I looked like this guy, holy shit! This guy's handsome! Like, I'm all about this guy. I'mma name this one... Oh his name was Mark Implier This one's name is Hot Iplier So he's... Oh God! He's a soulmate too. I don't even know what that means. Oh does that mean I want a soulmate? So I'm a geek, I'm a genius, I'm a foodie Let's make me not a geek Let's make me... Let's make me... Where's romantic? Where's romantic?! Isn't romantic supposed to be in here? Oh is it below? Oh, there it is! Romantic. Okay, so he's romantic, he's a foodie He's not too smart, we can't give him everything but he's also Oh, he's a dance machine Oh hell yeah! (chuckles) That's about as good as I dance! Definitely. Look at him go. What a nice guy. Oh yeah! Someone mentioned in chat Dark Iplier I guess, I could throw that in there I'd have to go in the gallery again Let me look it up, I have no idea how this is gonna go Darkiplier Oh, and the whole family No. No. No. No. (laughs) This guy Ugh, my life is filled with sadness Oh man, If only I could write more poetry in my life then maybe I could find someone that could understand me eventually Dark Iplier F How about just Iplier and then Dark He looks pretty good thus far Definitely loving the eye shadow there So he's a public enemy, evil, mean, and hot headed So this will counteract Wrong Iplier Let's not make Wrong Iplier evil, Let's make him He's just maybe not mean, maybe He's... He's outgoing crazy man but he's also Yeah, I'll put him as a goofball Insane, I'm going with goofball He's just a little too weird Then we'll make Dark Iplier the evil The brooding, evil one Something's clearly wrong here I don't know if you guys can tell what it is but I just How do I? Like something... If you look across the board here one thing that I've noted for everyone is that they're just a bit too tall here I need to shrink them down to my actual height of 4'2''. So if I could just squash them down a little bit Maybe someday they will be able to live up to my actual height I just gotta actually frickin' get them down there So anyway but we've got everyone thus far I don't even know if there's a way to fix the height I don't think there is so Just a recap We've got Mark Iplier, Nüde Iplier, Kid Iplier, who needs to be less buff Stop being dumb! There he is. Aww, that's a scrappy, young boy Chubby cheek boy Then we've got Wrong Iplier We've got Warf Iplier We've got Hot Iplier, who... I'm a... (Sim woohoos) Woohoo indeed. Then we've got Dark Iplier who's just a gloomy bastard Eh, look at him Okay, that's good enough. Okay! So now that we've got our guys now we can actually move them in somewhere 5'9''? No, I am 4' 2''. How many times do I need to say this? I am 4' 2'' I am not tall. I am short. You got that okay? You understand that right? You get it? Someone changed my Wikipedia article. All right, there we go. Play. And wah-bam! Now that's a family. I like that. So let's see who the hell... Maybe I should upload this Maybe I should share this to the gallery Description. "It's the whole family." "Except this family is gonna try to kill each other all Hunger Games(tm) style!" Say something. There we go. Is that good enough? Is that good enough? Are we good enough there?! Okay. Wee! We're going into the world! Oh, we don't have enough money. Oh God. One thing we're gonna have to do is fight for a bed. Oh shit. Maybe we should bulldoze the lot? Unfurnished? Man, I don't want to build a whole house! We've got to get to livin' right now! So we've got to do this and we've got to do it furnished Oh now we can't do it. We have to do it unfurnished and then we're gonna buy the most bargain bin everything which that only means everything is going to light on fire if we have to buy all the bargain shit, everything is just going to combust There's nothing we can do about it. Oh well... All right then. Okay whatever. Boink! Let's do this Let's try this. I have a new follower! Yes! Shut up. Okay. Boink! And boink. All right. Here we go. Ready for this? Cheat for your... No! I will not cheat! This is not a cheating family! We do not cheat in this family! We play fair! We will not cheat! No way! There's no cheating happening here! We're trying to live our lives here so we need to live our lives... No I don't want the tutorial. Okay. We've got our whole assembly here Man, that is a dark and dreary house in there One person has downloaded Iplier Good to know! Can I stop getting these notifications? That'd be great. Can I? Can I? Oh jeez it's not going to stop. Is there a way to turn off notifications? Probably? Game options? Probably not. Oh well. Whatever. Okay It's just gonna be there so don't worry about it. It's cool, don't worry about it. Okay. So now, oh shit. How are gonna do this?! Okay so I have two options. I could make them all... I could make them all fight over one bed or I could make them all shitty beds and I can make them fight over one computer Probably will make them all fight over one computer So let's do the bed decision now I'll try to make a poll out of this Poll! New. Sleepo? Sleepo question mark One bed all beds Okay. This is gonna work. Bam. Let me see. Hang on there Where is it? I'm not gonna cheat! There's no cheating, you cannot make me cheat! I'm not gonna cheat! It's impossible to cheat! Not gonna happen. There's going to be no cheating here None whatsoever. So don't even try to do anything about it Okay? Good. The poll didn't work. (laughs) Why didn't the poll work?! What the frick is going on? This dumb This dumb... I did a command! This stupid... Trying to command here and it's not working. Whatever. So anyway. We're gonna get back into this But first off... Oh my God there's so many notifications! (screams) (screams) So that's not going anywhere. So we've just got to live with that now. There's nothing we can do about that But I think if I'm going by chat here It's one bed, and one bed only So let me see what the upstairs looks like I need to be in build mode. There is that? That's build mode. Let's go up to the second floor How do I? Oh here. Okay so that looks... Yeah, okay. All right then. I think we can work with that So I need just items The luxur... We cannot spend a lot of money on this We need to save every dollar we have and I don't want people to get the option of even scooching up next to each other We definitely don't want that. What we want is the cheapest possible item We cannot do anything if all of our money is being spent on all other avenues. We can't do that Woah. Woah! Woah! Not all of them. How about? Comfort for a bed There we go. That's the beds. Okay. There was an even cheaper one! The Anti-Goblin Bed! A child's bed Oh perfect. It's gonna be in the middle of the room because it's the only thing in this room and everybody's gonna fight over it So that was $240 We only have $10,000 left so there's not much we can do but there's gonna be one of those. There's only going to be one toilet (laughs) There's only going to be one toilet all the way upstairs and you have to fight over it you douches So plumbing. Need one toilet. How cheap can we? Can the toilet catch on fire? That's what I really want to know. Okay. Why does the toilet cost $250?! I don't have that kind of money! Okay there's going to be one in there. Can I sell the wallpaper? Is that something I can do? Can I sell all that? Can I just? (gasps) I can sell it! Okay, so all the windows are gonna get sold because we need money. We need money. We're gonna have a balcony but no door to get through to it We're gonna have a balcony out there Wish someone could go there, that'd be nice So we're gonna sell this window and sell this window It's gonna be like a punishment chamber It's gonna be the darkest, dreariest bed in the darkest, dreariest room I'm gonna sell the wallpaper (laughs) Oh man, I have no idea if that's going to be possible Okay we got the windows though Oh! One more window! Gotta get rid of that! Boink. Dark night is going to be... The night is long and full of terrors Okay, so go downstairs What have we got? Who needs this much light?! What is this room for?! Nothing? Is it an office or something? We don't need it. Don't need it. Don't need it. Don't need it. Nope. Not this either. Not this either. Maybe I should unlock this room. It's behind a pay wall, literally you have to pay money to be able to go there What is this room? Is that a bathroom or a kitchen? I have no idea what this is. Oh! That's the kitchen! Aww, that's the kitchen okay. I get it. I get it. I get it. That's the other bathroom but we don't need that I'm going to convert that into a torture chamber Who needs two bathrooms when you already have one? Oh! This is going to be the one shower. That's it! Oh God. They're so expensive Oh what is? (groans) Why does it? Why does it have discomfort relief? I don't know why. Oh! They all do! Okay so that's just normal So we're gonna get this uncomfortable Post Modern Stall. How do I turn things again? Nope that ain't it. Why have I forgotten how to do this? How do I? Why don't I remember how to turn an item? Someone in chat! Tell me how to turn an item! because I've completely forgotten. Anybody? Anybody there? Dab? If I dab, it will not turn the item! So you guys better tell me and tell me now! I don't want any latency excuses here. You guys tell me and you guys tell me now. Right? Right? Oh! It's just right-click?! Oh come on! I clicked that! That's baloney. That's baloney. And the delay on this is too much. This is all malarkey. Okay so we've got a dark one everyone will be able to look over I want one window. I just want one window out the shower because I want people to be able to be naked and then see how much better the life the neighbors are living Again, don't read too much into the fact that they're going to be naked and looking over there there's really nothing to say about that I just want that to be an option in case people you know, want to do that. I'm not saying people have to be naked and look at the neighbors I'm just saying that the option is there and that's the only way they're going to be able to see anything Okay. No. Who needs two doors?! What kind of luxury mansion do they think we live in? Two doors?! No! Ugh! One door, thank you. We'll place it in the middle so no one has to argue None of these. Nope. Not having that. Three doors?! Three! Who in their right... Who needs three doors?! That's impossibly stupid. Three doors is too much. Okay, we've now have almost $12,000 thanks to my clever bargain save-d-ing skills. Yes, bargain save-d-ing. So now we need to get the appliances This is what we need. We need a fridge. What should they get? Crisponix Budget Dee-Lux (groans) All right fine. We'll put it in the kitchen I guess One of those. We're gonna have one counter to work on because I can't have all these Stoves. The YumCooker Yeah, I like the fact that it's turd brown but not a normal turd like an old one. So we need I believe countertops Text search for counter Ahh, here we go. Ah BlandCo! Can I get a different color please? How about? Yes, that's what I'm talking about! And then We don't need a dishwasher. We just need a sink on this bitch. Plumbing Sink What?! $125! (Groans) Why is everything so expensive? I wouldn't pay $125 for a sink in real life All right fine. Brown as well. Okay that looks horrible which is exactly what I was going for You know honestly, I'm going to I'm gonna play the wild card here I'm gonna make the shower in the kitchen because I don't want people to get too comfortable and think they have a room to themselves I think rooms separate people. We want to make sure people get built together and stay in one place because that's better. In fact, I'm gonna move the toilet too that just seems like, if we're going to be friends here how are we going to do anything else? Obviously. Okay, then toilet right there. Sounds good to me! Now that we've got that in there Now people can toilet chat so they can see people in the shower and people in the toilet. If you are in one or the other and everyone else in the kitchen can do whatever they want to do Also we're gonna put the bed in the kitchen because why have anything else anywhere else? I mean the bed in the kitchen makes perfect sense to me. In fact, I think that this is a pretty competent way to have a layout of the house. Everything is going to be in the kitchen. Everything is in one place. You can get it right when you need it and you don't need anything else. With that being said, I need (groans) A grill in the house would be a bad idea. Like a very bad idea. But what? Let's just say for example What if you're on the toilet and you got a real hankering for some burgers like you just need them as you're getting them out of ya so I don't see why not. No one seems to be explaining why we don't need this So I'm just gonna assume that's a good idea and move on from there It's a little a bit of luxury in everybody's life. You need something somewhere When you're cutting corners, you really gotta have a small moment to be able to live and appreciate the smaller things in life. And what if someone is going to sleep and they wake up and like "Oh boy! 3 am! Time for a Krabby Patty!" Any way, okay so we've got that. We're all good to go. Is there anything else humans need besides this? I mean there's a lot of empty space but I think empty space is good because that's more for creativity and appreciating the finer things in life but I would assume people would probably need like one light? Ooh, Spritely Well-Lit Ghost. but we don't want the happy one Okay, that's good. He's gonna be alone in this room over here. If anyone wants light, it's like that picture you saw the Russian children living way up in the north where they don't get a lot of sun. If they want to get any light at all they have to clamor around the phosphorus enclose and absorb some of the natural radiation that occurs from the uranium within That's me doing them a favor. And then, this lovely little ghost gets his own room right here. And that's, you know, that's nice. That's nice. I'm really nice. We dropped under $10,000. Okay, so that's not good. What else do we need? Storage? Why does anybody need storage? What are you going to store? Appliances? No. Electronics. Oh we need a computer! How Low Can You Go Deskblock Great. Can I put it on the floor? No, I can't. Okay, we need Oh the Slab... So we need... I need a table. Table. Or a desk, sorry. I need a desk. Desks. Three! $300! No! There's no way! There's gotta be cheaper. There's no way. Dining tables. I don't want that. That is really... That's the cheapest? That's the cheapest? Oh there we go! A spooky table. There we go. Can I put a computer? I can probably put a computer on this right? Right? Can I? I don't want to have to resell it That would be terrible Okay so this is gonna be inconveniently in the middle of the room Let me put a computer on this (groans) No. Okay fine then. I just don't want to spend that much money. I don't want to spend that much money on a... Oh man, I lost money there. That's horrible Okay whatever. So we need an actual desk here Even that's $200. (groans) $220. $220 is probably the best deal I can get. I'm willing to bet you could probably put a computer on that Right? Like why wouldn't you? Yes! There we go! Right in the middle. Don't need anywhere else. Right in the middle. Got it. Center that. Yeah that's good. Okay then we need a chair. Comfort. Comfort? What does that mean? What's that word? What's comfort? What is that? I don't understand what they're talking about here. Kindermade chair for children. I like that. I like that. Nope, we're not doing that. We're doing the Kindermade. Is there a different color here? More ugly, preferably? Yeah. Mustard yellow is good. Okay, problem solved! We're good. I don't think there's anything else a human needs. Kids' stuff Let's see, activities and skills Honestly do we have time for this? We aren't going to do anything skill building here We're going to have to fend for ourselves. Use a computer to learn any skills. I don't know. I don't know. No idea. So we probably need at least one skill thing We might as well make it something good Oh photo studio! They can sell their souls. A DJ booth, the Wub Tub They have to pose naked for money. I like that as an option. and I think there's just enough space for this upstairs question mark Oh! It's so close! It's like right there! So close. Oh man. All right fine then. So we've gotta put it down here which means I've got to move the desk The desk is going to be... in the ghost room Put that in the corner there. Boink. So that's there The only way they'll be able to make money is through being on camera I don't think that's an obtrusive place. I think that makes proper use of the space and kind of closes everything off (laughs) They're gonna love this. Okay. I think we're good. We're good right? Everybody's good? Dark and gloomy enough? Maybe just thinking about you guys being able to see everything maybe we should add some windows. But not those expensive windows I sold for money. We need cheap, cheap But just here Just in here where everyone's going to be. And everything else is good Okay, we're good. Okay, let's live it. Let's live life a little bit. (screams) There's so many notifications! Live mode. Live mode. Everyone is going to be autonomous the only one I'm going to follow is the Mark Iplier Can I turn up autonomy to 100%? Is that a thing I can do? That's a thing, right? Game play. Autonomy. Yeah, autonomy is full. We're good here. We're good here. We're good here Okay that's good. ♫ We're good. We're good. ♫ Go! Be free! It's only been 38 minutes since the start of the... Could you go? Guys. Guys. Guys, come on. (chuckles) Hi. Hey we're all clones of each other Hey, we're all us (laughs) That's horrifying. That's horrifying. You're still in your underwear. You guys do your thing autonomy. Dark Iplier what are you doing to Nüde Iplier? Who's going to win in a fight? Is that good? Is it bad? They seem to be getting along pretty well I mean all things considered, considering he's a jackass and he's evil. Maybe he's just trying to emotionally manipulate him Who's that over there?! Maybe someone should flirt with her. Eliza Pancakes, young adult. That counts right? I'm going to have... might as well No. There we go. Invite in (laughs) Are you trying to? You were coming to say hi anyway Well, welcome to our house It's practically a dungeon. We have no free will except for what we've been given and we're not happy with anything in life. All right, that's going to carry on over there. But I need to see how everyone (laughs) They're all chilling in the kitchen! Yes! (laughs) Yeah! They're cooking! They're making food for everybody! They're going to light everything on fire! I don't even have a phone! I guess everyone has phones in this game but I don't have a fire extinguisher. Why did you put the food on the ground? Who put the food on the ground? Wow. That worked out okay. I'm actually shocked. (laughs) That's so cute! That's so cute, they're lined up pink to pink and purple to purp... Oh, red to red. Purple? I have no idea. Aww, that's so cute. Uh-oh. Hot Iplier It's Hot Iplier's turn to try to cook Oh hello! Hello Eliza Pancakes Welcome to our weird kitchen Please don't judge us. Please don't take a shower. That'd be super awkward. She's married! She's married! I don't see a...Oh I see the ring on that finger. This is baloney. This is malarkey. I'm not okay with this. Who's on here? Is that me? I'm playing on the computer. I've already got a head start on everybody else I'm doing a great job I'm doing a wonderful job. And also just because she's married doesn't mean you can't... Isn't that a thing in Sims? You can eventually build a relationship and then get them to divorce their husband? Is that a thing? That was a thing in the old Sims I don't know if it's one now. And I'm not condoning anything to that behavior But, isn't that a thing you can do? I mean, I'll let the chips lay where they lie Everyone seems to want to pile in the kitchen here. That's so weird. That's so weird. That's really weird. I'm going to have them... I wish the poll function was working because I have no idea how to get it to work but I'll figure that out after the next lecture. So we all need jobs That's obvious. As a Sim, you need jobs to be able to do what you need to do We're going to everybody play job roulette We're going to have people find a job and whatever the first job they get is the job they're going to take Sound fun? Probably not. But let's try it. So everyone is going to go for a job Everybody get a job, you lazy sacks of crap No more free loading. We're out of money. I want as much money as possible. Detective Oh wait, it doesn't randomly pick it. I forget that it gives you all the options. Okay. How should we do this? I need to find out. I need a random way to do this. The only way that would be fair is if this was random And I want it to be random So there's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 14 different ways So I have a random number generator here Ordinarily I'd ask you guys but the poll function is not working But I've got a random number generator that I use for the popsicle challenge which was a lot of fun by the way I'm really glad you guys enjoyed that one Super hard to edit. It was like two hours of footage. which is really funny stuff but hopefully Hopefully How many were there? 14? Yeah, 14. 14. Ba-di-boom. Nope, that ain't right. Ba-di-boom. Okay. Bam. 12. So 12 would... (gasps) I get to be a secret agent. I like that. I like that a lot. Don't talk with Eliza. Come on, find a job you loser. Find a job. You. Find a job. Yeah I know, we're all in line. Wait for me to get off the computer because I'm a greedy butt hole. Am I just sitting there? I'm not even on. Why am I just sitting there? Get up! Get up! You're just not get up? You're not? You're just gonna hog it up? Just lounge about and hog it? I mean I could step in here but like really This is probably a power play Oh gosh, we'll just catch with good Iplier [Kid Iplier] while he tries very desperately to get to the God damn computer Oh there he goes. I promise not to interfere much in these wonderful peoples' lives Someone find a job What? Why isn't he finding a job? Go find a job you losers! Go find a job! All right, go get a job. You get a job. You get a job. Oh boy. Oh boy. Yes, please. Thank you. It's about time. Okay. So now we are going to get another for Dark Iplier. Dark Iplier (gasps) Number one. I'm not fooling by the way, it's one. So he's going to be a detective. I guess that's pretty fitting. He's going to be an evil detective. So now, Nüde Iplier, find a damn job You stop sitting, get up. Come here find a job! No, don't order anything. Find a job. Yes, there he goes. Boink! Five. He's going to be (squeals) an athlete! He's going to be a naked athlete! Oh, that's cool! Oh, good. So now Kid Iplier, yes even you need a job. Find a job you idiot. Find a job. Get a job. I'm not happy with you right now until you go find a job. Go find a job! Find a... Find a frickin' job. There we go. No! Get off of there! You asshole! Nüde Iplier is a dick! (groans) These assholes just all in one place. I would hate it. If I was in a room with a bunch of clones of myself, I would hate it every waking moment of that bullshit. Okay, now go. Find a jo... No! Warfstache if you're not a reporter, I'm going to literally stab you in the dick. Oh fine. You're there so you're going to find a job. No! There we go. Boink. Eight. Kid Iplier is going to learn to cook. Oh ain't that just adorable. All right, you're a cook. You're going to cook for everybody Kid Iplier. Kid Ipiler. You find a job. Get in there. No! Hot Ipiler! I can't rightly criticize you because you're just so damn hot but at the same time could you maybe stop that and then find a God damn job. No! Don't talk! There we go. Okay. Boink. Seven. So he's going to be (gasps) He's going to be a criminal. Hot Iplier, I knew he was too hot! I knew he was too hot! There had to be something wrong with him. There had to be something wrong with him. Get the frick up Dark Iplier does he have a job? Yeah, he has a job. Wrong Iplier. Go find a job you crazy, crazy person. Tell story to self Okay. Me! Stop being a... Stop being a dick. Why is everybody in here also? Okay, Wrong Iplier can you go get a job now? Find your way through the crowds, Finally. Yes. No. Yes. There. What? How did you find a job? You weren't even at the computer! No I mean seriously! He wasn't at the computer! Wait, was I looking at the wrong one? I don't think so 10. Okay, so if this was... This is 14. 13, 12, 11, 10. Okay. (claps) He's an entertainer. Oh, select a career for Wrong. That's so sweet. That's so sweet of you. That's so nice. I don't know how you did it. Considering... I don't even know where you are. Oh no! He's sitting down. That is him. Okay, never mind. I'm so confused here. To recap, I am an agency clerk. I'm going to be a secret agent. Nüde Iplier is a waterperson for a sport's career. Kid Iplier is an assistant dishwasher for a culinary career. Wrong Implier is an amteur entertainer. Warf doesn't have a job! God damn it! Join a career! Join a career? What does that mean? Oh you can find a job on your phone! I didn't know that! I didn't know that! Why didn't I know that? I should've known that. Okay. Boink. 14. Oh a writer! A writer for a journalist! It's perfect! He's a writer. He's a writer! I like that. I like that a lot. He's a dang ol' writer! That's good. So now that we've got him as a writer, now everybody has a job and everyone will be able to earn their keep. We're going to move forward in time until people start to go into their jobs. Oh, Kid Iplier decided to... Oh well, all right then. Way to assert your dominance there Oh Dark Iplier! (laughs) For the steal Oh good job sir. All right then, so Dark Iplier is sleeping soundly and everybody's just meandering about I'm pretty sure they're going to start passing out very soon. Where's the Needs panel? Where's the Needs panel? Is there a Needs thing? Where's the Needs? What is this? Don't own any businesses. How am I going to own a business? I'm not... I don't have enough money for that! Oh (laughs) he fell asleep in the chair. Oh poor Warfie! Oh Warf-o Oh little Warf guy I guess everyone else is going to pass out on the ground I don't think they have a choice or anything like that. Oh, what is that? How long has that been there? Could I have been able to do that away with? So we need... Where in the heck-y heck? Oh there we go! There's the needs. I don't care about their needs. Why am I even concerned about that? Also why is everybody still piled in this room? It doesn't make any sense. Oh jeez I'm going to drink some water. Excuse me. Don't mind me. Okay. So how are you guys doing? while we are waiting for dawn to appear. Please write in chat as fast as you can how you're doing and everything you need to do What did he do? Oh! Everyone is going to become embarrassed! Either you're all going to become embarrassed, or you're going to very quickly become very, very comfortable with each other. What is this? Oh, he's tired. Aw, poor guy. Well, I don't care. Earn some money. I don't care if your performance is terrible. No, you cannot improve any of your skills. No, no, no. You guys deal with the cards you have been dealt and then live with that. Sound good? Okay cool. So anyway, I'm going to let this go on for a little bit and then I'm going to take a little bit of a pause here just to say thank you everybody for Oh never mind! Hang on! Something just popped up! Never mind! Uh, send alone. Wait... World of crime... Dark to take a big bite out of it... Care to join them? Or should they go to work alone? Send them alone! Send them alone? I have no idea what that meant. I have no idea what in the world that was. but either way. Okay. So now that that's done. Let's take a little bit of a breather here because one my voice hurts but we're going to get right back to the Sims action very soon I just have to fiddle with some settings some behind the scenes stuff you guys don't need to know about. I found it! Okay. I found it! I found it! Perfect. Okay, so now I just need to... Oh boy. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Oh jeez. Hang on. I know you're... Hang on. Just hang on everybody. Hold your horses. Something amazing is happening. Oh good God (laughs) Oh jeez (laughs) Give me a second. Everybody writing in chat How much you love Sims. I don't know. I have no idea. Ah, jeez. There's so many! There's so many! Go away! Oh God! What I did was I finally found the setting to delete the... turn off the notificiations but the only problem is there's so many notifications right now! Screw it, I'm going back to it. All right, fine. There's so many notifications right now! That I can't get rid of them I have no idea how to fix this problem because it's been going on for a long time. (screams) And then also I think Hot Iplier passed out He's having a good ol' time. I'm pretty sure he was on the toilet taking care of one need and then immediately was too tired and then caved down for his other need that he needed to take care of. That's the sad tale of Hot Iplier and the sad tale of whatever the hell is going on here Back to life, we've got three people at work I believe and they better be making a lot of money Is that Eliza?! Oh, and also Hot Iplier is back up Oh he needs to finish! He was mid shit and he had to get up and pass out! I've never been at that point in my life where that was an urgent need of mine but you know, it is what it is You can't do much about it. It is what it is and there's not much you can do about it. Back into the good stuff Oh is he tired? They're all tired. Why are you flirty? Why are you flirty? Who are you? Bob Pancake? Oh no! It's the husband! Oh no! We weren't flirting with your wife! Oh I'm sorry Bob Pancakes Oh no wait, that's your wife right there. Oh you've just come over to say hi. That's so sweet of you. (grunts) That's good enough. Hello! Hi! Oh it's my boring! It's the boring lady, Sara Smith was her name, the most boring lady in existence Hello! Hi! How are you? How you doing Sara? Living your boring life? Doing your boring things? in your boring existence? Good job. I don't know what you're doing. She's just twitching spastically. I completely forget what her personality was. Are people back from work now? Keep going, go faster! Do more things. Do it better. Maybe I have no idea. Oh shit Nevermind. (grunts) There's no point in that. What we're going to do now is I'm going to try to get the original Mark Iplier and family that I had to come over I don't remember how to do that but I think... I think there's a way Who's Jasmine Holiday? Oh this! I don't know them. That's a conundrum. and they're not exactly social butterflies and I'm pretty sure Wade is currently in space I'm pretty sure that's where I left them off at So he ain't coming back. Everyone else is probably long dead from neglect So... What we need to do is find a way to explore but I'm at work. Can I go visit him at work? That's a thing you can do right? Isn't it? If you go out to the neighborhood view Can you do that? I don't think you can do that. What is Welcome Wagon? I have no idea what that is. Oh no! He did it again! Oh poor Hot Iplier! Just take a turn in the bed I feel so bad now Oh and everybody left. Okay, bye! Bye neighbors! Bye! Have a good day! See you around! So long! Okay bye. (phone rings) Who's calling? Congrats on landing that sweet job! I think this is going to be great for you! Why are you messaging Wrong Implier? I have no idea what kind of an impression that guy left on you but he couldn't have been that good. Aww, they're all just so desperate for sleep. Maybe I should make more beds Maybe if I was a kind, benevolent person I could actually give them more beds, but I don't think I am a kind, benevolent person. In fact, I'm pretty sure I'm a horrible, horrifying person that only wishes death upon these people. but then again that could be wrong as well Oh, travel! There we go. Oh that takes a while to load. and there's the music back. That was another thing that was missing. The music. Whenever you're in live mode, there's like no music. I think I need to get a stereo system. (gasps) We can travel over there Woah! What the heck? What! Why are... (grunts) Why? Why are they? (laughs) Why are they Day of the Dead themed? Okay, we're going to go. Everybody. Oh no! Only some of them aren't home but everybody okay, even Eliza for some reason. (laughs) Is going to be a victim to our adventures I wonder, you think that space ship is still there? I think it's still there. I think it's still there. If that spaceship is still there, then I can send some of them into space and then hopefully try to burn their house down Okay so, oh yeah! The gnomes! Oh my weak attempts to flirt with people. It's so many memories. Oh these God damn gnomes. So we're going to say hi we're going to knock on this door Hello! Hi Lauren! Goodbye Lauren. I guess for some reason Wrong Implier is the leader here Oh I'm jammin' out! Oh yeah, I forgot about the bed! I forgot the only bed that just had statues around it for added nightmare effect Oh that's so good (laughs) Oh man, I totally forgot about all of this Hello other Mark Iplier! Here come the Mark Ipliers! I bet you're disturbed that you suddenly have two more dancing behind you Goodness gracious We're going to crash at your place Bob! What is that?! I don't remember that! I don't remember that at all! Oh my God, look. It was me playing Sims, oh no it's still me playing Sims Never mind then. Have a good time everybody in this horrible place. Whatever the hell you're doing I have no idea. Oh that's great. That's great. That's wonderful That warms the cackles of my heart. That's fantastic. And yeah, if you guys were wondering about this bed and why these are over here I originally had it so that when they sleep, I would move these in place, but I don't think that worked I can't quite remember. Why is there... Oh that was Wade's room! I forgot! I forgot Wade has his own room but it was just and extension to the bathroom! I'm a genius! I used to be such a design genius back in the day. That's amazing. Look at Wade's computer. (laughs) I forgot how much of a dick I was. Oh jeez, oh God, that's amazing. I love that. What in the heck is this? What is that? Oh it's a cupcake machine. That's right. I remember, back when I had money. But we don't have money! and we're not going... Woah! What was that? Did you guys see something fly across the screen? Oh it was a bird. It was a bird? Bat? No idea. That's besides the point, don't worry about that. Now, what we need to do we need to find a way to make money legitimately because what we don't have is monies. Oh, brew herbal remedy What?! I don't... Sadness Alleviation Lotion! On a grill?! Okay, you're going to grill Sausage and Peppers. You go for that Wrong Iplier. Uh-oh. Well Kid Iplier just passed out. So hopefully, this is going to burn the whole house down because if we can burn their house down, Oh someone just came home from work! Good okay. But if we can burn their house down, maybe somehow we can get them to move into our house and then just combine all the households and get all their money. Because we've got to do it legitimately! Legitimately means using the cheats and exploits that I used in the past to hopefully my advantage I don't know if that's going to be exactly the case here Oh that didn't work. Oh and he passed out. Grill. Hot dogs. You're going to keep grilling shit until the whole place burns down. Either that or I'm going to send you into space Which was... Oh jeez, go to space! Go to space! Stop cooking and go to space! Could you go to space? There we go. Okay, go to space. (rocket ignites) Goodbye! Goodbye forever. Goodbye forever. What? A text? I got the scoop that some crazy party is happening at the bluffs right now! Wanna check it out? I'm in space! All right fine. Let's go for it. Everybody along, even the original Mark Iplier We're going for it! To a dance party! because that's a thing that happens. I guess. I mean, cool. Sure I don't know why Wrong Iplier Wrong Iplier is currently in the lead for the best Iplier and I don't understand why or how that happened because he's wrong, in every way, he's absolutely wrong but maybe somehow perhaps I got it right. Where are the heck are we now? What is this? Oh! Why do you look like older version of me? Is this Mark Iplier from the future?! Oh my gosh, that's amazing. Who are you? Wait clubs? Oh Candy Bear Who the hell is Candy Bear? And who the hell are you? Kiley Avalos. Okay. This is odd. Where did crazy go? Oh he took a nap on the stone! What are you eating?! Are you eating wild berries? Oh no, some how you have food. Who are you? Zoe Patel? Oh all right. How about you wake up and say hi to Zoe with a funny introduction Wrong-o You're uncomfortable and about to fall asleep so how about you go over there and introduce yourself. (grunts) Hey, it's me. Look at my red hair. (Sim says gibberish) Free-nak Free-nak Can I get a Free-nak How about you scare her? because there's nothing girls like more when you first meet them than a good ol' scare really get the heart racing That worked! How did that work?! Uh, impersonate celebrity. Uh-oh. Nothing girls like more than going face down and ass up at the third interaction that you ever have Oh and a text! Hey, I heard you became friends with Kid Iplier! He's pretty cool. Okay. Thank you. I'm asleep and my butt just gained relationship Did you see that guys? My butt leveled up! What a wonderous butt! Oh how happy I am for my butt. Oh there we are. We're back on top of things. How 'bout you keep flirting with her. with a nice complain about problems, nah give fake bad news Why would you do that? Hey back off everybody! Back off! I'm on this. Jeez, she's crying. (chuckles) Oh boy. She's such a whiner He's such a little whiner Oh that's amazing. I love that. Okay, Now that his butt has leveled up, and everything is going great and whatever else the hell is going on. Are you talking to this lady? I mean I'm not an expert at body language but I'm pretty sure that shows you're not interested Oh, he fell asleep. Who the hell are you? Are you the DJ? No, you're not the DJ. Where the DJ... Hello! Who are you? Oh DJ is back apparently. You're a different DJ! I don't think that's very good. Wait, you're different too! Where the hell did you come from? You know what, I'm going to get back to me we're going to step in here because we need a nice, funny introduction. Let's do something here. (forced laughter) Reveal brilliant invention! This is me! Yeah, it's cool! It's called a tazer. Very useful. Goof around. (laughs) That seems like me. I'm sure that worked. Oh my God, it worked? How about suggest fun activities? Hell yeah Okay, I'm tired of this. Moving on. Oh, you have no fun activities. Oh no! Oh no. Let's get out of this dance party because this isn't going anywhere. I don't think we're going to make any new aquai... (laughs) Dark is just dancing on his own (grunts) If I dance on my own, I could be alone with my emotions. Oh, nice! Nice Dark. Get it Dark Get it Dark. Oh, he was getting it Aww, but he was getting it Dark! Dark! (laughs) I like how these two girls are facing away, and then Dark's over here like Hey ladies, how you doin' and they're like oh my God can he just emo ass out of here Holy shit. Okay, we're out of here Everybody we're done. We're ending early. Alright fine, we'll let the social event carry on, shall we? Everybody's falling asleep! Oh that's so adorable. Even the regular Mark Iplier is tired. Oh, that's so nice. Oh that's so sweet. with Wrong Iplier Aww, even me! Even I'm asleep. And then when Dark Iplier passes out, hopefully we're going to be good. Oh, I'm in a good mood. Why am I? I don't know. Why am I in a good mood? I have no idea. All right, we're done. We're out of here. We're out of here. We're done. Are we done? I think we're literally done. I think it just ended. How do we go home? How do we go home? Travel. Let's go home. Is that a graveyard? Was that a graveyard? I have no idea if... Wait! This isn't where we're supposed to be! Oh, we're in a different place. We can go all over the world. I had no idea about that. Now, bam, we're going back home. So everybody pile in. We're going. We can bring Wade over? We can bring Zoe over? and Lauren? and all these people?! All right, party at my house! Wade's coming over. Everybody watch out. I wonder if Wrong and Wade are going to get along very well Oh man, that's awesome. Was Wade at that party? I didn't even see Wade at the party? I would've spotted him. He kind of stands out. Maybe he wasn't wearing his hotdog suit but that's another story. Okay, so now, we're all here apparently. Having a great time after the party. Now, Kid Iplier. Oh no! Don't walk into Hot Iplier Hot Iplier are you going to...? Just staring at him Are you ever going to get off that toilet? I'm pretty sure 90% of the time Hot Iplier is on the toilet. I don't know why that is. Oh welcome everybody! Welcome, welcome, welcome. Welcome one and all. Have a wonderful time. Just the best time. Boom! Everybody's home and everybody's having a great time. Oh of course he goes to talk to the normal me. Wade, stop. Wade, stop. Wade, why me? Why couldn't you talk to literally anybody... Who is taking a shower?! (laughs) Who's so stinky in bed? It's Wrong Iplier who's stinking up the place in bed and everybody's just watching Dark. Dark has no shame. That I can appreciate. Dark might be winning in the Mark Iplier contest right now. Who did that?! Why is Kid the only responsible one around here? Okay then, bizarre. Oh finally, Hot Iplier got in here Hi. Oh I didn't even need to do anything! He's just working his magic. All right fine then. You all have your good ol' time and I'm going to be off somewhere else. How you guys doing? Doing good? I want the poll function to work. There's one other thing I'm going to do at the end of this this live stream by the way. It's a super special secret bonus for all of you to stick around for the end Someone, I'm not going to name names on who, but someone managed to nab early access to a certain game that's going to be released tomorrow So, you might want to stick around for the special surprise. Who knows when it's going to appear? So, if you guys are eager about that, I will let you know. Yeah, have no shame. Go for it. (screams) What the hell was that? Everybody theorize what that may or may not be that secret thing I'm talking about So, Hot Iplier... Who is least tired? You're fine. So Wrong Iplier, you're going to Take group photo of adults? Take photo of... Oh! Go alone. Why are you Day of the Dead?! That makes no sense! Why are you Day of the Dead?! Take photos of Wade. I think you and Wade are going to get along very well. Oh Dark is in his uniform. Aww, that's so nice. That's so sweet. Where is Wade? Where the heck is Wade? Hello? Oh fine, go to work! Hot Iplier, take photo of How do you know these people?! Where are these people? Madeliene Damico. Madeliene Damico would've been a more appropriate one this is where you're going to fall madly in love by the way. If they ever appear. Does he just like assume this is going to happen? Or does it actually just happen? (phone rings) Hello? Who's Jasmine Holiday? I have no idea who Jasmine Holiday is. Okay anyway. I have no idea. At last! Wrong has found a real gig! Well okay it's amateur night and pretty much... Oh! Invite friends! Invite everybody! Invite everybody! Wrong is going to do a show! Oh good! Oh good! Oh cool! I don't know how that's going to go but hopefully it's somewhere nice. I don't know when it's going to be or when it's going to happen but hopefully it will be good. Is it ever going to happen or are we going to waiting around Oh! It's not happening now? Is it happening later? Oh, that's so stupid. I want it to happen now. We've kind of tapped the potential of what's going on here This is like an ages long saga for everybody to enjoy as time goes on throughout the entire existence that we're here We're going to let things ride a little bit. I'm going to turn to you guys So if you have any questions for me to answer before we go to the super special secret surprise that nobody knows about but everybody's guessing about Let me know. And then we'll get to it in about 15 minutes. We'll do the play whatever I don't know what I've got Umm, I... I don't know. Hang on, I've got to answer another question. Get the trash. I mean what's wrong with everything piling up in my place for trash? Not so bad. Dab. Shoosh. Yeah, dab is not a question. Is dab a question? I have no idea. Bed behind the stairs. How would I put the bed behind the stairs? That's not going to work. Will you be at Vid Con Australia? I got an invite for it. I don't know if I'm going to go because Australia's like really far away and a trip like that takes a long time. but I would like to go to Australia someday and that'd be super cool So maybe, maybe. Maybe, maybe. There's also an Australia... Err uhh, There's also a VidCon going on in like Amsterdam I believe where the other Vid Con might be which would be crazy because I've never been to Amsterdam but all I know about it is that it's pretty nuts. Dab. Is this a dab? Is that dabbing right there? Is that what you would call a dab? Is that a sweet, dank dab? Play Kerbal Space Program. I don't know. I've done a lot of live streams where I play Kerbal Space Program and it's a perfectly fun game I've never felt like I've gotten good at it Like I've never felt like I fully understand everything because I know there's mathematics you can do for like the Delta V and understanding weight to fuel ratio but it just feels like I'm always I'm always second best in that one and there's so many people that are good and be good take like hours and days of practicing and learning and I just don't feel like putting in the effort. There's so many other things that I could do But maybe. Maybe, maybe. Do the shoosh. I'm shooshin' up a storm! I'm shooshing as hard as I can! I can't exactly shoosh anymore! Yes go to Australia. I don't know. Go to porn. Why would I do that live on camera right now? Why would I do that? Why do you want that? The toilet fix. Oh! The toilet's broken! Oh that's why everybody's having horrible problems! Oh man, Dark is not... Dark looks good in a uniform by the way. Dark looks pretty dang good. I'm not going to lie. Dark's doing well... Oop, okay. I can't believe no one's lit this place on fire yet. Can you cook? Can you cook? No he's actually got cooking skills. So can we get Dark in here? Can we serve franks and beans just to hopefully get this whole place burning down to the ground because I can't believe the things going on Did he just leave that on the stove? What? I have no idea what's going on here. Become angry. I have no idea why nothing's lit on fire yet but it just has so Crazy party going on at the Chalet. Eh, why not. Everybody go along. Why is Eliza still here? Why is Eliza constantly hanging out with us? Play Gears of War 4. I've never really played any of the Gears of War. I mean I've dabbled in Gears of War but I was never really big on it We're going to this party and the last thing we do and then we're going to move on We're going to move on. Move on to something very, very special. You're going to love it. You're gonna like it a lot. Woah! Oh that's cooll! Oh we really have to go to the bathroom. Quick! Rush in and take off the bets. Oh man, take everything. Good God look at this place! Holy shit! This place is amazing. Wow, okay then. I kind of wanted to do something like that but maybe here you can actually meet some people. that'd be nice. Crunchyroll? What does Crunchyroll have to do with anything? I think people are just shouting things out Mass of people Here's my question. Are there more videos to do with mass of people because honestly that can't be the only thing it's related to. That's obviously a serious thing. but I have no idea what it is and I'm afraid to look it up because if there is more, I kind of want to film my reaction to there being more because holy shit. That was amazing what I saw, but I don't know if that's like the only thing in the entirety of it So maybe there's more but you guys got to let me know if there is. Wow, this is the worse party I've ever seen in my life. Okay, we're done here. So now that we're done, I need you guys to help me out and vote on which Mark Iplier was the best Mark Iplier because I have no idea. Warfstache kind of went on... Where's Warfstache? Why is he in the very back of the maze? Warfie, are you okay? You are literally as far away from the party you could possibly be but you know okay. All righty then They're all back at the party. Nüde Iplier's in the middle. Why? Why are you there? Oh my God, you look like the saddest shabble of a person in existence Oh that's horrifying. We've got some good people here apparently. I don't know why he's embarrassed. He peed himself. That's why he's embarrassed. Oh boy. Lovelorn. So that's good I guess. We're done here. So who was the best Mark Iplier here? I've got Hot Iplier, Dark Iplier, Warf Iplier. So what I'm going to do since the poll function isn't there, I'm going to tweet out a poll I'm going to tweet out a poll, we're going to have seven... Aww! You can only do four! (groans) I want a straw poll. Why is the poll function not working? Maybe if I get Nightbot to join and rejoin because I really want this to work Join. We're going to kick 'em, add 'em Bam. So he should be added. He should be there. I'm going to try do something here Will that work? Did that work? Ah, it worked! So now, poll. New. Which Mark is best Mark? Let's see Mark, Nüde, Kid, Wrong, Warf, Hot, and Dark. So that should be all of them and that should work Bam. So hopefully (grunts) Did it not work?! Oh bitch! I am pissed! I'm going to make my own straw poll because that did not work. Maybe I'm not doing it right. Maybe I'm not doing a command right. Which is entirely possible and I would be totally understanding if that was actually... I need to make sure I got that... No, I did it right. I did it right, this is bull. This is bull. We're just going to make a straw poll. (hums) So I need more Who is best Mark? Mark, Nüde, Kid, Wrong, Warf, Hot, Dark. Create poll, bam. Poll made. I'm going to try to type this in chat. There we go. ♫ I don't know if that's gonna work ♫ Can anybody see this? Oh! Chat's so fast! We can't stop it! Just going to spam it (grunts) Yeah! Okay we've got it! People are actually seeing it! That's good, I don't know if anybody's seeing it... Oh boy. It's there, it's in there. It's in there, it's in there. It's in there. It's somewhere in there. Currently, Dark is in the lead. Wrong is kind of pulling ahead! Oh! Wrong is getting a lot more votes! I'm going to also put this on Twitter. Just for everybody else to join in on the straw poll here, but then again people on Twitter might not have any idea what we're talking about here It's like Dark is in the lead but then it's neck and neck between original Mark and Wrong Mark I would be very remissive if Wrong was better than me as me me, but who knows honestly. What me me me Yeah, I know you guys don't see it I put it on Twitter so hopefully it's somewhere in there I have no idea. (grunts) Straw poll, it's a straw poll! We've got a straw poll! It's somewhere in there, I hope you guys saw that. Hopefully that worked out pretty nicely. Man, I don't know why you guys picked Dark, all he did was look good in a uniform and then have no shame showering in front of everybody which in all honestly perfectly fine considering he beat out Nüde by far because he was much more nude. He beat out Warf. Warf wasn't doing anything. you know when he's not murdering people I don't find him as attractive as Hot Iplier was but I guess that's understandable whatever you say everybody Yeah, it looks like Dark Iplier was voted the best but I think you all have bias. You should've left your bias at the door! I'm talking about just in this specific instance. In this specific instance. Oh, then he did look good in a uniform That is true. That's true. He did power plays. Okay! I see what you're talking about! He did power plays, he went straight for the bed right off the bat which was like a power move and I applaud that. and he didn't have no qualms about being on the toilet or in the shower in front of everybody else and as far as I know, he's the only one who reliably went to his job. Yeah, I've got to give it to Dark. I've got to give it to Dark, he kind of did... He kind of did more than everybody else in terms of this whole endeavor here All right, I can give it to him. I can give it to him. All right, that's good. That's fine. That's fine, okay we're good. We're good. Now, I've got a special surprise for everbody out there I've got a very, very special surprise thankfully, only you guys who were sticking around through the whole, entire live stream here will get to see it because (whispers) we're gonna keep this nice and secret from everybody else because hopefully, no one else is going to be sneaking in and seeing this So it's just for your eyes only and then we're going to figure it out Hang on, let me get it set up here. I gotta get... I gotta get... Hang on. So, just shh! Shh! Shh! Just shh! Keep this a secret, don't tell anybody about this. (sings) Okay, close out of that. Let me find it. Ahh, there it is. You guys got this? You guys ready for this? Shh! Keep it a secret. We need... Why can't it?! (screams) It's not working! Hang on one second, it's not working. Got a few bugs to work out. Got a few bugs to work out. All right, hold on. Hold on Hold your horses, everything is good. Everything's fine, don't worry about it. Got it. Got it. Got it. Hang on Okay. There we go! (suspenseful, dark music)
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,185,750
Rating: 4.9323201 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, livestream, primetime, markiplier primetime, sims 4, sims, sims funny moments, markiplier sims, sims 4 gameplay, funny
Id: 8AiLKaQ7mxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 14sec (7334 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2016
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