This SHORT Backswing Move Is Helping Players Hit It LONGER

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all right what's going on everybody I hope this video finds you well got a really cool topic today and we're going to be talking about how one of the ways that we could actually shorten up our length of motion but we can still actually increase the speed in which we can produce as a player we're going to look at and we're going to dive into a couple of different ways that we can work on this look into it and how this can be achievable for you as the player if having a longer swing is actually causing you Havoc so I think the first thing to start off when we say this is this is not me saying that the only way that we can or this is not me saying that we have to have a shorter swing to actually swing it faster there are plenty of players who have longer golf swings that have the ability to produce speed so obviously that would be the further that the golf club itself travels the more time that it has to accelerate I think I think everybody would agree with that right there but I also think that there are plenty of players that we see on tour that are incredibly accurate that are also incredibly long and so if we dive into some of the things some of the ways that they're able to achieve that how you might be able to do this at home and how we can improve a player's consistency but also be able to move the lever or be able to to move the golf club a little bit faster right here so when we start off with this I think one of the first places to comprehend is where do we actually want to see the length of motion finish right here so we could take a few players as an example we could take like a John rum one of the shorter shorter golf swings yeah one of the faster speeds that we've seen when he was on tour now on live uh on the planet so if I use and I look at me as a as teacher one of the checkpoints that I'll actually look for is where the lead arm is in relation to where the lead Shin is I actually like to see these match up right here so like if I took if I took an alignment stick so you could see this from face on I put this in the ground right at about this angle here what you would notice right in here is that the direction that my shin works is also the line in which my lead arm would sit on so this right here for me this gives the player the ability to produce a wider radius as so a wider radius also the ability to remain more constant so I think what we'll see is we'll see a lot of players they get to here and then sometimes they either over adduct the lead arm and the Trail arm internally rotates as the shoulder retracts and basically we see the arms get stuck and now we can see this is quite a bit shorter than if that was pushed away right there so there's one of my checkpoints that I'll use if I'm looking for a player who thinks that they're struggling with a length of motion right there now if we look at a lot of the reasons why players with longer swings or even if they're trying to shorten their swing why they're not able to produce the speed that they want is I don't know that they're producing speeds in the right places so there's two places that I look for for the player to be able to create speed and this is from my perspective and this isn't saying that anybody else's perspective is wrong this is what I've noticed as a teacher and what I've been able to be successful with in helping educate other players uh in the game right here so when I look at where players struggle number one is what they do is I generally see the back swing speed is too slow and this is where trying to be perfect I'm trying to be perfect I'm trying to be perfect and now from here there's no energy in the golf club we don't have any inertia any momentum into the actual shaft itself so then we choose in the down swing to try and create all of that so we go from nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing to everything now we do have players as well like sjm Matsuyama who do make this work but we'll notice it's a very very few there's not a large number of them that do that it's not saying it isn't possible but it's probably not in our advantage or we're not favoring law of averages when doing this so when I look at speeds I relate a lot of the things that I would do to how a pendulum operates okay so if I took this we have to have mass to start acceleration so our acceleration Point starts right here early on and what we'll notice we'll notice a change in Direction speed where then the club can re accelerate on the way down so if we look at our places of where we would be producing speed we're producing speed right here in the very beginning in the takeaway from about P1 P2 into P3 and then this golf club what you'll notice and I'd challenge you if this is an area that you think that this might help you with what I would say is start to take the golf club and when you swing this maybe hover this above the ball swing this and move it at a higher rate of speed than what you normally would and by the time you reach left arm parallel let the momentum of the Golf Club carry you to the top right here what I find here is I'm a big I do like to see the player in a stock model of mine I like to see the trail shoulder stay externally rotated and I like to see come back down externally rotated what we'll notice is if we go at a slow speed external rotation is very hard to keep in and then a lot of times when we try and put energy into the golf club that's where we start to see the shoulder kick back into internal rotation external rotation internal rotation I think a lot of that is due in part to where the energy is in the golf club but what you'll notice is as you swing this back at higher rate of speed it's actually easier to keep the arm in there so create enough speed to P3 so that the momentum of the golf club can carry us here and we can keep the structure and we can keep our width in to maintain maybe a shorter length as opposed to a longer length if that's something that we struggle with so there would be the area that we would produce speed number one is right down here at the bottom of the Ark so that we're using the momentum in the shoulders the arms and the golf club to help carry us to the top there's obviously stuff that happens with the ground there's stuff that happens with the body we're not going to dive into it in this video we're going to talk about the structural components of it and how this might be able to benefit you I hope you're enjoying today's video and if you like the way that I explain things and how I break things down I would love to have you check out my online membership site club TS so inside of this you're going to have access to unlimited video lessons group coaching calls that we do weekly and as well you're going to have the ability to ask me questions where I can film content for you customized we also offer practice plans for players of all abilities so inside of the link here that's going to give you access to a free 14-day trial that i' would love to have you check out so thank you for watching now back to the video at the next place is once we have this transition speed and the club starts to work back down this would now be again where we would use one of our power accumulators which is the bending and the straightening of the right arm as the right arm starts to straighten we can see this can produce that can produce quite a bit of speed for us so that would be area number two that we would be looking for in creating speed so like if I made if I made a rehearsal right in here if I made a rehearsal swing it would look something like this and go swing it back and I feel like I could produce nearly the same amount of speed as if I was trying to go turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn turn and get back forever to where sometimes I lose track of where I am in space it's not as comfortable as it feel for me and I feel like I'm able to produce speed but I'm also able to produce accuracy inside of a movement like this I'm also what I would call I'm abiding by basic law motion and how this would operate right here how a pendulum would operate so we can go Pace back Pace back down to keep that on more of a constant radius so when you're starting with this we might start off with shorter shots move it into 3/4 and a lot of your lengths right here I would practice this at 3/4 if you have access to a launch monitor like trackman measure it see what the speed produces and see what the carry number produces and we'll find out if you actually would fit into a model like this and also make sure it's something that you feel like you can relate to and it's like wow I can actually play golf doing this so this is just an option but I think it's a fun it's a neat way of looking at it if we haven't looked at it in this light before so if I start it off right in here here's my rehearsal so this is where I'm carrying the most of my speed I'm now using the transition speed so this is where it's changing direction so you'll see a slight hesitation or a pause and then I'm working it back down so it' be here there and there's where there's where most of my energy and my output would be right here so I'm going to go here I'm going to give it that slight pause I'm going to move it faster in my takeaway pause and move it faster in my down swing it be here work it back faster and work it through so that right there to me that was a very solid shot very straight golf ball that went where I wanted to and what I like about it the most is I feel like I'm able to keep more of a constant pressure on the grip and the club is going from momentum unweighing itself with width here's my radius and then I'm working it back down to the bottom so let's do this again right here we'll do one more and challenge yourself go to go to a pace that might be uncomfortable cuz I think what you will see is the player here is when you video it you'll watch the takeaway speed and'll be like wow um it doesn't look a whole lot different than what I would normally do that was one of the things I noticed as I worked on this so that I could explain it better to the players that I coach is the speed wasn't noticeably different the feel is different so again this is one of the ways to increase the speed it doesn't just start from the top and it doesn't just happen at impact it's things that we are building in prior to that that help us to produce more speed that might be effortless that should be effort more effortless throughout our actual motion we're going to go in here again I'm going to carry more speed through here here transition and work it back down we'll give this a go I'm going to work the takeaway faster transition unweighted at the top and then work it back down and that ball right there was even more solid than the previous one and was just a straight and that one went probably another 15 yards right there so give yourself the ability when you're learning something go to a place that might be uncomfortable but when you're going to a place that's uncomfortable film it and actually look at the differences see if this position is actually wider see if this position is actually producing something shorter feel like it stops at three P3 left arm parallel and let the momentum just carry you to the top transition speed and then work it back down right there see what it looks like we might see the arm get stuck behind us we might see a wider Arc we might see better ball flights and hopefully more than anything as well we see a better ball flight and we see more speed being produced inside of a motion that we can also produce accuracy with so I hope this helps give that a go I hope you enjoyed this video here if you haven't please click that subscribe button you can also click the Bell right there and that's going to notify you every time that I release a new YouTube video also if you haven't check out that last video that I did it's right here pinned to the screen thank you so much for your support I really do appreciate you watching if you have any questions any comments please leave those below and I will make sure I get back to each and every one of you so thank you again appreciate your support we'll see you next time
Channel: TS Golf
Views: 6,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: distance golf swing, more distance golf swing, no distance golf swing, golf range swing, golf swing distance from ball, add distance to golf swing, lost distance in golf swing, distance golf swing and, backswing golf, backswing golf drills, backswing golf slow motion, backswing golf events, backswing golf tips, backswing golf irons, backswing golf sequence, backswing golf good good, backswing golf driver, backswing golf swing, backswing golf lesson takeaway drill
Id: SMMu9IdlnR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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