STACK & TILT Driver - Does it work for Driver?

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if you've read the stack and tilt book you'll know that Mike and Andy start that book with a powerful passage it reads if golfers have been taught to keep their weight on their left leg and swing their hands inwards we'd have generations of golfers drawing the ball not slicing that's a particularly interesting statement given that 90% of you watching this video slice the ball and particularly with the driver so the question is does stack and tilt work for the driver the answer of course is yes and today I'm going to share with you the pieces that you need to practice that you're not doing enough of to help you hit this club higher and further than ever before there are two common mistakes I see golfers making when they try to do stack and tilt with the driver the first one would be to misinterpret weight forward as moving the upper body forward and putting 100% of the weight on the front foot like so this creates the problem because it puts the spine into a left tilt mes my head in front of the ball and creates a descent into the ball here which is not going to be functional the second mistake I would see would be a golfer who understands the shoulders are supposed to tilt to the right with the driver but misunderstand how to do that they will move the shoulders back the upper Center back to create the shoulder tilt that creates the problem of moving the low point of the swing back behind the ball now the golfer can hit the ground behind the ball and can swing excessively to the right those are two very common mistakes I see when people are trying to do stack and tilt with the driver let me show you the secret to setup that will transform your driving and make you wonder why you ever did it any other way the key to stack and tilt with the driver is to understand the weight forward is hips forward from a neutral pelvis where it's centered in my body body I would move my lower body my pelvis To the Left To preset 6070 even 80% of my weight onto the front foot and what that does is it starts to build in the tilt of the spine that we were talking about but in the correct way now I'm building in the tilting of my shoulders without compromising the low point of the Swing the center of the Swing the lead shoulder the lead arm and shaft still form that radius which is down at the ball I'm not messing up the geometry of the swing by moving this lead shoulder about so centered upper body forward lower body and it's the forward lower body that really is the mechanism to driving the golf ball well the best golfers move their hips the most forward with the driver in the down swing and the follow through to help create create the tilting to the right which allows a golfer to maintain their inclination to the ground to swing fast and not to compromise on swing Direction so hips forward at setup and then hips more forward in the follow through I cannot stress enough how important the movement of the pelvis is in the downswing and the follow through for driver it really requires more slide and extension and tilt than an iron swing in fact it's one of the biggest reasons why you struggle with the driver more than you do with an iron swing because all of the things that you're supposed to do with an iron need to be done even more with a driver need to be exaggerated this should not be confused with just open opening the hips remember the hips are extending side bending turning and sliding and finally this finishes longer to accommodate for the speeding above head first by re hinging the wrists and next by flexing the arms so what you see is the swing isn't different it's just more of the same basic elements the average golfer doesn't do enough of for even the six on so often we began our progression in teaching the driver with extend ending tilting and sliding to raise the handle or the butt of the club through the ball as this is the biggest differentiator between the average golfer in the profession a great exercise to feel the hip tilt and sway to grab an alignment stick or a club if you don't have an alignment stick and just place it along your belt line really just across your hips and practice pushing the hips towards the target to the left without turning them so from this down the line view I don't want to see the stick rotating I want to try and keep the stick fairly neutral as far as its position from this angle from the front view I want to move it into this right tilt and to do so I have to push my hips excessively to the left let my right leg extend and my right foot and ankle bank and as I get to this maximum condition here where you can see I've barely turned my hips at all I'm now at that point of the maximum side Bend it's this side bend that helps you to swing the driver faster hit up swing fast hit far hit high this side Bend is critical in the driver as much as it is any other swing and you need to do more of it in the driver sooner because the swing's faster learn this feeling of getting your body into this maximum side Bend and then as you turn learn from there you'll be able to still maintain your tilts and inclination to the ground without compromising any of the Swing geometry learn the hip sway become an amazing driver of the ball you watch this swing of Rory maroy who in my opinion has the best driver swing in the world notice how far forward his hips move in the down swing and the follow through notice how far forward his hips are at the end of the swing from the beginning of the swing that's an amazing lesson for you to learn that not only does the weight need to move move forward with an iron it needs to move forward with the driver and it needs to move forward with the driver more than it does with an iron that's sometimes quite surprising for a lot of golfers particularly those of you who believe you're supposed to shift to the back foot to create power for the driver it is not necessary and it's causing you all sorts of problems in terms of controlling contact and swing Direction take your setup move your pelvis to the left create this rightward tilt that we want to see in the follow through keep the weight on the front turn around that front leg swinging the hands and the club around me and swing fast into the follow through hips forward that's effortless effortless driver P's going to draw very very easy to swing through there's no need for me to pull the club away from the ground with my arms I'm using the side tilt and the extension of my spine in in the follow through to raise the club away from the ground and keep my arms straight if you want to improve your driver learn the follow through Fields with the hips the shoulders the tilting and the arms in the Finish practice this even without a ball at home create this position in the follow through and your driver swing will improve dramatically one of the first things we practiced with you was putting your weight was how your weight affected the curve right and when you uh played at uh the fries tournament in October of last season what was your weight distribution on your feet in your mind with the driver at the setup in my mind it was probably I felt like I'm G to say 65 35 but it probably wasn't that far forward okay because I had to make that adjustment well you do an 8020 for us of course I don't think it's going to cut at the end of Troy's driver hitting I asked him to hit a driver with 80% of the weight on the left and to keep it there which he did in one Try by putting his lower Center more forward at the setup a couple of things happened when he did this first he recorded the highest Club head speed of the day for himself or any of the other players second he hit the ball farther of any of his balls or any of the other players both in terms of carry and in terms of total yards third he did so with a swing path that was at the Target not way to the right and with a slightly descending blow that produced a spin rate that was less than the pga2 average fourth he did it in one try did not have to do it over and over again and finally he hit a push draw that landed three yards from the center line This is relevant because what Troy did putting his weight forward and turning around that point he created a simple model that allowed him to swing faster while still swinging at the Target a major problem with gofam in hitting the driver is they do not swing the club fast enough and under that pretense they are told to shift the weight back and forth this is greatly complicated the equation for solid contact plus it puts a restriction on how much the golfer can turn placing a barrier on how fast they can swing the club so again here's a demonstration of a golfer achieving His Highest Club head speed by extending tilting and turning with the weight on the left one who finished in the top 10 on the PGA tour in driving distance for the first time in his [Music] career so now we know that stack and tilt doesn't just work for the driver it was designed for the driver and now you know the pieces you need to practice to implement into your swing to have you hitting this club better than you ever thought possible those of you serious about improving your golf game this year I'm delighted to announce I'm back on the skillist app skillist is an online app that connects golfers and coaches and removes the geographical restriction that exists for in-person lessons if you'd like to connect and discuss online lessons with me directly head over to the skillist app I'll put the link down in the description destion below you can message me on there and I'd be delighted to connect with you if you enjoyed today's video make sure to hit the like button it helps the video to get seen by more people and if you're new here please consider subscribing this is a new channel I need new subscribers and I'd really appreciate the support of growing the channel and the community and if you're new to stack and tilt you can check out this playlist right here which discusses the 10-word template educate yourself on the most important 10 words and if you stick around till the end I've added two bonus words for you as well push draw without Crossing awesome
Channel: Rob Cheney Golf
Views: 23,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stack and tilt, driver, push draw, gridlife, stackapore, tee claw
Id: vytLYhHKTXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 38sec (698 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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