Squishy Makeovers: Fixing Your Squishies #35

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey it's me today is another squishy makeover video most of the time the Squishies that I give makeovers to are chosen by you guys and you guys choose them by watching my unboxing videos and telling me which squishies you're most interested in seeing sometimes the winner is very clear everyone's on the same page and sometimes it's all chaos and everyone chooses a different one and I have no idea which one to choose last unboxing video was more on the chaos side people didn't really agree so this ended up kind of being my choice if you guys want to boss me around y'all gotta get on the same page the Squishies that I've decided to paint today thanks recently I have gotten an influx of plant squishies the last two unboxing videos I just got plants so many plants I thought it would be a cute idea to create a little squishy plant garden so yes let's get into it here are the six plant squishies I've chosen to work with frankly they are adorable and frankly that's a problem how can I compete with already adorable initially I had no intention of painting all of these I mean come on this is just a lot of plants but then I realized something there's six oh oh no you know what that means each one of them could be a different color of the rainbow okay I have to do all of them six is a lot of squishy makeovers to cram into one video I may regret trying to do this this one is some sort of plant with leaves and a face what can I say I love it next we have this cactus of sorts and it's so hi sweetie didn't see you there next this fellow some sort of grass variety I know nothing about plants okay then there's this one who's just a regular faceless plant not really into expressing himself like the others finally I have these two which are the same they're also unfortunately the ugliest just an opinion but try to tell me this face is as cute as these you can't I won't believe you the actual plant looks a little bit like a science experiment or fungal infection what can I really do here the plant parts are gonna be I guess they'll just stay green I guess I can change the colors of the pots to be in the rainbow colors okay what that's it we're changing the color of some plant pots and calling it a makeover ah no but I realized in order for there to be more there has to be more so I threw in a whole bunch of animal squishies you know how I was worried about doing six squishies in this video well I just doubled it I can explain but first I better start moving on this because I got a lot to do I'm gonna start with a giant group sand everyone gather for group sand sanding the Squishies is a necessary part of the process to create some texture on the foam and keep the paint from peeling off it's honestly not that fun and interesting to do but it has to be done it's like going to the bathroom it's not the best part of the day but don't even try to skip it or you'll get a bladder infection not a good analogy all right everyone's sanded feeling good and relaxed I'm gonna change that with violence time for beheadings we're gonna do this quick and cleanly I know it's a big deal to get your head cut off and all that yeah yeah yeah but there's too many of you for me to stop and care about every time I cut off one of your heads I have to distance myself emotionally here or I'm gonna be having six breakdowns back to back oh wait no you don't have a body to cut off I'll just cut your face in half next I'm removing all of the plant tops from the pots even the plants are getting beheaded No One Is Safe here finally I have this whole pile of plant pieces and animal body parts at this point I'm going to start piecing together my New Creations you see it's a plantable using my fabric hot glue I'll just stick all the pieces that I want together and voila I've made something this hamster is missing an ear but that's okay we'll just cover it up with the plant maybe his leaves are kind of just like tilted to the side it's a look it's it's cool I continued like that cutting gluing trimming to create the remaining plantimole Creations um that's plant Plus Animal yeah okay yeah I thought it was kind of obvious for this last one since I already have one fungal infection growth I switched out the top of this one with this Cactus squishy and after that frenzy of cutting and re-gluing body parts this is what I have a mishmash of it all now I'm using some Slick Paint to secure all of these pieces together going around each and every seam to make sure that all the gaps and rips are completely filled with puffy paint creating a nice and smooth surface so that I can paint over top of this after a day or so of drying I'm ready to do the final prep step which is painting a white base coat this is going to help me cover all of the original colors and details so that I can paint completely new designs on top it's just a lot easier to paint on top of white than all these different colors it also just provides a nice fresh start for the project oh they look nice from here I'm going to start focusing on them one at a time starting with the cat plantable I'm going for a nice dark brown on the face the plantimal concept may seem Vaguely Familiar to you if you know my characters I must acknowledge the man who inspired them all it's Fred the bear plant who has become rather loved on my channel technically Fred is the first plant mole although I never used that term until now because I just made it up like five minutes ago while Fred is kind of like morphed with the plant the plantimoles are made of the dirt and the plant is growing out of the dirt instead of being the plant of the plant they're the dirt of the plant I don't know I just wasn't feeling like making six green animals so they're all gonna be variations of brown so I guess they're less plantable more dirt mold let's stick with plantable the pot was nice and easy I'm starting with a bright pink color on this one but then for the plant top I want to stick with these three shades of green for the whole set so I'm gonna use any combination of these three greens for all of them I also definitely want to include gradients and blending within the plants to give them some detail of course this means they're gonna take forever because blending every leaf on six plant squishies geez what am I doing for the face I wanted to try something with pink eyes to match the pot in my mind it was going to be fun and funky and quirky but I quickly realized that was a bad plan I panic painted over them and that was even worse okay I just need to start over what I was trying to avoid is making the eyes look too big of a contrast since the dark brown is pretty dark so I thought maybe a light brown would soften low look but oh this is just looking odd okay painting over that again okay let's just go with white I need to be careful how many times I redo this because the paint is going to start getting chunky so before I mess this up again I snapped a photo brought it into my iPad this is a good way to experiment and see what things look like without consequence I really wanted to include pink in the face as much as possible to create an overall Pink theme and kind of tie the pink into the animal I tried heart eyes brown eyes with pink eyebrows then I decided to go with green eyes instead to match with the plant and then bring in pink eyebrows and a pink nose I think I like that I don't even know enough playing around it's time to do this for real so far so good I painted on pink whiskers what I wasn't part of the plan sap it yeah let's not let's not do that I know that I did plan those pink eyebrows but I just was not feeling it at all after seeing it in person so I went over all of that with black but at this point I'm getting scared and I just wanted to be normal then I decided you know what I need complicate this even more how about I add a gradient to the what yeah we got time for that I have to be consistent and do for the whole set so by doing this I've committed to do a blendy gradient on all six pots oh and look at me adding Hearts I'm still just trying to add that pink into the face somehow finally the signature and my first plantimal is finished I don't hate this but I do not love it either I think that this is the worst one in the whole set no offense Kitty girl but yeah you're the worst I don't know if it's just because this is the first one that I did I did the best that I could with it it does get better from here the next one I'm gonna do is the orange potted plantable of course I'm gonna be attacking these in Rainbow order it's the only right way to do it for the plantable chicken I'm gonna go with a slightly lighter brown I don't want them all to be the same exact Brown I want to keep it kind of fun and interesting although this color it really doesn't look like dirt at all let's just pretend for the plant top I'm going with darker green I love how it looks like spiky hair on him she's too cute I decided to do a tiny face for him kind of Derpy and small give him some nice little cheeks he's such a cute little dirt chicken I added some nice variation to his hairdo some little dirt freckles and then added that nice gradient to the pot and here he is oh my gosh he's cute why do I feel like his name is Sebastian I know he's just a chicken made of dirt but come on you gotta admit that's cute here we go with the yellow pot and she's gonna be two-toned here since she's a sheep so I'm going light brown on the face and then her wool is going to be kind of darker brown now this girl is a little larger than the rest of the animals she's kind of barely fitting in that pot it's just like the top of her head but I think that's actually really cute it kind of looks like she's hiding the plant part which happens to be that science experiment slash fungus I am painting green and I actually think it looks way better being a part of this plantable than it did before it looks kind of like a continuation of her wool but in plant form so that kind of worked out and her face is just freaking adorable so sweet I gave her yellow inner ears which is kind of weird but I love it I also added some little yellow flowers to the top to make it a little bit cuter and of course finally the gradient to the pot and here she is she looks sweet and gentle and shy we'll call her Cindy okay what I don't care Cindy I love the way she came out very happy with this one next color is green so I'm adding green to the pot and then going in with the brown once again doing a kind of two-tone thing with the dark brown and the light brown and then guess what color for the plant top yes it's gonna be green I was kind of worried that this one would look a little bit whack because it's a green pot with a green plants but I mean I have no option okay we have to do the full rainbow of pot colors so since we are forced to go very green I'm gonna go all out green I'm giving him some very striking green eyes it's kind of given me Misty Vibes now I wasn't intentionally trying to change his species which I believe was hamster probably but after the paint job he definitely looks more like a dog yeah I think he's definitely a dog I think he's a Chihuahua or no a doberman those are drastically different dogs he is quite spooked which makes sense considering he has a lot of trouble standing up poor little Barky I call him Barky because he's a dog that barks okay this one I'm fine with it's not my favorite of the group but I'm also happy to have him in the squad definitely better than some people I won't say any names next is going to be the blue plant and it was at this point that I realized the panda has got bulging eyes I don't actually want those so I decided to cut them off this should have been done way earlier in the process you know what let's just skip through all the struggle that I went through to fix this okay yay that's all over and it's time to paint of course the pot is going to be a beautiful blue and I'm going dark green for the very large and very round Cactus on the head I did end up changing the species of this animal from a panda I know how many pandas do I need to kill before I start feeling guilty about it I guess at least one more because I'm still feeling fine I may finally change this because I had to remove the ears in order to make the plant top fit and without ears it just doesn't look like a panda so I chose instead to make it my favorite earless animal a sloth I know technically they do have these but I don't like to talk about those you know I just made her a nice simple happy sloth girl with a blue bow and added in the rest of the details nice and simple drama-free okay I feel like her name is Sydney Sydney sloth go with the flow happy girl and she likes blue okay it's not complicated finally the last plantimol of the set is the purple one and it's the Hedgehog who is actually going to say a hedgehog thank goodness I had some trouble coming to terms with the fact that I had to cut this one in half because I thought that the original was actually pretty cute but it's all for the cause this is another one with a big fat Dome shaped Cactus on the head I do prefer the more leafy looking plantables but the variety is nice to have I added shading to the top which made it look suspiciously close to a watermelon a little purple flower and then a nice simple face which I felt like was very cute but just not weird enough so I added some purple freckles change the nose to purple and added purple inner ears now the question is did I take the purple accents too far the answer is maybe but that's why I'm gonna name her Violet to try to make it seem like that was on purpose I do think she's cute though you know Violet and I have no beef we're all good here here is the entire set together I think they look really nice all together I'm quite happy with the overall impact and the concept and the plantimals come on Barky keep it together man I mean I do have my favorites and my least favorites even though there are a couple weaker links in here sorry girl I don't think that compromises the entire group I do really still love how this set came out it was quite a lot of work to try to squeeze into one squish you make over but I'm glad to have it done who is this seventh member oh it's Fred what are you doing here I hope you guys enjoyed this video thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time bye oh my gosh I just realized I never did squishy roasting oh well it's too late okay bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 1,835,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2OtKK3iX78A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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