Squishy Makeovers: Fixing Your Squishies #34

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey it's me today I'm doing another one of my lovely squishy makeovers I have already chosen the Squishies that I'm going to paint the choices were very obvious because I'm going off of the request from the last unboxing video and they were strong I haven't brought them here there's nothing I will give you a hint about who the lucky lucky victims they're so lucky to be victimized this way I will be doing squishies that are connected in some way to other characters that I have made in the past isn't that catchy let's just get right into squishy roasting starting with this creature how is this squishy related to the characters of the past if you know you know this is derp well actually it's not this is derp who is one of my Creations he's a Derpy dinosaur with a cousin who likes cheeseburgers derp came from one of those Dreadful DIY marker squishy kits and it seems as if the past owner has attempted to make him look like the real derp I appreciate the effort however markers will never ever ever be the correct tool for decorating squishies it's not your fault but this isn't okay so I'm gonna start by sanding the thing getting it nice and ready for paint then I noticed the weird Groove that creates the shape of the mouth I I hated this in the original dirt makeover and I still hate it now I want to destroy it he's also got indents on his eyes which are fine but I'm gonna actually move the eyes so I want to get rid of those as well I'm gonna use puffy paint and just pile it into those crevices after several thick layers of puffy paint the Gap will get filled in and kind of smooth over this takes a lot of patience and a lot of paint paintings but eventually I got the area pretty smooth so now I can paint the face however I want first I am going to throw on a nice white base coat to get a fresh start so while this does look like derp it's not actually derp I think we established that I mentioned in the unboxing that maybe this could be the second cousin second cousin burp obviously I threw that out there without really thinking about it um burp really and I swore that that was not gonna be a thing not a thing it is a thing people liked the idea why why y'all are starting to scare me here I go making second cousin burp and he's yellow apparently funny because I considered yellow for the original cousin derp design but decided against it and now here I am back to it honestly it didn't really feel like the perfect color I keep adjusting it slightly to make it lighter more desaturated lightening it again I'm really trying to make the yellow work but it just doesn't feel like the right color but then what else slew green pink they're all spoken for purple on a dinosaur is an absolute no Bonnie the dinosaur oh red is just too intense which leaves us with only yellow and orange to choose from it's times like these where I feel like there are just not enough colors there's colors missing and I can feel it anyway it's gonna be yellow I don't want burp to be too similar to derp they already have the exact same body shape we're going to try to differentiate them I'm making his belly a lighter yellow similar to derp's lighter blue belly and I'm making his spines a darker yellow similar to derp's darker blue spines so that's enough similar I'm thinking that burp needs some bright pink cheeks aha derp doesn't have those yellow is not a great color on the face it's giving jaundice so I'm thinking pink to the cheeks will help keep life into the face now for the face design I've decided to move the eyes to the front of the head and place them very close together for Optimum derpiness second cousin burp is the even derpier version of derp who is derpier version of pickle they just get derpier and derpier I made his little smile short and simple and I added highlights to his eyes nope I've done too much back to the black eyes perfect that's the face now each of the cousins have the signature colorful spots however his spots are a little bit less tasteful basically they're just everywhere they're just like chicken pox and there that's him oh my that is second cousin bird for you he is the derpiest of them all and if you're wondering about his personality don't he is the most uncomplicated being he gives only the simplest of responses say hi burp hi that's it that's it there's nothing else in there he does actually kind of fit in with the cousins rather nicely but I just don't know will burp ever come back or should we just forget about him forever the next very heavily requested squishy is this white bunny does she look familiar to you at all yes if she does it might be because I decorated the same bunny in the past and then before that I did the same bunny in a mini version well let's just put that one out of our minds for now before things get too complicated this bunny is named strawberry and she is cousin what is with me and the cousin thing she's cousins with another character of mine named lemon the only reason you guys really wanted me to paint this bunny squishy was in order to create lemon as a squishy starting with a very important part of the process the bow in strawberries case I just happen to have a squishy with the perfect bow that I could just easily rip off the head of someone else but I didn't actually have any more of of those believe it or not I had to hunt down and purchase that same exact squishy again here it is brand new out of the packaging that's right I have brought a new Fresh squishy into my home for the sole purpose of brutally murdering it and taking only the bow the actual bunny it will rot in the trash can but the bow the bow I'll keep in cherish forever trimming up the bow making sure that all the rough edges are cleaned up getting rid of any leftover flesh remnants of that despicable little bunny I'm just kidding we feel bad for her then using my fabric hot glue I'm simply going to stick the bow on its head it's looking more like lemon already I do have to cover all the rough foam and seal up the seams with the puffy paint to create a nice smooth surface to paint there was also a little rip in the ear so we'll just fix that going in with another coat really building up that paint Until It's relatively smoothed out good I did throw on a white base coat over the bow although I didn't worry too much about the rest of the bunny because you know she's already white so whatever finally I can paint and from here this one was really easy you know I didn't really have to think about what colors do I use and how do I design it I already made all those choices when I painted lemon originally I got the nice gray base on her now for the lemon yellow of the bow that took a couple layers to build up the opacity and then going in with the little lemon details I was kind of dreading this part I thought that it might be hard to make perfectly circular and precise little tiny lemons on a curved surface but it actually wasn't too bad making these little lemons reminds me of lime these lemon's soulmate they go together like lemon and lime duh now that lemon is becoming a squishy I feel like lime could be right around the corner I would have to find a squishy that looks like him I may already have one who knows for the sketching of the face I had the original original lemon this actually wasn't the original this was the original we don't really need to discuss that I was using her as a guide underneath which I promptly removed as soon as I got the paint out I wouldn't want to risk getting paint on my painting that would be bad I painted in the ribbon the cheeks the nose the eyes the mouth and the little eyelashes so cute added on the whiskers and some little details to the paws although I did end up ditching the black lines on the feet those looked weird I added some fur detailing and boom there's lemon she came out super cute I mean she does look slightly different from the original just because the proportions are a little bit different but I'm really happy with this I mean it's it's lemon this is all you guys wanted right now finally strawberry and lemon can reunite in the same form it was getting kind of difficult for them to hang out before so this is great hi I'm here it's been a long time since I've had a new product out this year I switched merchandise partners and we have been working on revamping the store working on new products behind the scenes ensuring that everything is even better quality than ever before so there's been a lot going on behind the scenes but you're just now gonna start seeing the fruits of the labor or in today's case the bear plants of the labor guys so I have him can you read it the official Fred plush [Music] yes he does come with a custom drawstring bag as well as a beautiful custom tag with his little face on it look at them it's remarkable Fred is obviously one of my original Creations he's a bear plant combo I've seen a lot of Fred fans developing maybe it was after I became Fred myself I know it was me it was my green face he does stand up on his own he can serve as a very low maintenance plant here's the deal we have a set amounts ready to go to ship out in early to mid-june so you will get them really fast However if those run out then you'll be waiting until July which is still pretty quick for a pre-order honestly if you want Fred real quick order real quick the link of course will be in the description where you can purchase him thank you so much for listening moving on to the final squishy another familiar face this little dragon is the miniature version of one of my past characters named Rosie the bashful dragon in my unboxing video I mentioned using this mini Rosie to create Rosie's baby however after thinking about it I feel like Rosie she just isn't ready for that yet it just didn't feel right Rosie doesn't have a baby she's working on herself but the people requested that I give this squishy a makeover what can I do and then my own words rang in my ears what was it Baby Rosie please be quiet that's it okay I'm going to make this Rosie herself as a baby I did add these Wings to Big Rosie because I wasn't a huge fan of the tiny little wings that actually come on the squishy I have to figure out how to get Baby Rosie some better wings as well fortunately I have the exact same squishy that I used for big Rosie's Wings unfortunately I only have half of it so actually that doesn't really help me at all I scoured the online to see if I could find the same butterfly squishy no luck my next option was to use a wing donor hi welcome we love your wings so this is kind of a shame because this Pegasus squishy is kind of gorgeous but let's be real I'm gonna choose Baby Rosie over a gorgeous Pegasus so off they go just like this this squishy has been downgraded to horse status those wings were way too small for you anyway but look how perfect perfect they are on Baby Rosie so I'm gonna just chop away the sad little wings on Baby Rosie we don't want them don't worry we have better ones for you sweetie we killed a pegasus for these while I'm at it I'm just trimming up some of the rough seams now for a quick sanding and attaching the new little wings then a nice layer of Slick Paint will seal up all the seams and make it look like these wings were just made to be there it's gonna look totally natural nobody will ever know after a couple layers of that and filling in some other little rough Spots I'm ready for a nice white base coat oh oh hi Rosie funny seeing you here at your own birth so I'm gonna take Rosie's adult colors and lighten them to Baby versions they're still the same colors but just pastel versions this is how she was born and then as she got older the colors darkened you know how that happens to all dragons with butterfly wings this was actually really time consuming laying all of these colors in neat little stripes Types on the tiny little wings on the front and the back but finally I can move on to that main tan color of Rosie applying that all over her body and trying to be careful and avoid all the Rainbow details that I just painstakingly laid on and now I can add the face so I want to keep the face similar because obviously I want to look like Rosie but we're not all born with the same exact face that we have as adults that would be scary so I'm trying to babyify her features a little bit I made her eyes larger and I did put her smile right in the front instead of to the side because you know she's too young to feel bashful so she's just looking at the world with a beautiful innocence final details I'm adding the brown spots to the wings they don't look exactly like the original because the shape of These Wings is quite a bit different but I did what I could here oh she definitely needs little shinies in her eyes yes baby added her rainbow of spines going down her back and there is Baby Rosie oh she's she's so cute I'm very happy with how she came out I do wish that the wings were the same shape but other than that this is exactly how I wanted it it makes me kind of want to see all the baby versions of my characters I had a lot of fun with these squishies they all feel new but strangely old at the same time thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next week bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 6,974,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kvGwkSV8AHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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