Squishy Makeovers #30

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[Music] hey it's me ah today i have a very long awaited you weren't long awaiting it because you didn't even know that this was gonna happen but for me it's been a long awaited very special video it is gonna be a squishy makeover so don't worry we will get into that but today is also the day that i launch a brand new product that is different than anything i've ever done before introducing m e nails my own custom nail polish it's been a long time coming let me tell you this is a completely custom formula and custom colors i'm gonna use today's squishy makeovers to celebrate my nail polish by designing six different squishies themed after each color in the set i'm so excited about this nail polish because i love painting my nails not surprising considering i paint on everything i personally find it really hard to find a high quality nail polish in the colors that i like that's why i've decided to launch me nails this nail polish has been in the works for the last year we went through a long testing phase of all kinds of different formulas it was super important to make the nail polish very durable because for me i cannot stand a nail polish that is chippy chippy chippy and the colors oh the colors was a whole other journey for instance this green went from this to doll to this one a little more pastel that's a little too pastel oh too dark a little too blue and then boom finally landed on my precious angel now the nail polish is available in the full box set if you want to get all of them you can also purchase them individually if you just want to pick out your favorite colors the icons on the packaging they represent the different colors that are in the set which i have named cotton candy crisp cantaloupe soft sunshine key lime cream serene skye and pale plum i really got into the uh alliteration of course i'm wearing this on my nails right now but this is not the first time i've worn this nail polish i've been wearing this nail polish for the past year in my videos at first to test the formula and then just because it's my favorite nail polish and i like to wear it this is available for sale now there is a completely dedicated link for this product it's not on my regular merchandise store so make sure you go to that specific link that i'm going to put in the description also you should know that this is a limited quantity there's only so much being made if you want it you probably want to get it as quickly as you can i cannot guarantee how long it's gonna be available okay let's finally get into some makeovers and paint some squishies very excited about this let's get started so the squishies i'm gonna paint today i actually picked out in my recent shop with me video i didn't know it at the time but these are going to work perfectly for this so i've set out a bunch of my favorites and i'll choose from these oh you were adorable you will get painted today my friend but first i need to prepare my paint so i'm going to take my first nail polish and swatch this and bringing out an empty paint container i need to make my fabric paint match with the nail polish what did you just say i could just use the nail polish to paint directly on the squishy great idea except that's a terrible idea okay sorry that was not good nail polish is meant for nails not squishies so it would just be a mess i would cry do you want to see me cry no you don't after some finagling i've created a pretty close match hey look at that moving on to the orange pop start with a white base add a little orange a dash of pink a bit more orange oh that was a lot okay and poof look at that i'm kind of good at this yellow next white yellow tad bit oh oh let me just take some of that back okay come here and da da da da da whoops that's that's that's that's far off no like he this i'm gonna have to do a little procedure here ditch some of that paint so i can add a whole bunch of yellow in there now we are in business now the green was pretty finicky of a color to produce that's not even close eventually i did get it pretty similar next is blue blue baloo i already said that blue came out pretty easy finally it's purple i'm in love with this purple oh it's just so nice and soothing all right so i've got my custom fabric paint to match my custom nail polish back to my squishy options and the first color which is called cotton candy shocking which squishy is gonna work best for a cotton candy theme that's almost too easy i'm gonna start with the little sheep for the cotton candy pink oh and it's time for squishy roasting lightly because these are all really cute squishies i will say the blush spots are a little intense very sharply circular and very red but other than that there's nothing really to complain about here not bad oh my gosh oh wait i found something the ears are white shouldn't they match the face i'm gonna start by giving this a good sand to help my paint stick that's nice shake it off and then the base coat there's an obnoxious puddle of orange paint on my palette you can thank this thumbnail for that just ignore that please i'm only gonna paint the base coat on the face because the rest of it is already white and in with my previously mixed paint i'm going for it and look at that it already looks like cotton candy but as i'm doing this i'm thinking you know this may be a little too simple am i really just gonna paint a sheep pink and call it cotton candy themed is this what you signed up to watch i think not so i'm bringing in an ice cream cone which is actually really cute too bad it has to die i've cut off the cone and placed it on top that's horrible take it down a bit uh still hate it that's it you're losing it your ear it's gone now there that's more like it this is what you signed up for i just wanted to make a little cotton candy cone on top of her head i've actually tried this before on another squishy but that didn't really end up working out uh i sincerely hope your journey is better little one say ba taking some puffy paint i'm sealing in the seam here now about this lovely waffle cone texture i hate it whoops aggression i'm piling on some white puffy paint because i want to smooth out that cone texture this is supposed to be like one of those paper cones for cotton candy not a waffle cone okay there now i'm back to painting the sheep pink i'm just gonna finish that up wonderful bringing in an even lighter pink and i'm painting the face adding some of the little finishing details the blue stripes on the cone and finishing off the face now i didn't hate the face until i looked back at the footage of the original and i realized oh this is terrible dare i say bad just stop so then i change the face to make it better um she looks a little bug-eyed i'm not sure about the face okay i i kind of like the original better some kind of makeover huh i do really like the cotton candy theme even though it's a little bit basic and next to the nail polish oh it's cute you know what i am happy with this one moving on to the orange this is called crisp cantaloupe how could a color look crisp i don't know but i needed the alliteration so who wants to be a cantaloupe are you now this is definitely one of my favorite squishies in the whole group i've never painted a chameleon squishy before look at that face he's so cute the blue and green design is fine it's a little unexciting but it's not bad okay again with the prep work this is the last time i'm gonna show the whole process of me sanding and then doing the base coat because i've got six squishies to do and it's gonna be the same every time and he's ready to go this one was definitely more of a challenge to design like how do you how do you theme something cantaloupe it's not exactly a fruit with tons of personality i decided to take some inspiration from the outside of the cantaloupe i used a white gel pen to sketch it out i'm kind of just mimicking the pattern that's all over a cantaloupe and then i went over that with paint in a light orange color looks like a an orange spider-man but chameleon cool now for the eyes i went with a nice green color because cantaloupe does have a touch of green on it but then once i did the green eyes he definitely turned into some sort of pokemon this one who who is this charmander yes that was unintentional but i actually do like this one i think he's cuter than the original oh when he's with the nail polish it's just the cuteness it kills me so there he is crisp cantaloupe next is yellow it's soft sunshine how about a sea creature the fish or the whale bad fish oh gosh i'm choosing the whale this whale squishy is just the cutest little thing who doesn't love a cute little blue whale but i do need to make this part of my set so we're gonna have to make some changes starting with the prep work done i really wish i would have done another layer of that white base coat to fully cover up that blue because this yellow is so transparent you can literally see right through it after four layers of that yellow i could still see a little bit of the blue peeping through so four layers later i've finally painted the top of this freaking whale now for the bottom i'm gonna do something a little bit different thank goodness it's not more yellow of course i could have just like i don't know put little suns all over this or something like that but i wanted to go for something a little less obvious so i painted the bottom green which is definitely a look and then i made that into grass what and for a second there i thought i had made a mistake that's weird but then i added little flowers in the grass and i love it so my idea is it's like grass and flowers in the soft sunshine i didn't change anything about the face i thought just the simple little eyes was really cute and i'm gonna just keep it that way here it is i like this one a lot it's so sweet a sea creature with grass and flowers on it yes it's a land whale yeah moving right along to the green key lime cream and i want to go with one of the bear like creatures i know koala isn't a bear so gonna call it a bear-like creature i really like the koala's face but i can't with those hands what are those hands panda it is and this is a pretty standard panda the eyes are a little weird looking but i get it it's hard to make eyes look cute when they're on black also i think the eyebrows are a little thin you're over plucking a bit my dear let those babies go let me prep this one real quick boom now since this is key lime cream i'm going to add something a little special hello welcome to the area this is actually really cute kind of sad that i killed it deja vu but oh that's not cute that's a very dirty looking hole i'm adding the little dollop on top of the panda's head looks like poop will you be my date to the poopoo prom let's seal that on paint over that good i'm going ahead and painting the whole panda green and i'm wondering should i keep this a panda or should i just make it into a green bear ultimately i decided that certain panda lovers may come after me if i change it so i'm gonna stick with the panda i don't feel like getting killed today i came up with this idea to turn the ears into little lime wedges so i'm working on that it's kind of kind of interesting kind of weird i feel like all these designs got a little bit strange but i really enjoyed the challenge of having to work with a specific theme in a specific color i think this one is so good i love it so much more than the original i think she's just so cute i feel like they get better and better the first one was just a little bit basic and bug-eyed second one was cute but it's let's be honest it's charmander and the third made no sense but i actually really liked it this one is just perfection time for the blue or sorry serene sky i feel like these names are so emotional now the obvious choice for a sky theme is the cloud but then again how do you decorate a cloud it's white it's got a face i feel like we're already maxed out with decorating potential here so i'm gonna go with the seal instead this one is cute i like the little fins kind of weird how his nose is all blurry it's fine we'll fix it oh what happened i went to sand this one and his skin just completely started peeling off and now we're left with this there's just some little leftovers along the edges so i guess i'll just paint a base coat over those shore i guess whatever and time for blue gosh i love this blue i want to swim in it and once i've gotten this whole thing painted i'm starting on the face well i've actually already gotten started but i made a little nose and some closed eyes because serene sky closed eye and some little pink cheeks now to make this sky themed i'm painting a bunch of little clouds along the back and then this happened this nice little space here between the two clouds it's calling to me i'm going to add a little rainbow connecting the two clouds oh it looks like she's got on a rainbow headband i'm noticing the nose looks a little bit like a mouth kind of looks like she's screaming in pain what's wrong you're supposed to be serene so i changed that to black but it still looks like a mouth i'm just gonna go with it then i'll add a tongue in there she can be yawning not crying which is what it kind of looks like here's the before and after oh i love the after so much more this one may be my favorite no it's a three-way tie for my favorite but this one is in there okay okay people it's the last polish of the set miss pale plum and of course no questions asked we've all been waiting for it at least i have the beautiful little bunny i'm choosing this one look at those rejects huh you guys you're nothing this bunny is the best it's so cute that little face so precious it's not going to take much to prep this one that's it just that and i want to make this a plum bunny so i got this pineapple who's wearing sunglasses for some reason and i'm removing a leaf i need another and i'm going to attach these onto the bunny now they look a little not like leaves but you can't really put stems on squishies unless you were to use i don't know wire or something and i don't really want to do that so we're just going to go with these awkward chunk leaves and pretend that it looks normal ready to paint her purple and i was struggling with how to theme something plum when it's literally just a purple blob i decided to give it some detail i added a darker purple on the bottom to create a nice little gradient honestly looks a little bit more like a grape than a plum it's a plum it's a special plum i'm gonna go ahead and paint the leaves and i added some little veins to those which i thought looked really ugly at first but then as i moved on to the face they stopped bothering me she's cute i actually like the new face better so that's a success and the purple really suits her i think she's amazingly adorable and here is the full set all together i cannot remember the last time i did six squishies in one video this took a while but it was totally worth it i really enjoyed doing these i think they came out amazing especially as a set and with the nail polish i'm so glad i got to introduce my set of nail polish to you guys finally i hope you guys enjoyed this thank you for watching and i'll see you next week bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 2,392,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ubNtN3gFWDI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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