How Many Squishies Can I Paint in ONE Day?!

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[Music] oh my God why does my face look like that hey it's me today's gonna be a little intense I am challenging myself to paint as many squishies as I possibly can in one day and whatever I finish today they're done at the same time though I don't want them to be ugly I'm gonna try to put enough time into them where they're decently cute I've never done anything exactly like this although long long ago I did do something somewhat similar this was back when I was living in someone's basement I can't remember that much about it besides it was really chaotic I was wearing my hair in a bun all the Squishies I painted in that video died I didn't even keep them it wasn't that good today I want to do better so here's what I have [Music] I have selected a bunch of Squishies from my collection to work on today I don't expect to finish every single one of these however I wanted to have options I've only chosen squishies that I have duplicates of so all these squishies are squishies that I get sent pretty commonly and move out the way with each of the duplicates I have prepared one of them for paint they have all been San ended they've all been base coated base coated is that a verb and I can spend all of my time doing the fun part which is the design I just need to get organized oh I almost broke my nail so it's time to choose one see anything you like here and this one this no okay I don't know what you want you're not being clear I guess I'll just choose this dog is kind of speaking to me I don't know why but I kind of am just into this dog so starting with the dog how am I low on white paint again oh I have this disgusting paint water with a butt load of paint brushes that have been sitting in it the worst thing you can do for your paint brushes hey I'm sorry a nice silicone mat what sorry I don't know why I always respond to Notifications so aggressively if you ever message me don't feel bad starting with this doggy the original design is kind of ugly let me swap you out for your body double here is the one that I'm going to be painting for some reason this dog is screaming fruit theme I know I do a lot of watermelon and strawberry I have passions let me live either way I think it's gonna be pink how am I already covered in paint where did all this come from a boy starting with a nice pink Coach okay we've got one coat of pink on the front if I was painting squishies on a regular day I would put this aside and let it dry and get another one out but I feel like if the goal is to paint as many as possible and I keep doing that things are going to get way too hectic so I'm gonna just try to focus on one at a time and use a hair dryer [Applause] boom that was fast coat number two here we here we not the smoothest paint job that I've ever done in my life but we are trying to do this quickly so I'm gonna move on to the back also the hair dryer is making me kind of hot so if I look slightly sweaty I am painting the back real quick okay the back is done I am officially one hour into my painting what do I have to show for it a pink dog should probably pick up the pace a little bit I am going to mix up a nice strawberry color they coyotus little strawberry color I am gonna kind of like turn the ears into strawberries because I feel like they're already kind of strawberry shaped kind of a cute idea I kind of wish I would have gone for a brighter pink for the actual dog redoing stuff not an option today I think I'm gonna add some little seeds to the ears to make them look more like strawberries and I think now is the official time for a snack break I was very successful at that eating popcorn it's on my resume okay I'm just gonna go ahead and start filling in some little details now this is how we're looking it's getting there I had high hopes for the strawberry dog I'm not gonna say she's failing me because I don't want to hurt her feelings but I'm not done yet I am gonna add some cheeks to this she's gonna be real Rosy I want these cheeks to be significant I'm gonna try to get cute here and turn the little collar into a strawberry oh that's kind of cute time to do the eyes I'm probably gonna mess them up we're going full out cross-eyed these are not symmetrical a pair of bad eyes can just ruin everything [Music] I'm using the same color of the seeds for the pupils and this is doing some weird things I don't know what my deal is with doing pupil colors other than black and thinking that that's okay it looks like an olive what have I done no no that is gonna have to go that is not okay I knew the eyes were gonna be a problem let's fix this we need to do black pupils I don't have time to be getting cute about this right okay I really do not like the eyes at all I really need to move on because I've spent three hours just on this squishy that was not part of the plan I know I'm supposed to focus on quantity but I just can't let these eyes go I do think that they would benefit from a longer dry because the paint is really thick and it's starting to get globby so I'm gonna leave them alone and come back to it I'm sorry but they're gonna be staring at you I know it's hard to look at I need to at least start the next squishy I'll be back for you what other squishies can I ruin how about this one I've actually painted this one before a long long time ago and it was my original strawberry design here is the prepped version I desperately can I say that again I don't like that I desperately need to work on picking up the pace we gotta go a little quicker immediately I'm seeing three different sections I'm thinking Neapolitan chocolate vanilla and strawberry I gotta stop saying things in weird ways because that doesn't make it funny let's go with chocolate for the top time for the vanilla Center oh that looks so yummy and the strawberry at the bottom oh I should probably rinse out this paint water because this is getting truly disgusting second coat let's do this [Music] okay there we go If This Were a regular squishy makeover I would most definitely spend another 30 to 45 minutes obsessing over this what a thought it's fine it's cute it looks decent I am gonna do some quick rosy cheeks I just have to do rosy cheeks on a white face done I'm gonna go really simple with the face okay I don't want another situation adding a little pink in her ear add back in the little nose and muzzle area I think I want some freckles they're almost like little chocolate chips oh that's cute oh I love that I do have a reason for only painting one of the inner ears I think about things I'm gonna make one of the ears covered in chocolate oh yes this could ruin it but I'm really committed to this idea I'm gonna add some pink drizzle on top if I had more time I would wait for the chocolate to dry that way if I messed up the drizzle I could just wipe it off but since I'm gonna be adding it on top of wet paint if I mess it up there's no going back this is a risk I did drag the brown paint through it a little bit which I'm not a huge fan of not too bad but I will strategically place a few sprinkles to hopefully cover that up okay and that one is done I kind of wish I had gone for my pastel colored sprinkles instead because the bright colors of the sprinkles are a little bright in comparison with the rest of the color scheme that's really just me being a hater this one is cute and I did it in under an hour and a half I think this is an improvement from the first situation speaking of let me try to fix this I think the pupils actually need to be bigger do we like new pupils I still have to fix like the area around the pupils but now I have to let the black dry so we'll come back to this again and stay tuned okay who's next I feel like I should do one of the desserts desserts are a little bit faster to accomplish I don't have to worry about any little tiny faces how about the ice cream cone it's a nice large ice cream cone I am no stranger to this ice cream cone I decorated it way back in the day I've also used the ice cream Scoops in one two at least different projects I guess I'm about to do it again I feel like I want to theme this after one of my characters who would make a really weird dessert what about derp would he look good as an ice cream cone I'm gonna make a derp ice cream I'm gonna stick with a regular cone color there's the cone clearly we are going to add some blue ice cream snack break I could just eat a meal I'm busy I'm painting squishies I thought that the hair dryer was falling and it literally did not move at all I just hallucinated I'm gonna go ahead and do another quick coat of blue on here this is the stuff that I really should be skipping if I'm going for quantity I just cannot send Apache squishy out into the world gotta let that dry okay now I'm just gonna add all the little derp spots these colors are a little bit more pastel than the true derp spots but this kind of looks cute I want to do a nice drippy blue topping to kind of represent derp's spines okay and there is my derp ice cream cone new record only took me a half hour it's super simple but also I'm not complaining about it I think it's cute you know it does look kind of like derp I like it you know what I need to clean up my station because this is feeling all types of chaotic so thank you okay fresh new station we ready for phase two of trying to fix this freaking thing keep coming back to you my sweetie next step on her is going around that pupil fixing up the green area all right there we go I'll wait for this to dry again next one I know what I want to do I did a creation and Spark not too long ago if you don't know what spark is it is my art and creativity app it's super fun there's a whole community over there if you want to download it is free the link is in the description I have done a lot of Creations in spark that I would love to turn into squishies like this one and I even have a penguin I wouldn't have time to add the ice cream cone and the cherry and I feel like if I'm gonna recreate that one as a squishy I want to do it fully I'm really in love with that design so I'm gonna choose one that's a little bit simpler that I can actually accomplish today I drew this black cat the spark for that day was draw a foggy scene I have a cat squishy and they're pretty similarly shaped I think I can do it this cat is kind of cute as it is it has like some nice Galaxy thing going going on but it does look a little bit generic so I'm happy to redo it let's swap it out whoa that is so dark I so infrequently paint with such dark colors oh my gosh why is it so cute it's a black cat oh just grab that paint off taking the nice layer of skin off as well oh my gosh why was blow drying I came up with the cutest name for this cat Misty do you get it do you like it because she's mysterious and because the original prompt was create a foggy scene fog Mist mysterious mistake that's her official name don't argue let's do the back please don't ruin Misty because I like her I have a lot of anxiety about the eyes because I feel like I need to get them perfect for them to look really cool okay so it's like dark green on the top and then light green on the bottom they're very large and they're very circular okay poopy got a little nose her little inner ears some little gray stripes up here I have to do a very nice smooth blend within this tiny area okay that's actually not bad pupils right in the center of the eye last step for her is the little highlights in the eyes wow all right there she is Misty yay I actually like her oh this was just the perfect design to accomplish in a short amount of time that actually looks nice I'm very happy with it and guess what still not done with this loser all I have to do is add some highlights I think I'm Gonna Keep it super simple she will not be touched anymore oh what happened back there I gotta fix that okay she's not awful I do like her I think she's cute her name is Clara she came around in the end so I finished four squishies today maybe that doesn't seem like a lot to you if you've never painted squishies before it's a lot more time consuming than you may think this was actually really fun I enjoyed it I will actually be keeping these I like them they will be a part of my collection I honestly would love to do this again so please tell me that you like it and you want me to do it again desperately I still have quite a few squishies left that are prepped and ready to be painted so maybe if I do another one of these I'll just bring up these same squishies please let me know if there's one of these that you're like dying to see me do thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next Friday bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 3,847,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ap7u1pnr-CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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