Tulips with Gold Leaf STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting Tutorial

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hi everyone welcome back thank you for being here and tuning in if you're new welcome to my channel I hope you'll find these tutorials helpful for you today we're going to focus on painting some tulips and I'm really excited about this because I grew up around tulips and they're very beautiful and they come out every year around this time so it's perfect time to do this tutorial and we're gonna also experiment using and adding some gold leaf so I'll show you how to use this this would be a fun project I hope you're ready and and I hope you learn a lot from these lessons in this tutorial so let's get straight to it and go over the materials needed for today we'll need a canvas of some sort and I'm using a 16 by 20 inch canvas and also I have some good news I partnered with Frederick's and we made my own canvases I chose which one I like to paint on this is a gallery style canvas which means it's thicker and better quality so they will be out on my website and amazon soon so I'm super stoked about this stay tuned for that there's gonna be an 18 by 24 on there as well but you can use any canvas you have available for brushes we need a couple of these blending brushes this is exactly the same just you know different color so we need a couple of these one I like to use to dab my brush in the water and pick up paint and put the colors in there and the second one I like to work dry to blend all the colors in and this is like kind of like a quick process and I'll show you how I do it and I'm introducing a couple new blending brushes so I had a lot of people ask me because some people do smaller size paintings and some people ask me hey what about some areas where I just want to blend in some a little portion of the area right sometimes it's hard with a bigger brush to blend in a little area so I'm gonna be using a couple of the sizes down so this is the next size down and then this is a size the smaller size for the little details and I'll be having these out soon as well so stay tuned for that but also if you don't have your blending brushes right you can also use like I used in the past before my artist sloth brushes where this is a number four and there's one number eight and you can kind of blend that in but it's easier with these we need any half an inch flat brush we need a number four brush right here and then any detail brush for paint we're gonna be using my 24 set of acrylics and I'll show you exactly which colors we'll need from this set and also from my fine artists acrylic set I'm using my titanium white because it's bigger and I noticed that titanium white goes a lot faster than any other kind of color at least for me I don't know maybe for you it's different but we're gonna use that from the other set and then next from the 24 set we need flash tint medium yellow crimson red SAP green ultramarine blue and lamb black we need a pallet and I'm using a palette paper over my pallet and then a palette knife to mix your colors a jar of water some paper towels gold leaf we need adhesive glue we need a foam brush to clear out the gold leaf after we have to put it on there softly and gently so one of these but you know any kind of soft brush or should be able to you know take out the the gold leaf but this works pretty good so any anything like this there's a two-inch brush and if you have this a hair blow-dryer it will help you know after you add your first coats to dry everything out and continue adding you know layers and details and then for the gold leaf we're going to use the adhesive glue right and it takes time to dry the glue before putting applying the the leaf right on top of the glue we need to dry it out quickly so instead of waiting we'll use the hairdryer all these materials I'm using today including the gold leaf and adhesive glue there's links to them down below in the description where you can find them if you're interested but it doesn't have to be exactly like what I'm using you can use any materials any kind of paint you have available you know these tutorials are meant to be have fun relax and just an activity to do at home alright let's pick up our pallet and start mixing our colors we're going to cover the whole canvas pretty much as a base coat and the background of our canvas here it's going to be very simple there's no right or wrong how your background will look so this is going to be the fun part and if your turns out a little different that's fine you know so this part don't worry too much about it just once we have the colors mixed whatever colors you have mixed here go ahead and put it down and blend everything in and see how it it turns out okay it will always turn out differently so let's pick up to 10 in white and create for about 4 shades so I'm going to add about two thumbs amount okay and maybe less each time a bit less each time okay like this let's pick up the flesh tint color and add it on our first one right here maybe even the second one just a little bit on both okay medium yellow they said it a little bit on the first one and then a little bit more on the second one and maybe here too all right my friends let's add SAP green and we're gonna add it a little bit onto the first one and a little bit more here in a little bit more here okay something like this maybe here too for fun so I added more right here as you can see now let's pick up the ultramarine blue and let's add maybe a little bit a touch in here and a little bit more in here like this okay and that's it okay so now lamb black and we're gonna add right in here we're gonna add about this much and then a touch here okay a very small mountain maybe maybe maybe maybe in here very small mouth I want to dim those out and make it more you know not too colorful the black makes it more like grayish okay but just a touch there a little bit more there and a little bit more there and that's it let's pick up our palette knife and see what cutters we have here and then if we need to mix more or add anything we will do that and I'll show you but let's start with the lightest color here let's see what that gives us and mix all that in it's going to be a bright color you can see bright green color okay that's good mix it all in and bunch it up together like this okay next let's mix this should be getting a little darker each time basically so it's still pretty light I might add something on here but we'll see for now let's continue mixing and see how our transition to the background colors look and now you could do honestly you can do any transition any kind of colors as the background you can really play around have fun with it see what you can create so you can have like a going from you know purple light purple to dark you know purple greyish purple you know you can do anything you want to the background it doesn't have to necessarily be have to be like the green shades okay now it's getting darker and this should be leaning towards more towards blue okay you can see it's like greyish blue that's a good color I like it and I think I'm gonna actually add one more color on darker color because all these colors are pretty light still so I'm gonna add one more color and then call it good okay so I added lamb black and ultramarine blue I'm gonna take part of this right and mix it in I don't want it to be pure black so it's gonna be a darker like a darker gray color leaning towards the hint of that blue that we added you can barely see it but that will be our darkest okay all right let's see what happens so I have my five colors let's add all this to our background now basically my plan is here is to add the darker colors around more of the more of the kind of collective edges around the canvas right and a lot of its going to be covered by the tulips you know and some green you know leaves from the tulips so I'm still gonna cover everything though and as the base coat anyway so again I want the dark around the edges and then try to make the glow somewhere around these areas you know and it doesn't I don't know how it's gonna turn out I all I'm trying to achieve here is the smooth blending between these colors so the way yours will look the way you will create yours might be a little bit different you know and that's okay as long as we create that nice like blurry effect as the background that's what we want all right so once you're happy with your colors that you have mixed this part try to work a little bit faster and and get that first colors you know apply to the canvas and then use your drop brush to blend everything in quickly and it'll be a nice blend I always like to once I'm done with my palette knife clean out my palette knife right like this really quickly so that the paint won't bunch up and it's ready to be mixed again okay so now once we have our colors let's pick up one of our blending brushes doesn't matter which one and I'm gonna pick up my water and dab the brush all the way in the water right and then squeeze out the water maybe do that a few times like this and not all the way don't squeeze all the water you want some of the water in there like this and so that the water won't drop but there is some still some water there and also every time because it's gonna be hard for me to pick up the jar and show you every time how what I'm doing so every time I say I'm dabbing my brush in the water I'm basically what I'm doing is on going in quickly and just on the tip of the brush I'm dabbing it lightly like this okay just the small amount like this all right so that's what I'm doing every time I'll say I'm dabbing my brush that is what I'm doing so let's do this quick so let's start with the lightest colors so let's just pick up this color right here my brush has some water in it which will help the paint from not from you know so it won't dry so quickly that's why I dab my brush in water it helps keep the paint wet a little bit longer so now I'm gonna quickly just guess where I want my lighter areas to be so for example maybe some in here you see how smooth that is I'm gonna dab my brush in the water because I want to keep that smoothness going and maybe some in here maybe even go off canvas you know like this all right that's good enough dabbing my brush in the water taking my next color randomly adding it in here maybe some in here okay right in here okay and then maybe on top a little bit like this Debbie my brush in the water and there you go alright that's good enough Debbie my brush in the water taking the green the darker green and adding it right in here a lot of this is gonna be covered so don't try to be perfect dabbing my brush in the water lightly and picking up more of this green and adding it right here and maybe maybe some in here okay dabbing my brush in the water going into my next color this one and let's add that right in here okay and then we add that right in here dab in my brush in the water picking more of this color up and let's add some of it in here roughly and then dabbing my brush in the water and taking more of this color and I'm gonna add something right in here and you know what I'm gonna dab my brush in and water and go back to this maybe lighter green it's okay and then cover this area really quickly dabbing my brush in the water going back to this color and maybe add it right in here okay and then dabbing my brush in the water in the darkest color all right darkest color and add it on top right here blend is quickly don't focus on blending them yet dabbing my brush in the water taking more of this color and adding it on top right here covering everything else quickly kind of blend it all in okay take more of this and blend it in in the bottom here I'm gonna dab my brush in the water lightly and finish it off right here by adding it right on the bottom like all right there you go all right so I'm gonna put my brush down in my water jar and then pick up my blending brush my dry one and I'm gonna work dry yeah I'm gonna start from the lightest areas you can see it's still pretty it's wet and it's lasting a little bit nice it's gonna be wet for a little bit of time so that's that's nice it gives me time to blend and work right and now I'm gonna use dry and go and start from the lightest areas and quickly barely pressing the canvas swirl it and blend those colors in nicely okay again it doesn't have to be perfect we just want a nice smooth transition does not have to be a perfect blend to your you know a darker color if you bring some of the darker colors down just focus on quickly fixing it by blending it in and continue blending everything now walk around see what works best for you because right now I'm painting sideways so it's a little bit difficult for me to blend you know because I'm trying to show you guys how I'm doing it but honestly it's easier if you walk around your canvas and feel free you know like to move around and find the comfortable spot to blend and it'll be easy so quickly blend everything in I'm barely pressing the canvas and I'm using the corner of one of my you know of the blending brush lightly swirl it and go from lightest to darkest okay see how nice that looks take away all the brushstrokes barely pressing your canvas okay and then continue from this corner and move upwards and there you go you have a nice soft blend and the smooth transition going on right here so our background layer of the blend is done I like how it looks it's going you know pretty good yours again can turn out a little bit different that's okay it's just a background we want a nice you know like a blurry blend look and that's what we have here so don't focus too much than trying to make it too perfect because I'm gonna be adding a bunch of like the big tulip is gonna be here so a lot of its gonna be you know pretty covered so now while this dries I'm gonna clean out my brushes and get a water so my brushes won't sit in the water too long and we will finish drying this out and then continue all right my brushes are clean and I got a new water jar and I quickly dried out the rest of this painting using the hairball dryer so it's nice and dry and now we can continue sketching our shapes of our tulips and where we want them to be and then it's gonna be a fun time so let's continue I don't want to let this paint go to waste so what I'm gonna do is kind of bunch it up all together all the greens connect them to the greens like this right I'm gonna mix that in we'll see what it gives me and I will probably use this paint so that it won't go to waste so I'll just mix it quickly so whatever color you have left it does not matter so let's take the remainder of this mix it in with our darkest color here and we're actually going to use this dark color to trace out the our tulips the way we want to the size and everything the way we want it to be and then we will continue from there so we've got two colors we're gonna use this right now I'm going to clean my palette knife like I did on the first time like this and first I'm just gonna sketch everything out okay so I'm gonna pick up my flat brush right here half an inch dab it in the water all the way so it could be nice and damp and squeeze it right and it helps to run the reason why I like using water lies it helps to feel the chemist or unsmooth Li you know you feel it and it's very smooth otherwise without the water it would be a little bit more rough but you know see what works best for you again all right so Debbie won't brush in the water so it can be a little wet and I'm going to sketch everything I'm gonna mix my you can see it's a little bit more watery right I'm gonna mix this color and now I'm going to start sketching where I want my you know the shape of my tulips to be okay so let's quickly with water and this color that we have here I'm gonna make more of this water I want it to be transparent not too much of this color like this cuz it's dark alright so let's have our tulip our main tulip where we want to focus on I'm gonna have it like B so I'm thinking I'm going to have it start from here and maybe there's a little bend and it goes down somewhere right here okay and then on it there's gonna be another little one that's you know something like this and I'm gonna have this come down kind of circle around and I think I'm going to have it and somewhere in here okay so I'm gonna circle around and have it maybe even whiter this is where you can correct and you know fix your shapes of the tulips so I'm quickly sketching it and then I'll come back and really make it you know more detailed but for now I just want to get an idea and this helps me a lot so I'm gonna come down and our I think it's gonna be somewhere right in here and it's gonna go down probably like this so I'm gonna use a little bit of water in this dark color and just have it fade out like this okay so we'll continue with water mainly and a little bit of this color we don't want it too dark and I am sketching everything out and then maybe there's another little bump here and it comes down like this Sinan okay and then he loops around here all right we wanted to open one or two up to you know look very nice and open so I'm going to continue using the same idea water in that color okay and let's draw one right here because again one make it feel opened and I'm going to have it all the way come down all the way up in here somewhere and then circle around and then maybe there's another one it goes in and then coming to have it bend a little like this so I'm going to make this a little bit bigger probably from here and further out like this in this I decided to make it a teeny bit bigger here and that's what you do you first correct your outline your you know tulip you correct it and then once you step back and you like your shape of your tulip you know then you go back and add all the colors inside the tulip and all that good stuff you can see I made it bigger right there maybe even wider like right there maybe this is even taller as well so then I want a couple tulips behind this too but I don't want it to be the only one I don't want it to be lonely you know so I'm gonna add a couple further away ones okay so for example I'm gonna add one right in here one that's you know kind of going in like this all right make it more circular like that and then and this probably you could be able to barely see it but that's okay yeah and this is all just a sketch and then right next to it I'm going to add another one right in here going up like this and maybe another little loop right here okay you could see that maybe even make it higher why not all right that we are second to a behind this this will be your main to upper hair that's what how we wanted to look right and I see some of the things I want to change as I go like for example this is a little bit too big so I will have to like maybe bring this area a little bit more lower which is no problem this is where I will spend a little bit of time correcting but before I do that I want to add one more tulip and behind you know this one I want to add one more probably let's have it be right in here and have it kind of Bend like this in circle around here and then one that's somewhere up here right they all are always shaped differently and then have a come down like this so and like a little loop here maybe make it even bigger and you know what I'm actually going to since I made this bigger I want to make this one a little bit bigger too because I think it will look even cooler so for example go offside a little bit and let's just make it a little bigger like this there you go that's more like it and here I don't want this one to feel too long so I'm gonna make this even bigger and connect it here and that's how I work you know I just correct things in and try to make them the way I like it and you know like this for example I want to make it a little bit lower so I'm going to draw this here real quick and I'm gonna bring it down here something like that now that's more like it do you see it's covering this area I don't want it to be too tall so for this area I'm gonna bring you down a little bit lower to make it bigger like this you don't have to do this but I wanted to make this kind of you know balanced so you what helps is also step back and take a look so I'm gonna make this a little taller even bigger and this one as well step back you know see if how you like it and then correct as you go all right so that will be our tulips a few here and there and have it in there like this okay so the shape is very important because once you have the proper placement of your tulips and where you would like them to be it's gonna be a lot easier to see the picture okay so here I'm gonna make this a little bit bigger because I think it's you know a little bit thicker here and have it disappear somewhere in there okay and now let's draw a few of the you know the leaves from the tulip so I want to have one that is attached right in here and it's kind of going like this and then it goes in in the tulip somewhere and then from here it comes and it's and it goes off the canvas something like this you know it doesn't have to be perfect and one more right in here I want to make this one as high as this area and just have it come down like this very skinny on top and then go down and then it gets bigger so it's gonna go in there like this all right I told you we're gonna cover a lot of the background canvass but it's a good base coat because now it's easier to like the colors down so I'll add a few more so after we added this one I'm going to add one that's attached right here and it goes in like this and then it kind of loops around let me use my water loops around from here and it goes down like this and then maybe there's one inside like this somewhere in there I know you can barely see but it you know it doesn't really matter where you place your leaves the leaves from the tulips so I'm going to add one more and call it good I will add one that will be going from here and [Music] kind of have it fade in like it's going out like this somewhere maybe even like this so it's at an angle right so let's let's be good with adding I don't want to overdo it so let's just leave it at that and then if we need to we'll add correct things and add more as we go along all right so I'm gonna correct a little bit more and then we will call it good we will continue so for example this area I'll continue making it a little bit bigger something like that all right all right that's good enough I like it and step back see if you like your shapes all right so now once we have that let's mix some colors all right first we're gonna draw from the furthest distance and work away up close right I like to work that way I've always worked that way we did the background and now let's add the leaves let's work on the creating details of the leaves and making it look nice and then after that we will work on these and then this one will be the last one we'll work on this tulip all right so what I've got here is a little bit of titanium white medium yellow and SAP green a touch of it and then I have SAP green by itself because I'm going to mix this color remember that we have leftt mix it in you know basically I want it to be a lighter kind of like this color maybe a little darker kind of green right and then SAP green and then lamb black so let's just start mixing this one first it's gonna give us a light green color okay and could see that is nice that'll be good for the glow and now and now let's take all this green and mix it in with this ones to take all that paint mix it in with SAP green right here and whatever color gives you it'll be good enough okay actually if you want to make it stand out to more colorful you can add more yellow let's actually do that the reason why is because I wanted to stand out against the background so I don't want it to be the same color as my background I want it to be more you know to have a little bit more color and contrast to it so I added medium yellow to give me that nice green glow it'll change it a little bit and that's good and our final color here will be the darkest okay and maybe even take all of this who cares take whatever you have left here mix it in this will be our darkest okay there you go we have our colors mixed three colors here for our leaves okay all right let's pick up our number four right here a rough number four brush and dab it in the water all the way so it could be nice and damp and this one we're gonna put the first layers of you know the color down right so let's start with the lightest color and we're gonna work one leaf at a time so since we're onto this one let's just start from this one and work our way this way okay let's add the bright colors and I'm guessing it's gonna be so I'm going to demo brush in the water like the same thing with it with the background it lasts a little bit longer so I'm gonna randomly add it like up to here and have it fade out like this right and then use this green to randomly edit right next to it like this and then on each side and you know have it and go all the way to that black border I try to cover it mostly but if you don't that's okay don't worry about so using this color don't worry about the background yet we will outline that later okay so so that's good right there now I'm gonna use the black I'm not even gonna clean my brush I'm gonna blend it all add that black color end and since I have you know water a little bit in my a little bit not too much um it will blend in nicely so I'm going to add that dark color right along where I added the lines inside okay and quickly add those colors in there so I'm going to add a little bit more right in here maybe add some red and here randomly alright and this is where I will use the little blending brush see this one and I'm gonna I'm not I'm not gonna try to blend everywhere so I don't carry those colors out I want to because that's her background color we don't want to mess with that but lightly lightly press on in the middle of your so it's not gonna blend everything but good enough for the middle just enough to take some of the brush strokes out you see look at that you can pull don't worry about trying to we're gonna fix that that'll be easy so blend at all and doesn't have to be perfect you want to leave it looking rough but we want to take away the brush strokes and it's okay if you bring the darks in here because that's a leaf too so quickly you know blend it all in like this alright alright so it is rough looking but it's better than it was you see that you could still see it a nice smooth transition I'm going to leave it at that so what I like to do though with my blend brush because I don't want to leave it like this dry so I'm gonna put it in the water and I'm gonna swirl it in the water get most of the color out I'm not gonna dab it into one I'm gonna just on top swirl it and squeeze out my brush so you squeeze it out and it's clean again right and so I'm gonna leave it I'm not gonna even swirl it and dry it I'm gonna leave it for now because I'm gonna use it the same idea for these other ones actually in fact this is actually better to do it now so once I cleaned it fast I'm gonna swirl it and it'll fluff back up lightly and gently right here you see now it's ready to be used on this one so I'm gonna put it down and continue and now that I have this all blended I'm going to correct the edges right here right so what I'm gonna do is pick up my detail brush dab it in the water and use a little bit of this lightest color and go around and lightly press and I added water I added water to the blending brush right here so I won't pick up too much paint it's mainly water and a touch of this color and this is where the little details come in and blend out and blend out the roughness take away most of that background color okay now let's continue right here you see this area's rough a little bit let's add that with water same thing here I want to take away this background color I don't mind it's showing a little bit but I don't want it too much okay you could spend some time cleaning it out you know but something like this pretty much so now I'm going to demo brush in water do the same thing and maybe add it a little bit in here and make sure this is actually easy if you dry this out with your hairdryer see if you do plant paint the details you're not smearing the paint around okay so I'm actually it's a little bit wet and before I touch it and you know mess it up I'm gonna quickly dry it okay all right so I quickly dragged it out and I'm gonna do the same thing with water and a little bit of this color and I want to outline it because the glow you know I want to keep that glow going so I'm going to go up all the way where I want it to end and correct as best as I can maybe even bring it down and go around the edges on this side lightly so I'm gonna be I'm gonna stop right there and I'm going to use the darker color so I'm going to clean my brush out and use this darker color and do the same idea with water a little bit of this darker color and with water I'm going to correct and actually here I'm going to go all the way to the top hey very small wanted to stand out all right and maybe here to have it be coming down and fading out like this maybe there's one in a background somewhere in there okay so I'm gonna clean my brush now just swirl it and clean up I'm not gonna dry it but leave it put it down and then I'm going to touch up a little bit more clean out my number four brush right here dab it in the paper towel so it won't be too wet and it's still damp right here and now I get to play around with the light color again and maybe mix it with a little bit of this color so it won't be too bright and I want to correct some of these right here okay you could see since my brushes you know a little damp it blends in nicely so and works transparently let's pretend it goes like this there you go now do the same thing and clean my brush out and let's do the same thing with the dark just a little bit not too much okay with water and a damp brush I mean and add darks you know have it have the flow going so maybe this right here remember maybe bring it up like this who knows all right you want to make it look smooth so there you go so this leaf is done you can like I said spend a lot of time really correcting it and detailing it and having fun but let's move on and you know continue with this leaf all right doing the same idea with the number four I'm going to clean the brush and start off with the light colors and hit your hit your light areas for example this area I want it to be pretty light in here right I'm going to dab my brush in the water-soaked and run smooth on my canvas and I'm gonna have it kind of in and fade out like like this kind of what we did with the other one and same thing with a demo brush in the water same thing on the edge have it like this right something like this maybe and then here right in the corner I'm gonna add that in like this and then remember I'm using it with a little bit of water and then right here and I have it okay and now let's use that this green one I'm going to demo brush lightly in the water and pick up the paint and let's add it a little bit in here quickly you know some in here I mix it in with a yellow don't worry about this we're gonna do that later focus on the leaf okay that's good and now I'm going to dab my brush in the water and use the darkest color and let's mix it all in I'm gonna have it be and here this dark green color and then maybe even darker okay and then have this darkest color the inside right in here you can see it looks rough that is okay and maybe a little bit in here let me use a little bit of this green all right so now same idea using my little blending brush and since it's a little damp it'll work even better so oops I started with the dark someone and dab it in the water clean the dark out swirl it and lightly press you see how nice that works that it it like erases and start with the lighter areas now you don't want to blend everything you remember you want to focus on taking away the brushstrokes that'll give you a nice smooth blend like this so I'm not gonna focus on blending everywhere like I'm gonna I'm gonna only focus on some other areas so leave it looking sharp okay like this there you go now I'm gonna quickly dry this out and then we're gonna do the same thing and add those little details all right so now that it's dry I'm going to first I'm going to clean up my number4 brush dab it in the water and I'm gonna take this green or yellow doesn't really matter you want a little bit of color with water you see a little a little bit and correct some of the sharp from you know some of these areas and since our paint is still a little wet it'll blend in nicely and if you have a little bit of texture that's fine it'll leave a little texture on your leaf so it doesn't look perfect right sometimes leaf can can have some texture you know going on so we want to correct some of these make them a little bit softer you know so water and a little bit of this color and right in here remember I want to blend that in land it all in and this side right here maybe even add inside here let's head a little bit of that green color like that clean my brush out and then continue this area right here I want it to clean it up a little bit okay and then go back to the dark green color and let's add some darker ones with a little bit of water so I have my brush in the water so it could be nice and damp and pick up more of this darker color and let's go over some of these areas I want to make this area a little bit darker inside here and here I actually want to make it I want to correct this and make this go this way so for example I'm going to have it go inside and come down and have it go like this so cover this with the dark color so I'm gonna quickly blend that in using my blending brush take away most of those brush strokes there there you go you see barely touching it that's good right there and I'm gonna correct a few more areas and then we will for example this area I'm gonna do the same thing actually with the black and kind of bring it down here so dad my brush in the water so can run smooth have it come down like this all right clean my brush out use this green with water I want to blend in this area it's a little look rough looking blend it in with your black see how nice that looks there you go okay so instead of working with my detail brush I'm gonna switch to my flat brush because it's a little bit bigger here and I'm going to add some of the so I'm gonna take part of this dark color here and the green you want to mix those to make it a little bit lighter right but I want it to be a little bit dark and I want to add right in here when I have it feed in like this let's pretend you know there's a leaf right behind that one and then so now I'm going to clean my brush and use this light color right here and go around the edge kind of blend those in hold on a second I don't like how it's looking but that's okay I will fix it so I'm going to add a little bit of the dark to create some separation so maybe right here okay clean my brush out use my number four actually and lightly blend those in okay so I'll come back to the flat brush and let's it's bring out my brush and lightly you know blended in softly okay go back to the lightest color and grant your flat brush and with water in this lightest color let's just add a few more details and we'll be done with this with this leaf so I want to make this area a little bit brighter here okay create some details there and then do the same thing here lightly and add that glow and then I'm going to clean my brush out real quick and then go back to the darkest color with water and right in here and have it fade out all right we pretty much are done with this one let's move on to the next one let's work on this one a couple more left not too much so let's clean your number four doing the same thing this will be a little bit easier because it's gonna be a little bit less of the color so less going on so let's just add the light right in here right and then it's gonna fade out somewhere in there and pretty much this green one I'm gonna dab my brush in water and use this green and then think I'm gonna with the green I'm gonna have it come down like this and that's it all right that's good I'm gonna use the darkest color now this one will be simple I'm gonna clean my brush out because I wanted this area to be pretty dark and just use this darkest color and then here we're gonna have to you know try to be as careful as we can not to mess up our mixing it's okay if you cover you know part of your sketch here okay so now that we added covered this area let's quickly blend everything in okay let's use our blending brush again and softly there's gonna be a leaf here so I'm not worried about carrying you know going over here but not here so we'll leave that as it is and blend in quickly all right something like that there you go now I'm gonna clean my brush dry it out do the same idea same technique so my brush is clean again now you can achieve this blending the same thing like I said with the artist spot the artists off brush right here just kind of blend everything in but you would have to you know do it a few coats maybe this is just a lot faster and I I've been testing these and and I wanted to make these available because it's a lot easier to add and blend everything in with the little details okay so now that this is clean let's quickly dry this out and then add a few details on this one and then move on to our last one and it will be good with our you know leaves will can move on to our tulips alright it's pretty much dry I clean my number4 and I'm gonna use this green one right here do the same idea with a little bit of water okay so it can run smooth and correct some of these areas where it didn't blend so well see how nice that looks so in here I'm gonna not even gonna touch this area too much but something like this that's it I don't want to do too much I like how it turned out but I do want to correct you know correct this area right here so I want to add a little bit of the dark and right here where it has that dark color I want to make that area dark okay so I'm going to demo brush and lightly in the water and pick up more of this dark color and try to be as careful as I can okay and then and then maybe in here I'm going to do the same thing lightly with the water correct well this is going to be dark from this leaf so it doesn't matter but let's just go back with a detail brush now and swirl it and use the lighter color and let's go in and correct and it's okay if some of the background you know layer that the outline is showing if you want it to I think I'm going to leave I kind of like it it acts like a shade or something so I'm going to clean it up and fix that using a darker color because I wanted it to be dark not light okay just like that little little details now what I'm gonna do real quick actually let's let's continue so this is done let's continue on this one real quick and then I'll show you something fun that I like to do after I finish this okay so let's do the same idea this lightest color right with water and let's add this right in here go right on the edge and have it feed out somewhere in there maybe in here okay let's use this green one okay and our final color I'm going to clean it out and use the darkest color right here do the same thing what we did with this one dab it in the water I'm gonna actually add a little bit of green on the edge right in here clean my brush and use the dark one again quickly cover some of this all right clean my brush and then maybe use a little bit of this green and let's correct this a little bit you use the black because I want this area still to be dark alright that's good enough our blending brush and quickly lately plan those gently in now I'm going to quickly dry this out and do the same thing add a few details and we'll call it good all right it's pretty much dry I'm going to do pick up my clean number four use this green color smell it metal color and correct some of these areas here okay I'm not gonna bring you too much down but this area right here I want to correct you get smoother transition there you go now I'm going to clean my brush and do the same thing with the dark so my dark color here with water and correct this area right here I want to dim it down like this okay and then use a little bit of this dark color along here I'm gonna dab it in the water and continue you know shaping out the shadows and shades I think that all right and now I'm going to use the detail brush this time and let's start off with the lightest color here and let's cover some of the background shade that we have here so again the lightest color and let's fade it out okay it goes in maybe somewhere in there will correct that and then a little bit of the slight color I want it to glow and then have it fade out in here somewhere okay and then kind of blend it all in so use a little bit of this green in water and blend that in lightly like that demo brush in water and I think I'm going to continue this green the darker green have I come down and go in like that okay clean my brush do the same thing with the black correct some of the areas for example here I want to make a smoother transition damn my brush in water and let's carefully feed it out same thing here so I'm going to correct it a little bit with this light color because I don't want it to be everywhere so I actually clean my brush and use the middle green one I don't want it to be too bright and let's and a little bit there and then correct some of this area right here okay we are pretty much done the last thing I want to do and I like to do is straight out of the tube to black and my artist loft brush with some water in it a little bit not too much do the same thing and add the darker shadows on some of you know the bottom part right here you don't have to do this if you don't want to you know I recommend it because it's gonna really make your painting stand out but totally up to you so I'm going to clean my brush into the water dab it in the paper towel and land those in make it a little darker not too dark though but you could see just on some of the areas and if it's too much because it's still wet you can move and play play with it you know so right there and then a little bit of this darkest color straight out of the tube right in here I want to add some depth you know so that's why I'm adding this black color make sure you don't have too much water but enough to make your paint move okay something like this maybe a little bit in here okay and then let's do that in here down my brush in the water and then add a little bit of this darker color right in here and if it's you know too wet you can use your blending brush to you know gently smooth it out like this not too much but that's good right there and a little bit more in here and I'll type it in here there you go very lightly you could see you know we added our darks and lights and then that really creates a nice depth so our leaves are done we can happily move on to the next thing and before I move on to the next thing since we have the green mixed let's draw out this little thing from the flower you know I'm sorry I don't know the name of it comment down below the name of this thing right here I'd like to know or half flat brush right here half an inch flat brush in let's start off with the lightest color right here and right on the edge we're gonna swirl it and bring it down like somewhere in there like this okay so dad my brush lightly in the waters who can run smooth and okay try to make it as clean as possible like this and then the same thing on this side let's make it a little bigger all right something like that there you go and now let's use this green and add the green a little bit of this green color on both sides right like this and then our final color use this green and actually let's use a little bit of SAP green because I want to make it a little bit you stand out a little more than you know the other colors so the SAP green and some black mix it in a little bit of this color mix it in and let's add that right in here see how nice that looks okay we're going to lightly add it and have it come down and then it's gonna feed out to this darker color but you could see I'm lightly blending I'm not trying to so I'm going to correct some of this area right here maybe I made it too bendy here but that's okay we'll do that we'll work on that and then our last you know use the darkest mix it in with the SAP green this and maybe a little bit of this dark right in here clean my brush out a little bit and blend the edges right here okay all right we have that sketch done right but I want to correct it a little bit because I think I screwed up a little bit not too much but right in here I'm gonna use a little bit of this darkest color and right in here I'm going to correct this it's back and forth so now with a detail brush I'm gonna go back to the lightest color swirl it with water and now I'm going to really try to you know get the glow and the details make it as perfect as I can all right debit in the water and continue let it feed out right there and then I'll correct this side and have it go all the way down like you see right there so I'm going to clean my detail brush and use a little bit of this green to blend out so I'm going to dab it in the water use a little bit of the green and try to slowly blend the colors out I'm not gonna go all the way down I like how it's fading there but here oops okay so I'm gonna put it down and use my number four and use a little bit of the SAP green and maybe a little bit of this green with water I'm going to get my brush slightly in the water so I can run smooth okay and then here I want to get the darkest color mixed with sap green dab it in the water a little bit and maybe even and a little bit more of the dark color right on the bottom right here it's going into a shadow okay that is good right there so I'm going to do something real quick use a little bit of this black and a detail brush and I want to fix something and we will be good with this painting so I'm gonna right here I'm going to try to fix the wave and make sure it's a little bit more you know a little bit more straighter same thing here a little bit dab it in the water and add a line right in here there you go all right I am happy with it I hope you are too and we can move on I promise this is the last thing I'll do to the you know the bottom part right here is use the SAP green in your little detail brush right here take a little bit of that color you know a little bit and my brush is wet right you could see it's transparent I'm going to add that green glow on to you know some of my leaves right in here I want it to be a little more green so I'm gonna use that color may be right in here a little bit you could see how nice that looks it's we're working transparent so I'm not using a lot at all you can skip this if you want but I think that's how I get you get the nice glow and a little bit right in here see how nice that looks that changes everything even in here there you go now we can move on to the next thing all right I also dim down using SAP you know SAP green kind of dim down this side cuz I realize it took a step back I realized that you could see the light source is coming from like this side because more on the right side it's glowy you know so that's why I wanted to make this brighter than this so I corrected that meal a couple minutes so that's what I did but now that I'm done with this let's continue and add our fun part the flowers the beautiful part all right everything's beautiful here but this is gonna be fun so in order to make it easier for you guys so you guys could see what I'm doing I've got a new palette - you know - so you guys can see how I'm mixing everything because the other one was getting a bit too messy so let's pick up our - 10 a.m. white and create about let's start with three shades so I'm gonna you know probably add about two thumbs Oh 1/2 thumb a mountain right there and then maybe a little less right here and then a touch maybe here very small amount okay 3 right here you could see a small amount right there alright guys so this is what I did to make it easier I added flesh tint a little bit of that there and then a little bit of medium yellow right here a touch you could see and then right here I add flesh tint and in crimson red about the same amount right here and then crimson red a little bit more than the white you can see and then crimson red a touch of lamb black and I also added a touch of white there so let's mix these that will be our colors for the art you know flowers so let's mix them and see what it gives us and if we need to add something we will okay so this be like a beautiful peachy color I like that color all right it's gonna look good against the gold leaf that's why I wanted that I mixed a little bit of yellow with flesh tint cuz it's gonna really make the gold stand out nicely so right there next let's quickly mix that and it should gradually get darker from here so I'm looking at this and seeing if I like it okay next should be even darker so actually I'm going to add more of the crimson red right here let's do that real quick because I want this to I want the bottom to stand out a little bit more as we go down you know blending it's gonna go from light to dark so I'm gonna take part of this a little bit so I won't have to add white and mix it in okay that's beautiful yes it's gonna look great okay and our final color should be pretty close to this one just a little darker that's nice right there you see that that will be our colors for the flowers going from this kind of peachy color to pink to the darkest like a cherry color that's what we have and again you can mix your colors you can make a yellow you can make it blue you can make any kind of shade that you want doing the same you know using the same amounts and create from lightest to darkest and you can do the same technique and I'll show you and paint your flowers so it's up to you have fun with it you know see what you can create but now that we have this mixed let's start with the next for this thing which are after these will be these flowers so we're gonna work on these ones first and then our last flower right here in front of us okay alright let's pick up our flat brush right here and then we're going to start with this one like we did with the leaves here we're gonna start with the lightest and take this beautiful color we have mixed right and then maybe Debby brush in the water so you could you could run a little bit smooth and we're going to quickly sketch out the areas where we want it to be bright so for example this area we're going to have a bright and have it fade out in there somewhere like this okay quickly and then let's have another line you know fade out like this alright really quick and then on top right here I want this to be bright coming down and maybe have a fee right here okay so maybe even bring you down here and then this one okay somewhere in here dad my brushing the water so you can run smooth and then this roughly bring you down okay and then next this pink one and go around and add the pink right where you added that light color okay really quick so dad my brush in water and use this color and go around and and pink in there okay and then maybe in here have it fade out demo brush in the water so it can run smooth and I'm going to add a little bit to here have a fade out and then inside actually just add that pink in there like that it's okay you can go back if you need to with the lighter one minute there you go that's good okay come back to this pink and let's add a pink a little bit lower right in here look at this dad my brush in the water use the pink again and you know maybe have it come up all the way like this not everywhere and then in here okay and then our last one like this now I'm gonna dab my brush in the water go to my next color this one and it's getting darker now yeah we want to add some darker color yeah while my paint that's why I add my dad my brush into water because the paint doesn't dry you know as fast so it's okay if you cover part of what you drew and quickly add that in there okay and let's add a little bit in here you know this will be darker but I'm gonna go around the edges right in here we have a quick dab my brush in the water and add a little bit of this pink and now I'm gonna use the darkest color right here this cherry one and I want to really make this one dark right in here so I'm going to go around and have it and then do the same thing right in here hey so I'm going to dab my brush in the water and try to blend those make it smoother right continue and I want to add this dark cherry color right in the middle right here right we want to make this darker in here really quickly dab a brush in the water and cover this area and our final area right in here quickly add that in there like this okay now let's pick up our little blending brush right in here we have it you know swirl it to fluff it up and it's a little damp but that is what we want and not everywhere but on the from the you know you don't want to carry the darks but you want to blend in some of the areas right here from the light to the dark and it's okay if you don't blend everything you know we just want to blend a little bit of it and it's okay like I said bring that paint up in here it's a gif you have some lines we want to make actually those lines stand out so don't be in a little bit in here you know like some of these lives right here it's beautiful we want to keep those alright so there you go now we have that done our quick sketch we're gonna try this out and do the same thing like we did to blend correct some of those wouldn't do that real quick there all right okay now that it's kind of almost dry so it took me like a couple minutes maybe a minute to you know get it mostly dry it doesn't need to be fully dry because we want to be able to blend those areas right so let's use this pink one right here okay this pink and my and number four and correct blend in and correct some of these areas and follow your patterns you know you might yours might look a little bit different right just follow your patterns Landon you know the areas you think you know need like for example right here right I'm going to actually use this cherry color right here to darker one and darken a little bit of this side you see how nice that works and I'm not gonna do it everywhere but maybe a little bit of this pink and add it right in here a little bit on the edge okay and let's continue and maybe add a little bit of this pink in here okay now I want to add a little bit of that lighter color so I'm going to clean my brush and add this lighter color that we have mixed here with a little bit of water and right on the edge barely pressing carry that and blend it in you see how nice that turns out maybe even bring it up a little bit like this let it glow let it glow and then here as well okay and then down my brush in the water and use a little bit of this color continue and I want to bring you down right in here lightly like that and then let's add a little bit of this pink this one lighter pink and I want to make this area a little bit more pink right here maybe the leaf is you know bending in here and it fades out okay all right so now I'm going to use the you know darker colors for example let's use this darkest cherry color we have mixed and let's add it right here and really start to add more color with water and blend it out see how nice that looks so a little more of the darkest color let's do that right in here create that nice glow from the darkest to the light and I want to add it more in here this corner so in here I wanted to actually make it a little bit more pink I want to add a little bit more you know have it Bend a little more you know I think it's important to correct things as you go so I'm going to use the lighter color now and add on a corner unit doesn't have to be all you know white everywhere because maybe this is a little bit of you know it's just kind of maybe glow in there and I want to also correct this area when I use this pink I want to make this a little bit more lighter in here going in and having it fade out like this okay that's nice you could see it's starting to look like a like a beautiful tulip here we want that and I want to be able to correct one more thing I'm gonna use this cherry color and we'll be good as I want to add it right in here make this a little darker on the bottom there you go okay and and then last thing this lighter pink maybe mixed with a little bit of this cherry there's I want to dim this down this bottom part down okay I wanted to gradually get lighter okay like that so I'm going to add a little bit more of that lighter color here with my lightest color a little bit right here on the edge there you go all right so now it's all about the detail work I'm not gonna add too much details because you you get the idea it's pretty much done but with my detail brush and the lightest color swirl it and make sure you dab your brush in the water and you it's nice and you know transparent right there and then I'm gonna correct it I'm just gonna go up and you know make it look a little bit bumpy you know make it more make it look more interesting so I'm going to demo brush in the water and have it fade out from here okay I'm going to have it fade out like this and then here I'm going to attach this right here okay I want that to be a little bit more brighter right in here and then fading it out on the bottom right here and then gonna correct this area also fading it out okay a little bit more right in here I want this to be bright in here and going in like this okay I want that light to be hitting it maybe this will have a little bit more of this light of color okay let's continue with this light color and correct in this area make it super glowy have a fade-out I mean fade in and then right in here fingers when you use your finger it sometimes it could help and I think I'm looking at this to see if I want to add anything else I think I'm going to use a little bit of this pink and go around and add a little bit of that glow on some of these so here I want to kind of attach that let me make this a little brighter in here that all right and I think that's good enough for this we are pretty much done with this one one thing I could add actually is I'll go back to the lightest color and lightly add maybe a little bit right along here very small you know maybe because it's going from the background okay so that's done we are done with this tulip we can move on to the next one just adding a few more little touch-ups you know and that's it okay I'm done with this one we can move on to the next one you can spend a lot of time you know really detailing and getting it the way you want it but you get the idea so let's do the same thing with that one let's start with the lightest color and our number four brush here dab it lightly in the water and let's start with you know this kind of area right here I want this to be bright right in here okay more this color and let's add it a little bit in here dad my brush in the water and pick up more of this light color and let's add some right in here dab it in the water more of the lighter color and then something like that all right now moving on to the pink color and around the bottom we're going to add that pink I don't yet right in here I make this pink nice and pink right there and then touch in here lightly Debbie my brush in the water taking more of this pink and let's add some right in here and then someone here and on the bottom right here you can go back to the lighter color here and try to correct some of this all right that's good let's go to the next color and beautiful color here and I had it a little bit in here dab it in the water and to touch in here let's add some right and along here and then along this side and then continue on adding it a little bit in here and that's going to be good and then dab my brush in the water and use the darkest color we have mixed let's start with the bottom area right in here damn low brush in the water so can run smoothly and bringing that darkest color up okay and in here let's add it and then inside right in here okay so there you go we added that now let's get our blending brush and lightly with a little one or any kind of fluffy brush small one that you have available lightly start with the lightest color and dab it you know make sure you're not touching outside we're gonna blend those in but just the inside and carry that down like this and it's okay if you bring it down on to this there you go see I didn't I didn't blend everything and I just did just a little bit okay so now I'm gonna quickly drive this out and do the same thing you know how we did with that one all right now we can pick up this with our number four this pink color and let's correct some of this area on top with water now I want to bring some of this Pink's I'm gonna demo brush lightly in the water so it won't be too wet by you know so it can run smoothly on the canvas so here I want to bring some of these colors down like this okay really quickly I'm correcting you making it look softer okay and then a little bit of that pink right in here okay and do the same thing clean my brush out but with a light color so this one and let's just start on this side and we're going to use some of it to with a detail brush to bring it down so I'm not going to work on trying to get it all perfect yet okay okay and I think I'm gonna add the pink a little bit with this mix it in a little bit cuz I think I don't I want to make this a little bit darker and go higher like this so I'm going to clean my brush out and blend that in there you go that's more like it and a little bit of more of this pink in here all right and now the detail brush with the lightest color in water we are on we are going to go over starting on this side go over you know some of these mixture you're not you know if you want you can quickly dry out the painting so you won't be bringing that light down all the way like this okay continue let's correct this one fade down like this there's a little bump I'm going to want to make it to perfect yeah that goes down like this all these little fine details add up to a beautiful painting okay I'm gonna down my brush in the water make this area bright and have it fade out like this all right now I'm going to do the same thing with this paint color and water and I want to make this a little bit more pink in here zoom it down right in here something like that maybe come back to the light color spend a little time blending those in and then some more pink and I think I want to make something here like this here's some lines going down see how nice that looks maybe I add it too much so I will quickly correct it just quickly right here I want it to be at an angle at a curve okay even do some in here maybe actually you know maybe there's some small ones that are give me someone here with water and this pink like go with the flow like like that okay some lines from the flowers there you go that's nice right there and I think a little bit more pink on this side and it's gonna fade out like this all right and now I'm going to the darkest color here dab it in the water and I want to add a little bit of that right behind there very very small amount to make it stand out a little bit okay and maybe here but not everywhere okay it's like in here I want that to be right and then fading out like this okay cause that separation in fact I'm going to dim this one with maybe these two colors and dim this oops let's use this pink dim this area right in here yeah that's what needed to happen there you go okay and pretty much that's it that's it for this this tulip and I think we can move on to the final tulip and then the gold leaf which is the fun part all right now our last flower here doing the same thing with water and the slightest color let's sketch out the brighter area so for example right here let's have it come down you know and then maybe there's some little bumps you know don't make it too perfect you get a little rough looking you make it even taller because this is the closest one so we want to make it actually maybe make this one you know this okay and then let's let's make this one bigger let's bring it down like this all right actually I'll leave a make it bigger make it go down like this there you go all right and in here we're gonna have some going on but we'll do that probably later but for now you know let's just I mean like we'll probably cover everything because it'll be hard to blend but and then come back to that we'll get to that in a bit but let's continue adding it in here remember this this one so I'm going to demo brush in water pick up more of this light color and have it you know and it's probably going to get darker somewhere in there so I'm going to continue and then here really quickly draw out got my brush in the water and I think I'm going to fade it out into the pink in there and then this one will be going in here and then coming up okay and have it go around so I'm going to demo brush in the water again and this light area and in this one okay something like that and then of course find a one right in here damn low brush in the water little bumps here because it's the closest one so we don't want it to be too perfect and have it feed somewhere in there okay so we got our first sketches done now and dab a brush in the water let's use the pink and let's just play with covering everything so this is going to be covered up to here demo brush in the water maybe take the lighter color because we want to be this to stand out the most okay and then inside of here let's blend it in with our white dab and the water uses this pink again and here actually I'm going to use the lighter color right here and blend it in here I want this to be pretty bright going in and then it's gonna fade out to a different color so dab our brush in the water go back to the pink and let's add some red in here oops that's okay maybe some lighter color running out of paint that's okay we can always add more later dab it in the water you use this pink let's add it right in here like this dab it in the water this pink again and let's add that in here now this one's getting a little darker as you can see dab it in the water take more of this pink let's add it right in here dab the brush in the water I hope that's not annoying guys but I'm explaining everything I'm doing so that it will be easier for you guys to understand okay and then maybe here gonna have to work around that okay all right I think it's on to the next color this one my dad my brush in the water you know that's had it right in here a little bit maybe some in here let's continue maybe some alongside here quickly add your colors don't spend too much time on making it perfect because we need to also blend them up quickly all right so let's continue with this cherry color and that it right on the bottom right here lightly and my brush in the water take more of that beautiful color and add it right in here add it all over on this side it's like a heart shape right here so dad my brush in the water and do the same thing you're right in here okay and then the final cherry car color quickly dab my brush in the water we add that in there and maybe someone here mainly in here okay and then someone here go back to your lighter pink colors to create that transition alright that's good enough for now let's quickly blend everything in with our bigger blending brush this is the next size up right here from that smaller one because it's a bigger tulip you know bigger space and we're gonna start with this and blend barely touch and try to not get this color onto the ones that we worked in the back just go around inside okay and lightly tap and swirl and it's okay if that's that color goes on to some of the bottom here because we're going to go back to that but we want to blend it out as best as we can inside you know and if not everything blends out perfectly that's okay so start with your lightest and you don't work your way down so right here I'm not going to blend too much in here and then this one okay and our final one quick blend okay really quick try not to get too much of that dark okay and blend the bottom end right there okay so there you go we have our sketch and now let's dry this out and then do the details like we did in the back all right now I added a little bit of black in more crimson red here I'm gonna mix it in with the left over here I want this to be a little bit darker because I just want it to you know have it darker tones darker like these have darker ones you know so I want it to be a little bit more actually I'm going to add more crimson and then you could see I'm running out of paint but I think I have enough just enough to finish this tulip so I'm gonna quickly mix that it's just black and crimson red basically we want it to be a shade darker than this one we mixed here okay that should do it right there alright that's good enough and now we will pick up our number four and dab it into the paper towel and it's still damp and let's use this while it's still a little wet you know here and we have a little bit left here let's quickly and let's go over and blend in the areas where we wanted to make it look smoother maybe not everywhere you could see I'm skipping some of the areas but maybe some some of these areas so I'm going to get my brush in the water and lightly I want to create so I'm gonna maybe create you know like a like it's it's bent you know I want to create that those lines in there like this so I'm going to dab it in the water because I've got some of that red continue with the lighter color first maybe if it's too perfect I don't want too much you see I want it to be just a little and we're gonna add goldleaf around this just this one matter you could add around those if you want but I want to add it all around this one okay that I want this one to stand out the most so that's what we'll do last after we're done with this so now let's quickly continue adding I think I'm gonna add a little bit of that light going in like this oops it's okay that's okay this way like this okay damn I brush in the water and continue on with this light color and I want to draw out the shape and we're gonna do this with a detail brush so don't worry about this actually let's skip that one let's continue on with this one maybe it splits up in here and then or what goes down here and then inside like this I want this area to glow okay and I wanted to go inside touching probably until this area right here from the light maybe the light is glowing you know and hitting this and its glaring there so I'm gonna kind of bring that down around here and have it fade out like this okay something like that that'll be good maybe make it lighter here these things take a little bit of time but once you get it it's amazing it's worth it so demo brush in the water and kind of do the same thing around these like maybe you know maybe there's some roughness okay and let us continue and let's add I'm going to demo brush lightly in the water again and remember this right here I'm going to split this right here and have it fade out so you want to do that too I want to do that here you know like I want to make it curvy that's why I'm adding these and then in here as well like it's going in okay okay and then a little bit in here get in the water and continue with the same color the lightest color and let's let's add some on these ones we don't want to forget these guys okay my brush in the water create that nice beautiful effect okay oops and then this one of course okay you can work doing the same idea I like with these you know like in here and now I'm gonna continue and I'm gonna use the darkest color here and I mix some of them because I ran out the same color same idea you know even if it's a shade you know lighter or darker that's okay but this one we needed to be darkest because we want this to really stand out so you could see I'm gonna make a super dark and I'm going to bring it up here mix it around here okay I really try to make this dark down my brush in the water and with water try to blend those in with your background colors okay so using the darkest color you have okay that's a bit in the water and planned it in and at all and make it as smooth as you can okay so maybe here it goes dark actually let's make this a little bit darker in here okay that's nice right and then here want to actually make this area a little bit dark in that transition here going into the darkest tamo brush in the water and maybe get the lighter color here and try to blend those in okay so I'm gonna make this a little bit lighter so you see I made more get a little lighter in here okay and working around here right and then let's add the darkest this one let's go with the darkest and ride inside we want to really maybe even here darken some of these bottom on the bottom right here so I'm gonna dab it in the water and try to blend it in like this okay do the same thing on this one right here and darken this inside and have it spread out okay almost done okay and then let's add the darks in here a little bit I want to darken this and then go over with the light color that you have mixed here and just correct all this you know all these little details on top you could even bring it down a little bit some of the highlights if you want but that'll be the final thing we do and then the gold leaf and then we are done so I'm going to go around fixing for example right here right I want to make it a little bit brighter so I'm gonna and rougher looking like this make it glow right have it go up a little bit maybe go down maybe it goes in inside there somehow and then this maybe goes in here somewhere right you just have to play it by ear try your best to make it as detailed as you can you know correct some of these areas and spend time doing that I'm gonna do that real quick go around all the edges make them some of them look rough and do that all right my apologies guys my battery died so it skipped a little bit but not too much I basically did the same thing here like I did with these you know detailing I did over here just a little bit more with a detail brush and I'll show you exactly what I did so you guys won't get confused now I ran out of the colors so it's basically the same mixture yeah you could see - tinium white right here and then flesh tint and then yellow a touch of it and then fresh tint crimson red crimson red by itself and then crimson red and black and I'll mix that and it should give me the same like light color you know like we but if you already had some of it like this is leaning towards yellow more so I'm gonna actually add a little bit more white to it and maybe take it from here and then this one should be pink so I'm gonna add a little bit white to this one as well let's do that real quick so it won't be too dark right there so let's just mix this one first that's better lighter and then I'm gonna clean my palette knife so it won't carry the darks and mix the light one right here I want it to be pretty bright doesn't have to be you know perfect and then the last one right here black I want it to be dark that's why I added maybe take a little bit part part of this wanted to be leaning towards a heavier dark and that's what I did basically I'm showing you what I did basically with these colors and crimson straight out of the tube I made it I put a glaze like we did member with the green glaze of SAP green here at the end to make it more greener and glowy that's what I that's what I'm gonna do with this one right here and actually I already did it but because it skipped a little bit but that I'm just trying to explain what I did and so basically using my number 4 damp in the water and you know I'd go back and take this with water and correct the areas right correct where I want it to look softer and and I'd play around until I'm happy with it right now I'm not gonna do this too much because you get the idea basically I do that and then I play with this slider pink going down like I did with those right so that's what I've been doing and for the fine details with a detail brush dab it in the water and this color with water right and this is where I put all these little details so I started from me this one right and then I just kind of you know added all the little details going around shaping out my flower right that's where the gold leaf will be so don't spend too much time basically that's what I did I went around and then also with water in this color right here I drew these lines right here and like this and then I use my finger to kind of smooth it out like that okay and that's how I got these lines right here you see if I do one right here lightly barely pressing and then use my finger and it kind of creates that nice effect okay and now that's what I basically did with with the details going back and forth you know spending a little bit of time doing that so that's what I've been doing maybe here I'll go up a little bit all right and then same idea same idea after I'm done with the white I go in with the darkest color here and water and I swirl it and then into the water and my darkest color and then I go and that's how I added these little you know cuts in the flour and you very gently I just for example let's let's just for so you guys could see let's add one let's just choose a spot you want to choose a spot that has like a little you know Bend like for example right here let's let's choose a spot right here like that okay and I did the same thing use my finger and you see how that created that nice effect like a break and so that's what I've been doing and then same thing here for the bigger so all these little details that's that I've been doing and then going down here in the bottom adding the darker you know lines you know right here like this going around maybe detailing yet you know sharpening some of these areas for example right here cover that lighter area make it more sharper okay you could spend as long as you want on these details totally up to you okay so and then after the detail brush you can come back and that's what I did with the crimson red just by itself and water you see it's a little wet right and I just kind of added that crimson red by itself with water like this randomly you know on some of this some of this areas right here trying to make it more red and then I use the blending brush to kind of smooth it out a little bit all right so basically that's it that's what I did and I detailed it the way I want to spend as much time as you want but pretty much I'm done with this now the fun part I'm gonna quickly dry this out and the fun part I'm going to add the gold leaf which is pretty easy and fun and what we're gonna do is add this adhesive glue right right here and we're going to use our detail brush to go around the edges and and you know it's it's going to be transparent so we're going to add it all around here and then all around here and then this one and then this right here and this one and then this one that's it and then we're gonna dry it with the hair bow dryer and then we're gonna add the gold leaf and watch it come to life so I'm gonna put it a little bit in here not too much you could see it's like water so how about this much is fine for now and I'm gonna clean my detail brush and use this now it's moving fast so you don't want a lot of it but just wear along onto your detail brush and we're going to go around the edges of where we want the gold to be okay so I'm going to quickly go around everything so I'm done adding all around and now I'm going to quickly drive this out about like a couple minutes and then make sure it's all dry and then we'll apply the gold leaf okay so and they come in a pack so I ripped it off and you could see you have to be very careful because it's very thin you can see this orange paper right behind it because that helps to press so for example I'm going to add it right flat like this right add it on one area at a time so let's cover this area first let's just cover this area okay like this and press press winter you think where you added that right okay so that is done you need to go higher you can okay right there next we've got another piece of sheet and we'll continue adding another one let's cover this area so like this and then gently press on where you added alright and to save some of it sometimes I like to rip and rip it out and use it for the little parts but for now I'm going to continue just using this so it could be a little faster for you guys but so I'm going to rip another sheet quickly and lay it let's lay it right here so all right on top like this go all around gently press okay continue and I'm going to add that trying to use so much space as I can right in here okay I'll use one more full sheet and then we'll use the little pieces the ones that are not touching so I'm going to use one more piece right in here like this cover this area up as best as I can all right there you go and now I can rip off some of this and place it at area little areas where I missed like this okay and then then this area or like this I think this area right here we added some lumber some right in here okay moving on almost done this is the fun part I don't know how far it goes down but I'm gonna guess we went it all the way down here maybe even lower I don't remember okay all right so I'm gonna clean it out now and then see if I need to add more I will okay but for now like I have now make sure your around you where you're doing this it's clean like on the bottom because it's gonna get a little bit messy okay so now that we have our gold leaf it's in place now we can go back and make sure again make sure it's all sealed like this you know follow along make sure it's all nicely attached right some of it will peel off that's okay the loose ones will peel off but you want to you don't get the main areas attached so I'm quickly going over everything before I start peeling and then we will peel okay so let's do that let's peel now so my foam brush right here we're gonna start from the top and gently just peel it like this peel it all off gently back and forth don't press too hard it'll peel off nicely by itself the loose areas see how nice that looks now gently press some of it you might have to retouch but that's okay like for example right here okay yeah and you might have to put some more adhesive on some areas but you get the idea so once you're done you can go back and touch up some areas and you know use your glue again and your detail brush in the areas where it didn't really attach you just use your detail brush and add go over and add a little bit of you know the areas where you think it needs a little more glue but make sure you don't forget the spots you know where you added it and then go back and fill in those areas like for example this area I want to add a little bit more like this okay and then maybe a little bit in here and go over everything and fill in the areas and do the same thing okay we are almost done pretty much the last thing we're gonna do is go over and correct some of this stuff like with the lighter color and the darker for example this part is a little too fat so I'm going to go over with this darkest color here and and some water and I'm gonna dim it down a bit so I'm gonna have it you know maybe this lighter actually mix it in I don't want it to be too dark and let's just correct this let's make it thinner here you know using your colors we have mixed and clearing some of the gold making it fade out you know fade in I mean in to do the same thing here and let it fade in you know and that's it you just correct those little details with your detail brush and you'll be done with this piece so I'm gonna do that real quick you don't have to do this if you don't want but I like things to be cleaner that's one doing it for example see right here I'm gonna correct it with the lighter color but first let me correct some of this okay like that have it gradually fade in and right here do the same thing make it thinner make it fit feed it in all right and now I'm going to clean my detail brush and do the same thing with this lightest color and correct like for example this area right here I'm gonna correct this a little bit and make it more cleaner look and I think that's it all right that'll be all I think I'll be done with this piece you know you can really get the details and add as much as you want have fun with this and you know totally up to you but that's how I play around with my gold leaf I hope you enjoyed this tutorial thank you for being here and tuning in be sure to like subscribe and share and see you guys next time take care and God bless you you
Channel: ColorByFeliks
Views: 580,669
Rating: 4.6940789 out of 5
Keywords: Tulips with Gold Leaf STEP by STEP Acrylic Painting Tutorial, tulip painting, acrylic painting, easy tulip painting, how to paint a tulip, spring painting, how to paint, how to paint with gold leaf, gold leaf painting, gold leaf, flower painting, step by step, how to paint with acrylics, bob ross, easy acrylic painting, acrylic painting techniques, stay at home, diy home decor, acrylic painting tutorial, how to paint tulips
Id: 7Um3BjcUDSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 203min 47sec (12227 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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