My Toddler Chooses What I Paint

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[Music] foreign [Music] hey it's me today I'm gonna do another one of these videos where my baby chooses what I paint on except this time it's going to be called my toddler chooses because she's a toddler now I think actually technically she was a toddler the first time she's almost two so she's not quite a baby anymore am I gonna keep doing this video over and over again until I'm like my teenager picks my eyes I did one video like this a couple months ago and you guys really enjoyed it and I had a lot of fun with it if you don't know I do have a daughter and I have a second one on the way I'm quite pregnant right now I don't really bring her face on camera and I don't reveal her name because I like to protect her privacy however this is a fun way that I can kind of include her in my content I'm giving her even more control this time than I did last time so I'm gonna let her make more choices for me whatever the child chooses I will be making art out of so time to choose first we're gonna have very important quiz time okay who is this go this who is this I want you to help me pick what to paint on okay a box a book or a squishy which thing do you think I should paint on the squishy the squishy immediately but which squishy some sort of squirrel with an acorn a bear or a cat on bread this one you like the cat [Music] wow that's a firm squish can you choose one color purple I knew it was going to be purple now I want you to choose a theme okay we have sprinkles food or nature sprinkles oh yay that's the microphone all right now that I've received my orders from her majesty it's time for ideation what do we got to work with here I gotta paint this cat sitting on a loaf of bread and I have to feature the color purple and use a Sprinkle theme looks like choices I would have made myself just the amount of pride I felt when she chose sprinkles now this particular squishy I actually bought myself a long time ago before people were sending me their disgusting squishies I used to just buy them myself online and this is one of the ones that I picked out the design is a little bit uh I don't want to be mean to that face she's clearly unintelligent but she's sweet it's a pink cat on a pink bread pink and more pink but in the worst way possible you can't use bubble gum pink next to salmon pink that's wrong also the green paw prints kind of lazy looking the hearts are actually there's something that I like about those printing on the ears is way off missed a little bit there and the noodle arm on the cat is not my favorite although I'm not really gonna do anything to change that so let's just work on accepting it somehow this squishy has gotten all types of ripped up and torn over the years I guess I can't judge anyone for ripping their squishies because this is what I do to mine must be all that aggressive squishing but all of those things make it the perfect candidate for a makeover so step one oh I stabbed it well at least I used decorative scissors the seams on this one are pretty wretched so I'm trimming those up then I have to give this squishy a nice sanding to make sure that my paint sticks that's looking good and I jumped right into the base coat from here here which feels a little sudden usually I like to chop something or add something you know perform some sort of risky surgery but I kind of liked this one the way it was so I'm not just gonna chop or add for the sake of chopping or adding however I did Overlook one small detail the face specifically the eyes and the whisker the whiskers I realize those are both indented is that the right word we can't have that so I'm covering those with a thick layer of puffy paint I want to move the eyes and redesign the face completely so I can't have this old face haunting me in the background we gotta cover it up after one coat of that it's a little bit better but still visible so back at it again face face go away come again never I'm singing nursery rhymes now and looks like I can still see it so here we go again another coat go ahead get gone please soon finally that looks pretty good so now bringing in the color of the day as selected by the child purple this particular purple was mixed quite a while ago it's unfortunately gone a little chunky we're not quite at cottage cheese level but definitely in the realm of curdled milk oh I think I can deal with it going ahead and applying that it is a very lovely gentle color too bad it's so darn chunky it just feels so sticky and not spreadable yeah I can't deal with that switching my paint out and in that process I ended up changing my mind I want to do a brighter purple mini me said let's give her purple I wasn't surprised that she chose purple I think it's her favorite color right now just based on some small pieces of evidence like the absolute despair she felt the other day when I tried to give her the pink sippy cup instead of her favorite purple one so hopefully this purple cat will be acceptable I decided to add some purple details to this I added a light purple face which instantly made this seem very familiar like I feel like it looks like someone I know some classic cartoon character who is that is it Sylvester no I I don't know I also added light purple tips to the ears and on the little booty I wanted to really take the time to add some nice details to this it is a relatively simple project so let me at least try and make it somewhat good I added some purple stripe wipes to the back pink inner ears Pink Cheeks wow this is usually the last step of the process I'm going a little out of my usual order today hold on it's a wild ride painting in the little pink tongue which I feel like is a little bit dog-like but I'm gonna go with it a nice purple nose oh she's cute so far bringing out the black paint time to paint on those facial details I went with some cute happy eyes I feel like the closed eyes is going to look better with the tongue out and some lopsided whiskers the lopsidedness was not on purpose here I am noticing that yeah it's pretty bad friend I added some eyebrows to try to distract myself from that eyebrows usually make me happy also the lack of eyebrows makes me happy if you haven't experienced that yourselves it's really great but these eyebrows actually were just the most horrible things didn't I just add eyebrows to something and then have to remove them eyebrows are apparently letting me down recently let's lean on some freckles freckles never disappoint me then what wait did I never go back and fix those whiskers hold on I think I just left them like that what the um either I forgot to fix the whiskers or somehow in that moment I was able to accept them looking back at this footage how did I not fix those it's fine right guys nope let's move on to the bread starting with this cream color which I had to do like 10 coats of because it was so stinking transparent then I'm bringing in the crust color I am going with the classic bread colors here I thought it would make it look a little bit more appetizing and cute yes purple is going to be the main accent color here but that doesn't mean that everything has to be purple bread is still bread I will say I was tempted to add on another project to this video because at this point I was realizing this is not going to take me that long it's pretty quick and easy however I decided it would be much wiser to keep it simple this week because I have a very very time consuming project that I'm working on right now at the same time I will say this it's something that some of you guys have been bugging me to do for a really long time and it's a very involved process speaking of this is why the background color just randomly changed to Blue I was working on this other mystery project at the same time and I lost track of which background was supposed to go and which video anyway all that to say I didn't realize that paint was wet great even though this week's project is a little bit quicker than what I would normally do I'm just going to use the extra time and put it toward that massive project that I'm working on right now oh and we're back to the pink background thank you next I took my two bread colors the crust and the not crust and I'm mixing them together to create a color in the middle I want to give this bread some nice texture on the inside try to make it look nice and soft and bready there we go that's cute and then I decided to add a purple heart to the center you know there was something about those crappy little hearts that were on the original that I kind of liked so I decided to just bring in my my own little heart from my own little heart this is not just not just a regular loaf of bread it's a special dessert bread filled with purple heart love okay okay so the heart in my imagination is some sort of creamy filling now the last part of my design orders is the sprinkles we cannot forget about those so I brought out my polymer clay sprinkles I couldn't decide if I should do the pastel colors or the bright colors so I just chose both I'm gonna apply some nice thick gooey spots of paint on the cat and then add sprinkles on top while the paint is still wet here's the song [Music] I want the cat to be working on decorating the bread with the topping wall also eating it making a complete mess in the process finally I added my signature and waboom no no no no no no I forgot there's this very important detail at the end of the tail needs to be painted to just overlap those stripes just okay and now the squishy is finished I think this came out really cute I did add a lot of little details that I love and I'm happy with this you know Mini-Me was pretty easy on me for this one I didn't have too much trouble incorporating purple and sprinkles onto a cute squishy I hope you guys enjoyed thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next week bye [Music] thank you
Channel: Moriah Elizabeth
Views: 4,274,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1lJ_R2kVVdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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