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hello today we're going to evolve humans in spore so let's start out by choosing a planet that is similar to the earth let's hear okay i i can only find one green planet and it is this one so i guess this is the planet that we're going for all right so to start out our evolution of humans it's going to be quite the simple things gonna be a simple little little thing simple guy all right so there we have our starter cell i tried to make it look like a single celled organism but then again i am not a scientist or even a smart person how do i turn how do i get the things back there we go okay see not a smart person so this this will have to do save an exit all right so here we are it's the beginning of the human evolution oh what you are a herbivore but i chose the omnivore mouth why can i not eat this thing you were hurt before how why why am i hurt before that is clearly the omnivore mouth i need to speak to the manager this is unacceptable all right well can i can i eat meat now i i did the thing i ate the five green stuff i cannot eat the thing this is unacceptable all right well can i at least attack other creatures using this mouth please tell me that i can oh yes i can okay beautiful alright so that means that i can get that guy's spike come here come here come here i'm sorry about this man i just i just really need that spike bro oh oh it's fine it's fine you don't need to you don't need to do that sure sure i already got okay i already had this bike but okay i guess murder had to happen well thank you thank you much appreciate it i don't understand why i can attack other creatures well if i can actually catch up to them that is but i can't eat the meat what can i not eat the meat i can eat his meat oh that sounded weird oh oh oh oh bad guy bad guy mating mating mating please okay crisis situation i don't know why that was my immediate response to having my life threatened to just go and mate i i don't know all right so we are in the editor and we need to make a couple of upgrades but here is the thing every time we enter the editor we need to take a step forward in the human evolution so according to this very very simplified chart that i got next to me after a single cell comes a uni cellular cool it looks like a little slug thing okay we could we could make a slug thing a little sea slug okay all right so uh there we go i guess that sort of looks like the image that i got in front of me something like that sure okay so we can call this one unicellular we call it like it is all right all right now please tell me that i can actually eat the meat now i got one right here okay what why i do not understand this is unacceptable i can still attack other creatures and i think by doing that yeah i do eat meat by doing that okay so i guess we are sort of omnivores okay i mean sure i just can't eat this meat i can only eat living meat oh new part okay shiny we could just hang out at this spot for a while it's a buffet just for me no for me for you get out of here get out get out guess i'm gonna have to kill you now it's the animal kingdom survival of the fittest baby all right there we go let's take a quick little break from eating the veggies because we definitely don't want to end up as herbivores in the creature states oh and i need these parts i definitely need these parts give me the wings baby give me the wings all right there we go okay cool all right so we got the wings oh and there's a poison thingy right there okay but we need to be careful we need to be careful i haven't died yet and i don't plan on doing it now okay there we go okay that's what oh no oh no oh leave leave leave oh no this is bad i need food food food food oh bad guys bad guys food oh okay scary stuff very scary stuff okay you know what i believe it is time for oh oh no shiny rock shiny rock first yes oh we got the poison fantastic all right so what i was saying is i think it is time for the next step the next step in the human evolution yes do the little dance freaking dudes you ain't gonna be freaking no more you ain't gonna be freaking no more the next step okay that's a weird name i have no idea what it means it's a little fist thingy all right i could make a fist thingy [Music] now the reference image that i'm using doesn't really have any weapons on the dude but we need the weapons man we need the weapons so i just added these really really small spikes on the front of his body hopefully that will help us out i don't really think it will i think we're pretty vulnerable right now and i gotta say i don't like it i don't like it one bit but there we go here we have the next step in the human evolution the core data i don't i'm not sure what that is please let me know in the comment section down below i am sure there are plenty of you that know a lot about this subject and it would be very interesting to hear all about it okay so let's see how this guy works okay doesn't animate well at all those parts are not supposed to stick out like that but let's see how it attacks we need to find an easy victim okay this guy this guy seems quite simple oh oh that was very simple very fantastic cool but it did get hurt so let's try to find some food food food food food oh no no i'm not the food i need the food okay there we go please eat the food yes thank you the electric part there we go all right our life is pretty much constantly in danger so we really need another upgrade yeah i'm not i'm not gonna play as this current stage of the human evolution it is quite weak the next step is hello finned yep that's what it says lopen and that is a fist with a lot of fins cool [Music] [Music] okay so here we have the lobe find and yet again i got no clue what that means but uh here it is in all its glory all right save and exit oh i forgot i added the electric part okay well that's gonna come in useful oh that is actually really useful okay now let's see what kind of a diet we should be on we should definitely be on a meat diet right now if we want to get the omnivore trait in the creature states oh oh meat hey mine mine okay yours fine fine more meat oh man these guys these guys all right you know what there's a buffet right here i can't really say no so i guess i guess we're eating our greens this was not the plan i was supposed to eat meat but i'm a simple man i see buffet i eat oh those guys are cute i want to kill one oh no okay we're almost dead we might have to resort to eating vegetables oh no oh we were so close to finishing the cell stage without dying oh that is such a bummer man look at how little we had left oh that sucks man all because i refuse to eat my greens so uh listen to your parents kids eat your vegetables or you might just die oh and there we have it okay our first brain congratulations you were on the path to sentience well okie dokie well i guess it is time for the next step in human evolution and there we have it please tell me we get omnivore we got omnivore there we go baby and that only took us 2 billion and 100 million years to do wow felt like 20 minutes all right time to give our boys some legs oh wow something has gone wrong why do you look like that i i i don't like the way that you look why do you look like that [Music] for the next step [Music] now i want to make these legs super super basic so uh no knees just a single little bone no knees so [Music] so here we have the next step in the human evolution the amphibia dude fist thingy and the stuff the the fist boy the the the fist with the legs that's i believe that's the scientific term if i'm not mistaken so yeah amphibia fist boy let's go save an exit baby [Music] all right so here we are little human fist boy this is exciting our first steps on to land call your friends call your buddies it's a party up here oh wow okay they do not animate well what is happening with their legs does that happen like all the time yeah that happens all the time what is happening with legs but okie dokie here we have our fist boy the first step in the human evolution on land exciting stuff very exciting stuff all right hi it's the very next day as you can see i'm not wearing the same clothes indicating that it's not the same day it's the next one oh man look at look at this little fizz boy i had forgotten all about what we had created yesterday and you know what it's not it's not it's not horrible it's not horrible all right i want to start out by collecting all of these bones by oh floaty egg mysteries teach me your secrets please wow we have been grazed by the floating magical egg that must mean good luck is that now cannon to the human evolution i'm pretty sure it is oh what is this oh we got a corpse in our nest it's a little bird we just came out of the water and already we have killed such a precious looking being wow that's a really really cool bird by the way before i start recording this series i actually downloaded a bunch of realistic animals that i hope to be seeing in this playthrough it's mostly birds now that i look at it wow i i downloaded buns of birds i i must really like birds look at all these birds that's a weird bird okey dokey we also got some cars some dinosaurs we got all the goodies so hopefully we will be running into oh i i started eating the bird oh okay i guess we can just continue doing that then okay so our objective right now in the corner it tells us to meet another species did the dead bird not count i think it counts that's that's a lot that's a lot of social interaction for an introvert you gotta gotta meet an alive species i don't know man that's asking quite a bit all right this guy we have now collected all of the bones by ernest so i guess it is now time to venture out and see what this world has to offer hopefully dinosaurs i'm really hoping to see some dinosaurs oh uh we found a nest of dopermans oh wow that is a real cool doperman i don't really think it's historically accurate that the dopamine existed in this time period but okay cool oh we found a triceratops okay yes baby oh we found this guy oh that is a cool looking triceratops okay let's take a quick little look-see then do they hate us they don't hate us should we befriend the triceratops we should definitely do that oh man these are real small dinosaurs they're not much bigger than the fist boy okay all right so let's summon a vlog real quick and see if we have what it takes to befriend these triceratops people thingies oh yeah this is totally possible and there we go okay so we are now allies with the triceratops oh we got some guys that don't like us wait what is that that is a very disturbing looking being i don't really remember seeing this one in the history books there must only be one explanation for that we probably made them extinct that's my guess okay you know what i don't think i can do this retreat retreat back to the ocean we have made a great mistake coming on to land ah safe safe in the ocean back back back home back home in the ocean where it is safe safe in the ocean oh okay well if going back to the ocean is not an option i guess the only real option we got is to evolve a little bit further all right so come make love to me the fist person that's not a sentence i will ever be saying again or will i you never know where the future oh you know what i'm stopped a bit right there can adapt to land make use of all your fist-like things and then change to become a reptile be a reptile person now i mean all of these are reptiles dinosaurs are just big red that's gonna come in useful that is definitely gonna come in useful later on yeah oh my god that is insanely off-putting do you see a little worm-like ape like that no no sir i don't like it [Music] all right so it's nothing too spectacular but here we have the next step in the human evolution we got the reptile everybody reptile yeah alright cool now usually i would add a lot more detail to my creatures but i don't really know where to add the detail in real life creatures aren't really that detailed but i did try to add some i don't know like some flappy skin around the neck because that's something that you usually see in small reptiles now we do have just a little bit more dna left and i figured we might as well try to hide a couple of parts just so that surviving is a little bit easier as you can see we got like no abilities right now no attack stats no social stats that needs to be fixed so let's hear spit is definitely something that we want not really historically accurate but we do want this bit this bit would be cool thank you very much all right so if we just place it right there and just plop it into the mouth just like that there we go and i think we got enough to buy one more thing now what thanks should that be okay we could get ourselves strike three that would be a great thing to have okay there we go okay so we got we got the parts we got the things but but now we got no more dna and all we can do to socialize is sing i'm sorry buddy it seems like you're not gonna be making a lot of friends i'm sorry they ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never understand all right here we are a couple of reptile people now what does this reptile world have to offer oh oh look at these birds oh wait a minute oh that's a scary looking bird now that i know that he does not like me in fact he hates us okay that's a big bird look at the size of our reptile i look oh my god oh no oh no no no no seven o'clock seven o'clock seven o'clock seven o'clock seven [ __ ] come on come on come on come on come on come on summon [ __ ] stop it [ __ ] you idiot oh my god that's a big bird that's a scary bird man i have never encountered such a scary looking bird leave me alone oh no i am not fast enough where is my flock why are they running dude we got killed by bird we got killed by a giant bird wow okay well that that was not degrade on the ego took a quite a hit on the ego actually got killed by a bird wow that's a first what is that is that another bird oh there's another bird and they don't like us either none of the bird people like us what kind of a bird is that that's a weird looking bird you're a weird looking bird oh those eyebrows why do you have busy eyebrows and a beard oh wait a minute this isn't his nest this isn't his home turf meaning i could technically summon a flock real quick and take my revenge on the bird people it's not the same bird but it's about sending a message oh and he brought a baby oh well the baby shall have to wait because we just got ourselves a little brain upgrade look at that small brain small brain big brain big brain yeah happy boy happy reptile boy okay now where was that baby the baby ran away that's not great and my my packet disappeared okay they're coming oh oh no no pack please come back this is not great i shall not be killed by a bird again there you go yes what you get bird person you know what i still got the pack i might as well attack one of the babies here we go okay seven eight oh okay the adults are defending it that's not great that is not ideal oh oh but i'll go for the baby oh the baby disappeared the baby blew away okay i'm alone now i'm leaving yeah this was not a great idea just leave me alone oh wow why does he look like that when he runs leave me alone wow scary birds scary scary birds i have a new phobia and it's birds okay well we did get a little brain upgrade so i guess it could be time it's possibly the time it might be the time to evolve a little bit further so let's call ourselves some mate anybody want to make love to me oh here you are you sexylation let's skip the cutscene because i've made this whole thing very uncomfortable to look at it's time it is time to grow some fur and a couple of nipples you're gonna be one of them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so yet again nothing too drastic but we have now successfully evolved into a mammal we still have some features of the lizard that we once were but i mean we got the fur i mean there's probably some nipples underneath all that fur definitely mammals i assume there is one other way to find out if we are indeed our true ancestors dancing twerk if this guy can twerk he is indeed our ancestor i have no idea what he's doing right now he's kind of just humping the floor maybe he's doing the worm we can maybe get a little bit confused [Music] and there we have it we got our red people look at us being all red like and stuff now we could actually add a guy into our pack because we're good like that we got the big brains there we go anyway guys we have actually done quite a bit today we have gone all the way from a single-celled organism all the way to this furry rat like lizard guy and i oh my god the baby is so cute wow adorable little baby anyway guys like i was saying we have made quite the effort today here and in order to not make these videos too long i think i should cut it here man am i excited for the next episode once we finally start to look more and more like actual humans anyway guys i hope you guys enjoyed today's episode make sure to leave a like and subscribe if you did and i will see all of you beautiful faces in the next episode have a good one guys
Channel: TerasHD
Views: 2,695,270
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spore, Spore mods, creature creator, dark injection, dark injections, dark spore, evolution, forgotten spore, human evolution, let's play, let's play spore, lets play spore, modded, mods, spore 2, spore creation, spore creature, spore cyborg, spore ep 1, spore game, spore gameplay, spore human, spore mod, spore modded, spore mods
Id: lR6bFXQ3iU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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