Becoming a SNAKE in Spore

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jankers jankers jankers welcome we're back in Spore it's about time on my right oh my audio is loud I always forget to turn it down but we're back like I said in Spore y'all's favorite I love it too and today let's see we have throughout our world we did jankia we did and Phil as our last episode we get froggania but today today is going to be something completely new you already know it by the thumbnail and title and everything but today we're beating Spore as a snake everyone's favorite limbless reptile now this is going to present a couple certain challenges that is really gonna make this series I think the hardest one yet I'm pretty sure it's gonna be the hardest one yet the biggest one and most obvious one being of course that we will not have limbs so not only does that mean we won't be able to walk which will greatly decrease our just movement speed but also means that we won't have hands and there's all kinds of different like specific abilities and things that you can get from feet and hands that we're just not going to be able to have access to um I'm also I'm gonna try to keep it as a pretty faithful snake so you know we're gonna try to keep it smooth and everything so it's not we're not going to have a lot of parts just in general not only to mention that snakes are also carnivores uh Hunters so we're gonna have to be you know the aggressive play style which is also potentially going to give us a little bit of trouble but we'll get to that when we get to it let's start off by picking a planet Let's see we got a blue and green one okay kind of a uh a poop a poopy brown color with a bit of a deep blue ocean okay blue land and a deep blue sea sort of an orangish land with a blue sea green and blue that's just Earth basically you know I think um you know blue I like the idea of blue land with green sea I think that is gonna be great and we're gonna start off with the cell stage of course we're going to start off being a carnivore that looks great I'm not going to be picky about which one we get uh we're gonna do it on normal I think easy edges you know I'm not gonna Place Boron easy for you guys that's gonna be boring but hard especially for a snake I think that might be a little too much of a challenge you know I don't want this to last forever um hmm Slovenia there we go I think that sounds great so stage is gonna go pretty normal I'm gonna skip all this we've seen it a million times um it's gonna be pretty normal we are gonna obviously become as snaky as possible as soon as possible but we're kind of gonna just have to see what that actually looks like but for now we're just gonna eat get some get some protein in our big snakey bellies and then we'll evolve as soon as we can and start looking like a snake oh he's too fast oh never mind I'm fast enough there you go big boy get over here I want to kill you [ __ ] oh this could be a problem yep okay we're gonna have to run run and we're dead okay yep put a death counter um number one snake number one is dead awesome all right 15. Bingo let's meet let's find another pre-snake to mate with there you are my sweet my my one and only yes thank you thank you okay now there's a couple obvious things that we're gonna have to do here first of all let's make him nice and long [Music] let's see about maybe some bands that's kind of snake-like actually um let's make him a little bit more vibrant and see yeah there we go that's snake-like um let's see I'm gonna call this the Slither cell kind of sounds like Splinter Cell but the Slither cell hopefully you can see in the dark that would be useful um a slithery long boy who eats and eats until his snake e stomach is all nice and full love him like I do awesome alright let's save and exit our snake is on his way to Greatness pop out of that egg let's see him oh yeah he's gonna be pretty damn small for a while um but he is already looking pretty long oh let's stay away from you if I could uh he's also pretty fast already I'll give him that okay yep someone against the current isn't easy but we'll keep grabbing all of this I guess we should be thinking about what parts we want um are there any parts during cell stage that we really want to get I guess a lot of snakes are poisonous so I guess an actual the poison one is actually going to be really high on our list of uh parts that we want I think that makes a lot of sense oh my God how much did the poison cost was it 15 or was it 20 I feel like it was 20. either way let's try to find a Squidward there's one oh is he running he might be low on health there he is okay this is gonna be tough oh I think he's hunting actually oh come on this place is dangerous bro kill the Squidward kill the Squidward don't kill me kill the Squidward [Music] stop stop kill Squiddy there we go there we go kill him kill him oh they just run from Squidward bro I don't want you to run I want you to kill him oh he's gonna kill me okay how the hell are we gonna kill Squidward I have no idea uh I mean we could try to lure him to something bigger Maybe let's spend a little bit of time and see if we can kind of get one of these Squidward boys in a trap come here one of you guys come here you you [ __ ] boy get over here follow me nope don't bite me and I'm dead again okay then I hoped um God damn there's got to be a way we can kill one of these things there's got to be so we just have to try and find okay there's one but he's not oh he's distracted maybe this is the time to fight him bite him yes oh we did it okay poison is ours uh we also have 17 16. okay let's mate and see if poison is 15 hopefully it is hello you want to mate there we go let's wrap around them ah there's a poison gland okay so snake's poison is in their face uh specifically they're fangs so we're gonna put it right there it's a little weird looking but I guess we could make that a little bigger make our eye a little bigger uh I'll tell you what let's also get rid of this eye actually I'm stupid for not doing this earlier we need a predator eye on this bad boy there we go yeah that thing if someone looked at me with those eyes I would call the police all right let's make him uh let's make him a little bit more vibrant just color him up a bit more there we go um and let's do also he is a bit toxic so don't get too close to him perfect just you know just in case anyone was wanting to get up in our business but there you go we have poison it's in our face hopefully that will help us be an even more efficient Hunter God look at all this meat around here it's a meat Paradise oh I'd love to go to meet Paradise one day sounds like a good [ __ ] time okay let's uh let's breed before we get too ahead of ourselves come here my slithery darling um yeah I'm pretty sure we just want another flagella let's just make as big as possible add to our big strong tail we do have a little extra so how about let's just add another eye uh let's make this one a little smaller just for fun there we go kind of look like a flounder snake now let's make him as bright gold as possible beautiful and we're good all right let's get back at it we want to hunt hunt let's keep it shmoving hey big fella I'm gonna kill you now thank you thank you I'm gonna break you apart num Noms num Noms num Noms for Daddy-o oh you are really hard to kill oh but you are already dead hell yeah man we're getting all kinds of free meals around here end of voila we are a snake with a brain hopefully that uh allows us to Slither even better I'm on the path of sentience thank you so much let's get the hell out of here we go there's our little snakey line we are looking as snakey as ever so the next step is becoming a land snake which [Music] hmm tough I'm gonna make him naked for now just so that we have something fresh and bare to work with now okay there we go um I think we're just gonna leave them as is for now I like the coloring he definitely he's got a little bit of the rattlesnake look and instead of the Slither cell I'm going to call you the the slid the slitherer the slitherer um a slithery long boy eats and eats sneaky stomach it's all nice and full love them like I do he's a bit toxic so don't get too close to him yeah that all still applies and voila let's go up to the the great above oh wow even swim like a snake beautiful and here we are on the great above breathing air swimming in the sea we are going to move on to land with all of our snakey boys of course here we are okay yeah we are not fast we're not quite as slow as I thought we'd be though to be honest and now you can see we are I guess we actually we kind of Slither when I go left to right he does look pretty darn Epic um okay well we're on land let's go ahead and start looking at our neighbors we do have Sprint we also have sneak uh and jump we can jump jump a jump I like that and Sprint will definitely come in handy so I'm glad we got that hello there Louie um to you know what I think because these guys are pretty simple and everything we're gonna start off with a little bit of socialization just because socializing in the early game is so so easy because everything can basically only sing um let's get the alpha first could socialize with these guys get them as our little friends or you know our little Neighbors uh and then very very good they're not as strong as us so I mean we wouldn't even worry about like making them in our pack or anything but we're gonna go ahead and think of you as well bingo bango bongo there is our first conquered Nest let's Sprint uh wait can I oh they're already oh these guys are already metamorphosizing well [ __ ] we can't do anything with them while they're doing that so let's go over to this area yeah these guys I think we're going to go ahead and kill these there's the alpha let's start with him uh let's get a spit and let's get within charging distance boom get banged bro hopefully with all of our abilities here we'll be able to take him down just fine yeah we're gonna be all right all of our attacking abilities are gonna just be shoved into our mouth um so everything's gonna have to do with her mouth which is faithful to what I'd say snakes are you know they attack with their mouth boom get stunned get spit on get bitten you are like a person in a New York City subway and now with that we will attack in other words full health we're gonna attack one of you spit and charge and bite and blammo voila we are a snake with a bigger brain beautiful let's see it big old brain all right fantastic let's um let's just see what other neighbors we have for now we could totally go and evolve but I think there's probably some more chill ass homies around here like a kook a cook all right I'm gonna socialize with these guys just because it's so easy and then maybe then will evolve and voila the crazy Kooks are friends now I do think uh I did see a couple of Bones over here so I'm gonna run and get these I really do want as many parts as we can find so I'm gonna do this and then I think ooh he is intimidating um but we're gonna do this and then I think we'll go back to evolve um because we're gonna start needing definitely some extra some extra Firepower here to keep being able to take these guys down um and a pack mate although oh these guys are actually super simple all right I'm gonna run over and socialize with these guys just to get one more under our belt and then we'll go back to evolve ew do you guys hear that oh it stopped while we were moving there for a second it was making like the most disgusting noise it was like a slithering noise I don't know why it stopped but I didn't like it that much I'll say that oh you guys are a little intimidating um yeah I'm gonna back off from them and we're gonna keep going back towards home I'll stop by that other question mark though on the way back all right back at the old home base let's mating call and go ahead and Slither up next to our special someone and let's see what parts we've actually collected okay really starting me off on the legs and arm page that's a little presumptuous don't you think foreign there we go it's a little understated but I like the patterning on the back and snakes also have a pretty distinct underbelly so I gave him this and we might switch it up uh just to make it a little bit more I don't know a little bit more natural looking we'll brighten them up as we go along but for now that looks fantastic so let's get back into the world and let's continue our hope and they've migrated okay well the first thing we're going to do then is find them after actually we have a little talk into with our buddy and get ourselves a pack mate a Wonder Bar now as as my packmate the first thing we're going to do is hunt the doobla so let's charge in we're gonna strike and fight this guy oh he's so dead he is so dead he's not just a little dead he is so goddamn dead something else oh another the rest of the boys are coming and I guess we're just close enough is there an alpha there's one spit and charge and strike and bite oh God we're ripping them to shreds I almost feel bad except I'm a snake and don't have emotions all right let's poison strike and attack nice we got the whole Squad in here oh who let the baby into battle Jesus Christ where is your mother young one what are you doing here get out go back home don't follow me I'm not your mother oh am I your mother is is snake mother I can't think about this all right this is too much we just gotta keep moving on and see if we can find anyone else to kill here we go okay this uh these folks are back or at least one of them is I guess I'm not actually sure where the rest of them are maybe there actually aren't anymore um I'll admit I don't see any more all right let's just keep moving then keep hunting uh who is this perfect you will be the perfect people to kill all right we're going in on the spittoon they have poison but otherwise they're defenseless should be easy kills but spit let's strike let's fight oh God ripping them to Absolute shreds uh we got both the alphas so I'm gonna try to kill that baby easy easy dude bro that baby was so easy to kill you have no idea and they're dead beautiful we are bulldozing through this snake playthrough actually let's keep getting some new parts and I guess while we're kind of going towards the new Nest I think I'll just do a little bit of exploring and see who else we have to kill who are these guys um ooh three attack okay this will be our strongest opponents yet but I think we can take them down I mean three attack we definitely have more than that so let's see it let's see it where's an alpha there's one going in boys we're going in oh yeah this is gonna be easy peasy where's another Alpha is there there's one get the alpha alpha get Alpha yes tear them to shreds boom that is brain level two everybody look at that happy little snake happy little snake boy aren't you so cute aren't you so cute all right we're gonna go over here grab this and then let's just move on in who's attacking me where are you hey this isn't your battle bro oh you guys are strong okay hold on we just need to kill this guy we just need to kill this guy and then we'll get out of your hair we promise hold on run run holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] bro what the hell oh is he almost dead oh [ __ ] he's almost dead okay good job hey good job buddy now get the baby just so that we have these guys killed uh uh there he is all right and we're good okay how many these guys are a little bit scary I don't even know what this thing was or why it came to attack us kind of a dick move what are those slugs [Music] um I mean I guess I'm down to rip some slugs to shreds there's a lot of easy killing around here I guess we could just keep moving and try to make it to base tell you what just because that [ __ ] attacked us let's go kill the rest of his family that seems fair the wife Fern and fit oh he's got his own spit that's okay attack okay hopefully we should be able to rip this guy to shreds oh what's my oh he's attacking someone else oh [ __ ] that's a problem that's a problem oh these well we didn't have our new pack mate oh God this is a problem okay yep can we escape can we escape let me escape oh okay and that's another death oh most epic indeed uh all right oh oh no oh no I don't know what that looks like in the recording but oh my Game just crashed oh no okay um oh [ __ ] I think that means it probably I think that means it was probably the world was probably deleted well um I guess we will see um let's just see if our world is still there and if it's not then I'm gonna end this episode here I just don't have enough time to get all the way back to where we were yep it is in fact gone okay well that's a shame um well if you if you enjoyed this video then you know leave a like comment and all that and if you guys are really seeming to like it then I will off camera get back to where we were I'll remake the snake everything and then we can pick up from where we left off but that'll be next time guys so again hopefully you enjoyed like comment subscribe check out all the links on the screen right now and I'll see you guys next time peace out jankheads
Channel: Jankum
Views: 167,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T9xE7LC1IBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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