Spongebob with a Gun

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👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Olympian388 📅︎︎ Mar 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
gun mario 64 changed my life but then the developer mix morris had to go and bastardize something else from my childhood spongebob battle for bikini bottom this developer genuinely haunts me it keeps me up at night realizing nothing is safe time is the only thing preventing me from seeing sonic strapped with an m16 and we're probably even closer to a cease and desist from nintendo but for now let's raise hell do i do it yeah you have to i think that's a bad ending world record let's go you actually have to reload now oh man okay this game's already more realistic home sweet pineapple [Music] it's the ragdoll effects that make it so much more visceral he's just so tired so i think like this is supposed to be more of a grand theft auto type of thing like just open world you know i can get behind that i think the formula fits well yeah grand theft auto and bikini bottom it's like the simpsons one yeah see what it works okay you want to hear my prediction yes you go into the krusty krab and if you shoot the guy there he's going to go my leg you're a wizard what the rock bottom the void yeah hades we'll see oh rock bottom yeah uh oh okay i thought ben was about to drown again i feel like there's got to be a lot of sick secrets lying around here right there has to be well huh we're just going to pretend we didn't see that one argument boy do you have a mr crabs voice army boy you know what day it is debt collecting day i've got a list of people i need you to have a chat with all right go to squidward's house and collect the overdue ketamine death this seems reasonable yeah oh kicked out oh the sound of it was amazing what you got cut scenes now [Music] [Laughter] wow [Music] we did it are you ready kids aye aye captain [Music] go to patrick's house don't make me do it to him new objective snap patrick i mean it's an objective oh no i can't mourn properly with the music yeah i'm just gonna turn this down it doesn't feel right oh god what have we done but you can loot him ah yes hello larry what's up steroid money mr krabs i don't use steroids these guns are 100 authentic so is yours oh oh [ __ ] oh god oh spongebob died in a drug bust why does if the guns are authentic why does he have henchmen with guns i have distance on my side from the sandy knoll what ball bangs dude they're blocks i just gotta click the four of them right got him that's it that was some aim labs right there no witnesses there is no easy way to transition from that game to a sponsor but hey today's video is sponsored by skillshare you've all heard me talk about them before and since you guys responded so well to it they came back to me but if you don't remember skillshare is an online learning community that helps you explore new skills and get lost in your creativity you might even one day create something ambitious like this for less than ten dollars a month with an annual subscription you can have access to a ton of premium classes and they are ad free they have classes in illustration film productivity music production marketing and so many more basically if you can think of it there's probably a class for it like they have one cool class called productivity for creatives with youtuber thomas frank the first thousand subscribers to sign up using the link in the description will get a free trial of their premium membership so you can start exploring your creativity today skillshare now how do i transition back to the game but not lucky enough oh youtube king neptune neptune who's mortal now oh you think i'm the mortal funny how things change he's trying to go back to the ocean that kid just saw some [ __ ] oh don't don't don't walk oh he's he's getting rid of the body that's my hustler oh he stays this one stays alive is he just gonna walk into the ocean and drown himself shoot up sandy's she shows uh this isn't that the old person's home well not for long won't murder me and barnacle boy try to stop you well can they stop a bullet uh you know what actually this is an act of mercy evil you're not making a compelling no not making a compelling case you know what i think this one gets put out first yeah all right that is that everyone i guess so yeah okay now we just talked to mr krabs i like how no matter where you come out of you're always at the pineapple [Music] yeah it's like a curse this is the groundhog day bubble buddy no interesting door you got there oh no [Music] no i don't i don't think you could say that mr krabs in her it's a meth lab you know what that makes a lot of sense honestly why is this called sponge clock i don't like watching the bodies no witnesses is this breaking bob let's cook sandy i heard dark souls that's a warning shot eat wait e take lsd dirt all right howdy spongebob i'm brewing up some things in my lap what things i'll show you soon but but you can't narc oh okay you wouldn't want to see what we did to nargs back to texas [Music] this is surreal uh ahoy laddie i've got reports of some narcs downtown [Music] we're gonna do to them what we do in texas huh what up my texas no a narc i feel like if we are oh oh oh whoa is that a spoiler that guy's gotta be the final boss miss puff i'm sorry you're first kill nine more citizens holy [ __ ] is this like what our parents thought gta was collateral oh it doesn't work like that i see you're clipping through that wall huh he's clipping through a lot more than the wall he's trying to turn a blind eye he wants the deniability look at me and you're dead yeah i want the collateral so bad oh that's the closest we can get to it oh oh it's like watching where they go cardio that's a wall [Music] well you win all right then maybe it was a ghost you made a lot of those today okay what's our objective go to the bank collect his laundry fire does that involve murder oh almost entirely i'll kill the witnesses for the crippling debt oh bubble buddy you're alive again what do you want from us i should probably run because you're looking sharp today he gets slim he gets slipped you're right but flying dutchman don't like that angle no no stop running into me flying dutchman no no i'm sorry that's a self-defense at that point it was either you or him oh that was an accident he was looking so fly too that shirt that true all right see the krusty krab we go what's stopping you from shooting him a moral compass are we is spongebob realizing that right now oh yeah yeah uh oh [Music] oh oh this is a dead ass boss battle do you shoot this into him where'd he go oh my god oh if he runs into them he blows up and he's stuck i see this is a little more interactive than gunning down bowser i will say second phase second phase oh god don't touch him that was it time another cutscene the budget for this game is insane this is this is naughty dog storytelling [Music] isn't this the end of skyward sword yes yes it is oh no that's the posture of a man oh huh what did that accomplish we beat it mario gun had a lot of depth but i think the storytelling in this one was a lot better yeah this world was just a much more immersive like this spongebob he holds remorse choosing to like have him walk back silently in front of the krusty krab sort of realizing what he's done i think that's a strong storytelling choice you have no new objectives maybe you see it i see a therapist mixed more as you think i should be the one to see a therapist yeah damn i think we're done you
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 1,490,263
Rating: 4.9713755 out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, spongebob bfbb, bfbb, battle for bikini bottom, fps, first person shooter
Id: 7SCIckO3fTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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