I created an UNSOLVABLE escape room

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This new era of Alphard is experimental and wild and I am here for it.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SamInPajamas 📅︎︎ Sep 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

Yoooo Alphabot cake day!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/NamedName139 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
one day i woke up with the goal i wanted to create the hardest escape room imaginable and force other content creators to suffer i mean attempt to solve it the human mind is at its most volatile when it's in a competitive environment so naturally i created two teams of four who would attempt to solve the room team a features rubber ross jaden animations point crow and the odd ones out team b features gerard the completionist avali may cj and the fastest growing streamer on twitch ludwig ogren who unfortunately cancelled at the last minute which is fine since my good friend antho flew across the country just so we could be the shining star of team b we worked with the local escape room company who helped us create this masterpiece of a room and i'll let the room designer himself wade show you just how to escape and once they open this up there is a checkout door i wanted to design it as much as possible where like there's literally so many things and on the back you have uh one half of a note that you really cannot get anything from even i was like i don't know if i would be able to figure this out so then there's a decoder there's a decoder hidden somewhere in these pieces of paper i don't think they're getting here it just makes me really sad so then i wrote just a bunch of random numbers on here at this point you're probably thinking wow this seems impossible to solve and you would be right it isn't possible the first room is simple just to build their egos up but every clue in the central room is a red herring that leads to nothing but looks as if it goes with everything this room is certifiably unsolvable but at this point wouldn't most people expect exactly this from me especially my close friends and colleagues so that's why i told half of them team a is fully aware that this is staged so if i let them appear victorious by solving the room that'll be all the confidence team v needs to believe in the best of me by turning this into a competitive event they will not suspect a thing all i need is for them to get tunnel vision on the competition as i simply watch from the sidelines but first team a needed to do their part so there's not really a lot to say about this since you know they know and we're just gonna let them sit there for about 58 minutes to make it look real believable after showing teammate the room i reminded them that they are unfortunately trapped in this hellhole but luckily we had a specialist who was there to help them escape which is a luxury that not everyone else has do you feel like you're torturing your friends yeah and it's fun and since they are going to be trapped in here for a while i thought we should do something fun to pass the time i don't know let me download it i love hearing it in real life yeah one fatal mistake i made while playing was that i did not turn the volume on my phone to mute oh would you like that someone died i think it came from over here so i think it's right it's probably me yeah it's probably wrong i feel like i'm being lied to god and make sure everyone's completing your tasks man i i had a very busy day of deceiving several other people so i could only stay and play for a couple more games okay fine another 30 minutes we told team a to come out around the 57-58 minute mark because that feels believable right should we let me go out there should we be like oh yes we did so knowing that this place had thin walls i asked team a to sing country roads anyways just so the other teams would hear it and make everything else feel more believable and now that they're at the final stretch they should complete the escape room any second now [Applause] and just like that the unsolvable escape room suddenly seems solvable team a has done their job and now they just have to sit back and relax as we get ready for team b to take the stage featuring cj avaly gerard the completionist and antho team b was already much more unified than expected mainly because they had a team name you know what i didn't put them up to this but that is a good idea for you to subscribe chilling aside i read them the lore of the room which for some reason was obscenely violent but i think it's fitting for an unsolvable room and a very optimistic team like and subscribe all right you're welcome editing jacob thanks man team b was actually doing a very good job storming through the first room but that's because they were supposed to but to make sure that they didn't do too well there's a plant in team b cj knows the truth and he is only here to sabotage all of tv i can't get over the fact that eric is making bets with these people so let's go back in time a little bit before team a even saw the room point crow knowing that he was on a team with a guaranteed victory made a bet with an unsuspecting and optimistic anthpo where the winner gets to post whatever they want on the loser social media and these are the faces of three people who knew too much and i was shocked to find out that the tweet wasn't even that bad honestly kind of a banger are you seriously already stuck lmao no we're not stuck we're just joking we're joking yeah we are talking moments do you want me to make a community post is this what you want it's my life on the line here it's my livelihood it's my job it eventually became boring watching them suffer in the easy room so i just gave them the code so they can move on to the funny one after unlocking the jail cell the next couple puzzles were relatively easy as long as they could get everyone into the other room that is i know that cg is the plan yeah but it really feels like he's just genuinely curious looking around he i think he's forgotten it well i'm surprised really like they're looking at the wrong heads this head that they gotta be looking at i know they're only in here for an hour but to me the beauty of an escape room is that it's a matter of time until everyone goes insane what is up youtube i'm coming at you live from this escape room in california and given that they're 20 minutes in and they haven't even made it into the second room yet and then i gave them a hint that got one person into the next room there was no escape room we were actually tasked for assassinating cj okay so they're past the second challenge and they're two clues out are you okay yeah i just don't know what to do oh [ __ ] it open oh yay yeah open it unlock it oh [ __ ] can i open this did we send only him over to the party figure it out they were at least getting into the room if that's all i was scared of they didn't really have to send anyone else in but at this point it was really just about what made them feel better okay so i just have to find a key for you guys one sec should i just come through too yeah do it if you can with almost their entire team conquering the first room antho and others just turned it upside down while gerard waited that is until he grew tired of the rest of his team's incompetence and in true comedic fashion as soon as gerard got through they unlocked the door i got the door open all right what the hell can you come on through if you're ready that's comedy right there so given that they didn't have any direction mainly because there wasn't any they just decided to grab everything in the room and try to make it out as a clue wait where's where's the keys in this room hold on no no this is it white blue green yellow all the clothes are here aren't they and i admit it does make it a little harder when everything in the room does look like a clue what did alfred pay to design this and then everyone just wandered around aimlessly for a little bit as awfully may spent about uh 10 minutes trying to brute force through a simple three-digit lock did we look in here and as a reminder these puzzles do have solutions we're just not being very helpful but for what it's worth they were really good at solving the actual puzzles it was hey hey watch the camera and at this point you're probably asking oh my god alpharetta do you feel bad for what you're doing to your friends and like no this just feels like i'm playing a game of the sims give us our last clue we need it so bad the beauty of the human ego is that if my hint tells them to explore a place that they've already explored vision we already knew that we already looked at the vision of the dead man we already got those two they will simply not believe me and then eventually awfully brute forces her way again i hate you thank you i think i'm scared now so remember when i told you overly spent 10 minutes on a backpack yeah i tried just about every six combination but what's crazy to me is that she's actually already put in the right code and i don't know what went wrong your audience what does this say oh that's right you don't know because i don't know either and after a while i started to feel bad that she kept putting in the same codes so we just told her what the right code was he did nine six nine four six the code's nine four six oh it's [ __ ] open nine six four we tried that we yo you got footage of us doing that for [ __ ] 10 minutes you did everything about that no way i i personally did that earlier i did it you did it too the next clue required them to go through small and individual cuts of paper wow and yes this one was meant to be torture a whole five minutes later they finally found the code that opened the box which inside [Applause] okay it says dwight's radio is broken [Applause] since they were all looking away from the screen while singing i decided to take this opportunity to make their time go by even faster yeah yeah see now it's going by faster no one's gonna notice yay is this how you get your sick twists i can't believe ann pope flew from jersey just to get please do not harass our cameraman you can't tell me what to do your hair looks too good and i guess that was the final straw for our beloved cameraman thomas because after that comment uh he just he just kind of left he's leaving i'm sorry [Applause] and now we are reaching the point where everyone started to snap unaware of where to go next cj started singing country roads again west virginia and if you're unaware dwight is the fictional name of the person who owns this fictional cabin and i don't know if cj realizes that he's not real if you want to make this video a little bit juicier down to the wire type thing i mean i think it'd be pretty we are we're team like and subscribe yeah i mean think about how much you're going to gain from us being in the game uh a little more oh my god it's not working dwight here do you want me to you like that dwight give us a hand i don't know if i can do that walk through the door walk through the door let's see what happens we'll see what happens come on all right i will make you a batch of my special diabetes brownies they're really good brownies brownies and then on top of it it's like a peanut butter chocolate mixture right this so i think you're starting to see the negative repercussions of throwing someone in an impossible scenario and believe it or not it was at this moment where i had the realization do i need a consultant ethics board for my next video i think she's trying to bargain with thomas now she's they're trying to pry the cinematographer now that's what i'm saying yeah look at him you come out of your next shift you got like a nice burger king barbecue oh soul sauce um i was gonna say chick-fil-a but like in today's i don't know in and out like what's your what's your gym it's not fair i'm 19. i'm basically a minor and you are torturing me you're torturing me he's half right hear me out let us out of this room i'll solve the next room in three minutes oh i promise you what's she's trying to take the door and after all of the theatrics they've thrown at us i just wanted them to get out of the room so i told them to press the green emergency only button next to the door and i just acted as if it was intentional we really just made this up on the spot i hate this escape room i'm so upset there's okay there's a rabbit well it's pretty much over no we can do this and if you remember from earlier this is the end of the escape room so that's why i got them here with only 60 seconds remaining i kind of want to watch him try to figure this one out i kind of want to see why guys what do i do george keep an eye on there on that door i'm gonna hold this closed is he coming through dwight's uncle's sister isn't his aunt and at this point they're long overdue on time they are about two minutes over the hour and they know that they are just trying to see if they can get out for their own pride it's a person oh it's a person yes you don't make it i'm so sorry yeah that was a good attempt what was that what was that okay listen we're gonna need to have some choices if you like walk right off you never an escape room put something with the timed relock thing never okay it's like the golden rule i remember remember you misspelled ten minutes okay now hold on you you misspelled ten minutes hold on did you see how good we did oh you didn't see we finished in 10 minutes so what did we learn today that even if people are put into an impossible scenario they will always do their best to come out on top the interesting thing about the human race is that they will always believe in the best possible outcome in their minds a better life always exists and i find that beautiful so beautiful that if these four beautiful people didn't give me the content i needed i may or may not have made a team c just as back-up and both experiments went about the same so you're probably wondering when i told them it was unsolvable never that's not part of the experiment but i felt like i had to commit to this whole competitive event type deal so i got trophies and awarded real medals for the real winners and if you are on team b or team c and you're watching this for the first time and realizing that it was unsolvable all along i'm not sorry i will not apologize and i will do it again subscribe for more [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 2,105,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, not, not alpharad, escape room, alpharad escape room, odd1sout, theodd1sout, jaiden, jaidenanimations, jaiden animations, rubberross, rubberninja, pointcrow, anthpo, anthony po, competionist, jirard, the completionist, ovilee, ovilee may, cjya, cjyatv, eevisu, hugs86
Id: 76PxCQoO_gc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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