How I Survived My First Pokémon Nuzlocke

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believe it or not i've never actually done a pokemon nuzlocke before i was always more concerned with making friends out of these adorable little creatures instead of you know forcing them into the fatal crusade of war if you don't know a nuzlocke is the best way to turn this stupid baby game into a masochist's wet dream the rules are simple you can only catch the first pokemon you encounter in each area and if a pokemon faint that's it they're dead fade to black skyrim now there are some additional rules i've added but the most messed up one is that the nuzlocke forces you to give a nickname to each and every pokemon you catch forcing an emotional attachment to them all so when butterfree dies you just murdered jeremy and that blood is on your hands if your entire team whites out that's it the run just dies like jeremy's family so with everything in place for this to go horribly it was finally time to embark on our journey and um if you liked the video please subscribe because it helps out a lot thank you personally i thought a fitting choice for my first nuzlocke would be pokemon fire red as it's one of the few versions that has the kanto region for my starter i selected none other than funko pop the bulbasaur simply because nobody in my chat wanted him and and i felt bad i mean which unfortunately puts our rival luigi in an advantageous position with his charmander nevertheless funko pop should prevail as the nuzlocke has only just begun no crit i'm so scared of getting a crit in the first battle because i just sound [Music] [Laughter] so let me tell you the story of my second pokemon nuzlocke this time we went with funko pop with less confidence which unfortunately puts our rival luigi ii in an advantageous position despite all odds we made it through to the first five minutes of our nuzlocke and just like that our perilous journey has officially begun again and for real this time we acquired professor oak's balls and then embarked into the wilderness to catch our very first donkey kong the next pokemon in our sights was a manky who lowered funko pops health um to one but the run has only just begun you know so what do we have to lose and if you can't tell by now these are the risks i take this is what the rest of the run is going to look like and i will not apologize for it so after collecting a new friend named wii sports and trekking through the forest of useless pokemon we were ready to tackle our very first gem which we were already under leveled for which is is not great but um that's what makes it exciting on the next route i was presented with a potential nidoqueen on a silver platter all i needed to do was throw another pokeball uh i don't think scratch will kill [Music] it sure is screaming though but like what if it does [Music] are you a [ __ ] just throw a pokeball you can take the baby kids let this be a lesson in toxic masculinity it's better to be called a [ __ ] than a serial murderer i redeemed my crippling insecurities by purchasing an investment called magikarp who was named after my favorite movie of all time spy kids 3. beyond mount moon we saw a glimpse of the second gem and their leader misty who is coincidentally weak to funko pops as most humans naturally are i wasn't prepared for that battle just yet so i grinded for about an hour before throwing hands with luigi 2 yet again and um yeah yeah i'm still under level and finding a idiot with a minky oh we're faster trust me this run never gets easier to watch since the method to the madness is nothing larger than a blind ambition like how an underleveled monkey sweeps the entirety of luigi 2's team after freeing bill from his weird fetish [ __ ] we made our way to misty's gym luckily funko pops solo this one as he sleeps and sweeps at this moment in time i realized wow this is easy there is absolutely no way that it could be humbled by this game we might as well head straight towards the third gym you know and on that path we found the daycare who could look after a magikarp per se and i learned that every single step you take results in one xp for the pokemon in the daycare so let me introduce you to my own new form of grinding ah gyarados not as wow how unexpected i forgot that we had to go on a funny boat before the gym but luckily we were able to pick up a diglett named lava girl along the way as this is the perfect counter for everything that boomer war vet stood for aboard the ssn our little trainer broke into everyone's peaceful little rooms and turned witnesses into victims we managed to conquer foe after foe until locking eyes over yet another fateful encounter with luigi ii the atmosphere felt familiar but there was a new sense of bloodlust in the air this time luigi 2 wasn't going down alone the rest of the battle was a success but how could anyone say that in good faith knowing about the events that transpired i learned a tragic lesson that sometimes death is inevitable but but this one felt preventable a general could lose an entire army but you would always remember the first soldier to fall and in honor of menke i will never let such a foolish mistake happen again i will never let such a foolish mistake happen again starting now they literally put diglett cave right next to the electric gym so you could walk out like a champion we lost two heavy hitters and donkey kong is still at level seven uh so i'd love to say that i'm confident about this gem but i have recently been humbled by the cold hands of death lieutenant serge lost two pokemon right at the start which is something i can sadly relate to and it's pretty ironic to lose manky to eradicate only to use an evolved donkey kong to okay okay yeah that's fine i find it equal parts interesting and concerning how desensitized i've already become to the freezing embrace that is known as death so after defeating serge with an incredibly hype leech seed we collected our third gym badge and had our first existential crisis the whole nuzlocke challenge felt so much more doable a mere two minutes ago in the story but this is where we're at now and now we can only go up that's not true is it we continue this unfortunate journey through rock tunnel and only barely made it out alive this entire run has turned into nothing more but a castle of sand simply fearing the inevitable tides of another poor decision well we caught a growls named hot dog and found an eevee named transformer so that's pretty cool we happen to catch hot dog right next to celadon which just so happened to sell evolutionary stones and as our hot dog became a hotter dog i learned that arkanine as cool as he is doesn't learn a single move through leveling hotdog could have been a great tool but signature moves like flamethrower were now off the table so i went online to see if i could find a tm for this move anywhere and it was only available in the celadon game corner for 4 000 coins so naturally i took matters into my own hands [Music] yo three hours later and i have officially fixed one mistake i know i'm not doing a good job of painting myself as smart or competent but i think i've at least revealed myself as ambitious or adaptive which are very easy traits to pick up when you constantly make the worst [ __ ] decisions so before i went into the fourth gym i had a moment to reflect and recognize that flying types are super effective against grass types because at this point you can never be too sure after collecting the damn fourth gem badge we headed towards the downfall of twitch plays pokemon this weird spin-off plot point is really just here to introduce us to giovanni the baddest bad guy in the game who doesn't really know how to play the game on to the next plot point i found it very ironic that within the pokemon tower you find luigi 2 mourning the death of his beloved raticate as if that little bastard didn't deserve to rot in hell one battle later and we ran into a wild ghastly who i admittedly nicknamed in poor tastes that's so [ __ ] one dead mom joke one dead mom joke later we've reached the top of pokemon tower awesome i guess we can leave now with saffron city opening up it gives us access to the fighting dojo sabrina's gym and another team rocket raid so naturally we went and caught a snorlax because everything else just sounded scary at the time catching yoshi open up the path to head southbound towards fuchsia town but on the way there funko pop became even funkier and we made an unfunny joke after grinding for a while we were still under leveled to nobody's surprise and ready to attempt koga's gym oh no oh no no no no oh no oh no oh no oh no not that bad but this is definitely a leave the gym yeah no no we're leaving the gym after this he'll heal he'll heal i mean team rocket no um yeah we're ready to to go fight the bad guys and receive a free lapras cool which knows parish song and i i don't know if that's the best move for a nuzlocke after battling countless grunts we make it to the end of this labyrinth only to be met with giovanni again we open the battle with none other than our golden child spy kids 3. everything he throws at this gyarados is nothing short of an obstacle designed for a champion but as his tenth changes from present to past spike his three met giovanni's vicious rhyhorn no no no hold on hold on hold up no no no no [Music] death never gets easier it can only grow more familiar as one soldier falls another will always take this place as this bloody cycle will never cease to continue lapras can attempt to fill the gyarados size hole in my heart but nobody can replace what spike is 3 means to me upon entering koga's gem we carried a slightly different energy one that has been hardened by war and burden by memories koga did everything in his power to not get swept by the new part of our team but not even being over leveled was enough for this wheezing to be exempt from a dying breath with another gym badge acquired the next stop for our bloodlust was none other than the illustrious sabrina of saffron city and i'll let the gameplay speak for itself oh hold on hold up this is scary this is scary oh [ __ ] oh oh oh [ __ ] huge okay we're subbing out real quick do not do not let it all in like this oh my god oh no [Music] what the [ __ ] oh no he sports with my favorite one he's calm mining no no this is worth it this is oh [ __ ] he's so strong he is so strong right now oh my god the whole run could end right here oh my god no no no no no no no everything's okay everything's okay harry the future site [Music] oh my god oh please no hot dog come on hit him again hot dog hit him up oh no he's plus three no no no hot dogs [Music] virus i'm sorry you got a parish song for the greater good dude for the greater good it's the only way out of here no no [Music] no there's no way alakazam's not faster we can try it but i don't know but he might call mine he might call mine again that's fine that's fine [Music] all right for the greater good of the run oh no you have to survive three turns it's okay we can just buff my health come on for the team for the team come on just just take take one hit i don't know you're ten levels under there's no way my god fire is snow goodbye oh my god you're dead oh yeah yeah i was like this is a special defense tank and this still goes down like that no i thought we were safe oh my god i feel like i'm witnessing a historic moment right now you are everything has gone awful oh god okay okay yeah i'm out i'm not stopped i stole the stall what the [ __ ] has happened oh everything oh my god dude literally everything went wrong in like three seconds for me everything went wrong it was the alakazam the sleep paralysis demon oh my god we made it out though we have officially reached the lowest point of the run our only saving grace was a sacrifice i'm aware of the mistakes that i made to end up here but i also made a carefully calculated decision at the cost of fires the lapras to protect the integrity of the run once that alakazam reached a point of nirvana through spamming calm mind all we could possibly do was pray for an escape our motley crew has been silenced to nothing more than a pair and now it's up to funka pop and transformer to lead a skeleton team to an unforeseen victory but no matter what may happen going forward this entire run is in a heavy debt to the memory of fires the lapras harris song was the only open path in this devil's maze so now our only goal was to focus on the future and leave this battlefield as nothing more than a memory it took me 40 whole days to find the confidence to continue this disgraced run i know that i can't put any of the blame on the game or my team for it is my solemn duty as a trainer to guide them and as soon as i accepted that i realized that my title has not wavered over these past 40 days my job is to finish what i've started lead the remainder of my team to victory as it's what they would have wanted so i collected a new team from the ashes of what i once called a family with funko pop and transformer hardened by echoes of the past our new recruits were ready to help out in any way they could clan slam erda phoenix and mr bustown this was all we had left our final gambit as this disaster of a journey was coming to a close our next stop was none other than cinebar island we pulled up on the pokemon mansion to catch a coughing named coughing and that was it and then cinnabar's jim offered an awesome quiz all right josh i have a question for you all right [Music] there are nine certified pokemon league badges no there's eight then blaine said the funny thing before hitting 15 fire blasts in a row which no i think you could just easily dig and well i don't think that's correct brayden i think every time you've given me advice it's been wrong it's a damage roll it's a damage roll i can't i can't calculate these things i think he lives with just a little bit crit braden if jolteon dies it's your fault jolteon dies wait i'm waiting still waiting there's a chance what the [ __ ] did i let that jolteon die perhaps but this one was to prove that i can never trust advice from stream chat the wiki youtube comments or even my own friends if i'm going to make a mistake it better be my own mistake and it definitely better be a larger mistake than i trusted one of my dearest friends this wasn't too hard of a gem but i really just monologued post timeskip about how these two pokemon were leading my team only to let one die as a prank what is wrong with me you would think at this point that i'm done taking completely worthless risks but i i am unhinged i simply do not care anymore if this run is to succeed it's because it was written in the stars i will do what feels right in the moment and after collecting a seventh gym badge what felt right was building up a third of my team for the third time the game then guided us to the sevi islands and with clam slam getting their clam slammed we needed a new water pokemon if anything we needed a savior i spelled it wrong i really hope the typo made it through you know what that's fine also i'm now realizing that i spent three hours grinding to get flamethrower for a hot dog in the casino just for him to perish to sabrina's alakazam but the casino does have a lot of other good tms ice beam flamethrowers shatterball thunderbolt and thunderbolt again this was a successful casino raid and half of my tuesday but i'm not going to equip the tms just yet i'm gonna wait until we hit the elite four so you know something unfortunate doesn't happen the only thing in our path now was the viridian gem which we had to challenge giovanni for our eighth gym badge the savoir has officially joined our team as well as coughing the wheezing and for some reason this one knows explosion and given how effective paris song was we'll use it when the time is right anyways five surfs later and we've officially collected all the gym badges this world has to offer so at long last it was time for our final act we started walking towards victory road only to be greeted by luigi two's bloody hands this was truly our last obstacle before our end game even though we came out unscathed it was a wake-up call to our second and third string team we do not cover enough typings we have nothing against flying nothing against psychic nothing against ice nothing against electric and nothing against dragon except this one tm sitting in our bag this was the point of the run where i really started to feel the sins crawling on my back the careless amount of graves i dug have come back to bite me as this team simply does not have the answers needed to become champions despite not catching any of the legendaries we could still go to zapdos home of the power plant and find goku our little magnemite who happened to find two other magnamite friends through grinding with this new catch we replaced bird up and set out to catch one last pokemon in victory road which we might as well use a master ball for when we reached the other side of the cave i handed out everyone's tm to those who i felt could use them best before tackling the elite four i studied the wiki and the trainers ahead in desperate hopes of finding any chance of survival i elected a pokemon or two per trainer and then admitted that when it came to the champion that is luigi ii i i try my best i had a decent enough plan but what it really came down to was if coughing was ready to make a decision when the time called for it with a heavy heart burden by my own mistakes my team of six pokemon and their stupid [ __ ] idiot trainer marched into the indigo plateau as this was our first and final chance to come out as champions as this pokemon nuzlocke was about to end one way or another first name on our hit list was none other than lorelei the ice trainer luckily most ice types are also water types in this game which is perfect for our young upstart goku they simply thunderbolted everything in their path even when they only had 7 hp remaining with jinx being the only non-water type it was time to switch goku out we tried a few options but this is the lamest piece of [ __ ] i've ever seen i just kept getting frozen kept getting put to sleep kept getting frozen again and then being told to deal with it despite switching multiple times i had a relatively loud voice in my ear to switch out to onyx i insisted that onyx is weak to ice but this person who will go unnamed told me that i was wrong and that an earthquake was the right play to kill jinx this onix may be our only answer to luigi choose charizard but i was feeling frustrated in a moment of weakness i listened to someone's advice that wasn't my own instead of it's time for mewtwo [Laughter] oh yeah that's why i was gonna say give the quick claw to mewtwo is because uh if you could proc quick claw and then have the flame what did i say braden what did i say [ __ ] what did i say i thought that's dirty jesus christ i'm never listening to you ever ever literally never not once has your advice ever helped me [Music] well we gotta we got a pretty bad mewtwo there despite all odds and i mean a lot of odds we managed to make it to bruno with only a singular pokemon missing which is definitely more than i'd like but here we are having a great time learning from past experiences if you have a psychic type who spams call mind you can really just do anything our phoenix stood tall in the face of onix and thought really hard before casting a mental hell storm over everything that bruno loved and i'm not gonna lie it felt good when it came to agatha the ghost trainer that's what she's like really just a poison i trained ah we didn't really have an answer ghost type is physical in this generation for some reason so we just threw out the tank that is coughing who happened to know shadowball when it came to arbok it would have been the perfect time to use a move like earthquake but you know sometimes life has other plans surprisingly enough our team is doing pretty well lance foolishly stood before us with an army of dragons against one tiny polywrath who happened in no ice beam it was an effective strategy but dragonite is also really scary he's quad weak to ice beam but his flying type moves put him in an advantage for some reason over her beloved sevar if i kept her for an additional turn we would be missing probably the only remaining answer we have for the imminent charizard but before i could even think about that i had to simply make it out of this battle with my whole team in a panicked state i knew what i had to do so i sent out coughing one last time wait i probably could have used madness with luigi too standing before us we were but moments away from the curtains falling this was our final battle our final chance for victory but more importantly our final chance of redemption for all the stupid [ __ ] decisions i've made so luigi 2 opened this fateful battle with pidgeot which was a bad decision for him i think he got a little pissed after that one so he just went ahead and sent out his strongest pokemon next knowing that goku was nothing more than a piece of steel begging to be melted we just tossed out savar hoping that she could live up to her name somehow yeah girl boss it was a gruesome battle as the ace in our sleeve was one unfortunate crit away from losing the entire run for us all it's always in moments like this where the worst possible outcomes become the reality so naturally i challenged fate if it's a crit can the other pokemon do it no but he's not gonna crit leave it all on this what did i say the charizard was absolutely the ace in his sleeve but somehow we got lucky as an enemy alakazam approached the battlefield so did post-traumatic stress luckily this alakazam did not know calm mind and even more luckily phoenix did we literally just sat here while luigi 2 handed us plus 6 special attack hypno and it made me feel invincible and perhaps a little bit arrogant shake shake oh bold bold coward you're a coward okay well we were very confident in that plus six hit yeah we were ready to sacrifice it sure enough goku is here to write all the wrongs i create yet again luigi 2 then sent out his write-on who was stanced up as if it was time to give our starter his very first moment in the spotlight in over 40 days and to my surprise this felt doable literally everything leading up to this moment would suggest otherwise but here we are with the lone executor standing in our path damn imagine if we had a pokemon who knew flamethrower so with one final hail mary to throw funko pop would put him to sleep so savoir could do what she does best and save the entire run yeah we win there's no way we win again everything my very first nuzlocke despite having braden in the call i still won and just like that i have completed my first note second nuzlocke and god damn it do i feel proud i took the high road so many times especially when it was absolutely the wrong decision to make yet here i am dancing on luigi 2's grave while also paying respect to the countless jobs we've created for this cemetery so yeah that went better than expected and hey you know what i love to do it again but my doctor said because of my very poor heart this amount of stress could kill me if i ever did it again so feel free to subscribe because as you know i'm known for making very poor decisions
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 4,116,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, pokemon, alpharad pokemon, pokemon firered, nuzlocke, pokemon nuzlocke, alpharad nuzlocke
Id: DAfXft7i0P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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