Amazing Island

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foreign oh yeah oh yeah I'm running oh yeah this is amazing Island it's it's something we are going straight into the story mode because this is a game that honestly for my childhood so over a thousand years ago an artist created a picture book the book was about a mysterious far-off island where all sorts of amazing creatures live together happily look you just get to jump right into it they don't want to give you a 10 minute intro for a 12 minute video like other YouTubers is her name Michelle Helen melody or Deku now that's a good one one day an 11 year old girl named see it's a good game already it was a story about an enchant ancient picture book that explained how difficult reading is for someone who's been out of school for years this leads you to believe all monsters are held in these cards right well they aren't I don't know why Anything Could Happen do you think it's Gremlin falling from the sky well then you would have guessed right well too bad you don't stand a chance against the mighty I'm not saying that that sounds offensive that sounds like a slur alright summon the power of which monster is it foreign no God this music slaps gotta get ready I gotta Mash all right all right first one boom Oh three oh three oh easy game set and match so they died like not even a fun death it's lava that has to be a painful death and now we have one of the seven Dragon Balls it's like this game is kind of Pokemon meets Mario Party meets Yu-Gi-Oh and then Dragon Ball or maybe it's the chaos emeralds I mean this is Sega to be fair so that little demon um we changed them back into a good just because we defeated the demon inside of him because isn't that what we're all fighting at the end of the day long story short some baddies are now making this good town bad if you want a picture this is the evil I want to think of something funny but I really don't know what that monster is it just looks grotesque you get to create a lot of monsters down the road but this first one is based off of personality test You're Now by the sea on a summer day how do you like to spend the day people just want to relax what's your image of a magician Dark Magician Girl okay sure we can go with that if you could transform yourself what animal would you be all right we're going with d we'll be a parrot then when you're walking on a street suddenly someone calls you from behind who do you think it is do you just cause that much havoc in your life or the only reason someone would want you is because they're mad at you I swear to Christ you guys are going to get an Abomination this is all your fault we're sacrificing one of you watching this video for this because look look at what we created it's not an Abomination at all that's it we did this let's change the pattern let's make this look a little better we can make it plaid we can make it wood we can make it pastel we can just make it yellow with no texture whatsoever do you like them now oh okay sure this this is something but what is it is the real question Mario yeah good old Mario that's a great name now we need to take his photo ah oh God no don't put that back stop that so all we're gonna do is like look it tells you how to play we gotta beat the opponent keep mashing a because that's half the mini games in this video game oh yeah oh yeah I'm running oh yeah [Music] world record baby no one's ever topped it so you get points based on how well you do which means you get money based on how well you do and the award you get after it is based on how well you do you gotta really match on this one well let's see if I can uh [Music] okay no that was good that was good all we got to do is make it to that rainbow so like I'm smooth sailing everything's fine it's a way to go though we still got something oh that's a legendary marble is a sick palette Beyblade Beyblade let it rip oh yes for the Akatsuki plan that's a world record I'm just here breaking record left and right this is a reaction game you gotta know is it is it a is it B and I think you actually have to change it manually I am a gamer I am focusing I am breaking blocks I could be breaking blocks better oh my God that's a choke it runs dead boss battle oh I can Mash hole I can like mash match on this I didn't realize I can do that much damage that fast it's never really struck me as a game where you could do that yeah see 103. oh that's not crazy good that wasn't the world record I was hoping for it's honestly a shame but steel hand that looks like we can make a real edgy Abomination now remember this it's we're doing that but it's different this time because it's actually the exact same 3030 in handshake 301 handshake slow ball I'm just gonna lowball him he's not right easy clap we got the second dragon ball Chaos Emerald something it just looks like headphones in a sphere but the the orange Vision orb is secure and look at Mario go we can draw by yourself dude do you guys really want this power you got a new record what do we got the hero type we can make Sands well you guys all like the game if we do that huh all right so just like a human head you know it kind of looks some like like that some how about some very thick legs gamers I just realized he's gonna be naked oh no I I don't want him near schools I'm just saying this this is awful I'll finish this time to give your monster a new name we try to make a human and this is what happened I I love the fact he has no clothes but sneakers he couldn't leave the house without them Yeezys I mean Yeezys so do you guys think this is a good game yet because a lot of the heart of this game is in the character creation Eric I mean Isam by the way let's come together and fuse as one yeah that happens oh look at those hops though Jesus I think I'm throwing too many and none of them are getting in because of it so I gotta go slower see nice and steady wins the race oh that's a whiff time up is that a passing grade [Music] see that's the first loss we've had okay we gotta break 700 I was so close Okay so just rhythmic just Taps because like if I just Spam it they hit each other and then none of them get in see that's the play right there that's how you do it because now we're back in The Barrage oh this is good this is good this is good oh we were breaking 1200 and I failed this Mission last time easy that's what are we gonna make next come on you're so close you're so close buddy you can do this you can do this he's not gonna do it he's not gonna do it I'm getting maximum speed I just gotta get great instead of goods he missed the jump and now he drowns because of it [Music] okay okay this could be it this could be good see if I don't have to have to see if I can maintain this speed look at that deck you fifth place that's the first fifth place oh it hurts it hurts horn is the power and away we go he sure is being launched okay we're up like 13 000 feet in the air we gotta be able to do it right okay you know what let's go buy some potions we gotta do some steroids that's the only way to win in this economy drooping ears yes all right so we lost in Cape dine I don't think esame can handle that honestly uh we're going to Rubble ruins that feels God he's bald I'm gonna do this I'm gonna oh yeah oh yeah good okay even oh no oh wait wait wait we got it big if true I don't think we're getting this one though this one oh that's obnoxiously hard but he looks happy though so like I guess that's worth something I don't even like looking at him much less looking at him being happy because do you see little arm stubs his glove knobs are clipping through the gloves and now we got quadratic prism why who what are we gonna put that on the quadratic prism it's it's a rectangle my dude I'm gonna fail this game I I have 40 seconds to clear it oh no he's got Jukes how did that not hit him they're gonna watch me clear it they're gonna watch me clear this map [Applause] three seconds off Wahoo very cool he was just camping me and he got rewarded okay run it back please no no do not cam me again look at him go how did that Miss I I get him dead I get him down and he just starts running hit the floor that's it that's it unload on him [Music] I take it all back we just gotta knock him out I can hadouken or I can or or a classic funny jokes always wait how did I not get oh god oh no oh and now we got points okay we're starting at a halfway deficit oh god oh no speed would have been much better for this see 400 with only playing half the game not bad 600 see I almost could have made this I almost could have made this who's ECM again oh he's uh well my monster's name is actually Eric he just goes but he said what kind of game would that be if I could actually hold myself accountable in it not not a game I would play I can say that much how did I underperform all right we both play Bad what can I say no no no no no they aren't spawning over here anymore foreign [Music] all right I got embarrassed I'm retiring esame I'm sorry what does a dog look like guys perfect Yep looks like a dog I've never seen a dog this color [Music] yes that looks just like a dog I I couldn't agree more it's a dog guys come on if you guys don't see it you've never seen a dog in your life metal duck Mecca dog half duck half dog half robot Mecca doc oh watch this oh that's cool not bad not bad that's the highest points we've had for any mini game ever this is looking like a good run I think mechadoc is really the one to do it not make a dog Mega dog never fails Mega dog has literally never failed in his life look at him look at those hops he's got esam wishing one thousand we take it and now we got we got witch's hat that's kind of sick we can roll with that that was closer that was definitely that counts yes make a dog did it that was all we needed just he got that's all we needed [Music] really [Music] really huh [Music] thank God we got Barrel I can't kill all these I gotta know my battles well played oh Big Boy bonus 1500 easy clap new record see mechatalk was all we needed and now we got stacks on stacks and a dorsal fin Mecca doc has won but wait what if an external Force summoned him through a dark portal because why not I'm I'm agree I'm focusing him man oh God hello no that's the first time I've ever lost a block in here okay it's like I only lost one but I was so scared of everything going wrong megatalk you can do this make a duck everyone cheering for him he can do it the yellow vision orb that's a lot of points right there that's a pretty good run and we get gold dock I better see someone with this profile picture wait there you go happy man doc I've been wanting to make a video over this game for a while now I just kind of want to have fun with content so I'm going to start doing the games I like I mean I love smash obviously but I just want to do some dumb [ __ ] because that's more fitting for my personality I feel because I can only say wow I'm gonna do this crazy thing in Smash and then do a crazy thing in Smash so many times I don't really know what I just did oh God he's beefy dude I you do not want to be in a dark alley with this dog I'm Gonna Leave This stubby so I can put some shoes on the back once and not the front this looks like I now see that that tail did not turn out exactly how I wanted it to he's like a chameleon on he's like half chameleon half bird half man half dog we're really expanding the lore on the the characters of this universe of course he has a baseball bat coming out of his head of course like all baseball dogs the absolutely I like this one a lot I really like baseball dog because it just kind of it just sounds good but I'll put a question mark at the end just because you know that's not all he is she look at how he's holding it over the head oh God oh God do not choke that was a huge choke holy [ __ ] is he licking the floor again baseball dog we talked about this it's it there's a basketball court it's gross and let's make him a littles quicker with some stair oh my God he was spazzing out see we we got that one that was off no no it wasn't oh my God I choked oh well good good run everybody I I had it and then I threw it away bomber Bowl uh oh get the read on him and he doesn't move sometimes you try and predict his movements and he just doesn't move okay that's it though pretty good pretty good for baseball dog and now he's uh gonna start licking the water oh okay dude I literally could not move I got locked by the camera like I can't walk past the camera 700 that's it now that I beat this mini game I can now call it bad that was fun for literally nobody all right took him out easy now fast see it's the Mix-Ups we got the Green Vision arm thank God you guys want to make super hamster honestly looks way better than I thought like this is the best looking model we've had that's genuinely surprising this is where his eyes are it's a it's a different creature just like that his heart is over here to destroy him he is Invincible until you destroy his heart that is it he's a lover not a fighter but he is also a fighter who will destroy you in hand-to-hand combat yep uh-huh because ah don't move oh my God it's so much worse when he moves okay what is his name like what's the name of his species that's that's what I chombo dude he's such a chombo oh my God random has never come in clutch more praise chombo can I get some praise chombo look at the enemies and then look at chombo it's really funny when you see all these other deviantART OCS and then you see little brother Tombo oh I'm getting points by knocking people out this is a survival thing oh that's fine and if I get knocked out myself oh yeah that's that's cool yeah sure man like all these other monsters honestly look incredibly well made because I'm sure they were used created like in the engine and then look at chombo we haven't had this minigame with anybody else but of course chombo is the one who can stop time it makes perfect sense to me I'm trying to hit one of these there we go see just just feeding through these oh if we passed but I'm not in the way I wanted to chombo could have done so much more [Applause] oh my God what is it what is that looking like why was that so odd I guess it's relative to whatever the last thing I threw was oh yeah I'm not stressed about this at all okay now I'm a little stressed about this dude look at that that is that is rough where do you want to go oh my God there's multiple branching paths oh yeah this is the final mission but like we have to go through all the paths so just so I don't forget let's go left left and then we'll go left right and then right left right right yeah run of the goal as fast you can press the A Button rapidly to build speed oh that's clever yeah view okay but I can go through trees though gotta gotta gotta remember that your stamina will decrease if you're running too much well lucky for you I have uh steroids oh I'm controlling him and he is Naruto running look at chombo go chombo did not have the form to fly yeah like what who are you to tell chombo what he can and can't do best your opponents and emerges the Victor it's chombo time Sean was going in he's going in for the kill boom oh oh okay chombo chombo big big trombone big trombone big gigantic combo [Music] did you ever doubt our Lord and savior for a second look at him go look at that celebration that's a pass right there barely but surely and just like that we saved the world oh wouldn't it be a shame if an evening showed up and we want another Vision orb uh oh would you look at that chombo fears nothing this is such a good game like I really don't mind playing it multiple times because it's just it's responsive like I feel like getting a game like this that's responsive is like kind of a lot to ask for in from a 2004 game but like I'm happy with this like it's it's just it's good I would love to play this with other people who are competent because the evilings well okay they're they're pretty good like I I don't want to say they don't have anything you know because they definitely have some sauce not enough though why haven't they put chombo in Smash yet I've I've been wondering that for a long time but we got a new frame Dragon man that is right up our alley of creating monsters but oh do we want to give up chombo I I don't think so take it in just absorb what chombo's power level is chombo here you're something else man wait 1500 1500 we can do it we can do it that's 1500. that's good that was good I I really don't know what chombo was born to do but I know he was born to kill everybody well it'll slow your roll a little bit oh I gotta wait for this to launch me of course and it all came out of there to save patience that's what chombo's good at just being a nice guy oh excuse me Ho-Oh oh what am I waiting for here oh I almost cleared it I almost landed on that that would have been so clutch that was so close that was so close to being the perfect run oh that was almost perfect we'll take it see we just got to make it to the rainbow Nothing Else Matters we just gotta make it to the rainbow oh perfect chombo let's go chombo what oh oh I'm just gonna run oh my God that is not a viable strategy okay you start further back dude oh trombone clutch oh wait this minigame's hype see I think that's what my Strat is to just let other people fight and then I pick up what they fight yeah I'm just goaltending man it works play lame win games they're camping they have the ball they've won but they're camping I I cannot hit a thousand points now because they're camping whatever man we can roll with that we hit a thousand that's all I cared about [Applause] what if you just missed them you know I've never taken this guy out the main one out I never take him out first I'm going to this time I'm just grateful this game's responsive like if I'm gonna play it a million times at least it plays well like that's all I really want from it mix up he wasn't ready for it caught him sleeping but now watch this mix up he wasn't ready for it she got mixed up he didn't even think I was gonna throw it at him even though he was the only one left we are almost done with the game we have two more areas to go in and then the final boss so things are looking pretty good for chombo nation scorpion worm yo I don't know where worm comes from but I'm about it just kind of move my stick around and just hope for the best I'll make him pointy so if you guys have made it this far in my amazing island adventure please sub it's only getting worse from here it is an Abomination I am I am so sorry but this is by far the worst thing we've created oh Walt Disney would literally kill himself if he saw this he looks happy though like he doesn't look like he wants to be put out of his misery he looks like we want to put him out of his misery it's a very important distinction [ __ ] bride this one feels right thank you random whenever we made chombo I knew people were gonna make his Pro their profile pictures on Twitter chombo and stuff like that but I'm gonna block the person who has this profile picture oh look at this do we really have to do this this is all of us we are all going into him oh my God He Came Out Swinging he's pissed I I don't like that he's powerful but he is [ __ ] you please please don't have a higher score than chombo don't don't I don't want [Music] no one hurts if out of this world then fuku is definitely the devil he wants you to sub but for Unholy reasons chombo wants you to sub for the real reasons yep he he would be the the villain in this that's the highest we place on this level uh we're understanding it slowly but surely and of course fuku with the forbidden knowledge and a breastplate oh God what are we going to create next I hate looking at him it's just his face dude I hear him trotting and just the fact they have different sound effects for him kind of upsets me we are breaking records out here there's no way we survive this though is that pass okay that was like pixel off a frame off even [Music] okay oh we'll take the 1500 then sure new record of course it is oh I I gotta create some we got a sword oh my God we can make the coolest guy ever now wait I got I got it I got it nope that's it that counts okay I'm not passing this next one so I'm just gonna 980 is acceptable we're like 120 points away from the accessory so that's sad but speed up we'll save it so there's little checkpoints and they give you 200 Points each then you get bonus points by going across here oh no there's just checkpoints oh oh this is easy huh [Music] it did not work like that but I did Juke him up one hit two hit oh my God is this the sweet okay someone hit it back I was I was scared we were actually gonna get the 9-0 oh no oh God mix up he's not ready for it now I'm gonna throw it right all right I'm gonna throw it right again psych they're not ready for it okay okay he's not ready for it 9-0 9-0 in here easy game who in there someone said is it wrong for like fuku come on dude you're better than that ah praise trauma dude I would like to think chombo that I get to live my life every single day and I get to play these fun games and uh I would like to ask chombo to give me the strength to refuse Temptation from the Dark Lord fuku because I have seven out of eight Vision orbs and I would just like to continue on my good journey you know uh when is your next public Arena I'd wait wait what Hall of life is that wasn't supposed to happen there sir condo umizame he might be small but his reserve his resolve is giant just look at this dude oh he is a warrior this is a stand what what is his name I'm gonna go on Spotify just look at this Warrior dude he he's powerful his hat is backwards whole chombo is the ultimate life horn but this is the warrior he is a disciple of chombo that's the only way to explain how he could have gotten this far look at him dude he he radiates a very powerful energy wayward son he has no mouth here's the thing a true warrior has no words to say because he lets his blade speak for him can you draw girl I know I'm one fan art of girl standing right here with wayward son in the background I don't I don't think we're scared if fuku can do it Wayward Son can destroy it he actually looks like he is the best looking design of anything we've done I think the barrel adds so much to him like not not even joking things are looking good oh wait wait for it wait oh come on come on I fell with them I fell with them though like that's the thing about the warrior heart of wayward son is he will go down for the fight and I think we did it all right this is looking like a pretty good run already there we go well we'll take the 1374. it's not bad I think I like the barrel a lot because I feel like the barrel has more mystery to it than the cape would because you don't know what's in the barrel especially if that's going to be like part of his lore I like it do you see that movement right there okay easy and he I ain't enough to attack that one okay I can still I can still catch up watch this okay you just gotta Juke this one oh this yes I think it was actually faster than chombo just saying wayward son got some potential [Music] all right look at Wayward Son carry on oh okay hit the oh look at him oh he just jumped over one of them dude wayward son he's go look at his Air Jordan dude he's Wild he's making it happen okay he can't go much further he is getting tired but dude my dude went [Music] [Applause] 1500 wayward son how does he do it is there a giant rock oh huge Rock oh come on show us your power okay that's it that's in I'm just gonna match eight oh god oh okay I got it now I got it it's wayward son he did it and now the turtle saves them it all comes down to this this is the final mission Superman 64 has nothing on me right now this is me and Wayward Son we're getting close to the low-res jpeg we're only at 500. oh God I dropped one what's happening to him they did say our score would be doubled if we reach it fast did we do it did we get a bonus barely barely a pass is a pass this is the stand the stand of me you and everyone else watching wayward son is Gonna Save Our realm once more we're about to evolve into wayward son over Heaven that's it obviously Next Step dude he's taking everyone out oh my God and run it back Oh no you're not ready no one's ready taking them out oh he's out he's out mix him up if you mix them up they're never ready for it that's how you get them oh okay I got mixed up if you throw this way and now throw this way it works every single time for the time it works every time and watch this LOB in the name of chombo we move on we have the final Vision orb the silver one or or gray one or the black one of course and he did it our hero did it Wayward Son he's gonna fight in the name of chombo with all the courses completed it's time thanks to chombo and his disciples we will channel the energy of light or something like that to defeat the black evil [Music] this is his final form this is it I guess it's time to bring Wayward wayward son over heaven to Justice black evil and darkness corridor all right um we get infinite lies for this so oh his sword is going through his head oh because here is black evil and he's gonna throw this all right oh God bless no oh I am running out of space okay so I threw one back it'd be nice if I got ground I think I'm dead right here foreign okay it's a learning curve big big damage right off the bat we got it okay just just gotta survive a little bit more I don't have a too much to survive with no God plus I was one pixel off okay through I threw I threw it through not one of those oh does that hit does that hit a little damage okay okay the hits I'm just gonna Mash go live I'm alive I just gotta hit green [Music] all right we got ta get frame perfect here [Music] oh he did it the frame perfect toss we were gonna die he did it wayward son over heaven okay come on I know he's back there's a second phase of course there is smash Mash Mash mash I'm [Music] I had so much faith in that moment I felt like he was gone [Music] all right I'm all red I would have loved I would have loved a frame perfect okay no no no no no no no no no no no no no we got this we got this we got this come on look at all that ground we got to work with wayward son this is it look at that all right hold a all right gotta hold a it's right at the beginning [Music] easy easy okay okay oh oh come on come on come on show us your power okay hold it hold it again hold it again well we got this we got this Mash mash the power wait wait wait wait wait and now he's calmed down he's calm down smash you get closer get closer get closer greed probably got this we got this we got this wayward son you can do it get closer greed I'm greeting this is it this is it guys dude wait in the name of our Lord and savior chombo who guided us this far we gotta do it in his honor God I'm so tired it's so much mashing holy [ __ ] [Music] I'm exhausted I can't I can't I I can't guys [Music] oh that that was that was a stamina thing dude that was like that wasn't a mashing ability dude that was it was just a raw stamina my arm was getting tired oh someone says why not save state after the first phase because that's not fun and now the music stopped it's even more menacing now I was doing it right it just hurt I do not need Mash with index finger no it's not the finger that affects the mashing it's the arm support yeah I don't know where the music went okay but this is it this is good this is good this is looking good what the what the [ __ ] only only some of my mashed inputs are coming that actually wasn't my fault what what the [ __ ] was happening what the [ __ ] but look at these frame perfect parries I got it I think I got the download on them I don't think he can best me anymore look at this D Carry On My Wayward Son so yeah I was mashing when the a button was on screen but now I think that means hold what when when the beam gets weaker I'll just use the visual indications that I wasn't using okay okay okay I was mashing when a appears but that's not the best advice okay okay come on come on come on yes yes this is it run run run Smash It smash smash no we're so close that's it that's it oh and the world was saved yet again by our wayward son over heaven and now imagine there was a phase three here's a phase three okay it definitely looked like there was about to be a phase three there right I'm not alone right okay sure we did it guys and black evil fell to us as he learned that nothing lasts forever except the Earth and Sky look at that heroic image of wayward son over Heaven yo wait do you do see wayward son right now he is getting it look at him go oh dude he flexing out that's actually a sick pose for his double blade oh my God oh oh he's going crazy someone stop him wayward son he's Reckless and in the name of chombo I hope everyone lives a happy life and now we return home because the adventure came to a close [Music] had it all just been nothing more than a Dream from the very beginning nobody can say for sure not even chombo however [Music] if you believe in your dreams and you open up your heart then the maboo will be praise chombo that's all I got [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 1,782,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, amazing island, pokemon, yugioh
Id: -0Jjcu60GDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 14sec (2354 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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