Spoiled brats getting hit by reality

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when have you seen the real world hit a spoiled brat I was a school bus driver in the 70s during height of court-ordered busing so I ferried poor kids to the rich side of town then rich kids the other way lots of entitled brats but one stands out super entitled kid constantly defying rules eventually I caught him with too many witnesses attempting to set a bus seat on fire with his lighter school officials were called hearing with officials in which dad and he's banned from all buses rest of semester dad offers to pay for the damage and quietly accepts the punishment then comes the surprise next morning when I arrived at 6 a.m. to clean my bus regular tasks every morning rich kid and dad are standing there dad introduces me to my new personal bus cleaner for the rest of the year he brings kid every morning and forces him to wash and clean the floors on my bus before taking him on to his school by end of year entitled kid is actually working hard and being friendly we're getting along pretty well and I help him out sometimes so he can get on to school kid turns out ok when all is over good move by his dad when my brother was in school he was horrifically bullied and his bully was the most entitled little Scheib ever had a displeasure of meeting his father paid for boxing practice karate lessons and other martial arts this made him think that he was the best of anything physical my brother isn't overly fond of sports and prefers to read in the library as the typical nerdy kid he's a prime target for bullies one day when the bully had cornered my brother up against a wall my brother finally decided that he wasn't just going to take it anymore but he strongly dislikes violence and thus would not be fighting back instead when the bully tried to punch him my brother ducked three broken fingers and a trip to the hospital later the bully's father finds out what had been happening all his extra classes training were cancelled he had all of his electronics and games sold and if he wanted to have a car he would have to work for every penny himself spending $50 on food a day is not normal college girl got cut off from her parents drinking and not going to class and had to get a job she put on Facebook about how she's gonna go hungry and needs money people offered her food and to make her dinner she said that's okay I just need about $40 to get through the day I don't like to grocery shop when I was working at a public library we had a few local celebrities come in from time to time most of them were nice but one had a real stick up his ass he would complain about having to stand in line and about late fees and about everything else we would just say sorry those are the rules will thank you for being patient even though he wasn't one day he and I were apparently both having a bad day and when I told him there was a limit on how many DVDs or video games he could check out at a time he slammed his hands on the desk and raged do you know who I am this is a grown a man mind I was a little college student who barely looked old enough to drive I was sick of his low-key bullying so I just looked at him and said yes they do Mr X and the rules still apply to you which of these would you like me to put back he was stunned I don't think anyone had ever actually told him that the rules for everyone else did in fact apply to him as well he was a little nicer after that not a lot nicer but still I used to repair trails for the Forest Service and I wouldn't call anybody a brat necessarily but we're all pretty spoiled when it comes to manual labor and sleeping on the ground on day one the bush plane flies the crew out to a grass airstrip about 40 miles east of town then you shoulder your panic grab an axe and a shovel and start hiking up the canyon usually in the rain until you watch that plane disappear over the ridge it's hard to imagine what you've signed up for hard labor all day every day working cooking and camping in the rain that whole first month no phone no mail Rufe and if you forgot something you'll just have to live without it until the road opens in July wolves and mountain lions circled the camp at night sometimes bears come for your food everybody struggles for the first month you'd see the kid who'd been the hard guy on his high school football team start to sit through lunch with his head in his hands just licked guys who were in the 1000 pound Club at their gym slumped up against a tree all evening eating peanut butter for dinner because they were too big to cook demanding as the job was it wasn't really a physical issue the best workers on the crew were hippie Jesus types with noodle arms who read Marcus Aurelius around the campfire at night they just took everything as it came because no matter what it just kept coming them and the Mormon ranch kids I don't know how those kids came up but nothing brought them down one of my favorite things about the military is that in a uniform nobody can tell how privileged or unprivileged you might have been it's a total blank slate and for many it's humbling to not get to have to wear your social status on your sleeve on my second ship there was an e-2 who grew up very wealthy and was an a about it he wasn't afraid to let us know he thought that he was better than his peers there's a stereotype of the enlisted guy who thinks of himself as an officer as a way to pretend that means anything that's this guy in every way and he would try to get out of Shin listed work because he was going to be an officer probably even a commanding officer of a ship so there we were a few hours into his first deployment and this dude gets violently seasick it lasted for days I don't know if you've ever been around someone who can't open their eyes without yakking but it's awful you really feel bad for them it's hard to watch someone go through not with this guy when I joined the army guy who had the infantry tattooed on him didn't even last two weeks in basic training he cried and yelled I shouldn't have to get yelled at to do something a kid in college was a roommate of a friend of mine he was always bratty and spoiled but hung out with us as if he were a good friend and we let him chill with us because sometimes he wasn't bad then one day we heard him arguing with his mom on the phone that he needed more money from the ensuing argument we learned that he had in less than one year burned through 30 grand that his parents gave him for food and discretionary spending mind you he was not paying for tuition or lodging or his car with his money it was basically just food money as all those other things were also already covered by his parents he was calling his mother some really nasty things and hung up on her then his father called and they got in an argument cussing each other out at the end of that call he threw his iPhone at the wall and shattered it this was the original iPhone turns out they cut him off and basically he had to drop out of school and drive back home out of state because he couldn't afford to do anything anymore and of course was too good to work a plebs job he added me on Facebook about a year later and was a late-blooming nine stroke 11 truther Obama was president by this time and the only thing I ever said to him on FB was a simple reply correcting one fact he was wrong about in his nine stroke eleven conspiracy theory he then posted like four applies in quick succession telling me to open my eyes and then blocked me simple and pure example for my part there was only one coffee shop on my campus operating out of the library building and it was always crowded you pretty quickly learned that if you wanted coffee before class you got there twenty minutes early grabbed a newspaper I'm old to me and took your time it was always funny watching incoming freshmen crowd the line five minutes before their rate a.m. and slowly filter out and despair as they realized there was absolutely no way they were eating that sweet Sumatra Nirvana in time queue this little freshman girl dressed in the classic campus Church jean shorts blonde ponytail coming out the battle cap starter pack walking up assessing the line stretching out the door and boldly deciding to just sorta skip it now the bar Easter's were usually pretty cool with people skipping for simple things dropping down a quarter for some scantrons or a buck for a cookie anything that didn't require interaction not this girl he caught the baristas attention while the previous customer was still paying and went hi yay can I get a latte please like really quickly you mm the line starts back there applied the now slightly confused girl behind the counter but I have class wined the freshmen there was an awkward pause before the barista responded you are on a college campus are you freaking serious why do you think all these people are here back of the line Oh was the only thing the freshman girl thought to say as she turned to look at a line full of people staring daggers back at her she looked not upset or embarrassed but sort of enraptured by this newfound understanding she's just been imparted it's like for first time in her entire life she realized that other people were in her way for reasons it was actually kind of beautiful to watch like a baby day learning to walk for the first time better late than never I was out at a farm with my cousin's for a party it was more like an afternoon barbecue with all the parents at talking and cooking while the kids ran around playing usual lazy afternoon in Africa so anyway I was 16 at the time making me the oldest of the kids and I will admit that I was all back of the bus too cool for school type of cranky teenager and was practicing my casual aloofness now there was this German coupled there with this absolute monster child 5 who made it his mission to terrorize all the other kids the parents of little adults at beaming with delight watching their little ray of sunshine playing with the other kids eventually it became apparent that the were going to do nothing about it and my parents told me to keep my cool and just ignore him which I did because I didn't want to put my parents in an awkward situation at some point in the afternoon the kid found one of those plastic toddler toys you know the ones where they can sit on it and push themselves around but it also has a handle at the back that toddlers can use as a walker so he finds this toy and is running around this lawn full speed ramming all the other kids now I did tell him nicely that it was not good to hurt the other little boys and girls but he clean ignored me and carried on with his gang giggling and chasing the other kids he also decided Thor I was now fair game and I got rammed in the ankles and Beckles tendon a few times and I'm fuming his parents were watching and laughing the whole time eventually I am done with this so I positioned myself in front of this small ditch only about 1 stroke 4 inch deep and full of grass and pull out my phone pretending to read messages I was making myself an easy target for the little brat becomes charging up behind me aiming for my heels again the front wheels go into the little ditch stopping the Walker the kid was pushing it so fast that his momentum carried him right over the handlebars right over the push toy and past me facet pants in the dirt going full scorpion there was no blood but he lay there and screamed blue murder the best part was that the parents watched the whole thing take place and then the other parents never suspected that I stood in that exact spot for that exact reason his parents were kind of pissed that the kid hurt himself while I was watching the kids but they couldn't say anything so they just kept the boy closed the rest of the day when the high school principals daughter who previously got away with all kinds of garbage behavior vandalism linking major bullying got caught vandalizing a lecture hall and uni she was unceremoniously dumped and banned parents won't for months on FB about their poor Bader's unfair treatment and the fact that her applications to other unies were being denied I will admit that I was a bit spoiled growing up though I didn't think I was a brat my mom had a maid that came in several times a week when I went to college several things were very different for me I knew to clean up after myself but cleaning a bathroom was completely new the biggest shock was laundry I had absolutely no idea what I was doing or how I knew I was supposed to use detergent and softener but I thought any soap would do and didn't knew what softener was I had no idea how or when to add them either reality hit when a campus security guard came in and I asked how I much of the dishsoap I was supposed to use and the man started laughing he did help me get the right soap after and explained how to operate a washer and dryer I worked with a girl who was completely entitled to everything she was a pretty blond girl who was reaching her 40s and not so pretty anymore she was impossible to be around and talk to she was always right had no clue how the real world worked and always made excuses I treated her like anyone else I worked with it would not do her work for her she went to our boss weekly because I was treating her unfairly because I refused to do her work after I got mine done while she painted her nails and made personal phone calls she was furious when I was promoted over her then we hit the recession of 2008 and I was laid off she got my job and quit within three weeks because she could not handle the pressure [Music]
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Id: Xvqy2F04lV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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