The Most Spoiled Brats On The Internet

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with some boys its bumpkin and welcome back to another video hey you guys been hope everyone's had a good day cuz you know my day isn't too bad to be honest but I'm good day a sign I have a question for you guys are you guys grateful for what you have and for what your parents give you to everyone going down to the comment section right now to answer that don't worry it was rhetorical you don't have to actually answer but the reason I even asked this question is because we're gonna be looking at a whole bunch of kids that probably don't deserve the things they have today so yeah p.m. with that whole situation is signed leave a like likes are nice you guys are nice I love you guys leave a like you know yeah let's gonna see the video alright so right off the bat I think we can understand very clearly that this kid likes computers and he would like the computer what they took it away for I'm not sure but I advise to give it back before he literally turns into the Incredible Hulk because it looks like he's about to explode this kid doesn't get the computer right now this kids literally gonna go super saiyan and just destroy everyone in the house his burrow hear that blood-curdling what you just did but something tells me that that's not a good sign lock your doors everyone hide your children this kid is literally going for everybody's blood line if you have a computer he's probably at your door as we speak in fact I'm actually waiting for him to bust down my door as somebody please help me I've been in this room for weeks without an escape ok bro I'm gonna be honest depending on what year this was recorded I do feel kind of bad for her right so I don't really see a reason for her being so annoying about it like I get it her mom didn't really get her a phone that is compatible with half the apps we use today but still she tried her artists you know you couldn't give your mama thank you mom like I appreciate the initiative but you kind of failed instead we gotta you shouldn't have been mad you shouldn't have done that like broats everyone out there that gets really bad gifts just try your best to bite the bullet next time you get a horrible gift just say thank you and move on broke man at the end of the day that person was thinking about you you have to take that into consideration so yeah just make sure to state grateful boys and girls so Christ I could just tell from the start that this kid is an absolute angel what is with some kids at their own birthday parties and being absolute detriments to the whole vibe it just kill it as much as possible to make sure that the days ruined doesn't matter who's there doesn't matter what they get doesn't matter what their parents do to make sure it's the best day ever they just have to ruin it like their number one mission on that specific day is to make everybody miserable and if they can't succeed in that they're just a failure for life [Applause] [Music] my bro how do you raise a child so badly that he acts like that on his birthday I don't get it if somebody made me a train cake I'd be hiked I don't know about you guys but I'd love a train cake I'm hinting this cuz I want somebody to make a train cake on my birthday but like on a real note I feel like this kitchen really did not deserve to even have a birthday after all that bro they went on to the pool had a good time he brought his friends then he ruins the cake I feel like everyone has had that one friend that has just been an absolute detriment to their entire family and you just had to sit there and watch when you go over and this is the Samsung Galaxy s6 now you can see there's a pretty drastic difference between the two dude I'm gonna be honest it looks like she recorded this video with an adjoint Paulie Gee's tell my Android users no hain love you all you know what the real issue at hand like the quality isn't even good enough for me to even notice that fake of the difference between the phones this is just kind of ridiculous let's talk about the fact that she has four MacBooks out like she's trying to hack to the Pentagon what are you doing with those flexing honestly feel like the most interesting part about this video was the fact that she is named Anne Frank um YouTube if you take me down for that one honestly that's on you not me there's nothing wrong with her name being and Frank soap this video gets do you monetize I'm gonna be so pissed Jesus Christ dude the bait is so extreme so she basically just said that she doesn't use two of those MacBooks except to look at messages and to leave one on scene which basically means with one of those MacBooks she literally doesn't even use it but did an all honesty I feel like getting mag books in general is just a huge waste you could get an insane PC for the same price for a MacBook MacBook so horrible bro I swear with the price of for Mac books you could get a PC that could animate an entire Disney movie dude I swear I kids hold that's like a samsung or some sort of like I don't know blackberry does it add the little keys at the front cuz it seems like it does but at the same time I really can't tell like dude can we talk about the fact that literally every time she takes her breath it sounds like she's about to cry but then she doesn't I can't tell if she's crying or not but it's kind of funny oh dude she's crying not only that she's like you know what I wanted I just love it when kids say you know what I wanted because it just indicates the fact that hey I expect to get everything I asked for you know what I mean and I mean hey if you guys get whatever you want whenever you ask for it in your house I'm not even trying to judge you you're just spoiled run but I mean dude as long as you're grateful for what you receive who cares it doesn't matter if your parents spoil you that's cool just try to be grateful that's the message that I'm really even trying to relay here always be thankful for everything you get like this girl is acting like her life is over because she got an elegy for a phone fit his beachball blow away you may not talk to daddy like that fun dude my guy just did like a little jig demanded his dad to go get his beach ball and his dad was about to do some Olympic level swimming to get this kid to beach ball he sounds like he'd rather see his dad drowned and not get the beach ball over again the kid is so angry dude I find crying annoying but one thing I just find hilarious is when kids just have an absolute breakdown on the floor it's so funny to me I'm so sorry sweetheart there'll be other beach balls in your life we'll get some someday you may not talk to me that way do you need timeout you know one thing I never liked no sound polite moms were to their children when they're having an absolute fit you may not talk to me like that you may not talk to your father in that way you may not break all of my belongings you may not commit a felony dude why are parents so nice to their children all the time I'm sorry you're sad I know honey we'll get another one someday you ready for something to eat I know but let's help people out on the boat can get it and give it to one of their kids okay well maybe Dollar Tree has one you want to do something to earn some money to get another one all right Brian I think I've had enough of this kid cuz apparently has no clue what he wants he wanted another beach ball no once that beach ball again I guess she was very conflicted with the screaming and yelling then he just doesn't know which one he wants yet then again for some odd reason his mom is making him earn one dollar for a beach ball which I find kind of unnecessary but um yeah if I didn't say once I said it a thousand times be grateful boys always appreciate what you have the person cares about you I think unless they're just being a piece of garbage and getting you like I don't know a broom I don't know why someone would give you a broom as a gift but hey maybe you're moving into a new house foot on that note if you guys enjoyed today's video be sure you leave a like and subscribe also be sure to comment down below so I can go harden while you're ready to go follow my Instagram and my Twitter I posted more of a hey Twitter stir there so why not you guys have a wonderful day peace peace [Music]
Channel: Bumpkin
Views: 1,017,155
Rating: 4.9206052 out of 5
Keywords: Satire, Bumpkin, Comedy, Spoiled, Brats, Cringe, The Most Spoiled Brats On The Internet, Angry, reacting, present, presents, gift, gift fail, birthday, cry, disappointed, present fail, spoiled
Id: xI936jV2emM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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