Photoshop Tutorial: Flowerful Portrait Effect

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[Music] and everyone in here to this tutorial I will show you how to create this flower for process effects as you can see in here using Adobe Photoshop and as you can see these are other examples agreed using the same steps that you will be using for this tutorial alright fantastic so let's get to it [Music] alright so let's go ahead and open Photoshop and I will take it image of beauty and a picture right here alright now we'll go to the crop tool and I will crop this image so before Kissinger's on the face will be creating the effect all right so will one click on this check mostly to change but now I'm going to double click on this 'edit back concern with unlock it and I will name it model and it's okay now I'm going to press ctrl J so I can make a copy of the model and I will give this one as a backup in case I want to go back and use it there alright now I will go to the pencil in here and in the pencil make sure that you're selecting a path not shape all right I'm gonna start making the shape that we'll be using to cut the half of the face all right so I will one click and 2 X so I can make this handle in here and then I'm going to make another point in here so I can click and drag like so let's can see now we have two point in here and if I press ctrl I can take the point in here and make it wherever I want but also if I place all I can modify this handle alone and the same for the other one in here say please control I can move the point where every wine and we just get over here then I'm going to press alt and I will modify this handle in here just right here so this is like basic on how to work with the pencil in here so I'm going to create a shape like that so I can cut the hassle set the sizing here [Music] all right so something like that now I will right-click and choose make its legend now I'm going to keep the federal radius set to zero pixels in here and I hope it's okay now as you can see this will loaded to a selection now I'm going to press ctrl X I can cut this part of the face and then I'm going to press ctrl shift V and this can see this would paste it in a new layer on top in here and I will call this face shape in here all right now I'm going to press ctrl T now that will move it a little bit down can move it wherever you want just gonna make it just along here alright and I'll press Enter alright next I'm going up this control and I'm going to one click on this model copy in here and as you can see this will load the selection of the whole live in here with the this part that we just got it but we need to invert it so we can only have this part is selected so I'm going to paste ctrl shift I and as you can see this would invert the selection now I'm going to create a new layer on top of the model copying here and I will call it edges and then I will fill it with whatever color one so I'm going to press alt backspace and as you can see this would fill it with black then I will make the third of this layer to 0% all right now I will go to adjustments and I will choose solid color and I'm going to choose this color right here and I will take it and pull it under the model copy in here this can see this will create this color inside the face so we can always go back and double click on this soil color you know sample a color from the skin in here and make it darker that's like that alright and out is okay now I'm going to zoom a little bit so I can see and then I will go to the edges layer in here and I will double click on it and this can see the last eye dialog will open and I'm gonna go to the drop shadow and I will make the passage see 200% and then I will make the size to zero and the spread to 100% and then I'm gonna with my cursor I'm gonna take it and you know place the shadow so you can make this kind of 3d edge of safe in here and we'll make the size a little bit more soaked and create this effect will make the size around six six or seven I think x7 it looks good alright Snyder which II need color to fish and poor coloring here and that will make it a little bit darker maybe let's be thread all right I think this looks good and all this okay now I will go through the noise in here and I will make it around 15 or 10 percent as you can see this will create this kind of texture which looks really cool alright so that's it for this part of the face so I'm going to press ok now I will go to the face shape in here and the will double click on it again so I can open the layer style dialog and then I would go to the drop shadow again this I'm gonna choose a black color and I will put this bed to 0% and the noise to 0% but I will put down the passage around 60% and it will place the shadow we put the size around 40 of course this depends on you image you're building you might need to experiment with these values that I would be using in here so just try to get a similar result or the result that you will like alright I think this will look good now I would go to inner glow and I will keep the blending mode to screen and audacity let me just see a little look like that's a 25 and the size will get 10 percent or 12 week without the scale a bit more maybe around 20 percent alright and up is OK and this can see we'll get this really cool setting here I don't like the shadow this party needs I will go back to drop shadow in here we will put it down a little bit [Music] maybe put down the pasty alright I think this looks better and aw it's okay alright now it's time to go and put the flower inside the face in here so we'll go and open the flower of file in here you'll find all this flower in the link from description below to the down then also will let go and choose a bunch of this flowers in here so we'll go with this one first so we'll take it and open it in here now that will make it a little bit smaller just out here all right so the idea is to make the flower this flower look like it's coming from the inside of the stage so what I'm gonna do is I will take it and put it under the face shaping here and this can see this will make it look like it's coming from the inside but I'm going to hide this part of head leaving here and it will be move it a little bit to the top just a bit all right and then I'm going to select the flower file let me name it lower one and I'm going to apply our mass to it so I would go and one click on this layer mask icon and then I'm going to load the selection of the edges layering here so I will press ctrl + one click on this edges layer and this can see now we have selection of ownio with this edges in here and I will invert it so we can delete from the outside of this legend so I'm going to press ctrl shift I and then I will go and take a brush a regular brush and we'll make sure that the pesticide 200% and the color is black random gas not the leading yes like this and I'm gonna press ctrl D to deselect I just can see now we have this flower looks like it's coming from the inside of the face I think I want to make this part of leaf visible here so I will make a copy of this flower one so I'm going to press ctrl J and then I'm going to take it and put it on top of the face shape in here and I'm going to select the layer mask and then I will fill it with black by pressing alt backspace and as you can see now we have a black layer mask and then what I'm gonna do I will we using a brush and a white color I'm gonna start revealing this part as easy as that alright you go have really cool setting here now we go back to the flower folder in here and I will choose another one to go with this with this one in here so we'll take it and open it in here and again I will make it smaller and we please enter then I'm going to take it and put it under this face shape liar in here and I'm gonna press ctrl T again so I can rotate it and make it smaller see I think I'm gonna right click and choose clip or is also to see and I think this would look spera as I think this looks good and I would want click on this check mode to commit to change as you can see I have this really cool assets in here and I think I want to hide this part of the leaf in here so yes we can create that illusion that it's hiding inside the face so we'll apply a layer mask again I won't click on this layer mask icon and then I will take brush and again I'm gonna switch the color to black and then we'll just delete this part here we can always go and load the selection of the edges firing here and this can see now has a selection now I can bring back this part in here and then I will invert the selection by pressing ctrl shift I and they can delete this but just like that and the press control D to this left there we go have this really cool illusion of a flower coming from the inside of the face and I think I'm going to add one more flowers to this so I would go to slower folder here and I think I think I will go with this one here and that will make it smarter again [Music] alright I think this looks good you can see now and as you can see now have a little bit of a problem as you can see now we have this kind of leaf going with this flower that we put first in here something apply a layer mask to this flower file in here and I'm going to delete this part in here this we can get rid of this problem [Music] all right I think this looks good there we go almost done as you can see we have this really cool flowers coming from inside of the face we just go and leave this part in here I think it's from this one I think this one so I'm gonna take a brush and delete spot you quickly and there we go have this we call effect all right now we can add a similar effect like this let's say in hand or wherever we want but I'm just going to stick with the face in here for the sake of the tutorial but if you want to add more like like this you can you can do that all right and it doesn't doesn't need to be this flower you can use whatever man you can use smoke you can use a galaxy stars I already made a picture when I use sauce and as you can see it's really basic and it's easy to do so that the lesson I'm gonna do because I'm going to apply some adjustment so I would go and choose levels and they will darken picture a little bit with that kind of contrast not that much [Music] and they would go to read and I would had a little bit of the red to give it that 46 look and I will go through the gloom all right now we'll go to adjustment again and this time I'm going to choose vibrance and I will crank the vibrance a little bit me put it around 75 or 70 you can see this will make the colors to pop up more as you can see if you can if you see the flowers in here you look really cool and the last thing I'm gonna add is an exposure so we'll go and choose exposure and I will increase the offset a little bit less abatement as much and the gamma correction a little bit and I think I'm gonna go to the vibration here and will bring down the opacity a little bit around 70 percent alright and there we go we have this really cool for just the fact that you can make in really no time at all alright so I hope that you will try these effects with different images and don't forget to show me out on Instagram to see what you've done you love all the work and don't forget to subscribe and comment and you know which four motifs or to come and complement a thank you for watching you [Music]
Channel: Letsgettoit
Views: 275,595
Rating: 4.976244 out of 5
Keywords: Photoshop Tutorials, How-To, Photoshop Resources, Help, Illustrator Tutorilas, Photo Manipulation, Photo Effects, Floral, Floral Effect, Flower Portriat, Flowerful, Flowers Portrait Effect, Helpful, NEW, Portrait effect, Photo Effect, Photoshop Portrait Effect, Photoshop Photo Effect, Photoshop Manipulation
Id: VLqk1LrHlKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2017
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