Photo Manipulation Tutorial | Photoshop

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hi guys I know - a college and welcome to this Photoshop tutorial today I will show you how to make this interesting photo manipulation showing me holding the big and heavy Fujifilm camera mirrorless camera that its opposite from reality in reality they are really small and really light today I will show you how to extract the model and the camera from the background how to put the camera in models hand and how to make models head little bit bigger and merge everything together in one fun and creative photo manipulation so let's start for this tutorial we will need these three images the camera the background I shoot it in France and myself I shoot it myself in the studio and of course we need to extract the model and the camera and put everything here on the background okay first I will start extracting the model myself and I will do that pretty easily with quick selection tool it's here just make it a little bigger let's zoom it a little bit and just slowly go on the parts I want to keep I will need smaller brush here okay it's happened something like this just hold alt or option key and deselect the parts that you don't need to be in your selection just play with that and you will do the perfect selection okay let's go let's deselect this hole here okay great and now I need to select the pants and leg here this is pretty boring process but we need we need to do it and if you do it good then you will have a less problem later okay shoes and now we need to deselect all this I'm holding alt or option key out on the PC option the neck and just slowly dragging my mouse actually I don't using a mouse I'm using a Wacom Intuos Pro tablet but I'm using a pen actually pen it's much much better for me because it's much more natural feeling like drawing alright let's add selection here and let's go here and select this and I will change for magic one here press and hold alt and deselect this part here ok and back to quick selection and just add this part here alright and now what we need to do is just to press the mask button here all right now I'm selected out of a background and let's do the same with a camera we can use a pen tool or a quick selection to last tool anything you want anything good that works for you I will use quick selection tool just quickly select parts that I want to stay all right this is basically it let me see nice and go here on the mask again and just press the button alright now we have a camera and myself extracted from the background and let's just drag and drop to our background here this is me let's bring camera okay I will rotate a camera and myself horizontally flip horizontally for that I will use ctrl command T just the right click and flip horizontally that's for the camera press ok and for myself click horizontally and press ok that's good I like the size of camera but I'm too big for this camera I want to make myself a little bit smaller first what I want to do because let me check if I like the selection myself here at the camera it's pretty much okay maybe we did this part I need to clean it if I want to refine the selection just click on a mask use a brush opacity around 80% and with black black brush just paint and refine the selection a little bit that's pretty much okay maybe two with white brush to bring back some parts ok and let me see the other parts for the sake of this tutorial it's too much good yeah actually it's perfect all right and because I like the selection I will get rid of this mask just right click and say apply flare mask and then I have only I'll show you only myself here without the mask I can move and shrink much easier all right let's get rid of this white layer we don't need it and now I will try to make myself smaller ctrl command T and just make myself a little bit smaller like I'm here in this environment in real size maybe something something like so let me see okay and now let's do the same with the camera let's see quick lick selection that's actually the part of the camera but we can get rid of this too because no one will notice that this is actually the part of the camera okay and I think everything else it's pretty much okay yes it is let's right-click and say apply layer mask and now let's move this lets neighbors layers model camera all right let's bring the camera below the model layer and position it somewhere here lighting the camera is a little big too big let's ctrl T command T on the Mac make it a little bit smaller and maybe rotate it a little bit and position it so it fits here better you see and maybe even too big I need to rotate it to match these two lines my face and the camera screen because I lean my face on the camera actually something like so and bring it up like so and then you see the size of the camera it's pretty much okay I can make it a little bit bigger or smaller personal preference but let's make just a little bit bigger like so and then nudge this in my hands perfectly like so maybe maybe just a little bit bigger and now you can play with that like like so yeah yeah that's good all right the next thing I want to do let's move the camera and myself a little bit to the left maybe here summer on one throat of damage okay and maybe that's good and next thing what I want to do I want to make my head bigger for that I will use model layer select the lasso tool here and just go around my neck and head and press ctrl or command J and I will make duplicate of my selection in this case my head and just press command or ctrl T and by holding a shift just make a head little bit bigger that's for comedy effect let me see now we need to position it somewhere here for example right let me see it's not so bad maybe you can emphasize this and make it even bigger that's personal preference and now we will make layer mask here and delete with the black brush delete everything it is not necessary to be an image all right let me let me see it's not so bad but it's not so good either let's delete everything from here like so and make brush hardness 0% and just paint like so yeah bring back some details and opacity around maybe 20% and five and just paint here let me see yeah that's much better okay and now let's make some adjustments here first what I want to do is to clean this left arm a little bit go here on the model and make layer mask and now I want to load the camera selection just go hold the ctrl command key and click on the layer and you will load the camera selection and now I will use the black brush and just paint inside the selection and that's it and the next thing I want to fill this gap here I will go here with model and with stamp tool just stamp some parts I will use the hardness at 0% right make something like so and again load the selection and you raise sorry to be a little bit more careful here and raise this and let me see that's good that's nice now what we need to do is to cover the LCD screen of the camera to be more darker go to the camera new layer and with the black brush and maybe 50% opacity just paint we do like not with white ok just paint like so and because we can paint all over it we will click this layer to affect only the camera layer just hold ctrl sorry alt or option key and click between layers and now this layer is clicked only to the camera see okay now let's let's make it darker and with the layer mask let's delete the parts that we don't want to be visible and bring back some parts that I deleted by mistake alright that's not so bad so let me see yeah that's much better we can make some other adjustments here you see the bottom part of the camera it's not so good select it and now I will refine it now let me see that's the camera I think is the camera just layer mask on the camera and just no no it is good it's the problem in a model we need to let me see yeah it's the problem in this selection we have just need to expand the selection a little bit with white brush and on the model layer mask just paint here like so and it's much better all right we can we can now check the image great the next step would be to make shadow and to glue myself to the street here but before that let's organize this a little bit this is background and this to its camera let's select both control command G to make group and name it camera and this is yeah this is for model control command G model and let's go inside this and make this name this big head okay and now we want to make shadow here below the model layer if you want to make layer below some layer just hold ctrl command key and press a new layer and you have a new layer let's name shadow and now let's play with the shadow part let's use black brush and first make contact shadow maybe hardness now let let's be around 29 30 percent just make contact shadow here okay something like like so all right just a small contact shadow and here - same thing I'm now holding shift and clicking to make a straight line like this click sorry click hold shift and click and you will make straight lines all right let's now paint here so okay let me see that's nice contact shadow and this is let's name shadow one and another layer shadow number two shadow number two will be a bigger shadow from ambient light here let me see let's first see the direction of the light it's somewhere from behind and from this side of the image okay let's make another layer just for showing the shadow it's coming from a shadow sorry the light is coming from here and from here and because this is this street it's practically in in a big shadow we have only lived it it's bouncing from the Sun from the building cross street and in this side here okay and now we will make soft shadow here below him and it will go somewhere in this direction okay right let's get rid of this layer and this is the second shadow and now we'll paint with maybe hmm 50 opacity 50% opacity and 0% hardness brush and just paint like so and this is the leg and again this part here refine this and the knee and everything else here okay and so let's make what Harborside the best it's easier to change the past later all right this is me holding camera and it's big camera here blah blah blah something like that in my head alright and this is something here let's make now layer mask and delete the parts of the shadow that we actually don't need because we don't need so hard shadow and so so dark let's make 50% opacity brush and just with white sorry with the black paint on the mask and erase everything from here and now let's change the opacity to 20% I'm using a quick way to change the best it just press number on a keyboard 5 is for 50% to 420 and so and so on if you want to make 25 just press 2 and 5 or 5 0 and 5 or 10 it's 1 and you understand it ok let's press number 2 on a keyboard and that's 20% opacity brush and just delete believe this that's nice and now lower the global opacity like so let me see like so it's not so bad at all all right and make another shadow another layer for shadow it's number three and just with 10% basically paint or pour it here it's too much but now we can lower the pestle I can see yeah that's nice all right I will refine this shadow just a little bit more I want to add shadow here a little bit now let's unzoom it and that that's okay 35% of acetates it's pretty much good let me see the shadow number two may be around around thirty five thirty thirty five it's good let's see and the contact shadow and we can make the country shadow maybe 90 percent feisty oops yeah that's good all right now let's collapse this and this and let's see what other stuff we need to do we need to make some dodging burning on the image to make some shadow here and maybe on the face of model and lower part of the camera because it's too bright and it's too bright because we had I'll show you here we have white below the camera and the white reflect the lights and this is why why here it's so bright but we will correct this let's make now global dodging burning glares you can do that in several different ways for this I using curve tools curve adjustment layers one it's for dodge let's duplicate it and another it's for burn this is D for dodge and B for burn and let's invert layer masks and put them both in a group in this group mber all right but before we go on dodging and burning let's make this contact shadow here go to the camera and another layer name it shadow this is shadow from the fingers here like so and here too all right and let's lower the opacity and make a mask 20% opacity brush and let's erase because here the shadow is a little bit brighter because the hand it's higher than the bow then the thumb here okay that's not so bad at all it's not practically feasible but it's small detail now let's go to dodge and burn let's go on a burn layer and make this part just a little bit darker let's use the white brush five percent zero five five percent opacity brush and hardness all the way to zero all right and now let's start burning something here just a little bit all right if you cannot see there is a difference it's small but what I need it alright let's now make this camera part darker let's first select the camera like so and then go to burn and maybe with 10% opacity just burn this little bit and this part too because we don't want this to be so bright right like so let me see and before and after nice all right let's now go to the Dodge five percent capacity and dot some parts of the are maybe three percent capacity some parts of the skin here like so you need to take care of son you need to think the light direction here and just patiently paint over the parts you want to be a lighter this part this part okay this part here maybe and and this is just a global dodging okay this here will be a little shadow small amount let's to match and out okay and now let's paint some parts here on the building first let's make 10% and just paint here I will explain you why I'm doing this in a second just to finish painting right we make fake shadow here because we want change the light direction make impression that lights actually coming from here you will have some shadow here and same on the windows this part will be a little bit lighter now let's make it a little bit lighter and this part here will be a little bit darker 5% okay and this part will be a little bit lighter make this part here too but this part here need a little bit shadow and so on and so on but we will do it only on the big things like this will be brighter and this will be a darker and the plant here this will be sorry this will be brighter in sunlight here alright and this part will be a little bit dark this is just a subtle change not so dramatic but it will be visible after I finish with that you will see in this part little bit brighter plus paint sunlight here right and here too okay I'm holding shift and going up and down okay and sing here shift up and down for Dodge like so alright let me see and let's dodge this part too okay almost finished and burn this part of the I don't know the English word for this but the right part of this object okay and let me see dajin bar before and after before and after you see there is pretty big difference all right let's close this and this and this and let's see what still we need to do on this image maybe we can dodge the backside of the model here let's go on a model and control click to load the selection and by holding ctrl and shift click on a big head here layer and add that selection to that we have this selection that pops that I don't like it now I will go to the quick selection tool and just with eight years of percent opacity and hard brush just raise this selection and inverted in just paint with the black here okay now let's get out of the quick mask and now we have our selection here right go to dodging burn and go to dodge with 5 percent opacity black sorry white brush and really soft just paint on this side here on the back side like so all right and that make me a little bit more prettier just for fun all right and camera I want this part a little bit darker I just be select/deselect myself and now I can paint everywhere let's make this just little bit darker like so and maybe this part here too and this part here just a little bit dark this highlights on like so it's passion all right let me see I think we are done with this now we can go and play with color correction just let me see once again for and after before and after yeah and we can make one adjustment here on the background go on a curse and just make a little bit brighter and go to the gradient tool here and whit let's first invert the layer mask with control I and just paint with white here just make impression that the light is coming from behind me and across the street something like that maybe lower the opacity or we can do it here this is just small different yeah and we can use black brush and paint on this layer mask with 0% hardness and maybe 20% opacity and put the black brush and paint out this lower part okay let me see before and after before not just subtle difference okay nice now we can add another curves layer here and make just a little bit contrast of the whole background I can zoom it something like so and maybe make a background just for touch warmer like so it's really really small amount all right let's see before and after before and that that's great now we can close all groups here go on the top and merge all layers together we can do this with the shift control out e or on a Mac shift command option E and now what I like to do first I go to the filters and Nick color Efex Pro it's a free filter from Google you can download it and use it it's really really good and I use this Pro contrast here okay and use this dynamic control slider okay just move correction that's good let's compare for and after it's really small but effective difference okay that's one one thing and next thing I want to duplicate this which control command J and go to the filters and camera roll filter and now let's play here with some something's the haze just touch see difference just the haze maybe eight or nine let's go here to the split toning and warm the image a little bit warm highlights see alright and let's make shadows a little bit colder this is too much of course but I just want to see what I'm doing just a small amount like so see in 5 p.m. and let's go here and maybe add more countries and let's see vibrance like so okay let me see before and after that's really nice alright and the next thing let's sharp a little bit this image control Oakmont a duplicate go filters other high-pass and let's zoom it to see see it's not maybe 0.8 or one pixel maybe one pixel it's too much yeah 0.8 all right and put two for example in your light before and after let's see before and after there is pretty big difference alright and that's it guys we're done with our image I hope that you liked this tutorial and you learn something new and when you're making your own photo manipulation if you're making your own photos like backgrounds and shoot it yourself or your friends you just need to pay attention on three things you need to match the perspective of the background and of the model you need to shoot them with the same lens same focal length and you need to take care about the lights you need to match the lights of the background and lights of the model and other props on image to be the same from same direction same angles etc and you need to match the colors after you finish with with your composition you need to match the color of background and model and other stuff on the scene okay if you have any questions at all please be free to ask them in a comment below and see you in the next tutorial bye bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 37,013
Rating: 4.9168973 out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, photo manipulation, photoshop, digital art, photo collage, nemanja sekulic, fujifilm, wacom, photo manipulation tutorial, photomanipulation, creative, fun, imagination, big camera, camera, mirrorless, x-t10
Id: 1ItGjBBLjwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 22sec (2302 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 06 2016
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