The Impossible Triangle - Advanced Photo Manipulation

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today I will show how to create this interesting photo manipulation so let's start hi guys my name is Naimah Nessa Coolidge and welcome to another funny episode I got requests to show how to create actually how to recreate this really nice and brilliant photo manipulation just a disclaimer this is not my photo manipulation I'm not an outer of that and actually I don't know who is the original author of this brilliant photo manipulation so today I will show how to recreate that and you can use that knowledge to create something on your own some photo manipulation that will be your own signature but with these techniques that I will show today so let's jump straight in Photoshop Anna let's have fun alright guys we have a lot of photos here as you can see and we will use all of them to create that interesting photo manipulation so first thing what I like to do is to create a new document and choose something like 1500 by 1500 pixels let's use 72 dpi and use RGB color space and that's good now we have a blank piece of paper with our settings here and first what we need to do is to create that custom shape for a start so before we create that before we start to create a custom shape we need a little bit help because it's a complex shape I will use a triangle as a helper to guide me to create that really interesting custom shape so let's do that right I will use I will go here to my tool palette and find here it is custom shape tool and I will choose a triangle as you can see here if you don't see all these shapes custom shapes you can go here to the gear icon and just click to all and press ok and you will have all of this right and go scroll down and find a triangle and this this one right here okay now I will go press and hold shift and just create an interesting big triangle something like so right and I will I need to rotate this triangle because I will I will need this edge this edge to be straight vertical so press control command t press and hold shift and just rotate twice to have this edge vertical right press ok when you're done and now I will reposition this somewhere here okay now I will go again to this custom shape tool and then I will choose a line to hide I will use the line tool and because our custom shape the base of our custom shape it's similar to a triangle that's why I'm using this triangle we will see in a second so I'll start with this edge this point right here and create a line that will follow actually this it will be parallel with this line down below so it will be something like so then I will create a new one something like like this a new one I will press a horse ship because I want a straight line I don't want to be a little bit off something like this and then just go and create a new one that it's parallel with this one something like this and we need to release somewhere where this vertical line imagine a vertical line and and it will be it will be we have helper here whoops we're here actually exactly here right and then we need a new one that it's parallel with this one okay to go right here let me see I think this is parallel like that and then you went all the way up here and let's close this one yeah and as you can see if I group all these together select all of those shapes and press ctrl or command key on the keyboard we have something that looks like a triangle and that's our base shape that's why I use this triangle as a helper so let's leave this triangle on and create few more lines I will create this line right here later we'll delete some - then I will create this line right here like like so then I need to create this line right here to be straight up like this then I need to create this line here maybe from here to here okay something like this okay and yeah too many lines let's let's close this one and I need another one that will be from here all the way down like so and another one from here all the way to this as you can see this is really really complex shape okay now I have all those lines I think I have all let's group everything together and again merge it with the ctrl + E and that's basically it now we need to use eraser tool and go here right click on this custom shape and go rasterize it right and now let's go and delete something that we don't need okay actually we don't need this line here and this line here neither this line here because this will be first surface okay and we don't need this life here and actually we need another line let's go here and create another line from here to here okay we will again merge our two together it's rasterized already then let's delete let me see delete this one here okay and this one here and this one it's really complex surface okay and we are almost done we need to let me see if I deleted wrong line I don't need this one for sure okay and yeah I don't need this one and I don't need this one too so we have our custom complex shape you can see it's really strange geometry but it's really really interesting so this is the start right now that we created this we need to create some selection that will that will follow those three main surfaces of this custom shape so let's do that alright let's create a new layer I'll use a pen tool and just create our first selection that will follow our first surface it will be good a little bit this one right here okay like so and now let's transform this path into selection by clicking by holding ctrl key and press Enter like so and now I will choose the custom color for example red one why not and I will fill this layer with a red color by holding alt or option key and press backspace on keyboard so like this then let's go and create our second custom shape or selection for that create a new layer and go here start maybe with this then go down below here here here here like so and finish it again control command enter to load the selection change the color maybe to blue or something like so the colors are completely not important here there just to help us later to load this selection again and fill this layer with the blue color again then create a new layer and the last the last surface will be our last selection so let's create it like so and then we will continue making our photo right make a selection out of that choose some other color maybe green why not lower that as a selection and we have our to be really really nice interesting shapes so let's delete unnecessary parts and I don't like white background here I will use some solid color layer for background and I will choose maybe something like bluish grayish color like so then put it all the way down double click on that and I will filled it with a gradient overlay let me see yeah just a little bit more interesting background we can always change that go and change the color and so on and so on alright now we have all those three elements here to help us to load the selection that we will need in future so how tall actually it's really easy just go choose an element and ctrl click on that or command click on that and you will load that part as a selection so to just deselect it just press ctrl command D that's our first part so the second part will be to populate those selections those shapes with some water let's go and do that let's go and choose our first water surface select ctrl command C and I will just paste it right here ctrl command D and I just want to make this a lot smaller because it's big and maybe I will leave it like so press okay and then use the first one the the red surface here the top one press ctrl or command click on that and go to our water layer and just create a mess now we have something really really interesting here I want to unlink this icon between the layer and the layer mask because I want to freely move the layer without affecting the hair mask otherwise I remove the mask wheel there and I don't want that so let's do something like this I will now move the water element here as I like maybe I will make it a little bit smaller let's see and I'll leave it like so this is our first element actually I will copy the same water element for this green surface just press ctrl mange right-click on the mask and save little Hermes and then you can load cream here the green layer 2 layer mask ctrl and click on that layer and load here as a mask and we have another surface as water so unlink this control Monty and I want to rotate this maybe like so and make it a little bit smaller let me see just has some different shaped waves here maybe a touch bigger and I can play here with the shapes and position but for now I like it like so and that's nice so the third step and final step for these surfaces it's blood water surface for the last one for the blue one and I will do that in another way I will use solid color layer right I will choose any color for start like so and I will delete this mask and I will add the blue one ctrl and click go here and create mask that's really nice I will double click on that maybe Lord this this color and make it a little bit brighter I will see later now that we have all three surfaces let's clean something up this will be our top surface okay this is left and this is right one right that's how I will name it you can name it as everyone all right now let's go and find another water surface I like to use this one and just copy it and go back paste it's right here oops it's the wrong one didn't copy it right copy this and let me see paste it here yes make it a lot smaller with ctrl command T and just make this smaller like so and let me see I just want this surface to be somewhere here maybe rotate it a little bit and I want to clip it to this layer as you can see we have now this surface but I want to lower the opacity of that service or you can use an art trick you can convert this surface into black and white by in a few different ways but I like to use keyboard shortcut shift control U or sheep command you right now it's black and white and just put this into overlay or soft light blending mode and you have something similar and now you have actually just those waves and you can change the color as you want later and that's what I prefer here it's really easy to change the color etc etcetera or you can put it in multiple and we all have to have this a little bit more darker and then use the brighter color if you want right but I like this in this way so I will group something here this right one I will represent right I would create a group for the left one too but before that I like to use a curse and clip it to the left one and make that just a little bit darker luminosity blending more just because if I make this darker in normal blending mode I will make this even more saturated and I don't want that just the touch darker okay now let's create a group this is left okay and top one again I will use curves and clip it here and make the top layer a little bit brighter something like so maybe the darks a little bit brighter - and now let's group this time rename it top okay so let's move this top to the top like so red guys now we need to go to our next step and that's to tweak a little bit those masks to have a little bit more wavy edges of those straight lines so let's do that right let's go to all those three groups and let's go maybe to the top choose a mask then just zoom it and use a brush i will use really hard one like so maybe this okay and I will use 100% opacity and I will use white one and as you can see here I'll just make some baby surface here okay just to add some imperfections here on this side I will actually use a black one and yeah let's go here and hide all of these helpers let's make drew friend named helper okay and now let's go back to our top surface here and I'll actually here reduce remove some parts of the mask just have some imperfection on this surface like so and here maybe just a little bit right you can play this as much as you want here - why not let's go right here and add something like this okay make it smaller and here actually this I would like to do is the left one I would like to do like so okay and then go here to the top one because it's forward whoops like so and that's not bad - and let me see let's go to the left one go to this side right here we already did that side let's go to this side okay let's make a brush a little bit bigger this is something that you need to invest time in to have really really nice result and the right one here maybe it was white color and just add a little bit here like so a little bit right here and if you spend more time tweaking this your photo will be a little bit more interesting because those tiny things will tell your subconscious actually the spectators subconscious that the fault it's even more interesting so let's go and tweak this one last part like so and of course when I'm doing this tutorial I basically showing you how to do that I'm not doing this 100% perfectly because I don't have time to do everything that I will do as a personal project so right now that we add some imperfections - did this really really nice shape we can go on and add some elements to this so the next element will be the lighthouse let's go and add a lighthouse here let's find the lighthouse where it is where it is it's right here right what you need to do here is to extract the lighthouse to the background and for that I used just the quick selection tool here and just go and extract it really quickly I already did that just to save time and I will just copy this lighthouse here let's close this just for a second copied control tamati and i will flip it horizontally and make it smaller like this put it right here maybe make it even smaller we will see and for now I will leave it like so right the next step is to add some stones below the lighthouse so let's go and find some stones this is the image that I find for that what it's really important it's that all your images must match perspective and here the perspective it's a little bit more from about and side and you need to find some stock images that will match those but that perspective and it's not so easy to find them I found this really interesting a piece of rocks and I will use that again you just use anything to extract this out to the background I use just a quick selection tool and you can see this selection it's not perfect at all but it will do the job so let's go and paste this right here make it smaller like so and for now leave it like this right those are rocks okay this is lighthouse okay and let's go and tweaks rocks here let's make them smaller and let me see I'm maybe they're too small something like this maybe press ok and let's put them below the lighthouse because I want the lighthouse to be under us so actually let me see the rocks maybe make them you guys see but for now this is not bad at all you see like no like like like this maybe a little bit bigger and move it here yes something like this and press ok and then I like to create a mask on that I'll just highlight house quickly and let's go to our top layer and load this mask right and I will go here to the rocks and I will erase everything that it's not in this selection so I need to invert the selection for that I will use a keyboard shortcut shift ctrl I or she a shift command I on a Mac just to invert this and then I will use the black brush 100% opacity and just erase everything that it's not here okay let's leave this piece of rock like this have some 3d effect and we'll see about that we'll see about that right but for now I will leave it like so and maybe just erase this a little bit okay actually I don't need this I will raise this because it's really strange to be like that and I want to raise this stone right here actually be strong right here and now what I like to do is to use a really soft brush and maybe 20 percent opacity and just blend blend in this part here just slowly paint or that like so just blend it in the water surface okay and let me see this it's really really nice let's bring back our lighthouse make lighthouse a little bit smaller put it somewhere here maybe a little small so see it's big like this let me see license oh yeah that's that's okay now let's move black house right here let me see let me see that's not bad for example like right here make a mask for light house and maybe maybe erase some parts of the light house okay and some parts of this like so maybe this and just play that play with that until you're satisfied with the result and yeah why not this is really really nice we can make this light house maybe touch bigger let me see like this and that's it alright the next step is to add some rocks below the sea surface below those rocks where the lighthouse is so let's do that right let's find some our image this one I found this one this one and I actually like to use this rock here I will just quick selection tool and really quickly and easily select this rock I'll turn back and that's it this selection doesn't need to be so perfect but that's it I will copy it with ctrl command C and just go back to our image control command V and then I will use move tool ctrl command T flip it vertical like so and just make it smaller like this that's really nice maybe we can make it longer and then put it all the way down below dross that's really really nice just tweak this a little bit move I'm holding now controlled monkey just to move those pourer separately and something like so then again I like to use this top surface selection by holding ctrl command key click on that and before that sorry before that this is those are rocks under under the sea okay and I like to create a mask for that so now let's load this selection and let's go to the mask and I like to erase everything that it's here because this water is not transparent like this way with water from this angle it will not be transparent at least for this example and now I like to lower the opacity of the rocks so that we'll have impression that the rocks are basically under water of course we can maybe they're too deep or higher we want oops but I don't like to move the mask that's sounding the mask and just put it like so and I really like this effect of course you can use any other piece of rock to put it under water maybe a few of them and tweak it to create your own version of this alright and now let's go and put some other things here next thing what I like to add here it's maybe let's go to scroll to the images this one let's copy this image and paste it right here of course it's too big now let's make it smaller I will put it somewhere here let's lower the opacity to see where this image bit make this even smaller like so and we can put it right here okay go back with one Hertz and opacity and now I don't want to extract this whale and diver because to be a lot of small job I don't want to do that I will just create a mask for that and I will use really soft brush and erase everything that is really unnecessary here okay and a little smaller brush just erase everything like so dad I will go and create curves adjustment layer clip it to that and maybe make it a little bit lighter especially the likes then go to the blue color and just add a little bit of the yellow like so and now we can go with maybe 20% opacity just slowly slowly erase everything else Anna later to actually raise part of the image itself because we will need this to be a little bit more transparent like so right and what I like to do here it's to go into week this part of right background it's right here I will make it darker something like this to match those colors why not because I don't want to have a lot more drop down i need to write and now this is really nice let's go to this is diver okay and let's tweak this a little bit more like so and here you want to take this little bit take the mask that's really really nice right if you want you can create a selection for that and that's okay too right let's see yeah I like it really so what I forgot forgot to do in the beginning I like to add some hard surface down where this half of this water is so to do that let's go and find some yeah this is some concrete wall and let's select this part here with rectangular marquee tool and just go back here paste it but let me see where it is it's alright let's paste it right here at top and now I need to load the selection from this left part here let's load a selection create a mask here and now let's create a group for that okay and now I need to select to create a mask for this group and I will use a pen tool and just create bats right here for for this part okay like so and I want to invert the selection with shift ctrl I or shift my I fill it with yeah fill it with black and that's for the group so we can move this right here WAPA we can move this but I missed this part here okay let me see that's okay that's okay let's move this right that's great and I need this part here too so let's double duplicate this by pressing ctrl command J and I wanted to delete this layer mask and to a layer mask from this right side here so let's close the left and go to the right and just go here and this is layer mask next so we have this interesting part or here down below so let's fix this a little bit okay and now we can we can transform this maybe maybe like so see why not over town and then this one too if you want you can tweak it move it to make it smaller rotate it a little bit find the part that you like maybe maybe this one why not like so and then let's find another image let's use this one alright let's go and paste this image to our document and we will do something really fun with this okay I will go right here and I want to clip this image to a group like so I will make this image smaller like so and I want to convert it into black and white again shift control U or shift command U on a Mac and now I want to find the part of this image that will be really nice for this okay and I will put this layer into multiply blending mode just to get rid of whites white color here right and that's really nice we can lower the opacity we can go and blur this layer if you want you will see you'll have like some stains here can blur it or not it's your own preference you can lower the best just have some other imperfections here you can add other textures here anything you want it's your own preference one thing that I want to do here it's let's create an earlier clip it here before that sorry before that I want to go here and use hue and saturation adjustment layer put it like so and colorize because I want this to have a little bit more yellowish or entertained mm something like this and now go to this empty layer use brush and choose some dark color maybe this color and again I just want to make a line right here like so and of course you can tweak that line to have some waves imperfections like this line right here but I will leave it like this for now right we have our well here with the diver let's let's group everything here into an error group and name this button okay and lighthouse is here divers here let's maybe go to the diver let me see Creighton errors player and just a little bit more conscious to be a little bit more visible like so now let's go to this rock and actually the underwater I see rock undersea and make them a little bit more visible like so alright actually we can do something else mmm ask you a saturation adjustment layer clip it here colorized those rocks and put it in this kind of color okay some teal color something like so and now it's a little bit better you can lowered the opacity but of this rock layer rock layer like so and that's really nice right we can now tweak it and add some other angle here maybe this turtle where it is where it is turtle here it is and let's use this quick selection tool and quickly select this turtle out of the background okay see it's not so hard and it's not so slow process right you don't need to be so precise here because this will be underwater and we will not see so many imperfections here in this selection and this is really small photo now I will press Q on a keyboard just to have this quick mask to see where I miss something maybe here yeah right and maybe here but that's really really nice alright now let's copy this and paste it let's go here and paste turbo right here maybe write something like so and let me see move it somewhere somewhere here we can move it wherever you want just lower the opacity just impression that it's underwater and that's basically it it's really really nice and easy so let's fix as some colors here on those surfaces alright let's let's group everything here together and I would call this I don't know some animals okay and yeah and the lighthouse animals and the Lifehouse okay you can name it as everyone right and now let's go to the top here and go to Hue and saturation for example or no let's use I like to use curves let's ease curves and go to the blue channel and just a little bit more yellow to the blue okay and remove some let's go to the red and just move a little bit of the red here I like that and I want to just add to this part here so I will put a mask right here okay like so maybe maybe 40% opacity and just paint like so and then let's deal with this left part left part it's right here another curves adjustment layer and let me see go here and a little bit yellow and remove the red like so go to the green Channel maybe just touch okay and that's before not react it's a little bit better so maybe we can go and lower the duration of death so it's a long the situation something like so oops that's really really nice legs and zoom it a little bit we have really really nice shape so we need to deal with this one here because we need to add some transition actually separation between the upper surface and this one you can go and add we will do that right at the right one right here add a new layer use white brush let me see that's nice and add just a little bit for the whiteness right here at the top and something like so it's really really nice so you can go and find some waves and add waves at the top here just a little bit some some little bit splashy effect so I will just 10% opacity whoops white color and just write this a little bit let me see if I put this into overlay yeah it's much better so let's duplicate this and we have really really nice suppression I've just duplicated the same layer in the overlay blending mode I can lower the past a little bit and that's really really nice alright the next step is to add some floor and a shadow for this interesting shape so let's do that right let's find find this one okay and now I will paste this right about field called layer like so ctrl + T make it smaller and now I'll tweak this like so then I will press and hold three three keys shift ctrl + alt or shift command adult and just move it in perspective like so and let me see that's really really nice we have really nice perspective here and let me see yeah we have something like this really interesting alright and now I will put the mask here and just erase with maybe 20 percent opacity really soft brush just blend it with this part okay and basically to have something like like so wanting what we can do this is this is a floor right let's add a shadow and then I will show one thing when interesting thing that we can do let's add a new layer this is shadow okay and I will use just pan to to create some interesting maybe from here and easy shape okay and I will fill that with the black and this will be our shadow and of course I'll lower the pasty a lot like so and I will use masks for that go to the gradient tool use black and white and just click just go here like so maybe like like so and then I can manually click that again with a brush okay and this is just basic shadow shape we can create this hole here but actually this shape it's really strange so hmm let's let's erase let's erase this even shorter shadow it's really very strange shape all right and let's leave it like this for now and what I like to show it's one other trick that you can add some c4 right down below here and for that I'll use this image right off it go here paste this image all the way here it doesn't matter actually you can move that later and let me see let's leave it like so this big and I like to load this right right surface selection so let's go here to the right one below the selection go here and paste this in okay and now let me show you let's let's or the pass the create group out of this okay and I like to add had mass to this group first I will create a shape that I like it's here it's something like this something like this okay and add mask here so we have this floor I would feed the mask of course mmm let me see this is yeah how do is just brush and go manually percent Bastian go click here press and hold shift and click here like so and we have really nice floor so one more time to find proper angle that's great and what I like to do now is just go here use really soft brush and maybe 30% opacity and just make this a little bit more baked okay something like so just have for it basically barely visible like so and that's really really nice alright now we can tweak this image even a little bit more we can add some birds maybe add some clouds etc etc and then use global dodging burning to even make it a little bit better and color corrected so I will now quickly just add some birds and you can add some clouds if you want and I will stop there and go straight to Dodge and burn and color correction let's do that right let's go and use this image of birds right and place it right here ok this is just bird silat and you can use anything you want for example I will place it right here or maybe you can rotate it to go to the lighthouse why not or from the lighthouse and now that's basically now what I like to do is use the curves and add global dodging burn and if you don't know how to dodging burn I have great tutorial about that link it's right here and this will be for Dodge and another it's for burning okay this is V for bird and I like to put both of this into a group because I will add mask this group from this shape so I need to go and load the selection from the top ctrl command click right then from the right shift control or shift command click to add this as a selection append it to this one then to the left again you can see when you press shift and control or shift or command you'll see this plus icon add that to and then go to the lighthouse because I wanted to include that it's right here lighthouse lighthouse where is it it's here okay oops at lighthouse to Dan rocks okay just trust the rocks and I want to erase the selection it's not quite good but we will do that manually and then plot this as a mess so we have masks that we need but I want to add those rocks here where where the rocks rocks rocks okay like so and I wanted tweak this a little bit I just press the Q on a keyboard and with the black and white I'm just making this selection okay and what I don't need here it's this part right and doesn't matter I have this selection go here to the mask and pay paint with white with 100% pasty just this part here let me see yeah and we just added this part of the rocks here okay and let's deselect this and erase oops erase this part okay and now we can use this dodging burn with really soft brush maybe ten or twenty ten percent opacity and now I want to use ten percent opacity here and I want to make this part a little bit brighter okay and some part here lifehouse and rocks a little bit brighter okay and maybe some part here a little bit brighter okay maybe five percent opacity because it's too much then go to the burnin they sparked a little bit darker and this part here especially this part about the darker okay maybe this part a little bit darker and yeah this part about the darker especially this part right here okay and you can invest a lot more time to tweak this let's just make this part right right and that's basically I like to darken this part to the rocks a little bit okay maybe this part here this part here a little bit the shadow from the lighthouse but now it's a little bit better and then I like to add another curse for global dodging like so and I just like to touch this part so the main light will be from here and actually I don't like this concrete floor so I will erase it from from this part right here okay because I really don't like it so much and this would be something like this right and that's basically it now what I like to do is to merge everything into one layer and color correct it with that camera filter and that's it we will finish for today right let's go to the top layer shift ctrl Alt key or shift command option key on a Mac and just merge it everything into one layer go to the filter and go to the camera roll filter right and what I like to do here let's see add a little bit more contrast right a little bit more clarity then I got here and like to haze it to just a touch and add a vignette right feather it then I like to split down this this will be colorful shadow and this is before highlights it's really nice stone I really like it I can go right here for camera calibration and just cover the situation of the greens you can see different I really like this this stone and maybe just maybe go left with the blue hue like so and then forward radius and sharpen this a little bit something like this and that's basically it let me see if I go with the blacks right here that's like so and press okay and this is before and after before and after alright guys that's it for today finally and I hope that you like this tutorial and you learn something new out of it and yes this image is far away from perfect and it's basically not finished yet because you can tweak it a lot more and you can add even more elements and pay attention to details even more but the point this tutorial it's not me making a perfect image it's rather me showing you the methods and the tools how you can create this all by yourself so have fun experiment invest even more time creating a better result that I did today and if you have any questions at all regarding to this episode please leave them in the comments below I will be glad to answer them of course you can add even more elements to this image maybe some shape that sits here on the water surface or some other elements down below to that flat a concrete floor or anything that you want you can create even the some other custom base shape for this image you can find online some other complex custom shapes and create image out of that so once again have fun experiment and practice invest a little bit more time see you next week in the next one episode bye bye
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 94,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Penrose triangle, Penrose tribar, Tribar, Photo manipulation, Impossible Triangle, Advanced, Free, Fun, Creative, Water, Sea, Nemanja Sekulic, How to, Triangle, M. C. Escher, Penrose, Composite, Advance, Advance photo manipulation, photomanipulation, Photoshop, Photography, Impossible, stunning, Digital art, Digital photo manipulation, Digital composite, complex, best photo manipulation tutorial, optical illusion, Illusion
Id: oII5-AtiXdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 12sec (3072 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2017
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