How to Creatively Blend Two images in Photoshop | Photoshop Tutorial

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in this video I'm going to show you how to create this photo manipulation using Photoshop so let's get started hey what's up guys drool here and as you can see this is the final output now the great thing about this effect is that it looks cool but it's actually pretty simple as you can see there are not many layers so to create this first of all we need to open the background and for that I'm gonna go to file open select the background roll photo and open it now before we start working on the effect I'm going background to be a little bit longer horizontally and it's actually pretty easy to do select your crop tool from here and make it a little bit bigger like this and then confirm it after that we need to fill up this area for that select your marquee tool from here and make a square like this then press shift till it so this box will come up then go to your options and make sure content over is active hit OK and it's gone now to remove the selection go to select and deselect background is ready let's add the Swimmer image and for that go to file and this time you will select place embedded and here select the Swimmer photo and place it I'm gonna make it a little bit bigger now if you have old version of Photoshop you should hold your Shift key so it stays in proportion so I'm gonna make it a little bit like this if you have hard time knowing what's going on you can reduce the opacity so you can compose it easily so I think here the swimmer looks okay and make the opacity back to 100% now we need to make selection of the model mainly we just need to make proper selection of the face rest is all right so for that go and select your quick selection tool from here and then make selection of the model it doesn't have to be super accurate and if you want to be precise you can always use pen tool but I think this looks all right and then we need to apply a layer mask so make sure your selection is active then go and click on the layer mask icon and boom it's done after that we need to bring out the area nearby and for that I'm gonna use brush tool so select your brush tool and in the pasady make sure it's 100% and even more important right click and make sure hardness is 0% then also make sure your mask is active then you can make your brush little bit smaller using bracket keys and then oops my mistake when you paint make sure that the color here is white then you can paint on the model like this so you have a little bit of fade between water and Road now it doesn't have to be super perfect as you can see here I'm gonna show you how to fix it now it looks good but it's not that good so to make it better make sure Swimmer layer is active then press command J ctrl J for windows now you have to select the bottom one right and then you can rename it to let's say swimmer hard light so as we named it go to the blending options and change the blend mode to hard light and make sure it's at the bottom now again make sure brush is active and then you click on the layer mask and also make sure a color here is white now you can paint in the distance like this so as you can see this one is a little bit darker and it blends in a lot better with the road I'm going to show you how to blend it even more now go to opacity of this layer and change it to 65 so as you can see now it blends in a lot better this is for tutorials on being quick but you can take your time and like paint it even more carefully now what I want to do is make this blue water kind of black so it blends in with the road and to do that we need to group both of this layer so hold your command key and click on both of this layer and then press command G so it will grow both of them now create a new adjustment layer from here and you have to select hue/saturation here again make sure that your clipping mask is on so whatever changes you make as you can see it will only stay on the bottom layer okay now go to your masters here and turn it to the side and here make the saturation all the way zero so as you can see it looks perfect and then again go to your blues and then make it all the way to the minus hundred so in case we missed something so composition is ready and now I want to do some changes in background so for that activate your layer zero right click and select convert to smart object this is really important don't forget it okay after that you can go to filter blur and then select Gaussian blur in the Gaussian blur keep it somewhere around like five to six pixels and hit OK now I don't want it on entire image of course so for that you can click on this layer mask of the filter now make sure that the brush tool is active and since we want to remove it make sure color here is black a pasady hundred and then you can remove it from the foreground like this so now you can see we have this really nice depth of field after that I'm gonna do some changes in lighting for that right click on the layer 0 hence click on blending options in the blending option go and click on the gradient overlay now in the gradient you can look at the settings the gradient style I chose is black and white hit OK and it's coming from left to right so angle is one-eighty style is linear and the blend mode is soft light opacity you can keep it like 40 to 50 percent however strong you want so I think 40 looks okay then hit OK background is ready now let's add some artificial lighting for that activate your few saturation layer and then click on this new layer icon we have blank layer after that click on the paint bucket tool and fill it with black color make sure that the color is black it's really important then go to your filter render and then select lens flare in the lens square I'm gonna select the third one 105 keep it in center and then hit OK now I'm also going to apply some blur on the lens flare so go to filter blur and then Gaussian blur you can skip this step if you want it depends on you so I'm gonna go and hit OK so it's really soft after that go to your blend mode and then change it to screen so the black part is gone then select your move tool and then now you can move it around to the side something like this now at the moment it's colorless so let's make it colorful for that create new adjustment layer and then select hue/saturation now again I'm going to turn on the clipping mask so whatever changes we do will stay on the lens flare so I'm gonna make it colorize and then I'm going to increase the saturation to somewhere like 60 70 percents it's very noticeable and then go to your hue and you keep it like 30 40 all you have to do is get really nice orangish color so 41 looks alright and then close it so model and background both are ready now I'm gonna do some color correction on on entire photo for that go to your adjustments layers then select selective colors in the selected colors first of all make sure your neutrals are active now I'm going to add in some red color so for that I'm gonna make it minus eight then I'm gonna go to my yellow and add a little bit of yellow so four to five should be enough for looks good after that go to your blacks in the black I'm gonna just remove a little bit of black so we have you know that hazy look a little bit looks alright then you can go and close it so final effect is ready now all you have to do is add this little bit of things here and there so first of all I'm gonna make the lens flow a little bit bigger activity or layer one here the lens flare then press command T and then you can make a little bit bigger and then it just fits is more impactful like this confirm it numb all so gonna make the model bigger so activate your group one the model group command T and make a little bit bigger some adjustment in selective colors and that's it this is the final output I really hope that you guys learned something from this video and if you did hit that like button and if you have any kind of questions or suggestions you can ask me in comment section below and if you wanna check out more videos like this you can click on that subscribe button and visit my channel till then goodbye take care and have some fun with Photoshop
Channel: Tutorials Junction
Views: 2,132,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop tutorial, photoshop effects, photoshop photo effects, photoshop effects tutorial, how to combine two images in photoshop, how to, photoshop cc 2019, photoshop cc, photoshop editing tutorial, photoshop editing, photo manipulation tutorial, photo manipulations, photoshop manipulation tutorials, photo effects tutorial, photoshop cc tutorial, how to blend two images in photoshop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 05 2018
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