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[Music] lift your hands to heaven father we thank you for a powerful evening in your presence we thank you father that this is only possible because of your son jesus the sacrifice you gave has made this night possible you for knew about each and every one of us and you pray destinated us to be justified by you and what you have done lord i pray that this day this evening every single prayer request that somebody has in this room that they are already receiving their answers in the name of jesus healing is their portion deliverance is their portion open doors is their portion open your mouth begin to prophesy unto yourself [Music] [Music] in jesus name look at your neighbor say neighbor it is your moment i can't hear you say neighbor it is your moment if you did not know this is your appointed time do not notice your appointed time i can't hear you if you did not know that this is your point in time this is your time this is your time this is your time this is your time the lord says it is your time the lord says it is your time in jesus name in jesus name whatever you're believing god for whatever you're believing god this night you will receive it this night you will receive this night you will receive it this night you will rest neighbor if you believe it shout fire now i can't hear your rejoicing i can't hear your rejoicing i can't hear your shout to heaven [Music] grab your bibles quickly look at your neighbor says spiritual energy spiritual energy i can't hear you spiritual energy i can't hear you spiritual energy look at your neighbor say neighbor neighbor there is something called spiritual energy there is something called spiritual energy i can't hear you there is something called spiritual energy i can't hear you there is something called spiritual energy grab your bibles quickly isaiah chapter 40 and verse 28 isaiah chapter 40 and verse 28 isaiah 40 verse 28 somebody said glory to be to the lord glory be to the lord are you there yes are you sure you're there yes okay if you are there let's read it together one two three has thou not known hast thou not heard that the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainteth not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding one more time has thou not known has thou not heard that the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainted not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding one more time has thou not known has thou not heard that the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainted not neither is weary there is no searching of his understanding i want you to read it with everything that is in you i want you to read it with everything that is in you one two three has thou not known hast thou not heard that the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainted not neither is he weary there is no searching of his understanding hallelujah i want you to sit in heavenly places hallelujah somebody shall fire fire now tonight we are going to be speaking about spiritual energy amen now you didn't hear what i spiritual energy amen in the realm of the spirit there is something called spiritual energy and uh if you read this verse it testifies of god himself and how he functions and the way he functions causes him not to be wary or either to faint and the reason why he is not fainting neither is he getting tired neither is he getting weary is because of one truth there is knowledge that god possesses there are very few people as he revealed it to i don't know if somebody can hear me now let me read it again and then i will explain it has thou not known has thou not heard that the everlasting god the lord the creator of the ends of the earth fainted not what does it mean to be to be faint to be faint is when you get tired you see in the physical world because of the physical body it doesn't matter how much you eat healthy it doesn't matter how much you work out at some point your body will need rest and you will need to lay down and rest that is how it is period is that actually if you calculate the hours of the day that you actually use their minimum con compared to the hours actually used to be active but every night you have to have sleep why because the body gets weary simply because the body gets tired but the issue is you possess a spirit and you also possess a physical body you are not only a soul but you're also a spirit because the life force of a man is in his spirit i don't know if somebody can hear me when you have what is called a strong spirit when you have something that is called a strong spirit you are able to do things that surpasses normal or or or physics in the natural the reason why samsung was unique is that samsung possess strength that was not only in the natural but defied every law of nature so many people think samsung was a giant was a tall guy he was six seven or six eight but the reality is he was not a tall guy he was actually a small guy i know when you see movies they make him this tall big guy but if you actually read the text there was nothing special about his height hello hello but there was something that would come on something and when this thing came on something it did not matter there was a thousand people coming after him he would slay them it did not matter if they trapped him in the city he will pluck out the gates and walk out it did not matter if the devil came in as a roaring lion he had the ability to destroy the jaw of the amen i don't know if somebody's listening to me there is something called spiritual energy look at your neighbor says spiritual energy spiritual energy i can't hear you spiritual energy now you need to understand something about energy and i'm gonna do a little physics class just a little bit i know some of you skipped school it's a joke don't take it personal now listen to me and listen to me well in physics there are many kinds of energy but the two most common energies are two we have something called kinetic energy which is energy that is in motion and we have potential energy which is energy that is not being used it is available but it cannot be used not that you can't use it but it cannot be used because it requires something to be positioned a certain way in order for it to pull from that energy from the potential energy now in physics there's a word called work and the word work doesn't actually mean going to work work simply means the subject that the energy is operating on so work is not job where you pick up a tree or you you cut down a tree or you're moving files in your office work is simply the subject that the energy is working on is what is called work hello hello hello hello hello hello now you have to understand that when god was creating the universe we use the words that god formed man with his own hands but in reality god never used hands when you read you just hear god saying let there be this let there be that let there be this let there be that but when we speak it in human language what do we say god formed everything with his mighty hand but what you forget is when god was saying let there be this he was pointing energy towards a subject and the energy began to work on that thing and that thing began to manifest and do what god wanted you see your issue is you're trying to use force and you are not supposed to use force you are supposed to use spiritual energy i feel like i'm talking to myself may god give you the spiritual energy may god energize you to do the impossible to make things happen somebody shot fire [Applause] no no no no no listen sit down for a second somebody shout mama gana power the queen of wakanda queen of wakanda now now listen to me and listen to me listen to me well you know mama gana told me you know now when people see me they don't even say my name anymore they say wow your mama gonna power somebody said god is good so listen to me and and understand this by the spirit of god now energy is measured by something called jewels is the measurement of energy jewels hallelujah now what you don't understand is that when you pray it is not your prayer that is not working it is the energy you command to make things happen you see what god is giving you you are not creating anything the bible does not say we are creating it never says that he says god has created and given us everything pertaining to life and what godliness so if i am praying for a house heaven will not open and a house will fall from heaven the energy within me will find my house in beverly hills will find my house in malibu will find my house in simi valley that energy will cause things to be in motion and before you know it i will have the ability to buy it amen so the issue is that you are using force yet god never ordained for you to use force because if you use force you get what weary you see many of you are tired right now some of you are even tired of being tired because you are tired ah i feel like i'm talking to myself now you are angry because you are tired of being tired that you are so tired that you don't want to be tired anymore amen somebody shout spiritual energy spiritual energy you see when you possess spiritual energy you begin to defy what is normal elijah was the first flesh no you didn't hear what i'm saying elijah ran faster than horses a whole chariot of horses and you have to remember the royal chariot usually will have a quality of horses and at least what four four to eight horses because the king has to be faster than everybody it's like you know it was a what what does the president drive the beast it was modified to make sure the president can move well elijah sends what we may say hey there is heavy rain coming you need to get going because when the rain hits you your horses won't work the bible says elijah took his garment tied it together took his sandals put it in his hands the horses are going passes like somebody shout spiritual energy spiritual energy you see it is not an energy you see energy is something that already exists that cannot be destroyed energy just changes forms i don't know if somebody can hear me energy cannot be destroyed it only changes what form so when we say that the devil is powerless is because he actually doesn't own energy that he makes things happen [Applause] okay let me help you let me help you understand something please don't be angry with me i'm just going to teach you your own bible hallelujah hallelujah i want to show you something colossians chapter 1 verse 10 10-16 colossians chapter 1 verse 10 to 16 hallelujah hallelujah that ye may walk worthy of the lord unto all pleasing being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of god keep going watch this strengthened with all might according to his glorious power and to all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness when people read this they don't understand that he's talking about spiritual energy you see some of you cannot handle trial times or times of trying because you lack spiritual energy keep going watch this verse 12 giving thanks unto the father which had made us meet to be partakers of inheritance of the saints in light somebody say energy energy keep going who had delivered who has delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of his son now let me explain something to you the bible says all authority and power comes from where above from where above from beneath above from the corner from hell from the waters so even the power the devil uses is not because he actually has power he has just learned how to use energy now you're missing the okay maybe this is too deep do you realize when the devil came to jesus he uses he used the scriptures do you realize every time satan comes he will use the truth to cause you to go the wrong way manipulation is not creating something you is perverting what is good so all the devil is doing is misdirecting your energy no you do you're not listening to what i'm saying all the devil is doing is he's taking what is inside of you and causing you to shoot yourself the bible says the devil walks around like a roaring lion it means he's not a lion he's using your energy that makes you believe that he's a lion come on so your fear of the devil is simply an illusion because of the power that is inside of you he uses it to scare you that you think that he is powerful have you ever noticed that sometimes you will go through things and you feel like you're actually carrying weight your chest will feel like there is a 5 000 pounds on your chest you can feel it but you don't you can't move it physically but you can feel it but when somebody comes and speaks to you and and tells you i don't even worry about it it's not you know count everything to be okay you know everything will change before you know it you even do you release that energy turns into a positive thing because the worry was not a demon the worry was you misdirecting the energy and putting it in the wrong place if you use that same energy to believe in breakthroughs i feel like i'm talking to myself hold on hold on one second sit for one second let me help you understand something let me help you understand something you see some of you don't understand that simply uses your faith to create the bad you experience satan is using you to invoke his own weapons against you the bible already tells you no weapon formed against you will prosper notice the language a weapon that has been created cannot prosper against you why the devil cannot take it to shoot you but you can take it and shoot yourself he has no power to come and destroy you but he can create something and make you believe you will die of that cancer you will die of that blood pressure you die of that diabetes then you start saying ah it is true ah oh my gosh lord if you want if it be your will o lord yet jesus died on the cross so that it is his will for you to be healed for you to be delivered for you to be transformed for you to receive every good blessing in heavenly places jesus died so you are not condemned jesus died so that you may be redeemed so that you are moved from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light but the issue is you are misdirecting the energy i said you're misdirecting what the energy i like that mama amen the bible says glory in your weakness so that the power of christ may rest on you you are receiving more energy mama i said you are receiving more energy you are receiving more energy you are receiving more energy in the name of jesus now now listen to me the accumulation let me show you how potential energy works give me my bible please give me my but he's bringing it to me i'm gonna i'm gonna demonstrate something just the bible itself yes hallelujah hallelujah watch this potential energy when i hold this bible right now because i'm moving it is using kinetic energy okay it is in motion but there is potential energy called gravity that is ready to make it fall to the ground so as i'm holding it like this gravity is what is making it come back and forth kinetic energy energy is pulling it up but it cannot push it down gravity is what will pull it down are you getting what i'm saying potential energy is only activated when i let it go so many of you prayed potential energy took you and when you got to where you wanted to go to you stopped so you never progressed from where you are because you use potential energy by accident you fell into a miracle and from that day you are praying can more miracles happen but you don't understand that you have the energy to pick yourself up become active and go to a higher dimension and do greater things do better things than your mother your father your cousin your auntie or sister you ever did i am prophesying to somebody that will begin to use every single weapon that god has given you [Applause] somebody shot fire sit down for two seconds so there is something inside of you there is something inside of you that can provoke a reaction without you lifting a finger god never told us to use our strength when jesus called the disciples listen to what he told them now let me explain this before i quote this scripture for you the accumulation the accumulation of energy when energy begins to move something at a greater pace and with a greater force it is no longer measured in jews but it's measured in power so the accumulation of energy is what we call what power so the more power you have the greater control you possess but you cannot get to power until you start with jewels because that is the proper measurement of energy when the word of god is entering you are you connecting and collecting jewels are you capturing revelations i feel like i'm talking to myself because the accumulation of the jewels of the treasures of the word of god triggers something called faith and faith is able to invoke something called power amen you see energy is great but energy can only operate according to the energy you possess but when you grow in the realm of energy it transformed in it transforms into the realm of what we call power when you enter into the realm of power power is now measured in what hello hello hello hello if you go outside and grab the power lines by fire by force i don't know if you can hear me it will change you forever we'll just find a big lamp of coal we won't even recognize you it is still energy but it is an accumulated energy that transforms into what we call power and if you enter in the realm of power you now are able to fulfill the scripture that says the kingdom of god suffers violence and the violent take it by force power is forceful whether the devil wants it whether he likes it whether your brother or sister accepts it whether your enemies are planning against you but because you got the power i said because you have the power especially those who are shouting understanding what is coming over you because you possess power your authority is unquestioned [Applause] i wish somebody could hear me your authority becomes unquestionable no one can question you anymore you become like elijah there will be no rain until i say so you are no longer in the realm of begging god you are now a manifestation of god amen jesus is working with you side by side you are reasoning with god you have become the hand of god on earth now when you walk around now you begin to become a principality you become a principality when you speak angels say yes when you speak demons say yes when you speak god says i back you up a million percent may you receive power may you receive power may you receive power somebody shout spiritual energy spiritual energy since he sit for two seconds sit for two seconds jesus looks at his disciples and tells them tarry in jerusalem go to jerusalem and wait for the holy spirit will come upon you and you will receive what power if you're not manifesting power the holy spirit did not come no you didn't hear what i'm saying you are still in the energy level jesus did not say and the holy spirit comes you speak in tongues the first thing he said wait when it comes you will receive power and that power will release tongues and those things will operate according to the knowledge of god you possess because that tongues now begins to pull and utter mysteries in the spiritual realm you start to receive the language to decode where your blessing is where your breakthrough is wow where the transformation of your life is you can look at a situation you don't have words to say you enter into the realm of tongues things begin to change because the bible says he who speaks in other tongues does not speak to man but speaks to god and he utters what is called mysteries when you begin to utter mysteries you have entered into the unsatiable knowledge of god you begin to know what god knows that he never told anybody but he told you because when you are speaking it it is no longer you speaking but it is god i said it is god i said it is god sit for two seconds look at your neighbor say we are going somewhere we're going somewhere look at your neighbor say power power look at your neighbor says spiritual energy i feel like i'm talking to myself tonight maybe i'm talking to those who are on youtube maybe i'm talking to those who on facebook i am tired of being tired i have decided i am about to shift something i am about to transform some things in my life if you would open your mouth and begin to speak in tongues i speak in violent terms somebody shot fire fire i sit for two seconds some of you your energy is just going the wrong place thereby jesus said this jesus says do not be he says be single-eyed what does it mean to be single-eyed it means your attention needs to be on one thing at a time because if you have a certain level of energy but it is not directed towards any work it does not work because you have limited it you have reduced it because you have scattered it everywhere amen amen you need spiritual wisdom and understanding to know that if i have this energy that god has given me i will pick one thing in my life that i know if that one thing is touched everything else naturally gets into motion you see some of you are wasting time praying for your enemies when you prosper your enemies will become saved amen they will look at you and say surely god lives i thought he will die i thought she will fail yeah i thought she would never go anywhere yeah i thought she will never amount to anything but what is happening is beyond physical understanding they will come to you they say listen pray for me i need your jesus amen may people look at you and desire your jesus yes see i said my people look at you and desire your jesus yeah somebody shout spiritual energy spiritual energy sit for two seconds when you understand this you start being calculated because for you to use energy you have to understand that it is physics even though it's spiritual it is physics but it's spiritual you have to understand how much energy do i possess it means that when i am praying how long can i go for and what is my level of faith that should determine how i pray and i need to work on acquiring more energy so that i can push deeper into other things let me give you an example why is it that you are born again you are saved you have everything going on with you you even shanda laba kadabayata but when you come you pray nothing is happening you come to me i just say it's done everything begins to get in motion it is not that god can't hear you it is the energy you possess does not allow you to make transactions with the spiritual world okay i am done i think i'm finished let me explain to you genesis chapter one genesis chapter one genesis chapter one genesis chapter 1 as fast as you can genesis chapter 1 from verse 1 listen to this in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth read that again in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth go to verse 2 and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters now you read this and you don't understand what god is telling you he's telling you in the beginning he created everything when you read verse 2 all he's doing is using energy to bring what he created to the physical genesis chapter 2 genesis chapter two let me show it to you genesis chapter two beginning verse one genesis chapter two beginning verse one listen to this thus the heavens and the earth were finished first they were created now they are finished how are they finished and all the host of them it means everything that was supposed to be everywhere was done this is the only other time that god says it is finished it was jesus on the cross and this time when jesus said it was finished or it is finished what he was doing is that he was bringing you back to the place that everything is so that you can get it amen because when man fell he was disconnected to this from this place where everything that pertains to life and godliness is located so when jesus came and died on the cross he said it is finished he was paying the debt of sin and the corruption so that you no longer have to be stopped from going to this place amen verse 2 listen to this look at verse 2 and on the seventh day god ended his work notice god ended what his work and when he's talking about work he's not talking about toiling he's talking about god ended where he directed his energy if you read this in hebrew it's not telling you that it was working because you only see him speaking now watch this god ended his work which he had made and rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made verse 3 and god blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all his work which he created and made god did two things the rest was not because he was tired the rest was because where he directed his energy he was done because god doesn't get wary he doesn't get tired so we know that he's not the rest doesn't mean oh i need a break the rest means that okay i am done i am satisfied when the bible says enter into the rest of god it's not saying that you'll no longer be active it is saying you become a billionaire now your worries will not be how to make money amen will be how to impact your community amen how to change people's lives it will give you comfort that you don't worry about your family but you're still in motion because whatever is not in motion is dead so god is blessing the seventh day because of what he made so the seventh day the seven days were days that he directed his energy to a specific location god didn't just do everything at the same time yet he is god god distributed his energy the right way he has limitless power but he says god created the heavens and the earth now he looked at everything that he has and he began to say okay let there be light light is transferring from this location entering the physical realm says okay let there be this is coming from the spiritual realm entering the physical realm because you cannot call forth what doesn't exist okay some people are not listening you think your millions are not there you think your home is not there you think your elevation is not there i'm here to just tell you something extremely simple i'm here to just tell you something extremely extremely what simple extremely what simple what you're looking for is already there let me let me explain to you something let me explain to you something that would be a blessing to you can i explain this is it okay for me to explain this it is impossible for you to think of what doesn't exist come on there is no new idea that you have amen come on people before your time thought of it but they did not have the resources to make it happen that is why inventions are only improved on that is why every year you buy an iphone they just tell you we have better cameras they are no longer reinventing the phone oh we have a more hd screen but the screen is still what a screen is just an improvement when they created cameras you see let me give you an example security cameras security cameras only give you the image of what happened yes it lets you know who came into your house who stole from you and where they went the prophetic is also a security camera that will not only tell you what happened it will stop it before it happens and if it happens it will show you how it happened in order for you to change it technology is trying to catch up to something spiritual yes yes teach that truth people used to watch tv ah this show wow they are distracted hey their whole life is passing them by but me and prophet t.j we can just sit like this and watch visions elijah was watching tv before there was tv that's true in hd not even 6k not even 10k watching it like this and tell you oh by this time tomorrow i saw this and this happening people wait for it and they see they say hey can you believe that thing happened but when you watch tv it's only telling you of already what has happened it's already happened may god you give may god give you spiritual energy to be able to see the trends that are coming in the world so that you may be a pioneer in a certain area for the glory of god so that people's lives may be changed because of you if you believe this shall fire fire now let me show you something we're about to finish we're about to finish somebody say glory to god glory to god somebody shout glory to god glory to god somebody shout glory to god glory to god i love jesus amen ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 ephesians chapter 3 verse 20. listen to this now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to the power that is working in you so the issue is when the holy spirit came he began a work in you he began to send energy to you but how much power did you gather when he began the work in you because what you have in your life is a result of the power working in you not your prayer amen amen that's true that's good [Applause] listen now to him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all you can ask or think according to god is limited by the power that is working in you the problem is not your prayer brother or sister that is the list of your problems when you get power you no longer pray you just say it is done i know you didn't hear what i'm saying amen when you tap into power your prayers will no longer be 20 minutes 30 minutes your one hour your two hours will be jesus i want to know you more jesus i want to love you better yes you are entering into deeper realms of power when it comes to situations what what is what is happening oh just send a word okay it's done there was a man there was a man that sent uh there was a woman actually the man came to church with his wife and uh and i prophesied to them on sunday usually sunday i don't like to do too much prophetic only on thursday night a night like this one amen amen so i looked at the man and i told him i prophesied many other things they were shocked then i told them listen if you didn't come you're going to die because i saw in a vision your heart failing and i saw you in hospital dead but i'm here to tell you god says you're not going anywhere god says you're not going to die you'll go through it and you'll be fine hey amen amen the wife posted online and somebody folded it to me say papa look at what you you said it happened the man all of a sudden his blood pressure just dropped he got hospitalized and the guy was was dying then the wife told me uh the doctors were that the nurse was looking and saying that they had no hope she said no no no no don't worry do what you have to do i already know he's not dying after a few days he's back home nobody can understand how it happened amen but the prophetic goes ahead of time i release a word in your life i said i speak a word in your life may every situation that the enemy wanted to do to you somebody shout back to sender somebody shout back to sender in jesus name in jesus name no no no no sit sit sit for two seconds we're about to finish we're about to finish we're about to finish so we can prophesy amen now now let me tell you this prophecy only works based on the dimension of power you possess that is what the bible says let him that prophesied prophesy according to the measure of what faith you see some of you will try to create energy that you don't have father i declare tomorrow i'm a billionaire stop lying it sounds good but that's not faith that's foolishness and because you're trying to skip levels that's why you're not building up power because you're not increasing the capacity the deposit of power you see the quality of a power bank is based on how much power it can bring in and store because energy must be what conserved yes that is why every year they bring out a phone that has a better battery they say it has five more minutes if you don't make your screen bright and you don't leave it on twit tik tok and instagram if you turn down your volume then the speaker but you notice that with technology advancing with technology advancing everybody is making things more power efficient if you look at everything it's an eco mode you know yes your car electronic car no gas anymore because gas was using force your engine has to burn the oil in order for it to run you're teaching but if you're in tesla now it's just using energy the engine is no longer overworking there is no engine there is something called a motor you step it goes with gas you have to god is removing you from the realm of force amen god is transferring you to the realm of power amen so you need to ask yourself this question what am i doing what am i doing to make sure that my power storage is always conditioned what am i doing to make sure that i'm always expanding the power reserve that i have how am i doing that because if you are not paying attention to what you possess you see many of you leave everything to god yet god is waiting for you amen oh father i'm just waiting here elon musk is making billions oh father when my time comes hold on and god is looking say you have no time that is why it says chance comes to the prepared and notice god even says you will not be tempted or tested beyond your ability so everything that god sends to you he sends according to the power you possess difficult times god is measuring your power he's trying to show you you are still a baby stop asking for your beverly hills house your power can make a thousand right now but even the management of the thousand is bad you don't tithe you don't do anything but you're trying to build a bigger reserve god is saying you're not ready when you receive it you waste it on things that don't matter because you saw somebody on on instagram or something looking a certain way you want to look like that listen i am all for living your best life the bible wants you to do that anyone who tells you otherwise has never read the scriptures god wants you to be blessed you are all priesthood the evidence of you being a child of god is the goal that you are done with but david did not just appear on the throne when he was neglected by his father he was busy killing lions and bears by the time goliath stood before him he was ready now you didn't hear what i'm saying he was so prepared he even knew this one i don't need to go and grab remember the bible says it like this david said when the lion took one of the lambs i went and i took the lamb out of his mouth and killed it it means he received energy like samson to slay a lion amen he said i killed a bear who is this uncircumcised philistine he looked at the philistine and said you are not even savage enough he's a jew i just need revelation he went to the riverbank and picked five rocks the number of grace he entered into effortless realm now imagine if he took a rock and threw it to goliath he would have gone and poop but when he took a slingshot not effort energy he just wanted goliath was done he didn't use any force when saul looked at him he said you need bigger armor you need a bigger sword you need a bigger this you need a bigger that you need this you need that he said no no no no no i just need to use the energy i have yes the reason why many of you are still praying lord i put on the armor no you don't have it on because it is the number and the level of energy you possess in you that is why if you look at the scripture that is spoken about the armor of god it's not a declaration thing tells you i take the the bracelet at the the breastplate of of what righteousness so if you don't know righteousness you cannot put it on you see in prayer meetings people say put the breastplate i put it on lord you think they're working out i put the shoes of peace speed is nonsense it's giving you information and you're not decoding it anyone who does not have or does not understand righteousness can never be protected from the enemy because the bible says your righteousness is like what filthy rags so i need to tap into the righteousness of who jesus god is removing you from working he wants to use his energy to work through you look at your brother and sister say brother next you say brother brother look at your sister say sister stop using your energy god wants you to use his god this is why you're tired the world of today is what i need to do this i need to do you don't understand how to channel god greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world but you never bring him out you are still using you and hoping that the great one that is inside of you will come through somehow the issue is you don't know how to harness energy if you look at the sun the sun is not fighting to burn it's just its nature to be a gas giant that is just on fire but the rays that we receive is the energy that is being produced if you take a magnifying glass and focus that energy you start a fire if you're like on this side of the world with us it gets hot and some little wind comes fire yet the sun is not trying to burn it those are the after effects in fact it is delayed it's late the sun rays we enjoy are eight minutes late you are enjoying old light not even new light so the the sun is not struggling to burn let me let me give you an example have you ever asked yourself why space is dark teachers why is space dark but when you get out of space you look at earth the earth is glowing you look at the other planets it's glowing but space is dark yet there are lights a lot of stars our sun in fact is so small they are bigger suns than our stars than our sun that's true but space is dark because energy is not directed anywhere so the planets that it touches it they glow many of you are just shooting your energy into nothing and you're wondering why something is not happening learn to direct the bible says a person who is divided in his mind can never receive anything from god yes is not ask receive meaning your ability to receive is the focus of the energy when i believe god for something what i have done is i have sent now a link into what i want my faith is the force in which i will use to pull it power is the unquestionable power that i will get what i want are you listening to what i'm saying look at peter the spirit of god comes upon them peter was shy became bold he preached that day more people were saved peter goes with john to the to the to the temple the beautiful gate he gets there he finds somebody asking for silver and gold he said listen my friend silva and gold i don't have but what i have what do you have he did not say let me pray for you father i believe [Music] by his stripes by his stripes it doesn't work he doesn't work like that peter didn't sit there and begin to cut by his stripes by your stripes when your blood gushed out we are healed may he be healed jesus didn't do that paul didn't do that peter didn't do that none of the apostles did that he looked at him and said i know you're asking me for silver and gold that one i don't have but i'm gonna give you something whether you asked it or not in the name of jesus rise up and walk and he pulled him up when you have power even if you don't want to be blessed you will be blessed amen no you didn't hear what i'm saying when you have power whether they like it or not you'll be blessed now watch what happens in acts chapter 4 i believe they get arrested they get beaten seriously hallelujah hallelujah let me show you let me show you this so that we can get into this thing glory be to god glory be to god are you learning something yes you know i don't want to you know motivation is not energy [Music] stop being motivated amen become energy amen energy is just self-sufficient it just works hallelujah hallelujah okay now look at this uh okay look at this acts chapter 4 verse 25. acts chapter 4 verse 25 when they were released they went to their friends and reported that what the chief priests and the elders had said to them and when they heard it they lifted their voices together to god and said sovereign lord who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them who threw the mouth of your our father david your servant said by the holy spirit why did the gentiles rage and the people plot in vain the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers were gathered together against the lord and against his anointed for truly in this city they were gathered together against your holy servant jesus whom you anointed both herod and porteous pilot along with the gentiles and the people of israel to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place and now lord look upon their threats and their and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness while you stretch out your hand to heal and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant jesus and when they had prayed the place in which they were gathered together was shaken and they were filled with the holy spirit and continued to speak the word of god with boldness listen they were filled before but they realized the energy they received can be challenged they healed somebody but they had the power to beat them they had the power to say uh this may be a gimmick they did they said lord stretch your hands give us not only boldness stretch your hands and do even more miracles they ask god for more power they demanded more power that peter got to a dimension whereby his shadow he no longer to say father in the name of jesus it was a waste of time when they knew he was going to ralph's people just lined up outside his shadow he just walked amen may your shadow may your shadow may your shadow not even you your shadow amen [Applause] may your reflection just cause things to begin to work see hallelujah hallelujah i want you to stand and i want you to pray genuinely before god i want you to stand in genuinely before the lord god genuinely before jesus say lord i need power i need spiritual energy i am realizing that is not the the articulateness of my words father in the name of jesus thou art holy lord it doesn't work you may have an accent like me but you have power i look at your jealousy listen the difference between where you are and where you want to go is power amen it's not prayer power determines the level of your prayer prayer does not determine your power this is why we have people shouting in church zero power ah service is done wow that was a great service zero power zero transformation that's why some people are forcing people to fall are you going to feel this power today jesus change the things at home i don't want to fall falling is good but i need things to change at home i want it to go beyond just feeling some ebg bees i want my life to transform amen jesus prayed for people people fail when the holy ghost comes people fall but i want not only to fall i want next week the next day the next hour my phone beginning to ring saying oh yeah that business still finally went through what you are waiting for finally worked out uh you don't know you know what uh we actually fixed your contract we made a mistake we said 5 million you deserve 10 million are your bonus i'm sorry we did not realize we did not give you a promotion but we need to give you a promotion we are going to increase your wages remember my my wonderful armenian family in the back him and his children they came i told him by next week by this day they will call you you have an email and that thing will be released he gets home like this the email comes boop somebody said power somebody shot power this is what we call spiritual energy it makes things get in motion the level of motion is determined by the level of energy i want you to seriously we are not even going to play music yet seriously even you guys every one of you has great destinies you see listen to me listen to me carefully i can only be here i can only travel to one place or another place i'm not everywhere but guess what who god planted everywhere is you some of you are in movies some of you are in different kinds of entertainment businesses some of you are business people some of you are you are everywhere but imagine if you carry the power i have and even more amen but you are in film you are in music you are in business how many more things will you accomplish amen it's true i thought i would hear better amen may those who are shouting a man receive [Applause] those who are shouting amen receive greater power may you be able to receive greater power should shout amen listen to me carefully the first level to be able to receive power is you have to empty yourself you're occupying the place that power should stay or be conserved by your doubt you have been doubting what did it produce can you let it go now i don't know if you can hear me you're holding on to doubt but you keep sinking i think it's about time to be like you know what let me transfer the energy yes into believing that didn't do anything did zero for you you're about to pray you know i'ma watch netflix a little bit the moment you want to say father in the name of jesus you realize your spiritual battery is so low it can't keep your body up the past few days have been running on two hours of sleep i'm here like i'm up the whole day i come here i do live stream god told me to come at at 4am do live stream go home to sleep for an hour by the time i get home is six sleep for like an hour an hour and a half i'm up and you'll never know that i'm tired spiritual energy amen amen spiritual energy a lot of my brothers the prophets they always ask me ah how do you do this thing they always look at me how are you doing this why are you so you're always on the go water because there is you see jeremiah said it like this he said your word is like fire he's saying there is energy within me i cannot help but speak the word of god i cannot help but prophesy into my life i cannot help but put things in motion because if i don't i feel like i'm burning because energy if it is not used there will be friction how does a dead man called elisha his bones are still storing energy a man dies they toss his body next to him the philistines are coming they toss his body touches elijah he comes back to life may the spiritual energy transfer not only from your spirit let it enter your flesh amen that whatsoever you lay your hands on kalama shaya he did not say when you pray for it just the fact that you touch it yes just the fact that you do what touch it just the fact that you touch it done i want you to lift your voice yes empty yourself of everything that you knew say lord i'm tired of using my strength i'm tired of using my energy i am tired lord you said that you will renew my strength and that renewal it means i am receiving strength that is not mine if you renew your passport it means the passport looks like your old one but it's not your old passport tell the lord i need new strength for the next dimension of my life open your mouth and seriously pray clap those hands clap those hands open your mouth clap those hands and pray walk around and pray walk around and pray be serious with your prayer ask god ask god to do it ask god to do it ask god to do it he said nobody can ask for the holy spirit and that he will deny him receive power open your mouth open your mouth open your mouth renew my strength is you need another dimension you need another level you need another dimension you need another level you need another dimension father empower me afresh empower those who are online empower those who are here in the name of jesus fresh oil fresh oil fresh expand your capacity expand your capacity don't worry about who is next to you don't worry about who is looking at you expand your capacity let's [Music] lift your hands to heaven something is coming over you everybody's if unless you're sick you can sit if you're not sick stand up amen father i pray that there will be fresh oil that will pour from heaven i decree and declare there will be fresh oil that will come from heaven i decree and declare that light will manifest as your word says in genesis chapter 1 light be yes light breeze light breeze light b light be light be in the name of jesus let every demon that was hiding causing the energy to be misdirected causing them to go around the same circle in the name of jesus i destroy that spirit now i command that spirit to come out in the name of jesus i command that spirit to come out in the name of jesus you evil spirits you evil powers you demonic forces wherever you are in the name of jesus i remove you now out of their homes out of their businesses out of their bodies out of their bodies out of their bodies out of their bodies out of their bodies out of their bodies spirits hiding in their blood [Music] spirit hiding in their mind however they had access to them i draw you out [Music] misfortunes by the power and the energy of the holy spirit i pull every goal down evil spirit i expose you now listen to the voice of god i bring your nature forward and i command you to no longer have a place to hide even for those who are watching at home in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus every spirit that has been holding your career every spirit that has been holding your destiny every spirit that has been holding your health every spirit that has been holding your finances wherever you are wherever you are leave these people now witchcraft sorcery wherever you are leave these people now come to me come to me come to me come to me come to me quick quickly son just look at me leave her leave her in the name of jesus
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 9,529
Rating: 4.9854279 out of 5
Id: aIDmvJrwNxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 39sec (4839 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 29 2021
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