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we have people visiting from all around the world you flew from new york i actually went to mexico for a vacation and i said i have to come here if i go back to new york before you go back to new york yes where did you travel from santana where's fontana like two hours away wow um i flew in uh the plane landed about four pm so you just came to be in service yes [Music] you came from vegas yes you came from las vegas wow praise god [Applause] join us and be sure to bring a friend [Music] in the realm of the spirit i saw a spirit of death that had been released to you this is like one two three four five months they diagnosed you with cancer yes oh my god [Applause] three years ago this happened and god gave you victory and now again i am looking in the spirit and the lord opened my eyes and i saw it return again the lord jesus will give you victory the lord jesus will heal you amen the lord jesus will restore you you will go through the treatments but let me tell you don't be afraid you'll come out on top you will not die but live do you know somebody called jan or jane who's that brother the lord said that he's going to bless john because of you because in the realm of the spirit it's like john was a very big help to you she brought you okay [Applause] question for you have you ever been to the philippines before now i have a question for you are you listening to me yes i am seeing two girls are you listening to me two girls you have two sisters prophesy we need to pray because in the realm of the spirit it's very strange i saw the enemy attacking people mentally in your family yes huh yes i saw very strangely i saw a spirit like a cloud that went and sat on people's heads and i saw these two young women under attack mentally dangerously i saw the spirit of anxiety depression confusion settling on these people yes ah yes the lord said when i pray for you he is going to touch these two women amen are you listening to me and the grace of god that is on me is transferring to you as you lift up your voice and pray for them the lord says he would touch each and every one of them let me ask you sir do you know somebody that operates like medical machinery you got it that's me bro did you come by yourself or did you cover fiance come close do you know anyone that struggled with drugs oh yeah who myself prophesy the lord is gonna really bless you and the lord is gonna really help you amen when i pray for you this spirit will leave you and it will never return still small voice is not a voice that says i am god and you hear it within yourself there's still small voice is unknowing beyond knowing that you know that you know that you know there was a fire it was external elijah knew god is not external but he is internal there was a strong wind god was not in the wind there was a strong earthquake he was not moved but the moment he had within himself i am talking to people who are hearing a voice within themselves right now the voice that says you are above and not below despite what you're going through despite the troubles you are seeing despite the fact that you have gone through a divorce despite people have rejected you despite people have turned against you look at your neighbor say i am unbroken i want to help her and to help you okay i want to help her it's okay just look at me mama look at me liver come out over come out you can move the mic away come out of her hush come out come out of her you infirmity liver take everything you came with out come out and cause her body to be normal again [Music] lift that foot lift lift that leg lift it lift the leg i just touched lift it lift it lift it again lift it again lift it put it down lift it again put it down lift it again lift it again down up down up come to me walk walk to me walk to me you don't need anybody come to me come to me come to me come to me come to me [Applause] [Music] come to me come to me come to me come to me turn around walk with me [Applause] come to me could she do that before huh no she was having a problem she was having problems with her legs you couldn't do this before come to me come to me walk faster faster faster follow me follow me follow me follow me follow me run run run run come come come come back up [Music] [Music] what happened what happened i got a little more strength in my legs more than little you're running somebody said power say jesus can heal jesus fear that spirit left you that was trying to destroy you i'm healed i've washed in the blood of the lamb amen [Applause] you're sure you're not a paid actor are you acting right now no no this is real amen look how she is i cannot walk i feel like something is under my feet and i'm going like i'm crippled and what is happening i don't know it's gone hallelujah you can praise jesus better wait prince he's with his dad right now where um in lancaster okay let me ask you a question why am i seeing your mother leaving you when you're little prophesy [Applause] huh yeah she left me when i was eight and put me in a foster home don't don't tell me i'm watching it [Music] prophesy go deep go deep you are actually not eight you are about to be eight that's when she gave you up [Applause] you are going to be eight you are not eight yeah i am watching it i am listening to the conversation when it happened what i'm seeing in my vision is very interesting i am seeing you young and being given up are you listening to me yes that is why i asked you why am i seeing your mother leaving you obviously if you're grown like this it doesn't matter if you're you're a grown person you should be by yourself right yes but i'm seeing a vision of a young child being given up yes now what happened is very strange because even years later your relationship with your mother has never been good anyway exactly with none of your family prophesy prophesy now the issue that i'm watching and i am seeing in the spirit is that when you are left are you listening to me yes when you are left there is a spirit that entered you yes and this spirit was like a vagabond spirit yes whereby you could not stay in one place yes even now you cannot be stable in one place three months ago you are somewhere else and now you are somewhere else [Applause] thank you jesus thank you jesus are you listening to me yes there is no form of stability to you yes because even as i'm watching in the realm of the spirit your child actually is not with you as it should be he actually is with a man they give you ability [Music] [Applause] and the person is actually using when you went to court are you listening to me when you went to court he said that you are not yes disabled yeah you are not mentally i am seeing them even trying to get you on medication so that you can come down because of anxiety and things like that prophesy you're deep papa you're deep [Applause] you're too deep so now the issue is the issue is you're supposed to reach a certain standard in order for you to actually have access because as i'm talking to you right now it's been a while since you've seen him yes it hasn't been recent yeah it's been a while he has kept him from you yes prophesy prophesy i think you guys are tired we're not tired we're not tired [Music] amen amen jesus have you ever seen a dream that you see a dog coming after you yeah prophesied prophecy yes and it's not just one time multiple times you will see this dog coming after you i prophesy yes prophesy and when you see this dog sometimes it even has little puppies that will also chase chase after me yes [Applause] jesus now i'm going to tell you something not to scare you okay this is our last spirit trying to take a hold of you to make sure that you remain vagabond jumping from one place to another place to another place to another place nothing relationship will ever stick oh it's a spiritual thing but it's not your fault all this is actually not your fault this all began with what happened with your mother prophesy are you listening to me yes but the lord says you'll be set free you'll be liberated are you listening to me now where were you that i'm seeing somebody try to stab you [Music] in my house i almost got killed almost a year ago you are seeing with a knife right yes [Music] wow what exactly happened oh my goodness um he got possessed somehow he was drinking and he went after me while i was asleep in your bedroom right yes jesus [Music] prophesied prophesy wow is this the kid's father or somebody else it's someone else but this person has children also yes two yes prophet [Applause] let's go bump inside go deep go deep we came you know you almost went to jail [Music] it's true it's true yes because i am seeing somebody being caught with some stuff yes yes and you are with this person yes and they actually got you yeah you went in for some time but you are not actually sentenced god says yes [Applause] this is like 19 2019 2018 2019 2020. it was 2020 2020. yes prophesy [Applause] wow wow but the lord said when i pray for you what you missed in last year's march you're going to get [Applause] [Applause] are you listening to me in the realm of the spirit spiritually i want to give you an alias in your family [Music] [Applause] because you have been blessed with girls amen but you need an alias amen how many girls [Music] jesus now spiritually okay spiritually before i go into detail have you been married for one year almost one year almost a year [Music] almost nine months nine months [Music] somebody said there's a seer simmy [Music] professor [Music] i'm just trying i saw my spirit where you used to live but i feel like they came from around that area okay before you say it so in case i miss prophecies where did you move from minneapolis oh my god oh my god what city saint cloud but minnesota jesus [Music] [Music] now the problem is i'm trying to read this name is difficult i get that all the time and how do you say it [Music] [Applause] hold on put your hand like this [Music] m o r g [Music] that is the one i can't see that's the one i'm not finding so i have to look to find her our power okay can i ask you a question [Music] small question just more question just more questions [Music] [Applause] is that what she does yeah but i'm also hearing music is she around musicians or not yeah she plays the guitar okay we have a musical family my three sisters and i sang as an acapella group it's all a musical oh you're a musical okay you are supposed to be in an accident and not be here wow are you listening to me i'm watching a situation that happened that should have taken you right before the wedding professor i'm seeing you on the freeway okay you are about to exit like this satan attacks you and tries to destroy you ah is this true [Music] you are the anointing that would take the grace of the miller family to another dimension amen can i say something yes yes my name actually means the um the hands of god upon you of course your name is what anointed you guys are not getting it i'm done do you guys know anyone that they had to take spinal fluid who is that so i have an adopted family in the us yes took me in and blessed my life yes and the grand kid they had to do a bone marrow transplant on one of the kids and that's how he survived [Music] and the lord says he will prosper you in everything that you're trying to do whatsoever your hands is going to touch the lord says it shall prosper you now in a weird manner i saw you holding books i don't know why i am seeing you going studying stuff right to be a counselor but i'm also about to publish a book [Music] now the lord says whatsoever you shall touch you are about to explode the miller family to another dimension [Applause] [Music] how are you mama you're good yeah okay now i want to help you because you're not here for yourself yeah you are here for her yes it is for her yes now in the in the realm of the spirit yes we need to pray for mama and secure her okay because in the realm of the spirit i'm seeing some strange dreams coming to her at night yes are you listening to me yes when she's sleeping she's seeing people coming after her and she's even seeing herself dead that they're trying to kill her and bury her before time it's true yes even yesterday even yesterday now in the realm of the spirit i am watching this and i need to help mom because you came because of her because i'm seeing fear gripping her are you listening to me fear overwhelming her sometimes now what i am seeing in my vision the people around us think that it's a mental condition like there's something going on that is there you know it's just age it's just this it's just that is it she's telling them things and they're not listening to her yes is this true mama yes because i'm seeing them saying ah some you know just age and this and that and nobody is really looking after her as they should prophesy that's true now the issue that they don't understand is actually what she's speaking about is not myth it's actually a real spiritual battle that is happening it's true are you listening to me in the realm of the spirit spiritually spiritually very strange do you know anybody that has been to uganda yes i was there you were in uganda yes [Applause] yes i went to the meeting i was going to the meeting there to the meeting one christian meeting when came a long time like three two times okay now should i continue thank you yes yes do you realize that after you went the first time is when this thing started yes huh yes professor ah you guys are tired i'm going to stop [Applause] are you listening to me where you went was not bad but you attacked yes that's true you are attacked yes let me tell you what happened can i tell you what happened yes when you traveled there was some clothes of yours that disappeared yes huh yes i didn't remember ideas for after a long time but then i find it across i didn't find it [Music] ah you guys are tired i'm going to slow i'm trying to move quickly and be a blessing to people they took your clothes to mess you up it was not anything that you did but it was an attack against you are you listening to me yes and after that period things just started getting weird you're not sleeping well you're not resting well attacks are coming after you attacked sometimes even in your own room you'll see like a figure of a man yes that's true do you remember a morning you woke up with a scratch yes huh many times yes the one that i saw one of them was like across their arm like this yeah another one was like somewhere around here sometimes it's even in the back exactly prophesied [Music] now the lord said because he loves you thank you because he loves you he is going to bless you and he's going to honor you and he's going to fight for you hey man thank you amen [Applause] look at me mama the name of jesus leave this dear mother never come close to her again you devil never touch it come close again hold my hand i am seeing somebody releasing a curse over the family are you listening to me yes i'm gonna break this thing for you and help you amen okay come on come on the name of jesus liver and never return take whatever you put in there now one two three get out out thank you lord jesus never return [Music] begin to break a curse over your family begin to say me and my family are free me and my family are free me and my family are free me and my family are free when she lives here the whole house will be a different place hallelujah amen [Music] [Applause] help up daughter stand up stand up come to me try to look at me [Music] what are you seeing huh i don't know i don't know what about to explain i make your eyes clear [Music] sleep sleep sleep sleep [Music] power mama god has favored you it is finished all right prophet hey prophet amen yes you said that the woman of god would get rest she hasn't woken up yet no she's asleep she's out no i was giving a spiritual nyquil when i was saying sleep i wasn't just saying it if you work her she won't know why she's been sleeping watch this camera where's the camera [Music] look at the power my sister hello hello sis my daughter wake up why are you sleeping in church somebody shall power [Applause] [Music] [Applause] would you wake her up for me wake up shake her watch watch watch watch her head so she doesn't bump her head woman of god wake up why are you sleeping in church [Applause] woman of god look at me why are you sleeping in church what happened you are sleeping on our floor look at me where's the glasses please uh would you give give her a glasses sushi look at me are you you're sleeping in church what happened i don't know what did you dream no you can't remember you just blacked out yeah huh yes yes now you rest amen somebody say memory foam [Music] [Music] i could never get enough [Music] tell me all your mysteries my is [Music] i just wanna get closer to you i just wanna get closer to you now breathe i just wanna get closer to you [Music] take me to your secret place [Music] is [Music] just wanna get closer [Music] i just [Music] i just wanna get closer [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] with everything jesus [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just wanna get closer too [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now [Music] oh [Music] no matter what the problem is i know you can get me out of it i can always count on you i'm yours and i'm proud of it show me your grace [Music] but you always looked at something if you said it didn't know it every time i pray [Music] [Music] [Music] i was [Music] gotta admit [Music] [Music] [Music] he changed jesus [Music] um [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] me [Music] me [Music] uh [Music] god bless god bless praise the lord we're glad that you were here with us today absolutely have you shared share tag and invite and let them know that revelation church is live amen amen my name is prophetess taran tnt or mama t aka prophetic machine and i'm here with the lovely amazing awesome apostle who jamie i am so excited to be here with such a mighty woman of god um i'm so honored to be with you today it's a blessing for us to be here today so if you shared real quickly let me just look and see if you guys have shared have you liked and have you tagged that thumbs up hit that thumbs up button sharing all your platforms because this is the message that you do not want to miss this is the message that will change your life absolutely guaranteed absolutely guaranteed some people are going to manifest some great things today because of this message so we're excited to share it with you guys so share share share let's see if you've shared it's who shared you see some names there shared type i have shared i have shared dominique has shared let's see who else is shared i think it's stuck on some of them looking let me say amen you shared shared shared so while you're sharing tagging inviting i want you guys to be prepared prepared your hearts to prepare your minds such an awesome opportunity we want to also thank uh our spiritual father we love him we thank god for him dr prophet lovey elias and so definitely make sure that you are following him because this year is the year they'll transform your life and the revelation church is bringing so much revelation to your life you can't stay the same so we will have a message that we want to bring to you today the title of our message is what navigating past delay come on you know this is for you you saw the title you clicked on and you said ah they talking to me tonight and you already know exactly so while you are sitting there contemplating what is there what could be delay in my life right now what's going on right now we're going to identify some things so that you can know how to move past those things the bible tells us do not be ignorant of satan's devices right so that means that he has devices he has strategies against you he has a whole army and they are strategizing how they can keep you from what god has for you but the lord has provided everything that you need for life and godliness so that you can succeed you can win you can conquer and you can say that you have completed the work that god allowed you to do so the first scripture that we would like to go to is first corinthians 9 verse 24 through 27. amen if you could just turn there real quickly amen uh go ahead you guys can read first corinthians 9 24 through 27. do you not know that in a race all the runners compete but only one receives the prize so run your race that you may lay hold of the prize and make it yours now every athlete who goes into training conducts himself temperately and restricts himself in all things they do it to win a wreath that will soon wither but we do it to receive a crown of eternal blessedness that cannot wither therefore i do not run uncertainly without definite aim i do not box like one beating the air and striking without an adversary but like a boxer i buffet my body handle it roughly discipline it by hardships and subdue it jesus for fear that after proclaiming to others the gospel and things pertaining to it i myself should become unfit not stand the test be be unapproved and rejected as a counterfeit now what is amazing about that he talked about beating your body making it do what it doesn't want to do so you're not going to always feel and i think we get people get caught up in the feeling realm of it because if you really are going to walk in things of god you have to move past feelings which is where you come into actually spiritual maturity so that you cannot be deviated from the things of god you have to run this race as if to win and so you have to keep the prize you're not you're not doing this thing aimlessly you have a goal in mind god did not just just put you on this earth and he's trying to figure out what's going on your life he knows exactly what he's called you to do and he has a plan and he's provided his angels he's given you the word he's giving you the name he's giving you his apostles if i love in the scriptures when talks in luke 16 he says uh the rich man lazarus and he's talking to uh to abraham father abraham and he's in hell and he says can you just send somebody back to tell my brothers can you send them back if they see somebody that was raised from the dead right they would come back and tell me they will believe me they'll believe surely for sure and what did he say he was like they have moses and the prophets wait but moses isn't living how they have moses prophets what right he was telling you right there you have everything you need prophets are not going to be extinct they're not going anywhere by the time look god does nothing in the earth without first revealing it to his sons the prophets so when you're connected the prophetic word as we go for today is that god wants you to be equipped and he does not want you to be deviated because the prophetic is going before you telling you that these things may come but whoa watch out god is giving you the answers so that you can overcome these things a scripture that uh apostle jamie was talking about was in hebrews 11th chapter where she was talking about this race because you're in a race and the devil's job is to distract you to blindside you to confuse you but as christians there's no way that we should be blindsided or distracted because god has already told us that these things were going to come we're not caught off guard we should not be caught off guard what we really have to do is just level up right come on and it's our focus you know that verse that you're talking about it's hebrews um it's hebrews 12 1 through 2. can someone read that do you have that amen hebrews 12 1-2 therefore then since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses who have borne testimony to the truth let us strip off and throw aside every encumbrance or unnecessary weights come on and that sin which so readily deathly and cleverly clings to and entangles us and let us run with patient endurance and steady and active persistence to up to the appointed course of the race that is set before us verse two looking away from all that will distract come on to jesus who is the leader and the source of our faith giving the first incentive for our belief and is also its finisher bringing to maturity and perfection he for the joy of obtaining the prize that was set before him endured the cross despising and ignoring the shame and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of god amen see jesus is our example he is the one we're mirroring in everything in this and so when you look at him he perfectly ran his race and he he kept sight on the prize that he was to receive it says he he endured for his mission for his call for the glory that was set before him so a lot of times we're distracted because we're not staying focused on him when you stay focused on him you're emulating him and he's before you everyone else is to the side of you but he's before you so when your eye is focused on him you can keep moving ahead at full speed we're slowed down we're delayed because we're distracted from the left and the right you can't run a race like that no if you're running i didn't run track but she did i did and my husband did so i like you know i ran track through him right i like that i i'm asking him the other day i'm like if you're running like this and you turn and you look to the right and the left before you know it everyone else has already passed you the people you're looking to clock where they are it's already defeated the purpose you've already slowed yourself down and you don't even realize they're running their own race you're running your own race you're not even trying to beat anybody else because where they're headed is their mission and where you're headed is your mission you're just trying to clock your best time and a lot of times even you will send some type of of distraction there's people in the stands there's cheering going on and we think the distractions are only negative things sometimes it's the affirmation the applause of man the things that are pulling you to look to the left and the right and you hear that sound and you turn your head or maybe it's the opposing team the opposition the enemy he's he's blaring foghorns he's blasting booze and all kinds of things and you just snapped your head for just a minute to go and see what's going on over there and you take your eyes off of who jesus off of jesus so what is our focus we were just talking about right before we started basically like when mike phelps there's a picture there's a classic picture of why when he's in the olympics he's getting ready to win but you see him the guy right next to him he has the picture and he's looking over at mike phelps while mal phelps is looking forward and they caught the picture of him looking at the winner and putting his eye on somebody else instead of moving forward and literally look i always tell people i said i said beyonce is great at doing what she can do i'm good at doing what i can do right i like and appreciate her gift but i can only work on my own gift there's enough of everything to go around god has given you everything you need and you have to know what your lane is to stay in your own lane so that you can win what god has for you and i have to train at the capacity god gave me and i have to focus on what god gave me because i can't focus on what beyonce is doing i can't focus on what somebody else is doing or how great they look or how how they have it like this or what their circumstance is that's for them i can only focus and i can only perfect that thing which concerns me i can only beat my body and make it do what god wants me to do and i can only really really begin to improve myself when i make a decision to improve myself so i can't be distracted by somebody else i cheer for that other person while they do what they do because at the end of the day i'm really competing against myself i'm competing against me yes and so i was looking at it and we were looking at uh galatians five verse seven and eight and i'll read it real quickly it says you were running a good race who cut in on you this leads us right to where we want to show you and you want to grab a pen and paper who cut in on you see because you were running a good race you were doing amazing how did you get distracted was it a heartbreak ooh was it a divorce you know was it a death that happened and you and even you have been able to move past it was it the job that you lost did you did your did your prophet your pastor your evangelist did they correct you and you got stuck in the correction and now you can't move forward because you've gotten into this place where you don't like what was said to you right did you get stuck at the abuse you were running a good race what happened i'm telling you what happened is not meant to destroy you is there to make you stronger and you missed that opportunity says here to keep you from obeying the truth so it had an internal destroying donation to try to keep you from your eternal purpose it was sent from the enemy it was it was strategized it was literally sent to derail you to deter you to bother you to keep you from the things of god it wasn't just oh why is this happening to me when you feel like you want to say why is this happening to me you need to look to god and be like job you need to shave your head don't shave your head if you don't need to but i'm just saying you need to go hey pull your hair back looking for me i'm just going to wrap it back and just like you know pull that hair back if you're somebody else they might shave their head but i'm saying you want to worship and it said something it said he didn't sin against the lord with his mouth amen because in the mouth you can sin in the heart you can sin and so you have to make sure that you understand and that's where it really comes in the balance is understanding what your purpose is your destiny and who you're serving right and so with that it says it says so that you can obey the who is keeping you from obeying the truth that keep uh that kind of persecution let me start again you were running a good race who cut in on you to keep you from obeying the truth that kind of persecution does not come from the one who calls you god did not bring it he didn't bring it he didn't bring it he's not he's not the source of these things that are derailing you he is the source of the one that is pulling you at full speed toward the mission for your life and it's keeping you from the truth and jesus is the truth it's keeping you from the truth it is jesus is the truth the truth of what god says about you the truth of the mission and the call and the purpose for your life not the fact not the current condition like papa says but the truth the truth of who you are and who you're put what you put here to do you have to ask yourself why are there so many derailments and distractions that are presenting themselves it's because the call on your life is so powerful amen it's so impactful that the enemy is literally in terror from the moment you before you even conceived so he is throwing everything he can because he knows that he can't actually stop you all he can do is distract and cause you to stop yourself which brings us to point number one come on the first thing you need to make sure that you're watching out for if you don't want to be derailed if you don't want to be delayed is offense somebody just got hurt already somebody just got cut now we're gonna look at mark four the fourth chapter verse 16 and 17 and the key thing is there's two kinds of people where there's a fence it's those who's truly been offended and those who believe that they've been offended two different types of people well the first person is yes someone actually did do this to you they slept with your husband they slept with your wife they got you fired they stole your car uh they they you know they were messing with your livelihood they have set a plot against you yes these things really do happen amen but those are still distractions right okay daniel you see that with daniel they plotted against him right they've been set up a whole because he had a spirit of excellence in him it said it was found in him right they set up a whole scenario so that they could try to get him removed but daniel was protected by his purpose he was focused he was not going to abort his mission right and because he kept doing the same things and he was focused on christ he was never ever in threat of those who were persecuting him literally they came at him in a way where they were like oh you know what we're going to get him removed they came together just to plot against him and it said that he did the same thing he didn't run and say oh my goodness uh papalo this is what they're doing to me um you know what i'm going to go tell the boss because they're gonna do this to me uh uh you know what i need to find the principal and i need to go with a report he didn't do any of that he didn't he had the ear of the king but he didn't go even make a report against what they were doing it said that he went and did the exact same thing he always did yeah the king referred to him as the one who continuously serves his god continuously every they he they found him they knew where to find him in the lord we're not going to find something against this one unless it's against his god you need to be found blameless so offense does this so unless there's those people who will offend you and they've done something but the bible says woe to those who offend you and it says in luke 17 1 offenses will come and so you know that they're coming this is not a surprise right because the bible says they're going to come and so when you look at that he says hey that's that person really did do it now this that that you cannot be offended by he said let it go now two there's the person that believes they're offended and i want to just take a second because you can even elaborate on this a little bit jamie this person that believes that they've been offended is is filtering through their pain it's filtering through their hurt through their rejection through the past friendships through their last pastor through their last apostle to some false prophet or somebody that tried to swindle them out of some money on youtube they came through or their inbox and claimed to be profit low and they're not and you didn't know so you thought you gave the money now you're mad at this one you don't even know so so it's not real it's misguided anger it's misguided offense and so those things they're not able to actually filter it with a mind of clarity a mind of the word of god the mind of christ they're not able to see things clearly because they have in their mind that they know what your motive is right this is the same thing that happened with david king david his brother says where are those few sheep he says he said i know what's in your heart his brother said i know it's in your heart how do you know what's in his heart you don't know what's in somebody's heart yeah you know she thinks she's better you know i know what she's trying to do i know what they're plotting god's not that's not the voice of god right come on that's his voice did not tell you but that person doesn't like me and i don't know my my pastor just thinks this about me and you know i know how they are i know them you don't and even if you did just stay the same like daniel and keep moving forward so they're filtering it through their pain right they're filtering it through their heart yes and this is where they get in trouble because the enemy has one plan with the fence the greek word for our fans is scandalon scandalon is the piece of the bait that entraps you you're walking along and it pulled you in it snapped on your leg and now you are caught in something that you never saw coming it is a hidden piece that you can't see it sneaks up on you i'll tell you what scandal on in the strong's concordance it tells you the bait it's the bait generally a snare it says offended think a scandal some scandal came somebody was scandalous right you know they came with the whole plot twist and everything and when you see that warning you need to know the enemy sent this bait it's a trigger it might trigger something in you because the enemy knows you he sent it as a trigger it's a mechanism closed you in and it created you and called you in to be victim status it is an entrapment and it has some is not the yeah never mind we won't go on that word entrapment entanglement whatever people want to call these things and so these things are sent by the enemy scandal on that's the word for offense so read that scripture real quickly in mark the fourth chapter in the 16 and 17th verse and we'll see what the bible says about offense it has one purpose and this is where you get derailed if you fall into this trap and in the same way the ones sewn upon stony ground are those who when they hear the word at once receive and accept and welcome it with joy and they have no real root in themselves and so they endure for a little while then when trouble or persecution they received the word hold on they received the word oh you're going to be great they're like yes i received their old standard you know hallelujah right praise the lord they're like hi yes god hallelujah they're so excited passionate about the word they receive it with joy but the bible says that they have no real root in them if you went a couple scriptures up it says the enemy comes on account of what the word that was spoken over you the word that was sown in you so he's coming to derail you because the word that spoke over you and it depends on the kind of heart that you have the capacity to know your season and where you're at and it takes a mature person so he's saying you received it but there was no root in you so what happened it says so they endure for a little while then when trouble or persecution arises when trouble comes and persecution comes what on account of the word on account of the word the trouble and the persecution came because the word was spoken that prophetic word the word that they said it's come on account of that now the enemy is strategic remember it's a snare and remember it's something to pull you off to derail you to entrap you and it has a purpose it's coming on account of the word so what does it say next they immediately are offended ah okay become displeased displeased indignant indignant resentful resentful and they stumble and fall away they stumble and they fall away so they baited you in got you angry got you in some argument somebody talked about you at church or they get you in this immature state they they get people your wife to curse you they got these things to happen to get you to derail you but literally you get offended and you fall away because you took your eyes off of truly the prize of the lord and said lord how do i navigate this right how do i move past it so it got you to give it up because it knew the devil knew i can't take it from you right but i can get you to surrender it by offense i can get you to leave that ministry that ministry has been helping you to grow it's been helping you financially it's helping you get well but you just i don't know about that pastor he's just too flashy you know wearing those those suits and everything i don't know about that pastor i i you know i i did you see how they right you just can't look that nice and be a prophet you know you know i just don't know yeah yeah i'm just there now those thoughts are not god's thoughts they're not and and and the issue that we have so much is like you said it it's not rooted and you have to look internally you have to go internally and make sure that everything you're filtering every single thought through every single information that you receive from the world it's being filtered through what you are focused on which is jesus it has to be filtered through eyes because that word that word that needs to take root it can't grab on to you in yourself absolutely it has to grab on to something of substance like the tree the tree cannot stand just on the air the tree has to be rooted in the ground it has to be rooted in a source from which it can draw forth moisture some from which it can draw forth life and jesus is life so what can the word that comes to you that prophetic word what can it be rooted to but the word himself if the word himself is not in you it has nothing to attach itself to you so then that is why you're i love that because you're talking about people even those offenses that people are are are even assuming are coming but it's your your mindset and your perspective and the way you view the world is constantly filtered through self it's filtered so much through self and not through him if it it will fade it will fall away the root has to be the word he's only going to connect to himself in you now you know somebody's asking yes apostle jamie i hear you but how do i know what's god and what's not god how do i know and it's like wait a minute to know god is to know his word to spend time with him right what would would god say this and when you realize it's not god's thought cast it down right and then speak out loud and speak what it is that's not from god right that is not from the lord right you have to catch that thought you have to because if you don't the battlefield is in your mind you have to recognize god is not saying that why would god tell me that against my pastor why would god say that against my friend why would god say that against my my sister my brother why would god he's because his whole purpose is to divide and conquer yes if he can divide you and get you away from the person that's supposed to unlock your destiny you're fighting the little person the person that's supposed to unlock your destiny most of the time because really obedience is where you'll find it if they can obey the word if they can hear the word obey the word attach themselves to the word like you're saying right then they're going to know what god would say and what god would not say right they would have revelation from god to say what's papa say wisdom he said discernment to know truth from almost truth even if it came from a source that you believe you trust 100 god will tell you no right amen let it go don't talk about that just the more you don't talk about it the more you don't name it the more you don't make it yours the more you just move past it the more silent you are the more victory you're going to have right you do like job and start worshiping and you got that word in you because job was rooted to the word absolutely he was rooted to his god so he knew look i don't care what this is happening right now all i know i just got to go into worship right now all i got to know i said i got to get into the praise and thanksgiving of my god you know he said naked i came into the world naked i shall return the lord give it the lord take away but blessed be the name of the lord thank you father it bothered the people around him yeah his wife she was like you s what'd she say she said you still hold to your what integrity you still hold to your integrity that means people are gonna want you to get out of character right because you know why because they're telling you what's in them they would have got it now to character by now they want you to react how they would exactly because it justifies them it justifies that that lie in them it justifies that thing in them they want you to to confirm that what that that their offense is okay to watch you be think about this debut so so say someone offends you and and all of a sudden you know you just bless them anyway you know i'm going to starbucks would you like something for starbucks oh you know what let me get you this card now i'm hurting your feelings i know you guys that that was a steak to your heart because it says do good to those yes this will help you and navigate around the enemy do good to those who despitefully use you yeah pray for them bless those who curse you that word blessed there is to speak well of them just because they're speaking negative of you you don't speak negative in them this takes you to a different level of maturity right it's not personal i recognize this is spiritual right so you bless them instead of treating them as they deserve so you went and did that jb apostle jamie and they say she's fake why because if they did it it would be fake but you're not doing it in a fake manner you are actually doing it in love and so it confuses them yes because you are unbothered right right wow and this is how you run your race as well too and stay on your own track because they're they're always going to be thinking thoughts and having conversations and saying things you and you know that the table is set when the enemies are there right papa said so it goes without saying like you said there will always be offenses you know they're coming so when you are operating in what you're doing you're not doing it to to to to cause any strife with them you're not doing it to cause any drama you're doing it because in your race in my race i know that i am accountable to god in my race i know that my heart has to be pure in my race i know that i want to glorify god in all things so i'm blessing you and i'm not cursing you not because i want to do something to you because i know who i am in god and this is a part of my race this is a the race itself is the process of being matured yes of the character being built so when you stay focused and you make sure that you are continually fixating on what he has told you to do and not what others are saying amen that process itself it matures you and it's a part of that of what the race is accomplishing so they'll never be able to elevate until you can go through this valley the valley that that's when like that's you're at the stage of the valley of shadow of death when you're being tested because the truth is you're not really authentic unless you've been tested you're not really genuine because you find out what's in you because the bible tells us in matthew the 12th chapter that what's in you will come out of you if i want lemonade i go squeeze some lemons if i want some oranges i go squeeze in orange if i want apple juice i squeeze some apples if i want some olives i sweep olives if i want grapes or i can grape juice i can squeeze some grapes if i squeeze you what do i get oh did jesus come out of you you know one time one time this is a true story somebody said to me um it was uh i was in prayer and literally i was in prayer and i said um i said to one of my assistants i said nobody disturbed me i was in like prayer prayer mountain which was pine mountain it's like prayer mountain because it's so beautiful up there and i was like nobody disturbed me i got to spend this time with god now you know it's like you see papa on this robe with walnut on the big mountain you're not going up there to discover papa if you says don't disturb him you know it's like moses going up there and aaron is down at the bottom you're not just going to go up there so i said don't don't disturb me for anything and so i went to pray and then like one of the assistants knocked on the door this is a couple of years ago and i was like and i just went right back you know but she i guess she had someone on the phone and then um when i got out of prayer she said oh so-and-so's father either had passed or was in the hospital or something i said oh let me call her right now i said uh i said yeah i just needed that time with god thank you so i guess the sisters got to talking and they were saying like you know you know um she knew my dad was dying and she didn't call she didn't take my call now where did that thought come from no one i didn't know because i was in prayer and so literally um and one of the sisters said you know i know i know that i know that she was uh upset but um i just was wondering what happened i said well i was in prayer i said but how can i help you what can we send for the family you know i just went on with whatever you don't have to address it right so let me tell you that something was so great i thought to myself say i did reject the call let's just say i rejected the call let's say they told me and i delayed just like jesus four days he would have lived if you had been here jesus offense it's your fault jesus my brother wouldn't have died if you were not here it's still a biblical situation again right which people were angry because jesus delayed and didn't come to the fourth day right you don't love me offense they're thinking he doesn't love them they're thinking that he you know he did why would you do such a thing wow and i said you know what i would want some real love people that say i did mess up say i did screw up say i did everything that they say i did yeah the real ones in christ would know how to love me through it jesus that's the level of love while you i'm a i'm yet a sinner while you're if you're yet a sinner if you're yet sinning can they love you anyway that's the kind of love god is demanding that you can still hope and still pray and still not talk about them but still still strive for them anyway because then you become a danger for the enemy because he cares no place to plant his filth in you right and his lies in you because the bible says that the devil has kids too in john 8 and 44 he says you are of your father the devil he was a liar from the beginning right so the devil has kids too and so when you squeeze his kids you get what he brings when you squeeze god's kids you get what god brings so when they squeeze you what are they getting out of you do you have enough capacity of christ in you have you built yourself up have you put enough word in you have you transformed your mind enough have you died to yourself enough have you focused on your mission i don't have time to give you anything but jesus come on nothing but and nothing but and my heart always goes out to people like uh who are who are new in the faith or who are who are developing in maturity because i i know that that that that that area right of maturity it takes time it takes time in his presence to know his character give yourself the chance to get to know him you know before you start processing everybody else's thoughts everybody else's emotions start prophesying everybody on the street before you jump in on yourself give yourself time to know him and to know his character because even even in that situation jesus delayed on purpose and then the glory of god was revealed even greater you have to get to a place where you know that no matter what is going on in my life it was written out beforehand and every trial every obstacle everything on the race on the path it will reveal the glory of god and if i think that god is delaying if i think that a person or or any situation is causing the offense let me stop and really assess who god is and know that he's a god of glory he's a god of increase candace talks about it from going from glory to glory so if i'm thinking that it needs to come this way and the way i'm expecting it to come i'm gonna miss out on the more that he could do i'm gonna miss out on it i think that you just just dropped a bomb because how can god prepare the table in the presence of your enemies if you have an attitude every time you're in the presence of your enemies how can he prepare something you're gonna sit at the table like this guys you sitting over here you no good he prepared us he already told you i'm preparing a table in the presence of your enemies that means you have to sit right in front of your enemy like oh would you like some water right you need something how are you today and we don't you're not even being fake because realistically whatever they got going on has nothing to do with what you have going to do with you are on purpose in purpose you're moving towards the things of god and all your focus is god's things amen nothing else matters except for your focus on what god has for you i was telling someone i said you know when the manna fell from heaven the word manna means what is it what is it they didn't know what to call it said it tasted like coriander seed and then it it so so it was angel food but there was something and you could only remember they gave him rules and when he brought them out mind you they were on it took 11 day journey to get to where god was taking them right but 40 years they were wandering in the wilderness we have to stop the spirit of delay because your race should be quick and you've delayed it because you keep stopping and starting and stopping and starting and being distracted what were they distracted by some of them wanted the leaks and the onions and some some even wanted the old graves and and they they complained it said that they complained the rabble they were complaining and they brought some of the egyptians with them that were tainting them because they didn't understand this journey but instead he was testing what's in their heart in the testing time some people have not passed the test because they didn't recognize that they were being tested from the inside out and so god was going to try to elevate you but you either got a promotion or demotion or you had to take it into the lab based on the fact that you if you recognize the hand of god and so yes he knows that there's water in front of you and he knows the pharaoh's behind you but he's telling you to go forward and so he says to moses why do you cry to me i told you go forward so he's saying move forward i already told you this man is going to happen he told him ahead of time it was going to happen he said how it was going to happen and so now what's so even great about that apostle is he told abraham that this was going to happen to them they would be enslaved for 400 years it was prophesied that he told abraham and so if he told abraham it was going to happen and it was a culture of of memorization i know a lot of you guys just have cell phones and you have have navigation systems you don't know nothing about like we didn't have all uh oh i'm telling age we didn't have all that okay there was no internet some of you were born with the internet that we i watched the internet come in and so you know so we had to remember everybody's phone number we had to remember the grandparents the aunts the uncles you knew like a hundred phone numbers in your mind wow we had it like that they would we would historically pass down remember if you were a a jew of jewish descent you knew genesis exodus leviticus numbers and deuteronomy you knew it by heart you could pass it on it was oral history so they could pass on what would happen so you know that abraham's words were passed down and they knew they were going to go into captivity for 400 years now if we were being reveled rebel do you want to give a revelation for a quick minute should i give a revelation go ahead give okay i'll give you a revelation joseph think about joseph and his brother their mother was was uh rachel right rachel the reason she passed early was because of her words let me show you something come on jacob when he left and laban was pursuing him laban says something he says you know you stole my gods he says i asked all your gods he said anybody here who stole your gods they'll die they're going to die you remember what she did and she sat on them and she covered like she was at her time of the month and she sat there so when her father came in remember you can't be near a person at that monthly time so the father refused to check his daughter they couldn't check her because he wouldn't assume that his daughter would take the god right come on so i'll show you something so remember she passes away shortly after during childbirth why did she pass away because her husband proclaimed that whoever had stolen the gods would pass your words carry power come on now come on nobody gets away that same family where the oral history is passed around you're right how did they get into captivity for 400 years god sends joseph ahead of them right and this is the same thing for you god told you you were going to be great he sent the word ahead of you it's gone forth out of his mouth out of his mouth it won't return into him void now am i cooperating in this partnership with the lord or am i working against this partnership am i understanding and staying focused or am i being derailed what happened was the brothers became jealous of course and they they send the brother into the pit the process begins of really his testing of his character this is his time he had to be who he was he was a leader he had to lead he let his gift make room for him he was a leader at potiphar's house they still lied on him now he becomes a leader in prison and he's using his gift and now his gift is not only his gift but he is now owning the gift he is literally uh walking in the gift and if you really want the honest-to-god truth he gave pharaoh that dream he learned how to cause the dream to come to pharaoh jesus he learned how to cause him to have a dream like i'll tell somebody sometime i'll say tonight you're gonna have a dream i'm gonna give you something in the dream mama t i had a dream and you came to me and like i told you i was coming to you in the dream wow prophetess prophetess and they're like how did that happen or they like i saw papalo and papalo did this and deliver i got delivered in my sleep and it was like yeah but a lot of times and it's amazing because he had mastered his gift that made room for him because at first he was relying on man see he was being made into the king he was being made into king of potter from his house how can you be a slave and not come out so you can't be a slave and then not bring and bring somebody out so god had to send to moses who was not a slave but he was ruling as a king and he knew how to rule and reign so i have to have it to give it to you so if i don't have a testimony about overcoming offense i can't really tell you how to overcome offense if i don't have a testimony of sitting with my enemies i can't tell you what it's like to sit with my enemies if i don't have a testimony of being able to prophesy and help somebody and cast out devils and do these things then i don't have it to give to you because i must own it to be able to have it to give and so here he is at first he has little baby dreams i had this dream and you know him you guys are bowing to me he doesn't know how to master the gift but through the things that he suffered like jesus he learned obedience and so in the process he has grown into this dynamic man and he said oh i could live like this is a good place at potiphar's i'm running this whole place it's good everything flourishes under my hands man trouble comes on account of the word amen trouble came on account of the word which was spoken and sown into him god's not trying to harm him god's not trying to harm you amen amen and so you just are resulting it's showing the truth of what's in your own heart right it showed you what was in his brother's heart it showed you what was in everybody else's heart too so you get to see a double thing you get to see what's in them and you get to see what's in yourself it's a great blessing yes so as he's moving forward he goes into prison and now he says hey remember me when you go because why he knows something they don't know i'm coming up out of here what do you know what he knows all this is working together for my good have you figured out that it's working together for your good yet have you figured out that this thing is not meant to disturb you and harm you i know they meant it for evil but god meant it for good if you would just raise your head up and focus and do what you're supposed to do and walk like you're supposed to walk and you don't get derailed so watch this how did they end up in 400 years in captivity they ended up in captivity because look at this you know what the number 40 represents what go ahead 40 represents like try you can look up trials testing if someone gets in trouble there's like a 40 it's always usually a 40. you know you'll see that with the 40s so a trial a testing so it's a time period you know like 70 years in captivity 40 years of this so 10 brothers betrayed him yeah if you do 10 times 40 how many years is that yeah that's why they were 400 years in captivity 400 years what 40 years for each brother they stayed in captivity but he said the devil meant it for bad he said you know when the father had passed away and the brothers were like see the testing as not as a leader see some of you can't lead yet because if he gives you this prophetic mantle if he makes you an apostle like apostle jamie if he makes you mighty and he gives you all the gifts of apollo do you use it for good or you do use it for evil do you curse the people or do you bless the people see in position of power will really do the full testing of what's in you do you treat them as their sins deserve or do you treat them as christ treated you do you do you do purpose and destiny so when when when joseph had to stand before his brothers he didn't treat them as their sins deserve and they didn't really believe he was authentic right because they didn't have the mind of christ right they believed when the father passed away they they tried to lie again here they go lying again lies because the bible says the father is the father of the devil the father all lies so now the lies they tell they said father told us this last thing please don't do evil with us because when the father died they thought maybe he'll kill him really right yeah but they you know they're telling on their own heart we would have killed you we would have done we would have killed you is what they're really saying so and he was like no no he assures them he has a papalo a humble spirit he's real humble everybody knows my dad he's just such a humble person no no no what what the enemy meant for bad god has brought it for your good he understood the whole time was about finishing his race in purpose and he blessed and he didn't curse he elevated them he moved them to a place over here so they could worship their god and serve their god and and the more that they were persecuted they were more that they grew the more they persecute you the more you will grow you don't have to focus on the things that they're doing you just have to focus on the lord so that's the revelation of what i was just saying so you understand that how they got there for 400 years before the extra 30 had to do with the years that he was there uh joseph himself but it's an amazing thing when you see that nothing is out of god's control no absolutely nothing nothing and you know you actually gave a strong key that i think people can really use to kind of circumvent certain issues that come up you know they people stumble often like you said because of the word that was given to them so if you know that that can happen you know and and that scripture you talked about they receive it with excitement there's the excitement that you have to have as a child of god for what god speaks but there's also a sobriety that you have to have when you receive a word we have too many examples both biblically and before us that when you receive a word you go straight to god and begin to gear up armor up and suit up and already be suited but you need to make sure that you're receiving it with the understanding that there are going to be things that will come as offenses because of that word yes because of that word so when you receive it with sobriety you're not so caught up in the excitement of the word itself that you don't know what the cost is going to be that you don't take time to look at these examples like like joseph and his brothers and no he got this word as a teen yes and that he was going to be this great man that his brothers would bow before him he's excited he tells his brothers and then all of this is to follow so you're getting this word about you being a a mogul about you being this this mighty person of god about you being a director a producer or whatever it is yes but you have no sobriety to take it before god and say god i know now that because of this great call you've put on my life from every example that i have seen that there is going to be a testing in this race that there is going to be so equip me now so many times we stumble unnecessarily because we don't take the time to receive the word of god with the understanding to go to god for everything we need to maintain it and i'm saying this for so because i've done that i have gotten a word about what i'm supposed to be and been like yeah look at the actions let me move out let me go to hollywood and you're just bam bam bam bam and he's like i actually wasn't done talking yet i gave you this right and it's true and it is where you're headed and i want you to be focused on it but ano it also can be a distraction the excitement itself can distract you it can distract you because you're you're so caught up in and what you're going to get you don't realize that even the process to getting there is what god is focused on right now he's focused on on on equipping you for it sit in the seat of tutelage under his feet under in his presence taking the time to say lord i know this is a great call yes i am humbled by the call like solomon i am humbled by this call to lead your people i know i'm gonna need some wisdom i like prophetess ashley said i know i'm going to need this particular thing we're so quick to get to it we have no patience yes we have no patience in our race because the race is swift but you still have to have patience to run it absolutely you still have to have the patience patience and you said listening i love that because there where you get a word and you just act like he gave you the whole enchilada like it was that was just a bite yeah it was more that's a little bit i have so much more instruction tell you more every step of the way acknowledging him so one if you acknowledge the lord in all your ways he will direct your path yes um number two if you do it in in the unity with the father remember we're co-laborers with christ you doing it by yourself is different and you were talking about that a little bit ago earlier about you doing it apart from god so you're acting like okay i have to do this and god's like no we're doing this together we're co-laborers with christ we're doing it with the lord you know it's it's it's like i love this when papa said he god is only going to want from you what he's given you that's it that's it we're so reliant on our self and that is another thing that really will derail you it will derail you being reliant on self i love the the that verse that you're talking about cold labor being a co-laborer it's it's first corinthians 3 9. you guys we have to remember that it's with him you know you have to and and something you said earlier when we were just chatting you you were saying like when you do it of yourself you actually have a limited mindset completely you actually undermine the level that god wants to do it for you in you actually thinking that you know the way to navigate your path thinking that you know how the mission should go thinking that you know how it should be accomplished you're actually you're not even scratching the surface yeah of what he has for you yes it's just limitation and bondage that's it absolutely that's all they can produce is self in self and you'll feel like you're like i'm just tired and i can't and i this is too many eyes if you listen to the conversation to you'll find out what what you're producing and unless you're you're saying you can't but god said i can't and you're saying i you're like i am tired and god says i am able i am that to what is it you need i'm that i have everything you need and so if you want to move past delay you're going to have to beat your body in this race and make it do what it was want to do you have to break old habits you're going to have to break old thinking habits you're going to have to break the words though those words you're speaking and begin to say what god says and have what he god says homo glacia to begin to speak the words that god has spoken over you and not let what you see taste touch feel and none of those things derail you if god wants to bless you he sends a person if the devil wants to curse you he sends a person you need to know to be able to be like adam and need to discern is this good for me he's saying this is a lion this is a tiger this is a bear if god says oh i'm sending a suitable help mate no those weren't suitable help mates and he looked at her and said this is a woman okay this one's suitable but but but in that we thought maybe we could do a lion maybe we could have a tiger maybe it's a bear and we're like oh my because it was not good for you we weren't discerning well so you have to begin to discern what god has for you so you have to use discernment you have to be able to know that's a test in itself yes we it's a test in itself yeah but just because you chose someone that was off or something it doesn't mean anything jesus said i chose 12 and one of you is a devil so we've chosen some devils as friends as other things and situations but it doesn't mean that you're derailed from your process it means did you learn from it and move forward and now it's time for me to pass this test so also joy joy the lord is my strength you don't want to lose your strength so when you've lost your joy you will have no strength say that again when you lost your joy you lost your strength but he doesn't just start there he starts with peace john 14 27 in the amplified classic is so amazing i want you to just uh read it real quick we're going to turn there because this one will help you you cannot choose if you want to go past delays you're going to have to keep your peace and you're going to need your joy yes you're going to have to have what you said you're going to have to have your mind set on the things of god and you have to do it with the lord you have to know his voice what he would say and would not say yes so go ahead and read john 14 27 peace i leave with you my own peace i now give and be quick to you wait a minute his peace right not the world's peace does he give to you the peace that he took to the cross the peace when they were pulling out his beard the piece when they were spitting on him the piece when they were thrashing him when they were lying on him when they were beating his back this same piece that he had he said i'm giving you my piece which means watch this if god gave it to you you have to surrender it no man can take it from you you feel yourself getting a certain way or you feel the feelings but you have to begin to check yourself make your body do what it doesn't want to do because i'm in this race i'm i'm training for the olympics i don't have time i can't eat what i want i can't go where i want i can't do what i want i am in training for purpose to win this race so i don't have a to have time to surrender my peace that god gave me for anybody right i have to protect my peace i have to protect my purpose i have to protect my calling because if i don't i won't be able to operate in the things of god i was talking about the manna and i was saying when manna fell yeah manna was given for every day you couldn't let it go over to the second day and he was given some instructions of obedience because without obedience it's not gonna work for you and you're saying well i do what god told me to do i'm like well your prophet told you to do that then that was god telling you to do that you know that's your prophet you know because i find that most of my blessings have come when i have obeyed what my prophet's instructions he gave me i mean whether it looked right or whether how it felt i just obeyed him right we're just going to do what he says and everything in my life works out every time i obeyed fully the word of god my feelings have nothing to do with that right so in the midst of that he told him don't eat it don't eat it past the first day but you know some people just had to do what they want they went and got it and they ate it anyway so they're eating it and they are they they see the next day it becomes worms he said didn't i tell you not to do that but they just had to because that's what's in their heart disobedience they can't follow instructions you can't that will always derail you if you can't follow instructions you have to be able to follow instructions so the mana which we said it's like coriander seed it was for every day where they were going the manna that he gave them allowed them to grow their clothes grew with them it was angel food none got sick among them none was sick among them none was sick among them their shoes grew with them there was nothing that they lacked from god they were in purpose because your purpose will protect you you won't have lack your purpose can financially go come and overtake you when you're in purpose your purpose will allow god to speak for you the purpose the angels are all working with you when you're in purpose because you're in the light of god angels follow light yes jesus your purpose is is from him you're part you're protected in your purpose because it's from him when he he is going to support it he has no it's him your purpose is the nature of him in you at work that's what it is so he is and there is nothing that can derail it if you remain in it if you're in you though and what what is disobedience other than self wanting to do what you want to do thinking that you know better than god in that moment that's all it is taking your eyes off of him in that moment you actually forget he exists you actually do because you how can you know he's there and be looking right in his face and disobey in front you forget in that moment that he even exists you forget the whole mission the whole plan but he he is going to support his purpose in you absolutely not not you in you him and you there's so much protection that was such a deep word you're saying apostle because that is the ultimate thing that you were called and brought here to do i'm not brought here to do anything except what god already spoke for me to do i'm brought here to glorify him i'm brought him so you're going to be glorified and people have a problem with that they don't want you glorified they don't want you resurrected they don't want you to be financially doing well they don't that that's not god you're supposed to be broke where is that in the bible it says god's desire for you to prosper and be in good health as your soul your mind will and emotions they prosper he wants you to prosper so in purpose that's a part of it comes with it it it's the protection package it's all that you have is protected all that you have is guided when you're in purpose so if you want to remove delay you have to remain purpose so keep reading in peace right there start it over amen peace i leave with you my own peace i now give and bequeath to you not as the world gives do i give to you do not let your hearts be troubled neither let them be afraid yes stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed come on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait did you hear that yes come on stop allowing yourself to be wet agitated agitated and disturbed so if you're agitated you let yourself you allowed it so it was you have to take what he's saying here is you have to take ownership for your emotions now stop allowing yourself to be agitated i'm just irked i used to say that stuff agony you know i'm irked i'm so irritated and you're confessing i am right irritated i am right he's telling you so stop allowing yourself so when you feel it raising up no we're not doing that you have to change your cycle and your habit what's the next thing and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly wait do not permit so now he went from allow to permit right do not permit yourself to be what fearful fearful intimidated intimidated cowardly cowardly and unsettled and unsettled so and uh when you think about a permit right it's a pass that you're given you can actually get like a driver's permit or something true you are literally when you're permitting yourself to be in these places you're signing a pass you're you literally have a spiritual document that says okay i'm allowing this i'm allowing this in my space right i'm allowing this in my spirit because your spirit the internal part of you it's a whole it's a whole house it's a whole city it's a whole tabernacle so what are you permitting to come through there's guards at the door and things are showing permits and you're saying oh yeah i accept that permit of agitation i accept that permit of of fear i accept that permit oh yeah we scan these permits and don't allow it come on now we don't allow that here that's what remember papalo was doing that demonstration where people in their heart they only question things of god and they only scare the things of god but they don't stand anger and redefine god all these in poverty they just accept all you guys can come in right because but jesus stuff i don't know about that they question only god you see the tick tock i looked at it i was like oh my god you guys are no more prophets guys this can't be r um guys check the i'm like you guys need to stop for a minute that's why your life is completely derailed because you permit everything of evil and everything of good you want to keep out but the ownership there of responsibility i am permitting myself to feel like this right act like this because i surrendered my peace he gave me peace and in order to have those things agitation irritation frustration i had to lay down my peace and surrender my peace and accept that thing what's the rest of that scripture say um it says uh that was that was actually just the end no there was one more do not permit allow and tolerate i think it was yes it says neither let them be afraid stop allowing yourselves to be agitated and disturbed and do not permit yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and unsettled so the three words there which which we have to take ownership for our own emotional stability and maturity is let permit and allow he said i gave you peace but where you've been letting permitting and allowing yourself to be unsettled [Music] so he flipped it back and he gave you peace and you just have to accept this peace and know i have control of my emotional well-being to stay focused on what god has for me i have the ability to move forward i have the ability to con conquer i have the ability to be victorious let the weak say i'm strong i'm not say i'm not saying i'm weak and now i'm gonna start saying i'm strong i'm not gonna say i'm poor i'm gonna say i'm rich i will have what i say you will have to begin to focus on god living a life that pleases god and not be derailed and that means that you're late all the time i let myself i permitted it i allowed it if that means if i'm disobedient all the time i have to do a heart check i'm letting this myself i'm permitting it i'm tolerating it if i'm not teachable coachable or trainable and i'm not flexible and i'm not i'm not showing grace or mercy this is something i'm allowing i'm permitting i'm tolerating so it makes you have to look at your whole self and say god am i allowing a spirit of delay am i truly doing all that i can do right have you wait have you resisted it have you come against it have you stood against it have you bound it up have you come have you rebuked it have the bible tells us that god gave us the keys to the kingdom of heaven first of all let's just go back one more scripture he says luke 10 19 behold i've given you power and authority over all the power of the enemy so wait i have more power i have the ability to permit this allow this to tolerate it or not right the bible says the kingdom of god suffer violence and the violent take it by forth but do you know what that translation of sufferers mean watch i'll give you a different perspective this is why we have to study to show ourself approve that we're working that need not be ashamed that we're rightfully dividing the word of truth if you didn't look up that word suffer you totally missed it suffer means to permit allow or tolerate watch this suffer the little children to come to me permit the little kids to come to me allow the little kids to come to me tolerate them to come to me that's why he said suffer but in you in your mind you're thinking suffering when he's saying permit allow or tolerate which means i better start learning and breaking down the word of god to study to show myself approved that i'd be a workman that need not be ashamed that i can rightfully divide this word the truth because if i don't have understanding of his word that i can't have revelation of his word and i can't have the power to do the word if i don't understand what this word meant so now i said no i'm not going to permit you you know the kingdom of god now think of it suffer violence i don't permit you i don't allow you i don't tolerate you mm-hmm and the violent weak take it by force you're not taking my piece no no you're not taking my piece and it can't have my kids and it's in my mind you can't have any of it get my money come on this is mine you have no access we have to cut off access and even i love that verse because it says don't permit or allow yourself to be intimidated intimidation is an illusion ah talk about it a problem is an illusion if i intimidate you that's something that you allowed to happen that doesn't mean that i actually hit you think about a fight right you know i like they do this thing right right right right wait wait dude like you don't physically fight i fight in the spirit but but you know they do that thing when people fight like come on you know and that's an intimidation no one's actually hit you no one's actually done anything to you you know it's it don't permit yourself to be fearful intimidated cowardly so you're cowering and there's not even anything actually hitting you the distraction of intimidation the illusion to bring your focus away from what he is calling you to be doing and focusing on you're allowing something that even doesn't even have any weight the enemy is literally not even making contact well that you have power over you have power over it yes the enemy has power but your power is greater it's greater i mean sometimes somebody will call me and they'll say or they'll dm me and my prophetess you know i i felt this thing i woke up on my dream and i said well what did you do um i just i just i just told you just to help me and i was like wait a minute wait a minute you didn't say nothing you didn't come against you you didn't say don't touch me didn't take authority over it you didn't bite it you didn't get the oil out you didn't he was like no i told jesus lord take care of it the lord is not taking care of the devil because he already took care of the devil he doesn't have the keys he has given you the keys to the kingdom of heaven and now it's your turn to bind it whatsoever you bind on earth is now bound in heaven until you bind it it's not happening why because you're a co-laborer with christ because he made you priest and king according to revelations one and six you are made priest and you are made king and he says on revelations 3 21 he says that to he who overcomes so you to remove and avoid delay you have to be an overcomer anything that's thrown at you you have to know i have the ability to overcome this yes i will take this by force yes you are going down yes i don't care what you throw at me uh my focus is in my purpose of the lord he says revelations 3 21 to he he says he says he that has an ear let him hear yeah he says that he would sit on my throne that he says that you will be able to sit on his throne just as he sat on his throne he said that we would be able to sit with him right but wait a minute just as why to he who overcometh i give you the right to sit with me on my throne just as he's compared you to himself come on jesus because he has to be found in you yes he has to be up you have to be a part of him so when they squeeze you he should come out of you yes amen so when the test comes he said just as i overcame he's comparing you to him so as he overcame you will be overcomer you broke those limitations you broke those delays you didn't let your peace go you weren't offended you were caught up in the stairs you were found in purpose that old life that's your old life that dive died and i live a new life in christ i allowed the mind of christ i allowed the life of christ and now i'm taking control over my life and god and i are moving forward with the vision that he gave me so now i have to do things as he does them that's when you know you reached maturity that's when you know delay has no place in your life because you have been found in him and he has been found in you he says that he that really loves me thank you jesus then he said that he would be in you and you would be in him and that he would come and make his home with you so you are with him all the time you are walking with him talking with there is no inseparable part but you have to get to that place where you have died daily you have died to your flesh and then you will recognize that delay has no place in your life distraction has no place in your life i know you were inconsistent but now consistency is your new name come on time is your name you know attracting the good kind of crowded crowds of people is your name you are connected to your financially prospering you're moving towards the things of god you don't talk like you used to talk you don't walk like you used to walk the words that come out of your mouth your thinking is found in the lord he can give you revelation he can trust you to cast out devils and because trust you to prophesy to people and he can trust you with those who are broken he can trust you in a leadership position because he knows now that you have passed those tests and the flesh part of you has fallen off so that the christ part of you lives when we look at papalo and we joke around but we're not joking around but other things we think we go joking around when we say he's a spirit we're joking around but we're not joking around what we're really saying is the more he has spent time with christ the more he's been in the spirit realm you can see the manifestation of spiritual things and we believe and we desire to be there as well and so he gives us all that he has because he has it to give and if he didn't have it to give we could not be partakers of it so we are in a good place to elevate and things become easy for us because he's given that to us and so with papalo it's like we look and we're like um like an enoch it said and he walked with god and prophet lovey walked with god and so and and and enoch walked with god to where god just said i took him so he spent enough time in the presence of god in the spirit in the spirit realm and he knew how to worship him and he knows how to worship him in spirit and truth and he can guide and direct us and but if you are caught up on offenses and you're caught up on on frivolous things papalo says those things will drain the things of god out of you he has no time for frivolous conversations he has no time for a distraction he has no time for these things because he only has time to focus on the work god has given him i said this the other day i said you must work while it's day where there comes a time when no man can work so you need to be found in purpose on purpose right now right doing the will of god in your protection elevation because that's where god will always defend you and help you you will elevate you never have to worry is everything going to be okay you know that all things are working together for my good come on joseph went to prison but he knew i'm coming up out of here yes so then he went from the pit to the palace and i'll say this and i want apostles to speak before we get ready to close but the amazing thing about this apostle is that joseph birthed his manasseh and his ephraim manasseh means cause me to be blessed in the land which i live that's what his name means deep caused me to be blessed in the land which i live wow yeah excuse me i got him backwards real quick thank you holy spirit that's ephraim but manasseh means that he forgot his pain caused me to forgive my pain so everything that he lived through the pain he grew from the pain he grew this says in the word of god that jesus grew you're just acting like jesus if you went through some suffering by the things that he suffered and then it tells us he birthed his manasseh he caused him to be financially spiritually mentally physically blessed in the land in which he lived so manasseh was about forgetting the pain the pain was forgotten you're pregnant right now and you'll deliver and but during that moment of delivery this is your third child mm-hmm there's gonna be no pain level you read that book uh right so literally she's going to come to a place where normally people have pain but it said the bible says as soon as the baby is born she forgets all about that pain she's like oh he's so cute look at him he looked just like you i wanted my other one right all those moments oh that was easy that was simple but at the moment it doesn't feel great but you will forget your pain immediately and you will your pain turns to joy in one day his pain went to joy because he understood purpose he understood he was always going through the valley he wasn't dwelling in a tent in the valley and he wasn't bitter about what they did he wasn't caught up on what they did he wasn't caught up on what papadopour's wife said he wasn't caught up on who forgot him who didn't take care of him and didn't remember him before pharaoh he's like i'm gonna fix this whole thing i'm gonna give this pharaoh a dream i'm coming up out of here because i'm god god already told me what to do you're gonna get direction from the lord so you can come out and you didn't abort your mission yeah yeah you didn't abort your purpose yeah you didn't delay it but you caught up and you moved forward in the things of god amen this is this you know i love thinking of especially when you talk about our papalo because there is so much that he uh births into other people that he that he gives to other people that he causes to come to pass for other people and that really is the fruitfulness of his life amen and if we go to if we go to genesis 1 27 through 28 can we read that genesis 1 what was it verse 27 through 28. okay so god created man in his own image yes in the image of god he created him male and female he created them yes and god blessed them and god said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the heavens and every living thing that moves on the earth so the first blessing of god is fruitfulness so when you're running this mission you have to understand that it is a race that is supposed to bear fruit so you're you're you're able to keep your eye focused on god because you know that the the result of your life the result of your race will be fruitfulness and also in deuteronomy seven nine i want to go through yeah okay deuteronomy 7 9 yes ma'am i like flipping the bible i don't i'm not saying it sounds beautiful when it flips it doesn't it really does it's amazing so deuteronomy 7 and 9 yes ma'am all right know therefore that the lord your god is faithful the faithful god who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keeps his commandments to a thousand generations yes let's keep let's keep going okay ten he repays to their face those who hate him by destroying them he will not be slacked with one of those with with those who hate him he will repay him to his face you shall therefore be careful to do the commandments and the statues and the rules that i command you this day because you listen to these rules and keep and do them the lord your god will keep with you the covenant and the steadfast love that he swore to your fathers he will love you bless you multiply you he will also bless the fruit of your womb and the fruit of your ground your grain your wine your oil the increase of your herds and the young of your flock in the land which he swore to your forefathers will he give to you you shall be blessed above all people come on therefore shall not be male or female barren among you or among your livestock right there so we're seeing right here that this thing of fruitfulness it is a part of the covenant promise of god so barrenness is actually illegal in the kingdom of god [Laughter] it's illegal yes it's illegal to the covenant that he's established with us so if there's anything that is not bearing fruit he's at the fruit of your womb the fruit of your land every single thing in your life is supposed to have fruitfulness there's supposed to be no thing that you look at in your life there's supposed to be nothing among us that is barren that's our finances that's our health that's our our our careers whatever it may be none of it is supposed to lack fruitfulness barrenness is is the word baroness means unproductivity unproductiveness everything is supposed to be productive on this race on this mission every single thing otherwise you are literally out of contract you are in a breach of contract with god if there's any barrenness so that's his first thing that he established in us but but the thing that brings that that causes you to not complete the mission of god with fruitfulness which is the things that other people can take from like papalo has so much to give us is that god only births his own seed he only burst his own come on now come on i want to go i want to go and i'm going i'll i'll just jump to this real quick john 15. okay john 15 and verse 5 and then verse 16. okay i got it yes ma'am i am the vine you are the branches whoever abides in me and i in him he it is that bears much fruit come on for apart from me you can do nothing let's stop on that one first apart from him which we were saying earlier as well you can do nothing this race you're running this mission you're running it has to be rooted in him it's his own fruit that he is bearing and the word bear there it means carry um see the thing is we think about fruit and we get intimidated because we're like oh i got to bear fruit i got to bear fruit i got to bear fruit and we don't realize that the one who produces the fruit is god all you have to do is carry what he's producing i just have to carry let me let me tell you i'm not knitting am i actively let me let me put together a little arm and a tiny little leg that's so good i have to stop this happening i'm not even controlling i'm like oh i guess you got hiccups now i didn't make you do it you know god is actively doing this in us and we fall aside and we fall by the wayside because we get so caught up in i've got to do it i've got to make this happen and we get intimidated by our own selves we're intimidating our own selves out of our purpose because we're thinking that it involves us way more than it actually does right he just needs you to carry it you're the branch he's the vine it's the fruit of the vine you are the branch you are the branch and you have to bear fruit because it is an abomination to be attached to life and not bring forth life jesus is life that's why even in his vicinity you can't be in the vicinity of jesus and not bring forth life he looked at a tree it was did not have fruit on it he said no i'm cursing you because you're an offense to me to be in my presence and not bring forth life i don't care what season it is and i love that because literally at the times they say on the fig tree when the leaves and the fruit there should be fruit there if you see leaves like if you see the leaves you have to see fruit a lot of times leaves represent you serving you serve in the church but there's no fruitfulness that's coming from you you're reading your bible but they're not living your bible so the bible talks about that there was there's it wasn't found in him look this is the truthful thing is that a lot of times people are not operating the power they're denying the power they're uh they have a form of godliness the leaves i want to sort of work i just want to serve i just want to i want to do all these things but you're not really genuinely authentic because there's no fruit being born there you're not bearing fruit so when there's no fruit there he will cut it down he'll cut it down cut it down he'll cut it down he'll cut you off he'll cut you off that's why but you have to know that fruitfulness is involuntary in god it's literally like breathing because it's him that's producing it you actually have to work against him to not be fruitful in him you actually have to work against him because it's him who does it this is good it's him who does it i mean you if you as long as you stay attached and connected as that branch to that vine and and that's it the connection to him and that's another thing we keep going back to is being connected to him being rooted in him being fixated on him spending that time with him you cannot fail if you are in him but if you are apart for him if you are apart from him for even a moment you will do nothing you will do nothing it's got to be consistent it's got to be consistent and what does he say um is it six let's say which one are we verse 16 16 16 says you do not choose me but i chose you and appointed you that you shall go and bear fruit that your fruit should remain they should abide actually so that whatever you ask the father in my name he will give it to you so he says your fruit should remain and whatever you ask the father in my name he may give you you can test that you are connected to him that whatever is coming out of your mouth the lord is giving to you but why does he give it to you because what it comes out of you is provoked from what he put in you so there's nothing coming out of your mouth there's nothing you're asking him for that does not serve the purpose that he puts you here for there's nothing that you're asking of him that does not serve what he has put you on course to do everything like when you see runners they they run by and they reach and they grab that water it's there whatever they ask for is there because it's serving the purpose of running the race of finishing them then it's strong the issue i wanted you i wanted you to elaborate on this part so i think this is where people get caught up and it goes back to the one thing that provides uh stagger and delay in your life when he says in the second verse every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes yes come on and the pruning process is where most people fall off they don't know the difference between god bringing them through something god guiding them through that part that's good or not they think that god oh god hates me and they they start pursuing god with their mouth or they start getting emotional about the situation instead of knowing i know god's going to bring me through this i don't know how right now but i can guarantee you one thing he's taking me through this god is not going to leave me like this god is not going to forsake me no and instead you're calling it like you see it instead of call it those things that be not into existence so when you just take a moment apostle to break down the pruning process because pruning does not look good but you can't be mult you can't multiply and you can't bear much fruit or more fruit until you allow the cutting process the pruning process i i seen some roses and my dad was like uh the other day he was looking in my yard he was cleaning up the yard and all of a sudden he got the little scissors and start cutting and it looked like nubs i was like what did you do to my rose bushes daddy he was like you know no i knew what he was doing i just like to hear it [Laughter] they can't they can't really blossom like they're supposed to now watch what happens so the next day goes come out here and look look at them look look look you see already it's already the next day it was already starting to produce a brand new bud and it started producing new fruit literally the but it looked ugly you know everybody do the big crop or sometimes they'll happen to a big crop and all of a sudden you're like look how your hair grew back yeah you know and they're like what just happened here and it's like literally there's something that happens when you begin to prune and allow that that that uh that self that tough love yeah that that pain when you get corrected yeah you know are you really incorrect are you really papalo's uh spiritual dog a daughter you really spiritual son you know you find out based on even the times when you're getting pruned yes you find out you know in those moments when when your boss corrected you you find out what's in you comes out of you you find out the pruning of what's in you right then in that moment if you can stand the rain if you can stand through this pain if i can not be offended if i can do this because the pruning process is where most people don't make it that's so true they don't because well the first thing is you hold on to what you thought was beautiful of you you hold on to the things that you're attached to in yourself so those those things that need to be pruned away you're actually so attached to them you don't want to let them go you don't know that more beauty can come so that's the first thing that will keep you from entering into that pruning process with joy and with glee knowing that the the pain though it's there it's just temporary and then you don't want to go through the ugly face you know and you look embarrassed maybe they were you know you get divorced and everybody's looking at what happened to your husband i thought you were supposed to be a christian you lost your i thought you said god gave you that job you know oh really no you told me that you were blessed and i see you just made that mistake or those different things and people are attacking you in a time when it doesn't look like you are fruitful but you really are you're producing that is the process to produce fruit that is a process but you're so caught up in how people will perceive you that it doesn't matter more to you how god is crafting you shouldn't it matter more what he is producing out of you than what people see but that but that appearing a certain way it causes us to resist and to resist and to delay and to delay the process yet it was the very next day you said your dad was showing you there's already manifesting happening from it you don't know how quick things will change if you just let god prune you if you just let him bring you through that process and trust him like okay you're i went through the season of course i have five kids and my oldest is you know 28 the next one's like 25 next one's 24 and then jumps down to 14 and 12. but i remember like where you are right now a lot of people are like is that a prophet's uh daughter yes she's just pro well why don't we see apostle jamie where's she been hidden well during the time when i was having my three kids you found me in the nursery making sure i was she was feeding i was feeding their kids with spiritual truths and loving on them and sewing and that that was a season i was in you know and so in that season you know every time i see apostle jamie she's in the word she's doing the thing god had asked for but she's letting parents go worship and praise god and she's sewing to their kids while she's having her own kids so her season she knew this is my season to shift over in the kid's room and maybe like when my kids went to the third grade in the fifth grade i shifted over there see because a lot of times people can't manage the shift and so they understand that it seems like it's a pruning but i have to shift over here because okay my kids are now teenagers so let me go help with the teenagers now so i went over to the teenagers so nobody really saw me and then they said where did you come from how did you how do you carry all this word you're still in the will of god because you knew your season and you knew when it's time for you to move on and you gained experience so then god says okay you know what if god says apostle jamie and her husband you're going to have a church and we're going to send you there and you are revelation europe or something how did you get there because apostle jamie has done every single role you can do in the church apostle jamie was flexible she was teachable she was coachable where do you need me papa what do you need me papa i'll go because you had a servant's heart you were willing to be here and willing to be there and so you got elevated in the process because you were able to allow the process of where you were at and move to where you needed to be and so sometimes people want to stay in that same position forever they want to stay in that same place i have done every role you can do in the church if it was cleaning the toilets i probably wanted me to clean the toilets right now my all my spiritual kids know i will be cleaning those toilets with joy yeah especially if i know papa's coming in there mama's somebody's coming here or my sisters or my brothers and they're coming in there if you guys are coming in there i'm making sure this is a good thing because i'm serving unto the lord in the pruning process when you don't look great can you still serve as if you're serving unto the lord can you serve a nasty person a hard-headed person a rude person you have to know those things when i was a pharmaceutical rep we would have to go see these doctors all the time and like some of the doctors would be so nasty like they just walk right by you and they would be rude and i thank god because you have to trust the process every little step in my life meant something it meant something and when i was there i was like the meanest ones my focus was how to get this one to open up to me so one of them he was armenian and doctor never said just skip him i was like i'm not skipping him he's on my list so i went to somebody i said so how do you say hello in in armenian it was like ah inch buses so he walks by he's getting ready to do his little turn like he does i said and i went and got some armenian cake and glendale for him so you had to figure out how to how to how to you have to figure out how to do it and get out of your norm i didn't know it so i had to i had to figure out how do i love on him and and be kind and get him so he walked by and i said inch buses and he said he's like what do you know about and then he's like he reached like give me that pin and he snapped he took his little cake and went on but after that he always spoke to me wow you his his attitude did not dictate why i was there and what i had to do yeah i still had to figure out how to get the job done when i didn't feel like it when i felt like it when i was if i had been homeless or something happened to me if if i was broken if i'd been through divorce have i been through pain if i'd been through hurt if no matter what had happened rejection i still had to go to work every day to produce i had to go and to multiply and my numbers had to go up and i had to be good at what i did and i'm telling you i had to learn how to really love people in order to elevate in order to meet those because if you didn't there was a gatekeeper always in pharmaceuticals there's a gatekeeper and she's the person that controls the whole office if you don't get to her you're not getting in so i had to learn how to really walk in the love of god and i chose to make it a genuine look hey how's your daughter jenny was the wedding good oh my goodness your cousin is everything going okay i was praying for your cousin and oh don't go in the front come there'll be 10 other reps in there come to the back door come to the back door i walk in there you have favor that will follow you as you're multiplicing in the things of god delay becomes a thing of the past and now you have speed you've caught speed and favor when you figured out how to do things spiritual things and how to access the spiritual things of god and maybe it's sowing seeds maybe you sowed a seed to your spiritual father maybe you said you know what papalo i've never sowed a seed like this and it meant everything and you touched his touch the heart you know of god yeah because god saw it yes he didn't see it pablo doesn't take a salary here from here he didn't see it but god saw it and it moved god yeah you know maybe because you had an issue with giving and maybe you had an issue with giving hey i'll give money but i'm not going to give my time i i'll give my time i'll give my but i'm not going to give my heart to anybody no i'm not guarding myself i'm allowing myself to be used used not just use like like i'm saying work in conjunction with god lord whatever you want me to do i am willing to do it now you become a danger to the enemy yeah yeah i don't care he doesn't get what you bring to me i'm not stopping i'm on a purpose yeah uh the car breakdown we call an uber i'm going to church anyway i'm calling 10 people let me call the church myself whatever i got to do i'm i i'm going to focus and do what god has sent me here to do no matter what they bring to you no matter how they hit you no matter how the enemy has tried to derail you no matter what offenses he brought no matter what embarrassment looks like no matter what i will multiply and bring forth much fruit i'm going to run this waste and i'm going to win i'm going to endure that means endure is a part of you went through the pain i went through the suffering i went through the embarrassment and no matter what i'm going to get through at the end as a good soldier where i can stand before god and the only reason i'm here is to hear those words good and by good and faithful servant well done thank you well done well done god did i please you lord did i stay on purpose lord lord thank you you showed me to make a left i made a left you wanted me to go right i went right i'm yielding to your spirit god yeah flexibility being able to be flexible in god is so important to finishing your race at the top speed at the perfect time i mean they put what are they what are they called hurdles that you put in your race you have to you have to see that thing coming and be able to maneuver over it right over here you have to be able to maneuver with god i love isaiah 66 9 it says shall i bring to the birth and not cause to bring forth saith the lord shall i cause to bring forth and shut the womb saith thy god he is the one that is causing you to bring forth he's not going to shut it off he's not going to cause the mission that he put in you not to be birthed but some of us are overdue some of us are over due it's the it's literally the ninth month it's the it's the ninth month of the year it's the month of birth come on now and some of us have things that are to be birthed and we are barren in them we're supposed to have borne fruit not just for ourselves but for so many others yes absolutely it's been us that we've been relying on or it's been distraction that we've been caught in or it's been offense and what everyone else is thinking or we've been resisting the process but god is saying on my end i'm doing my part i'm not gonna bring you i'm not to bring you to birth and not cause you to bring forth what i have i'm not going to to breathe forth and then shut up the womb that's not why that's not how i roll so everything you need is there every single thing you need from him on his end is there he is not the birther of delay it is us who shuts it up it is us who clinches down and i even with that thing of flexibility in giving birth everyone knows that it's good to be able to move into different birthing positions that's how you work that baby out amen so being able to be you have to be able to to to flow with your midwife you got to be able to flow uh we're going to try on four knees we're going to try on all knees you have to try backward and try all these different positions can you reposition yourself so that's the birthing because it's a it's coming through you but it is him it is his seat he has blessed it he's going to cause you to bring it forth i see somebody there they're thinking i've been putting so much work into this into this business i've been putting so much time into this into this this this project i've been putting so much prayer into my children into my family and god is saying i am going to call you to bring it forth i am going to cause you to birth it the baroness is ending today you will win your race today but you have to know to let go of self rely on me and keep focused on me because you're looking too much you're seeing how quickly someone else got their business going you're looking and you're saying well i should have had it but god is actually doing something greater in you yes yes yes so he's doing something that takes more time because it has more details there's more intricacies in it and you're you're thinking it's delay but he's saying no i'm not waiting those four days for nothing i'm coming so my glory will be revealed even greater he could have come and saved lazarus but raising him from the dead showed us who he was in a greater way that's right so what does he want to show in your life in a greater way what did you think was dead that he wants to he let it die so that he could raise it yeah you're in attitude you're in a fence you're in in all kinds of intimidation like we say emotion you're in all of that but he is saying i will not bring you to birth and not cause you to bring forth but is it his cause in you is it his cause because you can put something in yourself and try to expect it to come forth and it's not going to um he won't he said i won't cast we say early he won't he won't cast your fruit before it's time but that's the fruit that he put he's putting that for we're miscarrying so many things because god's like that's not mine okay i'm not bringing that forth into the world that's not what i purposed to bring forth through you i'm bringing forth what i put in you you want to you want to to navigate past delay keep your mind on what he put in you be an open vessel he some of you he wants to plant the seed but there's something already in the womb oh deep the mom gets shut off when there's something inside of it this is for men women boys and girls because you have a sp everything in the natural that you have in the natural you have in the spiritual yes so you have a spiritual place of incubation where blessings grow in our birth called a womb a spiritual womb so god's trying to put something in there but your stuff is in there it's in the way it's closed off you got to be empty so he can put his seed and it can grow prosper blossom and that is the thing that will actually be the thing that will spring forth for other people and other people and other people the fruitfulness of your life is is for the edification of others it all goes back to love that's why i love that's why i love you so much dr prophet is mama t because it's like you're this woman's love is palpable i literally was giddy just on facetime with her like i don't know it's good it seems like it's just because i'm like the laughter the joy is palpable in you but it's because god told me he's like she loves me and she loves my people jesus she loves my people so that thing should be the driving force of everything you are running for you know what love what you just said is so true like in the 21 years i've been doing ministry uh i've had a lot it was that there was a time between the word god spoke to me on the in in 2001 in january down to the getting to where we are now wow and to tell you the truth everything fell into place when i fell into the position to give birth in the things of god and but all of it was used all of it was needed all of it was the journey and i i remember i started getting to the place where i was like it was good that i was afflicted i realized and the enemy realized you know what let's not mess with that one because one time i was casting out demons and the demons spoke back and said every time we send a demon it never comes back i was like never to return yeah you know you know and it's like you want to know that kings are made in battle and when something everything that happened i just knew god loves me i love him he's got me yeah he's going to bring me through this he's going to see me through this is not the will of the lord for my life because it's not in his word it's not in his will this is not how my story ends no everything he promised me is coming and all i said focused on was the promise that god told me about i didn't and i remember when papalo taught about rebuking shame and removing embarrassment and i was like man you know i was like divorced again again again again again i was like are you kidding me and i remember feeling shameful and then this lady was in church one day and papa was teaching he said you've been married five times and he said in this word he was talking to her but the word was healing me that he was giving her he said it wasn't your fault each time you came ready to love each time you came ready to to so you were open and and the enemy's been doing this this this that the lord said he was bringing restoration and i will restore and the lady just broke and i was like wow and what it did was put your head up i said i don't care if you've been married nine times he said you have more experience than all these people god isn't he's gonna use you mightily the lord loves you and so it broke other people's opinions and their ideas off of me and i realized that the that god is this isn't derailing me this is this is all an illusion in my brain and and this embarrassment or guilt has to go and i began shame left me in one day embarrassment left me in one day i pulled my head up and i walked forth because all of a sudden purpose is all that mattered and this then all of a sudden something broke forth inside of my body and i could feel that i was like strengthened and i never looked back and all of a sudden everything became made sense and it was me if anybody was delaying anything it was me because i'm embarrassed and how could i i don't care i didn't care what people thought i didn't care about those things i didn't have time for being derailed i didn't have for any time for fruitless conversations i didn't have time for anything that wasn't about purpose and so you know what i just wanted to love people i wanted to make sure i did my calling and my purpose and i wanted to move forward and that's all i began to do and then god started elevating every single thing in my life but i had a spiritual father that spoke truth he broke love he had humility he had characteristics that i wanted and i called on god for those characteristics i sowed seeds daily i sowed seeds when i didn't have seeds i would borrow to sow seeds i did all these things and then finances just burst forth and i never i i just was consistent and you know what god delivered more multiplication began to break forth traveling all the world all over the world began to break forth spiritual kids then getting married they're fruitful then all of a sudden unbearing wounds now people we're healing beard wounds we're casting out devils we're laying hands on the sick people are prospering their minds are getting right i just watched my father and i only do what i see my father do yeah and it works it works and it works and it's the love that matters and you have time to be stopping to kind of explain yourself over everything some people won't explain everything themselves social media explain and just say it's not anybody's business just move forward with your purpose if you made a mistake admit it quit it forget it move on with god god is not holding it against you he wants you to move forward he wants to know he loves you he wants to know that he feels are you already you were forgiven a long time ago he's not thinking about that don't even remind him about that stuff get up and just get back in purpose peter get back in purpose peter took the derailing and he took a delay and he took a detour because he assumed jesus was mad at him i know there's some pharisees that assume that jesus is mad at you because you made a mistake somebody who's listening but they they don't understand your god because peter went back to his old job because he realized he's like oh man he's mad at me i denied him three times but jesus prophesied when you return strengthen your brothers he knew he was going to do this it was no surprise to jesus he told him he was going to going to deny him it was peter who found out who he was himself that he had denial in him that's why i say never say never people don't say never just be like by the grace of god so he goes back to his old job i'm gonna go back to being a fisherman he had to have some money and he had to have the things in order and he had to have things real great because he went back to a job and just began to work like nothing like he'd ever left that's a whole other message but yes so so peter jesus comes to peter so all those people say jesus won't talk to me because i'm sin peter jesus won't talk to me because i denied him jesus won't talk to me because i fornicated jesus won't talk to me that's alive from the enemy jesus can talk to you anytime he wants to all right jesus came here his completely jesus comes and he says let us tell me lord you know i love you feed my sheep get get back on purpose right stop stop over here this fishing thing you're doing at four okay don't get back on purpose get back in purpose go you know what love a style me if you love me you're gonna forget what just happened yesterday three days ago three days ago okay forget what happened three days ago how you denied me how you made a mistake and please get off of this delay at this fishing boat where you used to work that you still own come on get off of that place that you went back to that old boyfriend you went back to the old girlfriend you went back to that old job you went back to that weed you went back to those things look i don't care about that do you love me yes lord you know i love you if you love me you obey my commandments then please get back in purpose feed my sheep feed my lamb feed the people love the people and get back on your purpose because you are a rock i called you rock you won't be a rock and i called you out of that place and i don't care what people say i'm not those people no you're not people you are not people you belong to me you are called to rule and to reign to be an overcomer you are called in my image and my likeness please get back on purpose delay is an illusion and he went back because he thought that he was supposed to punish himself when god said that's not a part of me go back to where i called you to be go back to start the church go back and get up there go back and put yourself in a position to teach preach heal deliver prophesy go back and do your calling go back out it's time for you to go back and stop this delay and get into the purpose of god yes amen mama t mama t i love you so much i think this is so i love you you guys remember you can't run your race looking to the right of the left but you said something else put your head up because you can't run your race looking like this jesus you're gonna stumble put your head up like mama t put your head up get back into what god has put you in get back into the the place that he called you get back to bear the fruit of his seed jesus and nothing will stop you and you will i'm telling you you will navigate past every single delay you will move with so much speed and the things of god that he put in you to be accomplished they will be such a blessing of edification to the body of christ and to this world i love you dearly i love you too i want you to grab what you want to give to the lord hallelujah we're going to actually i want you to just connect connect to collect just connect collect what god has for you and i want you just to grab say you know what i receive this i'm going to yeah i'm going to tap into this you know this is really even a message of his grace now grab something with the five 500 555 5055 you know 5 million 55 and really make it mean something yes this is your time it's your season i want you to go and i want you to grab your offering and go sow it and bring it back and we're going to pray for you [Music] you're so mighty but you're full of compassion [Music] [Music] worthy wonderful awesome powerful glory glory to you my heart sings perfect [Music] god of everything glory glory to you to worship my eyes to seek your holy face i'll leave my [Music] i voice you i don't understand your love you're so passionate [Music] you surround me with your grace [Music] worthy wonderful awesome powerful glory glory to you my heart sings perfect i bring god of everything glory glory to you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he hears you [Music] sees your tears too fights your fears to time after time he has spoken to the lost and the broken [Music] he answers his children by fire fight all the prayers that you pray not a one goes to waste [Music] [Applause] [Music] today [Music] [Applause] [Music] fire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] back every bird [Music] lose my mind i can call you every time on my weakness [Applause] [Music] empty i wanna come to [Music] you deserve nothing less of me lord i surrender on yours so fill me full of your glory completely line my path for me and lead me wherever you want me i'm yours [Music] out [Music] show me mercy once again cause without you god i am [Music] you're the truth that makes me free oh for you without you god i am [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] you deserve nothingness [Music] [Music] me [Music] hmm [Music] with you tell me all your mysteries [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just wanna get closer to you now breathe i just wanna get closer to you [Music] take me to your secret place i wanna know you face to face [Music] get [Music] get closer get [Music] get closer me [Applause] [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now i just want to get closer to you now baby [Music] i just wanna get closer to you now amen praise god we are again so honored to be here and so grateful and one of the things i'm most grateful for is what god is doing in each and every one of you that this word that he had for each of you it will bring fruit it's going to fall on good ground it is going to prosper and you are going to be navigating past delay the things that were taking others years you're going to do in months the things that were taking others months you will have accomplished in days what took others days will be done in seconds for you in the name of jesus receive this word in fullness father i just thank you i thank you for every person that is watching that is listening that is receiving this word in their heart father i thank you father for those that are are sowing into this ministry knowing father that they will reap a good reward in you because this ministry father is a ministry that is blessed by you a ministry that is rooted in you and connected to you i thank you father for our spiritual father lord that we are under the covering of as well lord that it is by authority of heaven father and by the covering father of our spiritual father that we know that we know that we know that every single person that is watching this that is that we'll watch this for all of time that will see this message father that they will be set free father from every single delay every single stagnancy every single distraction father father i thank you for the grace to run swiftly without offense father for the grace for your children father to know what you have purposed them to do father and to to have the fruit to have the fruit that you are producing in them that they will be able to bear it father i thank you father that you will keep their eyes fixed on you father i see people refocusing right now father i see it's like those that had had unclear vision their spiritual vision is becoming 20 20 again and all of the things that were clouding their minds father it is being re it was being removed right now in the name of jesus father i thank you that you father are a god of victory father that you are a god of victory and that you will never put them on a race father that they will not be victorious and father i thank you god that they are conquerors and that they are more than conquerors in you father i thank you father that they will win father and not only will they win god but that as they win others will be brought father into victory with them i thank you father for them and everyone who's attached to them father i thank you jesus right now that you are speaking to someone that you are speaking to them and giving them direction and giving them clarity that they are going back and that they are listening to the full picture of what you have laid out for them to do father they are getting the full instruction right now so that they can move swiftly into it right now in the name of jesus every trap every distraction every snare that the enemy would try to put in their place every pitfall that he would try to lay before them on their path right now in the name of jesus we send forth the grace from god to circumvent it father to navigate over it father to have it be removed completely father or condition father i come right now father and i block access father where they have caused access permitting allowing father and letting the enemy come in and intimidate causing them to be coward father causing fear in their life father we remove that right now in the name of jesus father and we thank you we thank you that now all they will permit is your peace all they will permit is your joy all they will permit father is your word father give them that word that you have spoken to them father and let them cling to it father i thank you that it will take root in them that this word father will take root in them father and that the word that you spoke from before they were even put in their mother's belly that word will take root and it will be manifested in them ah conditions the strongholds of i can't the strongholds of it's not for me the strongholds of it's impossible the strongholds of them that's a good message for them but for me it won't work the strongholds of the mind i break them right now and i silence the voice of the enemy that would come and try to snatch this word in the name of jesus i pray for their hearts that their hearts be soft and fertile ground right now and that this word in the name of jesus will never be removed as the prophetess has spoken forth a word father and she has decreed a word over them father i thank you jesus that it will come to pass that it will not fail because there is no failure in you there is no failure in you father and you are in them and they are in you we are one and i pray lord that the consciousness and the knowledge that they are one with you will enter them as well so that they will know lord jesus that it is your race it is your race that there is no losing because it is you jesus thank you father thank you father in jesus mighty name jesus mighty name thank you father thank you father amen amen praise the lord you guys make sure you have clicked the thumbs up button make sure you like follow revelation church follow prophet lovey don't forget that thursday night 7 ah 7 30 we have our service yes you don't want to miss it it's going to be fire we thank god for you go and be blessed we'll talk with you soon god bless you
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 2,902
Rating: 4.9783196 out of 5
Id: zdNn56ddc6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 55sec (11035 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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