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god bless you all this is prophet lovey welcome to this amazing prophetic service i want you to be prepared because god has something special just for you and everyone that has to do with you i want you to be ready i want your hearts to be open because i've been waiting since uh i think it's been a few days i've been waiting for the moment and the time that i can actually share with you share with you this amazing amazing word that lord has placed in my heart and uh i spoke a little bit about it the other day why christians lose but today god told me that you must win amen i want somebody saying i must win if you're online i want you to type i must win i want you to share it as many times as you can listen to me i want you to share it as many times as you can and the lord jesus the lord jesus will honor you by honoring others giving others the ability to hear this prophetic message that is specialized by god just for this season for you so i want you to be ready when you have shared if you see me looking to my left i'm just looking at your comments whether you're on facebook or youtube i want you to share i need those thumbs up on youtube i need those thumbs up on facebook i want everybody everyone to be extremely excited for what you're going to hear today [Music] you see let me explain something to you let me explain something to you you have to understand prophetically that everything that comes out of the mouth of god is for our good amen amen there is nothing that god will ever say that is actually to destroy you so even when god gives you a no it's not actually no it's still elevation amen now somebody didn't hear what i said you know some people say praise god when he closes doors and when he opens those if god closes the door it means he was going to push you backwards amen amen no i want somebody to really think about that if god shuts a door it's because he's pushing you forward it means that door was going to be an exit that would take you backwards every single thing that bishop is doing who's feeling it i don't think somebody heard what i'm saying every single thing that god almighty will ever speak will be for your elevation you have to remember god does not profit anything the lord does not profit anything if you move backwards if you fail if you fail to meet the the the expectation that he himself are set for you let me tell you something about expectation and why so many people get disappointed when it comes to expectation i need more people to share this because we haven't really started but we are studying i said we haven't really started but we are starting can we turn on the ac please we haven't really started but we are studying listen to me carefully why is it that people get disappointed when you set expectations when i am expecting a harvest it is because i planted i saw the seed if i am expecting something out of you and i did not do anything to ensure that what i'm expecting i will get then i am wicked then i am evil so if god is expecting you to make it it means he is playing a part that you cannot play to make sure that you make it amen to make sure that you win i want i want this to enter into people's spirits amen i want this to enter into your spirit you see god wanted us all to receive salvation amen do you know what he did he did what we could not do our job is to receive it not to create it so when god wants you to win you must understand that he is the one who is going to help you do it if he is expecting something it is because he has done something amen god cannot demand of you what he did not place god could not expect anything from poor people when jesus was walking on the earth he wants to minister to them so that they can minister to others jesus did not expect health from sick people he took health to them so that they can bless others with what has been given to them if god just comes and expects you to be holy you see there is something i love about god that you know i wish we had the heart of god listen to this the bible says husband husbands love your wives as christ loves the church that he was willing to die for her and to present her to himself holy and blameless no no i want you to understand that husbands love your wife like christ loved the church that he was willing to die for her and to present her unto himself blameless so jesus is not expecting what he did not invest you are blameless before god because he wanted you to be blameless he presented you unto himself blameless amen is somebody getting what i'm saying amen so right now you need to understand that god has done something he is working on something he has worked something and he's expecting something because he knows what he put in uh um if you look at the lord jesus the bible says that the lord jesus was hungry and he went to a fig tree he approached the fig tree and the bible says that the fig the fig tree has its leaves ready but it had no fruit jesus came and said ah because you have no fruit no one will eat from you and he died why was jesus expecting the fruit because it was the season for that tree to bear fruit and he did not you see god can never come god can never show up and condemn you for something he did not give you a way out he will never come and demand what he didn't give you amen god went to to abraham and he told him give me isaac why because he gave him isaac imagine if god went to him and told him give me your only son but i have no son it would not make sense but because god gave him something he expected it back so god cannot come to you and tell you you'll be a multi-millionaire or you'll be successful and he did not give you that thing your failure to see it does not mean he did not give it to you [Music] now i'll say that one more time your failure to see does not mean it is not given to you i feel like some people are quiet i feel like some people are quiet hallelujah just because you cannot see it does not mean it has not been given to you i want more people to share i'm about to start i'm just setting the foundation somebody says laying the foundation he's laying the foundation i can't hear you say he's laying the foundation want you to say it again he's laying the foundation [Applause] i want you to say it with all your heart he's laying the foundation say father prepare my heart that i will not miss what you are ministering to me the fact that you are hearing this message let's go let's go to luke chapter four let me show you i'm just laying the foundation luke chapter 4 are you there luke chapter 4 i want you to read verse i want you to read uh verse 21 from verse 20 to 21. luke chapter 4 from verse 20 to 21. luke chapter 4 verse 22-21 luke 4 21 20-21 20-21 uh-huh and he closed the book and he gave it again to the minister and sat down and the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him and he began to say unto them this day this scripture fulfilled in your ears stop right there i want you to read that 21 with every punctuation with every emphasis so that it can people can really catch it read it one more time luke 4 21 and he began to say unto them yes this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears is it fulfilled because you believe he didn't say that he didn't say this word is fulfilled because you receive it by faith he did not say this word is fulfilled because you prayed he said this what is fulfilled in your ears so some of you your miracle is in your ears it just never entered your heart no no no you didn't hear me i'll give you another scripture to prove you what i'm telling you bishop god jesus is saying this words what was jesus saying the spirit of the lord is upon me and he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor to do this to do that to proclaim the acceptable year of the lord he was proclaiming all these things and they all looked at him graciously they said what wonderful words is speaking and they looked at him wow he's reading such a powerful scripture but they did not know that what jesus was reading he was giving it to them but jesus giving it to them it remained in their ears it never went into their heart hi this is why the bible says let him that has an ear hear what what the spirit is saying if you don't hear it nothing is going to happen so that miracle you're looking for guess where it is it's not in heaven it's in your ears [Music] bishop i wish you are the church in here because i feel like other people i don't know if it's shock or what is happening the miracle you're looking for is in your ears we haven't started we are laying the foundation somebody say we are laying the foundation [Music] luke chapter no first corinthians chapter two verse nine who's gonna read this one heather you're gonna read this one first corinthians chapter two verse nine amen but as it is written but as it is written i have not seen eye has not seen nor ear hurt ah it is not that it has not been spoken your ears just didn't hear it somebody shot fire so you're a miracle you see when god said let there be light there is substance i feel like i'm talking to myself come on come on come on i i feel like i'm talking to myself i feel like i'm speaking to myself i want people to share i want people to share i want people to share i want people to share put a flyer real quick i'm giving people 30 seconds to share 30 seconds to share as quickly as possible [Music] thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus i hope people are ready if people are not ready for this prophetic word we'll just continue hallelujah if you're ready for what god is saying i want you to type i am ready so your miracle your breakthrough is not in heaven hallelujah your breakthrough your miracle is not where it's not in heaven the bible says this listen to this carefully i want you to hear this carefully my words shall not return unto me what void so he already spoke if you can read it the substance of it already exists amen your problem is did you hear it he sent his word and healed them so if if an example is this i speak to you and i say may your foot be healed the question is did your foot hear the word i don't know if you're getting what i'm saying jesus is talking to somebody and they're saying oh master he's servant he's sick and whatever this and this jesus said okay the man said no no don't even come jesus just send your word so jesus sends his word but the servant who was sick was able to hear a word that jesus spoke while he is miles and miles and miles away the man is in the bedroom he just got well and he started walking when the master got back he asked when did he get better he calculated the time he realized that when jesus said he is healed the servant had the voice and he got healed [Music] when god says you are billionaire is your account listening ah i don't think people are ready i'm just laying a foundation somebody says laying the foundation i am just laying the foundation right now are you getting what i'm saying so jesus is saying in luke chapter four are you listening to me okay let me start over so that people can understand luke chapter four do you remember your verse of course go there luke chapter 4 quickly luke 4 20-21 look for 20-21 are you ready yep yes amen look for 22-21 and he closed the book and he gave it again to the minister and sat down and the eyes of all of them that were in the synagogue were fastened to him and he began to say unto them this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears one more time bishop i need that last verse is it 21 yes i want that 21 to be read with a lot of passion and a billion emotions i want you to feel what jesus is saying you see the issue is that if you don't feel what the lord jesus is saying you might not hear it amen luke 4 21 so start from 20 and 21 i want you to pay attention listen again and he closed the book he closed the book and he gave it again to the minister and he gave it again to the minister and sat down and he sat down and the eyes of all of them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him everyone's eyes were fastened on jesus and he began to say unto them and he began to say unto them this day this day is this scripture is this scripture not another scripture this one you're listening to fulfilled now for you to know that scripture you have to read what jesus said he's reading his quoting from isaiah he was speaking how they were going to restore all desolations how they were going to rebuild their cities how they are accepted by god how they are going to be called the priest of god how the gentiles are going to give unto them how they are going to possess the land how they are called the blessed of the lord amen but the people jesus was reading this scripture to they were under oppression amen they were under bondage to the romans but jesus is coming like nothing is going on and he says hey listen to me this word you're listening to is fulfilled in your ears not in your hearing in your ears let me show you something are you ready i'm going to mess you up now you have provoked my spirit i'm going to mess you up now i'm going to miss you are you ready i have to find this one he just came to my spirit are you ready oh jesus this one is gonna bless you you'll understand what i'm saying amen are you ready go to the book of job job 33 verse 14. job 33 verse 14 job 33 verse 14. amen heather this is this one is yours job 33 verse 14. listen to this for god speaketh once god speaks once ye twice yeah twice yet man perceiveth it not stop right there god is not expecting you to hear him god is expecting you to perceive amen but man is not perceiving it keep reading watch this in a dream in a dream in a vision in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls upon men when deep sleep fallen upon men in slumberings upon the bed in slumberings upon the bed then he openeth the ears of men he opens the heart of the ears and what does he do still let the instruction in there to keep you from pride so jesus is telling them this what you are listening to is fulfilled in your ears so jesus was performing this chapter in job he was telling them your miracle is not in heaven there is no demon that is holding it your miracle is in your ears you're just not hearing it for it to enter your heart first corinthians chapter two verse nine first corinthians chapter two verse nine now listen to this i'm finishing here then we're going now into i'm just laying a foundation go ahead but as it is written but as it is written i have not seen i had not seen nor ear heard no ear head neither have entered into the heart of man the things which god hath prepared for them that love stop right there there are two channels that you can receive what god has given to you you can perceive it seat by sight the eyes of faith number two is you can hear it [Music] if this too doesn't happen your heart will not respond [Music] so when god wants to answer you but you don't listen he will still answer you but you put it in your ears so anybody that is going to listen today make sure you hear what the spirit is saying don't just shout a man yo you'll be wasting your time this word is fulfilled in your what here in your ears your miracle is not in heaven there's no angel there's no demon in hell that is tying you you're just not listening he sent his word and healed them so the people who are healed perceived the word so the question is are you ready to hear what god is saying amen are you ready to hear what god is saying yes so you have to understand the mind of god now we are about now to go into the message message i've just laid the foundation if i were you you'll be praying lord open my ears to really hear what you're saying [Music] because i don't know how i can help you if you don't hear this are you listening to me facebook youtube i want you to share this and share this and i need more thumbs up on youtube and on facebook i need more shares as fast as you can you have five seconds to do it and just type i have shared i have shared i've shared and then i continue amen hallelujah there's there's a covenant brother of mine a great prophet is in america ministering right now you're going to meet him in a little bit and he will bless you i want you to be patient it's going to be too much so i want you to prepare but listen to me well listen to me well i want you to be ready because this will be too much the lord spoke to me i was caught up in a vision and i met two women two patriarchs in the scriptures two women i met esther and ruth and i sat down and i was talking to them this happened yesterday i don't know if people are ready for me to tell can i share and when i had this encounter i told you yesterday when i preached i preached a message i said why christians lose not why christians are losers but why christians lose and i explained to you what i was taught in my vision to explain to you why christians lose then he told they told me you must win and they taught me things that i should come and teach you [Applause] i know some people are shocked ah is grace no no one is too much only jesus is are you ready are you ready so i want you to be ready look at your neighbor say you must win i want you to type online you must win i want you to type and say i must win i can't hear you i must win no matter what i must win i want you to go to second timothy chapter one verse nine second timothy chapter one verse nine i am giving you god's reasons why you have no choice but to win amen are you ready heather yeah go for it second timothy one verse nine who hath saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in christ jesus before the world began one more time who hath saved us and called us with a holy calling not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace stop right there i want you to remember where you are number one you are called by god amen not because your works will make you win somebody didn't hear what i'm saying if your works are out of the way it means it has nothing to do with you it is not the amount of fasting it is not the amount of prayer it is god's purpose [Music] i feel like now my jacket is getting ready to get off and we're just reading the first verse [Music] you are not called by god to win when you got born again you are not called to god to such by god to succeed when you receive the holy spirit this calling is an eternal calling before the world began when you are not even exist when the earth is not existing god's purpose for your life through christ jesus was established that alone that alone we don't even need to go deeper that alone should close the chapter this itself should stop everything just this just this one thing should stop everything if you are not convicted by this verse i don't know what else can convict you please rewind it start it again from nine right read it listen to this who hath saved us who has saved us meaning you didn't save yourself keep going and called us with a holy call your calling is holy meaning that you know holiness does not mean no sin the bible says god is holy so be holy if you think that holiness has to do with sin that it means god is tempted and god is able to sin [Music] you know you must have common sense when you read the word of god people think holiness has to do with sin holiness means divine purpose that's what holiness is there are people that god has given a purpose but it's not divine what does that mean god can give me something to do because prophet saw and so or bishop saw and so who was given a divine purpose did not do it so god gives me a temporary purpose to cover what they are supposed to do so not every purpose is holy meaning not every purpose is rooted in the divinity and eternal plan of god not everlasting eternal let me give you an example are you ready watch this jesus's purpose was eternal why because revelation tells you that jesus was crucified from the foundations of the earth meaning jesus already crucified was already dead he already resurrected and it is by that reason that the earth was created now you're not catching it jesus says the cross was not a backup plan it was the plan uh somebody is not listening to me i wish somebody would receive the spirit of revelation jesus dying was the plan i have a very strange uh thing i want to say are you listening to this yes jesus said very something very interesting the bible says that jesus was the is the firstborn of all creation what does that mean remember nobody has seen god at any time amen because god is infinite but god through the person of jesus he brought himself into creation where his creation can see him are you understanding now watch this and watch this carefully jesus is speaking about judas and he's saying something very strange he's saying if judas knew for what purpose he was born he would have refused to be born [Music] if judas knew for what purpose he was to be born he would have refused to be born it means that the decision of judas being born was eternal and judas was already a betrayer he did not become a betrayer he already betrayed jesus but what does that mean it means that judas had a divine calling without judas there is no salvation [Music] so my question i have a very strange question for you are you ready are you ready for this question and i'll prove it to you scripturally but i want to ask you a question if jesus was crucified before the foundations of the earth meaning before the earth was even put to play jesus was already crucified who was the first spirit to be created jesus is crucified before the foundations of the earth who was the first spirit to be created i'm about to miss your theology in a second i'm going to say it again the first time that god is manifesting himself in creation in a time outside of time in an event that is outside of time it's being revealed to you that he was revealed by crucifixion then jesus comes and tells you if judas knew why he was being born he would have refused i mean judas had no recollection of something before time so who was really the first spirit that was created i just told you something without telling you something the bible says something and i might delete this video because when i say these things i have to delete these videos i don't want people to say oh this and this i'm just trying to make your wheels spin a little bit are you listening to me watch this i'm gonna say something just to help you to understand what i'm saying go to genesis chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 genesis chapter 2 remember genesis chapter 1 verse 26 i believe says and god created man in the image of god created him male and female female and created ethan are you listening to this go to genesis chapter 2 verse 1. i want to show you something so you can pick up something [Music] are you there yes read read son genesis 2 1 thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the hosts of them stop right there read that again thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them if i tell you the host of uh if i tell you the house is finished and the host of them are in there what am i trying to tell you the people who are going to live in that house already are in the house what you don't know is adam was the first man to be formed he was not the first i'm messing with you now i hope you can catch it adam was the first man to be formed if you keep reading below it tells you and god formed a man out of the dust of the earth but what you don't know if judas was to know what he was what was his purpose it means judas was there in the beginning everything that god wanted to do with the earth began with the crucifixion i'm just messing with you so when adam is messing up he doesn't know that he was supposed to mess up because jesus was already dead [Music] but how can jesus die if he's not betrayed you're not getting it still look at what the bible says the bible says the second adam jesus is called the second adam but what you don't understand is this in the realm of the spirit the second bone is the first bone and the first one is the second bone let me not overload you let's go back to the message i'm just trying to to show you how secure the system is to make sure you win amen look at your neighbor say grace grace is a rigged system [Applause] again i can't hear you let me show you something else genesis chapter five verse one from verse one i think to three yes genesis 5 1. this is the book of the generations of adam stop right there the generations of adam how is adam having generations he's just got created read it again this is the book of the generations of adam in the day that god created man in that day god is creating man the generations of adam is already existing somebody said grace is a rigged system [Music] to benefit me to benefit me through christ jesus christ god rigged his own system to benefit us amen amen if that doesn't make you love jesus more i don't know what will amen amen so read it again read read first timothy i wish more people would share this first timothy chapter second timothy chapter one verse nine second timothy chapter one verse nine uh-huh who hath saved us and called us with a holy calling so you are saved before you are called and this calling is eternal so you did not get born again now when jesus is telling you you did not choose me i chose you when did he do that if your calling is eternal you know people think you know one thing i love about god is this he when you understand god more you realize that what you thought you know you didn't know you know one day we will make it to heaven like this and we will realize how we were being carried through this mission without knowing [Music] if you come to understand by the spirit of god that who you are is not because of you what you have is not because of you nobody sent god an email god we need salvation no one called heaven sent a male father save us nobody he already created salvation before there was a need it means solutions create a problem so that the problem can point you to the solution because if a problem exists it's because there is an answer amen the problem is not the work of the devil but the devil can take advantage of the problem because you don't know any better wow i i taught you guys about the the doctrine of the nicole yes balaam could see spiritually balaam tried to curse israel but he could not cast them because god had already blessed israel so if god has already blessed a nation that did not come to be he blessed one man and everybody that was already in that man was already blessed that witchcraft could not get to them so sorry could not get to them god had already blessed them balaam tried to bewitch them he realized that these people are blessed by god there's nothing you can do the bible says that balaam created something he said listen these guys cannot be cursed because god has already blessed them so here's what we need to do we need to put a stumbling block before them so that they can violate what god put in place for them so when god gets angry at them now it's our opportunity to mess them up so your auntie your uncle in the village cannot be with you unless you have abandoned what god placed for you i wish somebody could hear me amen are you ready finish finish it so we can go to the to the second point not according to our works but according to his own purpose and grace so the first reason why you must make it is because it is god's purpose and is doing it by his grace the bible says the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the fellowship of the holy spirit so the grace of jesus was established before the earth began that grace protects the purpose of god in you so you cannot lose number one because god has purposed it and god has paid a price and given you grace that you must make it i wish somebody heard me so the first reason why you're making it is because it is god's purpose amen and it's god's grace he's the one who wants it not you i wish somebody would shout hallelujah now look at this let's go to the second one ephesians chapter 1 verse 5. i'm just going to run through this as fast as i can ephesians chapter 1 verse 5. go go for it and then you'll get the next one having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by jesus christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glory of his grace wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved one more time having predestinated us stop right there the number two reason is because you're predestined this road you're working on it's not you made a mistake or you chose it he predestined it all things work for your good why you're not choosing that road everybody calls samson a man of lust everybody talks about that but people don't know they're sinning against god if you read the book of judges it says this samson was coming from timna he saw a daughter of the philistines he told his father and mother can you get her for me i want to wife her they said are there no people among your brethren that you want to marry this woman he said i don't know why she pleases me well the next verse immediately says this and his father and mother knew not it was the lord's doing for he sought an opportunity against the philistines god was creating chaos to kill philistines so that the children of israel can be free amen so you are sitting there saying oh so and so does that also and so does this look at what they are doing look at what they are doing don't you think think about it the spies are going to jericho the only cast away is the prostitute who is at the gate when the she hides them and releases them god speaks joshua said when you take over the city make sure you save that woman she is righteous unto me what i'm not saying go and be a prostitute please you know for me i'm not afraid to tell you god's mind i'm not saying go be a prostitute i'm never saying that but believe it or not it was a purpose to go through that road it was not a destination but it was a road because remember this is the great great great grandmother of jesus some of you don't know that do you know why jesus is called the lion of the tribe of judah because there was nothing good about judah jesus was the only good that came out of judah and he came out of judah to repair the reputation of judah so god is coming through you to repair i wish somebody could hear me to repair something in your family that everybody ridiculed that's where jesus wants to come through [Applause] yes i wish somebody could shout fire i wish somebody could shout fire [Applause] [Music] this is too much this is too much please read it again listen to this having pre-destinated us into the adoption of children by jesus christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will number one is you are pre-destinated because of his good pleasure number one you're predestined and it's also his pleasure it means it pleases him that you win it doesn't only fulfill his eternal plan but it gives him pleasure so every time you win god is extra happy so for him to continue to be happy you have to win i wish somebody could hear what i'm saying i wish somebody could catch it you are predestined and it is what is good pleasure listen to what the bible says jesus said until now you have not asked me of anything ask so that your joy may be full so meaning god is pleased when you get what you want but what you don't know is this there's a scripture i really love it says this it is he that makes you to will so you wanting a nice house wanting a nice car a nice business to flourish it's not you it is him i feel like i'm talking to myself i want more people to share this youtube we are over 500 people we cannot only have about almost 300 thumbs up i need more facebook i need more or else i'm just going to log out and then we say grace hallelujah i want more people to share this and more thumbs up because this is too much somebody said this is three much hallelujah they're just things that please god let can i tell you something god is very pleased when we achieve something when the man jesus went to the jordan he had kept himself for 30 years and the divinity came to meet him and came upon him god began to say this god began to boast this one is the one when the devil was walking around the earth in the book of job the devil sees job he doesn't do anything god waits for the devil to present himself god begins to say where have you been ah you know me i've been roaming on the earth god said have you seen job god is now flexing somebody say god flex on me please boast about me please god is now busting and saying ah listen have you seen my servant job there is no one like him on the earth no one like him job said ah god it is because you are protecting him and you have blessed him too much amen take those things away and see but the devil didn't know he was falling into god's trap because god wanted to give job more so that he can have more pleasure uh somebody somebody didn't hear what i'm telling you god wanted the devil to take so he can give job more so god can enjoy more [Music] you know there's a dimension where now you see some of you don't understand when things start happening around you that are not going well you have to know god is boasting about you because how did these demons know [Music] i feel like i'm talking to myself ah my prophet isn't that amazing it means god is highlighting you spiritually he's tired of you being in the same place so god is now talking have you seen have you seen have you seen have you seen have you seen this have you seen that one look at where they are going do you realize it is god that made the world and the spiritual realm aware of jesus coming into the world why didn't he just do it without anybody knowing because god doesn't like his manifestation his greatness he's boasting to be hidden he doesn't like that he made sure there was a star everybody can see and ev even the demonic people knew that there was a king coming he made sure they knew so people are looking for jesus god is extra happy some of you you want god to hide you god is not you have to understand what god hiding you means god shows you off and then when the enemy is coming he's just holding him like this you can't touch him but he's right here it doesn't mean you disappear they can't see you it doesn't mean that they will see you but they can't do anything about what god has given you that is what is called he sets a table for you in the presence of your enemy meaning your enemies have to be present if your enemies are not present god hasn't done it i don't believe in secret blessings somebody didn't hear me the blessing of god is like pregnancy amen you start walking like this everybody has to see it so that when it comes they know where it came from [Music] they know who is responsible how is somebody who shot fire hebrews chapter 12 verse one thank you hebrews 12 1. hebrews 12 1 amen wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doth so easily beset us and let us run with patience the race that is set before us one more time wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses stop right there who are the cloud of witnesses [Music] not angels witnesses a witness is somebody that experienced god and can talk about god because he was there [Music] amen i want to say something but i'm afraid to say it so i'm not going to say but i will say a better version of it so that it helps you everyone who has lost a loved one that actually walked with god there is no event in your life that they are not a part of no because they are not lost god is not the god of the dead is the god of the living it means these people are not dead i wish somebody could hear me god is the god of the living it means these people are not dead some of you may feel like oh you know i wish my mother was around to see what god has done for me i wish my father my uncle my brother and sister were there to witness you don't know that you have a cloud of witnesses there are people who are cheering saying god do it for them do it for her let what our family could not do let it be fulfilled in this person they are actually cheering for you to make sure that you say set aside every weight and sin that holds you back delays you amen doesn't avert but delays you run the race somebody will say where is it in the bible jesus is in the mountain praying moses and elijah visiting talking to him about what was going to come how you know the cross is coming this this sharing with him these are biblical things it's in your bible if moses and elijah can show up the problem is you see we are i'm not saying that demons don't do these things a devil can take the image of a loved one to deceive you he can definitely do that but one thing that you must always understand about satan is this he will never do anything that will benefit you to go high yes so is that why uh enoch and elijah call the two witnesses of course because these guys are just there are too many of them it's deep you're in the spirit are you getting what i'm telling you there's a cloud of witnesses that their job is just they are watching a movie saying ah look at how god is about to swoop in look how god is about to shift run keep going you're almost there the anti it's like tv show they're just watching the episodes and they're cheering for you [Music] the problem is i always feel so bad about this is that many times christians live a fearful life yet they should never be fearful the bible says if the devil comes rushing as a a flood the lord god will raise a standard if the devil wants to come after you and you are in god do you really think god is going to let him take you come on how confident are you in the protection of god [Music] why is it you just think anyone can come and mess you up when your life is hidden in christ and christ in god amen do you know how secure that is some of you your mother that was gone or your father that was gone or your sister or your uncle you may have seen them in a dream telling you don't stop god is with you you woke up binding in the name of jesus blood the blood of jesus fire the devil wanted to deceive me yet they're telling you you're succeeding some of you you feel like but you are by yourself the truth is you are not god is with you the spirit of god is with you jesus is with you that's what god said i will send you another comforter but also not only angels are with you but there is a cloud of witnesses watching and cheering for you the reason why saying lay aside every sin is because it is sad for them when they are watching god take you high and you almost sabotage what god has for you i hope this makes some of you afraid to sin your mom may be watching this five-fold ministry or your father what are you doing you say god is so good you know the funny thing i'm sorry to to change course a little bit just for a second you know the funny thing is that the world is aware more of these things that are in the scriptures that they don't even know the scriptures more than the children of god it's a very sad thing number two number one number three are we all number three there is a cloud of witnesses cheering for you so if you need energy you know i i do sports and things like that when people keep going you can do it even when you're doing your last rep in the gym come on you can do it it's all you it's all you can push through god wants you to know there are people who are cheering for you amen somebody say god got me are you ready are you ready for the next one romans 8 28-30 romans 8 28-30 romans 8 28-30 amen we are about to finish romans 8 28-30 romans 8 28-30 yes and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god to them who are the called according to his purpose for whom he did for no he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren somebody said god knows me god said something very interesting to jeremiah he said before you are in your mother's womb i knew you not i know you we have a past together with god amen we have a past together with god your parents thought they were naming you they didn't name you didn't hear what i'm telling you they didn't even name you the bible says and god brought all animals to adam to see what he would call them and whatsoever name he called them it was their name thereof it means adam never named any animal god was testing his ability to see if he knew what he named them so when you were saying a lion he was prophesying god was testing the prophetic ability of adam but what you don't know is that in hebrew tradition whatever your name you control so god could not call the animals he simply gave them names but he wanted adam to call them so he can control them [Music] that is why your name your your issues don't name you [Music] you are supposed to name them i i i feel like i'm talking to myself when you say i am broke you're naming yourself the the balance in your account never named you i am sick you're naming yourself remember i am is the name of god so when you say i am broke you're saying my name is eternal brokenness it means that's how i am from the beginning you have to understand what i am that i am means it means i exist by myself for myself within myself created by no one i just am that is why when adam said i am he asked god what is your name he said i am he said god i can't tell these people this i'm the one who's having this experience but how am i i can't i can't how am i gonna tell them this you know what people miss and me and the prophet were talking earlier and we were talking about angels that were discussing our experiences and i was learning from him and he was learning from me and we were building each other up as iron is supposed to sharpen iron amen do you realize moses was talking to an angel the bible says god sent an angel to burn in the bush and out of the bush gods called adam called moses so who was in the bush the angel it was a seraphim that was sent to stand in the fire and to call adam to call moses but watch this now god who are you i am i can't say this thing say okay tell them i'm the god of their fathers so every time you say i am you are saying i am eternally from beginning everlasting broke i am sick it means the embodiment you see why i don't like people to say i i am this i am that is because unless you speak spiritually please let's stand the cold anointing off you see my prophet has african blood this is perfect whenever you use i am you are claiming remember what the bible says if my people who are called by who's name uh-uh let's say together if my people who are called by what one more time if my people who are caught by what god introduces himself to moses he says what is his name i am if my people who are called by my name i am broke [Music] i am sick [Music] that is what god was correcting and saying let the wick he did not say let the ones who say i am weak he said let the weak say i am strong why because strong is one of the names of god the god mighty strong in battle let the poor say i am rich why because everything belongs to god so when you say i am and then rich you are claiming your divine nature that was given to you by god somebody type be careful what you call yourself read it one more time bishop cloud you're okay keep going and we know that all things work together for good to them that love god you are going to make it because everything that is happening is to push you forward amen all things are working for your good in other translations it literally says everything was employed to benefit you [Music] so the devil who thinks is trying to kill you is actually working for you he's your employee i wish somebody who shot fire [Applause] he's working for you he did a very good job for job that job job touched the heavens all things work for you it's for your benefit so what you're facing now you're not actually facing it you're facing the future it's there to push you to your destiny it's not in your future it's behind you your problem is instead of facing forward you're facing backwards you are looking at what is supposed to push you forward your focus is misplaced when the children of israel got before the red sea god said tell them to much forward amen they were looking at pharaoh saying aha he's coming god is saying no no no walk forth pharaoh was supposed to push them for the waters to part if pharaoh was not coming they would have built a boat somebody didn't hear me oops if pharaoh did not come they would have built a boat that means they would have been delayed they're in the wilderness where are they going to find wood so the purpose of the pressure of the egyptians was to push them forward the dryness in the wilderness was to force them to go to the promised land if their wilderness was good god would have left them there the bible says anyone who settled outside of egypt in the wilderness perished they all expired they all died the ones who stuck with moses moving forward lived the pressure of the egyptians was to cause the sea to open what you don't know is your the devil is pushing you to your destiny is a reminder keep matching forward the ones who are crucifying jesus they didn't know they were glorifying him i would open my eyes to mama that's deep they were glorifying him they were glorifying him what you think is there to make you look bad or to affect you is actually promoting you hallelujah let's go to another verse second kings 6 16. all these verses i'm giving you i wrote them down when i came out of my vision to benefit you amen second kings 6 16 and he answered fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them one more time and he answered fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them i want to ask you a very strange question and i want you to use your imagination okay jesus was ministering to tens of thousands of people without speakers how could they hear him you know there are things you don't ask yourself just a hundred people if you have even if you shout it becomes a problem there were other forces working with jesus there were angels assisting jesus then that be with you i'm more there's a simple fact there is a simple fact the devil fell with a third of the stars if you take out a third out of a hole it's a very small number compared to the angels that are actually working with you but because some of you you don't know subconsciously you actually look up to demons you know one time i saw two christians arguing my warfare is strong oh you don't know the kind of warfare i face so you're happy that your problems are why aren't you busting the angels that i have maybe more than yours ah how can they be look at what i can do okay me too look at what i that's a good i like that one because god can excel and add angels according to what we're doing for you but people are literally to prove how prayerful they are to prove how prayerful they are they are boasting of how many demons are after them the warfare oh because i'm i'm in the front of the where is god in all this did you ever read in the scriptures that the prophets the apostles were boasting about how many their warfares were they had the ability to shut everything their problem was never the devil their problems were people used by the devil but even those people they still overcame you maybe it's just one mother-in-law just one workmate ah the devil what he's trying to do to come down what you don't know is what you say you empower words give angels or demons more strength jesus this is a spiritual truth i'm telling you i may have to delete this after what you speak either empower or disarm angels amen praise the lord all his angels who excel in strength amen hackening to the voice of his word so if a child of god doesn't speak positive things you are not equipping angels to help you some of you angels are idle they don't know what to do because you never speak anything positive you just empower demons you invite demons what is going on with me is too much the anxious one i am here you're saying my problems just keep increasing the demon is happy saying let me go invite my other cousin my long-lost cousin let me get more of them because she's she's calling for more of us he's calling for more of us let's get more what you say you empower the devil is too powerful you just gave him power for you how did god disarm the devil because he said so amen remember you are the voice of his word you are not his word you are the voice of his word so if you said the devil is powerful it is god empowering the devil that is why i love what paul said he said my god is able to do exceedingly abundantly my god is able to do everything for you he didn't say our god my god this may not be your god because i know my god is not how you know your god you may believe in a jesus that you are supposed to suffer i don't i believe my jesus suffered for me [Music] i believe the word that says through his poverty he made us rich so i don't expect to be begging for bread since david's time god has been saying i should never beg for bread but you're okay begging for bread you think it makes you holy somebody say renew your mind i can't hear you say renew your mind keep going second king oh start over second king 6 16. and he answered fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them what you need to start doing in your house angels are always around me i'm always surrounded the angels protecting me they're angels looking after me who can touch me i am protected heavenly defended [Music] heavenly protected heavily defended and heavily defended angels are with me angels are always with me i see them i can feel them all around me yes the angels of the lord that are with me david is saying praise the lord always angels who excel in strength he's talking to angels you didn't catch it he's not speaking to god he's speaking to angels your awareness determines what you have your awareness says you know remember we are supposed to perceive to hear god your deliverance is what in your ears romans 8 31 we are finishing with that one romans 8 31. you're gonna read this one romans 8 31 amen amen what shall we then say to these things if god be for us who can be against us one more time what shall we then say to these things if god be for us who can be against this closes the whole chapter if god is with me who can be against me it means the devil is not against you he's working for you cancer is not going to kill you it will glorify god no no no no no somebody didn't get it who can be it means there's no one against you amen you know i love revelation it renews your mind until you sit down you say i created all these issues if god be with a nation who can be against her he did not say who will overcome her it means no one is actually against you my god you are helping your enemy's thinking is against you but actually is not is working for you somebody shout jesus jesus he did not say if god be with me who will defeat me you know when you read that you are thinking that but that's not what it's saying you need to take god by his word somebody say take god by his word take god by his word take god by his word read it one more time please savor it enjoy it feel all the flavors you can think of taste the rainbow go for it what shall we then say to these things if god be for us who can be against us please one more time what shall we then say to these things what are these things the issues that you think are issues listen i want you to be ready because we are we're going to give to god very quickly amen and then me and the prophet i will introduce the prophet to you and then we are going to pray together me and the prophet are going to join hands and pray for you it's going to be three match not too much three much because there will be a third man in the fire i i don't know if somebody's catching me i want you to go quickly can you put the the information already i want you to go quickly listen to me and listen to this prophetic instruction whenever you want god to fulfill what he has said to you you need to act in accordance with something called faith amen you need to prove god that what he's saying is true somebody said i'm going to prove god i'm going to prove god i'm going to prove god by my sacrifice like abraham did i will do the same i will honor god because he's ready to honor me listen to me i want you to take a special seed we are still doing uh the putting together the church and all those things i want you to go quickly whether you have a thousand ten thousand a hundred thousand a hundred million i want you to go quickly and as you are giving it speak to your seed if you are not going to speak to your seed don't do it please take your seed and let it cost you the bible says i cannot give god what does not cost me you have to grab something that cost you and you're going to pray and you're going to say lord let this word that i have had let it not remain in my ears let it go into my heart let it go into my heart let these things be fulfilled because they are going into my heart go quickly and do it and then we'll be [Music] back [Music] [Music] good you took what the enemy meant for evil you turned it for good you turned it for good you took what the enemy meant for evil a [Music] [Music] victory [Music] victory [Music] [Music] me [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] victory [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] every battle belongs to you i'm gonna see your victory battles belong to you you take what the enemy built for evil [Music] for good [Music] okay [Music] foreign a victory [Music] victory victory [Music] [Music] victory victory belongs to you lord [Music] when [Music] will win [Music] you will win [Music] [Music] you will [Music] thank you living jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus [Music] listen to me carefully now i'm going to introduce my covenant brother and a prophet from the country that i come from this is so beautiful and it's a great honor for me to welcome prophet joel you know it's such an amazing honor to have him and uh he has been traveling he's been here for over two weeks now he's preaching and uh when we spoke on the phone i said you can't go unless you come and see us so i had to hijack him and he's a beautiful wife you know they traveled and i know prophet is going to introduce her of course yeah and and uh they traveled and they they came literally i was like prophet flight tomorrow he was landing in atlanta i said please come he said no problem he got on the flight the next day was here two he was picked up we went and ate immediately he came and he's here so we're going to pray for you we are going to minister to you i want you to give him a lot of love and honor him i want you to honor him just somebody type prophet welcome prophet welcome prophet welcome i want you to just celebrate him also online they are doing such an amazing work in kenya and all over the world and uh i appreciate him i want him to speak he's going to introduce his wife and then we'll get down to business please profit this stage is here to god be the glory amen he's amazing and i'm so happy and glorious happy and very very happy to be here in the presence of the lord yes and to see this wonderful people here when we learned that i just told my wife you know i've been i i am from africa and to see the way people are serving god here it just touched my heart and specifically the way the people that are serving next to the man of god it's beyond amen it's filled heaven the love the care the humility i'm so touched and may god bless you for that amen god bless you and i just sense there is a shifting that god is about to take us again amen there's a great shifting because i was coming the spirit of god was telling me god is going to expand this ministry amen amen whereby i saw branches actually branches being raised and been planted first of all here in the u.s amen i see branch in every state amen and the spirit minister me that's the people that are fighting this ministry they shall see this ministry rising amen amen any plan that the enemy is planning behind the back behind the beyond the people that are not okay with what god is doing in this place god is in this business amen and nobody can say the opposite amen or contest against what god has said amen and therefore we decree and declare that the glory and the grace of god to continue expanding in this house amen that the lord shall take do you guys from glory to glory in the name of the lord jesus christ in the name of jesus and i was speaking to the prophet as he was teaching the word of god this powerful teaching of the word of god i saw god healing somebody with side pain of the stomach i don't know side pain of the stomach i see a healing and there is a strong anointing you know when it's written in first when he was teaching on first corinthians chapter two verse four i don't know if someone can read my uh read from me that first corinthians chapter two verse four the bible said that my words and my preaching was not resting on on the wisdom of man can you read it first corinthians 2 4 and my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom amen but in demonstration in demonstration of the spirit and power you will see that when the man of god was teaching the word of god amen the bible said that it was also listing on the wisdom of man but in the demonstration of the spirit and power yes so behind everyone there is the spirit and there is the power so when he was speaking about that whatever that you declare and speak come to pass amen and specifically when you say i am i am i am this i am that there is a spirit and there is a power of fulfillment amen amen so when the christian can be busy yes please say that again there is a spirit and the power fulfillment glider so when the christians are busy declaring the spirit that is behind the word of god yes and with the power that is behind the word of god they shall be fulfillment of the image of christ in them amen so you will not look like your mother your father but you look like christ he is in heaven amen amen the bible says he is so are we yes yes yes so there is a wisdom and if you go again in verse 10 the bible say that there is a wisdom that comes from the word of god yes and that wisdom is what elevates you and position you on above amen and that wisdom is backed by a relationship and by connectivity to the presence of the holy ghost amen amen and when he's speaking and teaching such teaching it is boosting our spirit to the next level amen and it is causing us to fly to the place where god has already taken it amen amen and all that god needs for us to do just to open our hearts and to receive the declaration and the grace that is upon us i'm telling you guys are blessed you are blessed say i am blessed say it again i am blessed i am blessed because what i can see what god is about to do through him it's going to shake this place amen amen but in every season you have to stand always next to your man amen of god support your man of god yes pray for your man of god walk with him in every place and god shall surely remember you amen in the name of jesus christ i didn't come alone i came with my beautiful can you come to the camera people say i know come come come come connected yeah so this is my wife my only one praise the lord praise the lord again oh i need to switch it on he's done okay keep it up okay i'm so happy to be here yeah with my husband and just as he was saying we love to see how you guys serve the man of god and how you serve god through the man of god it is great to see the love and care and we thank god for each and every one of you when we pray that the lord shall continue to strengthen you to be there to stand with him as he teaches the word of god and as he does this that which god has called him to do so we thank god for each and every one of you and most importantly we thank god for you man of god thank you thank you thank you for building this wonderful ministry thank you thank you for teaching the people and thank you for loving us amen above all we thank god for you thank you i will pass the mic back to you i just she doesn't talk too much i don't i tend to stay in the back scene great god bless you we just heard that you guys are buying the place for god amen amen we are just from a few months also we are doing the same and god has been gracious to us amen and you know things are not that expensive like the way it's easier in kenya our building was 1.2 million dollars but the grace of god was sufficient and the grace was sufficient but i know prophetically if we can come together we can conquer the jet amen so anybody that you're listening to us right now wherever you are here present or whatever man of god i saw people that were saying five hundred thousand dollars 500 others are sorry fifty thousand dollars ten thousand dollars and i believe that they are there it's just you need to walk by faith and i no one thinks you'll never lose with god amen god will always fill up any place with his emptiness where something must come out he shall fill it up well i'm speaker i don't know but god is answering your prayer there is a need that you have for god to intervene over your family and i'm seeing god coming true for that amen so when we connect where ever there is a temple and there is a need in the house of god god intervene and the heaven opens up praise the lord so if you can listen to us right now as the man of god has declared this that we should connect in any way to so and we are going to declare a prayer for you i know the presence of the angels are moving into this place mightily and the anointing of god is present here right now and the glory of god is going to move mightily right now there is somebody watching me right now you have been trusting god for a child i'm seeing a womb opening up by the power of the holy ghost in the name of jesus i don't know but i'm hearing a name of a woman called christine i don't know lying christine christian christian the hand of the lord is coming upon you in the name of jesus yeah you know what you need to do something remove the giving the numbers let people call so that prophet can minister just keep prophesying what god is telling me the lord is going to visit you and give you a testimony in the next two months amen in the name of the lord jesus do you just lift your hands and just pray and tank for minutes more [Music] [Music] there is a woman that has not been following you but i'm just seeing someone really close to you yes but look like a name is like esther esther really following up with you and it's like she need a connectivity with the grace of god upon your life amen amen if you can declare a word or blessing upon her i don't if there is somebody like easter like that yes she's actually one of my spiritual daughters my god yes i'm saying there is a strong connectivity that god oh my god there's a really a release of a prophetic grace that god wants to declare and release upon our lives [Music] praise the lord amen praise the lord spirit of the living god we worship you spirit of the living god we worship you spirit of the living god we worship you thank you jesus spirit of god we worship you lemando liverpool [Music] we're going to start ministering to people online you can start calling and we're going to do minister to maybe about three or four people and then we'll pray for everybody when you were talking about that god was going to give a miracle yes i saw the angel of the lord yes going to her and i saw the angel of the lord touching her mind because in the realm of the spirit her biggest battle is that the devil attacked your mind i see an arrow that was short to your mind and i saw a spirit of death that wanted to enter your life jesus and this spirit has been actually speaking to you and he has been enticing you to actually take your own life but the lord is saying am i telling you the truth my god you need to speak on the mind you need to speak on the mic can you help her so taller can you can you help this is true you understand what i'm saying but god says as i'm looking at you man of god i saw the angel of the lord when you started speaking immediately the angel of the lord went to her jesus and when the angel went i saw him removing clothes i saw the claws of the enemy actually on her head jesus and when these claws were inside of her head i saw the voice of the enemy that was projected into her and it is like immediately the spirit of death began to speak to her but this spirit of death came because of a situation that put you into depression i am saying you are working on something there was a thing that you're working on and as you are working on this thing it just fell apart you are betrayed this is not too long ago it's about three four months this thing just collapsed but the lord is saying that your deliverance is today you came to the right place i wish you you know what i'm waiting for man of god is just for the church is it when this thing will open i took it so god is going to help you god is going to heal you and god is going to restore you everything in your life is going to be put together are you understanding what i'm saying the men of god to pray for come come quickly where's the oil can you bring the oil i'm going to pray for [Music] there is a special if you come just kneel here there is a special place for you i'm going to pray you can pour oil on hand we'll just lay hands on him heavenly father we decree and declare as it is written that the anointing break the year thank you lord jesus every yoke of disappointments every yoke of retrogressions every yoke of depressions we break it today by the power of the holy ghost and with the glass this oil comes up on your head today let's all sorrow the part out of your life in the name of jesus may god give you a new beginning a new beginning a new beginning a new beginning a new beginning a new beginning thank you by the power of the holy ghost in the name of jesus christ let it be so socially in jesus name jesus mightiness we break the power of the name of jesus christ we break the demonic in the name of jesus the claws of the enemy have been destroyed you are thank you holy ghost this is strange i heard a name in the realm of the spirit like sami or sam or sam osami i think it is connected to either her or you one of you it's like sam osami it's like this person is like a destiny partner that god is going to send holy ghost to one of you i don't know if it's sammy but it's a woman though it's not a man okay it's it's not it's not a man i don't know if this is a [Music] my nickname is sunny but that's not stanley no no no it's sammy yeah sami not sunny powerful sami i don't know what the shot is for i don't know what the full length of it is but it's like this person will come through i don't know if you know this person yet but this person is going to come through and is going to be helped to you wow are you listening to me um what is it called you what what is this this art thing you do what is it called my painting or my brain is it painting my paintings i call them sunny movements huh what what what what what do you do like anything she has a brand too she has a i paint that's what i'm looking for is girl you're painting that's what i'm seeing it's growing this way are you getting i have escaped i am i'm launching my skateboard it's done because what i saw i saw let me tell you how what i saw in my vision i saw her with a pen okay she ran she's starting the books too you're going too quick glory to god i'm going to tell you what i saw in my vision i saw her i don't know if you guys have ever like worked together like painting or something i don't know but what i saw in my vision i saw her like like designing actually and it was like it was this is like a you know those blank papers it was actually like on some i was wondering is she doing like architectural or what is this that she's doing do you get what i'm saying yes papa go deep i saw you doing like it was like it looked like architecture or whatever but i saw you like really like drawing and designing and things like this and i don't know why also i did you ever do interior at any time not really but it's it's an interest of mine i i'm i saw you like literally like designing and and i was like what is she doing is it architecture what is she i have a book yes things that i've designed since i was okay okay because i'm saying yeah i'm saying this was like designing but it was not just art it was like literally designing i was wondering what is this lady doing i have like uh like drawings in buildings and skateboards and like all these different things that i've designed listen to me god is giving you grace to go ahead whatever you will touch because of today you're going to prosper shall prosper you're going to prosper you're going to prosper dramatically and she's going to stand strong in the ministry amen that is really powerful it's done three months ago i saw myself not here but in the new church and the oil that you were born [Applause] [Music] i mean i've been plagued with he loves you demons my mom actually was killed because of it and and i was about to give up my faith in like just like i don't want to do this thing before god and i was praying i was like i don't even i can't even trust the churches because every time i went into a different church like i wasn't getting fed and i was praying for a teacher and and i kept having dream after dream like the end of the of last year and i kept seeing my friend from middle school whose name is elias and i was like what are you talking about and guys like i was like i need some more clarity because i can't even find this guy on facebook and that's what i'm friends with calvin and charlie that's when they posted your video and i was like all right i got that just happened yesterday but i saw it you said it like months ago oh it's done it's i want us to get on the phones as quickly you please please sit we're going to bless some people online me and prophet i hope people are calling can you supervise this one bishop and then you can give it to us so this one you anyone you want all right as the spirit leads you can put it close to you okay with the speaker um yes sir how are you i'm fine your name is arnold arnold how are you thank you i'm fine i'm doing strong in the lord blessed and highly favored great are you from kenya yeah i'm from kenya where god is from great as i can hear you right now i see the spirit of the living god it's like you are looking to move like to lift your finances your income because you want to be able to supply some needs and responsibility even back home and families but it's like what you have right now it's not enough for you to uh to supply the needs of others so you have been trusting god for a job whereby you can get more than what you have been receiving before and i see the angel of the lord standing right where you are and pouring oil on your head and i'm seeing god expanding and opening a door in the next three weeks you're going to receive an email amen declaring that there is a open of a door an opportunity somewhere and something great is going to take place in your life amen yes that's what is going to take place that's what is going to take place that's what it's going to take i know you need to be more excited hallelujah amen amen to support papa's ministry amen we want to bless you amen you want to bless the ministry god will bless me because papa has been a blessing to me i'm learning so much from him because i also believe god has called me to the ministry praise god amen it is done it is done for you in jesus mighty name hey sir god bless you god bless you so shall it be god bless you god bless you hallelujah our prophet you are too much prophet you're too much hallelujah yes hello [Music] hello please when you call make sure your service is good [Music] yes i can hear you yes how are you stephen i'm doing well your name is stephen kevin richards steven richard as i can hear your voice right list the spirit of god is minister to me the enemy has been causing operations of sickness over the family sickness sickness sickness sickness okay the lord is ministering to me that there have been oppressions of sickness in the family i don't know where is your mom my mom yes she's at home she's at home i'm seeing like the enemy has been planning an attack over her system of her body specifically it's like her lungs it's like a lungs like the enemy has been planning to attack a lung and ability of working properly but that is an attack of the enemy that the lord desires to pray and to intercept that watch of the enemy because i don't know but there have been a lot of witchcraft that has been happening back home and it's like jealousy and division has been happening on a side in the family and the lord i'm seeing that it's correct yes professor but i see the lord giving her grace even through you it's like god is going to lift you and you're going to be able to cause your mom to live her best years remaining on this earth and that grace is going to come up on you and we intercept by the account of the blood of jesus any attack of death that the enemy has set over your mom we cancel it in the name of jesus and we demand the intervention of the angelic grace over her and over you and may god to expand you in the name of jesus christ so shall it be in jesus name thank you so much even as you connect with the ministry of prophet lovey i believe this one shall be effective amen in the name of jesus yes god bless you thank you so much thank you god bless you bless bless bless another and today we'll use all your oils without measure hello hello yes ma'am how are you blessings great great where are you i'm just in 1767. i'm from austria okay i am from austin are you married yes i'm married can i pray for your marriage yes you shall not break up but your mother shall stand strong amen amen thank you no matter the oppression no matter the stress the lord shall give you peace in that marriage the lord shall give peace in that marriage i declare peace over your unity with your husband let no man stand between in order to separate you let no woman come between in order to take your men away thank you jesus i pray that they they shall be light in that marriage there shall be peace in the name of jesus let it be so in the name of the lord jesus and the desunction of the prophetic in this house yes we declare have an intervention over your marriage that it shall be settlement and establishment forever in the name that is above our name the name of jesus christ so shall it be thank you thank you woman of god are you there can you hear me yes yes as the prophet was ministering to you god began to show me a vision are you listening to me yes i saw there was i saw a star you are holding one star in your hand are you listening to me yes and when i see stars it usually means a child or something like that praise god do you have children yes two children two children is it which one is the first one is it a boys or is it a boy and a girl boy what is god two boys i saw you holding a star but it is like when the first one was coming there was a lot of spiritual battles are you listening to me yes there was a lot of spiritual battles are you listening to me yes but it is like when this child was coming i am looking in the bible uh i'm looking in the old testament thank you jesus she's under the influence what's your son's name um wow did you get it yeah i went into the old testament and i saw somebody coming out of it and i knew this boy is actually called by god praise god but spiritually there is something we need to fix are you listening to me what we need to fix there is a there is unheaviness that i'm seeing in the spirit that god needs to take away from your house because as i'm talking to you right now i saw a tormenting spirit following you woman of god are you listening to me are you there hello is it the service hour the the call dropped yes yes [Music] what she's going through started also with her mother jesus but we need to pray for that boy because i saw a lot of arrows that were supposed to make this child be unwell but the kid is called by god we secure him by the blood of the lord thank you lord jesus in the name of jesus hello hello a spirit of reconnecting with you okay she's back on thank you hello can you hear me can you hear me are you there are you back yes okay perfect listen to me woman of god can you hear me please yes i came here now this oppressive spirit needs to be taken from your house in the name of jesus thank you jesus there is a heaviness that comes on you that it is like especially this heaviness started when your son was born are you listening to me this heaviness comes on you and you feel like you have no strength to get done what you know you're supposed to do amen but god wants to help you and god wants to deliver you oh my god thank you jesus and as god touches you god is gonna secure you say leo leo kind of leon leon god is gonna secure this young boy because this boy will serve god hallelujah amen amen and your household there is a presence that is going to fill your house there is a presence that is going to fill the house where is your husband is at work right now we pray for a special grace of deliverance should be released in your house right now in the name of jesus may this oppressive spirit be taken from you in the name of jesus thank you i am seeing like uh some form of headache are you listening to me yes there is a form of headache that this heaviness brings upon you are you listening to me and this headache when it comes i saw you being dizzy you were walking and you became dizzy hey man it's true yeah and when you became dizzy you are working actually i'm seeing you like in a kitchen and it's like where you are it's like i don't know if this is too it's like uh it's not a big place it's like i want to say two two bedroom or something like that but you're hearing me i'm seeing you in the kitchen and i'm seeing you in the kitchen and i'm seeing the color like i'm seeing like whitish are you hearing me i'm seeing whitish i'm seeing like whitish kind of cabins glory but this is what i'm saying i was seeing you like you are you are cooking i don't know what you are preparing but i saw you becoming dizzy that you had to hold yourself you felt like you're going to fall are you listening to me yes and actually it is like you actually called your husband and you told him i feel like something is wrong with me are you listening to me and it is like god also is touching your blood because what is happening is connected to your blood also are you listening to me touch you because i'm saying what is it called when your heart beats very fast heart palpitation are you hearing me woman of god yes yes i am seeing all of a sudden it's like anxiety will hit you and your heart will just go super fast god is delivering you and god is healing you now amen god is delivering you now in the mighty name of jesus the name of jesus christ we speak total deliverance we speak total freedom for your household for you and we speak that as the prophet declared may everything be restored in the mighty name of jesus yes it is done in jesus name name of jesus thank you jesus let's let's uh let's i don't know is your spiritual daughter yes oh all of them i think you have to we need to pray for her amen because i don't know if you're married but the lord is speaking to me that we need to against any widow not for you to remain alone because there's a special anointing of the holy ghost upon you i see you serving god together with you you are going to serve mightily and you are going to prophesy amen you are going to prophesy amen because i saw angelic visitation in your home you can sense the presence of angels often in the house specifically at night prophesy when you wake up in them and the power of god is going to come on you so strongly very strongly and very strong and very strong thank you holy ghost thank you jesus there is a cloud on you thank you jesus your eyes are going to open up gloriously thank you jesus the spirit of god is filling you from the crown of heaven to the souls of your face thank you jesus there is a refreshment thank you these are refreshments there is a refreshment yes thank you holy ghost hold on one second okay don't hang up touch thank you holy ghost i thank you lord thank you thank you jesus thank you that's the power of the holy ghost hallelujah that's the power of the woman of god are you there that's the power are you there okay can you can you bless her thank you father i pray right now in the name of jesus christ that the special anointing of the holy ghost shall come upon you wherever you are you are right now as you listen to my voice i pray that in the name of jesus christ of nazareth there shall be a realignment of anything that was not in alignment in your life yes in the name of jesus any disorder any complication that you've been encountering any confusions in the name of jesus be destroyed may you know what is the purpose of your life amen any confusion you have been walking that you do not know the purpose of your life i pray that god shall enlighten your spirit right now in jesus precious mighty name be a blessing and be a wonder in jesus mighty name amen amen are you the woman of god are you there i'm here i'm here okay i have a question for you have we spoken before yes we actually have spoken before when did i minister to you like prophetically or or did we just talk we just talked okay where was that um where was that yes over the fog oh over you called in and i spoke to you yes yes okay i didn't prophesy i just greeted you or just prayed for you yeah okay okay i i want i want as the as the prophet was blessing you are you listening to me woman of god yes yes yes i saw i saw king david deeper and when i saw king david standing next to you i saw him in my vision playing the harp and as he was playing the harp i started to see you singing okay and as you are worshiping god i saw the hand of god descending mightily upon you and as the as god's hand rested mightily upon you i saw the oil of god coming upon your hands amen amen prophesied it is like your breakthrough is in worshiping god yes yes i love to worship listen to this what say it again i said i play piano and i and i and like i love just being you are king david are you getting what i'm saying do you do do you sing what do you do hello you sing um are you a musician play piano yeah like i just think just like just to worship i like just at home i do it by myself you sing and play piano that's what i'm explaining to you in my vision i saw you worshiping god and i saw king david next to you as he was playing the harp you were singing and then i saw oil coming upon your hands and the lord said her breakthrough is in worshiping god i didn't see our hands do anything else are you listening to me now watch this i am seeing another strange vision right now as i'm speaking to you i am seeing you like i don't know if this is teaching i'm seeing children are you listening to me yes i'm seeing children as if as if you're either i don't know if this is uh helping children i don't know if this has to do with school or what this is can you hear me yes i can hear you i can hear you what do you do about you do you do anything with kids i do sunday school and my church are your confirmations are too slow because i'm watching these visions you know for me i prophesy with visions i'm watching and i'm seeing a lot of kids and i'm seeing you ministering to these children god is good the lord says as long as you continue to serve god hallelujah worship god the oil that will come upon you that will give you elevation has to do with children has to do with worship sorry where's your mother she's right here by me okay there is something interesting that i'm saying there is healing that is coming to your mother that's right i haven't seen a hospital yeah he's in the hospital god wants to heal your mother yes yes let me tell you what i'm seeing okay i saw the angel of the lord pouring oil on her feet yes i i'm touching her feet right now actually praise god i saw the angel of god touching her feet oil was being poured on her feet and as the angel of the lord was touching her feet i saw the arrows of the enemy that was shot to the knees i'm seeing the left knee first of all and i'm seeing it going to the feet and i saw these arrows beginning to fall off uh are you there because the your mother's trouble i am saying it has to do with the with i i canceled arthritis in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i can't saw any kind of pain in our body in the name of jesus yes but i also saw something interesting man of god i saw the angel of god opening her stomach [Music] are you listening to me and when the angel of the lord opened her stomach i saw the angel of the lord fixing a digestive system [Music] yes what is this can you hear me yes what's going on with mom's stomach um well i guess it just connected to everything but not too long ago they um they took out her uterus this is this this yo you're not responding quick enough that's probably my daughter you need to be a little fast can you hear me i saw the lord working i saw the angel of the lord she he was like he was she was operated and i saw the angel of the lord working like in a in a stomach like digestive system or whatever it is but the lord is saying there is complete healing that is coming to your mother and then i saw something else that is very strange i saw the angel of the lord using her feet the finger to touch your mother's throat [Music] are you listening to me and when the angel of the lord touched your mother's throat i saw also the angel of the lord do something very strange he did what jesus did and he took saliva out of his mouth touched the ground and put it on your mother's eyes and he said god is making a sight very sharp praise god [Music] are you there yes my mom's vision is like slightly not as good as listen to me the spirit of the lord is saying he has visited your house [Music] the lord has visited your house the lord has visited your house who do you know that is losing hair my mom she's like um her hair just falls out again because it's funny i am seeing somebody standing in front of a mirror but i'm looking from behind atmosphere is amazing i'm seeing somebody is here it's like uh falling out okay but but this hair is like it's it's not black but it's kind of brownish yes that's my mom's hair yeah do you have anointing oil at home yes right here can you put it on your hands and touch your mother's head i command the hair to begin to grow [Music] you did it thank you father i command the hair to begin to grow i command those hair follicles is that what it's called follicles i command them to reappear and begin to work in the name of jesus thank you mate begin to work yes lord yes lord i speak by the spirit of god yes lord i speak by the spirit of god i am smelling like i this is very this is very prophetic for me are you there my daughter can you hear me yes yes yes we're here i i am like i am smelling like is he called jasmine wow you know i'm smelling like a a a is it called jasmine or flowers you know how flowers it is i'm smelling a very strong like a like garden kind of like flower smell it means that there is a newness of life that is coming to your house are you listening to me it is coming into your house what is your mother's name her name is olga olga can you give me a full name what does that name mean the last name i don't know just but my my name is lily for sure we use lily what is the full name what's the full name what what is your name what what is the name what does lily mean it means flowers okay that's what okay okay that's that's deep i'm trying to discern this thing listen to me god is visiting your home god is touching your home there is restoration there's breakthrough that is being released in the family i am saying i'm sorry i'm trying to finish but i'm seeing something that i just want to see i am seeing a young man standing next to you do you have a brother is it just you if i have a brother i have four brothers you have four brothers and she was like ooh is there is there a brother that is staying with you guys or it's just you we have all four brothers staying all four brothers are staying there yeah okay let me see who this uh young man is thank you lord jesus who has a name that starts with an f what are their names can you tell me their names i'm trying to discern these things um paul yuri gregory and simeon and simeon thank you lord jesus any of them have children no nobody has children jesus who's this lord give me this full name i want to say i want to say uh uh uh thank you lord has a friend with the name start with f do you do you have a friend that with the name that starts with an f oh no no no okay the name the name i'm seeing is like it it's like almost like i want to say like a finnish name okay okay it's uh but i'm having a hard time like saying it it's like i want the easiest way i can say it's like frederick or but is i'm pronouncing it the wrong way i don't know who is connected to that maybe it may be your brothers or somebody but there is a young man that god is going to touch because it's like the grace that god has put on you will help this man that with the name that starts with an f it's like frederick or something like that but the lord is saying by the spirit of god that your house has been visited there is a transformation that is happening in the house says the spirit of god i want you to do something whatever seed you have i want you to speak to that seed and say lord i thank you for what god has spoken to me through the prophets let this thing be established for me and my family in jesus name you hear me amen it is done socially amen let's pray for people for uh uh prophet in the name of jesus christ of nazareth yes spirit of the living god yes this was a mighty and powerful service yes lord lord we decree and declare yes lord that this shall be permanent yes the impactation that has been done today in the life and the spirit of people that have listened to the voice of god today yes we declare that this shall be permanent yes we declare divine acceleration yes prophetic accelerations yes in the name of the lord jesus yes we override and intercept the works of the enemy thank you jesus any devices of the enemy set against your children thank you jesus you override it and we intercepted we engage the supernatural hand of god yes we engage the intervention of god yes over their family over their finances over their business yes lord let there be a breakthrough let us be peace and let it be healing yes in the name of the lord jesus christ amen let that be open heaven yes and may the lord bless you and bless your finances in jesus name amen amen thank you lord listen to me i want to give you 30 seconds yes i just hear this by the spirit of god i'm not even going to close because the prophet has already sealed it 30 seconds all you're going to do for 30 seconds the bible says what then shall we say about these things yes if god be for us who can be against us i want you to declare for 30 seconds you're going to pray you're going to name every situation you're going through you are going to say today you are employed to serve the purpose of god in my life you will launch me to my destiny this is what i am saying about you open your mouth and pray lesson thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus [Music] thank you [Music] yes in jesus mighty name in jesus name listen we love you jesus loves you more we thank you prophet for being with us you have been a blessing to us i'm the one to thank you hopefully we'll do live streams while we are still here i would love to it would be amazing it was a blessing listen we bless you all whoever is watching from around the world we thank you for your sacrifice we thank you for your time jesus loves you yes we love you but the lord jesus loves you more great may god bless you and keep you shalom shalom bless you oh my god [Music] what kind of [Music] what kind of love is this [Music] [Music]
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 7,545
Rating: 4.9612722 out of 5
Id: KUn8RIXuiiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 26sec (8486 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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