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okay are you listening to me yeah somebody would want to come and say sister the lord spoke to me but they will say this they'll say lord you gave me the wrong vision okay you're already pure by the spirit of god you don't need this amen okay okay so let's put this here for now okay give me your hand i want you to apply it on your ring finger especially that one thank you lord jesus is there a road like bro bro bro brony or or that starts with a b new burn where is that it's by where i live now okay prophesied are you guys doing me to profit it's what new new burn newbern avenue because when you touch that i i saw a place like newburn what did you say newburn avenue yes i saw an angel going to this place to release the blessing of god that is waiting for you amen thank you jesus are you listening to me yeah there is a special blessing of god that is going to meet you where you're coming from yeah but as you go please no more of that happy man okay okay okay you know jesus already is he doesn't want to marry you you're his daughter okay i receive it hallelujah hallelujah glory be to god the blessing is already released for you amen amen you can clap for jesus look at me in the name of jesus mama hold my hand is this your first time here where did you come from woodland hills what uh william hills what's going on um i just had a baby two weeks ago so my back is on fire oh your back is on fire yeah sunny sit down oh it's uh yes the tall ones lift your hands i'll bless you from where you are father i command i release i release in the name of jesus limb for just a little bit restoration in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit i remove pain from you and i release the blessing of god for you the moment you guys get home the atmosphere of the house will change that baby is a sign of where you're going in the name of jesus it is done bring her bring her to me where are you guys from florida yes let me start down this way prophet that has abandoned me where's prophet dj okay glory to god it's for him okay okay how do you know him we met at a party okay that's how he's uh acquaintance from my body i'm joking lift your hand safe lift your hands to heaven now i want to pray for you because god loves you but there is something that we need to fix spiritually i am seeing god holding you like his father and when i see god holding somebody like his father it means that the the father is not there it is only god that has stood like his father prophesied not talking to me i will move on huh where's your father in prison now i need to pray for you because god wants to elevate you accelerate you amen but this chain that held your father is also tormenting you because even though god's hand is on you there is limitations that are in your life are you listening to me yeah we need to not only pray that god will break this curse but we also need to lift your mother to god amen amen are you listening to me we need to pray for her because if we don't pray for her in the realm of the spirit i am seeing an attack of the enemy that is already in her blood are you listening to me we need to pray for your mother where is she right now uh-huh we need to pray for her because i am saying spiritually there will be something that will develop in her blood are you listening to me you look like blood pressure and things like that then it would turn into something else something else but because you came we're going to stop it in the name of jesus amen are you listening to me god is not only going to help you but god is going as a father is going to walk you through life and bring you to the place of success amen amen stretch your hands to him stretch your hands towards him father we release the blessing of god [Music] may grace carry him to the next level of his life may no plan of the enemy touch the mother or plague the mother in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit it is done it is finished yes it's funny because they they came to my house earlier and you're spot on because i didn't know i was just questioning him getting some information from him so everything you just said was spot on prophecy but you know it's difficult because when people don't talk people can't benefit from the prophetic lift your hands lift your hands to god lift your hands to god you are together okay now i am seeing tears coming from your eyes okay i'm seeing you crying and i'm trying to ask the lord why is it that you're crying thank you lord jesus prophet where are thou jesus hey i'm going to ask you a very strange question okay help me to understand this i'm seeing a young guy okay i'm seeing a young man and i'm singing playing guitar okay okay i'm seeing him playing guitar but we need to pray for this young dude that is playing guitar i don't know if you know anyone that is playing guitar and i am seeing him like wait wait wait i am seeing this guy but it is strange because i am no longer seeing him in the land of the living it's my brother i think i think it's my brother he passed away [Applause] how long ago i think it's been four or five years now he died at 27 from suicide what did he do he hung himself but what did he do he didn't he didn't do a lot he was very troubled he had a rough start growing up he he kind of went back and forth from family to family my mom my we have the same dad but different moms did he do anything with music or no he loved music he he would sing in church he would sing anywhere he loved it we'd stay up all night he didn't play guitar no he loved to play guitar yeah because when i saw him i started looking for him and i realized that is not in the land of the living thank you lord jesus thank you lord thank you lord jesus do you know anyone called daniel no any of you no dan or daniel are you married no i'm engaged you're engaged what's your fiance's name jake paul jake paul jake he doesn't know any daniel from him not that i'm aware of no okay could you ask him that for me absolutely okay now i need to pray for you because it is strange when i saw this young man okay i saw somebody playing guitar and then all of a sudden i didn't see him in the land of the living now the reason why i need to pray for you is because i am seeing a chaotic spirit that is following you and this same spirit also followed him but it was able to take him correct but i don't want the same spirit to follow you especially that now you are engaged okay and god wants to take you somewhere but this spirit disrupts a lot okay even you yourself as sweet as you are as nice as you are when it comes over you it can make you disrupt things and then you will be like what did i just do amen prophesy prophesy [Applause] it runs deep in my my my immediate family don't worry we'll remove it amen amen amen he will surely not follow you now do you know anyone in seattle is that where there is a needle kind of thing um i know of people who've been in seattle but not as of right now okay but it's the same thing also in canada like that like a needle thing intro do you know anyone in toronto toronto or seattle so who was in seattle uh close friend of the family his name was trevor what's trevor's full name trevor bowlin okay and where do you live again uh near pasadena right before okay we are near before pasadena and and you burbank okay burbank high five you guys know each other no okay thank you jesus thank you jesus put your hands like this i'm gonna pray for you and god will help you amen leave her may this chaotic spirit not follow you where you're going yes of course [Applause] okay you feel that cold chill thing it's new energy in you hallelujah oh my god whatever your heart's desire is the lord has given it to you in jesus name it is done go and be engaged and be blessed it's finished okay let me grow this where did you come from ohio ohio yes what did you come with uh myself yourself yes lift your hands to jesus hallelujah ohio where is that um midwest like canada uh up like across the nation i'm here for one night papa one night bless the name of the lord reveal it go deep papa and my spirit be open to you go deep papa now it is very strange okay very strange spiritually because it is like one day you woke up and got changed to your life amen are you american deep the direction that you are going it is like one day god just touched your mind and you are shifted completely and the lord is saying that he has a special calling for you even in serving him amen are you listening to me amen prophesy because i am seeing you walking with the disciples of jesus amen are you listening to me amen it means two things yes there is an apostolic spirit in you amen amen if it is not an apostolic spirit which i know it is an apostolic spirit either your name or something is connected to one of the guys that are working with jesus hey are you listening to me i'm an apostle chris hallelujah okay apostle chris yes okay [Applause] what's your full name uh kennedy chris kennedy chris kennedy what's your father's name chris so you are the second uh i should have been okay different different last name okay okay god says this apostolic spirit will be activated even into the prophetic realm amen amen are you listening to me amen when i pray for you there will be tremendous visitations that will come to you amen it will begin in dreams and your discernment will be heightened to another dimension says the spirit of god amen when you pray for people people will begin to be healed amen now very strange i am seeing a a a woman a little lighter in complexion than you but i'm seeing us sitting on a chair prophesy sitting on a chair it is like either it's like some problem with the with the legs probably go deep because i'm just sitting on the chair amen who's that that's my wife it's your wife hallelujah professor professor what's going what's going on with her uh uh sciatic nerve endings and she hyper extended some problems so she complained about it yesterday two days ago and so is she just sitting now yeah she should be watching right now okay hallelujah hallelujah how does she look like she's light-skinned lighter than me uh okay you got it you you see her okay ah professor go deep it's weird because i'm seeing holding two and a half stars do you guys have children how many children do you have four four children all of them from the two of you i'm seeing two and a half stars and i've never seen anything like that and i'm trying to understand what is happening prophesied speak lord prophet where are thou jesus christ i'm looking for you sir how many children are you in your family two two just two of you out of your half sister [Music] [Applause] never miss because now i am understanding why you are the one who is holding those stars it's like you spiritually is the pillar for everybody else amen you understand what i'm saying man okay deep deep very strange okay and i want to understand what i'm seeing do you know those reflection vests that people wear i'm seeing you wearing like a reflection kind of roughest eye okay probably and i'm seeing you standing like you are working but i'm seeing you with a reflection what do you do security i worked at ups and wore that reflection vest prophecy you guys are tired can i have this because i couldn't tell why he's wearing a reflection vest thank you jesus that would say it's attitude it is weird okay we need to pray i don't know if you have one daughter how many daughters do you have three three daughters there is one which one is the youngest of the girls isabella we need to pray for isabella okay prophecy we need to pray for isabella because it's spiritually this is the only one i saw and i believe that god highlighted that because of what i'm seeing profit when this child was coming into the world there was a lot of battles with the mother carrying this one this specific one prophesy and spiritually i am seeing a lot of like abnormal kind of health things that the devil is trying to put on this one okay the weird thing that i saw is first i saw something happening to her skin are you listening to me yes i hear you and after that also it is weird because i also saw that the enemy even wanted to affect you know how kids walk at a certain time yes it was like satan even tried to delay her actually walking are you listening to me yes prophecy but this one has a very special stuff from heaven amen are you listening to me and she's going to impact and change a lot of lives amen impact and change a lot of lives amen says the spirit of god we need to make sure that she's a hundred percent covered hallelujah a hundred percent covered because one day this one will be a pillar that is going to wipe everybody else's tears says the spirit of the living god give me the oil apostle do me a favor neil i want to really bless you [Music] father i pray the prophetic unction that will take him to another dimension i activate the angelic realm i activate the realm of power in the name of jesus may his life be so strong that when he goes home people will be free in jesus name are you ready okay prophet i prophesy stand over here professor what time is it chai oh 11 quick quick prophecy okay give me just another 20 minutes and i'm done in the realms of the spirit this is what i saw somebody say prophesy prophecy do you want me to tell you the exact way i'm seeing it or do you want to prophesy that because i don't want to ruin something ah no prophesy okay this is what i saw it's like i saw that god had given you something that he wants to pour favor on the message today is about spiritual energy and i saw that god is about to put power on what he has given i receive amen because in the realms of the spirit this is what i'm seeing it's like i'm seeing god prospering you in this is weird in production wow in production amen but it's like what god gave to you it was the thing with the it's like this online store yes named after you yes what is your name my name is trinity what is your store name trendy professor but wow the realms of the spirit the thing i'm saying that god needs to bless is with clothing yes and accessories yes clothing and accessories yes yes trinity clothing and assessment yes wait hey you know and prophet waits so i go kill it but it's like in the realms of the spirit i'm seeing where things are delayed in your lives it's like in your mind i'm seeing where you will pick you say i'm going to do this by this around this time but something will happen and you will move it i'm speaking about this thing you say i should say it yes yes that's true prophesy i'm talking about the engagement don't worry i won't tell you the exact date so it will still be a surprise ah you told me to say it it's like i saw you saying okay i will do it around this time and then you moved it yes and you moved it twice now you're right yes [Applause] if you tell me to tell you i'll tell you everything in the realms of the spirit i'm trying to keep him from some things to myself in the realms of the spirit it's like i'm seeing you your name is your character but it's like i'm seeing another of you yes i actually spoke you you actually called me on whatsapp and you said that exact thing i probably said yeah the exact same thing yes but i never met you before never is it on my instagram facebook live uh no it was on uh whatsapp well i was on one of your facebook or you're in the feeds because then you called me like randomly after that and i was like whoa did i talk about this one when i talked to you yes you did what did i say you said that uh that there's this this woman which is her and that i don't you want me to say it like just say it so i don't want to prophesy the same thing twice no you did anything that you said to her and you didn't this is new this is new okay it's jesus don't worry you spoke more directly about us in that it's yes this is what i saw i saw this thing of delay i saw that it's going to break when you come together amen amen amen wait wait you know what many people don't understand the bible says you're praying the wrong prayer it says he that finds a wife finds a good thing and he buys favor from god so some of you are wasting your time being sick i'm taking my time yo you're putting spirit of delay on your life for no reason fix it i'm trying to help the ladies you're not catching god says once this thing is fixed once this thing is in order you would not recognize yourself ah three months after the way things will begin to move together amen speed in your life is based on how quick you do this then amen that is what god told me to tell you it is done in jesus name amen somebody shall prophesy professor mama i want to help you justin i'm i'm gonna help you can you stand are you able to it's okay did you just get lightheaded now you've been that way since you walked in but before that you're not light-headed um i i don't know before that were you lightheaded i don't know okay i want to help you now when when i touched you to pray for you i'm going to give you something and help you quickly i just want everybody to benefit from what god is doing to you amen okay now spiritually it was very strange when i came to you don't worry that spirit is leaving you that's why all that is happening when when i came and i i touched her to pray for her the holy spirit led me to her stomach and he said the problem is within the stomach because when i looked now in the vision i saw like the intestines were twisted and they were swollen okay they were swollen and it was like nothing can really settle in when she's taking and this thing will not allow her to put on any kind of weight but the lord says is going to deliver you and heal you okay he's going to deliver you and heal you come come daughter comes come stand next to her you know her yes you know how long have you known her for about a year you know the problem that is in the stomach uh the lord showed me about a week or so ago and i told her she has to come because he's had me praying for her and interceding when she was she'd been diagnosed with the doctor uh yeah when i reached out to her she told me she what did the doctor have been home um my blood results is very real high and low and then my your my second year analysis showed that i have co e coli i've never had that in my life and where is that it's all in here in your interstates prophesy prophesy jesus look at me hold this before i give her this look liver out out out out in the name of it take everything it's just water drink it when you go home your system will flash out instantly when you go to the hospital they will be shocked what is happening amen open it for her let her drink it it's finished how are you doing mama this your first time yes who did you come with lisa lisa where are thou hi is this mom aunt a friend friend from a former church from a church okay okay what's going on with your body mama uh let's say arthritis atrial fibrillation okay congestive heart failure [Music] out in jesus name all these sicknesses we remove it from you i energize your body in the name of jesus jesus god has cleansed you of every sin and weakness yes that the enemy has brought upon you i command you in the name of jesus stand up stand up stand up stand up stand up give me your hand walk two news walk to me walk two times [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] your legs will get stronger and your balance will get stronger you felt the energy that entered your legs is going to keep increasing amen in the name of jesus amen very man where's uncle fred [Music] is uncle fred here okay he's upstairs it's okay uncle fred stay stay there where are you from woman of god azusa azusa is that um in san gabriel valley it's right on the other side of monrovia or um pasadena okay okay thank you where where are you from why west covina originally jersey jersey okay do you have children no no children only spiritual children only spiritual children do you have spiritual sons yes which one is the closest to you oh he's kind of straight away but his name is e-man emmanuel ima what's his full name emmanuel oh jeez gonzalez gonzalez okay he was he's really he was he's a spirit-driven drummer i mean he really led but he's kind of he's fallen away okay god will help him amen the lord amen amen every day your feet will get stronger and stronger amen says the spirit of god amen it is high five lift your hands florida people prophet where did he go again lift your hands okay lift your hands did you all come together who is who that's my niece and my great niece niece and greatness deep oh this is your daughter okay i've never spoken to you guys before no no first time okay and uh why do i feel like i know you i'm watching you too okay yes sir [Music] thank you thank you yeah with his mom okay what's your name woman of god barbara what's your full name coleman barbara coleman barbara coleman yes okay how many children do you have none none okay what's your new moment of god latoya coleman nice and you alia moore okay deep i like this thank you come on now just lift your hands to god i need to pray i need to pray for for everybody that is here amen but especially you okay in the realm of the spirit i am seeing the burden that you're carrying is too much for you okay spiritually everything has dried up for you everything that was favorable for you it dried up it is strange because i don't know if you ever had a store or anything like that what what do you do i'm uh i'm a i'm a dance instructor an assistant um coordinator for parks through recreation okay did you ever like have like your own space no i desire my own you desire your own and the person you're working with do you the or the people you're working with do they still have their thing or it's gone parks and recreation yeah it's still that still work for them you still work for them what do you do for them dance instructor and um assistant uh activity coordinator okay how long have you been working for them five years five years and that's the only business you've ever done yes okay what do you do mama um i work for in retail for about 30 years and my family has has businesses we have a funeral home a group home uh my brother's a pastor okay several businesses so now i'm just helping that but uh okay yeah okay now let me tell you the vision that i saw i saw a space that was yours okay in my vision but it is strange because i saw it being taken from you so as it was taken from you that's why i asked you that a question did you ever have like a space or something of that sort that belonged to you but spiritually now i am understanding what is happening okay in what god called you to do [Music] there's been setbacks on setbacks and setbacks that's true compared to where you're supposed to be yes what you are desiring you are supposed to have it a long time ago but things are just not playing out for you to do it every time you want to get there something happens that disrupts it that's true okay it is weird because i don't know why i am seeing it like this but i'm seeing some money that was in your hands that i don't know if you lent somebody or you gave somebody and the money never came back are you listening to me and it caused a major delay in what you wanted to there is always something or something else that will block your next dimension that's true the spirit of the lord is saying that god is about to elevate you is about to bless you thank you and he's about to remove what has been holding you are you listening to me is about to remove what has been holding you now this is another weird thing that i'm looking at and i want to understand what is happening i saw somebody writing a false police report against you are you listening to me it is like it's strange because i am seeing somebody putting something together like i don't know if it's called restraining order or something like that you didn't do anything you haven't done anything but i'm seeing somebody put something together against you even though your hands are innocent the lord says anybody that raises his voice against you is already condemned and what they direct towards you will turn towards them and they will fall in their own stare that they have planned against you amen says the spirit of god thank you lord lift lift your hands my dear someone's child she's been helping him she the lady is incarcerated yes and all she's been doing is helping her little baby yes and from prison her the baby's not even related to her from prison the mom said that because of jealousy she didn't want her to help and all she's done is raised the baby is thriving so dcf says but the mom came against her and her mom but she's still out of the the heart that she had for god yeah she's still doing it and then they were just trying to make a judgment uh with the child going be restored to the to the uh grandmother yes and the um the advocate that speaks on the children's behalf stopped the whole thing and said that she had to do a home visit so they stopped the proceedings and now the baby even though the biological mom wanted the child snatched from her the child is still in her care so somebody actually did accuse you of something intervene she wants the the mother does not like my mom for whatever reason they originally had the baby yes i took on the baby because my mom could and the mother for some reason does not want me to have the baby she they will fall in their own pit settled i said they will fall in their own pit amen lift your hands later on father help this one yes lord cause her life to shine yes and cause her to walk in the right places so that the traps of the enemy will be far from us in jesus name thank you father father i remove whatever attack of the enemy of our life grace to go high in jesus name lift your hands first i'm here where did you come from north hollywood not hollywood you're from the area yes that's good give me a hand thank you jesus who has keys keys anywhere keys do you have any kids give me your keys let me use your keys because they are yours they'll be better amen perfect now the spirit of god is saying this he's giving you keys okay he's giving you kids that will stabilize you are you listening to me and it will make you be settled in your life completely amen spiritually there is stability that is missing in your life that you ought to have according to where god has put you in are you listening to me but the lord is saying that he's giving you keys and because of these kiss everything to do with your life will be stable amen are you listening to me because spiritually this is what i'm saying in the area of relationship trouble are you listening to me trouble big time trouble and that is one of the main reasons why there's been some kind of instability now i don't know how i'm going to tell you how i'm seeing it i don't know if you are living have you why are you living with anyone you're dating or you're living by yourself i'm by myself yeah but were you living with somebody before no unfortunately uh yeah before who are you living with i was living with roommates but before i was in a relationship for six and a half years and you are in the same house with that person no i have my own apartment okay i need you to listen to me and listen to me carefully by the spirit of god god is bringing you stability because one of the things that i saw spiritually is that there was a relationship and it was weird the way i saw it in my vision so the person never lived with you or it was your apartment or you was at his own place and you guys it was him but i took care of everything he was at his house or he was living it was an apartment it was his apartment but financially i did everything so you are living there or what i was living there yes okay that's what i'm looking for prophesy prophesy how long ago did you move out from that city uh i left him two years ago okay this thing brought a lot of problems from you for you even right now as i'm speaking to you your own life is not even steady because of what happened there are you listening to me it has delayed a bunch of things but the lord says with this keys is giving you stability the lord is stabilizing you and stabilizing every part of your life every part of your life now we need to break something that came from your mother because this thing that you're going through your own mother also went through where there is no stability to call for anything in our own life and spiritually this thing also transferred to you indirectly but the lord says when you go home you open the door like this stability has entered your life it says the spirit of god first time who did you come with myself where did you come from columbus ohio columbus ohio you came from ohio yeah thank you jesus give me your hand are you married yes okay how many years 10 years 10 years that's deep power yes power yes [Music] but we need to pray for your marriage yes okay because spiritually if we don't pray i'm seeing satan trying to dissolve your marriage he already tried huh he already tried when did this happen oh i thought we were moving in the right direction and we planned our 10-year renewal and in january i was deceived and things started to turn after our anniversary which is march 19th okay so it's just now getting better better than what it was it was to where i was done but let me tell you something if we don't pray it's coming back again yes go deeper are you listening to me yes sir if we don't pray pray it's coming back again yes god go deep very random question okay very random question do you know anybody is he called a bouncer like you know somebody works like some kind of security do you know anyone that works like for is it do they work clubs yeah do you know anyone that works security like club like like a bouncer what does he do my husband um he's a chef by trade but he's getting ready to go into an apprenticeship for electrician to be an electrician for an electrician you don't know anyone that worked like with entertainment like clubs a long time ago i used to see someone and he just passed away last friday he um he was trying to clean up his life and i just got the call today that what was he doing um he was trying to build his life to be a bodybuilder and fitness and stuff like that but he hadn't okay um okay let me let me let me fix this quickly amen i'm going to pray that god will give you stability in your house and that this wind will go away and never return in the name of jesus it is finished amen [Applause] what did you come with and then i'll come that way who did you come with natasha who is natasha i came from dallas but she brought me here natasha come who did you come with uh do you know them no but you guys you don't know her okay she denied you so quick said yeah oh it's not oh it's you thank you jesus he came with another person actually with a couple okay where is the couple the couple people actually we came with okay no no no i'm just holding i'm investigating something amen in the spirit there's trouble here amen huh yes there's trouble here and how i'm seeing it in my vision is this this is how i'm seeing it in my vision when i touched this ring apostle okay when i touched this ring it was strange instead of seeing him i saw you by yourself yes huh in fact it was strange because as i'm touching it i can't even find him in the house are you listening to me yes where is he he's home right now is he always in the house or no upstairs prophesied prophesied prophesy puppet now the battle that you're fighting is a family battle okay prophesy are you listening to me yes is not direct it's not even you okay it is really a family battle within him there's a spirit that is fighting him yes are you listening to me yes spiritually it is strange okay this is how i'm seeing it in my vision apostle i am seeing his mother okay i'm seeing his mother having a strong influence on him woman of god you're not speaking yeah i prophesy pastor prophesy i'm seeing the mother having a very strong spirit over him okay weirdly i'm looking for the father i can't see the father i don't know what the reason is he passed away he passed away i am only seeing the mother but i'm seeing the influence of the mother really really strong over him okay are you listening to me but we need to pray so that whatsoever you can carry him you can carry him we don't want the baby to cry amen it's okay it's okay it's okay if we don't pray why am i singing moving boxes what does he do prophesy um he's into cyber security so he does what what what what is cyber security uh information security like is it just information i think so it's just on computers yes why am i seeing uh like boxes on boxes on boxes um right now i filed for divorce so i'm not too sure okay yes prophesied the battle you're fighting is not you okay something going on with him because of the influence of them i don't want to say some things that i hope they're not watching because this will be trouble i don't want to put you in trouble okay but in reality is this the hand of god is on you and there are things that god needs to do with him if anything is going to be okay okay are you listening to me i will never encourage somebody to be in something that is bad yes because it's not the will of god for anybody to be in something that is bad amen never been amen you know christianity they love to protect the constitution of something but not the people in it yes it's not a good thing for people not to do well that's the it's evil in the sight of god amen i am going to pray for you that god will keep you that god will push you higher amen and god will keep you but i want you to know the battle you're fighting is not you amen amen is not you it is where this person is coming from okay are you listening to me father i thank you father i thank you i break whatever attack of the enemy is in the name of jesus i release them and i pray father by your grace whatever you see fit let it come to pass in jesus name amen it is done so is he moving out yet or no no not yet not yet okay come close to me come close first time where did you come from uh delaware delaware what did you come with huh okay but i know you okay lift your hands to heaven lift your hands to heaven the lord says don't give up because you are very wary right now you're actually tired spiritually i'm seeing you carrying burdens that it's god that is supposed to be helping you to carry are you listening to me yes in the realm of the spirit i saw your heart falling like a glass and it broke and it was scattered in many pieces you're not talking to me woman of god yes but the lord says that is going to mend everything in your life including your heart and this message was for you and god says that is energizing you when you live here you will live with a fresh grace fresh anointing to do deeper and greater things greater exploits god is not only restoring you god is giving you greater and better things take it in the name of jesus amen that is a cause let me move quick quick quickly do you guys know each other separate my son don't worry no don't worry sit for a second come come to me mama come to me come to me come close where did you come from mama we just moved here in may on may 1st from dc from dc wow wow thank you jesus yes 16 16. just the two of you okay hold each other's hold your mom's hands take your hand off the pocket lift it to god and you too mama yes grace to start afresh in the name of jesus that the pain of the past will not follow you in a new place in jesus name stand up what do you want god to do for you first time yes what do you want god to do for you i'm not sure where to start to be honest okay just come to me look at me infirmity go infirmity go the name of jesus come out thank you lord jesus there it is did you come by yourself what did you come with my friend and my daughters your daughters and your friends where are the daughters come come quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly now as i'm holding her like this as your as you're feeling that pressure pushing up i'm seeing i'm seeing smoke leaving you and this is the spirit of depression are you listening to me it's a spirit of depression i can actually smell the scent we have been told that i have an anxiety disorder which is another name for his depression okay but it's leaving you do you feel like goosebumps and stuff is that spirit leaving you look at me [Music] thank you holy spirit thank you holy spirit i want you to say the name of jesus seven times jesus jesus jesus thank you jesus i restore you physically walk to me talk to me talk to me walk are you shocked run run [Applause] [Music] come to me come to me shout glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you shocked why are you shocked i was doubtful to be honest that it's okay many doubt it's just things at least not good things happen in my life it's okay how do you feel physically now i've been hurting for like the longest and right now how long that i haven't been in pain from something yeah i don't remember physically were you working okay right now yeah but when you came no i was kind of limping you're limping that's where it left you [Music] never again walk show them that you're working show that you're restored did you see her face the first time she took a step she couldn't believe it power is no powder look at your neighbor say power is not powder power is not powder it's done every just the same way god made you okay everything else is fine go home in peace thank you lord are you guys twins you just look alike hold each other's hands hold each other's hands may the spirit of god rest upon both of you this thing will never touch you guys it is done [Music] now there is a certain like bloating thing that happens to you yeah it's been there for a while yeah and you can't understand because you're doing everything but it's not going away yeah i mean i do everything the doctors tell me and tonight you go home give me water i'm giving you medicine give me water amen caliber chandeliers this is just water they just removed the it's nothing it's just water tk videos drink this you go to the bathroom you wonder within a few days you're just getting weight will just fall off you are you listening to me i know it sounds vain but ever since i've had serious health issues like with cancer and stuff and i just had surgery okay don't worry just take this go in peace it's done amen it's finished amen amen it's finished first time here where did you come from arcadia akira where is that near pasadena okay hold my hand hold my who did you come with my friend justin back there okay look at me whatever it is you desire from god [Applause] where did you come from pomona yes hold my hand hey every prayer request you have i release it to you in the name of jesus how are you mama deep i love that where did you come from mama indiana indiana indianapolis indiana oh i like that yesterday on a plane you came yesterday one time on youtube and i said i'm going to california oh god it's good did you all come together my sister my niece sister niece yes this is your daughter it's my niece your niece whose daughter is she my brother's brother your baby brother's daughter okay thank you jesus yes she's so good god is good yes lord god is good god is good yes lord let me see this jesus let me see this in my pocket come close thank you jesus somebody say thank you jesus thank you jesus now woman of god in the realm of the spirit god has called you to be a pillar for your family thank you jesus okay god has called you to be a pillar of your family thank you jesus yes it is strange because you two are sisters right yeah i'm not always here you're the oldest yes i'm the oldest but it is very strange because i am hearing in the spirit god calling you mother man you you hear me amen she calls me mother oh she calls me mother oh deep [Applause] hmm you want me to cry i saw in a vision that you are the pillar of the family and immediately i heard the angel of the lord saying mother it was strange to me and you said she calls your mother yeah because she asked like everybody's mom very bouncy very very bossy extremely [Laughter] now it is weird because in the realm of the spirit the way i am seeing you is strange i i don't think you did it no don't do that face i'm not saying crime you didn't do any crime but in the spirit i saw you dressed like a military person i saw you dressed like a military person do you ever surf no never served but yes never served let me tell you what do you do i'm retired now was i did work for the government as a claims right for social security okay in my vision i saw her dressed like a military person and when i saw you dressed like a meal that's why i said i don't think you ever did it but in my vision i saw you dressed like a military person and as you were dressed like a military person i understood that the authority and the power god actually gave it to you that is why you're like mother to everybody are you getting what i'm saying man i received the lord is saying the lord is saying do you guys know somebody called kennedy my old friend that i worked with her daughter was kennedy but i've poisoned seen her in years though kennedy's a man or a lady a little girl can it might be a teenager she might be an adult now a girl okay a girl yes where do you live right now indianapolis indiana what is it called where you lived um actually in indianapolis looking here i don't know america that well yeah yes do you have children mama yes my daughter one daughter what's her name kelly and where is she she's in she lives two blocks from me okay that's nice yeah i babysit you can babysit i do it's hard now now let me work this quickly prophet why are you back there i need you next to me i need your powers i need you i need your energy stand here now listen to me clearly woman of god god has given you authority and power to control things spiritually but god wants your control to be on your knees commanding things spiritually now i'm not i don't know who this is but as i was talking i don't know if this where you are are there like a um i have never been there is it flat or are there hills um where i live is flat it's flooded yeah but trees and stuff like that oh there's no trees there's trees okay i mean now i i don't know who this is but help me to know who this is okay i'm seeing a man that died in an accident in a car accident i don't know no one in the family you know no not that in a car accident nobody was in an accident that you know no in the car nobody none of you try to think for a second i'm trying to find somebody [Music] let me let me go deeper amen where is this man that's my daughter's husband where is he he's in two blocks from me what does he do he works at a grocery store he works at that and who is this that's his son that's my grandson what does he do he's in school elijah he's in college he's in college what is it where is he in college the same place iu yeah where's that in the same uh indianapolis yeah he goes to iupui we need to cover him yes amen in prayer yes we need to cover him in prayer seriously oh yes jesus jesus if we don't cover this boy jesus that thing that i just said will happen to him jesus but god said if you open your mouth and pray that will not happen amen you will be averted are you listening to me yes can you leave this for me we'll put it on our prayer yes amen amen amen your strength is on your knees not physically on your knees i received that i understand what you're saying okay completely yeah she says she knows too get on my name i get it look at me look at me whatever it is that you desire i release it to you in the name of jesus i want the grief you're on the ground i want the grease and i want you to go deep and i want and i will and and i want a bottle of water i want a bottle of water okay i like she's putting a demand i like that i like that she not just grace greece reach me out and i want to tell you yes i'm sick somebody shot fire and i want to tell you that you are adorable you just like a little i want to pinch this adorable i want oh yes i've been waiting i saw you on tv i've been watching like a couple months yes and i the first video i watched i said i got to go to california amen give me your hands yeah do not do it everywhere you want is grace i'm greasing you up give me a water bring a water to me yes now i'm going to pray for you because you have provoked god god is going to speak to you [Music] [Applause] yes no yes in the realm of the spirit yes thank you jesus god is saying you're a cast breaker you know what that is she's a praying warrior you you are cast breaker in the realm of the spirit i saw a curse two things that are in the realm of the spirit that needs to be fixed number one we need to break under marriage spirit in the family yes because every relationship just kind of just starts and just goes away god says you are the case breaker that you're going to dissolve all these things because it happened to you it happened to you and it's happening to people even you your daughter that we're talking about if you don't pray something is already cooking yes but the lord said because you are the cast break yes because you are the case breaker with the anointing that is upon you whatever you shall decree whatever you shall declare in the realm of the spirit it shall be established yes yes listen to me give me another one give it i can't stand me too i hate i'm right there with you hate him yes yes yes listen to me woman of god yes listen to me yes sir and listen to me by the spirit of god or who is that back there huh hold on hold on who's that huh did i pray for you okay hold on huh okay okay then it can't be her yes oh it's you keisha ah keshan oh it's you move close amen [Music] because thank you jesus thank you lord you're going to do two things mama you're going to wash your face seven times seven times because in the realm of the spirit i saw god clothing you differently and the prophetic anointing is coming on you listen to me if i am you i will be careful what i say now yes okay people tell me that because the issue is that your heart is so big but you also get if you get emotional you will say some things that would be dangerous i love your honesty i love your honesty so i am warning you ahead of time because the angel of god will do whatever you say yes help me help me help me are you understanding help me now let's listen to this carefully you know some of you think that if you want to do something else an angel won't help you that's not true an angel is a ministering spirit if he's released to you somebody makes you angry and you say you you see that angel will act i don't want to kill nobody that's why you need to control it please i beg hallelujah so be very very careful yes sir yes sir be very very careful be very very careful the next one you're going to drink yes and when you drink it there will be a renewal of energy in your body yes your strength will be renewed yes thank you lord your strength and your health will actually be recalibrated yes lord are you listening to me there will be a newness of life that is going to flow in you because in the realm of the spirit there are two things that god is going to touch god is going to touch your uterus i want okay no no no no no this is not about kids no no no children i'm not prophesying kids you have to put the mic on mama no i don't watch you work huh no no no no no you told me to go deep i want to yeah i want you to go deep help me okay let me help you hey big mike i love him big mike i love big mom yeah i watch him too so listen to me the reason why i said that god is going to touch your uterus is because of how i'm seeing it okay not for babies i'm telling you this for something else yes spiritually i saw satan wanting to put an infection in your what is it called in your organs where you know when you're peeing and things like that satan wanted to give you like some kind of infection so when you drink this there will be a cleansing that is gonna take place yeah in the inward parts not babies no yes no ah no she did this no sir no that's a new one the second one is this the second one is this yes sir there is some kind of weakness that the devil tried to put on you yeah are you listening to me yes your body will just be weak don't feel as energetic as you should be no dizziness or anything like that will ever happen to you again thank you lord yes are you listening to me so this second one is medicine that one is for i greased you up now this is adding grace now this one is medicine yes it is done [Applause] you leave these pictures with me stan this was going to my prayer well this is god's business you are done it is finished and that is how you get the prophet to speak that is how you get the prophet to speak she excited me who did you come with my father sorry my wife and father are signed by marriage so father-in-law yes okay i like that father by marriage my man that was a complex way to say to say it your name is keshon huh sorry no no okay oh this you oh you got okay okay okay lift your hands father lift your hands i need to pray for you sir okay i need to pray for you sir because god loves you but there is a lot of things that are holding you back as i'm speaking to you sir your life is not fulfilled the way it should be there's a lot of things that have gone and taken a different turn for you that i as i'm seeing you you're holding a basket like this and you are trying to hold water but nothing is sticking are you listening to me i hear you god says that when i pray for you what you could not accomplish for years will start to be accomplished now thank you thank you thank you jesus are you listening to me number two god is going to touch you physically okay god is gonna bring healing on you yes are you listening to me yes i hear you god is gonna bring healing on you yes i'm seeing the hand of god going inside you here yes sir are you listening to me yes sir and when the hand of god went inside of you i saw the hand of god touching kidneys you know like kidneys and and and uh hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on the issue is this prophet prophecy listen to me satan released poison in your kidneys yes uh yes in your kidneys yes because i am looking at the kid is what purifies blood kidneys work with blood right yes in the realm of the spirit this is how i'm seeing it i don't even know how you're wearing shoes are you listening to me yes because what i'm seeing is your body will begin to swell up yes huh yes the lord said that this poison that is inside of you is being taken away from you in the name of jesus thank you lord jesus are you listening to me yes yes the lord is going to cause you to be healed and to be restored yes sir thank you jesus now how i am seeing it is like this uh prophet count six months from now what what month would that be january between december and january you are not supposed to be here [Music] it was actually a very bad time for your health yes huh uh i was exposed to two different type of chemicals at my job carbon monoxide poisoning and some calcic acid fumes what did i say poison prophesy prophesy [Applause] [Music] listen to me sir because the way i saw it i literally saw poison in january between december and january that is when this thing was supposed to actually climax to be something else when were you exposed to this thing uh this was 1997 uh october 1997. and it's just been affecting you no i had i was diagnosed with like 12 different things after exposed to this heart disease lung disease kidney diabetes hypertension i was diagnosed with these are functioning listen to me when i pray for you all these things will stop amen amen and the lord is going to help you thank you in january between december and january was time for your health your health was supposed to be but somehow by the grace of god god held you up thank you father god look at me sir out out sato goes up come out thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus give me give me the grease let me grease him up too we are no longer calling it anointing oil now we are just dealing with greece give me your answer rub it together grease yourself up that is the auction for millions somebody said auctions for millions of millions somebody shout for millions in the name of jesus in the name of jesus [Music] now strange okay strange all your life i'm seeing you standing by yourself are you listening to me yes it's like god just was the one that was kind of guiding you through life but most of it is like everything that you have done it's like always been kind of on your own god has just navigated you the lord is saying that the oil on your hands is to give you speed by next year in march you'll be much farther than you have been if you stay faithful to god if you keep your eyes to god you will love one another and pray together god is bringing you multi-million dollar ideas in your mind are you listening to me there is a spirit of entrepreneurship that is coming on you are you listening to me that when you live here please discuss share ideas god will give you resources to carry it out says the spirit of god it's done amen amen let me help mama how are you sir you're pretty good are you guys together or you're separate okay where do you come from mama i'm from kenya i come from kenya i came here on june 3rd and you delivered me from the marine spirit yes and you told me you need to my daughter need a touch yes my son who had the more you said he has multiple personalities diagnosed okay and now you have you were to give me the instruction and he is the one i only came with my daughter okay and because we're almost going to school i'm like he has been moved to school two times you already okay that when i was here okay help them okay yeah lift your hands down look at me may this spirit live and never return complete deliverance complete deliverance yes thank you jesus in jesus name in jesus name [Music] now this is what we're going to do right after service bring mama to me i'm going to give you specific i can't say it openly but i'll tell you what to do okay it's done and you're going to do the same thing for her too okay come come to me sir first time where did you come from anaheim anaheim yes first time here yeah first how did you hear about the church oh i came with uh tanya and uh natasha i i don't oh lift your hands lift your hands jesus loves you amen jesus loves you amen and god wants to help you amen okay now prophet an apostle i'll need you to pray for him come come please i'll need you to pray for him so he can help him in the realm of the spirit there is a woman that cast you are you listening to me yes there is a woman that cast you okay and how i'm seeing it in my vision is this man of god it is strange because this woman is not like somebody you married or anything it's an old woman amen i don't know what it is that happened if you dishonored this woman or you it was an argument it was like some family thing and you interfered with this situation and this woman cursed you amen do you know what i'm talking about or you don't know no i do not know where are you from zimbabwe you're from zimbabwe yeah where's your mother she's in zimbabwe prophesy do you guys know like area 6 is there a place like area 6 ah bhutari there it is this person is on a place like muttario butare mutare yeah do you know that place yes have you been there before yes is that where you're from uh that's where my uh my dad came from you are cast from that place prophesied are you listening to me yes you are cursed from that place how many wives did your father have two did you know the other woman no i did not you never met her never met her this person cast you are you listening to me i'm listening the reason why i need to help you is even stability is not there in your life it's just been one struggle to the next struggle even you you don't understand yes you know you're a very intelligent man you know you're actually extremely intelligent but nothing is moving no we need to remove this curse from you amen are you listening to me i'm listening we need to remove this curse from him big time because if we don't take it away if we don't take it away it's a problem but when we pray for you we grease you up uh this year's is too weak when we pray for you and grease you up [Applause] we pray for you and we do it grease you up i don't know why i'm seeing it like this please forgive me i'm not saying that you are a certain way but just listen to me i saw flies following you are you listening to me yes like i don't know if which kind of these things are like they're little insects like mosquitoes yes okay where are those things like little flies yeah like mosquitoes right yeah like they want to bite they're not really mosquitoes but i'm seeing like nuts yeah i'm just seeing like you having this thing like you would be doing like this i don't know when that was but you feel like you need to like scratch yourself and you don't see anything yes huh yes it typically happens when i'm at work this is why when you're working nothing is happening that spirit is manifesting come on are you listening to me yes apostle will grease you up you will rub it on yourself do you have one more bottle please after they grease you up and they pray for you you're going to wash your face every time it will just be like elisha sent that man to go and dip himself while you're doing that you're just saying thank you lord jesus for giving me a new beginning [Music] now i am seeing a woman that looks like your sister okay okay i don't know if you have a sister but i'm seeing a woman that looks like is your sister oh yeah i am and i'm seeing and i'm seeing the one i'm seeing as a child yes a new child yes how old is the baby uh the youngest one is about two years this is a new child yes we need to pray for that for that sister of yours okay she's in uh in england yeah no it's not this one this is like blood blood that one we took care of don't worry amen this one i'm talking about is like a sister sister this one also we need to pray for her okay where is she she's in england we need to pray for her okay we need to pray for is any of them working like in the medical field yes the one with the the one i'm talking about we need to pray for her are you listening to me yes because even that despite all these things there's also nothing to show for yes yes when they grease you up they wash you up it's done amen amen that one the anointing is with the apostle and the prophetic to seal it lift your hands lift your hands i really love this this is so cool i love it i received [Music] thank you this is so cool i love this this is amazing and now i don't know if i should prophesy or him he's giving me a gift it's all right i got you lift lift your hands where did you come from a monty ah demante where is that again jesus um is it l.a is it like who did you come with uh with a friend which friend is this uh himano come come come stand next to him i'm finishing guys i'm sorry i know we've gone too long but it's okay i will re-strategize how i'm prophesying jt is looking at me strange we need to pray for you sir okay okay we need to pray for you because what i'm seeing in the spirit is this that is very serious i'm seeing on a spirit that is trying to pull you back home are you listening to me how to force him to come today physically listen physically he doesn't want to move anywhere but spiritually there is a spirit that is calling you home and if you're not careful something will happen where they will just push you out and you find yourself at home are you listening to me sir yes but god loves you and i want to help you amen amen he doesn't want me to help him okay you just wake up like this you wonder how did i get here how long have you been here for you mean ellen yes two years and and in america in general 12 years 12 years let me put this in my let me grease it up have you ever lived in houston no where did you live before new jersey new jersey yes okay what were you doing in new jersey school school who is in houston my cousin your cousin yeah like blood casinos focusing blood blood cursing what does he do she ah he's a sheen what is that he's a female okay what does she do school school us what are you doing now school school school 12 years ago school now to a school yeah what are you studying pharmacy pharmacy amen that's a good thing but we need to pray for you because there's a spirit calling you home okay yeah and the reason why to pray for you is that if if we don't pray for you to help you right now it looks like it's a playful thing but i promise you if we don't pray for you and we don't really commit you in the hands of god everything you think you're building is just going to go down the drain building takes time but destruction takes six seconds in the realm of the spirit okay in the realm of the spirit listen to me carefully in the realm of the spirit i saw somebody that looked like your father okay but when i saw this man spiritually i saw him like being taken before his time are you listening to me yes where's your dad he's in new jersey yeah what is he doing in new jersey his own nothing ah he kind of disabled ah disabled he's disabled yeah i'm seeing this guy if we don't pray for him even he will go before his time but because god loves you amen we are going to pray because in right now as i'm speaking to you i am looking at him and i'm not even seeing him here you saw you know prophet people think that when somebody dies is when they die you can be walking around you already gone two years ago just put your hand out like this give me a hand father i pray for supernatural grace for your son may what is building father never crumble yes lord i pray that what he does what he has invested his time in doesn't crumble yes lord cause him father to gain everything that he has worked for yes we pray for longevity for his father's life we pray for our restoration of life yes father we pray for supernatural wisdom and understanding i pray that whatever it is that the enemy has planted that is supposed to call him back we cancel it in the name of jesus we pray that his feet will be planted like an ox that he will not be moved and what you have given him to do that you will accomplish in the name of jesus amen amen amen how you woman of god is finished who did you come with uh my friend over there oh come on come on what's her name tanya tanya tanya come come stand next to me how do you guys know each other we'll go to the same church church okay powerful powerful lift your hands to heaven's sight god loves you so much and the love of god is surely upon you and because the love of god is upon you god is going to bring a major turn around in your life that those things that you have been waiting for and they looked and seemed impossible god is bringing it back to you [Music] now in the realm of the spirit in the realm of the spirit there are two things that i'm seeing that happened okay and you can help me understand what i'm seeing prophet this is how i saw it have you ever dealt with like uh like set equipment yeah huh yeah i've done a lot of things what what's this set equipment kind of stuff you mean i mean like on a film set yes yeah i mean i've been around film and music and all kinds of stuff okay prophesy i mean if you really want to know uh you saw the passion of christ huh okay yeah i'm the man who set that in motion wow that's the that's a powerful movie but let me tell you how i saw it what i saw you when i saw like this i i literally saw him like on set but it was like stuff on set but how i saw it was this that everything that you had put in your hands satan fought you and pulled it from your hands he pulled he pulled whatever was in his hands he took him from him it's like everything that you put you touch it will move but somebody will take the glory for it and take it from you yeah amen but god is saying because of your heart and because of who you are god is bringing a major turn around for you that whatsoever you did will return to you ten times more than what was taken in the name of jesus in the name of jesus as you have put this in my hand as a gift i release also my gift to you [Music] in the name of jesus receive back everything in jesus name it is done thank you lord for tania in jesus name hi first time uh yeah okay where did you come from um chatsworth chat from the area yeah okay lift your hands to god where are you from mama silicon valley he's right there sunnyvale oh nice i drove just to see you right now oh my gosh just made it oh you you just came just yeah oh did you come by by yourself no i came with my son it was i've been wanting to come and wake up okay where's your son come son quickly hiding hi son don't hide hide not come to the light sorry come come stand with your mother come stand with your mom okay okay let me start with you hold my hand thank you jesus now i'm seeing a vision prophet when i held your hand i saw a vision in this vision i am seeing you sitting in a car okay but i am seeing you going and the fuel run out okay in my vision i'm seeing you driving and when you got to a certain point the gas ran out and immediately it seemed like there were delays that came out of nowhere whereby nothing was moving the way i'm interpreting this vision maybe you traveled from somewhere else to come to l.a or you started something here in l.a and things seemed like they were moving and all of a sudden it stopped the lord says that is giving you energy and is empowering you for your next dimension that when i release the grace for you it will be like a refilling of your car and speed will come over you amen and what god has given you to do you will do it faster and quicker father i release the grace speed no more delays in jesus mighty name amen it is done god bless you woman of god don't worry i'm coming to you guys and we're we are finished lift your hands mama yeah just like this wow this is powerful lift your hands to heaven woman of god now in the realm of the spirit god loves you so much but there is a lot of battles that you're fighting the grace of god is upon this woman and the love of god is upon you but you're fighting very strong battle and this battle is a witchcraft battle prophesied glory i am seeing somebody now you are saying that you are coming from silicon valley sunnyvale where is that despite san jose palo alto it is strange because the battle that i'm seeing raising against you is coming from san diego jesus the battle that you're fighting is coming from san diego prophesied in the realm of the spirit this is what i'm seeing there was a woman of god there was a woman that was ministering okay this was like some ministry stuff okay you're in ministry this woman is a woman of god in ministry but she kind of came from like the san diego area are you listening to me but this woman was not what everybody thought she was she was like prophetic in some ways but it was not really authentic from god because behind the scenes i'm seeing this woman with cards and stuff jesus now the issue was when god started lifting you up this woman did not like what was happening jealousy came you clashed and then you just split up are you getting what i'm saying you on the other side but this on the other side but god is saying that whatsoever the enemy tried to do for you against you is breaking in the name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus is breaking and what god gave you to be a blessing to people is actually going to come forth says the spirit of god and god is not only touching you but god is going to touch him also amen god is going to touch him first him first him first him because as god gave him brilliance but the brilliance is not doing anything it's dormant prophesied the brilliance is just dormant glory to god glory to god and the brilliance is being dormant and even him himself he can't understand why how deep when he wants to do something the energy and just the ability to do it just kind of comes out of him and he doesn't feel like he can get anything done but the lord says energy is coming to the family energy is coming to the house it's time and when god touches him everyone else everyone else is going to be touched father we remove this thing in the name of jesus there it is there it is there it is this oppression to leave him this depression to leave him a new person in the name of jesus and as you touch mama also let the freedom flow in the family in jesus name lift your hands lift here first time yeah ah yes first time do you come together or separate she said oh no she's denying you like this jesus christ worse than peter i'm joking who do i start with ladies first oh god okay okay so you're sure yeah okay me i would not i would say me first lift your hands to heaven lift your hands to heaven god is removing delay from you are you listening to me yes god is removing delay from you you know it's strange what is your name well my name is nicholas but i go by reddick which is my last name riddick yeah like the movie really okay thank you jesus where's your mom detroit detroit michigan is there something going on with your mom's eyes her eyes yes uh i mean yeah her eyes are not great but uh more mental because she's getting old she's you know you know you get all the brain just naturally deteriorates yeah yeah no i understand that but what's going on with the eyes it's just fuzzy yeah that would just think that yeah i'm just looking at it in the order that is being shown to me father i remove the spirit of delay from him and i pray whatsoever you have given him let it come to pass and let it work i decree and declare the blessing of god over him i pray father the blessing of god over him speed and acceleration from this day in whatever he wants to do yes lord prophet apostle please put oil on his hands give him earlier you asked somebody what do you what do you want god to do for you yes i was walking up i was like in my mind i was saying activation it's done amen is that is that just grace's hands please and prophet just released a blessed word thank you jesus first time yes where did you come from um downtown l.a downtown do you have a daughter by any chance no you don't have any children no okay who do you stay with i'm by yourself myself by yourself okay i have bunnies though sorry i have rabbits oh bunnies i love but my older brother had a lot of bunnies yes that four oh nice they were procreating before we knew it we had hundreds and my mom and dad had to be like now that's it [Music] are you the only child no i'm not do you have sisters or brothers or i have a younger sister does she have children no no no nobody has children where's your younger sister here she's in atlanta where is that atlanta georgia uh atlanta okay you know i had atlanta i'm still african thank you jesus what does she do um i'm not sure she switched but she just bought a house okay she's like in the medical field i'm not sure exactly okay did you grow up with your parents yes where are they they're in atlanta they atlanta with where she is yes okay okay i'm trying to understand this vision that i'm watching okay in the realm of the spirit it is like you're standing by yourself okay are you listening to me yes you know how you can be among people but you're alone you know what i mean yes but god is saying that it is your time for things to open up for you yes are you listening to me yes i don't know what you do okay but i'm seeing you holding like you know like writing it's not really like i don't know if what creative thing it is do what do you do i'm an occupational therapist what is that like um we deal with um upper body extremities similar to physical therapy but okay like rehabilitation rehabilitation and and how does that work it is mainly upper body so yes upper body but apart from that do you have any artistic thing that you do um i'm pretty artistic sometimes i paint and stuff okay that's what i'm looking professor because i'm wondering what is this artistic thing you're doing and i couldn't make out what it was okay painting is cool yes i've been wanting to paint for a long time i just don't get time to do it i'm always finding new hobbies the lord says it's your time to actually for the world to open up for you okay in the realm of the spirit it's like [Applause] i saw a little girl but i saw her standing by herself okay so i was wondering is this your child or who it is because i did not understand what it was but i am seeing you standing by yourself but the lord is saying that it is time for you to for your world to open up okay that what he has ordained for you to do to actually come to pass yes for many years it has seemed like you are by yourself even your decision in the support of people many times it seems like you are doing things by yourself the lord says that he's giving you grace acceleration and speed that your life will never be the same again yes give me oil apostle paul let's grace today we are not calling it anointing oil anymore rub it on your hands if you can't even touch your hair your head no it's okay just no no on you not you yourself yeah ancient yeah thank you jesus stand up stand up let's finish let's finish let's finish stand up i know we took time we didn't even give to god today hey you guys have been standing for a minute huh i mean i'm used to it thank you jesus lift up what you want to give to god lift up what you want to give to god up also come lift up what you want to give to god [Music] lift up what you want to give to god lift up what you want to give to god father in the name of jesus lift it to heaven lift it up to heaven father in the name of jesus as we finish tonight and your people give to you even those who are online may the blessing of god rest upon them may their lives be transformed and never be the same again in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit father i bless them i bless them tremendously by the blessing that only comes from you in jesus mighty name in jesus mighty name in jesus mighty name i want you to speak a blessing over what you're giving to [Music] god [Music] give to god give to god give to god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah now if you've not given yet you could still come as we lift our voice and say thank you lord for the power come on and lift your voice and say thank you lord for the power tonight thank you lord for the power tonight thank you lord that the power goes ahead of me tonight thank you lord for the breakthroughs tonight thank you lord for the manifestation of power in my life in the mighty name of jesus in the mighty name of jesus now go from this place knowing that you have the power in jesus name god richly bless you we love you make sure that you invite somebody for sunday amen god richly bless you oh
Channel: Revelation Church
Views: 850
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: -sfVlou8Jbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 19sec (7039 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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