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god bless everyone this is dr lovey elias and i welcome you to this amazing amazing amazing evening and i believe god is gonna bless you i'm not gonna take too much time tonight uh but i wanted to start something that at a certain point we'll go deeper into it i want you to share this let somebody know that we'll let somebody know that dr lovey elias is live and i am joined with the great apostle todd who is with me today and for some reason spiritually he dressed like me or i dress like him but god is good so it's going to be such a fantastic time before god and i believe that the blessing of god will flow in a dimension and in a way that people's lives are actually going to change i'm going to be speaking about demons hiding place amen demons hiding place i'm just going to touch on the subject to make you think to open your eyes to realize that it is important to comprehend the science of deliverance yeah that's good there is a science to it that's good have you ever noticed and i want you to really think about it have you ever noticed that people can be in a church where people get delivered all the time but they get delivered at a certain time not at the same time when everybody else is getting delivered maybe three years from then is when they manifest a demon and a demon comes out of them or somebody that every other week they are getting delivered it looks like the same thing but it's not really the same thing what is really happening what is going on i'll give you an example and and i will teach you from the scriptures and then i will explain to you how devils hide amen and is it that they are hiding or is it that they are out of your reach i use the word hiding because what is not in your reach what you cannot see it looks like something is hiding like an example if i misplace my phone but i look for it for one day or two days and i can't find it i wouldn't say i misplaced it i'll say i lost it but in reality may just be under my couch in a place that i have no ability to reach it and because i can't hear it ringing because of the cushions absorbing the sound i will say that i lost my phone and i'll go and buy another phone but then after a few days i'll be cleaning out trying to get and after a few weeks even months i'll be cleaning up things and i'm about to move because then i realized that oh this thing was always here dang i probably blamed somebody for it already a pro are you getting what i'm saying like i remember i had uh i had misplaced my passport and i was supposed to travel again but i misplaced my passport and i was like guys just relax we are going to find it it's just somewhere in my bedroom okay we got to travel together i was all right let's go and and let me apply for another passport so i cancelled it took about six weeks to get another one but when i count the day that i cancelled it i had the cleaners come to my house and when they were cleaning my room when i came back they had my passport on top of my dresser because my passport had fallen through the cracks of my bed are you getting what i'm saying yes what i'm trying to explain to you if something is out of your reach you can either say it is lost or it is hiding but in reality it's just out of your reach are you understanding what i'm saying now within a person or inside of a person demons he can't even put it right here it's okay you can put it there just like man it's okay to make auntie rose's life easy so keante rose we are sorry we love you auntie roses everybody just type we love you auntie rose you can say louder we love you auntie rose thank you for all your hard work we're sorry papa lo stresses you but we love you [Music] so so now listen and listen to me by the spirit of god okay i want you i want you to listen uh by the spirit of god so capture this and understand this space spiritually is occupied differently than physically space physically is occupied differently than it is spiritually only one person can sit on this chair and if somebody else wants to sit on this chair they will make me uncomfortable because there's not enough room they can't fit on the side they will either if they've managed to fit on the side then we will be squished or if they sit on me then i will carry all their weight but it will not be comfortable at all because this seat can only occupy one person physically if three people sit on this chair it will most likely break why because it was not designed to handle that much weight but if somebody has five thousand demons will sit on this chair and it will not be heavy if five thousand people are in a person that person will not feel like their weight has changed when people get delivered they feel lighter but they can't explain it because they couldn't even identify that they were actually heavy wow so all those 5 000 demons are they occupying the same place or are they occupying different places in order for them to fit in a man if that one person is provoked if one per if that person is provoked the strength of five thousand demons will be displayed like the man in the scriptures who could break chains he went to the cemetery and all that you realize that he had superhuman strength when the spiritual side was challenged he was manifested physically but on the regular he wasn't like that so where do evil spirits occupy the lord jesus said if one spirit is cast out and the house has been made clean that one spirit will go and find seven more spirits that are more wicked than itself it means that that one spirit that was kicked out could occupy one place but it went to get spirits that are worse than itself worse in what way it means that they can occupy other compartments to take over the house more than that one demon that was just in the living room wow wow so the wickedness of the other spirits is not that they are more powerful per se even though they are they are more powerful in the sense that they can occupy places they can exploit weaknesses in a man differently than that one spirit because that one spirit was taken out you already know how to resist that demon but if that demon brings seven more wicked spirits but what kind of spirits is it going for it's going for spirits that you have never encountered but because he has it been in you he knows weaknesses about you so it will go and find spirits that are wicked that will exploit the weaknesses that he found in you wow my goodness gracious just because they are powerful if they are the same then resisting them is the same way there is no difference the grace of our lord jesus and the power of god will resist them because they are the same thing it's like me telling you do you want alcohol you say no i don't drink well do you want two alcohols well it's the same thing i don't want it so he cannot entice me with the same thing he has to bring other spirits that know that because he knows you have to remember that if you want to see how demons operate demons operate like a gang they operate like the mafia wow demons don't usually operate one by themselves they usually use other spirits to help them to destroy somebody overtake somebody i need more likes or else i'll go off youtube you better hit those like buttons and facebook also and share if i if i keep going and i see that the the likes are down i'm just going to log off you know because i know god wants you to have this but i need you to engage so if i need you to push those like buttons up we are almost 500 people now and it's gonna keep going higher we can't have like uh 288 likes that's not right before god keep those thumbs up and you know i will log off if you guys don't do it because it's just discouraging right hit that like button we need this you really need to hear this you really need to hear this so i need those like buttons up as many times as you can you know one thing that people always think is that you see there's a message that god can send me to preach but there's messages that i would teach from my experience as a man of god that i know will help you but that knowledge i don't have to give it to you amen the bible says don't give your pearls to swine so if i feel like these people don't appreciate something i can say no there's no need for me to say let me keep quiet and god can't hold it against me right it's biblical so when you're liking this video what you're doing it is that you are helping people then the video will be recommended for more people and more people will see this and more people will be saved just the same way that it's helping you let it help a lot of other people that is the point of it amen so i need you to hit those thumbs up as much as possible we are almost about to get to 400 thumbs up keep liking don't keep liking it when we get to 400 then i'll continue right now we are 370 something i need you to keep hitting those thumbs up the moment we get to 400 i'll continue then when the number goes up i'll tell you to do it again hallelujah hallelujah okay we are three eight three eighty five we need to keep those thumbs up going you have to understand the wealth of a man of god is not talking to you about god he's talking about the experience of god that they have to you know that's what gives the value of a man of god not simply because they're telling you about jesus you can open your bible and see about jesus but the experience the reason why we have the apostles the prophets is because of their experience not because they can just open the bible and tell you about jesus right that's not the point all right let's continue amen now listen to this and listen to this world so demons are seeking they always operate us again they operate as a mafia there's a street corner guy there is the main guy they are the guys who go out and pull strings they are the bully it's a whole organization so usually demons not all the time but usually demons don't operate by themselves like an example somebody can have the spirit of death in them but death did not come in thank you death did not come in by themself depression opened the door to the spirit of death because when the spirit of depression came in it brought in the spirit of death but the spirit of death had no opportunity to manifest yet so depression will start to say look your life is not doing good anyway what is the point of living the moment you start contemplating yeah there's no need for me to live the spirit of depression has been empowered you have made room for the spirit of depression the spirit of depression starts coming in now and start showing you you can jump off a building you can hang yourself just end it all now so it is no longer just depression who is telling you that life is bad okay now depression has opened the door to the spirit of death who is now encouraging you to kill yourself wow that makes sense that makes sense so if somebody just comes and rebukes the spirit of depression [Music] if the spirit of death is hiding and they don't have prophetic eyes the spirit of death will still hide the science the science this is good the spirit of death may still be hiding why would it be hiding because you see a lot of people think you'll get delivered because of simply the confessions that you make i renounced witchcraft and renounced that that is true to some extent but not every demon entered you because you did something demons can enter you because of a weakness that is not even apparent to you an example a demon can enter you because you are heartbroken you did nothing but somebody bruised your soul so bad that it opened a door for a demon to enter you that from them that demon makes you never trust anybody anymore that it's no longer you not wanting to believe people something in you just pulls you away from people simply because somebody hurt you and you did not heal in the hands of god wow so somebody like that can't say i i i renounce witchcraft for that demon to come out no he will either take the grace of god or a revelation of what happened in them for them to be delivered you know the prophetic the reason why the prophetic is the greatest gift not according to me but according to corinthians first corinthians chapter 14 he says desire to prophesy why because it benefits and it edifies everybody because some some demons don't come up because you said you know let me say something please forgive me to say in the name of jesus is not what drives our demons because was jesus casting out demons in the name of jesus or is he telling them to leave that's good when the handkerchief saw paul went on people these those handkerchiefs say in the name of jesus or this zosanka chief carried the anointing of jesus in the old testament when people are casting out devils what are they saying in the name of jesus no no because the name of jesus was not given but deliverance still existed there's nothing new under the sun people so what does in the name of jesus mean because you have to understand what meaning words have meaning yes and when words have no meaning had words have no power the word in the name of jesus simply means a noma anoma means in the way jesus would do it so if i do something in the way jesus would do it i am already saying in the name of jesus right so a lot of people who don't understand this that's why sometimes you see in church when i'm i'm doing deliverance right helping people say leave and never return and the demon will come up they'll be like ah i say quiet i'm talking and you're talking the demon will keep quiet say now the shoes let it burn you okay leave and then the demon will leave sometimes i'll say in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit and they will leave because what is driving the demons out it's the nature of jesus not what you're calling amen that's good this is not this is not a reporter expelling whatever right that's not what it is in the name of jesus no that's not what is doing it god already jesus said i will never leave you nor forsake you so i don't need to say jesus for the power of jesus to come forth i need to act in the way jesus asks for the power to come forth amen amen these are misconceptions that people have when it comes to deliverance healing and all these things because people are not educated but god knows because he's sovereign and he's merciful he deals with us with where we are that is the goodness of god that's good when the shadow of peter was healing people was he going around saying in the name of jesus no no so now listen to me and listen to me well i am going to uh read a verse and i want you to open your eyes a little bit i want you to activate your eyes a little bit amen if the name of jesus was what was producing power then the sons of skiva should have never been unable to cast out the demon [Music] because when they said in the name of jesus the demon said jesus we know paul we know who are you why did they say who are you they could not see the nature of jesus even though they call that name that's good matthew chapter 8 verse 27. amen matthew 8 27 amen and it says amen and the men marveled saying what sort of man is this that even wins and see obey him one more time and the men marveled saying what sort of man is this that even wins and see obey him one more time and the and the men marveled saying what sort of man is this that even wins and see obey him remember jesus also spoke to a tree and he died right yes what am i trying to tell you jesus had the ability to speak outside of the domain of men and communicate to other things that are in other places rather than men wow you see everything has a spirit everything is living yeah god has never created anything dead right that is why plants grow they shed some trees die some trees you replant them and things they have life because there is a spirit behind every single thing that god has ever created so when jesus was speaking to the tree a physical tree if you have ever studied trees or leaves or we used to do this in school frontal synthesis in the way they make food and all that stuff there is no way it tells you that trees have ears but jesus could speak to a tree and the tree would hear him jesus could speak to wind and wind will obey him it means that even trees of ears wind has ears they see as ears jesus [Music] so everything in creation has ears to hear but why isn't nature obeying you it's not because you don't belong to god you don't know the language that activates them to hear you amen amen that's good i feel like people didn't get it so there are certain dimensions just like angels the bible says even if i speak in the tongues of angels and i have no love i am nothing so there is a realm that a christian can speak in the language of angels and communicate with angels it's biblical you see elijah doing it you see elisha doing it you see moses doing it these guys are communicating with angels how many christians do you know that will tell you well i had a conversation with angels so and so it's not that the angels are not around us the bible says the angel of the lord encompassed those who fear him but why is it there is a disconnection you don't know their language they know yours but you have no ability to communicate what you desire to them because you are there is a language barrier the one you know how to talk to is god because you are speaking to god in a language that god has ordained for you to speak but even with god there is languages that you can ex you can you can surpass the human level of communicating with god and get to a more intimate place with speaking with god beyond human language amen amen when you start speaking in tongues the bible says that you do not speak to men you look you you become a barbarian to men but god understands exactly what you're saying and god begins to speak back to you but you're no longer using human language you went to another realm of language that actually it is god's mother tongue so when we are praying in english god is listening to us and he's and he's blessing us because he is sovereign but that is not god's preferred language god's preferred language is the secret language that he has hidden only people that have received the holy spirit have the ability to tap into this realm and begin to speak to god yes yes yes yes yes and because they can speak to god in that realm also what happens is that they begin to receive the spirit of revelation why because they begin to utter mysteries so when they are speaking in tongues they are speaking the mysteries of god that their conscious mind their soul yet has not comprehended amen but within time they begin to start having this enlightenment yes yes that is beyond what their soul studied why because your spirit is beginning to transfer secrets of god's heart into your soul so even there is a dimension you speak with god that is not a regular dimension when you get born again and you receive the holy spirit for the first time the more you grow and you start going deeper that tongues change right lego malato ki ramasitia loga balika levronde parika alika tosha it changes why because you have matured and you have tapped to another layer amen of language with god amen [Music] the reason why a lot of people cannot prophesy is because the language in which god communicates to you you have not tapped into that language because you don't know how to speak it so if you don't know how to speak a certain language even god cannot communicate to you in that language wow so the more i become seasoned in my communication with god the better my ability to prophesy because god can now express himself in the ways that he knows you reach me like when i was doing my daughter terran uh uh uh prophetess there in mamma t's uh prophetic school i prophesied what 15 people was it 15 people 15 10 to 15 people i prophesied to a lot of people and i was a and and i was teaching them about the in them and i was teaching up them about their spirit man and i was demonstrating it to them by actually teaching them and doing it i prophesied to some and i wasn't even like he wasn't even like can i prophesy it wasn't i was doing conversation you three you have this problem all of you your mother is going through this your mother's going through this your mother is going through this you come oh what is god this you lost this business in this yes that's true who is this woman is it your daughter no i saw a baby in your womb and the baby disappeared yes i had an abortion a few years ago god says stop condemning yourself you woman you have to i'm seeing you two holding two children in your hands yes i have two kids uh two little ones that i'm holding okay there is a male one yes when this one was born there was a lot of problems with your health and there were problems with that baby yes it's true they put him in an incubator because his lungs were not fully developed she started saying stop this is so weird i said do you know that there is a birthmark on the side of your baby that appeared later on she said yes i said that bathmat is not a birthmark an angel of god visited the baby on the fifth day while he was in the incubator and the angel of the lord took and it was gabriel that actually went to her he took some kind of flame of fire that he had come from heaven and put it through the child's left side where the birthmark has appeared it was the fire in the hands of the angel that mocked that place and he touched that lung and the woman cried because and by one week the baby left she said what is going on but the reason why i can communicate this is you are thinking that god is speaking to me in english [Music] god is not talking to me in english god is using his own language at the dimension that i'm in is this making sense yes a whole lot of sense a whole lot of sense so now you're tapping into into that realm determines how you communicate with god and what you can trigger from god because god is a reactor god is a reactor draw close unto me and i will draw close unto you if you draw close unto me i will draw close unto you so if you don't know how to draw close to him it's not his responsibility to draw you it's your responsibility to search out the things of god and the more you search them out and you mature you are able to come close to him my god he has already brought you close by giving us jesus we have no sin so we have no problem the sin problem has been taken care of by our precious lord the holy son of god the only way to salvation the lord jesus you have no excuse for not getting close to god amen because the biggest issue has been taken out of the way so now what is moving you up listen to me and listen to me by the spirit of god demons hide because you don't have a language to reach the compartment they're hiding in say that again lord jesus an example is you see somebody that i mean you've seen this a million times somebody comes into church and they are on a wheelchair they're on a wheelchair in their church they pray to them they come to me or just get up walk and the person comes out of the wheelchair and walks why were they able to be healed there was a demon that caused the injury and that demon is hiding in the place they're injured do you have the language to extract the poison of the enemy from that place do you know why i like therapy when people go to therapy the therapist can push you to open some wounds that you had a long time ago you never dealt with that's why therapists have a job and when you deal with those things you feel better so if there were things that you dealt with that you are hiding that are hurting you and you are not conscious of it and the therapist can uncover it to bring it out and then you feel better and your life improves amen how much more you don't think demons can hide in the same way wow you're breaking it down sir too much demons hide in different compartments of your life that there is weakness and god himself also dwells in your life in the places that you have what weakness why is it easy for a demon to control a human being than it is for god to control a human being this is a question why is it that when i got born again the holy spirit filled me i am still struggling with sin but committing sin is much easier than it is walking with god the good that i want to do i don't do it but the bad that i don't want to do is the one that i keep doing it is because you don't understand how demons operate and how god operates or how the spirit of god operates let's get those thumbs up let's get those thumbs up today's just an introduction and then we'll go deeper another time i didn't even give a postal thought an opportunity to speak it's just no i'm soaking it all in i was just going to say the same thing those thumbs need to go up because you're you're unlocking something that you really can't get anywhere else i was gonna in my well you might get to it but my question was gonna be in order for us to learn that language who does that come from who do we because every language can be taught got it everything can be taught let's get those thumbs up let's get those thumbs up and i'll and i'll and i'll speak to it in a second okay i'll just touch on it because you asked let's get thumbs up people let's get the thumbs up going let's get more thumbs up going let's get more thumbs up going let's get more thumbs up going now listen to me and listen to me well i want you to hear me and hear me well are you ready yes yes now you have to remember god's dwelling in a man is not in their soul and it's not in their body [Music] god's dwelling in a man is not in their soul and it is not in their body god dwells in the holies of holy which is in you which is your human spirit now if you read in the scriptures which i'll show it to you right now i'll show it to you so that nobody says i just said it amen i want you to read ecclesiastic chapter 12 verse 7. you can start 6-7 ecclesiastic chapter 12 6-7 amen [Music] or even the silver cord be loosed or the golden bowl be broken or the pitcher be broken at the fountain notice this is talking about how people die okay when your spirit is disconnected to your body it says are called the silver cord is served how many people have ever watched hercules oh yeah remember the disney movie hercules they would take a string the witches would take a string and the string was silverish and they will hold it and say some kind of enchantments and when they cut the cord you'll see somebody's spirit going ah going through the sisters of faith right okay it's a real spiritual thing just the same way you have the same umbilical cord that connected you to your mother can somebody uh take that out uh on on on uh quickly ah okay it's already gone it's already gone it's all right uh the silver chord is like the umbilical cord so in the realm of the spirit is called the silver cord or the golden ball or the jar okay now if you think about it the golden ball can't be broken a silver coat can't really be cut right and a jar also it's it's a form of speech to talk about the content of the spirit being separated from the body that's what the scriptures is talking about now keep watch going listen to this or the will broken at the cistern then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the spirit shall return unto god who gave it vanity event so notice this solomon is the one who's saying this is saying that every human being that has ever lived even if they're hitler their spirit returns to god who gave it because their spirit is like it's god's own body so god is taking a part of him putting it in you and it animates you right but the consciousness of man is in their soul that is why when you read in the bible it doesn't say their spirits will be tormented in hell what does it say and their souls will be tormented in hell why because only the soul goes to hell not the spirit are you guys listening yeah no we're catching so the spirit always returns and becomes a part of god again but the soul is you that is why in genesis chapter 2 it says god breathed into man and man became a living soul [Music] so man's consciousness is in the soul even though man has a spirit but that spirit can be taken back to god anytime okay that is why god can control life as if he takes his spirit back you're dead but somebody who remains with god then god never takes the spirit back because you are his amen right amen so if you die your soul goes to heaven but your soul is still attached to your spirit wow amen and one day your body will be resurrected and you will be joined back to be spirit soul and body because you are not disconnected from god god is in you and you are in him you are joined by your spirit but if you sin against god and you go away word and where you cannot be with god what does god do god takes his spirit back and you're done that's what death is did that make sense yes yes so the spirit of god dwells in the holies of holies which is your spirit because that's god's house that's part of god so god will always go where he belongs which is your spirit wow but when demons come into a man demons go to your soul wherever your soul is bruised that is where that demon will go and dwell wow and the reason why they have quicker influence on you is because they are controlling the organ of influence the holy spirit when he enters your spirit he suggests to your soul and he preaches to your soul for your soul to change so it brings conviction where you repent because god wants a partner right demons want a slave [Music] so demons will use your weakness to control you god will use your weakness to invite grace hit the like button not thumbs up in the comments the like button at the bottom jesus i'm about to finish i'm supposed to take my son to go and skate so i'm already late but i'm gonna give you five more minutes so the holy spirit is suggesting to you and he's preaching to you to change demons are controlling you because satan is a slave master satan is a slave master so now depending on your ability to communicate spiritually it determines what spirit you're going to shake up to come out it determines where the light of christ will go for the demon that may be hiding behind something to be exposed this is why it is important to be somewhere where there is revelation knowledge because what it does is it exposes light so much that demons have nowhere to hide amen amen amen so on sunday i did something to just provoke something spiritually i don't know if you guys can remember yes i said uh i'm going to speak in tongues repeat after me what i'm going to say i'm going to activate your spirit to another dimension amen and the things are going to happen i want you to not look at anybody and just speak to god after i spoke in tongues did you guys see what happened amen yeah there were people that had spirits that had heat and hidden themselves [Music] they all were exposed why because where i went to with the language i spoke it determined the more the level of light that has ever entered you wow because he who speaks in tongues utters mysteries so you are speaking with god to a certain level and you cannot be at that level and be bound yeah jesus that's good so it forces deliverance by fire by force [Music] i don't know if somebody can hear me i hope so i hear you for sure now is that because you activated that or if we went and repeated that constantly a hundred percent because it's it's i i gave you a language at that moment remember the bible says this let me let me explain this for those who are not mature i just want you to understand something the bible says and they laid hands on them let me let me let me let me show you something amen i mean that makes so much sense acts acts chapter 2 verse 4. and they were all filled with the holy ghost and begin to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterance reading it one more time and they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the spirit gave them utterances who began to speak with other tongues they did not the holy spirit [Music] so the holy spirit's duty is to give you utterance what is utterance you're praying our father in the name of jesus and you just feel in your spirit you should say shada shadda that's all the holy spirit gave you utterance after that it is your duty to take it on from that dimension amen amen so the holy spirit won't tell you say liga dosh marco dia malaka he would never do that the holy spirit's his duty is to just give you utterance to give you atone something to utter after that it's up to you like a spark plug he's just a spa he's just doing puss then you go on wow the holy spirit doesn't control your tongues you do that's you speaking there is nowhere you read in the bible it tells you and the holy spirit made them speak in tongues right it always says and they were filled and they spoke in tongues as the spirit gave them utterance the only thing the holy spirit is doing is giving you utterance he's just giving you speech a level of speech everything after that is you speaking in tongues wow not him right so just like when a thief is hot wiring a car ex yeah that's just that and then you're the driver yeah that's it because this thing is already your spirit already has that ability it's just you now getting into that zone you don't know so the holy spirit gives you the passcode for a certain dimension based on your spirit wow amen papa somebody asked and what does it mean by the holy spirit taking over or leading you there's no way the bible says the holy spirit takes over so that's just the bible says and the holy spirit helps us to pray in our infirmity what does it mean to help i am not doing the work i'm assisting you you are still doing it amen amen good teaching so the holy spirit is a helpmate is not taking off there is no access and the holy spirit took over and [Music] and why would he because god doesn't really take he he wants to he wants you to actually yes he will just help you right amen yes yes so the language that we speak in the spirit is kind of like a a passport or a plane ticket is to where we can go 100 let me give you an example right i was saying this earlier i was saying this earlier i was saying this earlier the level of your vocabulary determines your ability to express yourself and because you're so advanced in vocabulary you can understand somebody that is struggling to express something when i am writing a book i still take it to an editor who knows how people relate to words in order for them to word it in the way that they can understand even though she's still saying what i'm saying right they do that with books all the time so just because i can type and write proper english doesn't mean i understand the way man digests information that's good so i have to be able to take what i am saying and not dilute it and be able to say the same thing so that somebody can understand amen right that's just how it works right so if i am not good at expressing or my vocabulary is pure is is is great to a certain level then i am not qualified to tell you what you are trying to say when you go to a lawyer you go to a lawyer because he will take your case and then you will use the language of law to communicate with the judge right amen or your highness according to statute this and this as it says this and this it's like you sit there you're like and you're as okay emotion adjourned it's just like what language is they are still speaking english but the language of of the court is different the language of contracts is different that's why when you are given a contract you take it to your attorney because your attorney will see things that you cannot see because your vocabulary prevents you and not just your vocabulary but your expression yeah of the law you don't know the language of law right that's good that's it amen that's good so it becomes a barrier then you say but this is not what i wanted to say they say well you signed it right remember it says here i have read i've read and understood you did it yeah like some of you and your phone updates you don't know you're signing contracts right now some apps you have downloaded they have all your information because when you are downloading it that says uh you grant permission to this app to do this and this but you want the software so bad you are not thinking you are just saying yes yes yes so you can be on twitter or you can be on facebook or you can be on what is this uh tick tock but they have all your information they call it data mining right so they are selling your information to advertisers that's why when you're sitting here and talking about men i love suits the next minute you see every ad on your phone is selling you suits you're like i was just talking about nikes all of a sudden i'm on instagram nike i'm on because they are data mining they are selling your information to advertisers in order to bring you things that you have been speaking in order to sell it to you because you have already said you want them because you are expressing what is in your subconscious even if you search for something immediately they begin to bring it to you right the reason why they do that is you are speaking a subconscious language and they are speaking back to you with those things because they know they will get your money lord help us [Music] somebody said papa if demons demons and jesus can't stay in the same place how can they hide because we have the spirit of i just explained that the spirit of god dwells in your spirit demons dwell in your soul you can't tell me that people who are saved are manifesting it means they were never born again that's not true man is a tripod being man is a human being you have a body spirit and so and they are all in different dimensions where your spirit is is not where your soul is and where your soul is is not where your body is jesus right now when you say i'm going to the bathroom do you see your spirit following you behind or your soul or is it just your body you you're going to the bathroom but maybe your spirit is just standing there right in another world oh my god okay because the bible is saying your spirit doesn't go to bathrooms right oh my god the bible says your spirit is seated in heavenly places with christ jesus so your spirit is in heaven your body is in the bathroom your soul is in the soul shrimp thinking about the burger you ate last week that thing was delicious your body is doing something else your soul is doing something else your spirit is doing something else oh my gosh this is too much your body is in church your soul is in bondage in somebody's village tied on a tree oh my gosh sir sir this has just been reality so the spirit is located in our belly how does that work exactly where the spirit no it's the access point okay if we open your belly we won't find a spirit yeah goodness gracious now people are going to wonder how do they find their spirit or their soul lord help us have you ever been in a place but you have you have lost sense of where you are and then i would be like hello hello then you're like oh i'm sorry yes i was daydreaming no you're not daydreaming you entered into the world of your soul he was able to remove you are able to move your consciousness to the soul shrimp and you're interacting with that guy 10 years ago that insulted you so you're sitting there saying you're still in that time zone remember in the spirit there is no time right so your soul is still in 1995 saying man i can't believe that person spoke to me like oh if i get them right now you're even stopping the movie playing it back stopping the movie playing it back playing it back somebody say todd then you say ah yeah papa i'm sorry i'm sorry i was just thinking what are you thinking no i'm okay but when you're thinking about this you we were talking you're like this but when you got into that your physical body is reacting to something are you okay so we can discern that you're not okay by your expression but not because we can see your soul right how does somebody's getting no probably that's deep okay let me give another example if it's okay married people you can relate to this [Music] even the most intense eating intimate time when a husband and wife are getting together sometimes somebody's mind will be somewhere else [Music] that just shows you how intense spiritual things are all right somebody can be having sex with their spouse but they're not having sex with them they're having sex with some poster that they watch porn with [Music] so this one is thinking that you're here you're doing this but them in their soul they're with some somebody else right somebody they saw on the street somebody they saw on a picture somebody they saw on instagram listen this year's prophetic school will be extra chocolate dip amen if you haven't signed up sign up as quickly as you can because it's going to be too much amen amen it's going to be a whole other level in dimension it will be extremely deep ex listen extremely deep amen i'm going to finish with this verse i'm going to finish with this verse hebrews chapter 4 verse 12. hebrews 4 12. amen for the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit one more time for the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit one more time for the word of god is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit so when the word of god enters you it can touch different compartments and it can bring a division between the soul and spirit it can descend where the problem is because it can compartment he can it can it can open up compartments right say no this is the spirit this is the soul it can even divine divide bone to marrow it can divide or it's it's it's separating so the issue is if you're not in a place where the revelation of the word of god is it is already impossible for you to know where demon is hiding wow jesus wow wow my lord have you ever noticed when people are getting delivered in church i always know who has a demon have you never noticed that when i'm laying hands on people i don't ever get shocked oh this one is manifesting i always know who it is you just say let me go and you see something will happen because i can see god has given me the grace to have spiritual eyes so i can see amen amen well we come back sometime uh maybe tomorrow the day after i will go deeper into this amen amen and then i will show you how to make sure that in every dimension of your being you are taken care of by god amen amen god's duty is to speak it is your duty to receive the word so i want you to go to prophet and just give and then we'll be back and pray go quickly and then we'll we'll be back to pray amen [Music] when i'm anxious lose my mind i can call you every time on my [Music] laid weakness
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 9,752
Rating: 4.9751167 out of 5
Id: iS1kjPBOGQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 59sec (3419 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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