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[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I've been I've been taken captive by the truth and I al I don't think I want to get out coming to this class I'm just tapping deeper into the spirit and I've learned that you need a doorway into the spirit and profit movie is that doorway and you can try to do it on your own but you will not get far at all you need a doorway it's actually really nice to just be able to engage and in listen to everybody's experiences and learn that we're all having the same thing we're all going through the same thing we're all lost and in the dark about the same stuff and for him to clear it up it's just been great I decided to attend prophetic school because I want to learn I want to learn from someone that has a relationship with Jesus that knows Jesus that it expresses Jesus out that I see Jesus through there's just been deep layers upon layers on things that the Prophet has been speaking on that is just like mind-blowing but favorite school was no other option there was no other option for my life or my family's life I tell you this is the best thing we've ever done when given the opportunity for something like a prophetic school I had to I didn't have a choice I will recommend it for anybody who wants to walk on this earth with God there's nothing like this this Mexico since their father I hope you can be taken it do yourself and your future and your future generations the biggest blessing and favor and come and take part in this because you will not regret it I promise you I'm speaking from my own experience I saw God giving him a platform in Hollywood this one I saw him becoming very known and very famous I don't know what you do but I saw your star just boom because when I looked at him I saw him becoming as big as Kevin Hart this one what do you do in the realms of the Spirit when you are carrying him there was a big challenge in the realm of the Spirit it was a difficult pregnancy to carry to the point that it looked like you're going to lose him at some point yeah because I remember I am seeing it in the realms of the Spirit when you are about four months going to five months I saw you pleading that you thought that you actually lost it yeah Robert I am trying to understand what these two angels are saying because I'm hearing one saying God with us and the other one is saying Emmanuel what is that well I saw you doing this throwing seeds in the realm of the Spirit you see what is on your shirt the Lord sent me your name is what is on your shirt what is your name words what do you have on your shirt I don't know where's my mama gonna power I saw fire jumping from her and coming to you and I'm trying to understand why when I looked at you I saw I when I saw I saw you are you an ass you in the medical field go to I put the mic on that well you mind before ok go to my mama gonna I'll be wrong I saw somebody else with a name like Campbell God says that he's about to bless I saw somebody in the Bible called Anna but God said no and I saw God taking words and run with it to the ends of the world what does he do and it's like oh oh god oh god do you know somebody kokanee genesis does me baby oppa Gaga King who has a name that starts with like an Emmy just said Maria Maria because I was looking at you them sing an M on you for it I saw God putting a comment on somebody called jonathan my first name in 2013 you are not supposed to be here you had surgery major surgery I looked at you and I saw an x-ray I saw your body beyond the flesh and the Lord told me that we need to pray for his lungs where you've seen me before I've never seen you how can I know this thing thing about jewelry blessings everybody this is profit lovey and I'm so excited to be inviting you to the second prophetic school that we are going to be having this year it's just gonna be phenomenal the first one was so powerful but this one will be even greater and will be even better it's very important to understand that it is God's will that every single person whether you're an evangelist whether your pastor whether you're a teacher whether you are an apostille for you to function in the prophetic because the prophetic is the revealer of things that I hidden in the heavenly realm if God wanted to speak to you concerning California right now you cannot find any verse in the scripture that will talk about California but God through his spirit and by his Spirit he can speak to you specifically concerning the things is gonna be doing in the land so it's very important for you to know how to hear the voice of God so that you will know that every step that you take that God is the one that is ordering it the Bible says it clearly those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God my desire is that you grow into a place where you are led by the Holy Spirit where you can know his voice you will know his still small voice where he wants you to go where he wants you to step so that many people will be blessed because of you my prayer is that you will be one of those that will be baptized in the prophetic and your life will never be the same this is profit lobby and I can't wait to see you from September 30th to October 2nd it's gonna be prophetic it's gonna be powerful and you will live so equipped and ready to win the world for Jesus god bless you and I can't wait to see you this is the Prophet Lavi Shalom Shalom [Music] the spiritual gifts can be transferred take it professor say is there anyone with an end when I looked at him I saw him becoming as big as Kevin Hart this one what do you do I'll give you 30 seconds to speak and then I'm gonna give you three seconds to interpret and then you prophesy to the person so she prophesied to me that she kept seeing a big family this family who I'm one of seventeen kids she said but wait wait wait I see something else like another business do you do hair girl yes there I saw a price that suit on him but I ask God is it a price tag or is it a name what's your last name price profit ah [Music] you [Music] [Music] Oh Cap'n away from your embrace I may fall but your Stacey [Music] to me from you're the only one for me you are my key he I can never turn from you my everything my my my my I am what kind of love is this my heart is overseeing what kind of I am I have breath of life the light that never fails lead me on you are the only way hey when I am weak you are strong your friend is or is my home you're the only one for me you are my key he I can never turn from you my everything I call my my my yeah [Music] my Everest my Empress what kind of love is my heart and soul will say what kind of love my Everest I [Music] [Music] [Music] god bless everybody this is the profit Lobby and I'm blessed by God to be here with you and I'm excited about what we are going to learn today we are gonna speak about creating the atmosphere for God creating the atmosphere for God creating the atmosphere for God and some people are asking where is this what is the song the song is by revelation worship we are working on some stuff and me and my son the the Apostolic prophet Mike and a few others and we are putting things together it's gonna be a really exciting next year but we're gonna speak about creating the atmosphere for God son creating the atmosphere for God lights creating the atmosphere for God and what its gonna do what its gonna do is it's gonna move you to a dimension where God can actually walk with you there is a difference between God being in you and God working with you a person cannot see the power of God as long as God is in them they can only see the power of God if God is working with them the God that is inside of you is enough to change you but you need the Spirit of God to be upon you in order for you to manifest the God that is inside of you externally that is why the Bible says this greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world but for him to overcome the one that is in the world he needs to come out of you but he does not come out unless you create an atmosphere that he can be in I want you to share it because I am going to be talking about creating an app was fearful god creating an atmosphere for God and I promise you it's not anything you have heard zakah Prodigy's de ávila kun daily bread egg Easter 'va laid on tele prava Kista avalon deli brand a via I'm so excited my bestie my brother my prophet that the Prophet EJ is here the great prophet the greatest prophet of our time the only prophet that is a Pope in Roman Catholic as my father would say that is the only one allowed to marry the greatest Pope he's allowed to marry he allowed so I thank God for everybody that is coming on I want you to shade Jade my son Fabian said prophet uncle EJ god bless you exactly exactly I want more people to shade YouTube is going crazy and I want people on on Facebook I want to see who is on before I begin I want everybody to text it to people let somebody know let somebody know Kara Basanti text it text it to somebody text it to somebody message somebody call somebody talk to somebody let them know that the Prophet is life tell them that the Prophet is life you know can I say something prophet people always want Moses they want Elijah they want Jeremiah they want to join the Baptist but they don't know they are living in the time of one of the greatest prophets alive those prophets are their time and they did great things and we look to them but we don't look to them to the future we look to them to the past some people who think it is pride but it's not right when God sends you a prophet he sent you to your future looking to the past does not make you go to the future but looking to the past makes you know who is given you in the present some of you you don't know who God has given you in the present because you did not look to the past but looking into the present you know who can take you to your future my mandate that God gave me the Lord Jesus told me this listen I am NOT a prophet by Commission the Lord by his special grace chose me before I even knew what a prophet is and the commission of the Lord was this make me are people of fire he did not tell me set people on fire and he told me the difference he told me people on fire can be quenched a people of fire cannot be quenched they have become Phi itself Moses was under the mountain looking at the ship looking after sheep and his father-in-law was a pasta he was a priest so he was looking after the sheep in the house of God at the mountain of God that nobody was allowed to go on but Moses saw a bush burning but he was not being consumed Moses said I will go and see this great sight and Moses went to look at the fire the moment Moses went and looked at the fire God so the Bible says and God saw that Moses paid attention to the fire God began to speak to him some of you God will not speak to you because you have not seen the fire that he has sent somebody that does not understand who God has sent to them God will stop speaking never take for granted somebody that the Lord has sent to teach you about his hat you know one thing prophet I love is this the Lord gave me something I don't know why I'm talking about this I don't know why I'm talking about this because usually I never talk like this you know I don't talk like this but there's something that the Lord gave me God cannot give you something to do that he has not given you the ability to do it God make I am a prophet in a lot of prophets can prophesy some deeper than others but the Word of God is the word of God yes but one thing that God gave me apart from prophecy was the spirit of Revelation why did God give me the spirit of Revelation remember there is a difference between human intelligence and revelation revelation has nothing to do with your accolades it has nothing to do with you studying the Bible revelation is that you have the mind of Christ to show people Christ is the gift of revelation that God gave me is what is an ability to see him but not for me but for you God gives us gifts towards his people not for us my gift of Revelation is nothing if it has does not go unto somebody to build them up you can know Jesus for yourself but he will not send you to people it means he did not anoint you for people I was talking to my son my my I'll start calling him the last born of prophecy prophet my Luke my son the last one of prophecy and when I mean the last born of prophecies like the Prophet that our son and a prophet that God has given me in my in my youth and I and I believe in all my sons but I was speaking to him yesterday about this and I told him something God gave people you see when somebody a man of God tells you that it's not about the people that are listening to you even if there is one person or two person they are foolish it means you're not useful to God the gospel is about numbers go and save the world you are saying if one or two people even if I minister to one person God is not looking to you to minister to one person it means what he has given you is not enough for the world it's enough for one person because God will send you the number of people that matches what He has given you God cannot give you ten thousand people if you cannot manage one or two people you know that I don't know I don't know if somebody's catching this when you see somebody with a small church even if they make people fall not that they don't carry what can impact the world tomorrow I'm gonna be teaching I'm gonna be teaching the spirit of influence in church you don't miss that God knows who can win a lot of people and he puts in them the ability to win people the Lord Jesus said those whom my father has given to me nobody can snatch them let me explain something I'm about to talk about the atmosphere creating the atmosphere for God but I'm I'm trying to teach people something look at this my prophet the Lord Jesus was not nailed here yeah anyone who tells you I saw the palm of his hand he was nailed yeah now Jesus was not nailed here Jesus was nailed here when you pierce this part the nerves that connect to the fingers affected people were crews were crucified through here but Jesus nail was here when they nailed him here there is something that happens when you cut the nerve that is here your hand does this it's called that death grip Jesus was saying those who my father gave me in my hands nobody can snatch them because he dyed it with it he was on the cross with that death grip for the people that he was going to save death grip his hand was like this literally tight he was holding the ones that he was going to save that cannot be snatched from him that is the power of the Cross somebody who is sent into the world already has people that God has placed in his hand that is why the Lord Jesus said I am The Good Shepherd the ship that I have I will not even lose one of them if one of them leaves I will go after them people who have small number of people if somebody lives they will say oh no no no no those people they were not spiritual anyway we need people who are going to listen to us they are looking for cooperation but they have no ability to influence I'm gonna teach about the spirit of influence tomorrow it would be too much I don't know if people are catching me remember the Bible has a whole book on numbers so if somebody comes and tells you oh oh I am anointed but somebody comes and tells you oh I am anointed and I am anointed I am anointed I am anointed but you don't see the anointing impacting anybody we know that the anointing is not big I'll say that again and I will teach this tomorrow the spirit of influence if somebody comes and tells you all you know I am anointed I am anointed I am anointed I'm anointed I'm anointed but they cannot impact beyond their house there neighborhood they are not they are not sense - you know not everybody is a prophet to the nation I see people with all this type of prophet a pasta pasta - the nation doctor prophet a postal pasta of our generation - the you have not even just changed your own neighborhood charity begins at home Jesus our to impact his household first before he impacted the twelve Moses was recognized by his by his sister his brother before everybody else knew him not saying that they will believe in you they might even doubt you but they will know who you are I don't know if somebody is listening to me when the Lord Jesus called me yes now listen to this listen listen to this carefully I'm gonna say something here I'm gonna say something here a prophet to the nation is not because they feel they will go to the nation's God will show you which nations are going to come to you Jesus knew his mission is in Israel he knew where his mission was so he did not try to go even though he was in Egypt for some time as I am glad but you don't see them highlighting any where he was before he came back to Israel because he was not sent to them but where he was sent he was powerful your impact will always be where God sends you when the Lord Jesus called me I saw your nun that was quick but not today okay prophet just grab the chair come back come back close to me let's just let's just come just come everybody honor grace come come come prophets it and I'm gonna talk about influence tomorrow and this is gonna be powerful I don't know why God is making me speak about this now but but uh but it's it's God will do it now watch this the only place you ever have influence is where God has planted you and the people you will win will also be sent to you do you know where the first people that God sends to me our minions Wow not not even my people actually my people from where I am from God is showed me there will be towards the end not the beginning because a prophet receives honor not in his hometown first outside yeah so if somebody is from my nation or from the parts of the world that I come from and they recognize me it means God has favoured them quickly to recognize just like Jesus was to be to the Jews first and then to the Gentiles but they had certain Gentiles that discovered Jesus before he was going to the Gentiles yeah the Lord showed me a sea of people I saw black people I saw I saw first I saw Armenians yeah I saw white people I saw no I saw Latin people you know I saw people from different nations standing like a crayon box I always used the example of a crayon box and the Lord told me I am sending you to them to make them are people of I that is why my dedication is always to raise people yeah and when I come to you and speak to you take it seriously you know some people think prophet Lavi needed to minister no God has blessed me you know prophets with music I don't know why the prophetic and music goes together prophets are either great lovers of music or or or they're musicians themselves the Lord Jesus yeah bless me with a gift some people don't know that I've been producing music for years yeah for years for years for years I've worked with some some artists that you like some of your favorite artists I've worked with them personally I'm Grammy nominated at the height of what I was doing God told me I want you to turn a corner now it's time for you to do what I want you to do my own management one of the biggest management companies in the music business one of the best publishers and one of the biggest manager in the business they love me but they're angry with me because they're like do you know how far you could have even pushed it say God has called me what am I going to do so I never minister because I want anything from anybody nah not at all but it's their passion in the zeal of my father I don't know why God made me to speak this I don't know why God is making me speak like this that is all when we come and we are speaking to you these mysteries we are speaking to you I'm speaking to you so that you can see the Jesus that I've seen the Jesus have come to love the Jesus that can bless that she Jesus that can change people the Jesus that can make you and bless your life and make you greater and better than you've ever been the Lord told me as you tend to serve me now you will never lack anything I'll take care of everything we are serving a god that can bless you that can increase you that can heal your duck and deliver you that's the Jesus I bring to you if you listen you grow now hear me I'm gonna be talking about the the the atmosphere of the presence of God unlike what you have been taught there is an atmosphere that God dwells in or abides around a person there is an atmosphere that God inhabits around a person the one people think is first is the list of them all yeah okay let me just do a little test how many people what do you think makes the presence of God come down let me ask a question UK whether you're on Facebook or YouTube or periscope I just want you to type and type tell me what you believe makes the presence of God come nayika you did not find me late you did not find me late it's God's time Facebook are you there somebody my son Sheikh as he said worship powerful somebody said Thanksgiving let me see let me see let me see I think Mollie Smith said worship and yeah moco seer cerasus the state of your heart somebody says holiness somebody says a pure heart an atmosphere of worship and praise they're one people think is okay that one is repeating what I'm saying creating the atmosphere for him to come okay my brother the Apostolic prophet Juma says praise Nancy Nancy early or deep the desire to know him that's true to a problem that needs a solution love okay let me see YouTube let me see YouTube real quick Thanksgiving remember many of you are thinking about entering his presence we are talking about you creating an atmosphere where you are daily he's entering his presence is in heaven how can I create an atmosphere that God is tangible around me okay let's go to the Bible are you ready is everybody ready is everybody ready the first thing that creates an atmosphere for God to be in okay let me ask you a question let me just be honest with you worship is the least of them all come on worship is the below of them all I'm not saying worship is not important it's the list of them or list of them all God is not in heaven because of worship I'll say that again God is not in heaven because of worship Wow the Angels in his atmosphere they've realized who he is so they worship Him because he is present meaning that worship is not the result of him coming worship is because he's already there and you've come to know him that is why worship is the list of them oh yeah yeah bracket allamanda LeBron de Guiche the advocate our Father I pray for everybody Lord Jesus I really pray this prayer from the bottom of my heart O Lord and you know my heart father I pray open everybody's heart including myself to receive your word right now that we will know how to work with you like their posters walked with you father so many people don't even understand some people don't even believe prophets exist anymore some people don't even believe our posters exist anymore some people believe that prophets are posters evangelists who are done with in the Old Testament people don't believe that you can walk with man not inside of them not only when they worship they feel your presence but people don't know they are forgotten that you are God was tangible visible before Moses you are the God was tangible visible before Elijah you are that's why we say the God of Jacob the God of Elijah because people saw you with them not in them but outside of them around their life father I pray that they will come to know that God of Prophet La Vie your servant that you have called by your own grace by your own will father I pray that they will come to know you they will come to know you by you being with them in the name of Jesus amen listen to this the first part the moment you opened the Bible it gives you the first condition that makes God be somewhere with a man the first and most important thing that creates an atmosphere for God is obedience when you see the Bible you don't see in the first book the second book actually let me start with the first book when you open the first book of the Bible yeah the book of Genesis chapter number one you don't see the love of God you see the power of God you see the might of God but you don't see the love of God you see the authority and you see him standing by his authority yeah you don't see him standing by love is somebody catching what I'm saying here yeah God was Adam God created an atmosphere that Adam could seem continually and people who say sin is what made God walk away from Adam that's not true even outside the garden God was still visiting Adam he would speak you hear his voice but he never came physically anymore do you know why not because of sin God tested his authority towards Adam and told him this tree you will not eat of it didn't give him an explanation he told him if you eat it you surely die how can you tell somebody usually that doesn't know what that is he said don't touch this when our baby is growing up you tell them don't touch it and they try to touch it you hit their hand pop to stop them so that they know if you touch that there is consequences apparent teachers their child if a good parent teaches their child I am your father I am your mother first I am the authority and if you obey the authority you experience the love of the authority yeah people who go against the law of the land catch the back fist of the author of the law you feel the power of the law but if you come under the law you see experience the grace the love and the provision of the law of the land I don't know if I'm talking to somebody this is number one and I'm gonna go a little deeper in it obedience let me be honest with you sin is not a big deal to God God hates sin but sin is not a big deal yeah sin is not a big deal to God profit me and you know this more than anybody because it is when you stand before God we have seen the Lord when you are in his presence you know nobody can no one is perfect before him according to his standards yes to others we may be better and I'm using may be better but before him who is going to be better you know and the Lord Jesus said when they when the man came and told him good teacher jesus answered him and said why do you say that I'm good and there is only God that is good he did not ask him a question he was making a statement saying have you discovered that I am God people think that Jesus questioned him it was not a question he said why do you call me good and it is only God that is good he was telling him are you saying I am good because you have discovered I am good I am God Jesus will never reject anybody because sin is not a big deal to him the great-great-great-grandmother of Jesus was a prostitute she was made righteous by hiding the spies in Jericho God forgave us in not because she said I am sorry not because she said I'm done to being a prostitute only because she hid the people that belong to God God says her sins are forgiven and she got delivered she became the great great she became the great grand mother of Jesus people think they had at the house of Judas I know they are the house of Judah is a gory - who Judah was and what he did in the Bible Judah is what I call Aladeen but Jesus became the Lion of the tribe of Judah meaning that he brought honor to the other house of Judah he turned the house of prostitutes into something else what does that mean remember that God will always say you're prostitutes and to me but yet I'll bring you back come on somebody didn't catch what I just said some people didn't just get you did some people missed what I just said Allah bracha Seattle Amanda makes Tuva Attalla be Acorah bata register Aparri at until 8:00 until 8:00 until a 20 God brought honor God brought honor in a house where there was no owner and he brought a lie on what is allowed a ruler out of calamity I don't know if somebody's capturing this the house of Judah yeah remember let me just show you how the house of Judah is was not good do you know Judas Iscariot came from the same place Jesus came from Judas was from Judah he was the traitor and a thief somebody said I don't know if somebody's capturing what I'm saying unshakable by okinu said may I read the Bible with your eyes made that's why you are listening and it is already you as in Jesus name there is an impartation that happens when you listen to because you receive this the Spirit you receive the spirit of the person through the words you receive the Spirit of God through his word now you have started so so capture this yeah what God is interested in is in his obedience listen to what the Bible says obedience is better than what sacrifice sacrifice of praise sacrifice of worship is nothing wow he's not bad is good but it's not important he's not what makes God be around a person yeah I was sharing something prophet you know when President Trump was was elect was elected yeah I wasn't happy I really wasn't I had seen two years before the election I don't you know I don't watch TV yeah I saw two years before the election that God's hand was upon I saw two people that we're going to run for president and I saw a woman who looked like Bill Clinton's wife and I saw Trump remember I told you guys this in the house I saw them two running and I said these two guys are the ones that are going to run but I saw the presidency of Hillary I saw a an attack that was going to happen on America that it was going to be at the cost of the see a bomb was going to be launched and it was going to cause the the water to rise and and and at the cost I think it was California was going to be messed up and things like that because she was she was not firm on the people that were against the nation and I knew that it was God's desire for her yeah but she was a little bit like this then I saw God raised this person that was not in politics Trump I'm like what is this guy doing as a president and I saw God his hand going on him but I didn't see anything else that was going to happen up after they I knew that if this guy was going to be president it's going to be miraculous I'm telling you the honest truth I never liked him never liked him but one day I'm scoring scrolling on YouTube and I'm like ah I saw one of these videos as I oh my god this man so I scrolled up I heard the voice of God like you're talking to me right now the Lord said this to me he said that is my servant I did not choose him because he is good I chose him because if I put something in his heart he would do it without question Wow I got on my knees and I repented Wow haven't you noticed this guy just moves with his own agenda haven't you noticed that I'm not here to talk politics I'm just telling you how God thinks yeah can I have a book son that I can put this because I need to drink what that I can put behind so that I can hold up this they guy just even his own party don't understanding do you realize that he won this election miraculously yeah and I'm telling you this he's gonna win the next time Wow remember I told you if his cause for God remains yeah there's no it's gonna lose and I'm not saying God is selecting him because it's the best you know when people are moved by public opinion God doesn't like them because his opinion must be bigger than anybody's yeah let me keep moving Amos the Book of Amos chapter 3 verse 3 to 8 baba you want to read it first so I want you to also add some stuff almost chapter 3 verse 3 to 8 huh can't you walk together except they be agreed so when you are about to enter a relationship you set boundaries from the beginning God set boundaries from the beginning yeah he said you have all these things but that one I don't want you to touch it hmm when you read the 10 commandments God is setting boundaries for his relationship yeah just like you're about to be with date a man or a woman and they tell you okay you know if you're gonna be in a relationship with me you can't cheat on me you can't have another person before me you you can't look at another woman you can't look at another man you you you can't do this God is already telling you that I require obedience because two people cannot walk together unless they agree yes yes keep reading sir did you hear that a lion does not just start going rawr if there is no prey meaning that God does not do something without a cause yeah keep reading will a young lion cry in his den if he has not eaten keep going on the earth with no gin where no gin is for them saying that you cannot trap a bird you know and I was growing up we used to do that a lot I don't know if you did that we used to go and put traps you put some grain some rice and you put a bucket with a stick when the pigeon goes down there you pull it and it covers them in you and we put our hand in with us and we used to do that it is impossible it is impossible it is impossible impossible to catch a bird without prey keep going shall a trumpet prophet Reuben you're blessed prophet Reuben Reuben vows god bless you my my a personal apostle Omar god bless you a posto I'm gonna be with him end of October for three days for three days keep going they can never be anything wrong somewhere without God permitting it yeah keep going notice this God reveals secrets to a prophet not because he is his friend yeah he does not reveal secrets to a prophet because he's the most gifted yeah God reveals his secret to the sub to his servant the Prophet yeah why because that prophet is a servant when a prophet stops being a servant he stops hearing from God some people tell you surely God would do nothing without his servant the Prophet without revealing it to the Prophet they are highlighting the Prophet they are not highlighting the part called servant there are prophets that we have today there are Kings being served they are not servant serving people God will never speak to you Allah Rakha d'italia Mandela brand Avia aza that is why the Lord told him let me give you an example go to John 15:15 and then I will show you something John 15:15 called you friends so notice this servant is given instructions yes a friend knows what is going on so we have two levels of prophets we have prophets that our servants they just do what they are told to do but they don't really care about the business of the Father you know when you work for a company you work to secure your position for your pay yeah but it becomes a family business when it is about you it the business and it it's become you that is why Jesus did not say I am a hired hand he said some of you many of the Shepherd's you have they are hired if a wolf shows up they will run they will forsake the ship me I will not I would die for my ship then he said I will give you Shepherds after my own heart meaning that they will not run when you are dying they will be there when you don't know where to go there will be their crime with you figuring out where you will go so we have prophets there are kings we have prophets that our servants and then we have prophets that our friends the Bible says that the greatest in the kingdom is the list of all some men and women of God have lost their that I don't wanna say presence they have lost to God walking with them because the Bible says and the Lord worked with them and worked with them what you want is God to walk with you yes not just to feel his presence feelings are for baby Christians yes I don't know if I should teach the anointing or the spirit of influence tomorrow the Lord will direct me but I feel like I need to teach you the reality about the anointing come on never chase after the anointing chase after the Spirit there are men and women of God that have lost the ability to walk with Jesus yes they can experience his presence what does it mean to experience the presence the presence is you feel me but I'm not engaging with you I would say that again I can say I feel the presence of my son Claudius but it doesn't mean I'm talking with him I am aware that he is there so many people are aware that Jesus could perform miracles but he never performed one for them Wow the Bible says many and He healed them all but some places he says many were healed and their places he said he could do not much miracles meaning whoever some people were aware of him and there were a multitude but not everybody received he was there you could feel God was in the place but it doesn't mean God blessed you or visited you Abram was not comfortable with the presence of God passing before his house he invited God into his tent he said God carry with your servant stay with your servant let me cook for you let me wash your feet stay and cool yourself down before you continue with your journey Lord I don't want to just feel you I want you to be with me but this does not happen if you don't have obedience I don't know if people are catching what I'm saying here I don't know if people are catching what I'm trying what I'm really trying to say to you we have become Christians or feelings or when you worship the presence of God comes when did the presence of God not be there he said I will never leave you nor forsake you yeah but you are thinking that you're inviting him God is already there his presence is already there the Bible says he feels all things I am not making him come he's already there yeah he was there before I was there he knew that I will be there listen to me feelings are for baby Christians when you know you are matured as a believer when you know you have matured as a believer feelings go out of the window come on you just know you operate with knowing I'm gonna give you two scriptures right now Allah Bharatiya country let me tell you something I say I am it I say I said something to you all the time I said the Prophet love easier but the truth is this I'm a friend of Jesus I say prophet as an office so that you know the kind of person and the kind of food you are about to receive I don't if somebody is catching this but I don't want to be a prophet to Jesus Jesus I want I want to be I want to be I want to be a friend of Jesus I want to show you something okay now look at these numbers chapter two over six numbers 12 six you know I like I like to keep it a hundred percent row from six to seven okay profit okay I like to keep it draw because I want you to grow I don't want you to just hear the word of God and say he preached a good word and you remain the same I want years from now when you think people that will come after me they will still find these resources they need to make their life walking with Jesus better it will not just be other person did great things okay can I give you an example yes can I give you an honest example yeah Smith Wigglesworth was one of the greatest men of God that ever lived in his generation yes but can I tell you something he messed up yeah do you know where he messed up he never taught you how he became the apostle of faith he never left you anything that would make you like Smith Wigglesworth you just have testimonies of how he raised people from the dead but you don't know how he raised people from the dead I don't know somebody's catching what I'm saying he was a great man of God and he still is because he's in heaven yeah but he didn't benefit you you are inspired but you are not built up because he did not show you how he became yeah I am showing you by the Spirit of God how I became prophet is showing you how he became really prophet - seven six - seven all right and he said hear my words if there be a prophet among you I the Lord will make myself known on to him in a vision mm-hmm I will speak to him in a dream my servant Moses is not so who is faithful in mine house mm-hmm is not just a servant but a faithful servant uh-huh with him will I speak mouth to mouth even apparently and not in dark speeches and the similarly tude of the Lord shall be shall he behold wherefore then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses hah now let me show you something Exodus 33 11 it tells you why God spoke to Moses face to face yes and then I will explain something let me tell you the first time Moses spoke to God did he speak to God face to face no no when Moses saw the burning bush he saw a burning bush he never saw God he encountered an angel that was burning in a bush yeah but after the obedience of living and going to do what God did he turned from just merely being a servant he became God's friend he upgraded from being a servant to a friend read this what read it one more time and the Lord speak the Lord spake unto Moses face to face as a man speaketh unto his friend mm-hmm and he turned again to the camp but he's serving Joshua the son of nun a young man departed not out of the tabernacle I will talk about this later we talked about this meaning but notice this I don't know if somebody's catching this yeah Moses became God's friend he passed the level of servant he became God's friend let me give you an example let me give you an example Claudius is one of my closest sons I speak to him as a friend but he speaks to me as a father some people take God speaking to you as a friend it means that is your friend yeah he's God my son prophet Malik I am training him and I'm pushing him he already is called by God I didn't give him his calling was anointed and called by God before I met him but God has given me the responsibility to put him and to launch him into where God is sending him like many of my sons you'll be one of the most powerful ones yeah and I speak to him as a friend but wisdom he doesn't say Amen yes is a Papa Papa me myself my spiritual father we are so cool but there's no they have ever called him by his name or even insinuated I'm always in the position of a son a true son on us the father because they know the father is a reflection of them that is where they will be so if I can dishonor my own image my future then I cannot become it if I am not faithful if I am not faithful if I am not faithful in my house in the in my father's house then I'm not ready to inherit that house Abraham said something to God God told God spoke to to Abram and told Abram surely I will bless you I'll make you a great nation Abram said something he said lord I don't doubt you but you have given me no heir Eliezer my servant is my heir he's not saying is going to be said is my heir he was not the only servant Abraham at the hundreds and hundreds of servants he had enough servants that he had his own army that when the Kings could not defeat an army he took his outlaw his household and went undefeated he defeated a nation by himself but he's saying Eliezer is my heir because Eliezer had grown from being a servant he was becoming a son Wow I don't know if I'm helping somebody I just want you to know this Jesus and I want you know my people perish because of lack of knowledge that's what God is saying he's not saying the world he's saying my people his people are not supposed to perish but his people are perishing because they have no knowledge not the world his own people he's so out of all his servants is so alias and said this one is my heir do you know that Abraham trusted his servant so much to find his son his wife say when I die you will be like a father and to him help him find a wife you have seen my situation you have seen how it is help him that is because he Joseph when he was in his father's house God was speaking to him in visions and dreams mainly in dreams actually only in dreams or visions of the night when he was left Egypt when he left where they were and he went into Egypt the moment remember in his father's house he never served but when he went into Potiphar's house you see something that is realized or introduced into the character of Joseph that we never saw before Joseph became a servant not just a servant the most faithful servant that Potiphar never worried about anything in the house the only thing that he asked is today I feel like eating steak buy everything all in his house people think that Joseph was our maid Potiphar was the head of of secret service for the king he lived like a king he was a powerful man when you think that Joseph was in charge of everything it means every affair that poor tiffer had to do with anything it was Joseph that was handling it meaning that porta forgot a promotion to the King even more because of Joseph to the point that he was becoming so great so great that their wife started admiring him wanting to sleep with him when God begins to raise men and women of God or brothers and sisters that start to get to a place where they are knowing God the devil comes to prostitute to them he comes to offer them things and they cheat and become unfaithful to their master and he leaves them what unlocked the next level of Joseph's prophetic is because he ran from from being unfaithful to his master let me let me prove to you even more what I'm saying yeah Abram goes to Egypt because there is drought in the promised land ah you just unlock something I'm trying sir ha this is this is my best friend my prophet the woman of God patients which Ana says prophet I celebrate the Spirit of God in you we thank God it's by grace Abraham goes to Egypt he gets to Egypt he tells his wife listen when we get there you're my sister you're no longer my wife I don't want to die they will kill me because of how beautiful you are I'll talk about the Spirit of influence if Sarah was in our old age but she could still turn next she had the spirit of influence you saw her and you saw her beautifully did not matter what age may some sisters and daughters receive that that your marriage will be released in Jesus name Amen I thought I would see some crazy amen hallelujah now listen to this when Sarah got into the city News got to the king you have to understand Egypt was the was the center of the world in those days yeah how did they know that a beautiful woman has entered the city she had influences we'll talk about the spirit of influence tomorrow influence does no wait for you to be ready that's why a lot of people that have influence fall because their character did not mature because it's a spirit that God releases on you it will work regardless where you are Wow Victor Mangano said your teachings are sharp guys keep sharing keep sharing we have not even covered a little bit of it we are just in the first point we haven't even finished yeah and I could go even more with this one capture this man of God Pharaoh he has about Sarah now remember fair is a young guy he is not an old man and he has many wives as those kings would do he immediately be friends Abraham and when he befriends Abraham already what is a mom he starts giving Abraham gifts giving Abraham gifts giving Abraham's give gifts immediately abraham gives up Sarah because it's his sister yeah but the King never slept with her them date that that woman entered into into the Pharaoh's house Farrah went to sleep God came to him in in a dream in a vision of the night appeared to him he said what have you done he said Lord what are you talking about he said how could you how could you do this evil he said Lord I have what have I done he said take back this man's wife for he is a prophet he said Lord you know I did not touch her he said I know you did not touch her because I kept you from touching her notice this person is not a Christian is not born again he does not have the Holy Ghost he does not have anything but God is having a conversation with him because he was a faithful man that he begins to operate in the prophetic immediately hmm I just gave away something for prophetic school I just gave her something for prophetic school immediately he told that tick this woman back to him that's his wife this was a secret only Abraham and Sarah knew but now God is telling that the King the secret then he tells him take an offering go unto Him to pray for you or else I will punish and kill your whole house God is given him a warning take the wife back but don't go empty-handed because this man is a prophet he needs to deliver you against my anger so that is why Pharaoh went to him and said Abraham you want to destroy me you want to destroy my nation why didn't you tell me she is your wife meaning there were very good actors it took all it took offerings and gave unto him and Abraham prayed for him and he said now live our country please Abram was was deported the first deportation of the Bible when you are receiving prophetic messages but you still don't know how to decode them yes I don't know what that dream means I don't know what that was I don't know what that is it means you still have not become his friend you are still in servant level let me let me stop even King could hear God you you can't hear god you're not faithful because remember what the Bible says YouTube is on fire YouTube is on fire Facebook keep sharing keep sharing keep sharing keep sharing keep sharing keep sharing look at how mightily youtube is growing Facebook is killing it also chai is grown a lot look at life yeah go back to Facebook let me give my Facebook sons and daughters and men and women of God attention that is why anybody that does not respect authority even the authority of the land God cannot trust you Kaneesha what with what happened today yeah there's a great prophet of God there's a great prophet of God and and his name is prophet Kofi Danso yeah mighty mighty prophet of God these are father's that have gone ahead of us yeah I mean he's not human but look at this when the Prophet called us today yeah I was with him to greet him because he's our Father me and the Prophet immediately went on our knees yeah he called saying how are you guys how are you guys doing immediately we dropped on our knees we said Papa we greet you we greet you we are honoring him he was saying hi immediately could not say hi what did he begin to say he began to I began to prophesy over us grace the God that made Elisha who was a farmer that that was that was plowing the ground and turned him into an earth into a god Elisha was it grah a Coppola into a crowd into a crowd puller may that God be your God made that God beer he began to professor immediately spiritually I general just imparted as something that we were who and we did it simply by being in a posture of obedience I mean one of my sisters a name is a Alina yeah she was telling me prophet the way I see you love Papa the way you love you're our Father the way you love prophet passion your father is too much I don't even understand it that it challenged me yeah and made me change in the way I show my affection to him and it made me respect you even more because I know I am going if I don't honor where I'm going I cannot get it the Brothers of Joseph was opposed to collaborate with Joseph when he told them the vision but they thought that he was undermining them because remember what the vision said he said I saw I saw the Sun and the moon and the stars bow before me surrounding me and bowing before me I don't know if somebody's catching me he said I saw the Sun the moon the Sun represents the Father the Moon the moon represents the mother and the 12 stars represents and and and the end and the does it say 12 says and eleven or twelve eleven stars I don't remember if it is twelve the newest prophesied about Benjamin but I can't remember right now so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna that is my mind now me thinking but he said and I saw twelve stars bowing before me about his brows then about the twelve rasa's yes now look at this no no but capture this you know Joseph was not a tribe yeah because he was not among them God took him away from them so that he can make them the other ones a tribe yeah the children these brothers and sister is brothers what they tribes he was not there was not right there's no tribe of Joseph yeah but notice this he said I saw the Sun in the Moon and Eleven stars bowing before me and the father said surely will my my wife and I bow before you are you crazy his brothers hated him even more but what you people miss is this the first time that his brothers met him he was just his brothers that were bowing before him the Sun and the moon were not there the moon had died and the Sun was the only one that was living it means there was a delay in the prophecy because the people who are given the prophecy did not comply Joseph was supposed to be in Egypt sooner so that his father and mother can see him glorified together with his brothers Wow but the prophecy was delayed because the moon was not there the mother died and the father was old the prophecy still came to pass but he came to pass late meaning God was waiting for Joseph to be in Egypt for the drug to happen Wow people are not catching what I'm saying my brother Juma says but that is a reality the mana and the order that you honor our papa reveal revealed a deep moment revealed a deep dimension of you that I only see once in once in all of my years of ministry we thank God the prophecy was delayed because of disobedient they saw a young boy speaking and they thought that God cannot be speaking through him because he's young some of you would see and not I know many of you believe in what God has given me but there are some that who come on and see a young handsome man wearing glasses some people say how could you wear gold what is wrong with my watch I wear glasses you can't have the Holy Spirit because because they are looking at my appearance and they cannot hear the master because they have never obeyed him Wow Wow the father of Joseph knew that it was a vision he said will me and your mother surely bow before you he was offended that God was speaking to his son and that he was going to make him greater than his son that the son would be greater than him he got offended by that blocked it off the brother said this young Joseph this one we will show him the prophecy was delayed because the family that the message was given to delayed they disobeyed what does the Bible says God speaks once here twice and man and man when man does not understand it God will let them decision job he will let them in slumbering of the night as they sleep he will open when they in divisions of the night he will open their ears and seal the instruction there in that is why meaning that God put that same prophecy still inside of them even though they did not believe it when he has passed they forgot about Joseph they forgot that they sold him to Egyptians because it is what already the prophecy was in telling Joseph could not interpret it his father was the one who was supposed to interpret the vision in its fullness because he saw bands you know like those things that when you gather wit and you bow them before somebody he is so not only the stars and the moon and then he also saw the width bowing around it no he sought the storage of agreement the food the wit to him in the bands yeah that's what they were seeing but they did not think where in the world are there are many bands that they can actually store this much they did not put two and two together but they turned and rejected the word of the Lord because the one who spoke it did not even fully understand it I feel like I'm talking to myself I don't know if people people are really understanding what we are saying here are you understanding what I'm saying obedience births delay delay in spiritual growth and also physical life my sons and daughters that really listen to me all of them prophetically they become dangerous some of them are even professing right now because of their heart of obedience but those who are also not really listen all the way if I their sons and daughters that I can't even call to do something because I know they won't do it and if they do it they will not do it because of consistency's because they want something it's not because this is my future they know they are trying to bribe their way I feel I feel like I'm talking to myself let me move on because if if we move at this rate we'll still be live and it will be five glory be to God guys those who are giving God bless you those who are giving god bless you god bless you you can go to prophet Lovy come and give your offering whatever God puts in your heart and and sign up for prophetic school we are getting close we are getting close we are getting close prophet Glovis is also coming they are all coming just so that we can be in deep prayer so that you can benefit from this school hallelujah glory be to Jesus the first key is obedience Jesus was able to fulfill something in three years that you would take people a lifetime because it was obedient he was always about his father's business our ministry is growing listen I have never preached I was never in any church that I was - I've never listened everything that I do I was taught by the Spirit of God I'm being honest then God sent my father and my father brushed me up but I was already ministering because God was the one that taught me when God is about to do so when people tell you all my time has not come my time God is hiding me God never hides anybody God is looking at he once so saved because the hour is coming before his coming he wants his bride prepared it's ignorance and foolishness to say oh you know God is just hiding me because my time hasn't come no people who find their time are people who are working towards their time yeah you don't just wake up now you are the greatest man or woman of God or you are the greatest businessman in fact there is a saying that saying rome wasn't built in a day it is through those little acts of obedience that you become one day you are laying a brick you you are just staying obedient but you discover that you have built a great tower anybody that knows me personally I have zero pride I don't think of myself anything much I think much of what God has given me but me myself nothing I'm just a regular person I'm just a regular person and I always tell people this if God can use me can use anybody yeah if God can walk with me can walk with anybody you create an atmosphere for God when you're obedient you know the story of Balaam he was not even a Christian he was a he was a witch doctor the guy was an evil wicked prophet you know the story he was hired to cuss but God appeared to him he said I cannot disobey God who can be you are free will you are saying I not disobey God but your witch doctor God visited him and told him don't do it and God spoke to him and turned him around yet this guy was in darkness God changed him Wow we have brothers and sisters born-again full of the Holy Ghost they can't change because they are not obedient do you know why Elijah I'm sorry to say this let me let me say this let me say this God speaks to Elijah says go and stop those profits for they prophesy not with my spirit and he's talking about the the prophets of Baal why wasn't God now remember God did not call them witch doctors he said they are prophets but they have become prophets of Baal meaning they were meant to serve Him but their faithfulness was to another God not him that gave them the ability to hear in the spirit but notice this God could not stop them but Christians are saying God is keeping me behind because it's not my time that God had to send a man to go to them and stop them from prophesy shut them down destroy the prophets of Baal because they are not using my spirit they are not using my spirit but Balaam who also was a person not different from them even even greater invest in sorcery more than them could change and follow God because he had the heart of obedience Wow dr. lavimore we love you too much the greatest apostle of our time are you catching me prophet I don't know if you're understanding what I'm saying people you have been deceived thinking that you create an atmosphere for God with worship no it is they listen worship is amazing I love worship and I love to worship God but listen to me worship is the list it is the num it is the last thing in the in the list that makes you create and not listen I am NOT talking about feeling the presence of God I'm saying creating an atmosphere my father is online Papa we honor your grace Papa we honor you papa we honor we honor you Papa thank you for being with us I want somebody to capture that worship is great but worship does not create an atmosphere for God it creates you it gives you the ability to perceive God but an atmosphere where God lives begins with obedience a person that speaks know that you respect them because you obey what they are saying I cannot be a son to the gaffer if I don't obey Him I am an acquaintance I am an adopted child it doesn't matter how much you say you love God it doesn't matter it doesn't matter how much you claim you love God if you cannot obey Him beginning with these servants you cannot obey Him you never obey Him can I show something come on can I show something now this one is gonna blow people's mind are you ready for this yeah Genesis chapter 22 verse 11 to 12 Genesis 22 11 to 12 let me see these comments my son Genesis 22 11 to 12 Genesis 22 11 to 12 yes I know that thou fearest God seeing thou hath not withheld thy son thy only son from me yes and behold behind him around okay yeah prophet do me a favor get read it with the - with the mighty shout I want this I want people to really hear this this is very important read this and the Lord the angel of the Lord called him yes and said Abraham Abraham yes and he said Here I am yes say yes lay not thy hand upon the lad neither do without anything on to him yes for I know that thou fearest God yes seen that thou had not worth withheld thy son thy only son from me okay let me ask you a question who told Abraham to sacrifice his son hmm I want anybody to just comment who told Abraham to sacrifice his son my son my look you can answer to who told Abraham to sacrifice his son quickly quickly quickly quickly who told Abraham to sacrifice his son somebody said God amen my son Fabian said God you are right by the way Fabian let me see more people more people God God God God her some people are saying the Lord God and everything okay that's perfect my woman of God patience which you cheyna says God okay okay everybody is saying God right everybody's saying God what if I tell you it was not God come on God never asked Abraham to give his son come on you are not reading the Bible the way it's being written the angel called from heaven and said Abraham don't touch the boy for now I see that you will fear God you love God there is a ram behind you meaning God spoke to Abraham through an angel and when the moment that Abram obeyed God it is them through an angel it is the moment that God began to talk to Abraham face-to-face come on the first time Moses met God he met an angel representing God the moment he listened to the angel as if it was God talking to him it is the moment God began to speak to Moses face to face mouth to mouth when the disciples began to obey working with Jesus and discovered that Jesus was God it is the moment that he began to appear to them work with them and they knew that he is God come on you will never see God before you see servant God tests you to see if you are a faithful servant yeah that you are obedient and you fear him by sending you somebody from him to see if you listen if you will not respect his authority to somebody he has given authority you will never listen to him this foolishness that people have in church needs to stop and this is what the Spirit of God is saying it means to stop when my father speaks to me I always listen to I am listening like God is talking even when he's joking I am trying to decode is it God is it a joke I take it very seriously and if I'm not sure I'll go on my knees and pray some of you your posture you are a postal you're evangelist you're your will come and tell you God says go and give this you say let me pray about it disobedient God will never appear to you do you know why God appeared to Cornelius he was obedient he's praying and giving much disobedience some of you you give to bribe God but you're not obedient some of you pray to think that it will make God's P you don't create an atmosphere for God listen to me carefully you don't create an admin and I'm speaking like this because it is not me that is talking this is God speaking that is why Jesus kept saying you have rejected me who was sent from the father he was shocked that if you will not receive me how can you receive my father remember God had to come as a human being so that you can receive him because he had to send a foreshadow of himself your pasta your evangelists they are a foreshadow God is measuring how he will deal with you in his relationship with you son can have water dr. lavimore is not doctorate this is just the AG is just a gift of God that you also have I'm telling you people of God that is why it takes you somebody who is obedient to God does not have blind obedience let me tell you something can I share my testimony let me share my testimony in less than five minutes maybe even one minute when the Lord Jesus remember God has been speaking to me since I was a child but this level he talks to me now is completely different when the Lord appeared to me and told me it is time for you to start doing this this is what you begin to do do you know the first thing that I did God is my witness I had never listened until now do I listen to Christian music be honest prophet I don't I don't even know Christian musicians I don't even know Christian singers I really don't if I show you my playlist for worship it's actually very vintage yeah I don't know who is who there are some men of God that transcended transcended the culture that people everybody knows them but I don't even listen listen I don't listen to people I listen to my father once in a while God can send some few people that will add something to me I always listen to somebody that has a message of God but do you know what happened prophet the first thing that I did before I ever did anything I sought for submission Wow nobody listened nobody told me nobody came to me and told me you need a spiritual father I learnt the doctrine of spiritual father of spiritual covering in the spirit when God had spoken to me I came out of the visual i sat down and I said with that I knew inside you know that you know in how do I say it intuition is one of the functions of your spirit you will know that you know you don't know why you know but you know deep inside your North yeah I just knew yeah I need to find a spiritual father because if I don't have a spiritual father I will not succeed yeah I knew it inside of me and that day the Lord birthed in my heart to be humble many of you God has called you God wants to make you great God wants you to do this but you will never lift you you let let me explain it to you like this come my son I'm gonna show an example with you if you don't mind humble yourself in the physical realm now remember in the spiritual realm people don't don't what is it go they you cannot enter in the presence of God in the spirit if you are not humble but the place that you prove your humility is in the physical realm before you enter the spiritual realm the Bible says humble yourself not under God and that the mighty hand of God who is the hand of God the man of God over you let me repeat it you cannot humble yourself before God you have never seen him you don't know him but there is somebody that has been sent for you to know him that's why I always say anybody who tells you go find Jesus for yourself is a doctrine of devils you can read the Bible and you discover about Jesus but you need somebody that will raise you in Jesus look at what this gift God has given me not only the prophetic not only deliverance but they are building the spirit of Revelation that God has given me to carry where are you gonna study it you won't find it in the Bible this is a gift that God gave me right now you can't see them but they're angels that are speaking to me as we are here prophet knows of them Claudius has seen manifestation of strange things around me this this this that's that's why watch this the Bible says this humble yourself under the mighty hand of God remember when God was creating he was speaking let there be let there be let there be let there be but when he came to dealing with man God had to make his hand material in order to touch the dust of the ground to form man meaning when God is gonna find you he has to find you with his hand the servant that you will send that can touch you physically first yeah I don't think phase Facebook are you there now watch this watch this humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and in due time he shall lift you God does not lift people God gives somebody the ability to give you an opportunity to be lifted David became great because he was under the mighty hand of God David and so had the same spiritual father same spiritual father I want people to catch this can you turn it to Facebook I'm gonna say something really quick that I her is gonna shock people I want you to capture this the best way that you can listen to this listen to this with all your heart some Samuel was the spiritual father of soul and David Samuel was the spiritual father of soul and David but so never chose David never love I liked him but he never loved him like he loved soul soul was his favorite the one that he chose David was the one that God chose I wish somebody would learn what I'm trying to say here I want somebody to learn what I'm trying to say here i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i i want somebody to learn what I'm trying to say here God is the one who chose David he told Samuel I have he told Samuel Samuel was crying because of the best part of him he put it inside one person he put it inside a man called soul that he chose he ate with soul so spent the night with him he sent so to meet other prophets that were sons of Samuel and he received the prophetic anointing then he went before the people unannounced and poured oil upon him that he already did in private and said this is your king that God has chosen but God did not choose him it was Samuel that chose him and God went along with it because Samuel is his friend but when God rejected soul I need somebody to hear this with all their heart but when God rejected soul Samuel began to cry he cried and cried he did not the Bible says that he even is his horn that he used to carry with anointing oil he left it alone he was like what is the point all my gifting all my anointing I put it inside so and now God has rejected him now God has rejected him God had to come and tell Samuel stop crying it is not you that they rejected they rejected me so meaning that Samuel was crying because it was him that was manifesting inside of soul that they rejected that God rejected so he was had because remember the Prophet was the leader of the nation when the leader of the nation the people told him we want a king like other nations Saul was hurt samuel was hurt he went before God God told him it is not you that they rejected they have rejected me then he chose a king anointed him ate with him invested himself within him the man who was not a prophet became a prophet the man was not a prophet became a prophet and after becoming a prophet somebody who was losing his ship do you know how careless you have to be to lose ship it means you had no diligence you lose your donkeys you are losing your flock it means that he had no diligence and was turned into a king he took that he took the seat of Samuel in ruling the nation and Samuel gave him his spirit meaning Samuel was going to have more influence in the nation because of his spiritual son but God has rejected his spiritual son he is weeping God told him stop crying I have found myself a person fill your your flask with oil anoint David but when David was anointed he knew his spiritual elder brother already took everything that his spiritual father had when his father anointed him he did not say you are now king he poured oil on him and said you will be king but under one condition when your brother passes on the throne is yours there is no way David was going to be king as long as Solo's alive as long as saul was alive David could not be king because the fullness of them of their father was in him what did David do David submitted himself under so because David was not caught to be a prophet even though he received the spirit of a prophet because their father was a prophet he went and submitted himself under so there were spiritual brothers but he served his elder brother he was not serving his elder brother per se he was serving their father through the elder brother because David is supposed to learn the affairs of the nation he is not supposed to be in the temple fasting and praying and interceding for people that was not his easel is calling but if I am going he found favor with so why did he find favor with Saul he submitted him it came under humility he started as a harp player guitar player entertaining his spiritual brother Wow his spiritual brother lifted him up made him a commander in his army that when he is writing going to war David is next to him going to when they are celebrating him David is also beginning to be celebrated so he began to take the spirit that was inside of his brother into himself then the songs began to change Saul slew a thousand David slew ten thousand because David had that double measure of the spirit of who Samuel I don't know if people are catching this that is why David could never say anything bad about so Nader ham so he always called him the unwanted one of God even though he knew in secret that the throne is already left him it's coming to me but I need to serve him in order to get it some men of God you are their men and women of God this is especially to men and women of God or those who desire to serve God can I be real with them your ministry is not growing because you are not submitted you are not taking remember there is nothing new Under the Sun what does that mean what prophet EJ is carrying he is not the first one to carry it there is a prophet before him that had it what prophet love is carrying is not unique to me I got it from somebody through grace some of you you are saying you're great yet you have five people with you but somebody has hundreds you cannot humble yourself you want to be equal yeah even me I am a prophet when prophet Coffey called us he said how are you prophets we never said I never referred to him or him refer to him as a prophet as we are prophets we gave him a position above us immediately when my father came on you saw what we did we went on our knees immediately because the more we can look up to him the more we can be pulled up by the anointing that is inside of him by the spirit that is inside of him you can never pour oil upon somebody that is standing you can only pour our oil upon somebody who is sitting down you can touch somebody with oil if they are standing I feel like I'm talking to myself I feel like let me tell you I I love I'm gonna talk about two of my sons because they're in the public eye actually three of them I pick three of them one of them is a Todd will ensue pasta these three of my sons God has so pasta is already done so much in Hollywood and he's still doing even greater stuff my son will is being lifted up dangerously my son Todd is being lifted up dangerously by God in fact Todd's a movie just aired on beat he did a short film that I prophesied to him then even the name of the character that he was going to play I told him Michael is gonna bless you there's a man you're going to meet that is Mike Rowe he's gonna lift your career a Malcolm that is gonna lift your career he gets called in to an audition they give him a script guess who the name of the character is Malcolm his platform just got lifted up Moses is dead my boy you are here now watch this watch this soo pastor and his wife they even cook me his wife makes the most dangerous cheesecake cheesecake cheesecake ha ha I was even looking for other words because I do even know I can call her right now and say my daughter I want cheesecake you start making it if I call my son right now suppose I tell him I am about to go live I want you to come me you drop everything and come and be here Papa what can I do for you my son will has show black lightning movie this that that he's the one who hold the mic in church like they say prophesy papa prophesy he's the one holding mics to people they're the ones reading scriptures toward is standing there holding my Bible yet they are on TV I'm not even on TV but they know what God is giving to them that is lifting them up and there are many other sons and daughters that are like that my son JT business owner businessman one of the pillars of the church I don't know if somebody's catching this I don't know if somebody's catching this I don't know if somebody's catching this my one of my uncle's just wrote a message can you study from the top I want to see this one I want to see it really quickly I'll see what my uncle just wrote to me he's actually professing to me now listen to me listen to me listen to me David was a great King because his throne was upon another throne America is a great nation because there are many presidents before the park current president and the next president will be more powerful than the previous president and the Moke Dupree because the country is becoming more powerful in the presence of people in the country a president is still just a president but outside their big we are more powerful because our structure is even better is the same thing in there in the spirit if people who are successful yeah can say Papa what can I do I can go do you know how many times I start will has a baby my son will has a baby he mean his beautiful wife Ronde sometimes I just pick up my phone randomly I say will were like what are you doing come you know what is you come I will say we'll go live at at 10 you'll be here at 9:00 9:00 9:30 we'll go live at 3:00 and one time I don't know worse he was like don't you have something to do I said no when Papa calls me a clear everything I just flow with Papa whatever he want someone is called wisdom because all these things are tests to see if you're obedient some of you you've put conditions on those that God has sent and I've less put you're under their mighty hand only our hand can lift somebody up not an anointing David was anointed but it was sold that lifted him up come on without the cosign and the platform of soul no one would have seen David as a king even though he killed Goliath I killed lion and bear nobody saw it it was stories he killed go light in the presence of people they said yeah and that was the end of it but the moment is served so it killed a mere human being they said he killed ten thousand people remember ten thousand people could not fight Goliath he killed Goliath to a whole nation why afraid of nobody singing songs about it but he kills 10,000 everybody is saying WOW who is like David what made him great is not the anointing that you are scaring it means nothing unless you are given a place come on prophet just share something how do I do this can you can you play an ad an ad of prophetic school the a prophetic school I'm gonna continue I'm gonna try maybe I'll break it into two parts should I break it into two parts because it's two parts maybe right I have to break it I mean we still have a few more moments should I continue if people say I will continue Papa I will continue let me see YouTube real quick sokka para da Costa when David served yeah his labor began to count come on so it doesn't matter how many people you are delivering in the dark no God doesn't even care as long as you're not serving it's it counts for nothing Wow okay play the prophetic school add real quick let me take a short 2 second break la ba ba ba Santi Kia Talib Ronda Kista [Music] spiritual gifts can be transferred take it prophesy is there anyone with an end I saw him becoming as big as Kevin Hart this one what do you do I'll give you 30 seconds to speak and then I'm gonna give you three seconds to interpret and then you prophesy to the person so she prophesied to me that she kept seeing a big family this family who I'm one of 17 kids she said but wait wait wait I see something else like another business do you do hair girl yeah yeah I saw a price tag on him but I ask God is it a price tag or is it a name what's your last name price prophet are [Music] you or is it just a banner you put okay glory be to God we are back live we are back live is everybody there can you hear me Blore it's like the comments froze - okay there we go okay perfect sorry my screen is also in delay no it's fine now but all the comments frozen okay let's continue let us let us continue okay let us continue here are you ready for this do you know the first reason why God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt let me show you I was I took a break to go to the restroom hmm the Lord spoke to me I will show you from scriptures Talib a shanty I already go to the book of Exodus [Music] Taleb la tele keister uppercut Allah he has avocado carry Vasant le gusta al akkari AHA cerca de Vicente de la Bokashi Attalla Basanti Allah bracha scintilla brandy Kista a vaca a lob rocket Adeeb Adeeb easier kotappa Hyundai Alaba Shanti Libre and I'm gonna give you something that will shock you bottom I'm trying to find the verse I saw it in my spirit but I want to bring it close okay listen to this now I will see if you have the spirit that I'm talking about I'm about to test people why did God send Moses when God sent Moses okay when God sent Moses to Egypt why did God bring bring them out of Egypt Genesis chapter number three I won't tell you the verse because I will tell you and I read it because I want to test it when God sent Moses to Egypt God was delivering them to take them where where was God going to take them the promised land right how many people I want to see if people know where God was going to take them where where was God taking them I want you guys to type as fast as you can I think YouTube reacts faster than Facebook and I want you to share share Facebook keep sharing my son Fabian to say to to a land flowing with milk and honey official my son Sheikh as I said Canon the promised land mala said to test test to test them the the promised land Canaanites hold on let me show you God's mind this is Exodus chapter number 3 from from verse 11 to 12 are you ready Exodus chapter number 3 from bias 11 to 12 listen to this and Moses said unto God a mind that I should go unto Pharaoh and that I should bring them forth their children of Israel out of Egypt listen to God's answer are you ready for God's answer verse number 12 Exodus chapter 3 verse number 12 and he said certainly I will be with thee and this shall be our token unto thee that I have sent thee when thou has brought them forth out of Egypt ye shall serve me up on this mountain they were brought out of Egypt first to serve God on the mountain that is why when they got into the wilderness God made them stay at the mountain for forty years to learn to serve if they don't learn to serve they are not entering the promised land but many of you God sends you to a place to serve you don't do it you build your own golden calf I'm talking to myself remember who are they going to serve at the mountain it was Moses Moses was gone going up coming down telling them what to do going up coming down this is what we're going to do but when Moses went up he came down they are their own golden calf this is what God said these are stiff-necked people how did God know that there are safety stiff naked he was trying to to use Moses to speak to them but they were stuck to their ways they are still in Egypt even though they are out of it some of you still treat church like your house in fact you treat your house better i I don't know what is happening to me right now I don't know what is happening III don't know what is happening to me right now the promised land was going to be a benefit of them serving do you know if they served God at the mountain they would have been all of them like Moses the Canaanites would have been nothing to this day they fight for that place because they took too long to take their land that other people took possession of it that now they are still struggling to keep it some of you you cannot become great anymore because somebody else took your position because God is not waiting for anybody the work of God will not wait for you you are nobody you are nothing but dust I am nothing but dust you don't matter you matter because God gave you value I matter because God gave me value so when we are telling you to serve we are not telling you to because it is the Christian thing to do it is the God thing to do the god thing to do I'm feeling the Tishbite spirit because I'm starting to shout I could stay here forever but I'm gonna move to the next point Facebook keep sharing and keep sharing and keep sharing those who are giving god bless you go to prophet love adore comment and you can give their go to the this is why some people you come into the house of God God starts blessing you leave the church and you wonder why things are going bad and sometimes you know what people don't understand is this can I say something can I say a mystery can I tell you a mystery do you know why people in the world have no struggles many of them they do but many of them that don't even pray have money you don't know why just because something is glittering doesn't mean it is gold sometimes Christian confused the blessing of God for bait the world will show you that you can acquire all these things in this manner but by going after it you give up your spiritual life because it was bait to fish you out from God Wow some doors open not so that you can be blessed by so that Satan can destroy if a demon was the one that was holding your blessing and he sees that you're starting to have challenges and challenges make you grow spiritually do you know what that spirit will do in order to keep you he will unlock you will release the blessing that you're supposed to have now by releasing or causing you to start succeeding he knows you will not pray as much because you noticed that it did not take prayer for you to achieve so you will relax on your prayer life but there is a devil in your midst huh this can only be revelation yes spirit sir I feel like I'm talking to myself that is why God you see the greatest people do you see Bill Gates you cannot tell he's rich he still under submission he's learning from everybody that's why still at the top the guys traveling the world run Lanning he was the one talking about the mobile banking in Kenya is the most revolutionary thing that he has ever seen revolutional really completely I feel a Malayan anointing revolution a revolution my are are turning into elves I don't know if somebody's catching this he was like this there's nothing like this has ever existed he knows something he's the richest guy people he should not be knowing anything he should be enjoying and doing things he knows what is happening in the ground Wow Wow great people are down to earth they are down to the regular persons level do you know tell them somewhere I stopped posting prophetic videos you need to learn not only because I feel like there's a greater level is I can prophesy but not only that but the most important thing is what it said is true but do you know what the most important thing was I said this I don't want people to think of me like all the other prophets I want them to know that I am a man of the word that this is my greatest gift is revelation not prophecy not healing and deliverance because the Word of God is the greatest deliverance Wow I will post prophetic videos of God moving God speaking to encourage people and to show people that God still speaks and people can be delivered but you know what I want my teachings to outweigh my prophecy because two years from now two just two more if I prophesy to somebody it will mean something to that person but the person who is watching it was just a man God is using this man mightily but he cannot rewatch prophecy for their own edification Wow I can't benefit them that is what the Bible says Jesus said I did not he did not say I have come to cast out Devils he said to preach deliverance deliverance is taught to preach deliverance one of the greatest deliverance he was an apostle of God a mighty teacher but on a poster he was an apostle with that teaching and deliverance gifting mighty his name was Derek Prince he was from England that guy would be made deliverance a science one plus one plus one plus one plus one witches and wizards were being delivered in his meetings yeah but he taught more yeah when he opened his mouth people could even self deliver because of the word that entered them and he could prophesy - yeah deep so notice this obedience goes together with the fear of God I think I mentioned that when you read the Genesis 22 Genesis Genesis 22 11 to 12 the fear Derek Derek means the fear of the Lord whoever you obey you reverence obedience and reverence go together they are not separate so you need not only to be obedient but you need to reverence that's why when an officer stops you your life will be so easy by just saying yes no sir yes ma'am no ma'am this is what you want me to do yes ma'am yes sir even if they had bad intentions UASI yes ma'am and your reference and stuff will make them not even be able to be mean to you reverence honor is big that's why I told you worship is the list of them I'll probably let me try and go quickly I've given two number two number three number three number three Facebook you're not sharing share share share share share share share share share share I think we've been live for two hours now huh share share okay our finish in the third hour share share share share share so we have 30 minutes right share as much as you can and we watch this as many times as you can this is what school of ministry should teach people not theology it's unnecessary if this part is not there are you ready the third one the Word of God your ability to love and keep the Word of God makes God a permanent resident with you I'm not talking about the Holy Spirit that is inside of you I am NOT talking about feeling the presence of God I'm talking about God becoming a friend face-to-face your walk in Jesus is there I'm not just saying prophetic you're hearing his voice no the day that put the fear of God in my father's heart I always have reverence my father but that day I looked and I said it shocked me it was the first meeting I believe that Papa came to to minister at my church listen to this prophet there was a family that came Papa said I'm seeing somebody you have a house on the market you have a house on the market right now you have a house on the market you know what people don't understand is this prophecy will never work for you unless you honor and obey obedience and honor makes the prophetic work word work for you remember the person went to a lately Elijah to be cleansed if he did not listen to his servant to talk remember Elijah told him go and shower he said I have left better rivers where I came from some of you I have left better churches high-class churches than where I am but you are in need you came but you still want to be treated like higher class there but you don't know there's a reason why God brought you to Elijah God brought you to Elias you don't know your pride is blinding you you know your need but you're blind you're your pride is blinding you and remember it is Elijah that sent for him he said let let him is there no prophet let him to let him come that you will know that there is a prophet in is in Israel and there is a God of Israel you know there are people that have extended my hand - because I saw where they could be they thought they knew better I just look and I'm like watch this Elijah tells him go and bathe in the Jordan you know the Jordan is not clean what it's dirty what the man said I've left better waters in my country on bringing me to the Jordan to shower he serve on told him please this is Elias sorry Elijah this is EGA sorry Elijah just do what he says what do you have to lose then he said okay because my servant persuaded me let me do it he went in there showered seven times when he came out the seventh time he was clean if he did not honor the word of the prophet enough to enter into muddy waters he would have never seen his healing when the Word of God is being spoken to a man and woman of God enough I've gone back to the first one again obedience when I'm what that comes out of a man and a woman of God that are true I'm not talking everybody is a men and women of God there's cameras out there they're Liars out there that's why you have to be somebody of prayer to recognize where God wants you to be immediately immediately somebody said it's 3:30 5:00 a.m. and they are enjoying it Jesus let me try and help people to sleep his obedience to the word even though he may have doubts but the obedience that's what the Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice you know what makes you have faith is obedience because the Word of God requires you to believe it and obeyed then it turns into faith that's why God says obedience is better than sacrifice obedience and faith are the same thing that's our other that's a whole other teaching yeah okay let's go to the Bible let's do this one prophet are you ready John chapter 14 from verse 21 to 24 John chapter 14 verse 21 to 24 yes and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and I will love him and will manifest myself to him ah what will he do manifest yea I will appear continue reading Judah said unto him not Iscariot Lord how is it that thou will manifest thyself unto us and not onto the world huh jesus answered and said unto Him uh-huh if a man love me yes you will keep my words and my father will love him and will come on to him and make our abode with him notice that you have to understand what our board means aboard means house where you abide you shall abide in my house forever to abide in our bodies a house and a body the house I'll teach about spiritual fathers again soon maybe they are bored and a body's a house the Lord Jesus is saying this let me give an example one of my sons his name is Bishop Lee Lee holds on to every single word that I say I can't wait for the lifting where God is gonna take this guy he takes every word that I say like I see if it's like he grabs it with everything he loves every word if I say prayer Co he will never miss it Jesus is saying this he that loveth me is the one that listens to my word is the one that keeps my word he keeps it he loves it and keeps it well we were young when we were like young and and remember back in the day when we didn't have cell phones and stuff people write letters spray perfume and put a rose and you hold on to those words love letter put it upon your chest I'm sure Bishop Claudius you are used to this master of love letters take the Word of God they will take letters and and hold on to it and and keep it and treasure it you want to hug their words because it's like hugging the person is it not true it's a hundred percent true okay but watch this Jesus is saying the one that loves the difference between somebody that loves him and somebody that is a Christian but thinks that he loves him is the one that keeps his word and loves his word how many of you take the Bible as a love letter that you just want to eat every part of it you want to consume every part of it because this shows to God that you're serious about knowing who is it is a sign of love to him that you're reading is word not because it will make him feel happy but you are involved in in your you are moved with the hunger to really come to know him as he is you don't want to assume you is giving you his mind you want to just eat his word and keep it you want to live by it you want to walk by it that's why the Lord Jesus said this it says man shall not live by bread alone but by every word it becomes your life notice worship Jesus did not say if you worship me it means you love me but the sign of digging into his word I don't know if people are hearing me I don't know if somebody's catching this the person that wants nothing less and you look at it and you treasure it you see it as a love letter you appreciate it you begin to see Jesus the Lord in all pages Jesus now says this one really loves me do you know the next minute one day you'll be trying to look at the Bible he will appear right in front of you and you will make his abode with you remember he did not say he that declares me as Lord and Savior I will make my abode with him he never said that he said I will save you I'll give you eternal life somebody that is in the world and somebody that is in the church the difference is one has eternal life in one desert but when you begin to impress God is when his word means something to you because you understand it is this this is the beginning in the beginning was the word if I love him I want to get him from the beginning from the crown of his head to his toes I want to lay down at his feet like the prostitute lady and kiss his feet wash his feet with my tears because of how lovely and beautiful he is I just want to love him lay at his feet some of you your mindset is I wonder stand in front of people not lay at his feet you don't love him imagine you have a husband or you have a wife that just wants to show you off to people you come home you don't even talk trophy husband or trophy wife to just show that you have somebody that is bad as they say hallelujah I'm just being honest with you you've been deceived let us worship God and and and release his presence ah that is the least of them all he didn't just say read my word he said the one that keeps it in his heart loves my word and keeps it me and my father what does it mean me and my father can I explain this let me break this revelation to you in two seconds me and my father remember the word father means sauce I will know God as alpha I will know him beyond what is written because of what is written I'll say that again I will know him beyond the scriptures because of what is written yeah that is why people like Enoch so the coming of Christ before Christ came people like job saw the foundations of the earth they understood the earth is laid upon the north we don't even know what that is it's it's it's pillars and its foundations exist but we don't even know where do you know what you need to see you see so beyond what is created to see what creation is standing on meaning he went to where God Himself is existing by himself come on because I taught and I said nothing or space is also a creation you cannot say my house is empty if you don't have a house you are outside and there is an open space you are not saying I need to fill this place which is because it's not yours it's outside so you don't think about it as a space but the moment a territory can be marked you can so for God to create the universe the space that the universe exists in is also a created thing space did not exist that is why the Lord Jesus said something when he talked about the seven that he gave five talents or another one two talents and one one What did he say to the one that buried he said take what he has give it to the one that has more and take even than nothing that he has the capacity that that one could sit in was taken from me I'm finishing that one I flew through but you already get the drill hallelujah you wanna see this real quickly if you want read verse 15 of the same place if you love me meaning if you don't keep his word you don't love him so he's saying if because he cannot force you to love him he said love me when Christian says I was created to worship Him that's the biggest life at all that's why I always tell people this in my church and those who online I'm gonna tell you because you are the church if you're married especially this is for wives don't let every Valentine's Day your husband to be the one or your boyfriend is the one that is buying roses and flowers and things like that is love one way how about one day your husband wakes up and he finds he thought that he was going to surprise you with roses but you out surprised him to make him next time to over surprise you so that you also kind of over surprise him so that you'll love you you are building your love to be greater not off you didn't get me anything this year what did you get me are you doing me a favor by being with me or what you know some cultures I don't understand them I really don't I don't know if it's because I'm spiritual I don't know but is it making sense some people even break up because if they didn't get it didn't even get me flowers like so and so and so and so you can never repay you did not so how can you expect something that you did not plant if it's not good at it show him how it's done by surprising him then now you have given him a standard to beat I'm just trying if you love me he did not say and he's saying this to his disciples in saying this to those who are following him excuse me he's saying this to those who are following him he's not saying this to those that were not following him he's telling his disciples he's saying I cannot say this to the world because they won't see me anyway but I'm telling you to the ones that can see me now and can hear me if you love me keep my word Judas never kept his word thou shalt not steal he's stealing let me stop I'm just trying to hope somebody let me keep going hallelujah Exodus chapter 33 verse 1 to 5 Exodus 33 1 to 5 one two five and the Lord said unto Moses yes yes now and the people which that I brought up out of the land of Egypt yes onto the land where which I swear on to Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob I will send an angel before God is saying 'i will perform all these things keep reading and the perizzite the hivite and the jebusite yes for I will go I will not go up in the midst of thee for thou art less I consume you notice what God is saying God is saying I am going ahead of you I would drive I brought you out of Egypt I'll go ahead of you I would drive out the the enemies that are before you and you enter the land of milk and honey but I will not go with you because you are stiff-necked so you can be progressing in life because God has chosen to bless you but he is not with you what had you public success spiritual failure because you are stiff-necked you don't listen I don't know if somebody's listening taking the Word of God seriously it's taking God series taking the Word of God serious is taking God serious we have so many public successes spiritual big time failing big time there's so much more I want to say but because of time I'm gonna give one one more and then I think the rest we'll do some would find another day I don't know if we should keep this video up or delete it yeah sure profit you say so Joshua chapter 10 verse 11 to 14 okay before you say before you read it there let me just say this I'll use I'll just give this one and then we'll do the rest of it another time this is number four right we are number four honor number four is honor right number four right on okay read prophet as loud as you can for any came to pass yes has they fled from before Israel we're going in and we're ended going down to Beth here yes Horan yes that the Lord cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto azekah and they died and they were more which died with health stones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword hmm then spake Joshua to the Lord in the day when the Lord delivered up the Amorite before the children of Israel he said in the sight of Israel son stand thou still upon Gibeon yes and thou moon in the valley of eidolon mm-hmm and the Sun Stood Still and the moon stay yes until the people had avenged themselves on their enemies yes is it not written in the book of Joshua so the Sun Stood Still in the midst of heaven and had snot his mystic not hast it and hast it not to go down about a whole day uh-huh and there was no day like that there was no day like that before huh and there was no day like that before it or after it that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of man for the Lord what for Israel now listen to what the Bible is saying there was no day like that no will there be another day like that after it for that day God Himself not the angel of God when Moses was with the children of Israel the angel of God was the one that was going ahead when Joshua came it was God himself I wish somebody would catch this the Bible is saying on that day God Himself is not saying the angel of he's saying God himself fought for Israel there was no day like that and there will never be another one even the listen the universe Stood Still for Joshua now remember the Bible is saying the Sun Stood Still but now we understand science because we can see outside of the earth we know it is the earth that rotates around the Sun so you have to understand that if the Sun does not orbit around the Sun the way it should there is a lot of things in space that go wrong yeah because there is a chemistry in the way the universe go that the planets go around the Sun there is a chemistry with the moon or every and everything that day listen to me that day everything Stood Still Moses parted the sea Elijah parted the Jordan parting the water was not a new miracle yeah but that's what the Bible says he parted the Red Sea but the difference with Moses was it was great dry ground that was the difference dry ground but parting the sea was not anything new I wish somebody could hear this Elijah parted water he parted the Jordan that people think is muddy he dried it up and passed through it in a second Elijah parted the Jordan the high priest carrying the Ark of the Covenant parted the water come on but none of them stopped the planet from rotating Stood Still come on I don't know if somebody's catching this I don't know if somebody's catching this the Earth Stood Still let me tell you his secret his secret was honor go back if you can prophet to Genesis was it Genesis no not Genesis is in Exodus I am sure it's in Exodus let me make sure I want okay Exodus chapter 33 verse 11 Exodus 33 11 and I will finish with this for today and the Lord spake unto Moses face to face and he turned again to the camp well he's serving Joshua the son of nun a young man departed not out of the turbine at all notice nobody was allowed at the tabernacle and God would come down yea only Moses was allowed at the tabernacle nobody could come to the tabernacle except Moses III I want somebody I want somebody to really think about this I want this to really enter you I want this to really enter you with all your heart never did anybody enter the tabernacle and God came only Moses was allowed to be there but because Moses loved Joshua Joshua was permitted to stand behind Moses even though you don't see a lot of action you don't hear a lot of talk about Joshua until his time came Joshua was under sub and Ike such great honor for Moses that even when God took the spirit of Moses and distributed it among the 70 elders and they began to prophesy notice Joshua was not even considered an elder but Moses just loved him 70 elders began to prophesy they received impartation from Moses Joshua never received anything he did not say I have served my father for so long he doesn't want me to prophesy I'm just gonna go and find another father I just feel like my spiritual level is stagnant you don't know that it is a test God is preparing you but when a Joshua's honor caused him to receive the Spirit of Moses and his own spirit has already been cultivated because he was the friend of the one that was doing all these things he was the servant of the one that was doing all these things you create an atmosphere for God when you learn to honor yes that is why profit Kofi's prayer was that God who made Elijah who was our what Pula what it is a wooden cow a cow Pula into a crowd puller be with you immediately why did he say that on yeah owner releases the blessing of God when Jacob and his brother their father said the father said to the older brother cooked me food bring it to me and my heart will bless you he did all that but Jacob is the one that did it quickly and his father's blessing rested on him and God went with him why did God go with him because of one thing honour he never dishonored his brother I just wanted this position Wow remember is the same one that called his brother my lord I think I'm done for today Wow everybody got all the go-to prophetic school sign up for prophetic school it's coming up next week on Monday we are starting on Monday 30th first and second two sessions a day 10 a.m. to 2 12 1 6 to 9 so be ready it's a deep class the last time it was too much and then also all those who are giving go to profit low V common and give their and I'm gonna go through the emails today and get back to people that I'm going to pick out that compelled me to sponsor them for prophetic school god bless you all let me just can we pray for people prophet can you say a prayer for people please pray for them Salah but right now we just declare that you give them whatsoever it is that they open their spirit up to today yes in the name of Jesus hmm that this word will remain in them yes word this word would with constants to begin to work for them costs unique miracles and testimony yes you begin to come out of them in the name of Jesus yes but I we thank you we thank you thank you for their hearts we thank you for those giving we think of those for those that have given yes Father in the name of Jesus we speak increase in the name of Jesus when I let your word remain with them yes in Jesus name father I pray also as my brother the Prophet has prayed open their spiritual ears in their spiritual eyes we pray for a new level of understanding that they would know that Lord Jesus your coming soon and this words that you are speaking through us is simply to prepare them for your great coming that Lord there will be not one of those that will be left behind but there will be in the front line to save those who be would be almost to be left behind increase them make them great spiritually and physically I pray that that what they have heard as the prophet has said we water it with the prophetic word the seed of your word made mature into a tree that will bear fruits that many shall eat and partake of it in the mighty name of Jesus amen I bless all of you in the name of Jesus may the Lord Jesus bless you and increase you Shalom Shalom Shalom
Channel: Prophet Lovy
Views: 11,960
Rating: 4.9121952 out of 5
Keywords: church, Jesus Christ, Love, Steven Furtick, TD Jakes, Revelation, gospel, religion, Lovy Longomba, Longombas, Pastor, Prophet, Revelation Church, Los Angeles, Prophetic, Jesus, TB Joshua, Prophet Angel, Uebert Angel, Emmanuel Makandiwa, Myles Munroe, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Hagin, kathryn kuhlman, Pastor Chris, Deliverance, Spiritual, Prophet Passion, Passion Java, Alph Lukau, AA Allen, William Branham, Billy Graham, breakfast club, steven furtick, god bless america, africa, powerful
Id: 7YazRZH-o5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 47sec (10667 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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