Spider-Man IS BACK!! (Spiderman PS4 Turf Wars DLC)

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hello my friends how are you doing welcome back to the one and only spider-man I'm excited I hope you guys are excited too because today the brand new DLC came out and it's called turf wars now last time we met the black cat I think it was called black cat DLC actually it was called the heist which was to do with black cat now um look away now cover your ears I'm not sure what you should do if you don't hear some spoilers because obviously this is going to be a continuation of the story but black cat was apparently exploded last time after tricking us into thinking we had a kid with her and that he was kidnapped turns out it was all just a heist in her name to be honest but uh let's let's get into the game I'm excited for this I hope you are guys are too I am so ready for this it's been a full month a full month right now and I think we can load up straighten their turf wars is installed access new campaign by going in game using the DLC menu apparently this is about hammerhead as well and I'm pretty sure hammerhead is not not a shark even though that would be a great great plot twist if he was a shark that'd be phenomenal but I think he's good like a head made of metal I'm not a hundred percent sure again my my comic book knowledge isn't the best but uh I know it's spider-man's an absolute beast let's just uh I don't know let's take a quick moment I guess to talk about Stanley unfortunately he passed away I think it was last week or the week before he created spider-man he created a lot of Marvel Universe so um massive respect to him for creating such an insane world I think only on most of us could only dream of making something just a portion of the size of what he created so resting please Stanley thank you for allowing us to play this game in the first place cuz if he didn't create Spiderman wouldn't be playing this game so shout outs to him for starters right even better for this game this DLC we got ourselves three new suits and I think they're gonna look absolutely amazing are they in here just yet they certainly are three question marks we've got ourselves it's not even going to tell us it's not even gonna tell us how we unlock them that's pretty insane where do we go to DLC here you go turf wars let's go the city that never sleeps episode 2 turf wars that's the gang war between hammerhead in the maggia heats up spider-man's closest and only police contact Yuri won taarna B is drawn into the fray old geezo no that's bad let's go let's do it let's go straight into it you saw dicey in the background that was le le was chilling brennan how's it going buddy thanks for kicking off the super chats with today let's do this shall we head straight into the game into the new dlc I don't know what to expect obviously the explosion happened last time and yeah I don't ever know what's gonna happen I have no idea I couldn't even guess considering lots of people are lying and stuff I guess anything could gonna happen captain Yuri Watanabe situation report Felicia Hardy aka the black cat is missing presumed dead nah she had partnered with Mafia don hammerhead to blackmail the other families leadership party betrayed hammerhead using appropriated sable weaponry he retaliated aggressively both Hardy and the blackmail material were lost in his attack now hammerhead is out for blood blackmail no longer an option he's gone to the mattresses hoping to eliminate the other Mafia dons by force to do this he's continued to appropriate the heavy armed sable left when they pulled up stake we've impounded as much of Sables equipment as we can but it may not be enough it's an all-out gang war and New York is caught in the middle man but we may have just gotten lucky okay mogea have hammer had pinned in the old Harlem sanitarium if we can keep his men distracted a small team may be able to infiltrate the building and take him alive we've got one shot at this we have to make it count oh geez the sanitarium guys are we helping our out though yeah birthday present from the kid now listen arias I love that now be me opposed welcome is spider-man okay jumping straight into the action ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness it's happening right now I am not used to these controls but it's put it's throwing me headfirst into the next into the next situation here here we go straight in I've already forgotten how to you know dodge let's smack him the same triangle for some reason there we go right we can throw this car boot as well oh my goodness it's so bad that I don't even remember what to do it's really bad haha it's been like a month though so cut me some slack okay I know we can throw the bombs by just missed him for a sec there okay there's a lot of people here I did not expect this I need to get my bearings dude I'm getting smacked all over the place here I just walked on I just walked on air as well I was gonna finish you you're annoying me man it's not telling me to dodge just kind of throwing me straight in I'll take this say they said this let's go get him in here oh yeah my aerial attacks do more I'm focused and they're completely forgot grab it okay I'm back in action I always forget how good this game is why there's not always Rockets always Rockets are you good bro I don't think so [Applause] whoa that disappeared somehow oh my goodness I can't be doing with those big old missiles so we're distracting them while the police do their day work this is fine spider-man please don't die here we can't die you straight away they'll be awful why is there so many Rockets they noticed my weakness right right I get you out of here you can put that down please sir I'm not too fond of the old rocket so please put that down out of the air I'm not flying you're thinking of Superman That's not me all right how many people have you got we got two down here these guys are shooting completely the wrong way which is fine oh that was great hello sir I need to finish you off get out of here those hit really hard whatever they're firing at me over there all right let's go let's do this that's what I'm talking about so that's the problem I having right now they've stolen the Sabre weapons the Sabre weapons are strong like really strong she's good oh wait I thought these rods know their deputy not ours right you come up here sir don't want none of that I can use my spirit fire as well but I don't thing I need you right now seems fairly under control this guy's trying to hit me from the ground it's not quite gonna work like that buddy oh I thought I still got me they're not even so mad eat woods Punk yes bottom there's so many enemies this is insane I need to get rid of these eyes get rid of these as soon as possible there we go this is better we have the arrow to the Rockets first cuz they're just so powerful yeah you get out here sir I don't think so you can come up here too okay maybe not on a light saber guy right who else we got I think there's only eight other still loads left my goodness it really does throw you straight in there are you got absolutely owns hahaha what is that weapon we need to stop that as soon as possible oh it's this guy course it is I forgot about these guys these guys aren't tragic no but I've got double um double boost bar though don't mind if I do your eat sandbag Punk last dude okay maybe not there's a cheese you're here what did I say where they still spawning in alright you can get out of here you've been played too much sport night you think you're the big man right now and there's one more yeah this guy right here that's it distraction complete Oh what earth is that are you kidding me can I finish him I think I can no I wrong guy no you got in my way just at the wrong time he's got some kind of mega shield so how am I supposed to get rid of him I finished the wrong guy again Bhagat dodge I think we get zapped by this red still there's two of them three of them broke we're in trouble we're in big trouble no absolutely not absolutely not I'm out I'm dead I'm so dead get me out of here I'm using spirit fire right now dude these guys are out for it yeah I'm Dead's no way there's no way I was catching up with that my goodness a lava load terraria Luc's I'm doing Pokemon tomorrow guys this just came out today so I'm definitely doing that tomorrow don't worry Lutz Joe how are you guys doing I wasn't even paying attention good star huh so how am I supposed to get these guys I guess I should get rid of them before more come in right yeah I'm gonna make sure I do finishes on them the sable stuff is so powerful okay so the finishes definitely work which is good because otherwise I'm gonna be in big trouble over here just as many finishes as we can come here chump there you go get out of here that was a nice simple crack I need to make sure all of these shield guys get out of here and you you can't be here at all he ate a cardboard box to the face oh my guess whoa what are you doing there sir that was insane how about that for a new entry into the new dlc ha that was incredible in all kinds of crazy ways let's go it's just like an abandoned asylum not sure I feel about this this is where I was supposed to go right was I supposed to go up you might be supposed to go up run run run run where did my mission go hello anyone here maybe I go in the front door I do not go in the front door my mission disappeared that's so weird Alicia's please nobody likes a grumpy bow why is it omissions we have finally had a hammerhead pinned down the planets have me act as a decoy that's why I just done where did my little my little arrow said to go in the window now it's completely disappeared I do not want to have to do that again bye definitely not I think I have to go up there oh there we go sweep of course there's a vent system why didn't I think of the bent system deception she must be in the basement or something gotta catch up to her uh see I haven't played this enough in the past few days basic creepy nice thing the creek weed oh look at the airs I know you can handle herself but something isn't right in here I've got to catch up to her not sure I like this oh it's really creepy it's even got like lights and stuff oh no right let me quickly tell my AC on are we back is that told you one hot second yeah oh man this is some kind of next-level creepiness right now Asylum chairs Oh where did you come from right uh we need some more health actually I guess we're gonna go this way man wouldn't don't you wish you could be as good as spider-man epochal this is really creepy it feels like I'm in like amnesia or something like that or I'll outlast it's not feeling like my favorite location yeah I would agree with you buddy hey Yuri do you read well this isn't gonna end well I don't think it's gonna have oh she's going in like blind oh wait you get out of here please I don't wanna have any more for me okay looks like hammerheads base of operations but no hammerhead and no Yuri they were betting over districts over who gets to control what once the rest of the modular out what to do yeah I don't think so this guy definitely failed the game I'm sorry you lost buddy you've lost all your money well what's this the other Marcia Don's very subtle so they're all like in kind of like a challenge with each other competition with each other over different districts that even gambling on it oh oh it's good let's go let's get out of here spider-man that's not how you go through a door what are you doing buddy where's the best way to go the vents never use the doors always use the vents I'll remember that from now on yeah I'm sure I should get this guy out of everyone's way well he's got like what is that down there see the money or drugs or some kind of paper did he say I knew I should've bought a sandwich that's a big mood could lead to URI big mood so these are ham hammerheads men let's do this another stealth mission you guys kill me with the stealth missions man now for the rest done like a true spider this shouldn't be too bad though because you've already got the high ground on them it's just trying to make sure that uh there's loads of them hmm mmm-maybe this chair suddenly went green ham and Egger always mad I don't know how I'm supposed to get these guys no you didn't know you didn't how do they don't see that you guys Goods I hope you taped his mouth up first otherwise yeah we would be in big trouble you see me didn't see me to see oh you might have seen me okay he might see me yeah they might see me let's get this flavour buddy I keep thinking I'm invulnerable when I've got spirit fly by really not anyone else I don't think so can I get back up there yes goons here to watch who knows let's find out is he still oh they're still alive I was like what what you got in there guys you've got some rare pokemon cards huh got some Blastoise is shiny Charizard sand stuff for me I hope so what you got ah this is not what I ordered maybe it's like a shark man spider-man is looking good today yeah that's true screwable with our youtuber challenges i completely forgot about that what is that feels too professional for a hammerhead production yeah this is like uh like a submarine or some kind of POD for a human CCTV's Yuri's gotta be on one of them we completely forgot that to be honest that's bad is there a vent oh my goodness there is there is a vent you're joking repurpose the old security system come on Yuri thing is I'm a gentleman you did not you could have come riding no oh but you had to go and sneak around that's the problem new cops no respect are you kidding me bro I told you his head was made of metal bra big bra his face guys messed up course used to be we earned your respect you hit us we hit back made you know your place gave you the fear are you gonna do to him but now now you think a stiff breeze don't blow it that was spider-man watch guy [Music] time to bring the fear back okay let's get it drop the gun hands behind your head how about no captain I'm sorry do it now there it is there's the fear to a cat do it Hey she's insane mr. dog I'm sky to the doc please marry Jerry where are you go him anyway man it's rough dude it's rough that's it that's a pretty killer start I should have known when they introduced him with the Spidey watch she was way too cool to stay alive throughout the whole episode right I really should have known that to be honest to her I failed myself I don't make other more these chumps or look new sullivo to unlocked you sure you're okay I just need a chance to catch my breath let me run point I'll track hammerhead figure out what he's planning you need time to heal good I need to call my men's families let them know what happened but don't leave me out of the loop you learn anything let me know promise we'll stop this guy Yuri no stop we're gonna nail him to the wall yes big ooh is it personal today can't let him continue to run wild definitely not sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your speech spider-man post it up at the bar with no name got a place as any to start the hunt so he escapes basically means go to the bots no name but first we need suits what we all come here for ooh that one looks different in the thumbnail oh okay okay we just get given this dude he looks like some kind of wood louse insane equipped this bad boy we've also got complete the turf wars story to unlock in this suit and this one complete all district activities in depth in turf wars are not their suit so I'm guessing that um this is gonna sound dumb with I'm guessing there's a lot of turf wars in this one maybe but this suit looks pretty sweet this one though we're rocking this for now shiny metallic there's a lot of gunfire going around so I can dig it right now also Justin told me to upgrade these but I am I must be much worse than him collecting backpacks and crime tokens so a car not you upgrade it just yet my web-shooters and all my gadgets but I don't I'm really bad I don't actually use them which is probably why I keep dying to be honest though that was a pretty full-on experience for the first little bit of introducing you back into a dlc from a game that i haven't played in a while that was a little bit unfair spider-man but i guess it did work okay to the bar let's see what's going on here we need to find this man the og iron spider nice this one uh this one's kind of like some kind of iron spider but not iron man is spider-man if you know what I mean so good one hall for New York's most notorious criminals last time I went in there the fight lasted most of Labor Day weekend but now I have you my adorable little friend I love this thing someone in here must know what hammerheads play yes we get to be spider bot 2.0 what you got broken bottle lots of trash I love being this thing I think what I can do is take pictures though avoid bumping into enemies or you'll be seen surely you can see me though hello friends no no no fighting House Rules I feel like in a weird way I'm playing hello neighbor go this way no guns okay so this is like where all the thugs hang out this is the cool stuff jeez people are gonna hear that goodness oh they keep all the guys in there why do people look at them why people bring in bazookas and these things in with them to the bar just carrying them down like this you joking that's insane actually insane Oh super chance guys completely forgot about those I will catch up with those at some point gritos Carson and potato dude Donald Donald Trump started donating through super chat what's up don't know what how you're doing Brennan Sheila Oh Samantha hey Chloe how are you welcome back I will catch up with super chats at the end guys just because this is very story I'm driven so I want to try not to break the immersion look at those sandwiches that's what I'm talking about we need to infiltrate the bar and isolate the conversational wavelengths oh this is like the police thing that we did well you so you don't think it's kind of messed up what you know what he's doing to himself project Olympus ain't natural boy your travel tattoo is natural okay I don't like to make assumptions I'm pretty sure there aren't a lot of valedictorians here say he's working on some kind of project why they all working on some kind of crazy project tire what do these guys do him I need to stand some more people we were down here all the chef's room also known as the kitchen what am I talking about these guys don't know anything this looks like a pretty perfect ramp for me so I'm gonna go down here I can't go through doors that's a problem that's a big problem my name I never I never I never I never know right oh geez you can see me this is so weird okay okay okay did anyone read the rules no guns what are you doing oh look at this dude over here he's having a great time all right do I need to get off this bar I think I do got baseball bats down here as well the seal from the walking dead is here okay we can't get out we need to get out I've been going to Higgs it's like a cowboy version no no no no aah oh my goodness you didn't see nothing guys I need to get all the way over there so like a stealth this is my kind of stealth mission to be honest this is run it go into this table good job there we go let's see what the same morons think they're safer that way fossils sure I'm gonna eat them all at once in the war take over the maggia don't be done if hammerhead takes out the dogs he'll control the homogenize I have to reach the first someone here must know their location hmm how convenience how convenience where's the little lost people I can make it over there under the table keeping on that conversation really oh the new guy knows where the Dons are at come on new guy you can do it who's this new guy oh it says we're safe it's cuz we're in the shadows do I have to follow these guys how on earth am I gonna make it over there I need to find all the shadowy spots I could go right under the pool table should we try that run run run run run run run run run as long as you're in the shadows we're safe dan in it Dan in it gotcha keep your voice down I don't know come on new guy I know it friggin no fish but but I do know who does know Vinny and Gino yeah they're in the back I'm telling nobody like that's news opinion she don't know everything stop running your mouth no guy Vinny and Gino huh in the back see what they know these guys are terrible oh geez almost stepped right on there a foot then we just go in the back to open the door to the back room I just need to get okay I use head there uh this is gonna be risky I might just run go go go go go zap yeah your pinwheel machine's broken buddy I lost your high score hey look it's a spider-man one that's kind of funny cuz they're in like the um they're in the evil not evil guys base the evil dudes base that's sick quick gotcha how do you not see me how does this guy not see me where's your weight I thought I could climb up then um where do I need to go trying to find the shadows I guess I'm just gonna run yep just gonna run just gonna run I got into this gonna go this way gotta get a better look I love this this is cool this is like actually what a what a spider sees you know they could they could all be spying on us for a we know their how do they know see a flash completely hammerhead fronts around the city turn-based open sweep more opportunities for an base tokens I like it okay figure out should be easy enough okay there he is well there's something down there that I need to zap where do i need to i guess down there yay toilet time it's like something about oh there's a rat down there hello friends a project of olympus why does that keep coming up here oh here we go we need to go down this way some oh dude look we're hanging with the rats now don't mind if I do did you just push me bro don't you firm me up huh don't do it yeah you better run see you later buddy sure I had electric attacks so I'm he was very worried yeah over here Gino I presume these guys know hammerheads ex move I think there's notes on that table I need to get up there somehow but I need like ramps you would've thought you would have made spider bot so we could actually climb walls are no no no you do not do that you should must be in those notes I've gotta distract the glimmer twins I was gonna go straight under that was close oh here we go Papa Graham okay mate he's go to there so he shouldn´t be able to see me now right yeah we're good now's my chance I need to get up there and he's got that oh geez he's got this way oh here we go sweet easy way snap I need to reach them before hammerhead does nice work spider bot good job buddy I'll come back for you later with several bottles of bleach bleach why what happened we found that location that was a fun little mission I like that someone's different she sounds really different for some reason I'm not sure why so what else we got to do around the city new gadgets we haven't actually unlocked these gadgets that's really bad isn't it the suspension matrix and the concussive blast that's why haven't we are not those before kind of embarrassing well said this way just wait so is this a witness being transported I didn't quite catch the police message man this suit is cool they keep busting out all these new outfits that look amazing what's that blue one do I accidentally make a waypoint gonna go this way what's going on let's go down you're under arrest all yeah oh thanks guys you didn't need to call for backup I really did you don't think we could drive a guy a few blocks have you seen what's going on out there I don't trust anybody let's guess what happens let's guess what happens can I just run I can I'm just gonna run after them they don't go to attack when spider-man's running past the police come boy hard so this is a witness the one in the gray car is a witness who's standing against hammers I mean to properly protect this guy if I could get on the police car that beer ads okay no maybe not they are actually run you over can I get on it oh Jesus no stop stop stop hitting me I tried oh no I see red I saw red red dots on the right they were down there somewhere I'm sure I saw them how will you stop running me over for goodness sake okay let's sort this out shall we but I need to make sure that I have focused so that I can take home I guess no oh no get out of that thing geez I need to have focus to get rid of these are these red guys but there's also a thug here so I'm kind of in trouble right now oh she is okay let's get out of here real quick no put that down I just need to confuse them for a sec they're pretty good at their old I'm pretty good at their aiming why is this taking me so long absolutely not buddy okay this guy is gonna be a problem though just grab you don't mind if I do the police can help me out though that'd be great there's just one thug left and I cannot remember how to get these guys out of here properly whoa okay big damage big damage where is he there is I think you need to dodge them first come at me that's what I'm talking about yeah you do just need to dodge them first whoa okay that was always a really bad I tried to finesse him a little bit it worked in the end but that could have got really badly okay cleared that nice new crimes unlocked was that just a crime I thought that was actually um oh wait wait a second that's gonna be rough yep I'll take care of this Yuri don't worry got it right I needed her to stop calling so I could fast travel as quickly fast travel over here I can catch up on some stupid chats and we couldn't look at spider-man riding the subway as always thank you guys for being here by the way whether you super chat whether you like subscribe just watchin casually look at that man so good Tommy speed cat team lols absolute random game I find my wings welcome back thanks for doing three in a row pizza pros Levi how you guys doing good I think they're repeating themselves everything the pub nuts real fan MLG Goucher welcome back buddy savage sandwich potato dudes some captain skull murder Mohamed's let's do this I'll take care what it's the white one did I set a waypoint somewhere yeah I did what we're doing that's better confusing myself over here let's go it's sugar watch your film it's got your movie the sea yeah that's probably what they want right it's pretty where they want it's fine gotcha true weirdos this is just a yeah there's free mode yeah so one of those missions we just did was a crime which is free mode a gaming vlogger Pete's Miami Silva gaming just Jenkins til cavern diamond Doge stick motion Carson Bren James how you guys doing the dance must be inside looks like they're safe Oh the Underminer I always knew they'd be incredible as crossover in spider-man oh my goodness what's what why would you start me there no this is not fair that was not fair they started me in the middle of it these Sabre weapons need to stop there we go sweet right I'm back I got absolutely destroyed though I'm not I'm not fan of these Sabre weapons like at all they're incredibly powerful I know right they just copy them it's the Underminer what they make what is this oh it's one of these guys of course it is I need to get the shield guy Gardea I'll break your face boy yeah I'll get you two ha coming to watch a casual movie with me want something fantastic beast or something like that I don't think so if you take me on a date next time okay yeah and popcorn popcorns not on me there's so many enemies in this DLC this one's actually hard it's really challenging oh you okay no it sounds so quiet sometimes get out of here boy hope did not mean to do that but that kind of look cool huh yes but where's oh geez see making movie jokes is how you're doing ah no need to make sure that we're getting these guys with their shields actually and the guys with the guns because they're actually really powerful not a fan no oh yes no don't think so get out of here boy right I'm gonna take that for you you can take that off your hands goodbye oh man I'm absolutely killing this see those look at these guns they don't really have like any kind of uh they'd already aim them that well but my goodness when they hit they're insane right where you come from huh where'd you go you get out here press it press it present jeez and you as well to finishes in a row and I'm out of here no these things are crazy too they kind of spawn on top of most of the sable things they're pretty nuts but you can use them to like one-hit ko enemies so it's not so bad oh my god just web-shooters why is there always Rockettes I need to get this one guy is that sniper as well I think it might be okay you asked for it really I'm Esther that big stuff why is that always one of these dudes yes oh these combos they're unreal my focus bar is actually really good right now how do they all see that I have the stealth like little module then he's got these guys yeah get out of here I can deal with you seven seconds get it get it get it oh my goodness three seconds that was rough I just threw them into another building that wasn't really the smartest thing to do was it Spidey where's this coming from you kidding me who do you think you are who is this is that bombs up here as well oh geez okay this is a big problem you can get out of here too I think the aerial attacks do take a little bit too long let's use that for 43 seconds no I'm not dealing with a web guy there's two web guys okay that's not bad nice that was pretty easy actually just took a little bit of damage every time no he always gets me I don't like these yeah that's what I thought see you later buddy ha ha got him man that was actually pretty tough I feel like I'm back in my stride now though right way too he's head down up there's probably some kind of event there is a bed it's always the mean by now it's always the mean let's go it's always a vent for Spidey it's not really the the safest place to hide is it one of the most inconspicuous place [Music] right though we same to me apparently not obviously yeah I feel like I'm back in my stride now well we're good are you calm down over there okay please help Pete just great why did I mess that up I don't understand he got away I had to destroy like 50 guys in one go Oh No why is he setting me I'm leaving the mission I don't know why it's telling me I'm leaving the mission the missions done keep saying I'm leaving the mission I'm going towards the one you told me to go towards right this is this crazy youtuber lady do you remember she spies on us she's like streaming on Twitter's went crazy she's insane 27k watching this competing subscription service so she's going it down she's got the formula down don't forget to Like comment and subscribe guys I modified the Trojan she installed to ping her location each time I do one of her shows once I get enough pings I can triangulate find her hideout oh oh oh this we can now track up sweep do I want to do this now let's do one let's do one just in case come on I wanna do this opening up all subscribers plays hey what he does what how dare he avoid being detected by enemies and motion senses Web up motion sensors temporary to stay with him okay he didn't mean it when he said he is gonna ignore me don't worry don't worry he does ignore you too it's fine yeah what about motion sentence is tempered you disable them this is gonna be hard quick and quiet where are the motion sensors you know I'm just gonna go in just like I normally do wait what I'm not allowed to get spotted at all brah not allowed to do anything let me just open the door for Ellie because she's mad I don't know what she's doing avoid been detected by enemies emotion senses I don't know what the motion sensors are the hostage is dead how are these the motion sensors no they're not it I'm so confused photo bomb target stamp bonus oh it's this I thought I'd failed again during screwable challenges get the most points by perfectly time your photo bomb with scruples oMG meter is full activate this photo bottom target by performing stealth takedowns in the highlighted area they fell again why am I not getting this I don't understand I think I need to just not get noticed at all which you know is that my strong point guys I'm gonna try it one more time I don't think this is a I don't think this is a mandatory mission when it says motion sensors I think it means the drones I'm pretty sure but this kind of like and quiet I've got to be got three minutes as well wait wait wait wait wait wait what there's something down there oh these that on the motion sense is either okay I think I'm doing okay now let's take this guy down ten enemies left still which of the motion sensors I still don't know where the motion sensors are there's lights down there these or these no idea right I want to wait for this guy to come down come here come here [Applause] [Music] okay think I'm good right I don't want to do the faux bones they're just gonna be annoying can take you down as well I need to take these down strategically there's still eight people left I'm sure it didn't count one of mine as well no what is where are the motion sensors the lights oh I see what you mean now okay right I got this I got this I'm good I'm trying to kick butt for a stream what poke what is that it's like a spider spider Mon that's that's the best I could come up with I'm sorry that was terrible it's good it says to web them up they see me the hostage is dead that's why it's bio there this says you can web them see that's different that's different to what I did before the bushes are the lights I think they're different you think hammerheads gonna be a robot you mean like this crazy spider suit I've got maybe game shakers Christine Tommy nemi vlogs James foxy blue jet fire Otis Sarah curette see my name is Hannah hey Anna how you doing right okay let's focus let's focus up we got this so that should be two right oh my god this is a chi this is really bad the photo the photo bombs your favorite yeah I remember we did those last time so need to avoid the lasers and we also need to avoid the lights this is like stealth that is finest it's my worst hour the drones as well those are the lights yeah I know I missed the photo bomb but the photo bomb was on the light last time it's kind of problem okay this blue guy I respect the blue skin don't worry but you have to go to fit enemies in the highlighted area but look there's oh I see them now but my thing doesn't get that far that's it oh my goodness I can't believe I missed that before [Music] I know right idiot there we go okay we've got eight down it's these things it's not the drones at all God sure know he spied me no I didn't realize that was a guy behind me at least to know what I'm doing now I can do this we need to do it for the subs Kino B's game shakers comic sans gaming blogger Ally Comic Sans again crazy dude your grandma hello James Renee John Phillips Jimmy Jones happy birthday to Luke have a great birthday buddy Allie and John Phillips how you guys do him at least I can spot these things now quick as one down there as well - you don't take that much and you can take these guys - where's the photo bombs at the photo bombs all the way over there right I can go up there okay right let's do this got ya get that one get this guy oh my goodness I didn't think you turn around so quick but I guess that makes sense I'm doing great I'm not doing great at all I think I'm gonna is this a necessary mission if not I'm gonna skip it I've been wasting time it takes ages to load though it's kind of annoying all right three two one we can go over that way actually let's do that hostage is dead get on there quite a man stop messing around dudes this thing here challenge no that one's not liking when I hear in her voice I gotta make time for URI after this she gives me a lot of grief but I can't let her down let me see if I can pick up the police jump channels okay no yet you know how long is that gonna be huh I can't anyway wasted so much time on a mission I'm sorry guys that's bad should be taking on these stealth missions when I'm not very good at stealth this is the stuff that I'm good at right so we need to protect some more convoys let's do it we've already protected one so far unless let's carry on not for long right so you have to ask or all of these if you don't stop writing me over and we're I'm gonna do something to your car it's gonna run just get a run just gonna run he's trying to get a lift from a police car it's not gonna work buddy even in New York City there's blainley snipers let's go snipers are kind of like Opie Anthony I got you stream snipers yeah I do know one more save weapons in their hands at all this bush is in my way well they can reload these snipers really well I pulled him off and smacked you to get out of here all right come on guys follow up follow up until they become on my radar I can't do anything I actually wrote it for a second ha yeah cuz going through a tunnel is gonna be a good idea really yeah see look it's gonna happen again you're under Viners back whoa my controller completely still working everyone there's people behind us man I'm struggling with these camera angles today all the slam yes oh I could do that slimy move okay there's a lot of these guys absolutely not no you get here I am NOT dealing with you today always the bazooka you guys are cheats straight-up cheats give me the bazooka and get out of here okay I need to do these aerial attacks so I can actually get decent decent focus look how much I get is insane oh you're gonna wish you don't do that huh it's so weird having been here I can't even imagine what it's like if you live here let's get out of here I can't even fast travel or anything and though she cares about her men she's got to learn them to shoulder all that responsibility says the king of shouldering too much responsibility yeah I was just about to say that you know there's raft in the background it looks pretty sweet that looks like how it would look if New York legit had a massive raft like that like a massive prison I'm gonna sneak up on this boy oh my guess dad used to come all the way down as well don't mind if I do okay so they've got mini mini guns by the double minis not a you are yes chaining these bad boys dude he almost got me as a no but one of these turrets I knew it this tourists are crazy but if you catch them right and you manage to get them before they kill you they're really really good whoa see what I mean where the where did that turret come from was that him whoa I need another focus bots get rid of this thug oh you punched me yes I think there's another one though can't be dealing with these guys I'm gonna I need to just chill up here for a sec take some health back not get hit by this guy just Web him up and get some more focus - - dodged a bullet there like quite literally hmm - a spirit fire for a sec just so I can do a little bit more damage No yeah you get out of here but it you get out of here that's what I'm talking about finally I'm taking both of these as health right now there's more they stole the thing of course they did again with the Rockets man where there's two of them how we're gonna keep over two of them I'm so confused let's go it told me to follow one but there's two unless I need to deal with one first that might be it yes here we go here's your stuff let's go I don't even know what buttons I'm pressing here there you go stop this one and then we're gonna have to fly to the other side of the city right now and get the other one it's so far away actually might be wrapping around towards us Manny's motor controls were so good sometimes they feel a bit trashy I think it's in close quarters but when you get them spot-on they feel really nice alright here we go we're on the same path same Road should be able to make it here we go mine always mess up them yeah perfect that was like flawless for a sec do you just like go to the right and then press square yeah every time it's a square so you can just go to the right and then just spam it and just go to here press square again get this dude out of here boom easy mode no honest intense stereo tense it's gone what setup distracting me from hammerheads real target need to get to URI oh my goodness why did I get maybe not yeah I think I'm gonna change one of my suit powers actually what's the one that's bulletproof here we go oh that's nice don't flex all bullets yeah we need this 100% someone said that in the chat thank you this is way more of an intense game so I find it hard to interact with chat I'm sorry guys I am reading your stupid chats and stuff though and all your normal chats oh don't worry we're doing it we're doing it so cruel Bad's about to happen look at this this is a mess absolute mess yes let's listen and see what happens not feeling good about it oh dude there is sable stuff here though there's project Olympus No I'm so sorry Yuri I should have been here he knew exactly what he was doing he went straight for the cases marked project Olympus and had you what that is no but he has it now and we'll get him I know what are you going to teach a lesson in fear Oh deep breath you can move or I can arrest you Booth's Yury we need to work together you need to stay the hell out of my way okay [Music] she's getting a little bit feisty this could not possibly end well nope we know from experience that this is not gonna end well man shaping up to be a pretty good day I'll see though definitely how we gonna do that hope for some mention of hammerhead or the Masha what was that oh he's searching Google I wonder what he was doing he was searching Google so good so we just need to wait for another mission now where's that the Avengers hold on a second I never noticed that the Avengers tower there it is how do I never noticed this before what Toby might as well go and do this just until a yellow mission comes up where was it how did I not notice that before that's insane absolutely insane let me catch over some of your super chat sadly while waiting for this next mission to pop up it shouldn't be too long they don't usually take too long Frasor drink water shark Lord gamer Oh March you play how you doing Farrah here we go yeah I'm so sorry why don't I just go with you come with me where your mission I don't know about that think it's a bit too soon for that miles although I definitely appreciate the offer well it's not like the movies you know you can get seriously hurt there's some pretty bad dudes on the streets right now I know we'll get together soon okay I promise okay thanks man no prob these make me feel ancient yeah that definitely wasn't that was that the Oscorp towers is just that brand new if they just added that in if so that's kind of cool I didn't realize they would change like the city and stuff geez might as well do this far away and eat trash can oh no of course there's one of these guys they all know like noir means look they've all got like normal stuff one I didn't get the right guy rip maybe I did I've got a there go I need to focus this guy real quick there we go got these blue shields out of the way throw a bike the bikes are so good that's you out of here you out of here as well I'm gonna finesse you because you got a lightsaber and you're trying to run away oh no way you're a civilian I'm sorry okay okay you not even on the mini-map right now here we go [Music] of course it's there that's where we just were so that killed some time we did like a crime let's beat up a few thugs and then we're out of there not so shabby this is gonna get real tense real fast guys so I'm Hana it's gonna get real tense this has been a really a full-on app you know like we've really had to kind of remember what we're doing really quickly to make sure we don't suck and luckily I think we've only died a couple of times failed a few missions from the the crazy youtuber but apart from that we're doing arrive okay there we go spite about to do follow the house rules no guns no no fighting no no powers I like how they add that in in a world full of soubiros nice touch oh my goodness look all these bullets did you redo this no surely not spider bot are you in here that's all I care about lose control like this no way is she a superhero to spite about it's you hello friend spider Rider wow I knew it was you survived all this little buddy look at this dude although I feel so bad for him kinda no I don't feel bad for you you look kind of silly though I'm dropping my engine merci general then meeting the main crew to get ready for tonight ready for what's happening tonight again big show boss wants everyone sharp get your ass and kid meet us at the rally point I'm trying I'm trying you trying hammerhead must have something planned with the dogs I knew I'd need to find out what this bed is tracking this Vinnie guy I can't get the mercy general in time so we need to get to the hospital find Vinnie's location when Yuri left the precinct she said she was going to teach a lesson in fear that's not the part that scares me the most yeah she was ready to go mind you she was like oh there's the Oscorp building maybe it did change I'm not too sure this is nuts she's got an absolute rampage she destroyed that place it looks like she's destroying this to write gets the hospital is dead okay running a trace of all cell phone usage in the last five minutes if my man Vinny's still here I should be able to track him get him help Vinnie I'm getting some signals but I need to get closer to match uh Vinnie's ID I know so many no signal oh he's gone the wall this my man dang which one's gonna be Vinny let's go over here and before it's the last one let's go into the bridge Vinny you're the bridge I don't think I don't think he's gonna be moving to be honest where's a non moving one that one's moving it looks like it might be the only one left though not too sure this one feels right to me why come on he has to still be here when you where you at oh there's loads spy gun man oh it's him hello bless you bless you child where's Vinny what's good banana stay close but not too close according to Vinny hammerhead has a show planned for tonight experimental black box off a Ludlow Broadway come on Vinny give me something you're my only hope how am I supposed to follow him without looking like spider-man or hello friends we followed a lot of cars today so we go into a theater now easy to follow a car as long as they go in a straight line they start veering off we're in big trouble there we go leave in stray off he's going down alleyways these men don't care come on you should know that Spidey I feel like this is gonna come to a big head at some point a hammer heads man my puns are pretty strong today never use your my pun game but today is doing alright oh no this could be a trap there's a squirrel in the main crew sorry go distract it [ __ ] eavesdrop see if I can get any more details about tonight's beach show there's been a lot of stealth today as well a lot of cars and a lot of stealth you can see their gun tonight it's going down at a construction site it's always at a construction site okay uh stealthily take down enemies off the lift into their conversation to prepare them ok stop stop sit up sit up there we go be quiet sir where else are these guys doing some chatting it's these snipers that are worrying me a little bit always a vent over there can I hit the vent from here stealth work yeah there's a vent but I'm not quite sure how to get in there go oh he just curls straight through that's fine come on yes mother your problem you know turned around on the west side all right number two I keep listening in can I take them down no am i loud so probably ten down shut up no it's the bug how dare you it's man's snitching big snitch I do like this new outfit by the way I don't let me start again I'm way too aggressive look at this go them all I laid three Gotham orders now there's someone down here there is there is no go go go go go go over there they down there need to try and get their conversation somehow how can I get them I need him to come closer I could just bop him from here but I don't think I'm gonna be that's not the best idea come on come closer game key and I can just stealth him do where you going can I don't get him from here don't think I can we got out of it what what stop he saw me it saw me pretty quickly I don't know why I couldn't do a stealth take down there I'm like way too offensive and aggressive in this game I know it's got rid of all my sniper progress it's a pretty good route though get all three of these guys in a row right I need to it's gonna go over there I need to get different conversations this one's gonna someone's gonna mess me up okay let's get this one where's the show promise starts at 9:00 so there's one more place to go I need to get down here somehow well how meant to get there with that guy supposed to Eve drops on these guys no I'm not no no no no no you don't want that I just wanna hear your conversations what are they doing what what are you guys doing don't need to wait for you to go back to the car wait there's uh is that someone over here it's them - I didn't get rid of the other ones did I I need this conversation but some reason they're just like chillin over there yeah give me a break man I'm from Jersey construction site by 34th that's Hudson Yards that's it hammerheads planning something for the Dons tonight at Hudson Yards I should make sure these guys can't show up for the assist leader hello get in the ocean go for a swim gotcha that was easy I want to get this guy I was so good and I'll take you down just for good luck right there's two more where you at oh there they are hello friends how are you it was like what the couple got smacked easy-mode not a shot fired right we need to go to the the docks did he say I think he said the docks pretty sure apparently the big show is tonight why do I get the feeling it's not gonna have a happy ending it's not a happy ending for one of them it's not gonna have a happy end of a man that's for sure it was nighttime now the show hope I'm dressed for the occasion I mean you know pretty good I'm gonna fast travel I might try different suits it is very dark I want to try this soup actually which one yeah ooh this one cuz it glows at the back I got sick that looks and we need fast travel cuz we're miles away where is it down here fast travel right here catch up on me old super chats will carry on guys this is gonna be intense so quickly I promise you sticker is gonna be right Fraser shark Omar Farah general ninja goods oh no I lost track I lost track clockwise Mustang your name is Alex hey buddy Sanjeev an elite castle and the pro David Jamison elite castle plot Killer Elite castle pilot killer you guys like donators like doubles in a row that's kind of cool Drayton Wolff Kieffer how you guys do him do this yeah she gave me a big trouble I hope she doesn't die she's been a big character all the way from like the first minute of playing the game she's a character so hope nothing bad happens well but it's not looking good at all at all day Tron red fox richard alexis happy birthday hug had a good day wolf keeper crit shots awesome not pro pronate nation yeah I remember you from yesterday you gonna you heading to school back back to school today creeper kids thank you guys for your super chats appreciate them all it's about to get heavy let's do this oh my goodness she's gonna put it with some men the bug just in time for the broadcast broadcast he's live-streaming everyone's live-streaming welcome to tonight's entertainments the changing of the guard [Music] oh my goodness dude this is brutal this reminds me of a another game when this happens weren't just words wish I could join the festivities sit tight I'll be seeing you all real soon oh that's rough let's go be one of the worst ways that I ever shut off the cement mixer the dawns are gonna get buried alive hmm heave hammer heads men away from the cement mixer okay it's gonna take a lot of concentration right now bomb ready think I'm ready let's get this guy I don't wanna fall in the cement that'd be awful do not and do not fire those rockets either you punk I just wanted to get this guy all the way as quickly as possible there's so many of them can we get over this oh geez man these guys are insane I'm so dead so dead I need some combos take down people that I'm struggling with many of these whip guys that's the wrong guy beyond dead I'm gonna have to restart this I think let's use titanium alloy blades use it they always just easy this we know why did it keep going to that guy yeah I think I'm dead I know that guy whipped me out of the air and took me down in like an instant I lost way too much health of the beginning so I need to like focus my attention somehow but there's so many people this is hard there we go take you down first this is full-on concentration mode you can get out of here too there we go you can get out of here too buddy Ronnie's use a finish on no no no no no no no no get you out of here I need to get the guy with the the whips out of here too sweet right where the wimps a whipped guy is here I got him before he got me sweets not these guys I was trying to avoid these guys but I don't think I'm gonna be able to whoa what was that what is happening what is happening you know what I'm gonna do here these gets us amendments like now yes No oh my goodness this is gonna take all my concentration guys why is it always these that I can't deal with it's not let me finish him it's not let me finish him not a fan oh man that was close that it's the whip guys that keep getting me how do I get rid of the whip guys I'm not sure how you did you after like do you have to web them up man gotta keep pushing away honestly gotta get that guy away from the mixer I don't want to attack that guy Spidey come on go the wrong guy I'm dead I want to saw again that one sided Bay again I'm just gonna die kill me kill me I'm gonna nuts out for this kill me there we go jeez this is rough oh my goodness whoa use web bombs to whips okay I'm gonna change my gadgets cuz the whips are seriously seriously annoying they've killed me twice out of three right now all right it's go web long sweep please keep them off didn't stop me halfway through the mission man you come up with a name for us figures how as well do I get rid of these shield guys I just don't have enough finishes to do it yes get you sweep did I get him first I did swim there next but I need to get this guy get him spider-man yes web bomber needs a web bomb okay got him to sweep oh that was an amazing move how did you get me I was dodging where you stay away from that I think this is the last guy Oh got him there's two more guys but we're good I used to get them before things get crazy this these tiny guys that take the the least amount of effort oh my goodness no the mixer shorted out it can't be turned off what web the back of cement trucks to stop it why is this not working I'm going off okay sweet man that could have been really bad we did it look at this Don's will be safe with the police now for mr. tall dark and flat headed we got a bus fight coming up of course he's gone that was hard that was really hard those shield guys are rough we made it though there is may man himself transform a guy also known as I'm a head bug kind of Spore of my big night Oh we'll roll with it risks of live TV you like I like eject the lymph in action finished it up while you were playing with the dots so that's what they're wearing in Paris this season [Music] hate to say it but brushed gunmetal is not your color I'm trying to revitalize the mob over here that takes long-term leadership now I'm long term your parts warranty may be long-term but you you're nuts yeah I'm just a guy who knows a thing or two about PR the city don't take the Mafia seriously no more don't respect us but after they see me break you in half oh that's gonna change oh yeah let's see how he do is through this huh that was not a good start that was not a good start to drink okay this is going to be insane but I think I can do it a practice for this moment right how do I hit this guy I can finesse him so I'm gonna yes oh my guess oh it's like got all this stuff - I took a walk up there we just do it finisher I'm gonna slam this guy with as many finishers as I can whoa he's fast I can add it in so these guys kind of fuel your finishes I guess yes this is epic what do you say to me Punk ah that was not good I need to interrupt his attacks with these boosts but I do not a little bit of help now oh I did not see that coming if in doubt hit with cardboard dude that red stuff is insane oh my guess he just killed his own guy I wanted the experience for that dude there we go interrupt all his attacks and get punched in the face this isn't too bad so far okay whoa not me to hit him that could be game losing right now it's getting fast to like if I mess up I'm in big trouble he's getting back some health I might have to look like combo up and hopefully it works whoa doing a lot damage him though look how quick that is so quick can't bring some goons out please sir that's why I did say to you and he bought me the goods it keeps on hitting his own guys it's kind of funny it's kind of like just enough to be able to do a focus but I'm not sure I'm getting enough notice what I'm get enough health back here okay let's do that oh my goodness well I'm messing up all my button inputs but I kind of started out somehow yeah let's go well I'm gonna use one of these well that's some kind of like cinematic movement by me didn't even mean to do that well how did you get me man this is gonna be this like the most epic battle ever we're doing alright though I have to make sure I put these guys in the air otherwise they're gonna destroy me no I did not mean to do that I just wasted one yeah Adam use this one for health 100 health that's not so bad he's like a kind of more ugly transformer I guess get him I don't know how he knocked him over there but that was pretty nice I think this technique is working they'll never find me I don't know how to destroy him normally you know I just need more of his goons to come in there we go sped up Oh his guy took the brunt of that this is like taking all my concentration right now okay focus bar full of sweet oh my goodness that is like the craziest one where he charged at you he doesn't really give you much warning obviously he won't he's a super villain it's it's just giving me more time between all the villains coming out as well which is so it makes it a little bit harder because you can't get your focus that high well how do I not dodge that hello friends whoa I'm fully warmed up now buddy where is everyone where do you go if he hits me one more time I think I might be dead yep good job I healed this red stuff is like insane it's on the way you got it from but you're doing pretty well how did I hit me okay I might need to use all of this to heal no no no no no no no not now not now the property hurt his own guys then I need to heal all of these oh I didn't see that coming yes got it in sweet just get warmed up you punk almost dodged that one forgot to dodge that one you then what you'd have to be so quick I need to hide buying a pose for that one I think oh he's hitting into stuff that kind of makes more sense look at these guys are quite easy to get combo the Dodge and then get the focus almost press the wrong button that I've been in big trouble how many folks is that we hit him with probably way too many right mice or Haven some more if we can taken so much concentration I think we're doing all right though got another focus bar how many more focus hits is he gonna take I guess he is made of like ears made of metal so geez you almost got me them no see I'm needing to use some of them for for healing oh I got a lot of health back for that one though no I needed a tiny bit more from that hello dad said use my ability I kinda don't need it yeah I'm not really taking any oh you know what that's a good point I can change too I'm only really using do iron arms what would be easier I'm currently using focus right now distortion field low grav blitz faster sprinting I think I'm actually okay right now to be honest spider bro that really needs oh wait wait rapidly generates focus yeah let's use that we're doing this a hundred percent because this will give us a little bit more focus to be able to heal oh it's really good as well it's really good look how much focus I'm getting from this it's so much better and get all my health back and everything I'm gonna need it because I keep getting books kind of out of pattern now whoa okay don't do that if you're looking for a challenge though you need to hell up this game this DLC even this DLC is been so difficult it kind of already shows how good's the the movement and stuff is in this fight jeez no let's get out of this whitey need some reinforcements buddy I think it said we had some skill points available but I don't think I don't think we have any more skills that we can use to me there we go yes I'm pretty sure we don't have anyone skills come weebs get out here battle focus is almost ready to go again that was so close gonna battle focus I need you right now yeah we go suit power where is he over there yeah how many more shots can you take I guess he is made of metal but my goodness there we go oh this is not gonna go well how would you kill a man made a metal yourself into a crime against nature that's a good idea after all huh [Music] you weren't listening when I said long term hold school MA she's got patience knows how to wait adjust the right moment [Music] Oh George don't do this wait wait what oh okay [Music] not very good at aiming huh [Music] it's a minute you said something about fear how do you feel now just dandy oh [Music] that is fire off this metal plate those nollie oh my goodness [Music] oh it's gonna hit with that huh Wow okay I didn't expect it to end there at all oh my goodness she just lost the plot there's only one more DLC by the way okay that felt pretty quick I'm not sure why Wow where is black eye that's a good point Linden where is black cat let me skip to the end to see if there's any more story I'm guessing that is there must be here is yeah here we go [Music] why are they waving at the evidence feel bad for the cab sim but I'm glad this month's just dead who says he's dead [Music] [Music] there's always someone undercover [Music] Empire State that's Empire State right yo do we get new suit we get new suit we get new suit that's the most important part right congratulations you finished our fourth story is the adventure continues the next campaign silver lining did they change the name of it I wonder if that change I can't remember if that changed name well they've only just announced it maybe right iron spider armor is the next one that we unlocked and that is down here this beauty right here Oh big oof look at that that's looking nice news two available that's the other one currently see you in the moonlight buddy that's nice look at that shimmer in a way so he's alive he is made of metal though like part made of metal so the bullet didn't really kill him I'm not quite sure what to think about that what do you guys think pointy poo end afro pronation Nate nation even minecraft princess thank you glad you're enjoying it looking forward to Pokemon tomorrow of course pronate de Tron Jacob how's it going columns corner no I don't know who cares corner is come to man Leyland's pronate nation times 2 panda hayden kasym Rocko Galaxy Pro Hayden dragon on galaxy Pro flame gamer der burger boy matthieu ricard kept on nerding 2 sim hola Allie and Michael Mars what's wrong with you buddy wait wait wait wait wait hold on a second he's got Iron Man he's got Iron Man's things on his hands and his feet is that the same one another one wait what he broke it so yeah you can actually looks so beautiful man you will do better my man broke a toe over here right Empire State what's good this is gonna be the focus of the last DLC episode I'm guessing that's the last one anyway let's head all the way to the top just to celebrate its beauty just in case anything happens to it but guys thank you so much for watching this has been the second of three DLCs from the amazing spider-man game you guys know and love as much as I do thank you for hanging out with me today before you go it'd be greatly appreciated if you leave a big fat like also hit that big subscribe button as well look at this amazing blue blaze and stick motion I'm not sure but I'm sure I'll be back buddy but thank you so much for watching guys I hope you enjoyed it again like subscribe all that good stuff and yeah keep those notifications on so you know first hand and you're gonna be first to know when the new episode comes out it's it's gonna be a good one I enjoyed this one I fell a little bit short I did get distracted a little bit by the the crazy youtuber I have a lot to finish how much did that do 61% so yeah I have a lot finished the silver linings coming soon and I'll see you guys soon good bye come to man thank you for super chat and I'll see you soon bye bye [Music] you
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 3,110,000
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, spiderman, spider-man, dantdm spiderman, spiderman ps4, spiderman dlc
Id: n-jVOI13GSg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 39sec (7239 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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