NEGATIVE Spider-Man! (Spiderman PS4 #5)

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hey guys down here welcome back to the one and only spider-man there's a crime happening I'm sorry I'm going to ignore it for now but is that it there hold on a second just able international security firm usually hired by governments to end revolutions or start them the last thing we need is a city full of trigger-happy mercenaries setting up checkpoints around the city doing random stop and frisks this is crazy no this is Norman Osborn feeling threatened okay so that's actually recap real quick just before we blow these guys heads off well might be a bit extreme before we encase them in webs so let's go over what happened before so basically we discovered the Martin Lee is behind some of these attacks there was a giant attack at Norman Osborn's rally for being reelected for mayor the policemen that helped to save us and helped us out to take down some of the demons he unfortunately got killed in the attack so we need to we're gonna get much some more backstory on that I think but yeah his son was there we played as him which was kind of cool but not so cool in terms of circumstance so things are heating up we've got Martin Lee who is a mystery so we're gonna find more out about that silver sable almost shot us in the head which was a little bit crazy and Norman Osborn has been threatened by who I'm guessing is something to do with the demons the demon gang but I'm not 100% sure and I'm sure there's more supervillains to be found now today I did say I was gonna do this spider bro I need spider bro in my life I have weekend's like another section of these yeah because of this one because the black cat stakeouts but last time we got enough to be able to afford spider bro and the main reason I want this is because spider bro causing a spider brooch temporary aid in combat that sounds amazing let's craft this let's wear it and let's try a spider bro I think it's one of the r3 attacks I kind of like the outfit it's like it's like classic spy stark suit I like it a lot I just need to try and take these guys down real quick just to get used to the buttons again I haven't played in a few days and that was not what I was supposed to do let's take them out anyway what are you doing sure oh no I'm so rusty so rusty I used to send you in kind I'll send you in the air like he's doing different things I want to own a web font that is not I was supposed to do that is what I was supposed to do come here you punk I can finish you off which is what I'm gonna do and I gained a web bottom for doing so right spider bro can happen is that it is that spider bro safe to disarm the primary device that is not what I thought this was gonna be what is this a bomb hold on a second where did spider bro go he's apt into oblivion I thought this was gonna be a second spider-man but of robots I'm severely disappointed let's disarm this bomb - oh jeez Macha c4 this is wired - uh I forgot about these so do we have to oh no guys have completely forgotten this I've completely forgotten okay I think I got it I'm not 100% sure though it's plus one minus one but it needs to be the right voltage it needs to be three there's only one - so there needs to be like two - one yeah we can just make this plus three right hey do you have to do another one yeah thank goodness a switch the other farms were armed need to disable them before they explode what is happening right now I've got one minute bro I did not sign up for this isn't even part of the story I don't think we've to disarm some more bombs and I'm kind of scared why did this get so intense so quickly disarm the bomb spider-man oh wait I don't have to do have another puzzle okay this is fine not as scary as I thought it was gonna be spider-man here you go Danya complete within three minutes not all three 300 is off the building maybe not thank you any time officer any time well of ever distraction wasn't it so spider bro I thought was gonna be like a second one of these but turns out it's not and I'm a little bit disappointed not gonna lie so let's make things a little more interesting get the butts out of here and head over to feast which is the homeless shelter the on May and Martin Lee are very much involved in so away boy so staple industries a little bit scary because they almost killed us by accident last time but they didn't so I can forgive them but it looks like they're giving us updates on the demons and where they're gonna be but I'm going to continue this story I need to find out what Martin Lee's doing and if anything happens to our May I am going to be so angry because she is closely connected with Martin Lee maybe she's involved in it as well maybe she's a bad guy but I'm sure it's fine she left us 200 bucks before it should be okay aren't may please be fine please if anything happens to I dunno what I'm gonna do she's fine now though so if you're running this place well mr. Lee's out of town I was doing your old job me but I could always use more help you know anyone actually I do his name is Miles Morales oh why does that sound familiar his father was being honored at City Hall ah I talked to him at the funeral he's a smart kid he's just having a tough time I knew a boy like that once mmm-hmm I remember it helped to stay busy might help him too here's his mom's number Thanks I'll give her a call hey you haven't heard from mr. Li have you know why just curious goodies even a few minutes before work I'm gonna look around see if there's anything else I can do to help you out oh you don't have to I know I want to cute don't build up don't build it up it's gonna be fine I'm sure it's just office Peter you're gonna help at all are you you're just gonna he's gonna snoop but that's fine so miles he was the son of the officer that died in the previous episode and as I said Peter and him kind of have some similarities with losing a father figure in their life or their actually father are very very young so this is locked oh great I get in there quietly by climbing around the outside again in a window is that it find a way into Lee's office it's an event it's the vents again spider-man fence somewhere I knew you were gonna say that but how do I get to the oh there it is you can't just be spider-man hang in there though okay maybe you can good job it's bad whoa yeah almost got attacked by that I've been terrible this much power is inaccessible I will call you back as soon as I can get that information wait money no I don't know when that so he's got oh maybe she does know something about it she's definitely gonna see you though buddy these are these blinds aren't closed her be done with the snooping spider-man sent to prison for snooping it's a decent office though he's got a sword a samurai blade a katana geez my coffee crossface it should be right on the other side of the shrine what are we looking for black book a key the locket this is a diary Wilson Fisk has been arrested I can barely believe it the day I plan for dreamed of is finally here but for some reason I what does that say hesitate yeah I think he says hesitate can i really go through with this like okay mr. Lee you need to work on your handwriting I can't read what you're saying things will happen so quickly if I give the word my men will claim Fisk's arms his explosives his secrets we'll use that strength to teach Norman true pain he'll know what it is to see the things he loves destroyed by his own hands but achieving that end will mean giving up so much everything I built here at feast all the good I've done could be wiped out if my plan succeeds my chance is here yet I still hesitate should I turn back a part of me wants to but the demon is hungry and I don't think I'm strong enough to hold back oh man oh I could have just done it like that you know what forget it I did it the hard way so that pretty much confirms did yeah and that confirming he didn't want to head down this path are you gonna speak again and I'll show you he's not gonna speak again so that pretty much confirms his kind of ties with the demons because he's a mentions the demons in there a little bit wishy-washy but there is a reference to demons in there what oh this is a big shrine he's called good husband points a shrine to his wife hold on a second or as parents who are these people is that him this looks like actual oh wait I can unlock this hmm some kind of puzzle lock oh how does this work so I can move this oh my goodness this is weird so Wow okay can I move this one as well well I have no idea what this is gonna do so I need to get those two things in the middle right is that what's going on here oh okay done that now I need to move the whole thing that seems right does it does it seem right it's not really doing anything to be honest buddy I'm very close though I think I've gotta get these two circles to match it's like it's annoying it's like one off Oh got it yeah purely by accident Wow what is happening oh he's got energy stored I can finally get one what are you hiding Lee well a secret base is what he's hiding don't worry Peter there's a vent for easy escape just in case I want this desperately he's got the last obsessed with masks is it a Jungian thing like she needed to pretend to be someone else to let his darkest feelings out okay that makes sense ended to be a demon until he became one mm-hmm interesting he's giving his powers to the others how does Liam beauties with his power with your electric induction compressed phase shift okay so Lee is actually like a supervillain with powers it sounds a little bit nutty to me but it would make sense if you can transfer his powers and that definitely makes sense all right we've got a recording oh maybe he's recording us now that is like a recording button to me that is a little bit freaky very is there anything weird about this I don't think so why is he gonna invert it I guess we're about to find out let's listen he could never understand the only way to fight a monster okay that's that's his parents let Stephanie his parents he looks very much like his dad I thought it was why he hasn't got any husband points at all he's got kid points so as I mentioned in the previous video aren't Mei mentioned that he lost his parents just like Peter Parker did so they had that in common and I did think that this is gonna come down to that and it looks like it might do but what has Norman Osborn got to do with Martin Lee's parents not being around anymore this is the father mg found at the auction house you're out at least plating next so there's definitely a massive I hate to say it but that was like a big radius for a bomb blast I'm taking this Devil's breath sounds cool it sounds like something from Harry Potter actually but a little bit more serious oh no yeah that's rap it's a burn room why are to destroy evidence oh can I not make it what I make it fine where is it I love how he's just upside-down well where is that where's the web going Peter looks like it might be you know in a very very odd place where as second one am I being dumb I were feeling I'm being dumb oh is it under there no ah there it is hit in mind the locker where I can't see it want to think of what could have happened exactly man we need to keep Artem a as safe as possible please guys we there's more how did no one find this exit the secret room like get out of here can you just go in the way you came ah perfect of course it's near a janitor's closet that's exactly where supervillains hang out it's a classic act like nothing happened Pizza act like nothing happened but now that door is unlocked Peter mr. Li is oh quit I thought you were out of town did you find what you were looking for Martin you're back forget that thank you and heading off again shortly I'm afraid just needed a few things from my office you must have heard about City Hall yes I was magic Peter was there he was very lucky and an Osborn rally I didn't know you were a fan well what matters is you are both safe amen but the Bombers are still out there who knows what they've planned next I don't think you or may have anything to worry about as long as you stay away from places you're not supposed to be oh so two threat well I should go when will you be back when my work is done so shady have a good reason I guess but that moment you know when they look to each other didn't say anything it didn't answer each other's questions that always happens in superhero film films where the super villain and the super hero are both undercover pearl both like it is that him that just happens which is almost confirmation I guess we're gonna follow him now he's looking real shifty we're way behind you yeah something's going down full of the energy or they look it's at the negative energy negative negative negative the picture was negative do you remember yeah you just get changed real quick we could have chased the carb I don't think we can anymore here's an agenda or man spiderbros still here to help us 3000 experience for that we barely even did anything but I'm not complaining go 5 percent swing speeds you just fell to the floor right I've got another skill point as well I finally got your evidence head to the feast centre in Chinatown a nice lady named May Parker and some really weird stuff hidden in Lee's office but listen he's got another attack plant where what still working on that but I think he's going to use something called Devil's breath sounds destructive what is it a substance created by Oscorp probably a bio weapon of some kind I have a folder full of info on it I'm holding on to it for now I'll send copies as soon as I can ok we'll check his office if the other thing stands up I'll put out an APB man this is getting real crazy just checking it Peter hey I think you'll want to hear this wait are you whispering oh no my place oh sure I'll even cook wait remember how you told me about Lee's corrupting touch I think I just saw it in action some perfectly nice homeless people just jumped me thing is they had glowing eyes and I remembered URI tell me something similar about the guard who released shocker there's more but I guess we'll talk about it at dinner finding on the day you wanted what should I cook don't make me go shopping buddy that's know could be one of spider-man's missions okay we know going shopping for food so yeah everything's stacking up nicely accompany I didn't remember the negative energy because they mentions oh okay don't stand or up Pizza parka come on your one charge yes I can stop by just for a minute just for a minute yeah you're gonna miss dinner on you what was I saying oh yeah the negative images so his parents image when you were in the even their right answer I wanted to make sure you're still available I can't pay you yet but I've pulled enough strings to keep the Wolves from the door a bit longer if we can get up and running I know this new version of the project will attract investment joggers triple cross doc you just called me yeah but it brings out the negative energy in anyone which I think what Martin Lee is doing tonight give himself the anger like like pizza was saying with the mask disguise and everything and that's what he's kind of doing to for example the homeless people to bring out the anger in them but we're just about to find out should probably get changed though I keep saying this to you what if you were if you awkwardly walk out the same door you're gonna bump into each other he's gonna find out you're more than just the soup maker you're the suti as well all right let's find out I need a job because actually I can't afford to pay for dinner or any kind of food for dinner cuz I lost my job let's try and fix that Sheri Peter you got this buddy hey doctor hello Peter I'll be just a minute what you doing out look at all this new stuff where did you get the money oh yeah you're a supervillain I completely forgot not yet anyone organizing where did you get all this equipment called in every last favor another kind of you loans it's like we're starting over once again but this time is going to be different hmm yeah he's definitely planning some kind of transformation by accident not fully invested in this buddy but let's find out I'm busy just getting started well that's massive you know I don't know we've been looking at prosthetics from the wrong perspective why restore people to what they were when we can make them better okay I think that should do it don't know what's gonna happen coming out so hold it together buddy really some beefy arm gives Macy's I did it calm it this is all your fault Norman calm it dudes hold yourself together well I know who you're not voting for in the next election Laurie I have a habit of making bad jokes and tense situations it was a good joke Parker just a bit of an overreaction on my part little bit don't worry why don't you take a break I'll clean this up and get us ready for another test it's so nice so uh hope you don't mind me asking but it seems you and Norman have a bit of a history we were lab partners in college became friends decided to start a business we both had visions of changing the world just in different ways wait you were at Oscorp when it started I'm half the reason it's called Oscorp oh of course ain't grad school everyone called us Theo's had Corp to that and well it is a catchy name true why'd you plant Norman became more and more obsessed with genetics he started a project I considered unethical and there was this anyway lawyers got involved I chose to leave in exchange for a settlement but that money didn't last very long I've relied on grants ever since if this project doesn't work don't worry it'll work let me let me just fix this up I'll brew some fresh coffee yes coffee mini-game could we swap I'd love to do a coffee minigame but no we've got to do the the weird puzzle thing be sure to run a diagnostic on the control unit on man could be a short yet definitely you've got the incorrect voltage your one above what it should be oh man what do I place a plus Serena plus five an ax plus for what - for as well this is a little bit insane this one's gonna take me ages so there's a few that are locked in but I think I can choose which way this power goes I think that's not gonna work can I just bypass this yeah that was I thought I had to use all of the hexagon Pentagon's whatever they're called the shapes I'm good I fixed it I'm smiling new buddy give me my grin ow Oh why don't you do the honors this time yes mm subtle grasp of the arm there [Music] I think we did it next step neural interface that's a lot of work for you to do by yourself sure you can handle it apparently not judging by today's debacle because I still haven't found another job my funds are still I know it's okay don't worry I'll figure it out what's a few bucks when you're trying to change the world right I like you to changing the world yeah if you're gonna make people that are just crazy powerful which is Rory go but I'll be back later don't worry the work will still be here when you get back bye what's that with what well I'm leaving I don't need any research points right now until I get a new suit that is I'm sure one look a new suit today I have seen you know I've seen the spoiler thanks to a very well done YouTube thumbnail of a suit that you can get in this game and it looks magnificent we have to get it it's gonna be insane but I'm pretty sure it's like an endgame thing but we'll get there eventually and we'll definitely wait I've just seen a donut advert oh my goodness look over there sugar-free okay maybe not that great hey sorry I missed your call we still on for dinner offer still stands for me to come over and cook okay talk soon look at this MJ's low expectations it'll be hard to screw this one up it's all just freelance for a while until she calls I wanna go on your boat I want to go on your boat let me on your boat I can't really swim that far I'm a spider help but help a brother out okay I tried to go on the boat and I failed so now it's got a little bit of dead time which is fine we'll probably get a phone call in a second spider-man has one of the busiest phones in the world what else do we need to do what other suits are there oh we do ever knew click baited me no new suits we do have the negative we just need a landmark token and we can we can bring that out we haven't used spider ponk yet got the velocity suit as well which we actually have I did not know we had that already that's very cool find all the backpacks are unlock that one Scarlet Spider who has bullets around his belt and wrists interesting nice little ankle bags as well what one should we use I feel like we should use one that we haven't used yet the ripped one we can unlock this already it makes su temporarily bulletproof against all enemies including snipers that sounded quite good I think I'm gonna go negative but when you land more tokens while we're waiting for another mission let's go and grab one of those I think is just here so let's go I just go take a picture R of course this is perfect so I need to activate the camera and how do I take a picture there we go what a picture that is so now we can buy that so it seems like it's it's pretty fitting to do the negative suit today because we've talking about negative energy so much let's grab it let's wear it got negative shockwaves synchronizes nanomesh particles 22 destructing with negative energy let's keep that just in case oh oh it looks like almost looks like I'm out of place so odd but so it's cool I like it I like it a lot actually it looks really out of place but I guess that's what negative is supposed to be any much coverage and again since we talked about so much negative energy and how Martin Lee uses it we're gonna try and harness it ourselves what is happening down here I hear shots by Dunaway they're coming from the up here hello friends I now have some of your negative energy that I would like to use spider-man that was not what I was supposed to do although guys get out of here please I did not mean to do that he's hitting me with the rocket launcher that's not what you're supposed to do you suppose a weightless I thought they were shooting at me that's the police okay this is kinda not the time right now quick grab it grab it grab it thrown get out of here punks I'm glad the police strategy helping me for once goodbye friends I'll take your gun please have your gun thank you give me here up in the air and out of here it's so easy don't knock them off the building friends no folk get out of here buddy I'm not even sure what that was like a crime wave got a crime token now I've got dinner I'm out of here thanks friends see you later got a pass the time somehow spider-man can't be playing no PlayStation so he's out here kicking some butt some criminal but right we've arrived she lives in a cool place as well is that it's not my wanna know I think it is let's go in please give me a cooking minigame some kind of ridiculous minigame would just top this off it would be great I don't think it will happen though we gots the inside MJ Department you're not gonna believe what happened what so you know that address you gave me I went there MJ I know I don't but wait what is this just listen what you add you're gonna tell me just click baiting me what are you doing just listen to be continued I don't think so early all right oh we might get to play this out I do like it when they do that this is the address Pete found men are carrying fire what is this place why are you here without a superpower MJ come on now might be something inside that connects this to leave oh I am not comfortable that way it was happy are you okay why are you so angry can I have to use anything to shut a rat what can she not things over always we build this war peacefully finances the bus so come this way don't come this way okay so that was easy can I just run what is that bisque ware that looks like Fisk so what's the boss doing with the money for Miss Lee job why am I here why are they not hearing me yet do not make any noise this is not the best place to be why does she insist on doing this she has an almost boyfriend that that has superpowers he's the best superhero in all the lands better than Superman that punk and she's sneaking around by herself we've no superpowers apart from knocking things over don't touch this big Australia this is we've got all the way around they're building like something with huge oh there it is but Martin Lee is definitely funding it because he said so oh no no no what am i doing what's this what's this stupid boxes why would my curiosity got the better of me I pressed the button and I got excited and I didn't know what I was doing find a way into the office I love how this mission is called dinner date when we're blatantly not coming up with that dinner day just yet no one you didn't see anything you didn't see anything I'm just gonna walk around this for oh geez he's ready to fight I'm just gonna press this but then where do I go which way you come around oh no these guys are so dumb I mean really what do I go where do I go okay that guy's not coming back that's good news man MJ is a super sleuth she must have the quietest shoes in the world this must be am i right they don't have careful through here how are they not seeing her protected trade secrets okay shoes are not that quiet at all the boxes boxes are my biggest enemy right now spider-man his biggest enemies have crazy strengths and superpowers MJ's against the cardboard box the feeble cardboard box alchemax nice what is this What's in peace stop speaking out loud as well that's not gonna help okay look at this dude he's definitely related to Fisk all these beefy guys tombstone you're right Rick won't notice cuz it won't be there rip bad choice the guy's ten times your size stones Rick let's see if they break what is happening why such a disappointment to be out to zoom in the head oh all the crunch the crunch though I topped it off snaps the gun where a guy is welder where are these guys getting these steroids from goodbye sorry about your face awkward I wish I knew more about who these guys were he must be a super villain he's got that he's got pointy teeth and a black jacket and crazy strength he must be a villain he's also psychotic which kind of means that you passed the test I think I put this down now I just do not want to be spotted by tombstone otherwise my heads getting flattened onto the canvas as well I don't want that nobody wants that let's go see I'm not very good at this stealth thing and I'm not sure APC is a massive truck oh that's to put those bombs in write something else in this office I'm pretty sure GPS trackers oh it's too stone using these for all right boys Oh time to move get the gift for my office you need to get into a cupboard or something get out of here Oh convenient door that's fine yeah you guys if you went in there those no door okay I want to say don't ever do that again but since I know you're going to anyway here take a few of those next time thanks thanks you know tombstone is crazy and pretty much invincible right everybody has their weakness mine is whatever you're cooking right now it smells amazing dang the chicken curry just needs some time to simmer no dumplings I hope we're never gonna let me live that one down are you nope the great dumpling catastrophe I still can't believe they evacuated the entire building in January to your neighbors hated me because in spite of my blood pretty happy when we broke up yeah so let's talk about what you found in Lee's office well Lee clearly has issues with Norman Osborn yeah but but why I don't know yeah but his next move looks like it involves Devil's breath whatever that is yeah I'll dig into it so I was thinking what if we teamed that but you want to be my sidekick like Spider Girl ha ha ha Spider Woman no woman no not a sidekick a partner oh not again hey it's your crime system thingy it was like a residential break-in nice Charles Standish hmm sounds familiar Oh aha scrip CFO wait you don't think this has anything to do with Lee do you hey sorry cook and run did you just leave your clothes on the kitchen floor do you have boxes under that buddy where do you want me to bust a couch is fine see you later she's gonna sniff him she's gonna sniff them it looks so crazy when he was brown there I was like whoa what is that then I remembered oh that's nice what a screenshot that is he's got really cool gloves on this one as well I like this suit I keep saying every one of my favorite but this one's so different and so standout I'm gonna be doing those stealth missions in this it's gonna look super weird way too obvious I should probably use these skill points actually I've got its memory so what do we know about Charles Standish Lee's after him it's got to be related to Devil's breath let me know the second you find something I think we might be planning something even worse than City Hall okay user pluck it up pluck it up say boyfriend that's what you want right before we do this let's grab some skills Oh new superpowers you've unlocked as well what's this first aid increased amount you were healed from focus that's quite nice actually I like that scan enemies remain highlighted until combat starts not too big on that we need to land more tokens then we can unlock that so I am gonna do that when we're outside the mission gadgets what else do we have what did he give her a trip mine bit dangerous pizza but hey that's fine concussive blast we've caused some upgrades for these as well I'm not going to use them so I don't really use the gadgets that much I probably should to be honest we don't use that that much there must be something we can use Air Marshal air attacks do additional damage let's just buy that it's a big old one hold triangle bar in the air to yank enemies upwards and enabled that's what I wanted yeah let's buy that as well air yang can now be viewed in the moves list perfect right let's see if we can use these shall we let's go mission begin was an armed robbery I think it was yep you definitely hear that that's that's not robbery for I've heard one police look like they could use some help definitely do come here II okay almost go here by that guy love these boxes keep on throwing them at me buddy this I'm so rusty it's crazy so now I should belt it yeah that's much better oh that's cool I wish I'd activated that before hands right you come here alright so goods that's like almost Opie actually but in a good way because I get to use it like we swing the spin around oh I'm leaving it too long alright you need to get that gun out of here there's loads of them okay this is definitely something to do with mr. Lee because there are way too many people wages for a normal robbery eat this bin I'll take that gun thank you wait where did he go alors disturb in the air little where he went you guys okay more of them inside you guys stay here look at this guy well intense is that guy got him I got him you're not even you're not even pointing at them are you they're just on the ground it's fine you know what let's get out of here I could have used their own card or against and that would have been pretty that would have been pretty awesome here we go I think about mash nope don't have to mash at all I like that they are I guess they are terrorists they pretty much are especially after what they did in the previous video insanity and Martin Lee was behind it the whole time somebody was in a hurry deficit minor man what hello how'd you know I'm spider-man how can you see me I mean really dull clothing oh it's a civilian hey what's up you okay obviously not you're hurt I'm okay but you gotta find mr. Standish fast those guys in the masks kidnapped him and forced him up to his place wait Greg Greg's in the penthouse top floor okay sit tight yes tow glad you're here I can't find my car he picks it back up again I didn't even know they could do that all right come here I'm using my new ability against you give me this thank you energy I think this is I thought this was Dragon's Breath for obviously not I just need to get the guys with the either shields or any of those weapons the enchanted pickaxe I they've been playing too much minecraft need to get those guys out the way first because they're harder to counter when you're in big groups whoa speak of the devil I can rip their shields off them why did I not know this I guess I do now hey hey come back here right now you punks I don't think so you're trying to get away from me I can I could not even touch the ground and I'll be fine come here got a lesson he picked up the shield that's kind of smart that's really smart actually whoa okay I'll take that I'll take that I'll take that quick ah the combo absolutely destroyed there's a lot of people down here he said to go up to the penthouse and this definitely is not the penthouse and that was the wrong way good job Spidey whoa this trying to keep my reactions on point you know every time you throw one of them buddy it's definitely gonna work in my favor and not yours so I would give up dodge that awesome need to take away as many guns as possible this guy okay wait what why are you throwing a ladder at me what even happened then that was nuts it's so cool I can do that now that's like the best thing that's what I've been trying to do for ages I thought you just forgot the controller it turns out I just needed a certain powerup right that's a do it finishing move scrap him in the jaw gun please oh wait wrong guy why are they I don't think this lad is supposed to be involved but I'll take it you know nice and this last guy should be praying come here stop picking up guns I'm done with your nonsense my goodness I thought it was gonna go all WWE on me oh no it's a thug I think I've got a finishing move though so as long as I can get him I should be fine that's all I need to do because those guys keep on giving me issues oh I forgot you can't do finishes on them can you and they're so quick to like attack I was not meant to do that get out the way get all the way oh man there's a lot going on why can't I figure out these guys I think I've just got to do that but then the other guy is attacking that's a problem Oh I need a double finisher for it and this ladder is still causing issues ah I was not meant to do that friend friends can we be friends no where are these guys all coming from there's too many of them but you know what you can take this hey anyone anymore fight a forever hey you forever uh later won't work they know I'm here now what maybe I can sneak up through the elevator shaft okay just give that a go Spidey I wish I had that strength to just be like I'm coming through it should be able to make it up to the penthouse from here done Anna I'm a budget which is you so if I get closer I can take him out oh no oh no I think he's gonna get crushed by the elevator hahaha I'm just gonna sneak up to the top and it's gonna go you don't know where I am and you know me I like a good vent so let's go up here okay how many times we've been in events someone go through and cat-like calculate it please I need to get to shall the light you're in a negative suit what else rule cruel oh I see there's like spotlights we should be able to get up here they kind of shoot around corners unless says hatches opposite that could be a problem yeah I think we're gonna be okay how did the guy that below me spot me unless they leaned out they can't really see can they come on you need to move someone call that floor and he's get out of here easy mode how high is this this would be a really tool building as well so yeah I do need to be careful building yep that's what I exactly was just saying this is wait what hold on there's always got to be Rockets involved ah goodness bring molotovs down here no get up get up spider bad geez I just lost so much progress all because your sticky feet became unsticky all right let's go go straight up I got no time to mess around buddy hello that's why I just like to just keep it chill can you just go in the vent please thank you did we make it I think we made it we're good again the stealth missions aren't gonna be few hot with this outfit but I don't mind I think that's what we're gonna be hit with any like now there Standish okay now what enter your password if that was me I'd be like I don't know I was that hello legit like not be able to remember it right I need me webs I'm gonna shoot one over the eros maybe I should take him out and I'm gonna grab you go to sleep go to sleep um probably shouldn't be up here should I down here even I should be up there maybe not this is fully a fully fully glowing suit so oh no I'm gonna be in big trouble if they catch me I keep again the spider-man can stick to walls I know that's ridiculous let's take it off oh you know what you guys suck come here there we go much better you noticed me now didn't you if ye go up here will they still see me yep I think they still see me we have to bring you up here buddy all right you can take a focus to the face I love that one again that's my favorite one by far especially with the negative suit on that's sick hey that's what our work is for oh no okay yep definitely should have planned this a little bit better pink comes my man over here oh my god that's why I thought I could no I'm going over here quick he is insane actually insane I have messed this up properly guys this is like exactly what I did last time as well it's fine when they've got the normal people who when they bring out the Brutes we're in trouble go do one more oh why do you do that to the guy who's already on the floor are you mad okay dodge that I would like your enchanted pickaxe please oh I just dodged you man I need to like switch sides I told you these missions will not be good they've actually left the other guy behind and so much dajin to be done especially from this guy I thought I whipped up I can't even see I can't even see this is bad news can they get me up here what can I use let's try a web bomb yeah what is hitting me now yeah he's using desperately stay in the air as much as possible now choose my focus okay I think we're good I'm like attacking the wrong people that's not what I want No why do I struggle with a brute so much there we go we have to tug him first get out of here I would like this there we go as long as I'm dodging this guy I'm goods and then I can whip them up like this whip them up a nice treats joiner come over dinner later no I didn't think so okay all clear okay this is all right that was a little bit more intense than it needed to be again stealth isn't my thing but we seem to be doing okay blew this hotel this apartment this man's gonna be so angry swordsmen of vulnerable after they attack dodge terror attacks then counter-attack oh nice okay yeah that's easier said than done I see so they put so much effort into their attack that we can just like punch him in the face see how quick that was they are fast I mean that wasn't funny it was funny you guys evil get out of here no more brutes please I can deal with everyone but the bruise it's easy to dodge gunfire it's not easy to dodge a huge man who's like really putting the hurt on you now I've got multiples at the same time I've got you thank you I need you out of here as well I could have finished him actually but I think I'm good didn't even need it can I just go in please so rude so rude let's go I want to see what's going on here it's safe now what were they after just financial records so this is your house Devil's breath how do you know about that why do they want it I don't even know what it is mr. Osborn's been pouring money into it for years but he keeps the whole project a secret I'm the only one who has any record of it not anymore looks like they copied some records to a secure server payroll information on a dr. Isaac Delaney who is he hi I honestly don't know these guys are insane oh this guy's insurance come on come on [Music] No man we save this guy's life desperately how is he pulling quicker than us come on come on you can do this why do you need to die I wonder if you can fail these for the game still continue you're okay make sense yeah you think so good good you know those elevator shafts go this is pretty nice nor the falling flaming rocks though that's not the not the best idea oh my goodness this has been a lot of fighting oh look how shiny he looks it was so good hey Yuri you okay yeah but I didn't get much out of Standish before these sable guys stepped in and told me to back off what's the deal I get the sense all they care about is keeping him quiet because he knows about Devil's breath right whatever the hell that is I'm working on that I think I just got a lead a lead you sound like a cop don't you mean spider cops got that stop that Yuri yeah it's fair you deserve to that definitely I was just about to say the same thing me in spite of - uh channel level he's safe they were looking for a name you got a pen yes dr. Isaac Delaney okay what's his deal I was hoping you could tell me I'm on it just give me a few oh and before I forget what's that tracker from tombstones at my place all drama did dr. Octavius his labs find on Delaney I'm sure I recognize that name have we not heard of that name already in this some in this gaem issac Delaney it sounds really familiar maybe not maybe I'm just dreaming it I need to get the tower for this actually so let's go and grab that while awaiting the next story mission I'll see you guys in a second hope some kids science project stays school projects are so much easier than real life projects man I go up in some kind of criminal activity just then I'll trying to dodge it so badly but they kept on going the same route as me but it looks like we've got another story mission let's go wait what is this hmm looks military great weird spider-man you know you found one of my recon points who is this wrong question yeah the correct one is can you stop the bombs I planted mystery man's got recon points spread all over the city what is going on I definitely recognize him though again my superior knowledge is terrible with this oh I've done one of these right or I've done something similar it's kind of like what we did before we get challenge tokens for those looks like I thought we had a new suit but we don't what do their challenge tokens do though we actually have enough for this electrically insulated suit to have more gadgets as well no more gadgets new skill points we have just one swing kick when I'll knock over shield enemies I want to learn how to do that where is swing kick just hold square hold square while in the add swing kick an enemy I need to definitely use that more should we do one of these just to see what it's about who's tracking bombs around the district and they're about to go off I got a move so I think we gotta wait for our next story mission anyway so let's do it oh my goodness gotta be quite fresh herbs could go off any second press l1 r1 to dispose of bombs while in range okay here we go we just throw them what hey nice so no one hears is oh man this is nuts I need to get up top quick spider-man gang started swinging is so difficult but when you get going your Goods got one more no two more this should be fine right when you've got top up top spider-man I don't when you go in swimming again please buddy it's down here somewhere and then we can muffle it as well so we need to remember that - there it is pretty nice right one more let's go Spidey what are you doing nope come on getting started so annoying I try to do those all the time I keep missing there we go so I don't think he can grab on too much here that's the problem oh these poles yeah these poles aren't too bad no this way there we go ten seconds ten seconds can you do it even faster than that then you can get twelve thousand score sixteen thousand as well mad I was slow is your client wasted their money sometimes informations that guy's creepy MJ what did you find out about Isaac Delaney which one is d'Alene Watts good thing I already have a costume keep it it's true is he just actually gonna rock up a spider-man you could do that because no one will know until Webb stopped firing out of your wrists but good disguise is almost not a disguise at the same time super weird right let's go this party I think one of them was dressed up as one of those super villains I think he's called Chaka or electro something like that though we've already fought Chaka it must be electro don't be the fish bowl on his head and still has electric attacks man let's go see this party this could be this could be lit did anyone order a spider-man impersonator that's me I've arrived I only take payments in $100 bills multiple of them as well this is sound it sounds intense oh there we go oh this is its sake Halloween party yeah look that's another one change its pandas what is happening this is the way it is part of our disease dressed as one of my greatest surprise let's find out which one yeah there's a skull trooper nice there's a a there are spider bros but these ones might not be in a capacity or shape to be able to help me out apologies right let's go and find its gonna find our friends / foes and see what's going down yeah look at this guy he could easily easily be the real guy yep that's me but I was I was gonna say it could be him but he's wearing ugg boots and pants so dr. Delany is here somewhere I have to find him before Lee does not quite professional enough for me not on my level anyway hey you are the worst spider-man I've ever seen spider bro you suck I would prefer this than the robot oh that would be cool hey who's this mrs. area that's it that's thing bum no smoke run away what are you doing hey what's wrong with you I worked on that helmet for a week guts it I need to find dr. Delany he's out in the party somewhere who are you I'm your friendly neighborhood spider-man yeah it's Pete and now I'm stuck in a mirror maze despite those like mirrors actually has the worst mirror maze I've ever seen you go straight to the end oh that might be him [Applause] these guys are insane I kind of dig at the same time that guy throwing down candy could be dr. Delany I know I can't use my spider powers my do I just use them a minute ago so I don't know why it's such a sticky use my webs oh yeah boy nice I'm looking for Isaac Delaney I think he's on the dance floor there is lizard in the lab coat oh yeah he's from the the first is from the most recent not the most recent spider-man film which one is it the third one I'm not too sure wait the amazing spider-man 2 he might be from that I can remember I watched both of them like the law know what's good what's the matter spider will you afraid of my mighty what are you doing get off me get out of my face you need a wreck good life screaming it that's amazing make sure you read your bits out buddy get all those sub some views you got this and a knock off or I know go in my way at least I can use my um spider-man powers now let's go I love the party though the aesthetics and stuff that's cool why did no one tell me it was Halloween just tell me what you they can get away with their costumes too right those aren't real guns back now oh stop let him go see no one's gonna be able to tell what's going on yeah does it all looks fake it could be fake because of oh no but yeah because of the party anyone could be anyone okay last night I'm good oh it's a whip guy what do I have to use against whips I can believe for God you don't go in the air I use this nope okay is this gonna whip me take that I hate the whip guys we're good nope we're not good quick get them again oh we dodged sneaky I need to use I think it's these okay maybe not maybe not what can I use impact web spider drone I think he gets rid of all of them though so what can I actually do just dodge and then try again yeah it must have to be dodged and then wait until you can't attack anymore yeah there we go sweep I had so much trouble with them nobody okay what am i happy Halloween there must be events there we go should we go vent man none of this spider-man nonsense is all about vent man it's bad you know guys I've been slain what are you guys doing I'm just gonna go down here this is take these guys out easy mode are they calling for backup I don't think so before defending themselves they're just like coming straight in for the backup you need to you know defend yourself come here why do I always attack the wrong guy he's gonna pick up his sword again where his pickaxe sorry oh that's gonna hurt just gonna hurt more get them I'm gonna finish you just cuz you're annoying me I probably should have used that for health actually but hey that's fine I always did it that's the swing that I need to use more I guess he's got like an automatic weapon that's the stuff I don't know where this is gonna go into the wall where'd they take the lane might they go where they go where they go I'm sure we've heard of Delaney already but I'm not sure why am i given one of the documents before or I've just heard from him in general or not what's going on then I need to get round all this crazy oh there is where they take anybody ever a spider that's a black widow though that would be a cool outfit like a black widow inspired one but for now it with me I mean it just goes so well with all the crawling mechanics server room spookiest of places no one knows how to fix it who are you you recently began working with someone in an Oscorp lab there is okay how do you know that we don't have much time Isaac tell me his name - dude we match those overly whoa apparently the shows not over did he SAP his energy my goodness you're expensive those are you going down yeah he feeds off the negative energy named dr. Morgan Michaels no no no no thank you oh oh we're gonna have to take down the guy we're trying to save no no dudes definitely didn't save him and he was half lizard this does look cool with the negative suit actually looks sick and now I can use the server's against them as well now I've got my favorite new move as well look at that incredible Welles can I throw it you guys huh let's try this because also I've got that I've got that ability where it comes in and every time it swings round it is damage which I think I mentioned last time so much better all right where's everyone else Oh No take that I need to fill up both bars to be able to do a finisher on him oh no no no leave me alone leave me alone stop it and I'm not gonna heal I'm just gonna try and get this I need it I need I can't even see why can't I finish him why can't I finish him I can now could use a peach other are you good I didn't use it I you I must have used the electric web I completely forgot about that that's all of them dude he got absolutely oh jeez I need some more health oh I definitely choose my gadgets more electric webs cool but it doesn't affect some of the enemies that I'm trying to trying to take down with it and I'm struggling with but I have to remember Electric web works really really well on the Brutes because those the ones that they punch really hard but also really fast at the same time four hits I think kills you from full health and they do three in quick succession we had sort of spies that you can use almost any one to be negative dude it's causing a brawl no no no no let's not do this that's like a fate you I know as well if only you knew Martin Lee is bony you knew that guy again is he actually called like mr. negative do I have to take with these guys out let's use maybe this will work better yeah there we go there's so many though it's like fate Spider Man and everything let's go down oh that was me that wasn't many of their finisher dude he dodges everything okay that's a problem I'm gonna try another one of these cuz this did actually take him down last time it didn't explode why did it not explode are we good electric where yes that's the stuff believe me take the pumpkin as well I love it when it just catches them off guard get off the ground buddy fight me like a man huh you get you're not so big now ha the electro web is sick why am i up here I want to fight this guy alright he's just out of frame I think we good though dude smashed it smashed him with all of these Halloween costumes he could definitely just create shrieking harpy yeah that's me I'll explain later but right now you need to find it dr. Morgan Michaels Martin Lee's coming after in it she's getting really intense back to school that was close dr. Michaels I think he's the head scientist on this Devil's breath project did you find him but they won't tell me where I thought you guys were working together okay I have an idea on how to find him I'll let you know if it works Kevin ease find this doctor it's all about this dragon breath it's dragon breath in Game of Thrones no this dragon glass it must be a similar thing though except dragons don't actually exist in this blood I don't think so anyway what happened we corrupted him and made him kill himself we'll before Delaney died he gave Lee a name Morgan Michael Morgan Michael's not sure but I bet he works on The Devil's breath project if you learned anything from that Devil strenth file from regulator's secret lab for Devil's breath it's as dangerous as we think it is I can see why where's the love that's not in the file for me Fitz destroy all records of it all I have our invoices from Osborne's personal account to Fitz construction knowing Fisk he kept the invoices around for blackmail material on the mayor everything leads back to Norman Osborn this it's time to pay him a visit I doubt he's gonna tell you anything was it planning to ask okay what are we doing here so Fisk and Norman Osborn are in cahoots let's see that was a fail yeah you didn't see that you didn't see that is fine went smoothly okay that's how I can get into Norman's office can't get in there without shutting down some security systems but if they see me they'll put the whole place on lockdown I should be able to hack into the security network modules from the outside okay you just gonna go in you're not doing anything bad right no until they actually find us oh you want scope there should be ought to access it from here right Dara the network cables okay just need to follow them to the security module I see I see I need to use his odd three a little bit more often it's really helpful to rafters up there we go a security module looks like there's four of these around the building he's just hacking it on his see what foe now or is he literally just doing it with his hand that's kind of cool how is it possible Team Alpha standing by a cylindrical problem copy that keep an eye on the exterior while we try to track down the issue just what I thought it would be easy no find the next one yeah this is bad they got snipers on us as well I mean to be super careful I don't know face yeah extends by itself that's good oh no oh you know me and snipers in this game so far hasn't been the smoothest of relationships but you never know these ones are blue the other ones were red copy that continuing exterior sweep you know doing a good job that some of the bright glowing seers the second module big spotlight aiding Delta protocol everybody's got rows these days man this is so cool I don't know we're evaluating get out the way got the way that was close I almost fell off the entire building more modules two more we plan to get in the office I think that's our goal right skating around the corners takes a little bit of a while and kind of changes the camera there's a small possibility we have a trespasser on sites get it now stay vigilant copy that control got'em there it is spider-man is using a stocky gyroscope I love a big control burden bound oh my god how can they not find me with this oh man this is this is gonna be world trick am a little busy right now okay just don't do anything crazy he says on the side of the building and I find that last module okay please stop following me I thought the helicopter was gonna get me then but I think we're good well okay maybe not I'm just gonna run almost ran straight into another sniper but I think we're okay here's the last one hacking hacking hacking we're good nice soon I can get into Norman's office and hopefully find out more about Morgan Michael they're like right and they don't a glowing suit is hilarious mr. Osborn the middle of an important cold keep tracking we need him as a vent stay I won't do it anymore all right where do we need to head to now just find the office yeah switching to a secure line I'm Way ahead of you Wilson I had my people go through all your files to expose our business arrangement it'll be your word against mine oh and I'm not the one behind bars right now wait it's Norman talking to Wilson Fisk yeah neo statute what are you talking about the neo statue from the auction house they must be talking about that file MJ found I was doing the moving on we do Norman but it doesn't tell us enough which is what I'm doing some slightly illegal but morally acceptable be any right now yeah you're right it's getting heat so don't be too mad Norman we know you and Fisk built a secret Devil's breath lab but we still don't know where it is and what Michaels has to do with it let's hope your computer can tell us more did he leave I didn't quite check before I dropped in look at this view it's at Central Park that looks sick what is that in the middle could that be where the lab is that'd be hilarious gr 27 hmm raises us organ Michaels is the chief scientist but the location of the lab is redacted is this PowerPoint presentation I think it is called CRISPR if that actually works it could cure any genetic disease cystic fibrosis Huntington's this is crazy no and he's gonna tell us all and just what's the viral delivery mechanism and currently targets the immune system infected subjects highly contagious once the subject is exposed seven days later all 40 subjects died well that's not good creepy yeah you didn't need a picture of that I guess for a PowerPoint you do what is er 27 is Devil's breath it's designed to cure diseases but in its current form it's like a bioweapon there's always a bio weapon wasn't there a bio weapon in the amazing spider-man films when he put it into the he put it into the top in my even a bin of Oscorp again put it into a whole scope and tried to spread it into the atmosphere it's changed everyone into a lizard I'm pretty sure dr. Michaels keeps the only sample with him at all times that's why he wants him we find Michaels we find Devil's breath yep and is that does he have a suitcase handcuffed to him the entire time I'm not 100% sure but we need to look for a guy that's anchored to a suitcase or a briefcase there's not gonna be many of them in New York I hope is he gonna walk in now we're gonna have to sneak out I'm guessing that's what's gonna happen maybe not maybe we just shove ourselves outside because we shut down all the systems it's easy mode yep we're good spider spider hack okay Devil's breath I'm waiting for a phone call it's gonna be any second much coverage I should look for more towers to activate it's too quiet why is it so quiet no one gonna cool me I got no friends oh hey we got MJ MJ get busy whispering again Devil's breath wasn't designed to be a weapon it's a treatment for genetic disorders but its current form is wildly imperfect in trying to fix the body it rips it apart ah we need to locate dr. Michaels I don't trust able to contain something is deadly reach him the place is crawling with guards how are you trying to reach him oh dude sneaking into a sable compound that could go bad fast I should head up to Central Park yeah I thought so it's exactly what we looked at exactly Willa you looked at that thing in the middle from the top of Oscorp so you can kind of keep an eye on it at the same time which is good we need to find this scientist and finds luckily the only piece piece sample yeah only sample of Devil's breath this is Central Park and unfortunately this is where I'm gonna end this episode to think beyond replicating the entire utterings of our physical forms instead reach into imagination and possibility into the mind I've never heard doc this excited by a project hope he's not too excited yeah I hope not that's when people get in trouble I'm gonna get close to this so we can see it but I'm pretty sure MJ is inside and also the guy that we need is inside more important eight Devil's breath is inside so that's close but I've got Devil's breath oh there it is look that looks insane can I get one a high point I wanna go in this column there it is that's what we need to get to but guys I'm gonna end this here thank you so much for watching I'm glad you've enjoyed this series as much as I have it is so good like the story is heating up I feel like we're not getting close to the end but we're getting pretty um we're getting there I think because we've discovered what we need who's developing it who's the bad guy in here as well we've had some betrayal we've got a bio weapon which happens in a lot of superhero films but if you're excited you big fat thumbs up that we greatly appreciate it I'm gonna try and keep this as daily as I can now because I know I've skipped a few days I've got a solid chunk to be able to sit down and play this and I'm excited to see the ending so guys if you enjoyed please leave a thumbs up that greatly appreciated subscribe if you're brand new if you want to follow on with the story and other videos that I make and I'll see you guys tomorrow for the next installment of spider-man see you later [Music]
Channel: DanTDM
Views: 4,735,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dantdm, spiderman, spiderman ps4, dantdm spiderman, spiderman dantdm, thediamondminecart, minecart, no swearing, no cursing, dr trayaurus, tdm, the diamond minecart, trayaurus, grim, negative spiderman
Id: wfnLo7B3aX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 26sec (5186 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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