When You Use THREE Reapers To Fight The Final Boss in FlyOrDie.io

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we want to take that right now he's gonna kill each other first I'm probably gonna accidentally a blip Oh nope don't dive let's come this way dummy I don't think there is I'll try and Kaito I'll try and cut away we're gonna do it all again today right from the flight to level 44 already we are the majestic butterfly so this is gonna be easy what's gonna make it even easier is that I have helped today both blitz and Baron von Games are in the game with me so as soon as we hit level 44 we're gonna fight the final boss and hopefully win this time and they soon as I'm a creature that's a little bit stronger I'm gonna go and search them because they're gonna be somewhere around here not entirely sure where and it's gonna kind of be part of the Turcotte nests because I need to eat everything I can along the way without eating those two hopefully it might happen here there but I swear it's absolutely an accident I found it an impostor of me that's the first one of those I've found so I'm clearly going places Oh think of going places let me go let me go okay we're gonna hide in the cloud I think I found blitz I found a blitz it's probably the blitz I'm gonna assume it is I'm gonna follow him anyway whoever it is will this see where this goes but also still eat this cap because I do need to evolve that's better now I can play the game got a butterfly it's dead now I'm a pigeon I can definitely think of a fun cave system or it might be useful to utilize three players and as soon as I was a duck I get eaten of course because everyone hates the Ducks and that's okay cuz now I'm a blue bird which I think has a dive-bomb ability swoop yeah basically the same thing I'm maybe not gonna go for players but we'll see I always say that but then as soon as I see when I can't help but go for it it's just what I do like eat here key key key heck heck whatever it is I'm meeting him there we go you got ducks lined up and everything did I get that I'm not sure if I did know that one I did get not much experience for a fly but you know what that's fine I enjoyed eating him all the less a few acorns let me do the parrot I think I saw a baron down below and just like that I'm gonna search for frogs and pink fish I don't love diving into water as his bird but we're gonna do it yes so I can evolve once don't touch a shark whew that was really close and I got one shot at by the black bird I think I'm so used to being able to eat other things that I just kind of zone out and don't realize that most things can eat me curly I'm now a pelican now I can eat frogs and pink fish not very fun and we're back to the turkey which can at least eat some of the bugs it doesn't really have any useful player-versus-player abilities but it can still eat them if we're lucky Oh like Yoda here there we and were about just a Miata luckily it only takes a few money into the diving bird so we're gonna go jump into water and see a blitz or pair an hour here not sure what stage you're at currently but they've got to be about this my very favorite part of doing this climbing the blackbird back out of the water because I always submerge myself as deep as possible I'm gonna go take a look for the others and see what stage they're at right now unless I find a pile of food is sitting here for me then I'm definitely gonna eat it okay I'm gonna look good as a loss nothing wants to touch you off anyway so this would be fun oh he's in a little blue bird and now we're this thing which only has to e1 fish before it turns into an owl so that's not bad at all oh we got a I can't remember my powers is now well I tried to swoop at Bob here a few quick mosquitoes later and I'm a falcon but she's definitely one of the more amusing things to play is because it has that speed boost feature so if I'm chasing something I actually have a chance of you know catching it for once but I found blitz again he's a red bird okay I found Baron too they're sitting together Baron is the same thing as me I think blitz is one stage back when really cool swoop later and I'm whatever this is an eagle I can meet all sorts of things now including penguins and meat so I'm maybe gonna head to the left because I think all my business is gonna be to the left one Pelican later and I'm three-quarters of a novel pelicans are fine because they're so big if you're gonna top of them you tend to trap them pretty badly and now we're an owl so all we can eat are the things over here a snowy owl this one can be tricky for sure because this is basically where all the elbows have to go so food is pretty competitive so we're gonna hang out down near the bottom or things up top can't really see us and hopefully no bats get in here it should be the last one and now I really can't see found him again he's an owl I'll see if I can help him cuz I know when I was not always super easy to do and there's bear and he's also an owl oh the group we was hanging out though he loves tall like me for some reason I followed them into space I'm not sure where they were going but I'm always happy to adventure jomama is trying to make friends with me but I think it's a trick because those things I know have trouble killing things they're just really hard to use so he's trying to lure me yet while I'm over here I'm just gonna be penguins as I go I should level up being doing just that and boobs it's hard not to level up when things just fly into you and you eat them automatically it makes it super easy and super unexpected you struggle for like an hour to eat something then things accidentally fly into you and it's that easy we're all hawks now and we're all dealing with a bunch of very high level things in the area they always like this area I think one pig don't I'm gonna turn into a raven but you kind of fun to players but also a lot of things want to eat you you stand out in the crowd you're very dark but you can also pretty much level this up by eating the dead fish that are all over the place and penguins the left side of the map is really really busy today so I'm gonna have lots of fun with that in a few levels we're both after the same duck he's got no chance oh maybe he does I got him and we got that pigeon wasn't really worth the time to get the experience for that but we sure did it and now we get to be bats this is gonna be fun with other things in the caves over that guy lurking around he can get into caves but they can't see very far at least so this is gonna be fun I already touched the yellow one so I wish I could poison him but I'm gonna chase him out that way and I think blitz is somewhere yeah oh he almost hit him coming through the pass the problem though is we have this guy waiting up top oh he touched blitz blitz is on fire well that leaves me an opening to get out at least blitz must've eaten something good we use a little pterodactyl I'll hopefully be there soon there we go that was easy awfully I'm not trapped in here well I'm gonna make my way over to the yellow fruits on the far side of the map and hopefully blitz and Baron join me shortly I don't want to talk about it but I may have fallen into the lava you know what I'm just gonna sit and heal for a second because that took off half my health so for now all this fly to the right as a large pterodactyl because that's just gonna be a lot of fun I'll see if I find them on the way while eating snakes oh those don't give much experience anymore I've got a player's ready at this stage to get any experience I've got a turkey yep hey there's blitz he did make it into one of these and there's Baron so now we have 3 pterodactyls to work with so basically if I do that and damage things they're gonna go down to the water below me and they're not gonna like what they find down there because there's two pterodactyls down there in the water Baron made it into the depressed crepe and we shouldn't be too far behind this should do it for me now I'm a depressed grape too which is really hard to players cuz all I could do is poison things and wait and let's just made it in so we're three depressed grapes not really sure we're gonna be able to do any kind of teamwork thing here because we're just waiting for everything to get poisoned he told me through the cloud how is that fair well that's okay Aerodactyl is pretty easy to get through and I'm back in grape mode Benny here is not having a good time that should be some experience if I can get the job finished any second now and boom okay almost to the next level finally got past that thing now I get to eat some rocks move to the right eat some more rocks the easiest thing of all to hunt because no one else eats rocks just me Barun again he's one of the little bowling balls with a pitchfork so I'm a little bit behind but not too bad all I gotta do is eat some eggs I'll be right back up that's definitely not what you wanted to find hiding in the cave that could be an issue he's running around down there it's gonna be really hard to get the eggs all right the grim reaper is still hanging out somewhere nearby but at least I have vision so I can just eat some eggs really easy and I'll see him coming I don't think they have great underground vision I might be wrong and there we go as long as there's nothing waiting for me at the top of this I'll be free to drop back down okay fun I guess I'll go out the other way or it is trick him because he thinks I'm going out the other way now so I'll just go right out this exit then I'm gonna go through the teleporter at the top and go to the other side of the map looks like blitz may have had a setback not unlike myself he's about 40,000 points back now so he probably got eaten once at about this stage but the bosses are up at least this one is so if I light him on fire I can leave that's pretty good experience for this guy in fact it's almost half a level all by itself look at all the creatures here I can eat and I fire the woodpecker of course of all the things to eat look at the woodpecker I probably have to be careful with my fireballs to you I don't want to accidentally fireball blitzer barren because sometimes they just smile they obviously keep rolling so I don't think I can right now I think they're strong enough that that's not gonna happen but that is the possibility I somehow managed to level up mostly eating vultures turkeys whatever they were so I'm a Phoenix now and this is one of the easier ones because I don't have to get really close to light things on fire anymore they jump out of the water I can light them back on fire it's a never-ending circuit if you go didn't eat things to you when they're on fire you can actually lift them up and hold them out of the water how much experience you think of spiders at Phoenix 245,000 now like maybe a fifth of a level we're up to 250 7000 so about 12,000 I think if I'm reading that correctly one alligator later I'm the cosmic insect and I've got some ketchup to do on my friends that scared me but that's just blitz I thought they were totally gonna eat me but they shouldn't because it's blitz shouldn't being the word here you know the way this thing we should have a few easy things to eat and then we can move on to whatever's next I think the yellow ball that everyone else is right now well bear made all the weight a ghost already I got some catching up to do all right eating this is gonna be a big step forward I might go find another one of these over to the right because always give me almost half a level by themselves that's gonna be the quickest way to level right now even just these things are pretty big experience right now so I'm gonna eat these on the way I know there's another boss thing somewhere up here I actually just ate up and it gave me that much experience so now I'm a ghost time to go level up to the Grim Reaper looks like they're definitely ready to go take a look at the boss lurking somewhere down here I learned too that the boss doesn't regenerate health if you're in his chamber but you do though I could have soloed him although I doubt that he was hit him a bit take some damage do some damage but then this run away for a bit until I recharge rinse and repeat but with three of us here it should be pretty easy might lose one of us probably me but it's gonna be easy zombie only spawn so once in a while so it's gonna be a bit of waiting I definitely do want to kill this to press grape oh we almost had him that would have been such a big experience boost oh I got him nice pumpkin head it's definitely kind of tricky here too because usually I'm constantly swinging my scythe but with friends in the game I don't want to hit them accidentally and it's really easy to do if you're both going the opposite direction accidentally here blitz with my sight but he's chasing a dragon I don't even know where they went I lost track of both of them did they go up there's a blitz fan I could chase him towards actual blitz that would be fun kill the other Grim Reaper by kind of happy accident I not sure is particularly aggressive towards me but if I had the opportunity I was going to take it and look how much experience that gave me I went out up the 540,000 I passed blitz he was at 480 and I think I knocked that other guy all the way down to 7th so yep that one hurts it a mines hit him twice well you can do it yeah he's gonna get him I'll try and block him off got him nice yeah I've already found any DF fans yet for some reason there was one there was one yeah I saw an imposter of myself at the beginning of the game but I haven't seen him since he was murdered yeah I honestly it might have been me I kind of lost track of him and I was just kind of killing whatever you know yeah I was really worried I was gonna kill you guys along the way like I kept kind of swooping towards you guys before I realized who yeah I think at one point I took a bite out of you an accident yeah I think I probably got both of you at some point to you but you know what that's okay it happened just games man that's true so I think he's ending the win the graveyard the boss yeah yeah he's under the graveyard where we turned into the Reaper so he doesn't he he won't regen health as long as somebody's in the cave with him that's a good time we can constantly like ping-pong them back and forth ap drops I just killed a fly like how the three of us had to group up just so barren yeah you know it was really hard to hit things to the with the scythe I'll tell you that this guy's so hard to do this it takes me so long to hit anything it's really just luck at this point for me I've heard that the bigger you get the more XP harder you fall the more I don't know we get water down Oh interesting yeah have you said into flames you're good I'm wondering if we can make rotate in and out like as long as someone's in a chamber the boss shouldn't regenerate so someone could go in we can swap out we're going in you want to start now you got me once we got to be careful not to hit each other but like he's pretty easy to kite around he can hurt you by it's not too bad I'm just gonna hide away for a second I think would be okay oh oh I got a move Oh whew that was close kay I got a back way off for a sec but he's already heard like he's not gonna get that health back so and he could sit on the flames in the bottom ah I hit him twice he's scared for my life oh we got a move we want to take that right now he's gonna kill each other first I'm probably gonna accidentally a blip Oh nope don't dive let's come this way dummy I don't think there is I'll try and kind of him I'll try incredibly good I got some health to burn he's coming my way now oh really interesting he's coming back to the right I've got almost full health again I'm so worried about hitting you guys hey that works pretty good Oh nope nevermind he's moving to the right yeah see he likes to chase whoever hit him last I think yeah like an arrow thing but so far this is actually was the opportunity this is way easier than I thought it was gonna be I expected us all to die there we go I just don't do it yeah I'm so nervous about that we gonna have him we did it we've done it look how much XP you got right yeah well I moved at 1.5 million I think you've said the world record number was on the leader board I was just relieved I didn't hit one of you guys I thought for sure I was gonna get you oh that's when he responds pretty good the waiting game my favorite kind of flies to a million points yes the other like smaller bosses do actually give you a really good experience so like when you see them spawn it's worth going to kill them if you're something that can like it's great experience mission accomplished there's a pumpkin head over here we could fight us he does want to fight us he just realized he made a mistake we're in a cloud right now middle-earth sort of he went into hiding because he realized there was at least two of us he's in this crowd slowly losing water and weighing out his decisions currently I was here forever I've got no problem with that heart I'm letting him know that I love him we're like the police because he demonic vessel over the server you know what from Winston seems to be on this side of it usually I have a team of people picking on me pumpkins moving to the left he's running on water so he's starting to panic come on oh I've never killed the spider before spiders a kid one oh he doubled back up he doubled back he swung to the right he's got to be going for water soon though he might have hit a cloud but I'm not sure where he is wow you did pretty good to escape that no he's over here to the right still on the ground up near the clouds in a cloud now I'm guarding his cloud he's going for water he was going for it I'm low on water so he's definitely low on water I found him he's right here on me up the big punt what don't hit let's know he got a bit of water the bus is easy for the three of us as long as we're playing half way you know smart no I wouldn't accuse those two being competent yeah I'm like the worst dead guy ever but that's why I took three of us to I think most people probably do it as a solo but we manages three Pumpkinhead escape to the right he's got to be running again he's trying to come out he needs water he knows it yeah he's not a premium so he can he can't hide for very long Oh does that make a difference I didn't know that shooter all right guard him he's going back right okay I'm gonna try and cut him off then if he's coming this way he's on my head he's going back left he's going back to the left okay he went back into cloud he's right in this cloud yep okay cool this poor guy even if we don't even honey I'm enjoying just ruining his game a little bit touch him lightly but not hurt him oh he's going down to the right he's going for water it was self-defense really I mean we're just gonna do friends with them yeah no kidding no we know we know he's an enemy he confirmed it by attacking us his name is no so it's like excuse me sir do you want to negotiate what do you think he's gonna say no so yeah I mean it's Geneva Convention stuff really that's true that's actually like in a book that's factual yeah I don't know what no is he's not on a leaderboard anymore so I don't know if he quit or if he's just that I think we've done we've done it all never this gets an update we should do it again and kill all the bad guys solutely we're the good guys cleaning up the bad guys oh there is my friends Baba it's been fun all right they've left the game they're moving on to other things I maybe want to sit for a little bit and see if I can solo the boss so I'm gonna find a cloud to sit in see when the boss is gonna respond see if I can do that
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 664,487
Rating: 4.9381776 out of 5
Keywords: df, flyordie, dangerously, pc, funny, evolving, dangerously funny, evolution game, dangerouslyfunny, flyordie io, flyordie best evolution, flyordie.io gameplay, flyordie max level, flyrordie.io, evolution, When You Use THREE Reapers To Fight The Final Boss, tier 44, last evolution, angel of death
Id: QLvx5h-N7MA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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