I Ate The Earth And This Happened

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don't let this idiot bill you because while he may look like your mom on a Saturday night he's really only doing 4.4 damage and despite being size 100 he's only level one and can only devour 37 so we're a very fragile fish but I feel like is the poop levels up he's gonna get very strong even if he tips upside down and goes to the ground I really think the damage is gonna scale a lot as we go and not unlike real life I'm gonna enjoy eating a few things off the ground uh I actually had an eel eating me because this thing is weak it's really big but it's really weak because we're only level one but we did manage to mulch that up so there we go easy experience so clearly today it's going to be easy to get complacent and think I'm much stronger than I am because I'm way bigger than I'm supposed to be but there is level two in our Devourer size and damage went all the way up to 5.3 so in these early stages of the game despite my incredible size I need to stay way away from all the fish in the middle I need to find little ones on the outside we're gonna get really big and strong and I don't care how many turtles I have to eat to get there but for now we got to be very careful and I don't know why I swim with a limp but it's not very intimidating if I zoom in far enough I actually get an in mouth view so we can just see what's going in our mouth at all times but that would also be obnoxiously hard to play there was a little fish right here I'm trying to find it again I don't blame it for running I would be very confused if I saw this in the ocean as well for now we're gonna try and eat these little fish because this is actually a lot of experience where level two fish it's actually really hard to do this because I'm not entirely sure where like my mouth hitbox is I don't know where the fish need to be in order for me to hit them sometimes it seems really easy and sometimes like I have no idea where my mouth actually is one of the other challenges of this fish is this I keep popping out of the water because I'm so big if I try and zoom out just a little it zooms me out a mile but I'm pretty sure yep there's one of those aggressive fish right in front of me okay it's too shallow I gotta go into mouth view but I see a crab so it's going to try and Hoover that up yeah we got it there's also another little aggressive issue we're going to go after that we don't want to be a bottom Peter forever get in my mouth okay I got both of them oh that's their little spawn cave I could actually just hit him but my mouth over it and suck the fish out of it I'm putting my mouth on their hole experience gain might also be turned down a little bit because I'm only level three now and I put a lot of things in my mouth already but now that I am level 3 or damage jumped all the way up to 6.3 so that's actually pretty good and fish can't devour us I think because we are a size 116 so it would take a really big fish to devour us they can still hurt us pretty badly like one charm from any regular sized fish and we're dead especially because we can't often see what we're doing there is a stabby fish that doesn't seem that concerned by me I could go take a bite out of him I don't think they can fight back I don't know if I can catch it though it's very quick and I assume with the limp so I might have no chance of catching this thing at all in theory I could just put it in my colossal mouth but that doesn't seem to be an option and I'm not going to follow it into the center of the map or I'm gonna get sharked I found with little octopuses hang out or whatever this is maybe that's not an octopus whatever it is it's going in my mouth now we just gotta Define the rest of its family sure did had some kids around I can also eat those oh that looks expensive I don't think I can take one of those on I gotta remember that despite my size I'm really only a very weak level three fish there's also a hammerhead shark so we're not gonna go over here it's strange because despite how intimidating I look I'm like the biggest baby in the ocean anything would kill me this starfish could probably kill me if I wanted to I'm like 40 sure these things don't bite very hard so if I get a moment I'm going to give it a little nibble okay I got a good bite on it it bit me back it didn't do a lot of damage I think I can take this one on these ones strike me as something that don't do a lot of damage get in my mouth uh damage actually went up as you were biting and it settled back down to 7.4 but this might have the ability where the more we bite on something dire our damage goes and that's going to inspire me to be crazy Reckless and take on fish I should be taking on but for now I'm gonna try and eat a giant School of these because look at these all my mouth is so big that I should be able to fit those all in one go but the hitbox is I don't know where there we go I turned into them and got a whole bunch of experience went up to level five and a quarter 132 size 8.7 damage ooh mint dish shrimp those are fun get in my mouth you googly-eyed get in there okay I gave it one little nibble I think I gave it another nibble it's hard to see what's going on down there I just sort of have to believe it's getting in there and another one of these intimidating fish I think I got a bite on it and there we go bit it a few times yeah damage is going all the way up to about 20. still took a few good bites to eat it but I'm glad my damage increases we're up to 140 size so we're 40 bigger than when we started I'm a lot bigger than the hammerheads but I don't know if I'm strong enough to do this but using my bite ability oh I'm way bigger than a hammerhead uh they don't seem to be very uh aggressive towards me they did get a bite on me there but I got a bite on it and I win that battle so that gave me a lot of confidence I don't need I don't know if fish based their aggression on like if they're bigger than me or not that thing hurts a lot okay that one hurts a lot we are gonna have to eat this and not attack those again uh but I don't think they'll be very aggressive toward me just based on my size but they don't really know that I don't do like any damage at all that looks delicious also uh I'm pretty sure that one's a Megalodon so I don't know what it's doing way over here but that's horrifying and I cannot see a thing I don't know what attacked me I got the danger sound but the Megalodon is right behind me and I cannot fight that I think that's also two fairly large sharks that would both attack me and kill me and the water is pretty shallow over here so I'm gonna slowly go back the other way and hope to make the Hunts and it is moved on with his day although there are a few very small fish here they're very hard to see because I'm so big and in the way but there was 13 experience reading whatever that was I think I just saw the Megalodon as the water clipped through the camera there uh oh there's definitely something big there we're going back the other way yeah put that ocean in your mouth you stop for no one oh look a cute little crab I'll put you in my mouth 21 experience the starfish is worth more there's definitely some kind of shark in front of me we're just gonna go ahead and try and out Firepower it is this gonna work are we gonna get away with this we don't always get away with fighting sharks okay we got away with that one I'm definitely getting out of this area though as soon as I put the rest of that meat in my mouth no we just sort of pray that that thing doesn't eat me and that the Megalodon is no longer sitting right here her damage is up to 20 so we're pretty good there our health isn't that high though so anything reasonable takes a bite out of us and we're dead and sharks have all shapes hello that's a problem so I'm probably gonna have to avoid that part of the map for a little while and I've got a feast on these little baby morons for a while until I'm big enough to fight some of the bigger sharks maybe more accurately fight more the bigger sharks comfortably I can fight a lot of things but survival rate's gonna be pretty low when in doubt you spawn Camp these things this really actually is a pretty foolproof way to do this if you stay in safe areas of the map and displeased on Little Fish you can still Level Up hugely okay at level whatever level 11 is eating a bunch of little sardines that are like smaller than my eyeballs come to think of it we do actually have pretty small eyeballs we probably don't see very well mostly we just do everything by our mouth I think I found jellyfish we're gonna need a mouth for you to go ahead and eat these whatever these are those are a lot of experience but if there's one thing I really don't want to do it's going to get started be getting stuck in a cave oh look at those two fighting whoa whoa whoa that's not allowed there's no fighting in my area of the ocean get in my mouth oh that Lobster thing uh I don't not really sure where you are but I need you in my mouth resistance is futile I've got nothing but time to put things in my mouth so if you could just kind of play ball with me that would just make it easier okay yeah that's my momocha up first are you too big to get in my mouth I don't get what's happening okay well we're gonna turn into meat and then there we go 200 experience for whatever that thing was I put weirder more valuable things to my mouth before I'm also pretty lost I don't really know what part of the ocean I'm in right now so that's never really a fun feeling and I don't feel particularly stealthy given that I'm this big I'm such a big baby still but there's also these things fighting right beside me well you've got a really long neck so you can't be that dangerous you're like a giraffe so these things are kind of fighting near the surface which isn't great for me because I can't see but my damage does go up to 50. uh we're doing 69 damage to this poor thing so that's nice and we're gonna try and eat it as soon as the camera wants to chill out well it's dead at least I had to go to mouth camera because I cannot see anytime I get near the surface we're going to cheer you into bite-sized uh pieces which seems odd considering how big my mouth is you're already in there but you know what whatever just get in there I let's not think too hard about this that was a lot of experience I don't know if I could have fought that thing all by myself uh I definitely don't want to bite that thing over there though mouth view this way we did jump up to level 16 though so whatever that was gave a lot of experience I think that's a Megalodon so we're gonna go this way I've definitely not put one of those in my mouth those are so rare what are you doing near the surface oh and there's also a tadpole thing oh that's what he's doing he's eating other idiots so let's uh see if we can get a bit of a better view of what's happening I hear you I don't see you did it hit it accidentally I might have I also got distracted by whale shark so now what do you say I know where I am in the world I'm in the spot where I'm much bigger than a whale shark but not nearly as tough but I should be able to chew through one of these reasonably quick as long as my damage keeps going up like it's supposed to so I'm taking a bite out of this it gave me danger sounds but it's a whale shark let's be serious it's as intimidating as an apple they are trying to fight back I'm just trying to see when it's actually dead so I know when to stop chewing it into smaller pieces oh maybe they're both dead okay I'm getting pretty strong but I'm definitely a glass cannon at this point like I do a lot of damage I uh but I still feel like I don't have a lot of Health I guess I'm up to a thousand Health but I would get destroyed by most reasonably reasonable size sharks I've heard a danger sound but I'm so big now I don't really fit in the water here so okay got it we're gonna fight this thing then I think as long as we get a few good hits on first we could probably we just barely beat it very very barely my Devourer size up to 158 so I think I can mostly devour most fish in the ocean so I'm gonna go over here uh away from the Sharks because sharks will still kill me can you get in my mouth can I eat you yet okay we're gonna go ahead and take a bite out of you and that's gonna do it that's better and I found a deep spot in the ocean again so we're gonna go with this sort of a hybrid Vision I don't even know how I got here suddenly yeah the bloop obviously scales really really quickly like I already can't fit in the ocean and I'm only level 33 but that's definitely not good enough for me we need to be bigger and stronger we've got megalodons another big weirdos to fight so this little guy is going to be my next victim as soon as he wants to try and play ball also using you're already here oh perfect two for one okay you're dead and you're dead gotcha there's another fight going on I can see it using my mouth Vision the shark was a clear winner there but I am about to be a clear winner over the shark you might even try to be run for me oh there's two of you good I'll get double the kills you two hits gun and whatever you are is smaller shark whatever get in my mouth there's a shark chasing a dangerous fish up here when we started either these would have absolutely destroyed me that's it swim into my mouth I'll save you that was mine you idiot give me that oh you tried to fight me you're not scared of me this fish is though well not anymore I guess but he was let's try and give you some kind of scale of how big I already am uh basically that I don't fit in the ocean anymore that's why I have to use milkfish it but if we go over there towards the icicles which feels like like three lengths away we'll get some uh orcas and adorable Penguins I don't know what I ate that gave me so many levels but I am level 37 already I kind of missed when the big jump happened but it might be this been as soon as I started eating sharks because I assume these are pretty big experience because they're supposed to be pretty dangerous but if I'm the danger now pretty sure I haven't eaten one of these I always forget these are over here but these are probably pretty safe to eat I don't think they do a lot of damage for their size probably not as much as me at least I'm not really sure how well I'm gonna fit in the icy Zone but I see the big like King whale thing pretty sure this is about the second biggest idiot on the map so we're gonna have a bite off here and he did take off a third of my help in one hit so he will kill me if he gets a jump on me which he might because well I'm in mouth view okay I ran into him again I feel like we might have a problem where he's just gonna spawn in her face continually but that time he only took up a fifth of our health so all the experience we got from a made is much stronger we're up to 3000 HP I want to get out of his Zone though because I don't want to be endlessly ambushed by him that's it dummy come into the fish it's a thousand times bigger than you that's very wise and got him yeah I'm getting away from this that's gonna get really annoying and he will eventually kill me we are Level 51 our size is 650 and at the rate this fish scales uh yeah it's definitely going to be the biggest fish I've ever used in this game we're already as big as the Ice Zone itself that's definitely not something you want to see sticky out of the ocean when you're out kayaking I can't remember if I actually managed to put one of these in my mouth I think this one's a dolphin whatever the case is now digested what I really need to do is make my way to the other side of the map because there's other high-end fish over there that's like the super danger zone I normally avoid there until I'm this big ooh a Merlin I can see it over there in the shadows probably won't be able to catch that because I'm not a very efficient swimmer these two are on the other hand will get in my mouth pretty sure I can just absorb both of them no if I can bite one of them to death that's for sure oh good I found the crocodile thing this is also one of the big fish on the map it is pretty big I'm obviously bigger but like as far as normal fish go that would be intimidating come on there it is he tried to attack me he still strong wow that's a really strong fish I didn't realize those are so big that's I'm gonna have to watch out for where he responds because he can probably still kill me I really already am level 56. I'm so big that I actually keep scaring myself in the bottom of my mouth shows up in the lower right I think it's a giant fish coming towards me probably exactly what this poor thing is feeling right now get a little bit closer we'll absorb that and whatever these little things are didn't have to I just wanted to there's some dark blurry shapes in the distance we're naturally going to put those in our mouth that looks like a whale shark being attacked by one of the uh giraffe things I'll go ahead and referee the situation I am going to absorb uh well both of them actually I can actually absorb a whale shark and just by breathing think I might have got turned around because I don't think I'm supposed to see those fish where I wanted to go I've circled back to where the whales sharks are now so I know where I am I'm just confused just how I got here but when you're the fish the size of the ocean you're kind of just gonna wind up where you wind up our damage is up to 1372 I'm pretty sure the Megalodons is like 2500 though so I think if I fight him he will kill me in two hits and I think he's a lot faster than me so we've got just a little bit more fish deep before we're gonna go with this is the danger side of the map that's why there's these two fighting the bunch of sharks down there and then that thing also that other thing up there you're just surrounded by danger here I think I get the size to be able to deal with everything though I can just kind of go like this oh they're cute sharks I forgot about those well look who it is well since he's right here we're gonna have to go for it because he's gonna go for us uh he is distracted oh no he's not got him got him got him got him okay what hello you can also die okay we defeated the Megalodon uh we took our chance and we went for it pretty sure he did buy this once though so his damage wasn't as bad as I thought but that's a relief because I didn't want to have to reset this the game's obviously not loving what I'm doing oh is this your spawn location you just spawned in right here where were your friends well that's fine I didn't want to suck you up anymore anyway I'd move around to whale sharks I'm pretty sure actually with the fish that's this big that scale is this big uh he will get so big he might actually take up the entire ocean uh because as it is I'm still getting bigger and I'm only level 66. like I zoomed out and this is my mouth it looks like the open ocean but we're inside my mouth and this actually works out really well because normally when you're this big you really can't see your fish can't maneuver and you can't see because everything's just in the way of everything but because of this metal view we actually have the unique ability to do this I more or less at the point where I just need to hold down right click to turn eat things because it's getting hard to see and I it's hard to tell where my like eating zone is I messed with the camera a little bit and I'm not entirely sure how we got here but I'm gonna take it because look how good this vision is finally now I can really see the targets I'm trying to eat and we're back in the danger zone but that just means good experience for us and I think this area is going to be some really good experience for me well there's the fog of the water back I'm not sure what that's about well we have some intermittent water fog we'll just have to make the best of that because I'm really breaking a game at this point and there's the big dummy again so we'll see if we can spawn the campaign for a minute because that's easy experience to make us real big yep that's it come toward me can I oh I can't actually devour you you do hurt when you bite me but I hurt you more look how much bigger we are than that thing he looks so small in there now and that's normally a colossal size fish we're just you know bigger okay we gotta deserves into a position where we can sort of Spawn Camp him because he's just gonna spawn somewhere right here in our face we can eat them we're already up to level 75 every time we eat them we get a few levels which means we get bigger and stronger he still tied to attack me though ladies turn him into a meat explosion every time he tries what I what now is to try and find the Megalodon because we're getting pretty big we are just about the size of the ocean at this point and we still got a little ways to go my mouth is literally bigger than the ocean it goes into the ground at the bottom and above the water at the top there's our good friend the Megalodon I don't know if her mouth even works at this point to be honest I can't tell where it is because I don't know like where we are he started just going through us at this point he doesn't care anymore or he doesn't even realize that he's currently inside of me because I'm so big it just seems like the ocean but if you've ever wondered how big the bloop gets it's something like this okay another 25 levels made me way bigger that was just 25 levels this is uh 1574 size uh We've turned blue but we know 1874 size I think in total we're definitely much bigger than the map yeah I'm pretty sure we sufficiently broken the game at this point pretty much half the map is in my mouth at any one time and if we move forward the whole map will be in there so I went ahead and added another 50 levels to our size we had to scroll out for a few minutes to get here yes uh the map size is roughly the size of like our forehead now we've got the whole world in our mouth basically you can actually see the Megalodon in there it's like the tenth of the size of one of my eyes 2500 size currently I think it maxes out to 3 000 so we can actually still get bigger or maybe the bloop doesn't have a size limit it because it's a custom fish it might work around the regular constraints of the game and I don't know we are now 4200 size I can't really find the world anymore I don't know if we swam away from it or it's inside of us uh we just broke everything entirely but then what happens if we had another 250 we still get bigger 250 levels at a time oh we might have hit something of a maximum now maybe we're still growing what's our size 5 000 oh yeah 5000 is the limit but the world is definitely like the size of one of our particles at this point okay broke the game that's all bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 434,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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