Crankworx Whistler - 100% Dual Slalom Whistler Broadcast

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thank you obviously the champ last year on this very similar course but it's identical course to where he was racing earlier on last week in the dual speed and style all they did is crush the trick jumps but it's the same final straightaway that's the straightaway where he crashed but he was looking stronger than anybody into all speed and style Whitney yeah that he is I mean the conditions are a lot looser tonight so it's gonna be interesting to see how many mistakes on these riders make well there was a look at who we have bracketed up together for the round of 16 the pro women the pro men this is 100% dual slalom and it starts right now it's not this amount like festival now like this is getting bigger and bigger it's one of the biggest things that has happened to the school in the last 10 years [Music] the visor is what really makes the finale [Music] [Applause] [Music] dual slalom we know it we love it it's one of the longest standing forms of gravity competition out here head-to-head racing doesn't get any more pure than this and it's always interesting to see what kind of bikes the riders choose Michaela Gatto was analyzing what kind of bikes are doing well out there and she had this to say so one guys bike that I've been looking at all evening here is Marcelo Gutierrez a guy that usually races downhill on garbonzo on a giant glory but he switched it up for the dual slalom and is now riding a giant anthem which is actually a cross-country bike the only thing is he has switched the front forks for a 150 mil so that's gonna make the front end weigh slacker they keep the rear end at 110 which is going to keep it really stiff and really responsive in those flat turns and make it nice and snappy out of the burbs thanks Micaela some things never change it seems like even back in the day people were modifying bikes from different realms to suit dual slalom well 2018 not exactly the season that Adrian laronne was hoping for after a season that you couldn't ask for a better one last year 2017 king of Crankworx he started off in Rotorua this year he's going up against Kyle Strait and had some troubles didn't you Andrew but that he did I mean it's always gonna be difficult to pack up a season like he did lost yet but we didn't expect this from him an unforced error there in the pom track and that just started what was rarely a season he wants to forget that was just a sign of things to come because later on in Austria another blunder it was at least this was in the final so he did go on to take a silhouette of adhere again really an unforced error didn't look like he was pushing too hard he just was on the wrong line then he lost to back in so last night hoping for a little bit of redemption when he didn't get it because their riddance of the unknown : Hudson he would come out and he would take out a dinar in the round of 8 so he didn't even get to the semi-finals last night so Adrian LaRon definitely a guy you expect to see in the finals despite having troubles this season and the guy next to him right there that's Austin Warren the number one qualifier out here today so this on any other day could be a final but you're looking at the first heat a round of 16 their number one qualifier Austin Warren 81 OD and 75 but good snap out the gate did so we've seen this course early in the week the dual speed and style but they have flattened off those big jump that corner they can that's gonna be one that we have to keep an eye on don't you the flat turn that gave some guys injoy speed install a problem but awesome warrant very clean and fast run hit oh man the number one qualifier leading out first round of his heat number one by one point five two now let's remind you in dual slalom racing 1.5 is typically the max differential so that's usually what you would get if you actually fell in across the finish line say ten seconds later she lost weren't putting a lot of time on Adrian laronne so it's one thing to note Austin won a little bit sluggish out the gate that he is on flat pedals though and he's making that time I've done the bottom so Adrian Lauren going to have to make up a 1.5 against your number one qualifier Austin Warren Austin just keeping things smooth it so it's also kind of daunting to know you're the number one qualifier because you really want to win at that point yeah he's probably put a bit of expectations on himself you know if you know you all the fauces out there just gonna ride some smooth races so Elliot Jackson always an exciting racer to have it a Crankworx festival he's good times on and off the bike he's been having good times here in Whistler take a look at what he's been getting up to [Music] we're here for me it's the first day of crank work Tuesday and just went and did some razoring with batsman's even very thick something I've never done in Whistler but it was really fun [Music] be kinda half though I blink stuff together like if you could be done you hit the gas too hard probably gonna like overshoot that next turn and then you know I just he'd be ruined you have a little bit and like the vas wallowing is the same like you really have to be like precise and like click the right time like all you've incinerated the speed so I really have to get into the corner at the right spot and get out of the corner at the right spot and like that precision aspect of it [Music] Racing because actually I came here so Whistler and 2008 with some friends and just loved riding down their own [Music] like I just love like dialing in like more and more and more like how can I keep it a little bit better how can I go a little bit faster tonight hit this bump or pump this thing a little bit harder and so for me like I just love the feeling there's like honking master exact wife everything about thankful Swiss where there's so many things like unique experiences like this what happens nowhere else didn't arrive with your friends getting so many different people from so many different disciplines together and it kind of also like brings you back to Whiteside it would be like just get to go and [Music] dirt merchant 100 times over and just keeps yelling and holiday and it just gets better and better [Music] yeah Elliot a little recreational driving in the guy under the guise of dual slalom practice good to see him enjoying his time out here so much fun to be had in Whistler but right now it's all about racing Marcello Gutierrez on the Left Eliot Jackson on the right side of your screen yeah so the front lovin Aelia Texan against his own teammate Mozilla on our Daniel bikes identical setup so there is no claim in machine iya this is all up to the rider see if Elliot has learned anything from his time on the seat of that razor yeah coming from a two-wheel motocross background so he knows a thing or two about motorised vehicles while sailor will take the advantage 0.63 going into that neck seat so guys at home remember we're gonna rack these guys they're gonna switch lanes and they're gonna go against each other a game so taking a look what do you think about the white side and the black side is there any any obvious fast line here yeah well the problem is that inside lane the one Elliot when you're on the black line back inside flat turn is probably more tricky than on the wide engine that's gonna come play a factor late in these races four point six three differential there Marcelo Gutierrez with the advantage Elliot Jackson and after Channel all he learned from ripping around on those razor cars we talked about the king of Crankworx earlier take a look at who we have in the gate on the left side rear screen right now that's a guy who has worn the crown in the past Andrew talk us through what it takes to earn that crown well we've got full stops we've got up to 30 veins said you can participate in two mass points and $20,000 will go to the winner but also $5,000 goes for third here's a man who's in the running for that $5,000 Keegan right currently sitting in the third spot but only by 25 points Adrian laronne is breathing down his neck so every position matters here in the overall hunt Bernard Kerr on the left side her screen Keegan right on the right a full McKean tank you qualified ahead of Keegan right so Keegan writes really good effectiveness lay it all on the line as well doing trying to keep that third place in the kingfish so Burnett cook on the Y plane Keegan right here on the trickier black lanes we see most of the winds come from this white line but also these are the foster qualifiers they are all bracketed on this white land he's gonna take that lead against keeping right one second so Bernard Kerr showing why he was the king of Crankworx just a couple years ago he can write gonna have to make up a second take a look at our round of 16 brackets we've had three runs so far those names that are lit up in yellow what does that mean Andrew well they're gonna take advantage would ruin the guys at home we're gonna throw them back to the top they're gonna switch lanes and they go to duke it out again well take a look at that man wearing all red that's Barry Nobles a fierce competitor he was competing in dual speed and style early on in the festival and he was going for broke to say the least that he was this is the first heat against Sam Reynolds first run oh my goodness that is a huge crash what's more cool than one double backflip well trying double backflip twice unfortunately neither those attempts coming out but Barry Noble is definitely living by the motto double or nothing and I talked to Bassam and Steenburgen earlier he said well I'm going up against Barry Nobles in my first round and I know he's gonna pull out all the stops and do whatever it takes to beat me so I have to be on my game while so huge snapped it from Barry Nell with no surprise from the BMX back on they'll know big jumps for double flips in this form of racing bass fans teaming up on a custom geometry bike and Hyper's mates and they will be putting that into production strong through that flat corner format very good we know he's on the slow you just got to keep Barry as honest as he can Wow he's attacking down to the finish I'll fast looking so strong despite being point eight three behind Barry Nobel's as you mentioned he was on the slower course so that's definitely manageable once they switched sides so dual slalom format take a look at these brackets the names lit up in yellow have the advantage the way dual slalom works we'll get our riders back up to the top of the course we'll switch sides you have to beat your opponent by more than they beat you by we still have four heats to go in this round of sixteen in the men's category of the 100% dual slalom don't go away we're trying to make a drivetrain that works better introduce the all-new SRAM GX evil drivetrain no matter what kind of rider you are or the kind of terrain you might ride eagle is simply the best GX e will drive trains have a range of gears that rival or flat-out eat most to buy systems engineered in Germany made for the world this is GX eagle [Music] [Music] 100% has always been racing Americana we are a part of iconic moments that have built the roots and history of what is modern motocross today we are anchored in mountain biking Road Cycling courses and BMX tracks 100% is inspiring a whole new generation of racers and asking them our original tagline how much effort do you give Crankworx is stoked to be associated with DOS CA your entertainment fix [Music] and we are stoked to be right in the middle we'll slalom racing it's a 100% dual slalom we're in the middle of Round of sixteen for the men right now for more heats to go of run number one in the round of sixteen and take a look at the guy on the left we're really excited to have him racing here right now because he had a big tumble earlier on that he did I somehow was actually coming in after a downhill lap alongside him when that crash happened and it was a rendus I'm so glad he's okay pretty we missed him in pump truck but he's here in slalom it's our reigning champ from last year Thomas loving never account out Thomas Slovak even if he has a big crash he'll shake it off get back up there in the gate right now he's got to get past Karen McKinnon the Thomas loving false out the gate former wolf Cup and world champion full cross racer to Kieran no more for his downhill skill sets coming over six in the US Open which is no mean feat they're so clean through that flat turn but man it is a bit sluggish on the black lane so this is where the crash happened Thomas Slovak is incredibly foster may be riding up a tentative here in these early rounds today that's no surprise after good sometimes Thomas Slovak looked tentative it but it's just because he's so incredibly smooth right there easily putting one point zero nine seconds so I'm kidding with CNF yeah big snap they out of the gate but that's no surprise I mean this is a powerhouse former World Cup full cross champion so he was doing double double there in the jewel suite and stuff opting not to do that but we'll see if he brings that up in the later rounds ignorance is bliss you can ride really fast for a section until you realize why nobody else is doing it then you might think twice but Thomas Slovak looking to be back up to speed now putting over a second on Karen MacKinnon but back up to the top our next heat Aussie Aussie oi oi oi Graham mud on the left side err screen Conor fear and on the right only one Aussie can survive out of this bracket who's gonna be well both will cut down in this Kona Ferran wanted out there in the World Cup circuit but man if anyone can turn a bike it's this man right here on a ferry so let's see how he is inside that was fast no surprise there on the flat pedals and man if anyone has ripped ties or agreements this man Conor Ferran needs to keep it together yeah keep Graham honors the grain we'll take the advantage that what we can see to 0.97 that is the Foster Lane near the grandmas on well what we're typically seeing here is being on that riders left side of the course as long as you can stay within a second it seems to be typically the gaps we see from these riders who are looking to be going a similar speed so it's gonna be really interesting once we get them back up to the top and switch sides but this next heat is super interesting we have Luca commedy a rider who races for a living travels all over the world he's already had a podium at a Crankworx event earlier on in the season going up against leer Miller the guy on the right side of your screen if you don't remember that name from any of our previous Crankworx broadcast it's because he's got a side job as well taking a look at this Lera Miller is a photographer he also does some video work but he also is a wedding photographer and as you can see mountain bike racing isn't the only dangerous thing this guy does for a living this photo is not safe no it's none looks like an old rampage site there so Lera Miller big smile on his face finding himself in the round of sixteen very impressive already it's going to be even more impressive if he can eliminate Luka committee Luka on the left hand side of your screen this is near on the right the seventh a squad of I visited well but if it's stumbled out of the gate if Illya Luka committee hot out the gates on your white track on the white track on the easier and the fast attractive lien needs to put down the power here I can sit you hoping to be within about a one-second margin young you should have something you can do in the mixed team one point for whites he's got his work cut out come in annex run Luka committee will illuminate his name in yellow on our brackets having the advantage going into their second run of the round of sixteen but Leo Miller excited to be here and anything can happen once they get back up to the top of the course at the top of that course right now we've got our next heat loaded up in the gate looks like Kyle straight on the right side of your screen going up against Iago Garre from the Enduro World Series SoCal stray qualifying in second position he also has a shout if all things go his way but possibly to jump into that stage footer bikini crank which ones he Kyle Strait known as one of the better slalom races at immigration nice oh man hey go flying then but Kyle Strait almost Nick and Nick so that's the closest we've seen between these two lanes so Kyle Strait pushing hard get to the phase can he even do it hey come on that is a big run from cosmic kind of Maria having the advantage out of that round from the black side beating Yago gray by 0.15 this guy is a force to be reckoned with in dual slalom last year he was fourth here he made it to the consolation round second place in row to row already this year in third place in Lachey Wow Kyle Strait huge commitment here in that pit Wow SoCal straight I mean like we said he grew up racing this format he's also got a slalom track in his training ground of them what is this training on cool game straight acres straight acres yeah so I've seen it all over the instagrams and all that so man at 50 paying off via Kyle Street qualifying second today second behind Austin Warren a rider he trains with they live in a similar area so that straight acre has really proven to be an effective training ground for dual slalom racing while speaking of Austin Warren he's on the right side of your screen right now going up against a guy we all know Adrian laronne and if this seems familiar to you maybe you were tuned in last night during pumptrack that's an agent of their own this is lost night not even 24 hours ago not having the season you want to bother had a great qualifying here in pumptrack this is one of the earlier rounds we'll see so these guys have matched up before but Adrian would go out to take bubble Warren out there so bubble Warren got some Redemption here he's with the lead 1.5 second up so as you see on the screen a drooler on on the lift austin warrant on the right Austin with advantage 1.5 seconds this needs to keep we're gonna buy campus Oh of age alone and that'll be safety through the next time Austin on the pedals yes safely through so a dealer on he needs to go point five two seconds here what is the time gonna tell us oh man it's gonna be tight point nine so that's not going to be enough to make up that disadvantage from run number one Austin Warren will advance into the round of 8 so well Austin Warren super strong today in this law I'm looking like the man to beat let's catch up with him Makayla trying to get Adam here alright here we go so tight tight tight times last night with pumptrack you I did talk to you a little bit after your second run on pump track when Adrian LaRon beat you you did say you made a little mistake clearly no mistakes today it's that black side is so hard just to stay consistent it's so loose in the first corner these bottom corners are so much tighter so if you can keep consistent just like you saw Kyle you're gonna be flying so it's gonna be a tough night but just stay consistent that's fun cuz this is he is key well good luck in the next round thank you well you heard it right there from Austin Warren the key to the race right now is being fast on that black sides way more challenging than the white side if you're able to do that you're gonna have a good chance out here riders who are looking to have a good chance with those ones who are illuminated in yellow let's get back up to the top they've switched sides now Marcelo Gutierrez on the right side of your screen and riding an identical bike is Elliot Jackson backed by 0.63 so as you heard these guys don't want to attack on the white side but on the black side they've really got to play it a little bit safer and more consistent so that'll come into the race strategy down the end of this evening so Ellie Jackson needs to make up some time but he is on the white lane so this is where it's a bit foster yeah that flat turn right there he's putting pedal to the metal so he is ahead Elliot Jackson needs to keep it together here down the final straight and it's 1.26 so they you see these riders really need a tech on the white plane once they get ahead that just need to keep their head down awesome yeah joking and he's talking about he didn't raise beam the riders left side of that course run at the black flags Elliot Jackson able to do it knocking out his teammate Marcelo Gutierrez and now we're taking a look at a man who's won the king of Crankworx title a couple years ago Bernhard kur in the gate but before that let's take a look at our current king of Crankworx standings so let's have a look at that I want you guys to look at keegan ride Aiden alone and even someone like Kyle Strait those three are in the race tonight so we need to keep an eye on then whoever goes through the furthest in these brackets might jump into that third spot so with laronne out of the race it's really coming down to Keegan right and a guy who's looking so incredibly strong here the second place qualifier Kyle Strait so a big big heat for Keegan right already down by a second he's gonna need a miracle here to advance past furniture can he do it well raining huh draining I apologize for McCain crank his bhinneka he's also coming off a win in the loss slalom we had in Lachey so we know who's quick and slow but Keegan right there we go burnin curd dropping a little bit of a foot day they're kicking right on the left side he's a hit but Burnett cook how close can he stay down this final straight so Keegan right wins the race by 0.96 but Bernhard Kerr advances super tight right there only five hundreds of a second different right there both riders faster on the white side of the course as was expected so it just goes to show when you crunch the numbers there are only five hundredths apart and that is a big turn up for the books for the king of crank as we looked at those standings two of those three riders are out already Adrienne Laurent and that man Keegan right they are out of the running for that third place for now things looking good for Kyle Street right now but let's talk about this next heat in the gate Barry Nobles on the right side of your screen bass man Steve Burgin on the left let's take a look back at how their first run went to Perry nobles out the gate quick with that spinach snap unbelievable the best fans steaming on that custom geometry trail by 120 volt rebel Wow backside being these lower but it's fast is pretty quick down that side we've only seen the black side produce a win once here Kyle straight did that but Bastian Steenburgen holding tight to Barry Nobles on the slow course Barry Nobles now on the slow course what will the numbers say at the bottom of this run well can use city to be thinking you can stay within a second or so on that black course you have a real shot at the win yeah it's a bass man Steve maybe did that 0.83 Thank You deflector man he's quick through they on the white Abel's not so much this is looking good foot baths and he's good down the bottom keeping it real tight oh that's gotta be an ass ken burgin wins this run by one point four seven that's a larger margin and he was beat in run number one so batsman his team bring in advances past Barry Nobles into the round of 8 bass van Steenburgen took second place here last year so we know he likes this course looking to repeat and perhaps turn that silver into a gold in 2018 back up to the top in the gate right now Tomas Slovak despite a big crash yesterday he's back at it looking strong as ever going up against Kieran McKinnon on the left side of your screen this is what the podium looked like last year we mentioned that bass man Steenburgen had second place look at that winner was and Thomas Slovak so he's bounced back from that big crash he's a strong strong guy so it's awesome to see him back here how is this hit gonna feel though I mean you definitely rattled his confidence with a crash like that Melissa because you're curing the kid with 1.09 to make up but who's got the fast course now get some Slovak exactly oh boy mistake how does he even keep it on track they're so running wide into that first boom Wow with advantage he's weak down the bottom you know people that double rolled in double the game well Thomas Slovak puts another point four four on Kieran MacKinnon of course that means he advances into the next round your 2017 winner of this race makes it through the round of 16 into the round of eight looking to go back-to-back Thomas Slovak let's take a look back at this run and ER its new clay man he gets right on top of the boom I don't even know how he got into Busch so good for him for staying on track there but that's all she wrote after that Thomas Levesque had the lead and he didn't give it back here in MacKinnon was about three millimeters away from a bit of pain right there so way to go keeping the bike on two wheels not enough to make it out of the round but he's not gonna have to lick his wounds either Thomas Slovak into the round of 8 let's see who is also going to make it through we've got the Australian heat right now Graham mud Connor fearin talk to me about petal choice out here we talked about bike choice but look what we have here in the gate well we did Connor Ferran known for flat pedals he's one of the few still racing flat pedals on the downhill circuit Austin Warren he qualified so was also on flats and that you must think is gonna plant his advantage when the turns get flatter more the same here about a second for Connor fearing to make up he's now on the fast force see what happens a little bit sluggish out the gate but that's the flat pedals you can't pull on the upstroke of your pedal but then once you get up to speed in the turns oh but there you go and there's a disadvantage of having flat pedals you get a bit of a pump and your foot gets dislodge from the pedal is it gonna be a nine point nine seven to play with oh my point eight three that means Graham mud will advance into the round of 8 that mistake from Conor Ferran perhaps having something to do with the flat pedals but undeniably the reason why he's not gonna move on to the next round let's take a look back at that mistake Andrew what happened let's have a look at he's aggressive he's holding so much speed out of it and here we go he goes the back wall comes off the ground and his foot just gets a little bit dislodged from the pedal and that's it that's a disadvantage of flats almost commentators curse that we spoke about our force is gonna be on flats is your fault Andrew yeah I'll have to apologize to me later Oh him a kokanee at the GLC a little bit we she was turning a harder gear there you seasoned a little bit of a light to give your doing a lot of revolutions and that way can ease the ezybounce off the grand mud moving out of the round of 16 into the round of 8 he'll be meeting up with Thomas Slovak that'll be a tough heat for him yeah that's a bit of an absolute grain not qualified any lemon he'll go up against Lubbock what a hot intern they'll be a very challenging heat coming but anything can happen Luka committee with the advantage right now on the right side of your screen but your wedding photographer leer Miller has one point four eight to make up he has the fast side of the course but that's a big disadvantage you know one point four eight almost a max differential here and slowing that and only hand out really hit man even for some sort of error from your rider that you need to get a video so Liam Miller he's just start to be objectified great and that's it if you can get out of hit you can force a little bit of a mistake you put a bit of pressure on that rider that needs to keep within one point for a tip Luka committee ready needs to keep you then get to that finish line I don't think it's me one point four eight but it's so close one point two two near Miller just barely missing the mark here by point two six Luka committee and move into the round of 8 with Luca committee moving into the round of eight that leaves just one more heat left here to fill all those slots in the next round Kyle straight on the left side of your screen the winner of run number one with a point one five advantage over Iago Garre the only guy we saw win the race from the riders left side of the course there's her Kyle straight he swapped over to the fossil eight but as you said he's the only rider that's carrying an advantage after the first run from the black lane well little slip out there but that's not gonna cost him much so Kyle's straight as we said all you need to do is keep it on two wheels get to the finish line and he'll be free to see Luka committee in the next round around eight smart riding from Kyle straight sees him putting another 1.88 on Yago gore a moving himself into the round of eight and who will he face off against well Kyle Strait the second-place qualifier here looking strong let's hear how he's feeling Mikayla hey Kyle how's it going hey just having some fun well we saw you here earlier in the week on the dual speed and style track what kind of changes have they made for the dual slalom tonight uh well a lot of rocks have come out and it's gotten a lot more crazy out there that's pretty much the only change besides the jumps we're still pretty much jumping him but he's gotta stay smooth out there and have fun well you qualified second any tips for people trying to look to improve their dual slalom style look as far as you can't ahead into the next turn yeah next flag next turn all that beautiful well that we look ahead to the next round oh thanks Mikayla Kyle straight paying attention more where he's going not where he is where he's going in the next round is up against Luka committee a lot of other good heats here though a lot of big names yeah Austin Warren he's gonna be up against Elliot Jackson furniture best friend Steinberg it's gonna be humdinger well the stage is set for the round of the eighth of the men's category in the 100% dual slalom will have the round of 8 for the men and the women after the break you're not gonna want to miss it stay right there we're trying to make a drivetrain that works better we're trying to improve upon the things that we had done introduce the all-new SRAM GX eagle drive training no matter what kind of rider you are or the kind of terrain you might ride eagle is simply the best GX eagle drive trains have a range of gears that rival or flat-out heat most - by systems engineered in Germany made for the world this is GX eagle [Music] [Music] podium refreshments provided by kokanee glacier fresh beer it's the beer out here so we're gonna find out who's going to be celebrating their podium performance with an ice-cold kokanee but here your contenders in the men's category boiled it down to eight yeah Austin Lauren ìlet Jax will see them well first Furniture bastard Steenburgen Slovak r1e a lush and let's look at Kyle straight down the bottom who's looking to jump up that can't Crankworx log austin worn on the left side of your screen your first place qualifier out here going up against Elliot Jackson to Austin one qualified in Foster's you really need to just ride consistent and safe runs it man you can see the pace he's carrying out of these turns Austin Warren contract man he is riding out of these socks here tonight this is great relief Jackson we know he's on the slower lane you want to see that it keeps it within one second if it was but this looks like a little bit more than that no also Ward is on another level right now putting 1.69 on Elliot Jackson and making it look so incredibly easy whatever he's doing don't mess with that kid right now don't put anything in his head because he looks focused strong and man I don't know if anybody has what it takes for him to beat him right now the way things are looking maybe Kyle's straight this is intense next heat up in the gate right now bernhard kerr on the left side of your screen going up against bass van Steenburgen two guys who spent a lot of time together in the offseason in Queenstown New Zealand you know they train hard knowing that they might find themselves barred a bar against each other at the World Tour Finals here in Whistler and so slalom racing is not always up to who qualified Boston I said we could quali but often you start building speed throughout the evening because you're getting more reps on these tracks seeing where you can push see what part of the course getting blown up this is one of those sections especially on the black lane it's getting drier which means getting looser and looser as this night progresses the Bernhard Kerr gets a buddy batsman's diamond like you said they spend a lot of time riding 0.78 back well fans called the one-second mark has that thing to watch and that's a hit of that the 0.78 sounds pretty big for bass fans feeding teen Bergen to make up but with the disparity between those two courses definitely doable Bernard Kerr is definitely gonna have no room for air once they get back up and switch sides well first run for these two gentlemen right here Thomas Slovak on the left side of your screen going up against Graham Mudd who have eliminated Connor fear and after that petal slip a little bit of an upset there Gary mat now he's really got his work cut off from his going against last year's winner here in Whistler in the dual slalom Thomas Slovak recovering from a big crash yesterday just loving on your left graham mud on your right look for Slovak snap at the gate to drop is the race on the gate drop they say random start racers and they really mean it that was in these guys sitting there on pins and needles waiting for that thing to drop he was taking its sweet time well clearly they got the cue that it was gonna drop it didn't he saw those guys flinch and they're both good sportsmen there they are did you know what let's just have another practice run so take a look right now Austin Warren getting the advantage over Elliott Jackson now I want to look at this potential collision course between Kyle Strait and Austin one because they both are looking so strong will we see them in a heat together well exactly that you see them at the top they have Austin can advance Kyle Strait can advance you'll see those guys training buddies from back home they might face each other in the final and Carl straight as we said he's looking to notch up a few points and he may jump up that leaderboard in Akina Crankworx series two more names to turn yellow here and run number one of the round of 8 in the 100% dual slalom can't complain about the conditions this or slope style that we may be complaining about the wind but perfect for dual slalom racing that it is lucky these guys are not getting off the ground much so the wind is not affecting here in dualsaw but man yeah slopes that would be a huge problem slope style of course tomorrow the big show kicking off on slope style Saturday you're not gonna want to miss that tuned in Red Bull Joyride wrap up the world tour a lot up for grabs there tomorrow right now a lot of points up for grabs for the king of Crankworx a couple players still in the game here in this dual slalom race Tomas Slovak the man who won it just a year ago is gonna have to get past Graham mud all the way from Australia oh no problems with the gate didn't huge snap from Thomas leg but we used to see him you know he's gonna carry like a cycling that mystery lady be challenged land races next time to see him so far ahead and it hasn't even be much tractive gates started against Thomas Slovak is not something I envy it's not something that's gonna give you a lot of confidence also keeping it tidy here down the slalom turn that's where we crash Fram mud he's gonna be one point nine nine seconds that is literally the biggest margin we have seen so far well Andrew it's easy to say what makes a good gate start but it's hard to do can you break it down for our viewers what he does that makes him get that hole shot every single time well as you saw he's lunging with his hips into the bar he's lunging forward trying to get as much forward momentum as he's hard on the pedal strokes so immense power and technique a Quesada's not only power it's so many rips practice years and years and years of perfecting a gait styles so this will be interesting once the switch sides we're gonna find out if we do have a max differential or not it was close to two seconds the gap that Thomas Slovak put on grande mud right there typically in dual slalom racing you have a maximum differential of 1.5 so it's still possible for the rider with the disadvantage to make up ground with Kyle's straight on the right side of your screen second place qualifier today going up against Luca commedy who eliminated our winning photographer leer Miller native you cracking me up in the booth he's probably taking photos now this one focused your cameras on Kyle Street because he makes us look so good do it again pal straight you can see all his practice is paying off but a flattened he's safely through that keeping Luca honest yet into the little step Tonya into the final straight pal straight is extremely quick down here so all the time tell us 0.46 pal straight will be back but was lock and load them will put them at the top they'll switch legs so Cal straight within reach De [Applause] Luca committee showing off some sponsor decals they're celebrating that point four six above Kyle's straight here's a look at how run number one of the round number eight is looking for his names in yellow have the advantage it's a Austin Lauren Boone and cook Thomas Levet Luke committee will all take that advantage to the sick and heat of the round of eight en Austin Warren and Kyle straight on that collision course I'm looking forward crossing my fingers hoping we see them in the finals they train together they look to be on another level you'll wanted to qualifiers out here today a little bit of wind in the Whistler Village means not so much smoke from the wildfires so no complaints out here I think tomorrow we'd take smoke over wind for the slopestyle but all smiles in the Whistler Village Friday couple days left to go with a festival but it's not just men's category we're talking about out here we have the top women in the world when it comes to dual slalom racing and we're boiled them down to round of eight Mikayla friends with all these ladies let's catch up with her for a couple inside tidbits thanks cam yeah something really interesting that I noticed was that the number one qualifier today was Daniel Baer Croft from Australia on a downhill bike you don't usually see that in dual slalom I didn't know if she just wanted to do some Park laps and cruise on in and do some qualifying if it was her only bike but I caught up with her earlier and she actually said that she chose her downhill bike out of all of her bikes that she brought because she was simply just comfortable on it and she was having the most fun on it so I don't know I guess if you're having fun you're number one I love it I mean if you feel fast on a bike it doesn't matter if it's a different type of bike that everybody else is racing on Claire Hamilton from the USA opting for a more traditional type of slalom ride but if your qualifying first on a downhill bike Hey run what you brung keep it rolling if it's working exactly then so the Donnell bike will offer more traction in these loose terms let's see if that's way she made and vonda to some of these riders well great start even on that big long travel rig exactly can we both know that starting a down but obviously a heavier bike and all these other riders have they looking at about 4 or 5 inch trail but this immunity's gonna literally be on 8 inch travel bike it and here's where you'll start to see the advantage he's flat Hornish here the downhill bikes and I love them exactly then so she'll take advantage going to mix run into place Claire Hamilton get on the slower side that black-flagged run back by 1.7 or behind Daniel D Croft your number one qualifier for the women's back up to the top our next heat pro women category judging by that blue jersey I'm thinking we got Kilani Hines on the left and by upper beak from Canada on home soil here on the right side of your screen we've been seen Kalani in our pump track series not the best finish for her last night however she said she's been working on a turns cam I wonder what she's gonna be able to do you when the turns a little bit more flat and not as Bank there's something like in pump track [Applause] [Music] let's look at these flat turns because she safely through that so the practice is paying off eeeh in slalom a little bit differently then we haven't seen too much of it in these types of gated racing events so let's see if I ever be can hold within a second here of Kilani Hinds the time 1.27 back via Verbeek how does the disadvantage going into their next round underneath Kea Lani Hinds Kea Lani on the fast course though so it'll be interesting to see what happens when they switch it now Mikayla has a luxury of standing next to these two women let's get some inside info Mikayla thanks so much Kim yeah okay so you came third last night in pumptrack we saw you holding your side a little bit you mentioned a cracked rib when did you do that how did you do that a few weeks ago I was at Big Bear and I thought it was a good idea to do the high jump contest I ate it pretty good so now I'm still recovering from that but I feel a lot better today actually well you look you've looked a lot better and fast how do you block that pain out of your head when you're racing um I don't know it's actually easier when I'm riding I don't really think about it I just I want to do well so it's kind of easy to just not think about it the adrenaline and the competitiveness kicks in so good luck next round well thanks Mikayla yeah you wouldn't know it if she didn't tell us the story last night during the pumptrack she looks strong on the bike but just showing she's up for any challenge that's placed in front of her getting hurt at the high jump contest of Big Bear that's pretty rad actually solo Caroline Buchanan on Instagram I think she also had a crash at the hyejeong so that even taken some riders up but also getting riders outside their comfort zone caroline buchanan doing backflips out there onto the mulch jump luckily neither of them took themselves out too bad to the point where they wouldn't be able to be here with us right now men on carpenter on the right side erskine going up against Annika burton to a former world cup and world champ full ghost rider Annika and switch over to Debbie's men and carpet an hour tied from world cup she's a former world champion herself whoever has that she's moving out here to Canada to go to school to go to university so she's gonna be calling Whistler and Vancouver probably her new home I'm sure she'll be taken advantage of all the amazing trails out here even though she'll be studying that's what her focus will be on it's great to see her still doing some racing for fun here at Crankworx festival 1.8 behind Annika Burton Annika beard and having a nice strong advantage on that fast side of the course yeah no stranger to the podium here in slalom was so back in 2016 she hopped on the podium in second place Oh Andrew take a look at this next seat in the gate deja vu from last night Jill keener on the left side of your screen Caroline Buchanan on the right very similar to what we saw last night if you don't remember take a look well this is not even 24 hours ago we had Caroline Buchanan matchup against Jill kidney Caroline back from injuries he set out the whole year due to gruesome injury that she sustained breaking his sternum Allenby Kenan was all smiles just happy to be back but my would want to send her in a story she came out and she took the window of a dual kit and even though Jill took the series title Jill always quoted saying she loves a challenge Caroline Buchanan back from injury the former nemesis of Jill Kenton are now back in place being the current nemesis of Jo Kentner well Jill kitten is gonna get some redemption if she can keep it on two wheels issues qualified for Sterling however she probably didn't think it was going to come this quick listen 24 hours ago he's up against County can it in the pumptrack careful what you wish for I guess it's crazy seeing these girls matched up against each other so early in the race only one will make it past the round of eight they would love to see them in a semi or a final but toolkit Nia on the white thing that's the foster one Callahan Buchanan she's getting used to mom like this hasn't a lot of time on it this year so she'll take deficit of 1.83 to the next round against Jill so where in the world does Jill canter fine all the time on these courses take a look back at this replay look how many times she's able to find an opportunity to crank out some pedals yes so Jill kitna grew up Racing BMX switched over to mountain biking as you said cam she's just on the pills at any moment she can she's not braking or turning she's on the pill she's on the guest the ride is at home that's something to try and work into a practice schedule she even gets started in sort of halfway through the turn that sometimes can help with traction on a flat turn distributing outweigh putting power to that rear wheel joke in are doing all these things at once making it look so easy that's what happens when you spent your entire life racing bikes she has the advantage over Caroline Buchanan so we'll send them back up to the top to switch courses now if you're enjoying this dual slalom race and you see some funny structures in the background that's because tomorrow it's the big final of the Crankworx 2018 World Tour a Red Bull Joyride where the sport of slope style was born right here on whistlers boneyards slope we're kicking it off at 4:30 p.m. local time if you're in Europe that's 1:30 a.m. so have an all-nighter or set your alarm down in New Zealand 11:30 a.m. tomorrow but it's actually two days apart so make sure you don't miss that because there's a lot up for grabs Triple Crown can Nikolaj rig a can do it tomorrow I'm already developing some goose bumps just thinking about it yeah it's gonna be exciting day but we're not there yet before that likes of Austin Warren he's illuminated too he's got that Vonage burn Thomas Slovak looka committee all taking advantage to the next heat of the round of eight yet next up your number one qualifier also the winner of run number one against Elliot Jackson who has one point six nine to make up so it's all or nothing for Elliot Jackson he knows he's got to be ahead of Austin Warren the number one qualifying he's riding so well so far these riders are gonna get Foster and foster as the night goes on they getting more reps to getting more runs on this track Austin Warren on the more challenging track here safely through that flat turn so he doesn't need to get too worried he knows just got a little bit of time here so one six nine it looks like Austin Warren definitely stays close enough Ellie Jackson wins the race but Austin Warren advances in Phil's man sorry cam no I'm just gonna say no big surprise there he looks so good the number one qualifier really looking forward to see who he matches up with in the next round it's our first man through the semi final that's Austin Warren the pit and Honus Bubba number one qualifies been putting in some great qualifies here in the pumptrack slalom let's see if we can back it up let's see if we can go all the way to the final maybe take that gold medal it definitely could be his day today but right now waiting for that gate to raise is bass man Steenburgen on the left of your screen bernhard kerr a former king of Crankworx on the right and the winner of this round will meet up with the number one qualifier awesome warren bernhard kerr with the advantage if I remember correctly though bass fan Steenburgen was hanging pretty tight on him I believe it was under a second so definitely manageable for bass absolutely manageable 0.78 so that's what then striking doesn't say when they switch closes well the way dual slalom works here is it's so many runs and even if you're the first place qualifier you still got to push your own bike up the hill everybody's enjoying their laps in the Whistler mountain bike park the Cody Warren eyes on the prize right here just putting in the reps keeping his focus on that gold medal when you qualify first that's the only thing on your mind it's so daunting now the pressure will be mounting as he gets through these heats he'll be stopped thinking of that gold medal and he's got to try block it out fast and Steenburgen with 0.78 to make up behind bernhard kirk the best friend's diamond also no stranger to the podium here but gonna up against Kunekune he won the last round of slalom at Lachey he knows how to ride this discipline that's a big mistake from buna that's gonna be tough to draw back batsman's team burger with a need here on the white course brennick a huge mistake they're all without a doubt bass fans Steenburgen making up that disadvantage by over a second after all said and done 1.19 ahead of Bernard curb bass van Steenburgen moving into the next round against Austin Warren that's gonna be an amazing heat right there let's see if we can go back to a replay and find out what caused that mistake from Berner all we've been speaking about it a long time let's have a look at this flat turn so he decides to drop a foot but man he hasn't got enough weight on the outside edge of their tire by dropping the foot in he slides the back wheel dabs our foot and just no.4 momentum - such a tiny little mistake but it makes for such a loss of time especially when you're going up against a guy like bass man Steenburgen who definitely left nothing behind on that run I haven't looked at best he's gonna be through to the semi-final he matching up against number one viola no fire Austin one that's gonna be definitely looking forward to that heat our matchups heating up out here getting an idea what our semifinals are going to look like but more and more of a glimpse into the future here after every run Thomas Slovak in the gate on the right side your screen right now going up against grandma'd Slavik with the advantage it's a grand man with the upset over Connor fearing now no 1.5 max differential I hear kind of mind-boggling I kind of like that I feel like you know Graham mud went up again slovaks let me earn that 1.99 there were no mistakes or huge crashes from Graham mud so who knows what the judges or the time kids have set ruthless we want to see it tighter probably the riders not someone likes nothing we want to see if Tiger to give grandma shotty it some parents loving just loving on that slow Elaine oh my word roosting that flat corner so he's got a big big margin he just needs to keep it tidy here through the slalom role is here to the finish he's gonna do just that we see Slavik bounce from one side of the other off that roll using the air time has a direction change so impressive today you have it Thomas Slovak well if I didn't this is Neal beat through to the semi-finals music in a matchup Luka committee a number two qualifier castrate so Slovaks technique there in the final straightaway really impressive nobody else doing exactly what he's doing take a look break it down to me this direction change off the roller so like you said let's have a look here he's keeping it quite tight so he's rolling and he's doubling and changing direction there's a good technique days hopping sideways when he pulls off this roller watch here so he comes up he pulls lift so they can get around that Malcolm my word great technique from the great skill and commitment veteran strategy out there from Thomas Slovak showing why he's the man who won just a year ago they're keeping it on the ground you just be a little bit late for that tutor and he's funny hopping bunny upping lifts that's awesome one more race here in the round of eight shaping up our semifinal matchup which will be just the top four racers but we've been talking about that possible collision course between Austin Warren and Kyle Strait Picabo Street will have to make up point four six against Luca committee in order for that dream to come to fruition so a good stock from both these gentlemen right here on the force but a make up point for six he's caught on the pedals he can both navigate that flat turn with easy straight this is where he really excels down the bottom he's opting to keep wheels on the ground power down so Kyle Strait finding the nice balance between aggression and finesse I would love to take a look back at this run and actually try to count how many pedal strokes he fits some of them in the air but no opportunities wasted here 1 2 3 yeah go for it please bolo means so I'm counting you talk good tell ya you can't in your head you tell me that but you're right he is getting pedal strokes everywhere he's in the nice tall gear so every tummy pedals he's actually making it count there's no wasted pedal strokes here no wasted energy it's all powered running out of fingers and toes Andrew oh my goodness have you topped a hundred Marchetti look at him go for Kyle straight putting on a slalom clinic here for us so he little hopped from him but I like and he's keeping as close to the ground as he can man look at the pedals and what is the number cab 35 pedals right there I ran out of fingers I ran out of toes I pulled my pen out I started doing hash marks on the desk 35 pedal strokes in that run pedal where some people are breaking it's a video that's called straight secret day he is putting pedal strokes in with no other man can so back to the women category I'm done counting pedals my mind is a bit frazzled now in math was never my strong suit I'm still trying to figure out what 100% even means but we got Daniel Beecroft on the right side of your screen riding that downhill bike she qualified first nonetheless and now she's put 1.74 on Claire Hamilton so Claire Hamilton only 22 years old we've seen her in enduro side switcher moving it to slalom this is great you see all types of riders from all different disciplines come together oh no that's that right there that is that speaking of that that's not the discipline we allow here you could have go around the gates can explain hope she's all right that's unfortunate as well because that wasn't gonna count where Hamilton having a big crash right there after already missing a gate she was already disqualified but great to see her up getting back on her bike from bad to worse for Claire Hamilton we got to take a look back at this replay check out that Miz gate and then that unfortunate fall yeah from bad to just ugly there that is so unfortunate so there we go she's obviously mr. gates he's only gotta go on the left of that gate and here nose-heavy oh no oh that is a big crash we hope she's all right she did get up so that's a positive thing bad to worse to just leave ugly prolonged the crash for hopefully dispersing some of that impact but that's not gonna feel a good tough racer out there though she popped right back up grabbed her bike straight in that stem unfortunate fall but Danielle Beecroft finding one in the street right there your number one qualifier back up to the top key Lonnie Hines on the right side of your screen the winner from run number one by one point two seven ahead of via verbeek via on the fat side now but a big disadvantage yes she has to make a Mullen 1.27 1.28 she can lead by that she will advance over the viewers at home we need to see vias out front and be caught by quite a bit looking on in here this is the most challenging corner of the track on that black leg both of them through clear Blarney Heinz looking goodness she need some push to the finish line here she can't oh come on even speak I'm just worried she was gonna expose though only oh man only point one separating these two well via Ferb Pete eliminated Kilani Heinz making it through my wood yeah our speeches it's because I was just worried Kalani's gonna be a bit to consider because 1.27 sounds like a lot but you never know in slalom racing it's hard to gauge when there's such a big difference between the two sides usually you can kind of see where you stand but when there's an average of a second between on equal mistake-free runs you never really know where you're sitting but Annika bearden hanging out on the start gate right now the former queen of Crankworx going up against another world champion from a different discipline man on carpenter yes Annika bitten she has podium in this event before also the queen of Krang casino she's an amazing or on rider man in Compton as well great talent retired from World Cup down an early age to achieve a lot of her dreams one of her goals she's got a lot of time to make ever 1.8 is a huge margin here on this track our front door through the flat turn and it go a little bit late day putting it back putting it back here down the final straight here she's catching up isn't she Annika Bearden really closing that gap men on carpenter wins the race but only by 0.6 three so Annika Bearden will advance but create the semen on carpenter coming out of retirement and enjoying Crankworx Whistler dual slalom has rats salman's I don't know what he's trying to get across here then loan me money that nice try that's unique that's create a hit I've never seen that before so you're like all right you're gonna you're gonna sit alongside the street say give me money but you have a phone sell the phone man so what we're looking at right now is something that could be a final on any other night but dual slalom so unpredictable some top riders can meet up in early rounds in fact last year Joel keener won this race who got second full is none other than Carolyn Buchanan in second place so these ladies have seen each other a lot in this race format Carolyn Buchanan any qualified down in seventh spot maybe due to that injury she hasn't had as much bike time as she wanted something like slalom you got to get a lot of bike time you got to get your touch and feel back came away with a winning pump track last night she needs to just put some fish on Jill Jill's got a bit of a margin a bit of a safety yeah Jill kitna has won this event seven times here in Whistler can she make it eight [Applause] so chill knows just what you do is it gonna be enough I don't know point nine seven but I believe Jill had a bigger advantage so she would advance caroline buchanan doing everything within her power to try to take out Jill Kentner unfortunately for Caroline not enough but Jill Kenner still alive in her quest to make it six years in a row well you have one dual slalom here five years in a row you just advance to the next round can you make it six come on give us a little that's a cool question got all of them anything's possible I'll give it a go what do you think is your favorite thing about dual slalom compared to pumptrack I think you really test your cornering skills pumptrack there's no speed control or anything this is the more well-rounded sport I reckon sweet well good luck out there again so Jill Kenner she's won at the last five years in a row but she's also won at two other times she's got seven Crankworx with her dual slalom gold medals and her trophy case a trophy case is probably bursting at the seams but Jill Kenner makes it into the semi final she'll have to go up against Annika Burton that'll be a great heat plenty of great heats to come here we're down to four for the men were down to four for the women in the 100% dual slalom semifinals still to come you're not gonna want to miss it so stay locked on your screen we're trying to make a drivetrain that works better trying to improve upon the things that we had done introduce the all-new SRAM GX eagle drivetrain no matter what kind of rider you are or the kind of terrain you might ride eagle is simply the best GX eagle drive trains have a range of gears that rival or flat-out beat most to by systems engineered in Germany made for the world this is GX eagle [Music] [Music] 100% has always been racing Americana we are a part of iconic moments that have built the roots and history of what is modern motocross today we are anchored in mountain biking Road Cycling courses and BMX tracks 100% is inspiring a whole new generation of racers and asking them our original tagline how much effort do you give Crankworx brought to you in part by srem the power of bicycles down to four for the man down to four for the women we call that the semifinals right here in the 100% dual slalom in the birthplace of the Crankworx Festival tour at Whistler British Columbia for the men it looks like this Andrew kneeling well there you have it Austin Warren qualified in first position batsman steaming he's coding here before Thomas Slovak none other than Cal straight on that collision course hopefully for Austin Warren well this heat is gonna be a tough one for Austin Warren looking stronger than anybody out there but bass Ben Steenburgen no slouch on this course he got second place just a year ago no this is gonna be the toughest heats today for Austin Warren but keeping him honest for the flat pedals off the gate which I like because this is where he starts to come alive and the turn that only turns get faster as you see dirt flying off these blokes wheels they are pushing so hard this is the amazing thing about slalom it seems as you get through the round you're just going to faster and faster well Austin Warne thrown caution to the wind ridin loose but making it look casual putting more than 1.5 on bass fans Steenburgen I believe that was one point six nine bass the fourth place qualifier out here today so it definitely has what it takes to knock out Austin Warren but by the looks of things it would take a mistake from Austin dad well he's just riding so well almost within himself I mean we can see he's pushing but he's just putting the wheels exactly where he wants to those days you wake up and everything you try to do on your bike just works I'm getting the feeling that Austin warrants having one of those days so Austin Bubba Warren with the advantage right now his first round against vas fans Steenburgen and in their first run this is Kyle's straight on the right side of your screen going up against Thomas Slovak two of the most heavy hitters in slalom discipline yet Thomas Slovak former king of crank where's Kyle Strait looking to jump up the leaderboard of king of crank Rhodes look at that no fingers on any brake levers they're all about Ford momentum so great jump from coast road as well he's no stranger to kata drakey racing he's been in for close races before he grew up racing slowly who knows what to do out of the game foul straight he won the sea otter classic dual slalom which has got to be the most prestigious slalom race to win and could easily be one of the most famous one oh my gosh but both of these riders this is where they both excels it's interest to see them side by side through that section yeah we've been saying they're the two strongest looking riders in that final straightaway but right now Thomas Slavik point six eight stronger than Kyle's straight but remember how much different that white side is then the black sides take a look back at that final straightaway madness is getting exciting and this is what slalom racing is all about seeing you competitor mixed you and trying to push that extra little to get to the finish line look at the eyes Kyle Strait said looking as far ahead as possible take a look at where those goggles are facing yeah what do you like about Kyle's take me kids to the loss pit I just love the fact that like he said he's off he's thinking about that finish line with four gates left to go his bike just following his brain this guy's upset in the background well I'm sorry to hear that but thanks for getting that off your chest semifinals for the women we're down to four you can see the background there a little bit of slope style practice going on but Daniel Beecroft your number one qualifier for the women in the gate against Kalani Hines on the right side of your screen so surprise for us Daniel Brico if opting for the downhill bike button it paid off she qualified in first position Kalani Hines on the right side of your screen fifth position Wow great snap from Kilani this is hopefully we should start picking up some speed picking into momentum momentum is what she needs for this downhill but dropping a foot then you can see she's gaining good traction name he cropped on the faster side right now on that downhill bike the she'll have Donald ties on there Donald suspension man she'll have great traction as it gets too loose down the bottom oh wow Kalani Hines now we're gonna have to consult the replay but it looked like she perhaps missed a gate at the bottom oh wow she's reacting to something we're gonna have to wait until we get a full course replay right there but we're gonna be wanting to focus on the very last gate here we go Kilani wiping the sweat off her forehead a great snap from it as you noted Kemp then you'll be across a little bit slow on the down low life she's also able to go almost deeper on that jump with that bike the great side-by-side action here the moment in question coming up right here on this final straightaway of course Daniel B crops can be strong in that flat corner with those downhill tires downhill suspension here we go final straightaway keep an eye on Kilani Hines on the right side of your screen she's got to make it around these gates first each check that gate check third checks what happens here oh I don't like that she knows she's made a mistake we've seen that before of her pumptrack she hasn't escaped yet so this is the first problem kind of over and then definitely the second one so I thought a max differential it's gonna be really interesting to see what our officials decide to do with this run Danielle Beecroft crossing the finish line first Kalani Hines missing a couple gates well we'll wait for an update on that but right now we'll bring things back to the top of the course and our semi finals Jill Kitner on the right side of your screen looking to make it six duel Sloan's in Whistler in a row more gold medals and she knows what to do with but Annika Bearden another very accomplished Rider former queen of Crankworx to Jill she accomplished that feat in a line adh in the beginning of the weekend so if anyone can make it six and hurt is this woman right here but Anika theater she has had medals in this discipline she is a strong a queen of crank Lu poses him navigating the flat turn with ease the joke in our the only rider in the history of Crankworx to win the same event at the same location six years in a row like you said she get it on a line she'll have 0.76 to make up behind Annika beard in order to keep her hopes alive for do name dual slalom as well but keep in mind she was on the slow course it's very manageable there for Jill Kentner well Mikayla's got an update on developing circumstances in the finish line Corral it's here at Michaela all right Annika talk to me it's such a fun course and you know I love to do a slalom here in Whistler and so far it's going good but you know next run will be a heart one on the black horse brother we're gonna give it all any any tips for flat corners you want to break down how you actually would successfully go through those slalom it's all kind of like about breaking before here you know I'm trying to let go while you're in the corner but uh they're getting pretty loose not it watered it before practice but uh that's getting a bright sleep all right well we'll have to see what you got on the black side we'll give it all well there you have it Annika Burton with the advantage moving into that next round Jill Kentner within striking distance so that's the battle of the Queen's right there a former and a former plus a current yeah Plus a current bus it back to back current but back up to the top of the course for the men Austin Warren with the advantage of her Bass fan Steenburgen Thomas Slavik with the advantage over Kyle Strait the developing story that collision course potentially between Austin Warren and Kyle Strait two riders who ride and train together that's straight acres training compound the Kyle Strait built so Austin Warren is the winner of run number one against bass fans Steenburgen pretty big margin their past is a little work to do the best men's team to get out you idiot sunfish honestly but he's been unflappable till now Austin Lauren this is gaining speed and most people go see these lands [Applause] watch him his little lantern my word both these riders very committed to this one point six nine seconds to play with you all that was smooth camp oh it's gotta be within one point six nine and it is point seven five behind Bass fan Steenburgen means Austin Warren the number one qualifier makes it out of this round great ride he'd be the first man into the final yeah awesome lawyer number one seed so back fence team doing and trying to do everything he can yet dude flying off a little bit of a mistake there to drop a foot on the pedal that would not have helped his cause bass Manstein bringing another rider who looks to be squeezing in at least 35 petals but span of one run it's look at Austin Warren's technique we saw Slovak using the hop to transition watch that wow that was Austan Warren moving into the finals bass fans Steenburgen coming off a 2nd place in this event last year is not going to repeat that but he will have an opportunity to win a bronze medal as he goes into the bronze medal round the big question is who's gonna join Bubba in the final and who's gonna join bass fans team bringing in that bronze medal round the next heat we have in the gate will determine that Kyle Strait on the left side of your screen going up against Thomas Slovak Slovak lost just when they here in slalom so if anyone can put a stop to Cal straights hopes of going to the final matching up against Austin Warren if you're a betting man you would bet money on a man like Slovak your reigning champion of the slalom in Whistler less than a second to make up here for Kyle Strait point six eight the differential what will the story be when the gate drops [Applause] getting a lot of pedal strokes in him my word he's caring good ski the safely through that night section this is a good man these guys are running so committed that's poetry mistake from genetics nothing the pressure was on Thomas Slovak going up against Kyle Strait we've been saying those are the two strongest looking guys at the bottom of this course we just had them facing off head-to-head the pressure was too much for Thomas Slovak now that's the section of the course he had that big crash on yesterday he had that bouncing transfer line not working right here let's see where things went wrong so let's have a look he knows he's gonna go check on Ricky's but a lid it all hang out get high gets bucked on that Rhoda couldn't keep the wheels in the ground to do that Mick's hot that he was doing nothing look at it does the first hop just cannot keep two wheels on the ground there and he knows that's all she wrote goes to show one of the fastest route through that final section is also one of the most risky leaving a lot of opportunity for air right there tiles stray crossing the finish line first learning in the finished car that Thomas Slavik missed those two gates well now we've got to see how these brackets are shaping up exactly what we've been hoping for the final Austin Warren goes against Kyle Strait yeah and it's exactly as qualifying loss we've got number one qualifier and lowering its Kyle strike bass fence Steenburgen he qualified in fourth Thomas Slovak in third so that's an amazing feat all the fauces qualifiers have made their way through to the finals and the bronze medal metric well the crowd absolutely erupting out here after Slovak missing that gate we find out who went to our final round a loud crowd but they have some guidelines take a look at how to be a most effective crowd out here at Crankworx festivals after 15 years of extensive worldwide testing the following are scientifically recognized of showing support for your favorite Ryder Airport vuvuzela novelty homemade signage Instagram hashtag cowbell ThunderStick screaming however studies have shown that fan nakedness has a detrimental effect on athlete's performance and that's why you need this [Music] but you can't get it here it's only available on site at the best mountain bike destinations on planet Earth so get your Crankworx merchandise provided by fox because why wouldn't you look at all these smiling faces they're having a blast out here at Crankworx because that's what it's all about it's all about giving away metals here Keilani Hines in the gate looking to set our sights on some glory out here today but we've been curious what the story will be when you miss a gate with more on the max tip for intial let's send it down to Michaela alright so Danielle beer Croft did take that first round but Kalani Hines Kalani Hines missed mystic gate a little bit so she's gonna get max differential and what that means is 2.7 seconds back so she's got 2.7 seconds as well as what she lost to Danny so she's got a lot of time to make up and we'll see if she's got what it takes rewriting the rule book that I thought was etched in stone like the Ten Commandments but definitely a lot of gap to make up for Kilani Hines right now not the typical one point 5 to point 7 I believe she said yeah two point seven nine a very strange number but Danielle Beecroft on that downhill bike all she's got to do is sail smoothly through the finish line and minimize those mistakes Daniel beer crop all she needs to do is keep it on two wheels she's got a mammoth advantage here in slalom on the downhill bikes not hanging about they're not playing a Tuesday one of the trickiest things to do is playing it safe and you start thinking you start riding tight we're just gonna get to the bottom he not focused on his forward momentum pushing you kind of start just rotting too much in you're gonna hit Daniel Beecroft looking like she's doing exactly what she needs to do and I suppose it makes sense since we have such a disparity between the white and the black horses to have a larger max differential then was traditionally seen in dual slalom racing but Kilani Hinds close but no cigar 1.9 backs needed to win five 2.79 daniel Beecroft the number one qualifier on the downhill bike making it all the way into the finals yes your first rider through to the women's final done in a big crop on a downhill bike number one qualifier she threw Kalani Hines she'll be in the bronze medal match up who is gonna be against any Rebecca off Annika Burton holding the advantage over our reigning champion kitna can she make it six in a row well she's got to get to the final first Jill Kiner with the disadvantage but on the fast side this run two queens in the gate joke enter the queen of Crankworx from last season and this season newly crowned just last night less than 24 hours ago point seven six to make up in order to make it into the finals and try to make it six in a row and to aslam an offence on Jill kitna annika beaten with the advantage both these women face off against each other many times default both racially across the world cups of beans until you feel fit they're looking to make it 60 taking that lead into the step down into the final section of this track the bonding lead you can joke inner crosses the finish line but by how much one point two eight that's absolutely going to do it Jill Kiner moves into the final round and gives herself the opportunity to make it six Frank works dual slalom victories here in Whistler she did in a line opportunity to make history again Annika Burton will meet up with Kilani Hines in that bronze medal match up take a look at these brackets right here Jill Kentner going into familiar position in that finals they'll be going up against Danielle Beecroft now Danielle Beecroft was triumphant in the qualifying round on the downhill bike but it's really gonna put things to the test head-to-head against Jill kitten er so Andrew you're our expert here with all things two wheels when it comes to racing take me to school buddy well what I want to look at is the flat turns we've been speaking about it a lot tonight so we're gonna have a look at that flat turn that's been given a lot of these riders trouble so this is a technique one because it's flat let's have a look at Bernie he's gonna opt for the safer option which is dropping a foot but the problem with this is you can't get enough weight on the outside edge of the tire and auc loses traction so they're safer but more graceful one would be to keep the feet up if you have what it takes to keep the feet up easier said than done so there you go thomas slubbing he's braking early he's keeping both feet up which gets more traction and more weight on the outside it's like but if anything goes wrong sometimes you can't you can put up and you'll end up with a big crash and I like Kyle's straight day he's coming out of the turn he's on the POW he's actually helping with traction and like Kyle said keeping your eyes up ahead looking at where you're going not where you are has a tendency to subliminally put your weight where it needs to be to keep those tires stuck to the ground we're not talking about really wide tires here we'll be talking about two three fives they had two three fives probably at the most something good good trick see some of the guys running see me stick on the back but often for more trade on the front something like a minion well everything set here we're gonna be giving away bronze silver gold medals in the 100 percent dual slalom bastian Steenburgen loading his bike up in the gate alongside thomas Slavik on the right side of your screen so these guys they've been pushing to the top that went to catch their breath and then they quickly reloaded for another run here Thomas Slovak qualified third baseman's team aqualified full Slovak last year's winner looking to at least get a medal this year whoa there you have it the mics snap from Thomas Slovak he's not hanging about the best penstemon he's all in the pillows he might be getting as many pedal strokes as castrated this rape I wish you would write almost a toilet year she liked making a little bit more fishing for himself also quick down the bottom here best putting some time into Thomas Levesque on that Faust right there we go Thomas Slovak point eight five behind Batman Steenburgen Thomas Slovak on the slower side of the course once the switch sides could be a game changer right there point eight five manageable but really interesting what you were talking about the gear bass man Steenburgen is in maybe it's a trying to be in the right gear for starting and he's just forgetting to shift take a look at the start well speaking of that so they holding their weight a little bit back and you can see that lunge lifting their front will trying to overpower the gate dick Thomas Slavic doing that absolute perfection maybe faster just trying to see if you can get more than 35 that's a little side bet he's got with Kyle straight I'm listening 35 pedal strokes and one run I'm not counting but a thinkin bass may have squeezed in 36 there yeah that's maybe why he's running a little bit easy get a bit more pedal stroke side vets put the prize money well Michaela GAD I was hanging out in the Finnish crawl with that stylish man right there bass fan Steenburgen all right you're looking absolutely on fire tonight but the boys were talking a little bit about your gears gear changing down the course can you tell give us a little insight on that yeah so I start in second gear off the gate then right on that roller you shift up twice and then if you don't forget like I did in the last run you shift up twice more on that jump and you pedal in the exit you can pedal through the finish all right so I think the guys were right when they were talking about you look like you're petting a pedaling a little bit too fast down near the bottom yeah it sucks cuz you're landing like oh I forgot and now I can't shift anymore so yeah that's all right better better run next time the internal dialogue of a racer well best of luck and next round thank you it's a lot to think about out there keep your tires stuck to the ground your eyes up oh yeah make sure you're in the right gear make sure you don't miss a gate I mean it's just so much oh and there's a competitor next you as well at least you don't have to pull in the clutch so we've got the woman up Nick this is the bronze medal match up Kalani Hines versus Annika via 10 run number one in this bracket that will determine who takes home that coveted bronze medal from Crankworx Whistler 100% dual slalom compose both these riders and they're off and it could be attended she is a former queen of Brantford we've said that before great align the Kalani Hines really making a name for itself please do that turn she's putting the heat on Anika bitching hair down the bottom Anika Bearden has been frost on the bottom here gaining some time back on Kalani gondola Kiowa Hinds through the finish line first by point eight three ahead of Annika Bearden more of the same here how many point eight gaps have we seen and run number one in favor of the white side now we have seen enough but we'd like that deficit that's not too bad that is something you can call back so as we said before these women are gonna go back to the top they're gonna switch lanes and then again ever can go what what did you say beat you get a beat the person who beat you by more than they beat you by it's a lot of words there's not a chance I could do it again without messing let's just move on this is what we've been waiting for in it that it is we were hoping these two in match up this is your number one qualifier Austin bubble Warren against Kyle strike these guys practice together they live near each other down in SoCal so it's great to see them in the finals together it's always a bummer to see friends meet up in the round of 16 you see the knuckles there between Austin and Kyle one of them's gonna take home a solar so nobody's gonna go away empty-handed here today but of course friendship aside they both want that gold good snap on both these men I'm impressed with Austin skates on the flesh Oh big crash from Austin Warren commitment into the first turn that's not we want to see he's moving okay championship round see that how many times did we say that Austin Warren is just looking like he can't possibly make a mistake out there I'm gonna blame it on you you jig something it's just commentators cursed tonight we just haven't got it we my word that's unfortunate that's what happened good job Mason great Warren [Music] oh man so super disappointed for myself I'm just here in the booth I don't know how he's feeling the kokanee is on andrew needling tonight but the pressure is on Austin Warren who will have that max differential now Michaela is hanging out with the two amigos right now as they're reminiscing about that run Michaela all right I'm I'm gonna have to interrupt here boys I see no no too bad I saw you acting like a gentleman but we went down you guys are really good people come on being a gentleman I guess I can say Bubba went down you guys ride together all the time at home tell me a little bit about your guys hometown man I think all we do is just go to fandom achi get sushi every day but man it's so awesome to be in the finals again with Kyle it's been a while big bear a couple weeks ago across Kranks we're in the finals a fun track it's always a battle we train together we ride together we live five minutes from each other so it's it's rad to see yeah we're our practice is actually showing results right that's amazing in Kyle you said that your hometown is what's it called the Alpine California see apparently it's the song capital of the world so slalom capital of the world he's claiming it well I mean you're both going incredibly fast so I'm gonna take that as a fact good luck in next round thanks Makayla call it time on the bike with another world-class rider or maybe it's just the influence of that sushi they've been eatin but something is working for these guys in the finals together unfortunately Austin Warren will have that maximum differential to make up behind Kyle's straight as we focus our attention back up to the top of the course for the women Daniel Beecroft on the left side of your screen going up against Jill Kentner so maybe a surprise to jill kitna she didn't qualify first resumed on they'll take via croft on the lift on the down low bike Joe kitna with a good stop it while the pressure is on still not used to this position not qualifying forces in slalom de nil beer craft on the foster Lane as well on the Donnell bike this is where this bike should start excelling so gain traction yet on the pedals Wow Jill needs to really up his game yet bear Croft surprising us a little bit and maybe surprising Jill Kittanning yeah it's a pretty big gap right there Danielle he probably knows who's on first 1.21 1.12 behind her is Jill kinder now I don't know if you were thinking maybe the downhill bike first place qualification was some sort of fluke but when she just does that against Joe kinder I mean we know that Jill was on the slower course but that wasn't a point eight differential that was over a second no it wasn't it's something you know it's it early in the Bruce as you said we hope a rider wants to be within one second they you see done nil Burak of putting over a second into Jill kitten so the action really heating up here right now the gold medal is gonna go either to Danielle Beecroft or Joakim nur and you'll be cropped definitely leading the charge right now the bronze medal round for the men the bronze medal round for the women and the gold medal round for both is coming up after the break this is the 100% dual slalom stick around we're trying to make a drivetrain that works better introduce the all-new SRAM GX eagle drivetrain no matter what kind of rider you are or the kind of terrain you might ride eagle is simply the best GX eagle drive trains have a range of gears that rival or flat-out eat most to by systems engineered in Germany made for the world this is GX eagle [Music] Crankworx is proud to call this place home whistler mountain bike park love the feeling of being truly awake well you better stay awake don't sleep on redbull joyride coming up tomorrow slopestyle Saturday August 18th we've been waiting for this moment all year after a long world tour the fourth of four stops brings it back to its birthplace the boneyard right smack dab in the middle of whistler village 4:30 p.m. local time is when you can catch our broadcast here in europe 1:30 a.m. set your alarm we're pulling all nighter 11:30 for those of you tuning in from New Zealand where we started this tour which seems like yesterday all the way back in March well we're into the finals here for the 100% dual slalom Austin Warren going up against Kyle's straight in the gold medal round Kyle straight with that advantage baths and Steenburgen holding that advantage against Thomas Slovak trying to make it up on that faster Whiteside right now they're in the gate ready to determine who's gonna walk away with third place honors in that bronze medal so there you have it 0.85 Thomas Levesque needs to make up he is on that Foster Lane you know a good excuse me you know goodies and there you have it we've lost cam in the booth Thomas lovey absolutely hammering it on the pedals here Bears fans teaming with the advantage to the flat turns we see they clean Oh Oh little public from bass fans team Vega I would he's pushing hard is it gonna be enough yet for the bronze medal on the edge of control bass Ben Steenburgen through the finish line 1.31 back Tomas Slovak will take home the bronze medal Wow well of course he was hoping to repeat on his win from last year but a bronze medal is not too shabby when it comes to a consolation prize well Thomas Slovak running away with another medal Micaela let's catch up with them all right so you had a little bit of troubles in practice but you seem to be on absolute rails tonight how good does it feel to come away with the bronze you know it's it's always beginning to be on a podium especially here in Whistler and you know after after the crash yesterday I thought I'm not gonna be racing but I raced it I tried today and yeah the result is fine it's fair enough for me I'm super stoked well congratulations thank you for sure yes Thomas Slovak making it happen right there but bass fans Steenburgen on the edge of control almost going off course here exactly the head man Wow cases that lost Jumpman he was so committed to try and make up that time there but he just wasn't gonna be enough Thomas Slovak bouncing back from the big crash yesterday going on to take the bronze medal great ride from him not as good as last year with the wind but that's awesome for him Wow bass fancy American wasn't the only one on the edge of control andrew needling if you know what I mean but let's check it out here the bronze medal round for the women Kilani hines on the right side of your screen going up against a former queen of Crankworx Annika Burton on a computer and having 0.83 to make up so that is when within reach which is on the FASTA track look forward to have a good start here for cross background watch the ice on a preempted gates could start by both of them EFT in red Kalani and the blue jerseys Anika butan they were introduced Ricci Fletcher little bit late it's like I said from Kalani that is not gonna help her cause I think a bitten has been good down the bottom in the slalom an egg appear too looking to take that bronze middle Annika beardy the winner in this second run by one point six eight and of course that means she'll go home with a bronze medal here in Whistler strong ride for it she's been on the podium here before collecting some more hardware so Annika Bearden taking home a bronze medal that's gotta feel good let's hear the excitement Makayla so you've been on the podium here before and you're on the podium again today how good does it feel to get the bronze today oh man it feels amazing you know I love racing here in Whistler and it's never easy to get him to podium we have so many fast women now and to put it together tonight means a lot to me that's amazing and congratulations again thank you well congratulations tonic a beard and taking home a nice souvenir getting back on the podium here at Crankworx former Queen it's great to see her back on Form now in the men's category you're gonna have to be very much on Form in order to win a gold medal out here in dual slalom but a whole lot more at stake for that guy on the left side of your screen right there Kyle Strait he's trying to rack up some points for the king of Crankworx standings before the race today he was hanging out in fifth place 30 points behind Keegan right Keegan Wright was out Adrien LaRon was route was out so we give points for top ten and all the events out here so he's gonna move up the rankings he's he gonna get first place points or second-place points he's looking for that third place prize money in the king of Crankworx standings it's gonna come down to this run right here so when run number one against Austin Warren pile straight looked a little something like this while Austin Warren very committed yet coming deep oh and just carrying too much speed into the first turn and just losing grip there man big crash for Austin Warren that shows his commitment but Wow just pushing a little bit too hard and he would go down very similar riders right here so it's still within the realm of possibility that calistri could have a similar issue if he pushes too hard you've said it before it's hard to take it easy that it is he knows Austin Warren's gonna lay it all out on the line here he wants to force a mistake out of con Austin Warren having to make up a maximum differential which for this run is two point four nine Kyle Strait has been in his position many times before like you said he's won prestigious events lots of slalom races in his life Austin Warren and he's on the slower call so that's gonna be so tough for him to push a mistake because Kyle Strait can't even see Austin Dixon so he knows he's ahead and that's all he needs to do so Kyle Strait to bring it home yet making one thru man you take that gold medal Kyle Strait back on the top of the slalom podium he was fourth place here last year he had a second place at the first stop in Rotorua for the 2018 season but the top step of the podium is all his tonight [Applause] that's great Bhama has to settle for second he steals that I'm upset sign he will shake it one sea otter slalom but now he's winning it here in Whistler this has got to be one of the biggest wins and hits long career Makayla let's hear how this one stacks up alright so the boys were saying you've won in sea otter for slalom you've done really well in slalom in the past but is this perhaps the biggest slalom race you've ever won I don't know careers not over yet is it but to date today you know it's a big one for sure I've worn and will slip one and Wisla in the past it's been a couple years but uh yeah winning a whisker is definitely enjoyable and I'm stoked the crowds hype thank you congratulations Thank You Kyle Strait always a force to be reckoned with when it comes to dual slalom racing it's a form of competition he holds near and dear to his heart got his own slalom course at home and it's paying off he's got a gold medal we're gonna give away another gold medal right now it's either going to go to Jill Kentner on the left side your screen or your number one qualifier Daniel B Croft who holds the advantage if you remember what happened and run number one take a look back at that advantage Danielle Beecroft was able to pull off against Joe Kent or something is so hard to beat here in Whistler that she is fishing slalom she's won this event seven times in total she's going for six in a row but Daniel viacom came out qualified first on the downhill bike and she's showing us why she's carrying very good speed through those loose turns as Jill kitten that she's been in this position before she's had to make up time in the pumptrack which she has been able to do she thrives under pressure so Jill kinder with a sizeable differential to make up 1.1 to Danielle Beecroft definitely has to keep her eyes on the prize right now if she's gonna take it out from underneath the champ mighty good starting vanilla compared to toolkit McDowell bike is hideous it tough to get it up to speed Wow they things flying off track here Danielle big cough needs to just keep in touch with Juliet steak from Jill yeah she's gonna lose it a bit of time they've identified but this decent through that flat turn this is looking good she's got to keep it within one point one two this is looking like she could do it pretty close while joe kinder not doing enough Danielle B Kroc will take home the gold medal well that is an upset victory there for Danielle vehicle great riding from her system she went all the way to the final camp the finish line celebration says it all any time you can beat Jill Kenner and dual slalom you've done something extraordinary let's hear it from her Michaela okay you just knocked dill off the five year streak she was on on a downhill bike what what is going on right now I have no idea but I was having fun on the black board I say I'm sorry I'm going away and besides you know just liking the bike better having fun on the bike where do you think the downhill bike excelled on this course the track was so rough and like all the corners and essentially that flat corner so I just gave it Helen it paid Oh amazing congratulations thank you Wow huge accomplishment there from Danielle Beecroft upsetting the Queen Jill Kentner yeah I mean she said it herself she was opting for the downhill bike she felt she could have more traction in this flat and I really think that paid off or as you see it with a limp its fastest bike is the biker feeling good on going against the grain against convention right now and celebrating like Nikolai Rowe gakuen would if he won an event I'm gonna see him tomorrow but right now it's all about Danielle Beecroft taking the rug out from under Jill Kentner yeah putting a stop to that streak five years in a row but it will not be six great ride from her well-deserved bike to us there as well so in the men's category Kyle street walking away with the gold medal and top honors all the points you could possibly earn from this competition and that bumps him up in the king of Crankworx standings take a look that is grateful Kyle strike so he's leapfrog Keegan ride and a dune on that should Shakir him the third place for the year well Kyle Street getting that third place in the $5,000 for the king of Crankworx overall standings but first and second place still to be determined we have two more events to go downhill on Sunday you'll see Sam blank and saw he's been leading the king of Crankworx all season he's gonna be strong on the Canadian Open downhill course that is an event that's right up his alley but Thomas Lemoine an opportunity for big points he's a slopestyle competitor with so much consistency he's been scoring points and dual speed and style pumptrack and slope style he's been looking great in practice but only one can be the king and it's gonna come down to the final two events well what a great event we had here tonight Andrew needling final thoughts from the 100% dual slalom well done yeah big tough she came out swinging qualifying foster surprising us on the downhill bike and amazing a surprise victory for her but man what a ride Caryl straight dominated from the beginning making all the way to the final unfortunate Bubba Coonan with him that would handle the pressure he would crash out so many great events already here at Crankworx whistler 2018 and it all builds to Red Bull joy ride tomorrow 4:30 p.m. local time here in the Pacific time zone and if you're hanging out close to Whistler Village say everything get on the highway get on that highway early and make sure if you want the best seat in the house you get the VIP experience we still have some tickets up for grabs log on to the Crankworx website in order to find those tickets Red Bull Joyride coming at you tomorrow go to Crankworx comm slash Whistler slash VIP for the best seats in the house hanging out right next to that classic cabin you always find on the middle of the course well what a great night of competition out here in the 100% dual saw them some upsets some gold medals being awarded and some shifts in the king and queen overall standings Cowell street so let find that third place position we'd like to thank you all for tuning in on behalf of Michaela Gatto in the finish crowd I'm your host cam a call alongside our expert Andrew needling when we want to hope that you're gonna join us tomorrow for Red Bull Joyride the discipline of slopes house started right here and all of the events we've had so far Frank works Whistler 2018 have built to the moment we'll experience tomorrow we'll also have downhill on Sunday we're Sam blankets up we'll be trying to earn some points and the king of crank works crown once again red blow-dry tomorrow August 18th 4:30 Pacific time you won't want to miss it thank you for tuning in the 100% dual slalom and we will see you tomorrow [Music] you you
Channel: Crankworx
Views: 28,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0WFzeqjXXWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 41sec (7001 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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