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hello welcome to my wartel Spearman class guide I'm a host Murphy so this guy managed to help you out even a tiny little bit please smash that like button it would greatly appreciated so in this guide we're going to be going over the best skills equipment and class news as the Spearman okay so super quick breakdown for the spear man so they bring a lot of support Buffs to the table a lot of damage increases for your allies making them hit a lot harder utility wires are like a Swiss army knife they have so many different varied weapons with slows not backs they can stop enemies from taking turns they bring so much utility they're like the best support class if not the only support class in war Tails they also have a lot of sustained damage they can hit up to three times in a term with certain abilities they bring bleeds to the table as well they get multiple targets with AOE and a line they bring a lot of sustained damage to your party right so moving on to the build for the spear man so I've respected a fresh pipe man to show you the path I take down the skill tree I'll also begin going over all the other skills and let you know why I didn't like them compared to the ones I chose and what I think of them in general okay so first up is valoris audacity every time this unit ends their turn next to an enemy and is not engaged in combat you gain one valid point okay so the thing about this about a point generation skill is that it looks good on paper but in actual fact it's really not because once you kind of go up to the enemy to get the valid point generation that you need by being next to them you're kind of putting yourself In Harm's Way and as a Spearman you don't really want to be engaged on or be in The Fray of things you want to kind of play more of a mid-range kind of game where you kind of keep the enemies at a distance so you can use all your abilities whenever you want because as soon as you get engaged with the Enemy as a Spearman it shuts down a lot your options and a lot of abilities that you can use next up is valoris Victory every time this unit kills an enemy you gain one valid point okay so the thing about this valid point generation skill is that it can be a bit hit or miss on the spear man no pun intended it's just kind of hard pull off you need to kind of set up the enemy for them to be able to burst it down they don't really have that many damage skills they got about two to three at most and some of them are quite situational as well so you're not necessarily going to be able to pull this off every single time in combat so valoris support every time this unit ends their turn next to an ally and is not engaged in combat you gain one valid point right so this Valor Point generation skill is the best one to have for the spear man most of the time you're going to be hugging your allies you're going to be near them giving them your utility giving them your support protecting them this is literally hands down the best Valor Point generation skill to pick for the Spearman moving on to level three and the classes that starts with the harpooner incapacitating throw one valid point deals 29 damage to all units in the area applies bleeding to the first unit's hit nine meter area range bleeding Target loses 20 percent of their Max Health at the end of their turn Okay so this skill is pretty decent it has a good range on it does good damage you can hit up to three to four targets applies bleeding to the first one hits the only thing about the skill is it doesn't do enough the damage is fairly low the bleeding in this kind of like game State at the moment you want to burst them down and not put too many dots out there you kind of want to not play the longer game and kind of play the shutdown and kill the enemy as fast as possible game instead so this skill would be better in a war of attrition but at the moment it's not that great compared to some of the other skills the harpooner also comes with medium armor and as I said in the previous guide medium armor is the best armor you can get it comes with critical hit on it has good guard has good armor and there's no drawbacks or the penalties that heavy armor has with the minus movement speed right so next up we got Herald Battle Cry one valid point applies Fury to all allies in the area for me to range Fury damage to the next attack increased by 50 so I kind of have mixed feelings about this ability it has a fairly low range it's kind of hard to hit more than two or three people unless you're really actively going at your way to do it on top of that it only lasts for the first attack if we were to compare that to a Berserker skill which is the level eight skill Battle Cry yes I agree is a level 8 ability it should be fairly strong but the Battle Cry out on the Berserker literally lasts for two rounds it has a six meter area as well it's two meters larger than the spearman's one and on top of that it literally does 30 damage instead of 50 on all your attacks so it's not just the first attack you do as the speed man it literally is every single attack you do for the next two rounds so obviously they are Level differences between them but normally as a class skill it should be the class defining skill it should make the class really strong it should make you really think should I take this should I take that not be like oh this isn't as good as a level 8 skill on the Berserker but it's my class skill it should be one of the strongest skills I pick it's what defines my whole character the whole character I'm building and once again they get medium armor which I said before best armor in the game our last class is the puck man they get spiritual one that valid point targets a specific area when an enemy enters the area performs one attack of opportunity and stops them in their tracks three meter range vigilance cannot be used if this unit is engaged in combat targeting this unit is readying a skill they cannot start any other action or become engaged in combat so this skill is absolutely amazing it's one of the main reasons I have two spearmen or should I say piping on my team at the same time it's incredible it does everything it shuts down the enemy stops them from having a turn stops them for having any fun completely nopes out the whole life so every time an enemy comes up to you and tries to hit you as long as you manipulate their parving and make sure the spearman's the one in front or making sure you're covering your allies properly you can always stop them from attacking this even works in Matthias Lund which is like elite boss it stops him from attacking that is so crazy I feel like the spear wall is probably I think it's probably the best skill in the whole game I don't think it's any skill that's actually better than spiritual in the game especially when this gets upgraded it's even more insane even more nutty and that's why I think experiment are probably one of the best units or if not the best units in the game as well this has make some insane because of that as you probably guessed it we are taking spear ball they also get medium armor which I explained earlier best armor in the game on to the level 5 skills we got sweet spots ranged attacks apply destabilization for one round the stabilization guard reduced to zero I actually have a bit of a sweet spot for the skill pun intended most fights you're going to be using your pipe man to move first so you're gonna hit something tanky take away the guard guard stops you from doing damage it stops you from doing a lot of damage because the damage reduction from the guard so being able to put this on something right at the start of battle to be able to burst it down before the one round Runs Out is amazing on top of that you're going to move a lot as a Spearman at the beginning and reposition to protect your allies to stop them from being hit so it's really really strong it also works with all the spearman's weapons as well it works with the really long throw ones it works with the short range ones the only reason I don't take it is because I normally use a fighter and the fighter has destabilizing strike which lasts for two rounds and does exactly the same thing but otherwise yes this skill is actually very decent moving it on to fervent support each time an adjacent Ally is attacked by an enemy in close combat deals 20 line damage to this enemy not going to lie to you guys when I first saw this skill I was like damn this looks amazing when I first started using this skill I was like oh it's a bit rubbish the range is very short on it it's about as long as the spearman's spear so in other words if you're not arranged to hit them say for example they have range attacks you're not getting the most out of this on top of that you don't want to be hit in combat you don't want people being hit you want to kill them before you kill you so let your adjacent Ally be hit is color not the spearman's job the spearman's supposed to be protecting that Ally so if you're letting them be hit you're like not doing your job properly last on the level 5 list we have Team Spirits one next to an ally this unit has brutality brutality damage increased by 30 okay so team spirit great skill you're most of the time going to be next to your allies you're going to be next to them all the time so this is pretty much a permanent buff you're getting a permanent damage increase of 30 there's not a time or barely any time when my spearmen are not to be an ally so as I said this is a permanent 30 damage increase insane level eight skill times I've got lost push one battle Point applies to this unit and the targeted Ally as many rage as they have debuffs rage damage increase by five percent and it's also stackable so the thing I've noticed about last push while using it is it's actually fairly difficult to get debuffs on your characters I think the most I've had is probably free I didn't really go out my way to get all the debuffs in the world on me because that normally means I'm going to take a lot of damage but I think yeah the most I've probably had is three at a time and that's about 15 damage increase which I can obviously keep doing every single turn most battles end in about three to four turns I would say depending how big the battle is so yeah I mean over time you're getting a fair amount of damage increase but every time you're not going to get that many debuffs on you you're not gonna get three debuffs every time so it's not going to be like 15 every turn and by the third turn nearly everything's dead anyway right so the next skill is harnessing strength damage increased by five percent for each bonus applied to this unit right so harnessing strength I don't know where to begin with this there isn't that many bonuses at this moment in time in the game so I think the most I ever got out this is about 10 damage increase I mean even compared to the last push that's pretty bad obviously it doesn't cost a valid point it is a passive but yeah there's just barely any Buffs so yeah harnessing strength needs to harness a bit more because it's kind of redundant okay so our last level eight skill is preparedness if this unit's ends their turn while not engaged in combat they gain Fury Fury damage of the next attack increased by 50 ignore the repost part that's the upgrade of it I'm pretty sure that's a bug that shouldn't even be there so let's ignore that completely so preparedness this is actually pretty insane most of the time you're not going to be engaged in combat as a pipe manner or Spearman you're going to be away from combat you're going to be having a spear wall up so they're never going to really hit you or engage you you're always getting this every round so in other words it's almost like a passive 50 damage boost again like you're always getting there I don't I can literally count on my hands the amount of times my spearmen have been engaged in combat I can literally count my hands still I think it's probably around five times that's because I've made a mistake not because they are engaged combat all the time so in other words like you're always getting this damage increase in your next attack pretty much and it's a passive as well it doesn't cost a valid point and it's better than everything else in the level 8 kind of row everything else is kind of redundant compared to this this is really good okay so moving on to the upgrades let's have a look at Battle Cry so that's why he gets an area increase of two meters the thing about that is it doesn't really help the kind of underlying issue with the skill originally is that it doesn't do a lot for what costs and valid points and also it takes up like a whole kind of class skill as well and only lasts for one attack I feel like this was going to be an upgrade I feel like they should litchy of made it like last for like two or three attacks maybe and maybe increase the error to 10 meters instead of six six is still relatively small but yeah I don't think that's a very worthy upgrade to make you actually take this okay so last push upgrade applies to this unit and a targeted Ally as many rage as they have debuffs plus two so another one if you have two debuffs you get 10 plus that two which is 20 sometimes you don't have any debuffs at all debuffs are actually quite hard to come by sometimes not everyone does bleeds not everyone does poisons or fire so in other words it's very hypothetical whether it's going to be better or not but most time you're guaranteed to get that 10 damage it's only about two or three rounds you'll have about 20 or 30 damage which would be the same as other skills so it doesn't actually make a big difference in the massive long run so to speak because by two or three rounds that's the end of the battle anyway fervent support each time an adjacent Ally is attacked by an enemy in close combat deals 58 damage to this enemy so in other words it goes up by about 16 damage I mean that is okay it's not amazing it's like you know for an upgrade it's okay but in actual fact the skill's not that great anyway as I said you don't really want to be hit and I guess if they doubled it and made like you know 84 damage every time you know you let your ally it hits okay yeah maybe I can see oh that's quite a chunk of change there you know quite a big boost of damage but by upgrading it by 16 that's that's really not a lot so yeah I still wouldn't take this anyway okay so moving on to the incapacitating throw upgrade deals 29 damage to all the units in the area and applies bleeding so if you notice the text there instead of saying applies bleeding to the first unit's hit it now applies it to all the units here in the row I mean this is a worthy upgrade it does make it very powerful uh bleeds are pretty good uh there's only so much bleeding you do though I mean most times like you're just reapplying the same blade they don't stack so in other words once you've got a blade on someone it's not going to go up to two bleeds where they're losing 40 or you know three blades while losing 60 it will always take 20 so it's limited in use and on top of that it is very situational you need to have them all kind of lined up my meter area is you know okay it's fairly big but not that great if it's around 12 meters you could probably quite consistently hit about three people but yeah I think at yeah nine meters you're probably hitting around two most of the time possibly three but yeah I feel like it's still not that great even the upgrade but it's a lot better than it originally was okay so sweet spot upgrade attacks applied destabilization for one round and I have a 40 chance to be critical hits so in other words your attacks don't even have to be ranged attacks anymore they will have a chance to crit as well by 40 on top of your stats already so I got 18 Crypt here plus that 40 that is 58 chance on every single attack I make with the spearmen to be a critical Hit And it causes destabilization as well on top of that I can definitely see an argument to be made here to take this over the 30 flat damage increase that you would normally have if you don't have a fight from your team to be able to break the guard down so yeah this is pretty cool right so harnessing strength upgrade damage increased by 10 for each bonus applied to this unit so it's gone up by five percent from the previous tier so this actually makes me a bit more inclined to take it 10 actually you can probably get that a lot of time towards late game you get quite a lot of Buffs the berserking can buff you you can buff yourself as well so yeah you'll most likely get the 10 I'm not sure about 20 because I said Buffs are quite hard to come by but you're pretty much weighing up harnessing strength versus preparedness in the tier with it so preparedness damage to the next attack increased by 50 so the thing about spearmen is they don't actually attack that many times around I mean they do a spear wall be at two maybe one plus your normal attack so you're weighing up to 50 versus 10 or 20 possibly so you literally need to decide between the two of them I would probably go for preparedness still over that one just because it's always there it does what it says on a tin I don't need to worry about these Buffs or anything it's literally just going to do it automatically for me like a normal passive whereas this one I probably will have to play around with more as and I need to like kind of be conscious of myself doing this as and I'll be like I need to buff up my spearmen to make sure he gets that buff to make sure he gets that damage bonus so it's a bit more thinking involved whereas this is more like fire and forget over to the spear will upgrade so targets a specific area when an enemy enters the area forms two a tax opportunity and stops them in their track so it's literally gone up by one attack opportunity two attacks that's kind of a big deal think about the one attack how strong that was no peeing enemies turns now you got two notes you can literally play two note cards straight away and stop two enemies from attacking people that's crazy you're literally deleting that turns you're saving them it's like a hard CC pretty much or put it into sleep you're turning them into sheep you're freezing them you know you're literally stopping them and you're doing it twice team spirit upgrade as long as this unit is next to an ally they both have brutality so instead of the Spearman or the Pac-Man literally just having the brutality himself on his next Ally now he spreads the love now he's giving it to his ally as well so you both get the 30 damage increase from brutality really insane upgrade amazing you're literally getting two for the price of one great solid passive preparedness upgrade if this unit ends their turn while not engaged in combat the game Fury and repost so you're all gaining repos the next time this unit is attacked by the engaged opponent they Parry with an attack opportunity canceled if the unit moves I guess it's kind of there as more like uh oh crap the enemy engagement anyway and I messed up but otherwise this isn't a very good upgrade but the original skill is very good anyway so having this is just kind of icing on the cake slightly because 50 damage on your next attack guaranteed every turn it's really strong the report is kind of like hey oh no you know like get out jail free cards get an extra attack just in case someone does engage you for some reason you've messed up your positioning or they didn't go into your spirit wall or just something randomly come out of nowhere attacked you so yeah I mean it's fairly strong still but it's not that much of an upgrade and not that amazing okay so this is a battle just to show the power of the pike man also show how strong he can be with the right build and in the right team as well I've got two of them with different names and literally got the exactly the same builds it's just so I can differentiate between the two of them so we're in like a little bottleneck here we need to kind of defend ourselves from the front here and also watch out for the back at the same time so we've got a leader over here which can't get to and he's also giving everyone Critical Hits guaranteed so everyone has that unless I can kill him or engage him but at the moment I can't reach him at all because everyone's completely out of range so what I'm gonna do is start off with the pike man and start trying to stop them from attacking me was I tell the leader somehow so I'm gonna place this Pike man over here so we put out the front there just because we know he's parving he's gonna go for the closest Target to us so he's most likely going to go for that one so we put that there let me knock these two back actually what I might do is move there and look at those two back instead there we go now they're slowed and they can't get to us at all either with that spare throw so let me move back here so we're defending everyone and we put that balance there yeah about that that should catch everyone should catch him and him if they walk into it okay and then for our next trick we grab the Infantry man we'll move him down to about here as well and we'll take a shot on something take a shot into you and put barrage up as well ready for anything that comes close okay bam okay so we literally set up like a little death trap for them to come into now so anytime they move they're going to take a lot of damage especially this guy's probably gonna die to uh the Infantry Manor sec right so on the other side here they can't actually reach anyone here at all so what I can do is grab the harpooner I might just move here and go for a really quick stab he's dead he's going to so much damage with that spear okay and then I think just to play extra safe I don't think can reach but place that there facing oh think facing that way yeah okay now let's grab someone else I'm gonna move the Berserker here buffer for not with damage let's kind of leave him there for now I want them to Target the fighter first because it's a tank okay so he's going to have the path I want him to go he's dead oh the damage the damage it's like it's just kind of like judging how close you are to that Target so I knew that this distance was slightly shorter than that one across so to get to this guy I mean so he'd have to go all the way around to get to that guy was here he was more like a diagonal but um yeah so normally they always pick the shortest distance that's how you position the Spearman uh he's next who is next I think with you I just run you in I know I'm not gonna kill anything here I'm gonna run you in I was gonna throw a bleed up on you I'll get the knife throw anyway for the reset I can run back again all I can even walk close go for a double stab kill one of them because Ranger's so strong and then run away again back behind the uh little Shield wall let's see like there's keeping everything back completely it's crazy okay so he's walked in he's gonna get a crit on something for the Assassin yet big hit okay so he's walking away I want him to as well doesn't really move that far though he's got barely any movements smash I could probably go deal with him yeah smash is gonna smash so let's finish him off okay and now the leader still needs to move but you can't reach me anyway so what I'll do is I'll walk up I will do a slam dunk let's jump out range quickly yep don't want to hit me no you know just when I can avoid it completely so I'll just checking and positioning to make sure I didn't have to be further over let's go for some dunk and then finish off one of these okay I can even move again here because of the repost inspiration um I don't really want to just because he's gonna hit me otherwise so it's gonna be from there okay leaders on the move so Leader's gonna be the first one I mean the last one to die normally he's the first one to die in all my uh fights but for some reason this guy put himself literally in Tokyo and I can't get to him at all so I'm literally just dealing with this with the enemies having guaranteed crits I think they've only hit one attack so far just because of the spearmen okay I'm probably the poacher as well it's just going to hit something unless I can get to it it's too far range actually I might be able to get it so move there before that we get reset our dagger throw that we can move in get closer go for the kill yeah they only have one hit now only one hit you move over here as well get a stab off it doesn't really do much though because we haven't got a uh backstab on this so we can't get the triple we're gonna get the single I think I'll just uh and turn oh almost cancel that then it's got a new term uh let's take down the fighter next I mean the Assassin hurling the mean dog this guy's literally just chopping them all up by himself crazy damage it's gonna reposition him here I might just talk this now ready for one and one of the Assassins come in okay so in that turn okay so his turns up pretty soon I think I'll grab the Berserker go to town time to berserk whatever exactly doesn't finish off the Ranger wheel okay because I can literally just absolutely annihilate them right so equipment time so I have two sets of equipment for my two pikemen so one of them is using the weapon Legion gizan and you get 53 strength you get floriblow skill and I'm using a poisonous oil on this poisonous oil every time a skill deals damage has a 30 chance to apply one poison poison loses five percent of the maximum health at the end of the turn is also stackable so this is really really strong on this because of this skill here flurry or blows deals 25 damage to the Target 4 times Lee range three meters so in other words every time this hits and those four times it has a 30 chance of adding on that poison stack so even on one hit you can get up to like three stacks or four stacks of poison already just from one use of the skill really really insane and that's not all I'm also using the poisonous oil concentrates as my belt accessory the poisonous oil has an additional 30 chance to apply its effects so what this means is the oil originally gives me 30 plus this 30 means like 60 and every time I hit which is up to four times that six percent chance of applying a poison stack each hit pretty crazy so the medium armor that I'm using on my pipe man is it Outlaws Harbor critical hit five percent guard 18 armor 103. I literally use this medium arm on all the medium armor users I got up my Berserker literally exactly the same one pop and this one has a slot I have my Smasher I have it on my other pipe man as well I'm literally using this on everyone it's so so strong the only problem with this one is it didn't have a slot yet I'm looking for one with a slot so unfortunately I haven't been lucky the RNG gods have not blessed me as always so I couldn't put in the layer that I wanted there that I would use those layer of the serpent gives two strength two critical hit I feel like this one's the best the two strength adds to your damage as a Spearman because your main stat is strength and the critical hit is always nice to have because it means you're creating more doing more damage moving on to my other Pike man he is using the weapon Croc sting which I got off a unique kind of event like a bounty so it gives me strength of 26 powerful throw skill unfortunately it's only level seven and it's quite hard to come by this weapon as well I'll wait for level 8 or level 9 version so I can put an oil in it which will most likely be even a poisonous oil for the AOE or a crit oil for the extra kind of added damage and Breeze my critical hit up a tiny bit so what this one does is every time I use the main skill powerful throw it deals 23 damage to all units in the Target area knocks them back by two meters and applies slowed down nine meter range so down movement reduced by a half so you use this kind of as a utility weapon that's why it's so low level I have found better things or better weapons that I say with more damage but the utility this brings to the tables insane knocking back something it literally is a soft CC that acts as a hard CC so you can literally throw a spirit something slope down so it can't reach any real party members spear ball the rest out so you're doing like almost free crowd controls for the price of one pretty much just having this weapon this weapon gives me so much battle control so much CC I love it love this weapon over to the Belt accessory I'm using light Faber's range plus one I feel like this is the best one to kind of uh team up with the weapon it gives me a bit of added range means I can hit more people without gonna hit up to two to three people or hit like a bit further away than I normally could it allows me to make more plays a bit more tactical Advantage the armor once again is Outlaws Harbor critical hit five percent guard 18 armor 103 as I said before I had this armor and literally everyone that uses medium armor just because of the crit and the stats are really well balanced if I could I put in a reinforced layout of the serpent once again for the two strength and the critical hit okay so professions for my pikemen so my first one has minor Constitution plus two and strength plus one and the other one has scholar willpower plus one so the thing is is you can't always choose the kind of correct professions for all your characters not everyone can be a black spear if not everyone can be a tinkerer for the crit so in other words you literally have to kind of make do these guys don't actually need a lot of damage they're more like utility support so it's actually okay to kind of be a bit more mediocre on them they don't need to be at their best and have that the best kind of damage boosting abilities and skills and professions and all that they can kind of sit a bit more at mediocrity than the other classes so to speak so I would say the best ones to pick are probably minor there'd be blacksmith and once again tinkerer I feel like tinkerer is really good on pretty much everyone unless it's like a tank then you probably don't want it on a tank at all because the Tank's not gonna make a full use out of it because you're not really going to be doing that much damage if you're using sword and board so yeah Tinker is really good on everyone else pretty much it gives you that guaranteed kind of critical hit two percent so yeah these three are pretty strong tinkerer minor blacksmith I would stay away from Alchemist it's not your main stats willpower as I said before and the previous guide is very iffy stat doesn't really do a lot in this game at all like it doesn't really make much difference to your character at all but someone has to take it at some point so you need like at least one scholar and possibly one angle you can probably skip angler I reckon because you don't really need to fish that much there's probably like one Quest that needs it so you can kind of skip angler if you don't want to kind of like give someone a crappy profession you can kind of get rid of angler as soon as you've done that Quest cooking's not too bad as a profession it's not the best it's not ideal but as I said before they don't need to be the best so Constitution plus two that mainly be used for like straight arrows and range attacks because as a pike man you're not really going to be hitting melee very much and then Thief once again it's not your main stat Dex plus one doesn't have any kind of relevance on you at all so there's no point taking it so both my pikemen even though they're using different weapons they have exactly the same build they both use Valor supports for the easy valid point generation they both have spear walls Jessica's defensive advantages and open out enemies turns making sure they don't have any fun at all then they have team spirit because that damage bonus is insane it's permanently on you it literally is like a passive that's always on you pretty much and then last but not least we're preparedness and gives you Fury which gives you a big burst of damage that you need literally allows you to bounce off even quicker than you normally would right so how about wraps up my best build guy for the Spearman if you have any suggestions on how to make this class even more powerful I look forward to hearing it I'm also covering the last four classes so stay tuned for that like subscribe but I'll catch you next one take care
Channel: Methfu
Views: 35,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Walkthrough, Guide, methfu, Hardest Difficulty, wartales guide, wartales first look, wartales best class, wartales tips, wartales hardest difficulty, wartales best build for spearman levels 1 to 8, best equipment spearman wartales, wartales spearman best skills, wartales how to play spearman, wartales pikeman best build, wartales best layer for spearman, wartales best oil for spearman, first look, wartales best belt accessory spearman, wartales best weapon for spearman
Id: PV5lnVc_rQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 1sec (1861 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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