Definitive Guide to the Spearman | Wartales

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welcome mercenary captains today's guide is about the most unique class here in war tales the spearman a true mid-range combatant the spearman shirks the convention of having units formally engage with each other choosing instead to fend off their enemies at slight range with large two-handed pole arms and taking a number of specialization options that benefit fighting in close coordination with their allies we are going to be going through all of these different specialization skills the upgrades to these skills you can get through skill masteries also we're going to be covering equipment alchemical advantages that you can pick up over here from the apothecary and the best synergies that they have with other companions we're going to be doing a little bit of safe scumming here with dora to be able to show off all of the different build options you can check the timestamps if you want to jump to a specific build and then we're going to wrap up at the end talking about what the true strongest combination of these abilities is the spearman certainly has the most freedom in terms of what attributes you can pick up as you level up strength is going to be the main way that you deal your damage so it's going to be very important constitution not as much as the other melee characters because while you do have to be close to the enemies you don't have to be directly engaged with them with your long reach pole arms movement is always useful and of course so is critical hit if you like seeing those big yellow numbers the first build we're going to show off is the harpooner which is the most damage focused of all these builds so we're going to grab a valorous victory every time this unit kills an enemy you gain one valor point harpooner specialization gives us access to medium armor which is going to be the same across any of these specializations and unfortunately selecting the specializations here does not give us any stat boosts i'm unsure why this is uninconsistent across the different classes some of them as you pick specializations will give you boost to your attributes some of them do not and the the spearman happens to be one that you do not we're gonna round out the build by taking team spirit as our passive and as we level these up with these skill mastery tomes we're gonna break down the skills spear throw does eight damage to all units in the area it fires out as a straight line up to 10 meter throw which is great range and this is applying 50 percent of your strength as damage normally it only applies bleeding to the first enemy hit but as we apply the skill mastery tome it will apply bleeding to all the enemies hit and it is important to note that this will impact allies as well team spirit says that while next to an ally this unit has brutality and with the mastery point it gives both you and the ally brutality increasing your damage by 30 a beautiful boost to our dps hooking dora up with a nasty pike and some real armor and she's finally starting to look a little bit closer to her namesake battling up against another group of mercenaries here we have a great chance to be able to show off exactly what dora the harpooner can really bring to the table so we're gonna settle right up to axe picking up our allies so we have brutality extra 30 damage and here we're going to do the harpooner spherical row and we see we have that enormous radius we apply bleeding to both enemies point and click bleeding it is so good it is also extremely rare here in the game then we're going to back up a little bit because of the nuance of the pole arm that we are using impale it does 19 to 24 damage to the target and knocks them back one meter damage is doubled if used from a distance so we don't want to be right up next to them we want to be able to get that doubled up damage odo here says i can apply bleeding too and the enemies will quake and fear now it is important to note that the harpooner's spear throw is unique from the free spear throws that you find at the spears laid out in the ground so the spear throw here is more oriented to damage it will only hit a single enemy rather than all the enemies that it passes through and it does not apply bleeding there is some beautiful synergy between the harpooner and the assassin with right between the eyes here able to deal double damage if the target is already bleeding so if you stack these effects across the team on who is able to apply bleeding to really set up your assassin for some major damage then you can see some excellent results it's when the battle has progressed into the second and third round you have enemies who are whittled down across the map that this build for the harpooner really takes off because with impale here you have the disruption to be able to break up engagements as you need you're able to deliver brutality to allies if you want to set up their major attacks over here we're going to be able to use our basic down here we crit but we sadly don't get the kill if we had we would have been able to pick up a few more valor points then we're going to cross over here to be able to trade and still pick up the brutality spear throw through both of these enemies two more valor points added in and now we are really getting off the ground your spearman is in my opinion the best candidate to be appointed as either captain or lieutenant of the crew because they are meant to be fighting in close proximity with a group of allies they get a lot of synergy points for coordinating strikes with their allies which is excellent for being able to use galvanize score that for a lot of valor points or the tactical order if you have them paired with one person in particular being able to gain brutality to both allies share that and be able to kite around on the flank and then being able to use that tactical order to get out those bonus attacks of opportunity attacks of opportunity scale at i think 105 percent of the damage dealing stat for whatever stat that character is using which is an excellent ratio so it is a very good use of a valor point in my opinion speaking of which let's see what uh odo is able to do here if we gave him a text order to wipe this guy off the map all right finish the job loki and there we go the harpooner is an amazing specialization with that spear throw giving them the added versatility of a range attack that is also applying bleeding and can affect multiple enemies if you have them bunched up for a single valor point this is an incredible ability the next specialization we are going to be showing off is harold this is the dedicated support line for the spearman so we're gonna grab valorous support able to generate valor points if we end our turn next to allies and are not engaged ourselves harold gives us battle cry and then we are going to be going for fervent support here uh to be able to synergize with this supportive build battlecry applies fury to all allies in the area it starts out as a tiny area four meters but once we take the mastery point it extends to a six meter area which means that you don't have to keep all of your units so close together that they're just asking to be torn apart by an area of effect attack off of the enemy's big axe or hammer fervent support says each time an adjacent ally is attacked by an enemy in close combat deal 6 damage to this enemy i think this means it's doing 45 of strength and as we take the mastery point we bump it up a little bit to be able to get just that squeeze out more damage from it in terms of equipment for this build i'm still taking all the same items though this is a position where you could look to swap out the spear for the guard spear that will apply destabilization to the enemies just to be able to mesh with the uh the supportive nature of the build though for me right now because i have aoen my swordsman turned fighter with destabilizing strike i don't really need another source of destabilization to get through high armor targets we're fighting up against a band of legionaries here and i find that the opening turn just right out of the deployment is often going to be one of your best bets for getting a good battle cry off so here we are triggering with three allies we'll pay the the iron price two valor points to be able to get fury on three of our allies and it doesn't give fury to us come on i'm gonna play two valor points and you're gonna be stingy with that last point of uh of valor or a fury it just feels like i'm paying too many valor points for what i'm getting fury is definitely good but it's not it's not so amazing because i'm passing up on the bonus damage to myself and then with most other abilities you're able to get an extra attack off which we are missing here and where do we want to reposition dora because she has fervent support we're going to be looking for a position where if one of our allies takes a hit she'll be able to use the counter attack so we might actually go for falling back here to be either next to aoen or axe let's hop back next to axe and hope this baits this legionnaire across to attack him ah this guy wanted to make his attack and there we go we get the extra retribution 18 damage has more damage than he did even though he attacked three of us then they come in against the axe and once again we make our strike so if you end up in a position where you're in this tight formation then virgin support can definitely pump out some heavy hits against the enemies and raise the dps of the team overall quite substantially all right eowyn i gave you fury time to look pretty for me smack this idiot around let's go now you would do a little bit better if you could have a teammate next to you here with team strike on her sword giving her that basic that will improve damage if she's next to an ally means that she the the swordsmaster or the fighter will do a very well synergizing with a pikeman or with a ranger and archer but the the synergy between those two is very high [Music] now this guy has the spear that i wish i had able to strike four times on the basic is insane it doesn't do a lot of damage but it has incredible synergy with applying an oil to your weapon if you're looking to be able to apply a status effect to the enemies which can be a very valid source of damage here in the game now as the fight disperses unless you have a very focused strategy on keeping all your units together it's going to get harder and harder to score battle cry on more than two allies and so i feel like the ability really does fall off especially also later in the battle you've been draining your valor point generation a little bit and paying the two to be able to give fury out to the rest of the team i just don't really like it now here we really do have the dream pairing coming together and my only worry is because we're galvanized we will kill them too quickly how much damage we're about to unleash so there we go we've come across with dora here and now eowyn is going to be able to walk into this beautifully opened space and with the team strike because we're getting the extra damage off of being next to an ally seal the deal and i believe that that synergy it really is a close call in that kind of pair up whether you want fervent support to be able to get those retribution attacks out of the the pikeman or if you would want to go over to team spirit being able to give both characters brutality if you go the brutality route your damage is going to be significantly increased especially with that beautiful synergy of getting an extra 50 off of team strike if you're using this particular weapon so that's probably the route i would go though we also saw a great demonstration of how much overall damage you can get from fervent support if you have multiple enemies coming in and attacking that ally allowing the pikemen to dish out those hits overall i think the herald specialization is the weakest of all the available options just because two valor points is too expensive for what you are getting here if it was only one valor point i think it would be more in line though then again maybe it has to be two because of the high ceiling of applying fury to your entire team if you really are bunching all your units together i just personally put a much higher value on immediate damage every turn that my characters take rather than this form it's pseudo delayed damage because you're just applying a buff to your allies and then they're going to do more damage on their turns whereas when i'm playing out my battles i prefer just being able to do as much damage as possible on each individual character's turns our final build here is going to be showing off the pikeman we're once again going to grab valor's support for valor point generation the pikeman specialization and then we're going to pick up sweet spot as our passive i think that sweet spot passive is pretty garbage um but i want to be able to show off everything here in the class at the end we'll talk about a better passive to potentially take with this specialization the specialization gives a spear wall targets a specific area when an enemy enters the area performs one attack of opportunity and stops them in their tracks this is so so good as we take the mastery we upgrade it and now this is a visual bug or it's a typo here inflicts zero damage that's not true you're still taking a full attack of opportunity but now against two enemies to enter the area the real value here is the fact that you stop them in their tracks and this just breaks the ai's brain it doesn't understand what's happened and they usually absolutely waste their turn after this happens to them even if they are a character like an archer another spearman or even a an axeman somebody with reach on their weapon if they can't get to the position that they wanted to be to be able to attack they often will not attack at all even if they then can make a valid attack against you the zone that you are projecting for spear wall is tiny so i don't know if the mastery point here is worth it at all it might seem like being able to hit two enemies instead of one is an enormous step up but the zone is so small that you're going to have to be a positional master to be able to get multiple enemies to traverse through this zone and once enemy one enemy is inside it that pretty much means that all the other ones are gonna have to walk around and completely miss it so that's probably one of the uh the skill mastery books that i would just save if i was being stingy with them now i've already called sweet spot garbage but let's see at least what it's trying to give us attacks against ranged units apply destabilization for one round and the mastery point is going to mean that we also have an additional 40 chance to crit on attacks against ranged enemies now the enormous boost in crit chance goes a long way in trying to redeem this but the overall point of being able to apply destabilization to ranged units is largely wasted the two ranged enemies that you are going to fight are archers and other pikemen the archers wearing light armor will not have any guard value so destabilization is completely wasted against them and they're going to be the most common ranged enemies that you are going to see the other enemy spearmen will wear medium armor so they will have a small guard value so it's not the priority target to be destabilized and they are also a very rare enemy type to encounter this feels to me like it should just read you can always apply destabilization on your attacks or you always at least have a chance of applying destabilization on your attacks limiting it to destabilizing ranged enemies pushes it into the realm of being effectively useless and the only value is really in the critical chance improvement that you're picking up off of the skill mastery fighting up against a group of guards here we have a couple phalanx soldiers who are going to be those quote unquote ranged enemies with a actual guard value so maybe we'll get some value out of destabilizing them coming across here we get the crit uh very nice to see the crit actually really good damage there and we apply destabilization so now this guy is uh on his way to being taken down we're gonna run back here around the rock try and use that as a bit of a defensive formation with these enemies we're going to be coming in and now we see spear wall coming in it is such a small radius tiny tiny radius what is that 45 degree angle i guess it's probably 60 degree angle but it is very small usually for other area of effect pieces that you put out you're able to get a much wider zone but as you can see here it's going to be challenging to actually get two enemies to walk in hopefully we pulled it off there um with those other enemies positioned up against the wall i want to come back around and see it does it look like we're going to get it i think this lieutenant is also going to be able to come through which was what we were going for to be able to get that attack against multiple enemies and here we see the real value of going pikeman specialization to pick up spear wall means that you're able to just hold a flank off against multiple enemies and then try and outnumber the other enemies that you have caught off in the center or the other flank the real kicker with spearwall though is just getting the enemies to stop and waste their entire turn for a single valor point ah it just does beautiful things i do think spearmen are the best flank position defenders because of their combination of this potential lockdown coming out of spear wall and then the natural knock back from the basic pike that you are able to craft yourself you're able to fend off the enemies when they engage with you so that you can keep on kiting around move back to a better position throw up the spear wall to try and hold them off from being able to advance again and rinse and repeat you can also use that to be able to try and hold enemies in what are dangerous zones for them if you're creating clouds of poison if you're creating fire like down here on the ground then the enemies move in they're forced to stop right in that zone and you can control them really stacking up high numbers of damage over time status effects all right at last this guy wants to try and go we stab him we get that attack of opportunity almost break the armor unfortunately we didn't crit but we do keep him in the fire which means that the burning ticks over on him now he wants to go again to finally push through and be able to actually get to attack us well i'm sorry buddy today's just not your day we're gonna push him back he is now destabilized which i mean he didn't really need to be there and then what other enemies are about to take their turn i think the play now is actually to cut down this direction and throw up the spear wall about out like this to try and catch the enemies coming in to target dora oh he sees another enemy yeah the guards with their huge freedom of movement will not always just attack the closest enemies because if they are able to attack multiple enemies they're gonna go for whatever attack is gonna deal the most damage we're gonna try and make this just an absolute no fun zone for the enemies so we've got fire out everywhere we have the the spearman who's going to lock enemies in place and then we have the much larger zone overwatch coming out of snipe stay tuned subscribe to the channel if you want to see my guide for the archer which is going to be coming out soon is going to be the last class that i have to make a guide for yes we even catch him the captain i'm just running through the field of battles yeah i'll be fine here we go we get the overwatch ah great we were bamboozled by the other the hammer enemy coming across and uh then we positioned our little overwatch the spear wall in a useless position because this guy managed to sneak in without catching without catching the spear wall well the archers overwatch ended up proving very effective there we get the spear wall to fend off the enemy let's see how do we want to salvage this position we are absolutely surrounded at this time uh we still have another tick of the spear wall so we could delay the turn a little bit if we think that one of these enemies is going to make a move but the main thing here is that this guy is just going to be able to wail on us then this guy is going to go so that will proc the spear wall and then we could move and reset it so we might actually go for that first off we want to be able to apply do i want to apply first aid now because we're just going to get bleeding reapplied i'm trying to think this out sort of pretending like i haven't won wholesale over on the rest of the battlefield but i suppose we should show this off you can force enemies to move within this zone to trigger the attack of opportunity so we can come across with our other spearmen push the enemy to the side and then trigger the attack out of dora just immediately without having to wait for the enemies to actually take their turn then i think the play is come back up and lock this failing soldier in place now snipe can do first aid for dora be able to cleanse off those nasty status effects shoot a fire arrow into the sky to be able to apply burning to all three of these enemies and then run away tactically retreat tactically retreat okay now it's dora's turn and the kiting will just continue kiting will continue until the enemies catch up so we push them back into the fire and now with this rocky position we have a much better much much better position to be able to apply our little uh spear wall to lock them in place with here comes the enemy and he's down down for the count now i just hope that this guy also wants to step in yes we got him oh we got him so good now we just need to wrap up the battle and axe is the perfect man for this job oh his damage is so good being able to push enemies around with basic attacks disrupt engagements and then throw down spear wall to guarantee wasting enemies turns locking them out of being able to move around the battlefield opens up so many awesome tactical decisions that the pikeman is an amazing specialization to pick up sweet spot and not not so much for the passive if you're really looking for the crit then go for it and master it but otherwise i would say just take team spirit especially because this synergizes so well with valorous support i think that overall team spirit is my favorite of the passives and then fervent support sweet spot depending on if you have a specialized game plan in mind for how you're going to play your spearmen out of the specializations i'd take pikeman then harpooner and then harold i think harpooner is a very potent specialization especially if you don't have many other sources of being able to trigger bleeding on the enemies that 20 damage over time or 25 if you take the uh the mastery point out of the knowledge tree for bleeding is incredible to be able to up your dps it also really shines in battles up against wolves or boars or plague rats where there are going to be hordes of enemies all clumped together and then all of your area effect abilities are going to do better and harpooner is going to really do some magical things in terms of equipment for your spearman there's really only three spheres in the game which i think is the lowest amount of variety for any of the classes we start out with the pitchfork and then we can upgrade uh that weapon that specific form of the basic attack through the type that you are able to craft and i think that this this is my favorite weapon for the spearman being able to have impale that does solid damage as long as you are at a slight distance from the enemy and also able to use the knockback to disrupt the enemies i find very useful the guard spear that will apply destabilization to enemies who are engaged is nice if but if you have another source of destabilization then you don't really need it or just some other aspect of how to be able to cut through enemy armor then you don't really need it and i end up favoring the the basic form and the form that you can craft better anyway the final weapon is the rare drop off of fighting legionnaire enemy types very rare enemies i've never been able to get this weapon to drop for me i really wanted to be able to play around with it because it is the only one of the spears that would synergize with applying a oil to the weapon otherwise these because they have such a low chance of being able to apply their effects you want to put them on somebody who is taking multiple attacks a turn or has an ability that will let them attack multiple times just like axe here or berserker with rampage getting three attacks out of a single ability that has beautiful synergy with applying a deadly oil to his blade the basic attack on that legionnaire spear will attack four times making it the perfect candidate for being able to play around with some of these oils but otherwise i would just leave the oils off your spearmint entirely we've already covered some of their synergies fighting in close proximity with a lot of allies or if they're out on a flank giving them a designated partner to help hold that flank with either something like a really tanky swordsman or potentially a tanky brute could be very beneficial for them to play around with and you could also go for an archer especially if you're taking the hunting bow because then both characters have a knock back and the archer if you go down the hunter form with a recoil shot being able to slow enemies down you have a lot of kiting potential there though obviously there's a weapon for the the swordsman that will slow down enemies when you pass through them and on the brute side if you take the vanguard you get relentless charge which will also slow enemies down opening up a lot of hiding potential if you've gone for pykeman so that you can kite enemies and then their movement is slowed you move back you set up spear wall the ones that are able to get to you are stopped in their tracks and you can just keep on rinse and repeat until the battle is done for my save here we are going to grab valor's victory harpooner and team spirit to be able to kit out dora i am taking harpooner here because i already have jab who is my pikeman with the spear wall to be able to kite out those enemies and i always love grabbing sources of bleed in terms of basic skills the spearman is a great candidate for getting first aid and as i said they are also an excellent candidate for being appointed as lieutenant or captain of the group being able to get those support skills which are so important for your characters to be right up next to each other but not necessarily engage themselves and that fits the bill for the spearmen perfectly that is everything you need to know in order to build the greatest spearman let me know in the comments if you guys think that i missed anything and stay tuned for the final character class guide which is going to be the archer and we'll be releasing shortly till then thank you guys for watching and have a good one
Channel: TeddyNinja
Views: 34,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wartales spearman, wartales spearman guide, wartales spearman build, wartales guide, wartales class guide, wartales spearman class, wartales harpooner, wartales herald, wartales pikeman, wartales, wartales gameplay, wartales skill mastery, wartales spear throw, wartales pike, wartales team spirit, wartales fervent support, wartales sweet spot, wartales spear wall, wartales teddyninja, teddyninja
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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