Don't Start Playing Wartales Without Watching This!

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what's going on everybody this is Clydian Fayre  let's talk about Wartales starting a new game   Edition so I realized I never really got around to  explaining all of the ins and outs of creating a   new game and with the release being just this past  week and a lot of new players coming in first and   foremost this is going over the complete starting  menu and explaining the ins and outs on whether   or not certain options are going to be right for  your run as soon as you create a new game you're   going to be essentially selecting your starting  team composition for example if you select The   Apprentice friends looking for an adventure  you're going to gain 30 extra influence but   you're going to lose 5 raw materials that being  said though your starting companions are going to   be The Swordsman Archer Ranger and brute which  is a pretty well-rounded starting composition   if you select the men escorting Merchants who  lost their employer you're going to start off   with an extra 150 crowns but to less medicine and  your starting composition will be a swordsman a   warrior a Spearman and a brute which is very  melee focused after that we're going to be   looking at deserters fleeing and abusive Captain  where you're going to gain 10 raw materials and   you're going to start off with 50 suspicion  that being said your starting companions will   be swordsman Warrior Archer and Ranger which is  fairly well-rounded as well we have young Farmers   looking for a better life they're starting off  with 10 extra bread which is essentially 40 units   of food that's quite a bit of food with minus two  happiness but that will be improved over time and   your starting companions will be brute Spearman  Spearman and Archer which is not necessarily a   super well-rounded party and then finally we have  Bandits looking to escape the guard which starts   off with stolen items of braised chicken and  cloth and your starting companions are brute   Ranger Ranger and Archer which is once again not  quite as balanced as the first three and I don't   necessarily recommend this start composition for  beginning players all of this being said though   guys your starting companion composition isn't  going to make or break your game unless you're   doing a challenge run you can easily Recruit new  units and dismiss old units to Custom Tailor your   composition to your liking it will cost influence  and crowns in order for you to recruit new units   unless you pick up Story characters which I'm  not going to get into in this video so it really   boils down to is you want to look at is this a  well-rounded or a starting composition that you're   wanting for this particular run and are these  the benefits of maluses you're wanting to look   at obviously select whatever scenario you believe  is going to work best for your run and your play   style if team composition doesn't matter to you  because you're going to be changing it to whatever   you want in the future I highly recommend grabbing  whatever items that suit you better versus the   team composition moving on to the actual run  benefits your companions are are used to long   walks this is personally my favorite option it  reduces the speed in which you gain fatigue by   10 percent so what fatigue is is it's that little  meter at the top of your screen whenever you're   walking around in the Overworld map and it's  essentially the timer that is ticking down before   you have to rest at a camp before you become  exhausted and units start dying from exhaustion   so reducing the speed by which the fatigue meter  goes down by 10 percent is incredibly useful   considering that gives you an extra 10 percent  time between each rest which means you eat 10   percent less food which means you pay 30 percent  less wages because there are three rests between   each pay scale so this is by far the best economic  pick out of all of these selections possible and   is normally my go-to cunning Fighters now cunning  Fighters is actually a really good starting pick   for a run it helps you level up fairly quickly  that being said though there are other options   out there to you know help you level up quicker  by getting training dummies from specific crafting   recipes and whatnot where you can literally  train your units throughout a rest cunning   Fighters will give you an extra 10 experience  in combat and after battle but I don't believe   it is necessarily the best pick to have showing an  incredible resilience increases your Constitution   by 10 now all this is really going to do is  increase your health pool by you know a little   bit increases your carrying capacity by a little  bit and that's across the board for the entire run   um personally I never take this some people who  are doing specific challenge runs and they want   to make sure that they have a little bit of a  buffer before they get knocked down yeah they'll   grab it but overall I don't really like taking it  because 10 Health pool is maybe going to give you   one more hit before you get knocked down maybe  and then we have excellent slap games now this   is a good one to pick because it increases  critical damage by 10 but it is not as good   as you may think it is because critical damage  only takes effect whenever you have a critical   been running that every single time instead  of long walks because that would have been   the best combat one in general that being said  though critical damage increase by 10 is really   good especially for a crit heavy party and it's  always something to think about if you're wanting   to try and min max your damage output in later  games for a particular run and finally we have   a gift for petty theft it produces the overall  suspicion that you generate whenever you steal   by 15 I personally never take this option because  all it does is yeah sure it lets me steal 15 more   in a single stealing session but it's not really  that big of a deal All Things Considered I mean   it'll save you essentially in theory 15 off of  every steel Bounty you guys can obviously make   the decision for yourselves but if you're running  a very steep deal heavy campaign and you plan on   stealing basically everything this may be useful  and finally we're moving on to the malice debuffs   on our selection screen so a Sumo Meek appearance  just reducing carrying capacity by one for every   single unit on the board it really isn't as  big of a deal as you think for every horse   you have you're going to be gaining a ton of  carrying capacity and with the introduction of   trading posts once you hit level four in the  trading path skill tree it's really not that   big of a deal this is honestly one of the least  impactful debuffs you can possibly pick here an   eternal dissatisfaction is going to reduce your  happiness Generation by one for every single   rest this is actually going to be one of the more  impactful ones because extra happiness is how you   generate influence throughout resting reducing  the amount of extra happiness you have is going   to reduce the amount of influence you generate  finally we have what I would deem as the worst   combat debuff where it reduces your critical hit  Chance by three percent across the board on every   single unit now three percent doesn't sound like  a lot but when you're trying to min max and get   critical hit archers that are up over a hundred  percent three percent makes a big difference   I would never take this unless you're doing a  specific challenge run where you're like yeah no   I want it to be hard another personal favorite of  mine is a very hard time getting up it increases   your chance of being ambushed while you're camping  by ten percent it can never go really below ten   percent maybe if you're using a watch stool I  honestly can't remember if watchstools reduce   it by 10 or if this takes effect after the watch  stools and quite frankly I enjoy getting ambushed   because it just means I don't have to go running  around trying to find a fight the fight comes to   me the only downfall of getting ambushed is  you don't get your Valor Point generation but   you still eat your food and you still get your  fatigue back so it's not that big of a deal you   just don't get your valid point generation but you  get experience from it so I I chalk it up as a win   and then finally we have an attitude that does  not Inspire trust it reduces the rate in which   your suspicion meter decreases this one is not  going to be that big of a deal this is actually   like not that bad of a debuff considering you can  pay off your bounties and if you're like me and   you don't have patience for your suspicion meter  to actually go down simply pay off your bounties   and you can grab this finally we're getting to  exploration mode this is actually the biggest   concern and question I see in the community  forums and Discord and it is What exploration   mode should I select and there's actually pros  and cons to both of these exploration modes so   let's dig into it adaptive exploration you will  always be pitted against groups of a similar size   and a similar level if not a little bit higher  level than your current party if you are running   only one unit adaptive exploration is actually  really easy if you're looking for really hard   gameplay adaptive exploration is not going to  be it for you it's going to be a very steady   everything's consistently medium the entire time  now we're going to move on into region locked so   region locked exploration is one of my personal  favorites I I really like region locked simply   because it has more of an ability for the game to  be harder depending on how you yourself play now   this being said region locked does not scale as  much as adaptive exploration does when it comes   down to party size guards and region locked will  always scale to party size so you cannot run 80   units in a region locked exploration and expect to  just roll over the guards it's not going to happen   guards will always scale to your party size  and level when it comes down to region locked   exploration this way you're not able to you know  start off in Tiltren level everybody up to max   level and then go back to Tiltren and basically  burn the entire County to the ground without any   repercussions and the guards did get rolled over  because they're all level one and only have two   or three units in their group and you've got 40.  yeah that that's that's why that's in there and   I completely understand why design wise so what  are the pros to region locked region locked you   are able to essentially start off in a somewhat  challenging area that is going to be level one to   four-ish and as you explore the region areas are  going to get more difficult but they're all going   to be within a certain level bound now you can  grind in a region locked exploration and get to   the point where you're feeling fairly comfortable  and then you move on to a new region and when you   move on to a new region the difficulty level is  going to spike region locked is going to be the   area where you actually notice the most difficulty  spikes in the game adaptive exploration there's   only going to be a couple of difficulty spikes  whenever AI unit troops manage to unlock new   passives whereas in region locked you're going to  see your levels your numbers and your passives all   hit at the exact same time so you'll go from  oh well this is actually really easy I should   probably go to a harder area to oh I'm in danger  now the biggest thing with region locked is it's   very important to make sure that you're going  in the quote unquote correct path unless you're   wanting a real challenge because in region locked  there there are specific region orders you should   be going in in order for you to keep your levels  in you know order so level one to four area level   three to six area level six to eight area if you  accidentally skip the level three to six area and   you go from you know level one to four to level  six to eight then yeah you're going to be in quite   a bit of a pickle because everyone is suddenly two  times your level essentially and they all have new   passives and they have a lot higher numbers  and you're over here at level three or four   and these guys are you know twice your level the  biggest downside to region locked that I hear a   lot and I do see a lot is the fact that there are  some faction weapons you get by grinding enemies   and the biggest issue with region exploration is  that if you are in a low level area and you really   want a specific weapon to be you know level 12 or  level 13 and you're in a level 4 area you're never   going to get a level 14 weapon to drop from the  enemies you're grinding there you have to go to   a level 14 area so why does that kind of suck well  let's say you really want a weapon that drops from   a specific faction group that is in a level four  area but you're level 12. yeah the level 4 weapon   is not going to help you nearly as much as a  level 12 weapon so if you really wanted that   specific weapon you needed to have it in adaptive  exploration or you need to be really really lucky   and just find a Wandering faction group and fight  them in a higher level area so that is the biggest   drawback to region locked and I do understand  that complaint about it but if you're using   specifically Legendary Weapons or Community Bounty  weapons that you are able to level them up as   you go and that is honestly pretty freaking cool  okay and finally we have the standard difficulty   modifiers and whatnot between you know novice  experience an expert on both the combat difficulty   and the survival difficulty I've noticed that in  my testing on survival if you mark that down to   novice the tether range or aggro range rather on  the Overworld map is shrunk so you can get a lot   closer to enemy units without them you know seeing  you and Chasing After You by all means guys since   these are adaptive and you can actually change  this in the middle of the game I'm not going to   go too in depth in it and you can fine tune your  difficulty to your liking depending on if you feel   like there is a little bit too much of a challenge  here or not quite enough challenge hopefully I did   a good job of explaining this and hopefully this  will help out all the new players who are really   wanting to dig into the game but aren't quite sure  what options will work better for them anyway guys   that is all I've got for this video I hope you  all enjoyed this kind content if you like to   see more videos such as this tell me what your  favorite exploration mode is and then like the   video make that number go up and I hope to catch  you all in my comment section down below or in my   live stream chats when I go live on Thursdays  or Sundays until next time have a good one
Channel: Clydian Fayre
Views: 12,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wartales, wartales gameplay, wartales, wartales guide, wartales review, wartales tutorial, wartales game, wartales walkthrough, wartales tips, wartales how to, wartales update, wartales playthrough, wartales tips and tricks, wartales best start, wartales beginners guide, wartales starting tips, how to play wartales, wartales starting choices, Wartales Start
Id: Ztw7E2nryKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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