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hello and welcome to my War Towers Archer class guide I'm host nephew so this guide managed to help you out even a tiny little bit please smash that like button it'll be greatly appreciated so in this guide we are going to be going over the best skills equipment and class to use as the Archer okay so super quick breakdown of the Archer so they are the only pure range damage class in the game which means they can shoot from far away safely the Archer is also one of the highest sustained damage dealers in the game they can put a ton of damage during a round of combat they also have a lot of bows to match different situations so if you want to make them more bursty you can pick a bow for that you want to do a bit more error of effect damage you can pick a bow as well for that you want to do some more dot damage you can pick a bow for that there's so many different bows you can choose from lots and lots of options right so moving on to the build for the Archer so I've respected a fresh Archer to show you the path I take down the skill tree I'll also be going over all the other skills and let you know why I didn't like them compared to the ones I chose and what I think of them in general okay so first up in the level two tier we have valorous audacity every time this unit ends a turn next to an enemy and is not engaged in combat so you gain one valid point okay so as I've mentioned previously in my other guides I'm really not a big fan of this as a valid point generation skill it makes you extremely unsafe and even more unsafe on the Archer the last place you want to be as the Archer is next to an enemy in my leave range you want to keep your distance as much as possible so this one is a massive no-go do not take this next in line is valorous Victory every time this unit kills an enemy you gain one Valor point so the Archer has great sustained damage but when it comes to actually finishing off targets he is not so great at that so this is a bit hit and miss when it comes to the Archer because you're not guaranteed to be able to get your Valor point back from killing things so I wouldn't take this at all last in the level 2 list is valerous support every time this unit ends their turn next to an ally and is not engaged in combat you gain one Valor point okay so I feel like this is the best Valor Point generation skill for the Archer he has ranged damage that means he can shoot from Pretty much anywhere he wants to so that means he can be anywhere he wants to as well he doesn't have to go in the lead range to be able to hit something he can actually stand with his allies or behind them and use him as a wall for him so make sure no engages him so this is actually perfect for the Archer best one to take hands down onto level three and the classes so first up we have recall shot for the hunter one Valor Point deals 34 to 54 damage to the Target knocks him back by two meters implies slow down for one round 10 meter shot radius vigilance cannot be used if this unit is engaged in combat not back the target is forcibly moved backwards slow down movement reduced by half okay so I really like recall shot in the early game when you have barely any crowd control on your team and you need to kind of like CC the enemies make sure they don't bust your face in this is really really good in the early game later on though towards the mid and late game it isn't as necessary area anymore because you get better weapons you get more CC everyone gets a bit more skills as well they can use more crowd control you get like a spare wall for your spear man so yeah in the end it's not as great as it was at the beginning I would say not to take this at all because it literally is only good in the early game pretty much when you have barely any Battle Points later on it just becomes a bit redundant over to Beastmaster they get Attack One valid point cost all Allied animals next to the target attack them with an attack of opportunity Mali range 12 meters so this skill is pretty decent if you have a lot of animals in your team if you don't have around two to three animals it's not so decent anymore because obviously the more animals you have the more you're getting value out of this so if you only have one animal it's not really worth taking so much if you have two animals it's a lot more value in that already just because you're attacking twice there and you have three animals and as you can see every time you have three or four or more animals it gets more and more value for it so yeah it's fairly strong if using a lot of animals but if you're not then do not take it last but never least we have infantry man they get barrage to Valor Point cost targets a specific area performs an attack of opportunity against the three first enemies crossing the area nine meter radius vigilance cannot be used if this unit is engaged in combat targeting this unit is readying a skill they cannot start any other action or become engaged in combat okay so I think this is the best skill or best active you can use on the Archer full stop you can literally do about four attacks in one turn using this so your first basic attack that you can use on something from range then if you position this correctly you get another three more attacks that is a massive a massive amount of damage that's four attacks in pretty much one turn insane insane ability so for the basis of this guide we have taken infantry man for the barrage as I said earlier it's amazing the they also get light armor as well as all the other classes light armor is really good it gives you movement it gives you critical hit gives you fairly good armor most of the time you're not gonna be hit anyways it doesn't really make much of a difference so this is great to have on the Archer level 5 skills starting with reinforced arrows each time this unit lands a critical hit applies bleeding bleeding Target loses 20 of their Max Health at the end of their turn so I'm not the biggest fan of this passive at all in the early game you will not have enough Crypt to even activate this every time so you're losing out on having an ability you get this around the mid game and towards the mid game a lot of your allies will have abilities that can apply bleeding quite easily and they don't stack so in other words if they could stack say for example you can get like 20 40 60 or bleeding each turn or something ridiculous like that so then yes this would be great to take but towards the mid game loads of people can apply it and you can only have one bleed per Target not much Point taking it at all come completely redundant Beast Mastery animals can be controlled in battle so what this means is normally when you have an animal in your party you cannot control them at all they can't do what they want they'll literally go wherever they want to bite here they want scratch wherever they want with this passive you control the animal you can make sure you tell it where to go you make sure you tell it who to attack make sure it's in the right position this is a really really powerful passive for the Archer of using a lot of animals and you don't want to use a baking collar instead to be able to control it really really good really strong if you're using animals is like night and day last in the level 5 skills we have Precision every two attacks applies vulnerability a tax executed zero vulnerability the next attack suffered will be a critical hit ignore the fury thing that's a bug once again and that shouldn't even be there that's like the upgraded kind of form of it just ignore it pretend it was never there so out of all the level 5 skills I'll let Precision the best it synergizes really well the Archer he has a lot of weapons that only activate when they crystally hit on top of that you can easily activate this for barrage you attack around four times in a round which is pretty insane that means you can do this at least twice around really really strong solid passive on the Archer so in the last tier level eight taming Arrow applies Fury to the targeted animal 10 meter shot Fury damage of the next attack increased by 50 okay so I don't really like this skill at all the only thing I like about it is that it doesn't cost a valid point that's actually really strong that doesn't cost a valid point but it doesn't do enough the animals hit fairly hard but not hard enough to kind of increase their damage by 50 it's not going to make a big big difference in a battle at all it just doesn't have enough impact over to animal Affinity at the start of the battle gains one Allied animal passive skill so there are lots of great animal passives for the Archer the only problem is is that there are a lot of bad ones as well you can't choose what you're going to get if you choose this would be a lot stronger but because it's very random I do not like random passives or random abilities it's a big no for me last on the list is Thrill of the hunt each attack executed at distance of more than eight meters grants one rage rage damage increased by five percent stackable Thrill of the Hunt is my favorite level 8 skill it's so so strong it's actually really insane on the Archer especially when you take barrage as well if you take barrage you're doing about four attacks per round that's four rage every single round if you position correctly that means you're doing 20 damage on that first round the next round you're doing 40 damage next round you're doing about 60 damage you can get these Ray Stacks really really quickly I've had battles where I've had up to 12 16 18 rage really powerful once you get to that kind of stage of rage you can literally just one shot things without crits it makes it like the Arches firing a bazooka at them not arrows it just becomes really crazy once you get those Stacks up really really strong strong massive okay so on to upgrades we have barrage targets a specific area performs an attacker opportunity against the four first enemies crossing the area so instead of having three it's now four so my favorite skill just got even stronger so instead of being able to attack four things in a round now I'm attacking five things in a round really really powerful great upgrade it makes the skill even more powerful than it was before Precision every two attacks applies vulnerability and gains Fury Fury damage of the next attack increased by 50 so that's the upgrade there so in other words every two attacks I now also get Fury so it means I'm doing a lot more damage it's this kind of icing on the cake at this point this ability is already pretty good and with this it's just doing even more damage it's great Thrill of the hunt each attack executed at a distance of more than six meters grants two rage so in other words you don't have to be eight meters away anymore you can be six meters away which opens up a lot more possibilities you don't need to watch your positioning so much you can kind of find forget about it and that's not all it also gives you now two rage each time you attack so say for example I'm using four attacks around that means I'm getting about eight rage around now if I'm using five attacks around that's 10 rage around it means you're literally just going into bazooka form even faster than normal so by the second round you're literally just one sorting staff with normal attack straight away Attack One valid point all Allied animals next to the Target gain Fury and strike it with an attacker opportunity so the upgrade there is the fury part so Fury damage of the next attack increased by 50 as I said earlier 50 damage on the animal companion isn't a lot to be fair because they don't do massive massive amounts of damage so it increases it a tiny bit makes this skill a lot better but it really really depends once again on how many Animal Companions you have in your team to how powerful this can be Beast Mastery animals can be controlled in battle at the end of their turn heals Allied animals for five percent of their maximum health once again it really depends on how many animals you have on top of that it also depends on which animals you take say for example you take a bear this is gonna have a lot of value on it because the bear has such a great amount of Health there's literally healing almost a whole attack on him it's very very strong depending which animals you take very solid upgrade animal Affinity at the start of the battle gains two Allied animal passive skills so this makes it a lot less orangey as in random number generator most animals don't have that many passives to choose from so you're most likely going to get one good one and possibly one bad one and two good ones so it makes it a lot more viable to use this and some of the passes as I said before are very strong so it's a great upgrade okay recall shot one valid point cost deals 39 to 59 damage to the Target knocks them back by three meters and applies slow down for two rounds so I feel like this upgrade doesn't really do much to the skill already the skill is pretty good in the early game as I said but late game and mid game kind of falls off quite a lot this upgrade doesn't really do much to kind of help that the action meter is nice to have the extra round is nice to have as well but in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really do much at all tabing Arrow applies Fury and repost to the targeted animal repost the next time this unit is attacked by the engaged opponent they Parry with an attack of opportunity canceled if the unit moves so The Taming Arrow upgrade is actually quite a big upgrade for the skill the skill is not very good in general but this actually makes it quite strong it makes the animal able to attack a lot more so in other words most animals can't avoid being engaged on as much as a mercenary can or human so this makes it so the animal is actually doing a bit more damage during a round during combat when they get engaged on which is going to be pretty likely to happen reinforced arrows every time this unit lands a critical hit they apply bleeding critical damage increased by 35 that's the part that's upgraded so that critical damage increased by 35 is actually a really big increase the Archer towards the late or mid game has a fairly High critical hit chance already that makes it really really strong to have this so in other words every single crit you're doing you're doing an extra 35 more damage very strong upgrade it makes the skill definitely worth taking once it's upgraded okay so moving on to the best skills to take at the start of the game as a new Archer or later on in the game with a skill book we have first aid one valid point cost Hills and Ally for 10 of their Max health and removes all applications of poison bleeding and burning so the thing that makes first aid so great on the Archer is that they can be everywhere they don't need to walk into believe range to hit anything they can stand whatever they want most of the time be able to hit from far away and walk up someone afterwards and heal them up really really strong solid solid skill book to take on the Archer next we have run one valid point disengages and moves in a straight line up to five meters between units five meter movement so the thing about run is if you mess up and get engaged on this allows you to get there hell away on top of that it allows you to get in range of things as well say for example an enemy is slightly out of range you can use this to get close to them so it kind of doubles as a disengage defensive ability and also it can be quite offensive as well it's literally a hybrid so I'd feel like you guys most likely ask me about aim and what I think of it so aim one battle Point gains deafness deafness range of the next attack is doubled and precision is enhanced so the thing about this skill is I'm not a great fan of it the range of the next attack is doubled fair enough it costs one battle Point as well that's very heavy for doubling range with run I can kind of get into range any way to do that on top of that run it's kind of like as I said like a hybrid I can use that to escape if I messed up and I can use it to engage as well and attack something whereas deafness I can only do one thing also having the Precision enhanced I don't think I've ever seen my Archer Miss I don't think I've ever seen a Miss on my Archer ever so Precision being enhanced is kind of know and void to me it doesn't make a difference at all so yeah I can see some arguments for people taking this maybe in the early game but I feel like it's better to have the run in the early game anyway just in case something gauges on you can't get away as the Archer you have less ability to be able to talk things off you have less ability to be able to disengage so I feel like running Superior to aim but obviously you can have all of them if you want to but I feel at the beginning run and first aid are better than aim right so this is a little battle to show how to play as the inventory man also to show his power and so how strong he can be when he's built correctly and in a team that supports him to his fullest so we'll get a ghost pack here so we've got ghost balls ghost wolves ghost ball over here so I'm gonna start with the Poke man I'm gonna walk up and throw a nice little Spirit of his face to slow him down and knock him back there we go see you later reposition this here put our spare wall to protect everyone else get the valid point back and fury and repost is up and ready to go okay so our next Challenger is this ghost ball here let's go run up to our tank which is the fighter we're not really fast about him doing that so I'm just gonna position the inventory man behind the Harpoon man for the best friend buff and the brutality bath because that's 35 more damage and then put a barrage facing I think this way covers most most places and then turn so barrage has been set up I should walk straight into it yep bam okay they've got a crypt 155 that's pretty damn strong as you can see they're barely any damage style fighter at all he literally was just like what the hell was that mosquito a mosquito Okay so let's have a look what can we do what can we do now I think we should set up the Harpoon guy to protect the M3 man a bit better so I'm gonna put him there it's like to the right kind of faces his spear wall facing this way give valid point back for that as well so anything that runs in that the uh Archer doesn't kill which it does kill anyway will be caught by the Harpoon guy that's protecting him okay just go for a little stab on this as well might as well finish it off walk over here just in case anything comes from behind onto our inventory man oh don't happen there I think I must have like glitched out kind of teleported but it's all cool because it's dead it is dead right so I think I'll be pulling you back now as well I'll pull you back wait I'll leave you to the last just in case it's been a Smasher to here oh random teleporting ghost ball damn okay hit me I think that must have been a bug because normally if I could see it I would hit it ready so I wouldn't actually have to worry about it too much so let's pull the brazaka over here it definitely was a bug bag teleported onto me pretty much and time oh my God you see I mean it literally just does so much damage this guy it's insane I used to think they're really really really God damn weak like I remember during my first playthrough I was just like nah I'm not using one of these they're so rubbish but once he gets a bit more levels and stuff he gets really strong as you see I've got eight stacks of Rage already so my damage getting really out of hand even at the beginning of the battle so by the end of battle probably have around 20 or 22 Stacks I'm guessing just because there's so many mobs to hear and the barrage will hit everything it's just crazy absolutely insane who hasn't had a turn yet uh the Assassin yeah we'll do that I think if I just move there for that asset what I didn't finish it what since when I always finishes stuff okay it won't get too close because I knew I was going to kill it anyway but it's all cool let's move back what is going on with this I think it might have bugged out slightly yeah I don't know what's going on there I think another bug just happened it sang I'm about to attack everyone but I'm not what's gonna end my turn foreign Early Access so it's all cool it's all good Early Access is the way to go so your Town's gonna end up about moving oh my relationship has improved okay so now we have a massive host of wolves and boars look at this it's like an army of them is any up here no oh my God okay so we need to grab our inventory man and send him all the way down here so we put them there I'm putting our bras up probably about here so about to hit everything then okay let's go so they're getting loads and loads of turns I kind of fear for our Pike man's life it seems to be all going round for some reason I have no idea why I've got first victim boom okay let's see another two roads gained so crazy oh I stole that kill I actually completely stole that with the pipe man damn it I think I'm gonna let them come up actually let's reposition myself here with another spare wall facing that way yeah just I can like show off the barrage bit because if I knock them back or slow them down they're not gonna come up they've got oh my God almost outright killed it almost outright killed it okay so our other Harpoon man I think we'll bring him down as well to think about there I'll put another spare wall down facing this way okay so he's covering the rear so to speak just in case we've got any flanks coming in bam another head shot another headshot okay let's grab you and move your back as well so I'm gonna try and guard the side here just in case I get around this so we're kind of like protecting him and everyone else as well with our tank and I end my turn okay another another the rage is unending right so we're assassin let's just take him really quickly move that there finish off for a throw bam and move back again into formation this is gonna go straight mic Trump is not slightly there just in case it's gonna go straight towards me now I've run out barrages but the pike man stopped him in his cracks okay here I'm gonna buff everyone up with brutality okay I will I can't remove actually so I don't know what I'm all about I was gonna say I was gonna leave them there but I don't really have much choice anyway because he's stuck he's sandwiched in okay yeah so we've got some stragglers in the back uh who hasn't had to turn you but I think the sandwich didn't as well no you're not you can't throw anything so I'll just leave you there as you can see with the inventory man or the Archer you can literally just let them come to you more rather than chase them which is nice to have that kind of optional utility because at the moment I can literally just end my character's turns I don't really care that much so no oh a nightmare disappeared I know they're gonna die anyway so I've got another group here I currently see that one there might be one over here as well possibly so let's use our inventory man again that's what I was put out this misery bam and we've set up another barrage it's facing that way yeah should be good should be good Another One Bites the Dust dun dun dun dun another nope come on don't be scared don't be shy there we go so now I'm up to enough damage to one shot the pig without creating it the balls was before I couldn't so my stacks are on 20 I'm on 20 raise now I don't know if you can see that but yeah 20 rage so I'm literally doing so much damage I'm not really that fuss about this I definitely can reach me out no it can't just kind of reposition this on the side here on the flank just there I might try to get my Berserker out as well ready to kind of one shot that nightmare it comes okay Smasher let's put the Smasher over this way I don't think we're gonna need him during the battle he's normally good on like armored um armored mobs or enemies where these have no armor that was mostly like HP it's the Berserker I moved Berserker out to there I think I should be at range of that yep another Pig down we're having bacon tonight okay right so that barrage is so I think what we'll do is we'll grab the Assassin we will sneak it up a bit more I reckon I can get a throw knife off here oh my God now I one shot it damn it wasn't a throw knives I could get back again like he's out on his own out in the limb I can run up and support him do I need to though yeah so I'm going to run up to here I'll knock this one back and then double check the parving yeah okay we position it like that should be able to defend the Assassin I get my point back as well right who hasn't had a turn you Chosen One shot it please yeah close enough yeah I'll point back anyway let's run this back into the group right and yeah I think I'll literally just use wait I'm in position I teleported again use the galvanized troops to get all my Valor points back then I will stand here put another spear ball facing that way just in case always trying to walk past me sneaky very sneaky okay binding Tara's gone out so I need to make sure they touch each other that did a lot of HP on me HP damage right so I think the first thing I should do is oh what ghost wolf try and kill it if I move close to the pike man I get a bit of a more of a damage bar from best friends should be enough or not position that like this so if he moves take a shot yep now I do good damage now okay so spearman's gonna block the nightmare if it comes close I'll move this over here for a bleed at this like I shouldn't be able to one shot it pretty sure thank God for that can run back I get a bit damage off as well to break this curse the curse okay I think we're still good I'll move the berserk a bit closer ready for the nightmare so I can unleash all my damage on it I haven't used the berserker's passive yet um or is it recklessness the first skill used in each fight deals 150 extra damage so I'll be using that on the nightmare when it comes closer okay um move the smash over here as well move this over here and the fighter okay here we go boom more rage more rage okay getting closer um I'll move this back again and do that there he has an I turn you so we'll put you right in front there and put down another Square wall there it goes oh big hit big hit oh another and it's out of there see so strong just killed it instantly Two Shots all right so equipment time I'm using the wall bow dexterity plus 26 critical hit plus 10 I'm using the sharpening all on it I feel like sharpening oil is the best one to use in the Archer and nearly every single weapon because it increases his really impressive critical hit chance as you can see down the screen it's around 41 which means I'm hitting a crit nearly every other attack very powerful very very strong the warbow has the skill volley of arrows deals 15 to 41 damage to the Target critical hit attacks a second time 10 meter shot radius critical hit triggered if this ability lands a critical hit vigilance cannot be used if this unit is engaged in combat okay so I think this skill is very strong for burst damage most of the time you're gonna be able to get a critical hit either through passives or with your already high critical hit chance so this skill is just doing extra damage all the time very very strong burst the other bow I like to use is the indomitable one dexterity plus 30 five critical hit 10 once again from the sharpening oil which is the best oil you can use on nearly any other bows really really strong the skill it gets is called piercing Arrow deals 30 damage to all the units in the area critical Hit the Target is not backed by two meters and loses 10 percent of their maximum health critical hit triggered a disability lands a critical hit 10 meter area the thing I love about this bow and about the skill that uses piercing arrow is that you can hit multiple enemies of it it's like area of effect damage but it's literally hitting everything in the line on top of that if any of those targets get critted by that line attack shot that hits them that means they're also losing another 10 of their maximum health very very strong bow very powerful for solid sustained error effect damage so the belt accessory I'm using is light feathers range plus one so this allows me to make a bit more plays allows me to play a bit more safer as well on the back and also allows my barrage to hit further away so it means it has a bit more radius on it that means I don't have to like be so strategic and so precise with it to make sure I hit everyone I can in that round it means I can kind of pull it down and just let it kind of do its thing I'm using the light armor Hunters cloak movement plus two critical hit six percent armor 57 dexterity plus two and that's from the reinforced layout of the Falcon which gives the extra two percent critical hit and the extra two decks reinforced layer of the Falcon dexterity plus two Critical Hits plus two percent so this is the best layer that you use on the hunter at this moment in time maybe in future patches or when the game gets released this may change but for now this is the best layer you can use in your armor full stop moving on to the best professions to take as the Archer so I have Alchemist my Archer it gives me plus free dexterity which is my main stat means I'm doing more damage for my bow the other two I'd pick as well on the Archer is tinkerer for the critical hit chance and the thief as well for the dexterity and the critical hit once again I'm not big fan of scholar as I said before in previous guys on set again I'll set even more times will power is not very good stats at all it doesn't really do enough scholar is nice to have but put it on someone else that doesn't need to do as much damage same as angler I don't actually have an angler on my team at all I did like one quest with an angler and that's kind of it and I got rid of it off that I prefer the actual kind of raw damage stats rather than having a tiny bit of weird willpower that doesn't really do much as I said about tinkerer really really good really strong around five percent critical hit chance allows you to do more critical hits archers need a lot of critical hit chance to be able to function uh cooking you don't really need so much because you are a ranged attacker so yeah you don't really need Constitution at all maybe from other enemy archers but most time they're gonna die pretty fast because they'll be high priority on your tour list Thief as I said earlier dexterity and crit is amazing on the Archer critical hit chance and your main status dexterity incredible blacksmithing is completely useless you don't really need the strength at all because it's not the main stats and mine are the same thing as well you don't really need the Constitution unless it's from enemy archers and you don't really need the extra strength or anything like that so yeah the best ones to pick are literally the thief the tinkerer and The Alchemist depending what you fancy okay so here's my final build for the inventory man so valor's support is the best Valor Point generation skill or passage should I say that you can take on the Archer you're always at range you're always new allies they're always going to be protecting you you're always getting value out of this straight away next we have barrage so as I said about barrage earlier this is so so much value I'm all about the value once again you can hit up to four enemies plus your main attack that's five attacks around really really solid really powerful you're doing so much sustained damage to everything crazy crazy active then we have Precision so this is kind of like icing on the cake this tea is not actually that great anyway there isn't that many great abilities in here obviously if you have an animal take the Beast Mastery because you kind of need it but if you don't have an animal then you might as well just take precision it gives you guarantee critical hit as I said earlier most the bows they all work in critical hits in some way or another some of them don't some of them will I mean at least I say 70 80 of them do rely on critical hits to make them function so this is nice because it's almost guaranteed and you also get an extra damage boost on top of your already impressive damage then at level eight we have Thrill of the hunt this is insane I feel like this is the best passive or even the best skill on the archer in general this is crazy I think this might even get nerfed at some point the amount of Rage Stacks you can get the amount of damage you can do as I said earlier it's like you're shooting a bazooka at some point by round two you're literally shooting a big bazooka you don't shoot arrows anymore this is how strong it gets it's really really powerful so that's one shot in staff very strong this is literally what makes the Archer so powerful just a skill alone so I thought to myself I'll do a little bonus with the Animal Companions so I feel like the best animal companion in my opinion is the bear the bear brings so much to the table it brings insane amounts of Health you can make this your main tank nothing's taken out of the bear unless it's bleeding poisons or fire they're the only weaknesses of the bear pretty much everything else will just bounce off him especially when you have like stuff like this the infused collar at the end of the turn this unit's heals 10 of their maximum health coupled with some of the Arches like healing stuff as well that's 15 every single round that means your bear is pretty much unkillable unless you get loads of bleeds burning and poison effects on him so have a look at the skill build here so we have a choice between cozy Pelt any companion spending the rest next to this unit generates plus one extra value points limited to one companion per bear the thing about this is I don't really run out of Valor points at all I'm quite conservative when I play and if I do need to blow my whole load I'll be able to get those Valor points back in no time anyway so there's no point in even taking this maybe at the beginning of the game when you're already lowering Valor points but otherwise it's just really redundant no point at all and we've got intimidating growl which is the one I've taken which is one valid point cost forces the target to engage and applies fragility to them for one rounds fragility damage take increased by 30 so this makes the bear hit a lot harder it makes everyone hit a lot harder on the target as well really strong debuff and it's also way best in the other skill you have to choose from and it's also a taunt so you can use this taunt enemies off your allies that do not want to be engaged at level five we have King of the Forest if starting a battle in a forest this unit has galvanization galvanization damage increased by 50 forests are pretty much everywhere in this game I feel like at least 60 of my battles have been in forests so what this means is your bear is doing an extra 50 damage in over half the battles really really great passive then we have Master Fisher you have a chance to catch fish while walking near bodies of water we all know how I feel about fishing uh do you not like Anglers at all the profession and I don't see the point in this either once you get to mid to late game you have enough gold as you can probably see in the top right corner I have a lot of gold I do not need my bear to be fishing because I can buy whatever I want food wise and cook it and sustain it so you have no need for this passive at all strength and Constitution increased by 10 so as you see my strength is very measly 55. the Constitution knows 184 so yes for constitution this will give you more HP but as I said already the bear does not really die unless he has dot effects on him bleeding poison and burning like I said earlier he's not going to die to most things unless you're really really really careless with him but yeah so this isn't that great because you don't really need even more HP on your really impressive HP because the strength isn't high enough to really affect it that much then we have feral Vitality this unit's a tax of opportunity ignore the guard so if we have a quick look at the bear skills we have monstrous swipe deals 39-50 damage to the Target if already engaged in combat this unit gains Relentless Relentless after attacking this unit executes an attacker opportunity removed if no longer engaged in combat so what this means is that the bear will get attack opportunity if it's really engaged after he hitting once already and we have this feral Vitality this unit's a tax of opportunity ignore the guards that means I'm going straight through the guard means nothing to me and bears will attack opportunity nearly all the time because of this skill here the monster of swipe then over here we have a passive wire tenacity when this unit should die it gains berserk and survives if it already has berserk it dies berserk damage and damage taking increased by 100 so even if you throw your ban to the enemy you literally pick him up and throw him in and everyone's a swarming here and he's trying to steal their honey this will make sure he survives at least one kind of brutal hit so say for example an enemy gets a massive massive burst hit on him as critical hits and you're like oh crap my Bear's gonna die this will save him for at least one attack so it depends how much you've messed up depending how much value you'll get out of this really but it's a strong it's very strong accidents to happen your bear will be critically hit one time you think oh you can survive another hit and Bam is out there this will help him really strong very strong passes so that about wraps up my best spilled guy for the Archer if any suggestions on how to make this class even more powerful I look forward to hearing it I'm also covering the last class Smasher so stay tuned for that like subscribe and I'll catch you next one take care
Channel: Methfu
Views: 46,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Walkthrough, Guide, methfu, letsplay, Hardest Difficulty, TIPS AND TRICKS, Highlights, lets play, wartales guide, wartales first look, wartales best class, wartales tips, wartales best build, wartales hardest difficulty, wartales early access, how to play wartales, wartales how to play archer, wartales best skills archer, infantryman best build, wartales best equipment for archer, best weapon archer, wartales best build levels 1 to 8 for archer, wartales archer op
Id: NF7LcI7Jevc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 25sec (2365 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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