SPGs Lead the Way | Foxhole War 110

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minimum distance one shot shot out okay continuous continuous we're going to be shooting at ho so just be advised y it's only one it's only going to be one just we're shelling a lot of con right now sooner we can kill this we can just unload are these Good Hits yes very good hits very good hits to keep your eye out for one one gun fueled repair that repair that hold fire hold fire hold fire and repair the the Western most gun or southern most gun Southern gun everyone needs to be repairing the gun Rick is repairing come on repair it come on more people5 97 99 repaired reped back fuel on it it wasn't Fu it was disabled they got injured half fuel currently at half fuel okay okay keep going keep going I I need one person running shells I need one person running shells we're good hits on con now keep firing grenade grenade bomb in the pits kill that kill that colie keep shelling come on tank is tracked keep firing track problem do not tell us about track unless we're trying to move we're not trying to move right now we only care about if you been whatam weall it fuel fueled or below 50 yes thank you thank you come on are We you good on loaders can we keep shelling please need loaders yes we are we need to kill this ho piece and we're good we're not going to have any retaliation we can focus middle gun needs engineer who is bass there are codes in Foxhole General it shouldn't be too far up be than a screen up or engineer how many people do I have that actually running shells right Subway jump out of that gun and jump to the middle gun quit one Manning two guns and jump to another one I'd rather just run two guns cons consistently rather than trying to halfway run three Philly jump out of that one and just focus on the other two for right now I want to kill this piece as quickly as possible so we can just regroup and refocus very weak on 80% 81% we're good just focus those two guns until we kill this how P water's being camped what H one call on outs side I need someone to go kill all right ho pie is dead how pie is dead get full reps on those guns get regrouped and then we need to drop azth by two and then we you Shing again yeah he did how BL crab don't tell me you had 150s when he died I didn't die I'm in a uh Jester okay never dieses what the [ __ ] I need 150 is being ran though so please tell me at least one person soon okay someone with whoever has a scout tank clear that someone with a scout tank go clear that partisan real quick and then come back please yeah stay worth decrease your aouth by two and then maintain your distance and then keep shelling again there's no hoes now so just shell as soon as you're set 164 do we have anyone with radio radio I have a radio keep an eye on the bridge we are okay good LS keep showing soon as you're reset thanks for your help give me more 15 shells let's keep going come on what you want again minimum distance minimum distance all guns at 164 thir gun set okay fire just go no how Garrison so just unload just let you guys know the emmo rooms have one inventory slot you can store the bats in there okay spawn where stray actually spawn into bass grab a truck and bring me 150 shells in the spawn into the baths what you're going to do is there are codes posted by Palpatine in foxell general chat you're going to go to the bath SE Port you're going to start entering in those codes until you find one that has 150s in it still it'll be the first one by the time I get there hopefully hopefully you're going to get there first though distance two okay we're going to be shooting a Hoy piece I don't know if it's got the angled aggro on us we'll find out it has a tier two connector piece to it so it'll die really quickly death you have a resupply Crossing now copy okay I want split the crates between all three ammo rooms so five crates in each got that right MTH counter 150 from the middle storage is down to 68 that's fine just keep showing stay in the pits as much as you can stay in the pits as much as you can okay if we're all ready give me one shot one fire okay okay hold go ahead and add uh increase your asmith to where we at 215 right now your already 25 you want to go up five go to 222 on ath asth 222 and go up one tick distance ready okay give me one shot each okay give me increase Distance by two ticks 14 two distance okay increase Distance by another tick and then do not fire yet just go up to Z and then let me know when all three are set okay give me one shot each increas asouth by another we're not firing right now uh storm justed a shot storm just fired a shell storm hit ho let me know guns set two set distance 150 as 227 okay give me one shot each okay continuous bombardment continu bombardment we're going to be fighting two ho right now let me know get 50% continu bom that's a storm Cannon storm cannoning that's 3 mil that's 3 mil [ __ ] it's Landing no it's Landing north of storm it's landing on the tier one two shells landed is already down a damage just keeping if we can doop I just got hit gun one just lost the load okay I'm taking the Eng spot Depot yeah I'm just running back still we need to repair Theo room we shouldn't have connected the two ammo rooms should have disconnected them with a small connector no then they would have died in just one are we good are we good can we resume firing CU this one is gun one is fully load okay continue firing continue firing conch is extremely weak it's very gun dead gun three gun are dead sorry two resume fire gun One resume fire gun three needs a gun if we have to drop to two guns and do it I just need continuous fire right now we triggered second howi so we're going to be gun Three Needs ammo gun one loader is dead load de okay drop gun three for right now and all focus on guns one and two I don't want I don't want four loaders I don't want four loaders sitting behind one SPG and then all of you die I want you just split up okay so if you already see two loaders waiting then sit back a little bit I want guns one and two firing and gun three to just be fully dewed right now but still keep an eye on it skill give me a health check on uh 80 copy that we're good rooms are nearly Fine Again they're at 88% one and two are working uh Home Depot engineer is dead on your gun one one G two dead are actually screwing up our entire set up they're on the TR the they're up their teams it's notely ately but it's still 20% uh repair ammo room repair ammo room we need to get that Amed we can't have one piece Dead one piece dead keep firing let's go guys make sure you aren't getting over incom if you're running shells increase another incre distance another right the oh just in time Dam gun three need shells lo lo on okay drop gun three again and get those people loading yeah I think Rick just got hit by that Splash so it's just me says he's fine gun three is not firing guns one and two are still firing guns one and two are still firing gun three is inactive right now okay in here no they just were jumping on where they thought were so just lost one general b tell your people we're not using that third SG right now we're just using two okay we're taking three howis right now temporarily taking three howis unless that's storm firing just be aware I only see two howis okay can anyone confirm is Storm firing as well right now looks like how's to me it's fine it's fine just keep an eye on our guns keep us okay okay then they're trigging yet they want our dist uh someone tell them and tell them to add like five ticks of their distance and they should be fine someone yell at me what's your current distance and asith dist asth gun one Gunner dead yeah no one's on gun free another piece dead another piece Dead one Howe down nice look at shells guys keep firing priority Subway reload uh they didn't put it in they put it on the ground solar right next to you yep hey is going to be fine you good to resum resum shelling one shell each one shell each just to confirm we're good all right continuous bombardment continuous bombardment all right resume reloading might need another load on gun one I just got hit by a sh okay we trigger double ho we're going to be taking three ho for a second unless that's storm again it might be storm again yes it is Storm okay just keeping our uh no loaders Lo dead ex people to take over we're all in this channel death I know I know but we shouldn't have all 20 people doing reload at the same time we just lost like four loaders in those shells yeah yeah the trenches don't have 20 second one time now oh he's that I saw it I'll come back yeah Scout uniform it I'm in the engine spot guns Lo back never mind what we're Shing and what they're Shing they are all over the place I am handling repairs of the trenches guys all you guys need to worry about is loading and SPG Health anyone that's really good at telling I need to know when we're taking more than two hoes because it's there's five different 150 shells landing at once and they are all over the place I think we are still yes you're not taking more than two ho okay let me know if we start taking more than two please one of the officers please tell me I need to run shells so somebody else do that yeah I can monitor that thank you yeah I've just had two longly spawn times if we get to a point to where we're not being able to consistently fire three 48% okay is it Home Depot gun one Focus repairs on gun one Engineers you need to be payow 50 calling there was no engineer in the seat that's fine just I'm just a reminder that's this gun two is at 65% it's 50% 50% or fuel leak is the call out either of those happen and we sto Shing dead yep it's okay we're not shelling right now we're going to repair all three guns quickly and then we'll resume firing okay I see somebody trying to repair from inside of the trench I hope you're actually trying to do the trench can't see who it is because of death's encryption but such is the way ention I mean what else am I supposed to call it it's hiding information confiscation yes it's the secret watch master code denies KR being able to spread out spread out and resume D are taking from some I know I know I see spread out and jump back in your spots remember I don't want like more than two people loading per gun at a time if you're if you're doubling up you need to sit off to the side and wait for people to call out that a gunner is down okay okay Gunners or uh yeah once we're reset go ahead and resume fir gun keep in mind there's about six50 gun shells behind us oh yeah I see hold on can we see who the loaders are Rick yeah Rick if you die tell me once you're reset continueing once you're reset continue fire what uh distance is the same it was 173 as 2 two three heyue fire continue fire continue fireing they fully repaired a piece while we doing this so we're still have a weak and piece so it's fine I was was over there hold hold fire again real quick drop another three on your as go to Asma 22 Cy Asma 22 right I just died with a shell right by the to me any you should be adjusting as and then let me know when you're set we just ask storm to sh like the gun ready is three ready all okay go ahead resume firing I like increase Distance by one TI continue fire they just said they switch so see what they do this is one needs more loading loaders jump in on gun one gun one is Home Depot's uh the Far Western Gun uh nearby wat Tower just tank a shell right on top of the he all guns real quick call out your current distance okay is Storm still firing can anyone confirm yes confirm they're the onesing ho we haven't gotten a ho yet all guns increase Distance by one tick again continue wa our guns not there's one ho ret on us F this should be one that's why I was immedately like well that's what I was trying to figure out someone was in the water it seem be targeting more towards St right now someone was Landing in the water and I think it was us which is probably why we weren't taking H retaliation so it's fine uh correction to you guys there's two okay that's fine yes there's going to be two firing that's fine gun three just lost to load take over no time take sh any spare loaders need to be repairing ammo bunker right now 155 look where they're marked trench has it marked like on the bull Mark it's fine don't worry about to call 150s right now storm should be Chang 36% ammo Storm's turning to the call just keeping for right now call 150 is starting to hit around ammo room now all guns drop one tick on distance yeah we are in distance 181 confirmed yes confirmed yes I think it was storm hit the so I overed our yeah all guns drop another tick on distance return to 13 gun two is tracked and tured okay all right gun two needs repairs currently at 76% uh that's quick question there's the bunker across the street from where shooting are the ho there shooting at the are you guys I don't know I don't know what they're sh just are we pretty heavily wiped right now yeah okay fire all guns Focus repairs on all three guns and let's just wait for the how to stop again has accurate fire on call 15 don't all jump out of the trench at once if there's two people already repairing a gun then just let them and if they die then they'll take their place I don't need all of us getting wiped from one ho shot McGrath are you McGrath put in X regim so we can get you inv to the so you can is in the sadit I'm really only person not in the squad is ooto are all three guns repaired one needs reps okay focus all right gun one's good gun one's good resume resume spots resume spots let me know when all three are set pilot dead colie pilot dead let me know when all three are set I need to hear one through three that you are set three ready you should be like distance 173 now I think we went down from 181 yes we're on okay one shot each one shot each just one away okay yeah we're way off okay hold we're going to be taking a lot of hoe fire we need to decrease aith by five and drop another tick onance ASM 25 someone tell me what that distance is that new distance one down from 173 one down from 173 um 65 165 okay repair through this how storm and then we'll go again did my regiment chat go through for anybody just did all clear I'm I was about to say it if not I can't text or anything right I can't see anything nothing's reloading okay gun three needs repairs it's let's just repair it real quick while the how's done one set just top off your reset anyways landed a r okay are all three guns good all three guns good run up again yep all right give me one shot each shots away that's better continue firing continue B should only be one ho it should be if it gets more than two ho shooting let me know come one lost all flers yeah we lost almost every loader there yeah so about five people died got one engineer dead what you're fine never never mind wind slowly shifting on us so I'm trying to work with it and it might occas trigger another just you guys know we have two triggered at the moment you know just the thought what if we put bridges on the trenches no you didn't really mess up the only thing is it's just too cramped if you want you saw where I placed down new trenches you can move danger close and try to sh from there yeah I think it's a bit late to re the trench down youan it works well enough yeah we're doing keep showing as much as we can we've got five separate pieces that are all very heavily damaged right now they crusty boys another piece no never mind never mind keep firing keep firing okay now another piece dead now another piece dead keep fir minus another two hours shredded it's not the two that were firing on us but they were facing Southeast give me full crew again on Gunner three I didn't hear exactly what the call out was but if it was good then that I saw sh land in the back it you should Sky support rocket four loaders died all of them load all guns fully again gun two is currently leaking uh give me repairs on gun two as quickly as possible keep firing one of the guns if we can one will continue firing make sure gun two and gun three get full rep during this time what's gun two Health what's gun two Health gun two Health at 97 is it fully repaired is it not leaking it is still leaking repair that repair that okay jump out repair skills repair Middle gun repair Middle gun hold fire and repair Middle gun quick I need landed with in range not on though no Full Repair Okay jump in it let me know what the fuel's like on it gun three is leaking gun three is leaking just hold Fire full reps Focus gun three Focus gun three Focus gun three gun two fuel is about 4 need to get the fuel bring the fuel runner up here quickly get all those guns fully repaired get them refueled quickly because these con pieces are crusty we need to resume shelling as quickly as possible okay gun three is no longer fuel no no no no not yet not yet hson Sophie not yet we need to get fueled quickly is anyone going for the fuel Runner it's on it way okay if all three guns are fully repaired just resume fire resume fire keep going keep going are actively loading up skyers right now yeah they just fired something just keep firing keep firing uh Fu it Fu it guns two and three guns two and three middle and eastern guns need fuel was that a 300 that yes we're taking storm can fire okay move on no I thought I meant on I was asking you're good you're good I just want to this is one of the shoting US I the 30 shells left in the ammo room cop me more shells and am looking at the bunker just in just death needs to be the only one spotting everyone else should be helping with crw right now guys all right howy piece dead keep firing dead we should only be taking one ho now if we're taking get in the engineer seat of Home Depot's already gun one needs another engineer get in there got it all guns Drop Distance by one tick again continue firing 300 Landing within audible range not on gun batter still if they keep doing adjustments like this they'll be out of power soon hopefully copy third P I think they're going to go after Hoy traps would be my guess what is ammo room status empty empty get me more shells working on it boss check the corpses around you while you're waiting for shelves to come yeah one person go wait for I to show up at the rear to help him F the crew to shells okay I know so somebody go help high then I'll do full fire we're going to do full reset repair and everything and then wait for more all guns fully repaired I've made sure of it make sure the make sure the ammo room's reped and everything yep ammo room fully repped I'm getting trenches up now PS God forgot how nice it was to have competent people around calling me competent whoa hey do I have a volunteer for a third ammo Runner do I have someone that can do third truck of amm run at the Cort at the you are yeah I'm here that works too okay all guns we're going to adjust our current um position right now or our current uh cords I want Plus three plus two ticks on distance and I want you to drop your azth by two 213 should be azy then I believe repeat distance one more tick one more tick a little bit been plus two ticks from previous so I'm not sure what that was precisely I believe it was was all right we have some ammo in the ammo room load the guns up do not yet we can get them loaded but do not does nobody know what the previous distance was previous distance was 165 last was 165 after that 65 please people should be like 181 I believe1 should be about1 what's current ath what's the adjusted asmith adjusted asth there we go I can't see that storm just triggered Mass how we trap that's just keep an eye on our amm rooms right all the guns are full what's our amm room Health how are we looking it's full what's our ammo count looking like whatever over 100 because Pals just arrived all right let's get give me the gun screwed and give me one shot each away that's exactly where I want you continuous bombardment singular how we ret yep we might be taking two actually uh hold fire add three to your aith hold fire quickly and add adjust should be to 26 maintain distance once your asmith is adjusted continue fir call one gun guns are firing please gun that was gun three loaders dead yes yes yep three uh engineer remember guys you have to deploy your gun after you set a 12 uh1 181 remember distance resets whenever you redeploy SPG okay so 24 as in okay 26 26 26 no please move to 216 it'll throw off later calculations we might be taking multiple hours just be advised but keep ching okay is someone still at like distance 120 I was firing because someone jumped in mine and undeployed for a moment before I realized what was that I was saying about competent a yes azy 216 distance 181 distance 181 asith 216 continue firing 181 216 shells going out okay keep firing keep firing go up another tick and distance increase one tick in distance new distance is 188 got it do you want to reset once we get on got we're taking two hoes we might at some point take three if we do and we get very weak let me know we need additional loaders we are struggling to keep guns maintained uniring I'm still learning one the whole notm the overhead ramp things really is coming into where like oh yeah uh no wonder that was required [ __ ] is there any way we could Sophie they didn't load last one did needs load yep I'm back Fox you're in VC right good [ __ ] just double check we looking good on health engineer lowest gun is at 85 right now we're still doing perfectly solid guys keep it up Goods Gooding this shast is getting very crusty if we keep was that col at Town Hall I'm he's on the road he's on Road increase by another again please increase Distance by another tick again new distance n6 wait brg back wait there's a uh there's a call on the other side we just crossed [ __ ] he want us cross back over yes where is he where is he where is heast seconds inity CR cross back cross cross how many just one I don't see everyone set your SP at this base SP at this base and grab at yep looking like a Jeep with partisan Uniforms on okay I need OE Rick static and C with on the south yep yep grab at and cross the border everyone else stay here with the SGS we're going to secure our side of the Border mind don't travel don't travel do not travel do not travel they're on this side of the Border stay inside the Border base stay inside the Border base press e to cancel two two part two they're just coming onto the road now death you should see them yep hitting them with at hitting them with at one tracked they're about to travel one tracked one both one track they're traveling be ready stay in drown Vil stay in drown Vil do not throw until they have traveled a little bit once fuel leaked one fuel do not do not throw your at until they have traveled completely make a wall in front of the spgs make a wall make a wall make the spgs move further away please hide hold right there hold right there spgs remember they'll be Invincible for a bit they are they are there's one there's one wait wait wait wait wait wait wait too soon too soon too soon when it starts moving Light It Up hit it hit it hit it hit it hit it right now repair thatg repair that SPG Focus the turrets try to Turret it there you go one dead get reps on that SPG quickly I'm ring it I'm ring it 90 it's coming in coming in another one coming in another one comast Southeast Southeast everything hit it Southeast USG it's the USG Focus the turret Focus the turret Focus the turret it g move best you can get that thing repaired there you go block block block block block 70% BCE focus it focus it Focus the B Focus the bish1 disabled disabled B disabled 61% on careful the people that jump out have stickies come on kill it come on kill it anyone need at need at right now come on it's dead it's dead grab their batch prepare and we're out of [Music] here
Channel: Duux Foxhole
Views: 1,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c9WcL8PBS58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2024
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