Beginners Guide to Wartales - Everything you need to know

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foreign [Music] and today I invite you into the guide that will teach you everything that you need to know when starting War tales in this 20 to 30 minute guide we go in depth overall of the necessary mechanics of the game and in a concise no repetition no BS way I will lead you through the most important topics how to start the game how to build your mercenary group how to deal with attributes and the starting settings party composition size professions to take how to feed the party how to earn gold how to deal with influence knowledge points different paths equipment item levels yada yada yada and I will give you gameplay footage of all of that so bakla Buttercup as we are joining the game first things first if you're starting a new game you need to choose your destiny the destiny will influence the types of characters that you get you want to have a good mixture and if possible no massive negatives I personally would recommend you to go with deserters fleeing from an abusive Captain The Swordsman there is a great tank the warrior can skill into executioner and become a good AOE melee Frontline DPS Archer and Ranger are all around great characters that can help you with specific damage both of them are excelling at that on the companions side in the destiny you will get a bonus and not all of the bonuses unfortunately are created equal we want critical damage to increase by 10 critical damage in this game is fantastic and scaling of critical damage is even more important debuffs equally are not created from the same him she we do never want to have critical hit to reduce or any form of permanent reduction of happiness so instead you can either go for carrying capacity decrease which is really easy to come by because carry capacity can be compensated by ponies later or relatively low sense of loyalty which is not a problem because you never want to let your loyalty drop anyways you're then prompted with either adapter for region lock exploration adaptive is really the Skyrim approach where the enemies are always within your thread range and region locked is a predefined set of levels where you are finding yourself either under or over leveled if you're doing something wrong I personally like region lock but it's up to you how you want to play it combat difficulty and survivability difficulty will increase over uh over time you can choose these stats now but can change them whilst on the other hand these settings here are permanent so Choose Wisely between region lock and adaptive I personally went for expert expert but it really depends on your experience with technical RPGs you can adjust that in the game later down since it is an early release I've heard problems of others to deal with Iron Man saves and I can understand there are a couple of quests where you do not want to fail quests and Ironman doesn't do a perfect job with that so I will go for free if I was a beginner and choose whatever combat difficulty suits your needs which brings us to the customization of the characters so let's take a look into that the character customization allows you to select the traits let's start with our tank on the tank we want a couple of Trades that make them think better but also deal certain amounts of damage for starters all of our characters should have blood thirsty as a trade critical hit increase is fantastic in the game and for tanks in particular I like guard is guard scales has a reductive value for all of the damage that you're taking and is going to be fantastic specifically in the late game four negative traits you should really avoid depressed reduction of critical hit or reduction of movement any form of less experience is painful as the game currently it has a problem with the experience curve so you can either go for loafer for a lower amount of carry capacity or you're going for gluten which requires a higher appetite and requires more food at the beginning of the game that will be painful later in the game that will not be a problem as it sends there is the opportunity currently to select drunkard that is the only trade that can be removed uh just not feed them with alcohol all of the other starting trades unfortunately stay throughout the game for our Warrior we're picking bloodthirsty for more critical DPS and [Music] strong because the five percent increase of strength specifically in the late game will be noticeable we want him to deal a lot of damage we could either go drunkard or we're reducing the carrying capacity in this case as for the Archer we're going blood thirsty you are currently seeing a pattern here and we are increasing the dexterity is important it's the main set we're going another drunkard and finally for the ranger we're going bloodthirsty we're going Nimble and we're letting them eat a little bit more you are ready to start the game now that you are within the game I will teach you a couple of simple tricks of how to survive in the world of war tales for starters we're going to look at how to make money when you're starting the game funds will be tied and you will continuously need to fight for survival this is way of making money therefore is not only to sell all of the excess loot but to go to the nearest town and talk with the Emissary there you can review a set of different quests that you can take they are rated and I would strongly suggest to accept them at the beginning and include them into your exploration as this is a very easy way of making money once you have a few of these Adventures under your belt you are free to visit the marketplace there's always one vendor that will sell a lot of trade goods invest some of your money and then move to roaming vendors or even different towns as this is a sure way of getting additional funds couple that with a few recipes that you could get at the beginning in order to last your adventure days a little bit longer in this case I'm talking about specifically the Apple pancake that will allow you to Adventure longer that will keep fatigue away and you will need to use less food which neatly brings us to the second set of tips which is how to deal with a food cost foreign food can be daring at the beginning of the game as your companions will eat comparably a lot and you cannot stockpile as much food as you might want to however there are ways around that here are a couple of tips that you should think about I would suggest your Warrior to pick up the Tinker trade that is a trade that will give you critical hit we'll come to trades in a second and with the chancora trade in the workshop you are free to expand your camping gear the first things that I would get is a cooking pot which reduces the consumption of food to buy too and on top of it if you have a cook that is assigned towards that cooking pot it will be another two reduction of food it costs only the base materials in this case Lumber and iron ore and I'll teach you how to get those but before we are moving into a resource management you also get knowledge points for exploration and some of the knowledge points will help you with your food problem particularly rationing will reduce the Baseline food by three on top of that is you are advancing throughout the world of war tales for every fight that you're taking a power and Glory uh path will continue for every trade and Craftsman that you're doing your trademan skill for every crime uh concealing murder and the like the crime and Chaos will improve and for every exploration mystery Mysteries and wisdom will improve both on the power and Glory as well on the Mysteries and wisdom there are traits that will allow a consecutive three reduction of food so putting three three and three together and you using your newly found cooking cooking pot with another four already reduces your food by 13. the current food here is 19 so we would be down to six in no time however with the sparse money supply you also want to have a cook and who is better than a cook than having the tank do it so it's a as soon as you have built your cooking pot you can start creating your own recipe later in the game you will have a plethora of recipes to choose from everything for your heart's content the easiest however that I would suggest you take up immediately is bread wheat being very cheap salt being very cheap and bread being nutris with four food will give you the biggest bang for the buck it is the most efficient way of hunting for food on top of that you can use fishing as well as any animals that you are hunting down Wolves and the like are working very well to get additional food which brings us to the next problem to solve which is carrying capacity and that is where ponies are playing an important role you begin your journey with one pony and a couple of saddlebags saddlebags are by far the most efficient use and ponies should be used only to carry and never to be War ponies seriously don't do it work Ponies are not worth it the pony skill tree includes a fully left-hand side skill tree with increase in carry capacity higher run duration even more carrying capacity and then a specialization most of which is potentially traveler for being honest that will help you a lot with alleviating your carrying capacity at this example I've put in multiple ponies and we're at 700 pounds more than enough I've seen people run more ponies if needed carry capacity not a problem if you need more get another Pony which brings us to the Natural next question which is which party member should retain which trades every single trade does not only serve a purpose of surviving with your party but it also gives a passive bonus um let's take a look at the trades really quickly and I'll give you a rundown of what I would do cooking is a trait that helps you to survive it is in my perspective a must-have and the Constitution bonus is nice for tanks I would put it on Swordsmen or brute tanks moving on to Thief which allows you to obtain dexterity and Critical Strike uh perfect trade for Ranger or an Archer both of them benefit from the dexterity as well as from the Critical Strike it also happens to be the trade that you need to open a lot of the locks moving on to the next trade which is Alchemist needed to create oils for weapons as well as a couple of Trinkets and Medicine it is a pure dexterity trait and I would put it on Archer or Ranger depending on your selection of who got the thief the other one should be an alchemist moving on to Black blacksmith and Mining blacksmith is a strength a bonus a trade in mining as a constitution slash strength so half half bonus trade I would for smaller parties put both of them together onto a single companion however be careful when switching between trades as you're losing the experience of the current level so every single level does have an experience bar as you can see it and it will reset for each time that you are selecting a trade so for larger parties you might want to split them blacksmith is perfect on melee frontliners such as the warrior in spearmen that are dealing damage two-handed wielding characters in general I would suggest on a playthrough with six characters to have cooking on one tank and blacksmith and Mining on the other tank is tanks can benefit from strength and are doing meaning fall damage tinkerer it's an essential skill gives straight up critical hit damage on a standard party composition that should be in the strength base a front line so it could be for instance the execution or the spearmen since there is currently no trade that gives strength and critical hit the pure critical hit would be good for melee DPS that rely on it these would be the six traits that I want to go for an additional trade that can be again sliced in as and when needed is the scholar trade willpower is a great option for your party it's a good trade for um for instance a Spearman or another support uh character and you can combine it with other trades use it whenever you're exploring mines try to get to a certain breakpoint where you level it up and then switch or switch back to another trade the other three traits are Less impactful on larger parties you want to have them on smaller parties you can skip them angler gives willpower and critical hit however there are plenty ways of getting food so it's really not that needed Bart gives Constitution and will it is also not as much needed as other trades and it will only shine later in the game and even then it doesn't shine very bright so as and when you need to scratch the trade board is potentially the first one that I would go for Woodcutter finally allows you to create wood whilst that is good for resource management in the beginning of the game I would not necessarily go for it if you really must have it in your party put it on to a captive that you're that you're running along with your party or alternatively just scratch it all together the upgraded campfire later in the game will generate enough wood for the beginning you will simply need to bite the bullet and from time to time collect wood as well as buy it but that time soon is over so repeating that Frontline should be cook Frontline tanks should be cook blacksmith and Miner the melee DPS could be tinkerer as well as scholar and the back line Dex based characters would be thief and Alchemist 's natural question is how to grow and shrink your party the easiest way of achieving that is also in the tavern there are a plethora of recruits around your nearest tavern every recruit will be a little bit lower than your party level typically one level lower at the end game it's more two levels you will see that they come with a set of traits and a perfect setup they will come with two positive traits and zero negative trades use that as your main means of recruiting them as and when needed you can additionally visit the prisons or capture enemies and then slowly gain their trust to expand your warband however be mindful because War the size of your warband determines whom you're fighting we'll come to that in just a moment now before we move to the combat I wanted to show you two neat little tricks number one how to rest without being interrupted which is going into a town and then resting within the town you will see that there are no danger limit levels so if you really need a true solid rest do that and secondly I wanted to show you how to get rid of companions that is not easy after you've hired them and maybe you want to replace some of them you actually need to be in the camp need to go on to the little grinding uh wheel and then choose dismiss other than that the companions will stay and be loyal until the happiness will drop down surely talking about happiness you should always aim to have 15 or more happiness the easiest way of getting that is fully fit your companions put people towards the campfire as that will generate happiness if you reach 15 happiness every excess will create influence which you can use for quests and negotiation and Additionally you will get more experience at the beginning 10 later it's 20 and with an upgraded campfire you even get more available points so there is no reason or excuse not to have maximum happiness now moving on to combat when you're dragged into combat there will be a pre-combat deployment phase where you can freely position your mercenaries as soon as you take the first move it will start though so Choose Wisely one way of dealing with that situation is to look at the bar down here that will give you the initiative count double check whether or not you can reach someone and act accordingly uh one a very potent strategy in the game is to deal with threads before they occur in this case our Ranger will go in and start to deal with the Enemy Archer and melee combat as they have no way of escaping afterwards we're going to fully Engage The Enemy here and mod up enemies that are already engaged in combat will lose their ability to defend themselves if attacked from behind the moment that three of your characters engage with an enemy in melee they will be surrounded make sure that you're not hitting your comrades by putting them in the fire line and try to focus down an enemy as a partially wounded enemy is still dangerous so get them off of the battlefield before say they can hurt you Additionally the game operates on full transparency you are free to inspect all of the enemies with their status effects as well as their abilities that allows you to very much Plan who is going to fight against whom and how to counter enemies abilities in their turn they will execute and you will have a very clear feedback as and when status effects occur make sure that you know all of that before engaging into melee combat with them as and when you're successful in combat you will find yourself greeted with a handful of loot make sure to take it and always make sure to compare whatever items you have found with ones that you have already in your possession some of them might be a slight upgrade to what you're already possessing weapons do have different abilities this one here that I found is poisoning on strike the other dagger just did have a normal step so make sure that you fully understand your weapons before using them let's review two further strategic resources which is knowledge and the path system remember that whenever you're exploring something solving a side quest or doing something else inside of the game you will find yourself rewarded with a knowledge point which can be freely attributed to either General upgrades which you find here Workshop related upgrades uh any form of smithing related upgrades recipes upgrades and alike so how should you spend your first hard earned points I will give you five really strong abilities or spending types number one career plan allows your soldiers to upgrade appropriately I'll come to the upgrade in a second run and Sprint are vital not only to avoid danger but to move within the world rationing for Less food restoration for better repair are all important upgrades so you should work around them I personally like the base upgrades of all of the blacksmithing here I found them incredibly valuable so I would suggest after you are covering all of your bases to go and create the points within blacksmithing search the resources and make sure that you are well equipped it makes the combats so so much easier as a general rule of thumb if you're approaching an enemy your equipment shouldn't be further off than one or two levels from their level blue equipment is slightly stronger than the wide standard equipment yellow equipment is rare equipment and even stronger than blue so typically a level higher than the normal item level suggests and legendary equipment Ika purple is two levels higher than it the normal item level suggests so you want to make sure that you're grabbing the blacksmith perks next and Then followed up after you do that I would potentially scale into some of the camp upgrades as well as a few of the basic recipes bread is good wolf sausage is fantastic and if you do have someone who fishes up in either of the fish recipes are also very very helpful these are easy ways of staying afloat at the beginning and that's what you need to do you will get many more knowledge points than you can spend over the game moving on to the path system that I wanted to explain as well pathos like I mentioned are Warpath traits and Craftsmen crime and mystery path let's review the most important things that you should take in the war and crime path I personally liked the Valor increase it is incredibly good improved restoration into Ardo Forge is the next uh thing that I would skill if you have a problem with food start with rationing and then go into maximum Valor and then Improvement of your restoration and forging for the traits and Craftsmen system I started with long distance running as it is incredibly good then afterwards you can go into negotiations which will help you to earn more money in your in your base missions I went for carrying capacity as that helped me throughout the game and waging a wage decrease of the companions certainly also is a nice bonus so in that order for crime and Chaos I personally liked to start to start with backstabbing the critical hit chance is a combat bonus into non-level the other bonuses are fine none of them are exceptionally well compared to the others they help you to deal better with the wanted management the current state of the game though you can simply pay off wanted so some of them are pale simply based to the ease of getting rid of The Wanted status as for Mysteries and wisdom I personally start with eschatism for Less food then going into either the endurance run for a longer run duration and then potentially into just a scratch would be the first three that I'm taking if you're really into animals uh you might want to take the animal Instinct and poachers if you want to create more weapon oils which I explain in a second you might want to go into exterminators and cleaner but those would be the first three which nicely brings us to your inventory management equipment levels are more items in oils every single item in the game has a level requirement I already mentioned white and blue items are exactly the level that they are that they are noticing white items even are one below so a level 11 wide item will have the base sets of a level 10 item blue level 11 item would be level 11 a rare item so a yellow item would be level 12 and a legendary item would be level 13 based on level 11 as the base level additionally items can have stars which you can see in the very top of the naming that further improves their quality so you need to look a little bit into the details all of that sounds complicated but it really isn't that much you want to have level appropriate gear I mentioned earlier in the guide you want to be between one or two levels off of the enemies if you fight level 5 enemies your gear should be around level three four at least so get blue gear or get blue Gear with one or two stars now how do you get that and how do you approach it the best way for from my perspective throughout the leveling was always to Resort back to blacksmithing as you can directly influence the quality of the gear that you are getting a couple of um aspects to mention number one um some of the gear does have slots and particularly the armor does have that you can put armor layers into that that further improve the armor you can find items with slots or you can create them there are ways of creating up to three slots on an item you can then put a different armor layers into it in order to make it stronger for weapons there are weapon oils which typically are created by Alchemists you want to have one Alchemist within the group and I'll come to the different professions in a moment weapon oils significantly improve the strength of your weapons you can apply one weapon oil to Blue weapons or two weapon oils to a rare or unique unique items you want to always have weapon oils on your weapons no matter what you can purchase them at the Apothecary or you can create them yourselves by for creating them you need to exterminate Reds where the whole question about how many of those oils can you create becomes relevant so that really sums up the equipment for the start of the game you want level appropriate gear get the right weapons get the right armor mind you not all classes can wear every single type of weapon Swordsmen can wear swords Roots can wear any type of maces Warriors can wear any type of axis spearmen can only wear pole arms and Spears Rangers use daggers and archers use both most of the other classes Rangers Warriors Bruce and Swordsmen can theoretically equip and often weapon Bruce or Swordsmen and Warrior can equip Shields the ranger cannot do that all of them can equip normal off and weapons such as torches or other offense so if you're interested in builds and how to structure a character I do have a full section of builds for every single class I won't go into that here in detail now let's move on to the start of the game and what to do next so you are now set up to deal with the basic needs of your warband and you're ready to explore the world where should you invest your hard-earned cash at the beginning well the answer to that comes in the form of the Brotherhood trainings ground if this is the starting area of tiltrin you will find the Brotherhood trainings grounds up just a left or west off of Strom cap you can enter the trainings grounds and receive a variety of great services for starters they are offering skills and I cannot stress how important well-rounded companion is in particular the first eight skill as well as the Run skill or really carrying their weight I personally am a big fan of the Wrath skill as well as an additional way of dealing damage for low hit point targets you will spend quite a significant amount of money and sink them into the skill set the beginning and just when you think you're done you figure out that there are skill Mastery books skill masteries help you to upgrade existing skills as an example the warrior does have in the executional spec a ability called cutting Maelstrom cutting Maelstrom allows you to take multiple opponents and it swings once per opponent the upgraded version swings one additional time for every killed opponent triggering a catastrophic Chain Reaction some of the skills are simply better when upgraded Ovation as an example only quote-unquote gives you repost but the upgraded version gives you motivation which is a huge speed buff for your entire team the bottom line is you want to upgrade your skills so make sure that you invest your money into the Brotherhood at the beginning of the game now that you know how to deal with a start survive earn money and where to spend it what else should you know about the game well the first few hours of the game will bring you through Tilton and I would suggest the following for you try to start your adventure from Strom cap there will be a main storyline I finished it on this playthrough but the fate of children is a well worthwhile storyline that you can play through and you will be rewarded however whenever you are going back into the city make sure that you're picking up a couple of bounties because they really add uh to the experience make sure that you're selling the gear that you don't need make sure that you're hunting um fugitives and upon all make sure that you're regularly checking the resources in this particular area as they are respawning after a couple of days the mount Altus mine is relatively near to the starting location the Petra Mountain mine is relatively close to the Brotherhood in between uh is the landform which allows for lumberjacking and the fishing ground which also respawns quite frequently so this neat little round will give you almost all of the resources that you need use the wandering Merchants as well as the Town Square to get some cloth or if you feel like it kill some of the refugees as they drop cloth as well with that you should be set up to then start your journey in smithing as soon as you can Smith you should try to do that as it allows you to generate really strong weapons as being an example of an end game smithing weapon and level appropriate weapon that is as strong as level 12 when weapons would be with that you should be set up for Success if you are interested in deeper Guides of War Tales I do have a plethora of them best party composition guides for individual characters combat guides as well as a few tips and tricks that I wish I knew before starting the game the playlist is very much linked in the section down below so check it out and maybe give my let's play a try as well thanks for watching and have a great day bye
Channel: Syken Plays
Views: 9,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, syken
Id: _EO7y6zuC-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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