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hello welcome to my water swordsman class guide I'm a host Matthew service guide managed to help you out even a tiny little bit please smash that like button it'll be greatly appreciated so in this guide we are going to be going over the best skills equipment and class to use as The Swordsman okay so super quick a breakdown of The Swordsman he is the best tank in the game none of the other classes even come close to his mitigation his damage reduction and everything else it provides as a main tank utility wise he brings quite a lot to the party as well he brings a Boss full allies to Psalms or enemies Mobility slows and weakening effects are just some of the things that he can do the swordsman has quite a lot of sustained damage as well depending how you build him you can also build him to have more burst damage as well but it's really completely up to you so at level two we have the classes starting with protector encouragement one Valor point the unit and all allies in the area gain protection for two rounds six meter radius protection that was taken reduced by 30 percent right so I'm not the biggest fan of skill damage take and reduced by 30 in the current meta inverted commas you don't want to be hit you want to burst them down you want to kill them before they kill you so being here is a big no-go the only redeeming factor of the skill is that it has a really large radius and it is the equivalent to the berserker's Battle Cry pretty much so unless the game changes in a couple of patches or when it comes out early access to make damage reduction skills a bit more valid at the moment the skill is a bit redundant The Protector also comes with heavy armor I've spoken about this before in previous guides media Mama's the best armor then I would say light and then I would say heavy heavy has a bit too many penalties the -2 movement every time you put one of these on is quite a big deal hobby movement is amazing in combat the only other Saving Grace that this armor has is there is an ability in the skill tree of The Swordsman that kind of negates the penalties of the heavy armor so it's actually okay for him to use it in a way next up is the fighter they have destabilizing strike one valid point deals 44 to 54 damage to the targets and applies destabilization for two rounds destabilization guard reduced to zero okay so this is one of my favorite skills for The Swordsman there's barely any one that can literally take away guard at the beginning of the game especially at level two taking guard down to zero at level two is really really good allows you to kill stuff quicker guard reduces damage taken pretty much so once guard is gone you can burst down anything no matter what so even if they had 100 or 200 guard you slam dunk them with this bam guard's gone and they're literally squishy like a pinata biter also comes with heavy armor as I said before this swordsman actually has an ability and negates the penalties of heavy armor so it's actually not too bad to have on him last but not least we get the sword master laceration two Valor points Stills 41 damage to all the units in the area two times usable after two attacks performance attacks zero of two so don't want to lie to you guys this is literally just a worse version of The Cutting Maelstrom from the warrior class as too much of a big wind-up time by the time you're done two attacks that's the third turn you need everything's dead already what's the point like why why would you take this there is ways of manipulating the turn order by using repos and counter-attacks but at the same time like why would you take it just is this really not great I don't really like it it's just got too much of a slow wind-up penalty with not enough benefits for what it does the sword master also receives medium armor as I said in previous guys medium armor is the best armor class that you can get in the game so medium armor is always great to have on anyone pretty much we will be putting a point into fight tail for the stabilizing strike that is a crazy ability compared to the other two over to level three skills defensive stance the unit gains deflection if they are engaged in combats you gain a one dollar Point deflection that was taking of the next attack reduced by 70 right so I kind of hate this skill as explained in my warrior class guide as well what once you use this ability you can no longer attack anymore so you have to either choose between doing damage or using a defensive ability and being hit by stuff I prefer to kill stuff before it hits me because that's literally how it goes it's better to kill something then be killed yourself so in other words disabilities just really crap and also on top of that it's a valid point uh generation ability sometimes they're not going to hit you like they're going to be archers or spearmen and use range attacks on you you're not going to get a valid points so unless they engage in combat you're not getting that at all so yeah I really don't like the skill at all it's just really rubbish valorous chain every time an attack hits several enemies you gain plus one Valor Point okay so when I'm in battle I like things to go my way the whole time I don't like to rely on the layout of the enemies and be like oh I mean slightly grouped up together I can get my Valor point back oh no they're not grouped up together at all they're too spread out I'm not getting a valid point for my next attack that really sucks it means like I can't rely on this it's not reliable like I want something that's reliable like Old Faithful you know that literally just does what it says is going to do so in other words if the enemies aren't grouped up you're not getting your valid points and I like to have other points during combat so I can use my skills and I'll not use my skills then I'm probably taking damage and if I'm taking damage that means the enemies aren't dying so in other words it has like a massive dominoes effect just because it's not very good on this class our last skill in the level five category is valorous Jewel every time this unit engages in combat you gain one valid point so I'm gonna sound like a broken record because I said this before in the previous guide but I'll say it again I'll probably set again a couple more times just for the hell of it so this is a really good valid point generation skill mainly because you don't have to rely on the enemy's layout at all you don't have to you know be like oh they're too far apart I'm not getting my valid points it literally just does what it says on the tin you have to like watch out the sun your eyes or make sure the wind Direction's going the right way it literally just does it love it so we have moved up in the world we're now on the level five abilities or skills so I've got ball walk here each time this unit engages they gain deflection deflection damage taking of the next attack produced by 70 right so this skill isn't too bad I know I've said it before that it's better to kill them than take damage yourself if you really want someone to take damage this is the guy to do it anyway he is like a main tank the best tank I would say in the game literally have all the other classes so if you want someone to take damage and have it reduced yes this is okay it's not too bad I mean it's not as bad as this that defensive stance that's just useless losing your attack is a big No-No you don't want to do that for 70 damage reduction and also have it be your Valor Point generation skill that's just a big no-lo whereas obviously the ball walk that's okay because of the passive you need to engage enemies anywhere at some point in your life so you if you just have it on it's fire and forget it's kind of there I mean it's not amazing it's not bad it's just borderline average next up is counter attack each time this unit engages they gain repost repost the next time this unit is attacked by the engaged opponent they power you with an attack of opportunity canceled if the unit moves ignore the inspiration part that's another bug that's actually the upgrade once again just completely ignore that pretend you never saw it never happened so counter-attack as I said before it's kind of a bad thing to be hit but if you're going to be hit you're on the right class to do it with so instead of having two attacks a turn you get this third attack if you don't kill your target normally when I'm on The Swordsman I will send them at the biggest chunkiest bastard on the enemy's team last level 5 skill is daring as long as a bonus is active on this unit the attack Supply weakening for one round weakening damage reduced by 50 right so daring is kind of like Marmite it's a love and hate relationship so in the early game when you have no bonuses or Buffs you will never be able to activate this late game you will be able to keep this on pretty much permanently and cause the weakening effect the only problem is is that you kind of do it in AOE so you either do a single toggle away depending which weapons you're using and skills but at the same time you're not really going to want to spread all that weakening out to everyone anyway because you want to kind of either CC stuff down or kill what you're not see seeing so in other words if something's not crowd controlled you're killing it if someone's crowd control you're not killing it so it kind of encourages a bit more Anarchy but yes it's a very strong skill especially late game yeah level eight skills Last Stand as long as this unit has no armor they have brutality brutality damage increased by 30 okay so in other words you kind of have to throw your swordsman into the thick of The Fray to make sure they take down his armor to activate a 30 damage bath which you can pretty much receive off a lot of other classes for free without doing any of this kind of silly Malarkey so in other words disability is really bad and losing all your armor is even worse because once your armor is gone your guard is gone as well so in other words you have no damage reduction you will die really really quick next up we have hand-to-hand combat one a valid point applies disarm to the targets for one round disarm can no longer use skills requiring their weapon so I kind of like this ability I see it as a little spear ball spear ball is a lot better because it does damage but this is a very similar thing as well it's set without doing damage it just disarms and stops them for having a turn so you're pretty much doing the same thing in effect this stops them from having a turn spear will stop someone playing return spillable does damage this one doesn't it's not as good to be a wall nowhere near or never be as good as spear wall but it's still you know a bit of utility and fairly strong our last level eight skill is Hardcore training this unit is immune to bleeding poison or burning ignore the rage thing that is literally another upgrade another bug visual bug just ignore that pretend that never happened as well when I first saw hardcore training I was just like oh I don't think that's gonna be needed I can probably avoid bleeding poison and burning quite a bit but now later on especially in the new map poison is everywhere literally poisonous everywhere it Stacks up it's really annoying and bleeding is very predominant as well and burning can be annoying since I have a lot of weapons that have that on so in other words this is really really strong especially for tank and it probably is pretty strong on a off tank as well only DPS so yeah I would take this it's really good okay so on to upgrades starting with stabilizing strike deals 44 to 54 damage to the Target and applies to stabilization for two rounds always lands a critical hit against enemies without guards so that is the part that's upgraded always lands a critical hit against enemies without guard this really shocks me actually it's really surprising because I built my fighter as a tank and every time I send it on like Archer or anyone else he just drops them by himself he literally will just dropped them to the ground almost like what on Earth is going on the damage this does is actually quite surprising he sometimes ends up soloing like the whole team by himself just because of this uh skill it's really really strong when it's upgraded so counter attack every time this unit engages and combats the game repost every time they disengage they gain inspiration for one round inspiration movement doubled so that's the upgrade there the inspiration part this is actually really strong as well this is insane like the movement it gives is absolutely incredible I can literally zip around the map like no one's business I can always teleport that's how much movement it gets and also on top of that it doesn't have to be activated on the round you kind of Engage The Enemy on it can be any of a round save example I put them on a enemy and I've been with him for like two rounds babysitting him as soon as that guy's killed as soon as I disengage I get this inspiration bonus so I can jump on an Archer or someone else really really quickly it literally allows the tank to kind of move around the battlefield really fast and get everywhere that he needs to be to be able to tank to his fullest so hardcore training upgrade this unit is immune to bleeding poison or burning when they should be affected by these effects they gain two rage instead one once per effect per round rage damage increased by five percent stackable so this actually is really powerful it's probably one of the best upgrades that the fighter can receive also The Swordsman just because that rage can get really out of hand because for example I have fire on my weapon and then if I go into my own fire that I've created my weapon that's too rage then if they poison me that's number four rage another believe me it's number six range so you see where I'm going with this that's a lot of lots of damage increase So eventually I will start just one-shotting enemies because they give me so much rage more the effects and be Buffs and yeah it just gets really crazy really strong it's probably his best ability and probably his best upgrade or probably his best ability once it's upgraded should I say okay so laceration upgrade deals 41 damage to all units in the area two times usable after one attack perform attack zero of one so in other words this has made it a lot more usable you can literally do one attack and use it straight away the only problem is is that it still costs two dollar points that is a massive massive drain on your resources so you're not going to be able to use this much during combat probably like once per combat otherwise no one else can be able to do anything else pretty much because you're gonna take all of our points and have to regain them over time it's just going to take ages and yeah I just don't think it only costs one battle point I feel like yes it would be amazing amazing skill but those two valid points really really drains it completely over to daring as long as a bonus is active on this unit the attacks apply weakening notice how it doesn't say weakening for one round now that's like a permanent debuff so as soon as you have a bonus plug on you and you hit anyone with an AOE attack or any other attack you permanently put weakening on them that's pretty strong actually that lasts for the whole battle but as I said before normally if something's not being crowd controlled you're killing it so yes I guess if there's loads of enemies and you can't kill them all and yeah you have to kind of weaken some of them and stop that damage yeah definitely take this it's good it's really strong but otherwise is you want to crowd control and then kill whatever you're not crowd controlling Last Stand as long as this unit has 50 armor or less they have brutality brutality damage increased by 30 so instead of having no armor it's now 50 armor it still doesn't make the skill any better than it was because as I said before there's a lot of classes that can give this buff out for free without having to lose your armor first but this one is a lot more manageable I guess in combat you will be able to do this a lot more especially if you're using it as a tank you will drop probably below 50 armor or around 50 armor but still it's just not that great anyway there's there's people that can do this buff at the beginning of the battle with a big shout or something or you know just give it to everyone there's no point to really taking this because most of the time you have someone else that can do this anyway encouragement upgrade the units and all allies in the area gain protection for free rounds 10 meter radius so it's going up by one round and it's gone up by four meters there's literally is the defensive equivalent to the Warriors by Battle Cry the only thing about the upgrade is it didn't really get rid of any of the other weaknesses I previously discussed it lasts one up around fair enough that's pretty good the radius is amazing 10 meters is amazing radius so it hits like the whole map pretty much that's great radius the only problem is it's damage taking reduced by 30 you don't want to be taking damage you want to either say crowd control kill one have a tank on one of them as well two of them but otherwise you don't remember taking it so in other words me giving this 30 damage reduction to my whole team doesn't really help that much because my whole team shouldn't be taking damage I should be able to make sure I choose who's taking damage not the enemy over to hand-to-hand combat upgrade applies disarm to the Target for one round if the unit is already disarmed also applies vulnerability vulnerability the next attack suffered will be a critical hit so the thing about this is I've only ever seen one skill that has disarm at this moment in time maybe after the Early Access ends or maybe in a couple patches when they release like the level 12 skills that's one of the time there's only one person that does disarms and that is what I'm playing right now which is The Swordsman so if I had another swordsman even then this ability upgrade would be really crap because vulnerability only lasts for like one attack anyway so you're literally using two disarms and the enemies already disarmed already why would you want to use another disarm for a critical hit it just doesn't make any sense there's way too much effort for so little payoff it's just no no this is rubbish absolutely rubbish and our last upgrade is bull walk every time this unit engages in combat they gain reflection every time they disengage they gain Fury Fury damaging your next attack increased by 50 right so this is actually a pretty strong upgrade getting 50 damage in your next attack as this class is really strong on top of that you can disengage fairly freely as a tank because you kind of like will have your your allies kind of attacking something for you and they'll kill it for you and then you get this buff anyway it's going like your reward at the end of the day for tanking that enemy that you can move on to the next person and slam dunk them with this 50 extra damage buff but it's kind of between this and the other ability as well which I really like I think it's counter-attack gives the inspiration of double movements so you can't go to the side between the two uh I would still take the double movement that's because I like to have my tank actually using heavy armor to be able to move around the battlefield and be able to like kind of get to places where I need them to be straight away especially on the Arches because the archers always sit like Mars were in Tokyo and you really need the extra movement to be able to sit on them freely because a lot of other casters can't really do that they can't just go and sit on someone they can't be like you can't grab the berserk and send them at the Archer because everyone has to kill Berserker whereas you send this guy in he'll tank everything else and tank the Archer as well and still survive while your team cleans up everything else okay so moving on to the best skills to take at the start of the game or later on learning them with books so first up we have taunt forces the target to engage and inflicts weakening to them for one round of course one valid point weakening damage reduced by 50 so it's really good to have a tank reducing damage is always great especially if you're the only one tanking something you kind of have to sit on them on top of that every time you engage you get a valid point so say for example you engage a Target and kill them you can literally go and attack another Target straight away with this taunts and get another valid point from that as well so you can literally make about two valid points a turn and our last choice is yes you guessed it it has been pretty much in every single of my guide so far it is wrath the universal Mali skill it's going to be on every single Mali I have Ralph One Nevada Point deals 39 damage to the Target if they have less than 50 Health left fatal blow this unit gains Fury Fury damage to the next attack increased by 50 so wrath is amazing to have in every single blue because sometimes you will have an enemy with a sliver of Health like the tiniest little bit probably like five or seven HP and you'll be like God damn it they're gonna survive this is really annoying but with Roth it fixes all your issues straight away you just rough Them Down Bam they're gone they're not attack you don't kill you don't put pressure on you they are out of there wrath is universally amazing to have on every single Malik class in the game right so this is a fight to show how to play The Fighter show how powerful you can be how strong he is with the right world and with a team that supports them as well so we're going to start off over here berserk we've got like an elite team kind of set up ready to pounce on their leader and taking down straight away and we've got the pipe man ready to cover the berserker's retreat so as you see we've got them all sandwiched in with our forces so let's go it's moving forward give them some light stabbings or sashings and he's dead he's out there straight away you can even move here if I want to and go for another hit there we go and then move him back so we're going to bring up the pike man and then we can even knock this guy back or let him come to us I think we might actually slept on to us so we can kill him off okay so he's engaged on my fighter now if I just built a bit of Rage because uh he tried to poison us he tried to poison us so every time he hits me and it has a status effect say for example poison uh bleeding or burning I get rage out of it so it's pretty damn strong so let's grab you we'll wait to see if they come close actually they might come to me in a second so wait a sec maybe a bit closer there a close don't need to be back there the valid points and then it will move you there can you go for some chops in this might as well place that there ready to handle this yeah it's coming straight towards me bam I don't think so I don't think so okay so what can we do now I think we should kill this with a wrath actually I'll rough it was low to Raft it now we've got reset as well in our movement because it's inspiration from the uh passive we got where is it yeah here it is it's a counter attack so every time I disengage I get inspiration my movement gets doubled so as you can see I can literally Zoom across the whole map now which is pretty insane for a fighter so I'm gonna zoom over here stop this guy from attacking me Zoom give one of these get a valid point back from that as well I get to just take them out bam see you later and then I'm just gonna Zoom again over to here and taunt this poacher so you can't do anything as well look at that final point back there we go and the poach tries to stab me I get a repost on him in a second okay let's Smash It Up tons of Smash um yeah I guess we're trying to smash that I don't think I can though I think yeah he's slightly in the way the Harpoon guy so I'll do is I time up with this instead I won't use the poison impact and then you let's move you over this way take a shot on that oh crit nice double shot a bit brush down as well if I want to don't think I need to though pretty sure everyone's gonna die pretty soon I'll do it anyway because I can not because I have to you're right then I can run this to the answer a bit far away as well I'll move you up can't reach okay so whose turns are still the Archer as well so we run this to you here we can't get reset here by making this attack that's pretty low now and then I'll actually run two behind here start killing this guy instead go back almost dead already oh I have one bites dust okay we're past almost killed him ready it says leave the fighter again let's go for another raft and then we'll run it over to as you see the movement's insane again I can clear the whole map absolutely crazy didn't have one of these on here actually I'll do that first so they're going too too much into my valid points and I've killed that he just does so much damage once he's got like that crit on his um when the attack always down as a critical hit gets enemies about God it does so much damage as well this is crazy he hits really hard and I can run again across the whole map once again if I want to leave him there um let's see who should we grab for some fun um I think you can express that off there we go oh a new nickname that's cool and then let's find you I can't actually see what I'm doing because I'm away let's run you there I'm not gonna tackle anything that's gonna do it for this round bonus and you can run up as well for strong bonus poisons and then let's grab yourself surrounded so we have you surrounded and then for this thank you my back away as well let someone else go in there and do some work for once leave you in very nice but now he's literally he's got everything on him look at him it's burning he's bleeding he's poison he's surrounded he's someone to finish him now I think he's gonna survive don't survive that's not cool um I moved there look at the buffing the Spearman come on hey never no okay yeah he survives and he's dead to all the poison and stuff okay so equipment time I'm using oof but of the eye has strength 28 has a poisonous all attached to it poisonous oil every time a skill deals damage has a first chance to apply one poison poison loses five percent their maximum health at the end of their turn so the reason I got poisonous oil on this is normally because I'm using my sword master or should I say my fighter as a tank so he's gonna be sitting on someone he'll apply poison to them and eventually it'll kind of tick away at them while they hit him and you know and he hits back and stuff until I can finish off whatever he's got engaged with him so in other words the poison just keeps ticking and destroys their health bar once that Armor's gone they just die almost instantly or they die from the poison in general so over to the main skill we have hollow strike deals 39 damage to all units in the area if this attack hits several units creates a fire under each of them fire applies burning to any units that crosses the area or ends their term within it burning Target loses 20 of their Max health and spreads the effect to the nearby units at the end of the turn canceled if the unit moves right so this attack on this weapon has a pretty good radius about two meter range can hit up to two to three targets if you're lucky and also applies fire or burning should I say underneath them which means they'll be losing even more HP if I'm tanking them so for example I've got something engaged and my teammates can't get to it this will burn them away burn the HP away along with the poison as well on top of that that is not all it does with hardcore trading because it leaves a burn on them and if they're burning it spreads to your the nearby person whoever's nearest which will most likely be my fighter because they've engaged with them that means I'll be gaining rage stacks on top of that as well so when I'm getting those rage Stacks it's increasing my damage so it's this really really strong combo those two combined so in other words I'm burning them alive I'm poisoning them and I've also got the hardcore training which allows me to get rage every time they pass the fire to me the fire debuff pretty crazy combo my belt accessory is poison vile after using a skill this unit has a first chance to apply one poison to the target's hit so every time I use a skill so every time I use taunts I use RAF I use the stabilizing strike anything like that or even the main attack I will apply a poison to the Target so it just gives me more opportunities to apply poison because my attack only kind of hits on a little comb two to three people I figure this is fairly good because I have a fair amount of skills to use and I can still keep stacking those poisons up keep kind of tanking something and yeah it just does pretty good damage over time especially if I'm not dying at all the heavy armor I'm using is called Paladin's battle plate as movement minus two Critical Hits six percent guard 30 armor 235 as I said before heavy armor is not the best because of the minus movement thing but because I'm using the ability counter attack where it gives me inspiration allow me to double my movement speed it means this has no effect on me asking all only at the beginning of the battle very beginning of the battle will this affect me but I make sure I position my fight in a nice way that I can get to high priority Target so it's possible and engage it after that literally I can travel everywhere it's like I'm on a motorbike I can literally travel across the whole map whenever I want pretty crazy and we have the shield which is the Bandit Shield so this gives a 19 guard 52 armor damage taken of shooting attacks reduced by 90 so this allows me to put my fighter literally wherever I want so I normally try and position it where the enemy Archer will actually take a shot at him if that hits him that's doing nothing they're only doing 10 their damage which is like literally nothing so I can put this guy wherever I want he literally is like a paperweight or a movable Stone he just stands there takes damage if I need him to sometimes most of the time I try to avoid taking damage onto him but if I can't avoid taking damage that I was putting somewhere and just let everyone kind of unleash on him but he's very tanky very hard to take down range damage doesn't do much more Lee damage doesn't do much and on top of that he does fairly good damage himself and puts out lots and lots of damage over time effects really strong combo alright I almost forgot the best layer for the fighter is reinforced layer of the serpent strength two critical hit two percent there is really not that many great layers in the game um this gives him more damage on his attacks because the strength gives a bit more crit as well and his normal attacks obviously his stabilizing strike is pretty much guaranteed to crit on anything with no guard but on the other attacks or when they do actually have a guard this helps out a little bit more because his critical hit is around 27 will this be an extra two percent on top of that which will be 29 allowing him to quit a lot more on the targets that aren't a guaranteed critical hit so I don't know I don't think there's any other layers that are actually better than this at this moment time but maybe in a couple patches on the game gets released once again there may be a lot more options that are better but at this moment in time literally there's nothing really worth putting on a tank other than this and unfortunately I have not got a slot in my armor once again I'm waiting for an armor with a slot in it that is as good as one I've already got right so the best professions to take as a fighter tank a blacksmithing gives you a massive chunk of strength at max level gives you plus three which affects all your damage abilities because strength is your main stat then we've got mining gives you Constitution two it can also give you straightforwards while later on which is obviously nice to have for a tank and also strength which remains stacked once again and then cooking is really nice as well because it gives you loads of constitution makes you more tanky allows you to fulfill your role even better then we've got tinkerer Tinker is actually pretty good for damage dealer swordsman the reason why I have tinkerers because I actually started off as a two-handed swordsman damage dealer later on I decided this guy was the best tank he had the best abilities for it and he was the strongest tank in the group so I decided to convert him over the reason why I haven't switched off tinkerer yet is mainly because the only other option that I don't have in my group is angler at this moment time angle is a bit rubbish it doesn't really bring much to the table it literally allows you to fish fish and cook them whereas I can just buy ingredients off the merchants and kind of cook them up I don't really lose much from not having this at all on top of that willpower is one of the worst stats in the game or is the worst stats in the game I would say and same with scholar I've already got a scholar in my team and yeah once again willpower's not really great so I wouldn't even put that on the fighter anyway and then Alchemist I wouldn't take that because Dex isn't my main stats it doesn't affect me anyway and then Thief once again you get Dex and crit Dex isn't my main stats I'll be losing out on kind of efficiency there by taking it so yeah the best one to take is cooking Mining and blacksmithing for fighter tank if you want to be a damage dealer take tinkerer if someone else doesn't have it but there's probably better clock is that more suited to having a higher crit chance than the fighter in general okay so this is my build for the fighter so I have to stabilize and strike really really strong being able to destabilize an enemy taking off that guard making them a squishy Target is amazing on top of that once it's upgraded it's guaranteed Critical Hits on anything without guards that means I can drop all the kind of swishy targets that really squishy so for example all the Rogues and bandits and also the archers it's just really crazy on them drop them down almost two shot them as well as a tank which is crazy then I have Belarus stool every time a student engages in combat you gain at one Valor point it speaks for itself I engage a lot of people in combat especially with inspiration from the next Talent at level five it means I get around the combat really quick I can engage everyone I get loads of other points I generate almost two to three Battle Points a turn depending what I'm doing which is pretty damn strong for a tank once again literally I'm just pumping out those Valor points moving on to counter attack so counter tracks really good for this because a lot of the time I will just sit him on a big beefy Target that I don't want to kill just yet because it's gonna cost me way too many resources to take it down it's gonna take like a whole two turns of all my characters it just wouldn't be worth it because the enemy team will be killing me in the meantime so normally go over higher priority Target so with this when I'm engaged with Target I can't kiss fast enough this allows me just to kind of do a bit more chip damage while I'm applying poisons and kind of just tanking them down then we have a hardcore training which is kind of like the best ability in this or best skill in this whole build this is craziest thing you know it means a bleeding poison or burning a little later map there's so much poison so this is really really needed on top of that every time I get a burning effect from my weapon that I create myself I get rage every time they apply a debuff I get raged so by the end of combat I can have at least like 10 to 12 stacks of Rage which is a big massive damage bonus so it means I'll be even one certain things even quicker than normal all right so that about wraps up my best build guide for The Swordsman if any suggestions on how to make this class even more powerful I look forward to hearing it I'm also covering the lost free classes so stay tuned for that like subscribe and I'll catch you next one take care
Channel: Methfu
Views: 44,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Walkthrough, Guide, methfu, Hardest Difficulty, wartales guide, wartales first look, wartales best class, wartales tips, wartales hardest difficulty, wartales best weapon for swordsman, wartales best belt accessory swordsman, wartales best oil for swordsman, wartales best layer for swordsman, wartales fighter best build, wartales how to play swordsman, wartales swordsman best skills, best equipment swordsman wartales, wartales best build for swordsman levels 1 to 8
Id: nsvdBBY-jm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 8sec (2108 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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